Vocabulary: Name Date

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o Read and answer each question carefully.

11. A _____ has eight legs.
A. spider
Circle the letter of the correct answer.
B. bettle
C. snake
1. You sweep the floor with a ..
A. mop
12. A ____ is white in colour.
B. broom
A. bat
C. duster
B. fox
2. I need a _______ to sew on the button.
A. needle
B. thread
C. pin
3. Use the _______ to pull out the nail
A. screwdriver
B. spanner
C. hammer
4. I need a _________ to knock the nail.
A. hammer
B. screwdriver
C. spanner
5. My

stapler has run out of _________.

paper clip

6. Maria uses a ______ to erase her answers.

A. rubber
B. chalk
C. sharpener
7. Raju uses a ____ to make a hole in the
A. saw
B. hoe
C. drilll
8. Pak pander uses ______ to cut down the
A. an axe
B. a wheelbarrow
C. a lawnmover
9. Uncle Harry uses a ______ to remove the
unwanted plants.
A. sickle
B. hoe
C. shears
10. Janet is looking for a _____ to wipe the
split drink on the chair.
A. mop
B. rag
C. sponge

C. polar bear

13. A duck has _____ to help it swim.

A. paws
B. webs
C. claws
14. The two bulls fought with their _____.
A. wings
B. horns
C. tusks
15. A rhinoceros has one _______.
A. horn
B. trunk
C. tusk
16. An

adult ______ is as strong as eight men.


17. The hardworking _____ carries its food

back to its nest.
A. bee
B. mosquito
C. ant
18. His ____________ grows on his chin.
A. moustache
B. beard
C. hair
19. Both my feet have a total of ten ______
A. fingers
B. toes
C. shins
20. A newborn baby has very little ________.
A. beard
B. hair
C. moustache
21. My little finger is next to my ________.
A. thumb
B. middle finger

C. ring finger
33. A ___ is a plant that grows in deserts.
A. fern
B. cactus
C. creeper

22. He was really sleepy. He could not keep

his ______ open.
A. eyes
B. mouth
C. ears

34. Wow! Look at that bright yellow ______.

A. tulip
B. rafflesia
C. sunflower

23. She wears her watch on her left ____.

A. wrist
B. ankle
C. arm

35. _______ is a tall tropical plant with hard

hollow stems.
A. bamboo
B. fir
C. paddy

24. Sharifah sprained her ____ when she fell

into the drain yesterday.
A. shin
B. ankle
C. nose

36. The national flower of Malaysia is the

A. hibiscus
B. bougainvillea
C. rafflesia

25. You must always brush your _____ before

you go to bed every night.
A. teeth
B. hands
C. nails

37. The gardener pulls out the _____ from the

flowerbed once every week.
A. weeds
B. bamboo
C. sunflowers

26. I woke up this morning with a stiff ______.

I have difficulty turning my head.
A. shoulder
B. neck
C. waist
27. Most people wear this to sleep at night.
A. sarong
B. vest
C. pyjamas

38. McDonalds is a _____ restaurant.

A. snack
B. fast food
C. noodles

28. The policeman wear this when he is on

A. jeans
B. uniform
C. sweater

39. My

baby sister loves hot __ for breakfast.


40. The tea is not sweet enough. Please add in

more ___.
A. sugar
B. salt
C. milk

29. You wear this to keep yourself dry from

the rain.
A. Baju melayu
B. raincoat
C. tracksuit

41. I love to eat _____. It is a popular Italian

A. sandwiches
B. pickles
C. pizza

30. Amin wears these on his feet before

wearing his shoes.
A. slippers
B. socks
C. gloves

42. Azmi, have you eaten your _____? It is

8.30 pm.
A. lunch
B. supper
C. dinner

31. To protect our hands, we should wear

these when gardening.
A. socks
B. goggles
C. gloves

43. You can wash vegetables in a ______.

A. plate
B. wok
C. basin

32. It is worn by male Sikhs on their head.

A. dhoti
B. saree
C. turban

C. dolphin

44. Mother is frying the vegetables in the ____.

A. wok
B. pan
C. bowl

54. If you want to cook food quickly, you use

a ____.
A. toaster
B. blender
C. microwave oven

45. The ____ is used to keep the water hot.

A. flask
B. keetle
C. jug

55. many people watch _____ for about two

hours every day.
A. radio
B. television
C. compact disc player
D. computer

46. May I have another _____ of milk, please?

A. glass
B. cup
C. flask
47. Henry always uses a ____ to eat noodles.
A. spatula
B. fork

56. The _______ helps to keep food fresh.

A. juicer
B. air - conditioner
C. refrigerator

48. Please dont smoke here. The _____ is in

the living room.
A. ashtray
B. jug
C. dustbin

57. When you want to make fruit juice, you

use a ____.
A. blender
B. juicer
C. vacuum cleaner

49. The _____ must be kept away from

children. It is very sharp.
A. ladle
B. saucer
C. knife

58. Puan Minah prefers to use the ___ to boil

A. water heater
B electric keetle
C. washing machine

50. I need to boil the water but I cant find the

A. jug
B. flask
C. keetle

59. My uncle prefers the ______ because he

says white light is good for the eyes.
A. wall light
B Table lamp
C. fluorescent light
60. You dont have to sweep the floor. Just
use the _____.
A. ceiling fan
B. iron
C vacuum cleaner


My father

52. We


61. Laila turns on the _____ only on very hot

days. On other days, she turns the
A. fan
water heater
B. fan
air conditioner
C. air conditioner ,

is taking off his ____.


are picking fruit in the ____.


62. ______ is used to make clothes smooth.

A iron
B toaster
C radio
63. The ____ is used to type letters and to
process information.
A radio
B television
C computer

A _________ has long tentacles.

A. seahorse
B. jellyfish

75. I keep my money in the ________

A bank
B bakery
C bungalow

64. A ______ is a type of long chair.

A stool
B bench
C footstool
65. I like to lie on the ____ while watching
A stool
B bench
C sofa

76. Siti wants


to be a _____ because she loves


66. Jamil arranges his book neatly on the

A bookshelf
B cupboard
C chest

77. That ______ did an operation last week.

A. dentist
B. engineer
C. surgeon

67. The baby likes to hug his ______ when he

A blanket
B mattress
C bolster

78. We have run out of petrol. We need to go

to the ____, says Kenny.
A. taxi stand
B. playground
C. petrol station

68. She opened her ____ and took out her

A cabinet
B wardrobe
C dressing table

79. A _____ tastes sour.

A. lemon
B. mangosteen
C. lychee
80. He usually eats a light ____ in the
A. tea
B. lunch
C. breakfast

69. A _____ is thick fabric you put on the floor

to beautify the place.
A rug
B carpet
C mattress
70. The nurse pulled the ____ around the
A curtain
B blanket

81. She waits for the ___ at the bus stop every
A. bus
B. taxi
C. train

71. The man took a photograph with his new

A iron
B radio
C camera

82. _____________ is the seventh month of the

A. March
B. July
C June

72. My

83. Sit on your ______ when you do your

A. desk
B chair
C. cabinet

uncle and my _____ come to visit us.


73. The ______ jumped into the pond.

A fish
B prawn
C frog

84. When my father married my _____, he was

twenty-four years old.
A. wife
B grandmother
C. mother

74. I was sewing when the needle pricked my

A wrist
B finger
C toe

85. Kathy is watching the television in the

A. garage
B. bathroom
C living room

86. That cow is looking for its ____

A. calf
B. kid
C. cub

98. The butterfly is _____ around the flowers.

A swimming
B flittering
C waddles

87. The ______ turns into a butterfly.

A chick
B caterpillar
C kid

99. The male of a horse id called _____ and its

female is called ______
A stallion , mare
B tomcat , kitten
C horse, mare

88. The cat ______ when I stroke it.

A purrs
B barks
C chirps
89. At

100. The monkey is _____ on the tree while

the bird is _____ on the sky.
A flying, hopping
B swinging , flying
C crawling , flying

night, the horses are kept in a _____.


90. The lion ______ loudly when it is angry.

A moos
B roars
C hoots
91. the mosquito was caught in the spiders
A nest
B hive
C web
92. The ducks and its ____ waddle to the
A chicks
B kitten
C ducklings
93. My sister saw a mouse ___ across the
A scampered
B hopped
C galloped
94. A _____ hisses, while a monkey ______
A chatters
, snake
B snake, chatters
C lion, roars
95. A baby kangaroo is called _____, and a
goats baby is called ______
A joey , cub
B kitten , tadpole
C joey , kid
96. The bee lives in a ______ and the chicken
lives in a ____.
A den , aviary
B hive , coop
C apiary , burrow
97. The sheep _______ and the goose ______.
A roars, chatters
B squeaks, croaks
C bleats , cackles

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