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Pre-requisite learning:

VI editor, Shell Programming, Build Process, Why to download and how to download
, from where to download
Basic understanding of C++(Classes ,OOPS concept and Inheritance understanding)
is a must.
Must Have softwares:
Notepad++, Mobaxterm/Putty, Eclipse(also helpful when writing and modifying code
),Kona client
Starting Point
1.Start with understanding the coding practices followed in the organisation i.e
. SRI-Delhi in particular and other organisations in general.(Just Google Progra
mming Practices and Coding Standards).
2.Take any standard C++ book and mainly focus on the OOP's part and also the por
tion of Class and Inheritance.
3.Also acclimatize with the shell commands that are prevalent in day to day use.
.Specially as per my experience ls,mv,cp,man,rm,export ...Also all their variant
4.Also get accustomed to working on VI editor(More often than not you will find
yourself stuck with one).
Stack Download and Build
NOTE 1:Over a period of time you will realise that there are different type of b
oards and also various kind of stacks.
NOTE 2:Also understand this that a particular stack is compatible with a particu
lar i.e. the corresponding board only.
NOTE 3:Don't worry about the jargon ...You will get to know what these boards ar
e and kind of stack they are supposed to support.No one remembers them the first
time they hear of them..(It took me what!! about 6 times )
NOTE 4:Believe me you would be better off asking three things about any task ass
igned...What am I doing.(Am I supposed to do it this particular way??)
Why am I doing this??
How do I do this??
Most important :Be careful about the time constraint i.e. By what tim
e am I supposed to complete this task???(Product team can at times make you work
at gunpoint...metaphor intended)
1:What is a stack??
2:How many types of stack are there??
3:Why a particular stack is only used ..Why can't a different stack be used??(HI
NT: Country related issue.)
4:Where is this stack stored??(If the answer is Server...The next question shoul
d be which server....Local server , HQ server or Google server !!!)
5:Now you will hear the terms like workspace and setup !!All these things are ex
plained in pretty much detail.

One another important thing to understand is from where would we get the informa
tion of the fields to be updated in a workspace...
What is KMS??
Answer is KMS.You can ask for the link from any of the seniors and bookmark it a
s this is one of the most used sites.Generally cpf contains all the details.Ther
e are various communities that you can join to get related frequent updates.
What is a cpf?
cpf is in layman's terms is a step by step guide to download and build the stack
..It also contains steps to flash image on a board..
Now what is a board and what does it mean to flash an image...And what do we mea
n by an image??
As already discussed we have different region specific boards such as ATSC,DVB,I
SDB etc.(Please research for region specific boards)..Also mentioned is that spe
cific stacks are compatible with specific boards only ..For further understandin
g please try to elicit more from your mentor.
Now ask yourself a very simple question...What does your TV have to make it func
The answer would be the board inside...
Now what does the board have that makes it so special??
Definitely it has circuits and circuits and circuits,cant really tire myself rep
eating it over and over again.But apart from that it has an image that is a repl
ica of system that is to be produced..Means to add new functionalities or to cha
nge the functionalities of the SmartTV all we need to do is change the image or
update the image..This is the sole purpose of updating an image.
So now that you have understood what an image is and also understood why do we n
eed to flash it, we turn our attention to the question of how do we update it..
There is a list of commands that you will find in the same cpf you used to downl
oad the stack.Now you would be starting to appreciate theh utility of a cpf..
Also to be noted is the fact that the cpf is updated on a regular basis and the
version at the top is the one which is most uptodate.
How do we get information about latest cpf versions??
For this all we need to do is a simple thing that is join the community...errrhh
h, so simple!!!All it takes is 10 seconds of your time and you are done.
Now even in KMS you will have to select the details for the particular stack we
are searching for...You will need initial guidance from seniors and make a habit
of noting down the inputs provided lest you forget them in future.
Now that you are done with setting up your new workspace and filling up the necc
essary details...You are good to start downloading your first stack...See,it is
not at all that hard.
Dont worry I am not leaving you with questions to look into the heavens expectin
g the answers .I will provide answers to all the above questions in a separate .
txt just to keep unlike fishes in different vessels.

What is Perforce???
Perforce is nothing but a code management tool..Now that's called thunder out of
the blue..I know you understood not much.So ,let me elaborate a bit.

Consider a scenario..Suppose you have a very very very lengthy code like 1,00,00
,00,000 lines of..And 10000 of your friends make changes to it everyday..What wo
uld you do track the changes made and also figure out who made those changes..??
Yes, you guessed it right maintain a history/log or whatever you want to call it
and ask all your friends to make the changes into the system(system of logs) ..
Now,this system in standard terms is Perforce(other code management tools are al
so available in the market)..In case you want to dig into it,you know what to do
..Yes,Google it.:)
Now suppose your friend Ranjan makes a change in the code which is wrong and sub
mits it in Perforce..This might not sound a big issue when it comes to your "cal
culate the volume code" but it can spell big trouble if it is code for a conglom
erate such as Samsung..So to check against this there are checks and balances in
place..There are different levels of reviews(I will deal with the review proces
s in detail later).
So we need to build the code and flash the image and check whether it is working
fine..To provide further safeguards,there are various branches of code checkin.
.INT,DEV,REL ....Please enquire about these from your seniors.
INT:Intergration branch
DEV:Development branch
REL:Release branch
Please get a proper understanding of all these branches and which is needed when
and why??It will take not more than 5 minutes..Ask anybody.
What is build server??
All this while, I have been harping about downloading the stack and building it.
.But where would you build the code!!!
The server used to build stack is nothing but the build server.
Can you use the build server as of now???
No and yes.For accessing FB,Twitter you need an account so it is easily conceiva
ble that you need an account and password to access the build server.Talk to you
r DL and get yourself one..In the meantime borrow someone else's..Yeps,borrowing
is a deed you will never get enough of in Samsung.:)
NOTE:Build can take time...At times,infact loads of time ..So till then sit back
and relax.
What is a Workspace??
Workspace is nothing more than the space in your system that you are the master
of(You are not the master of files hosted on the HQ server or the Local server).
By calling you the master I intend to explicitly iterate that you can modify(
i.e. write ,read ) and do all the stuff you do with files in your file system(i.
e. Windows PC or Linux PC )
NOTE:These privileges you don't have with the files hosted on server..(They are
common repositories)
So you need to download the files you want to modify to your workspace before
you start working with them.
So,the million dollar question now is :
How to create your own workspace??
It is here that the softwares I mentioned before come into play ....You have d
ifferent methods of creating a new workspace..

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