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Effective role in achieving a more sustainable development in Malaysia

1) Contribute to build a more sustainable society, present and future

In order to maximize the value of their activity towards building a
sustainable world, engineers should understand what society demands
and what is achievable, and a recognition that these change over time.
They should:
- recognize that their work might be local and immediate, the
potential impacts of
their work may be worldwide and dependable
understand other significant social and cultural structures
outside their own
particular community of practice
comprehend the important potential role for engineers in the
development of communities
- consider the opinion of community and recognize the impacts of
an engineering project on communities whether global or local
2) Professional and responsible judgement to accept a leadership role
There is a profession with strong ethical dimension which is engineering.
Engineer has a n important role of providing solution for issues such as
poverty, under-development and environmental degradation. In making a
professional and responsible judgement, the engineer should :
- Look at the broad picture
- Ensure that their knowledge about sustainable development is
always up-to-date
- Have the ability to influence the decision-maker for a project
- Prove all the issues and option to the decision-maker so that
decisions are soundly based
- Ensure that solutions and suggestion offered will contribute to
3) Accomplish more than just comply with legislation and codes
While researching sustainable solution, complying with current legislation,
codes and environmental protection regulation may be insufficient and as
a professional engineers should:
- Anticipate legislation which may be stronger in future and strive
to go beyong the minimum wherever possible
- Work with others and help each other to improve their
- Drive future legislation
- Influence new legislation and codes by using their technical
4) Resources are used efficiently and effectively
Engineers have a role of creating new useful products and services to
society with the lowest consumption of raw materials, water and energy.
This requires them to :
- Know that there are environmental limits and finite resources
- Reduce the use of resource without affecting the quality

Use the resource efficiently without producing any waste

- Use products and system that will not affect our earth
- Work to repair any damage
- Adopt strategies for re-use, recycling, decommissioning and
disposal of components and materials
5) Look from various view to solve sustainability challenges
Engineers working alone cannot solve all the challenges that we face due
to the increasing complexity of sustainability challenges.
- Discuss with stakeholders, listen and recognize the value of
other perspectives including non-specialists
- Avoid working alone, involve all professionals at all stages of a
- Utilize cross-disciplinary knowledge and diverse skills
- Seek a balanced approach
6) Minimize adverse impact to people or the environment
Engineers are routinely involved in planning and managing projects, where
they should :
- Make full use of the skill to minimize the damage to people and
the environment
- Undertake a comprehensive risk assessment before a project
- Recognize the potential long-term aspect of risk
- Ensure that the risk assessment includes the potential
environmental economic and social impacts, beyond the lifetime
of the engineering project or product
- Instigate monitoring systems so that social impacts of
engineering projects are identified at an early stage

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