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Barry M. King
Barry M. King, (June 10, 1952), also known as 'The Voice' of the conspiriacy theorist newsletter, 'The Voice', is a
British Ufologist and alleged former employee (security enforcement officer) at a highy secretive underground British
government/military installation where he alleges to have been witness to Black project reverse engineering of
extraterrestrial craft and extraterrestrial/human genetic experimentation.
He is often referred to as the British Bob Lazar, former employee at Area 51 in the United States.
It is believed by former MI5 agent James Casbolt that King was employed as a Wackenhut security officer in 1979 at the
AL/499 NASH Berkshire base.
A keen active interest in Astronomy from the age of 10, with own telescope gave him the interests in space, other worlds,
and possible other life forms elsewhere in the vast universe. Always an interest in anything strange, anything classed as
paranormal. His interest in Ufo's was sparked by a double page spread in the Daily Mirror newspaper in 1965 about the
strange goings on in the small Wiltshire town of Warminster. From there he searched for books and mags on the subject
and his interest bloomed and became stronger. At age 14 in 1966, he began to be actively involved in Ufo research and
investigations. In 1968 he joined the BUFORA research organisation in the UK and by 1974 was an area investigator for
them covering the South-East of the UK. In May of that year he witnessed, along with others, a very close range
structured craft which left physical traces, occupants were seen, full reports including photographs were passed to
BUFORA, the MoD and CUFOS in USA. The case is listed with CUFOS and found its way in the Ted Bloecher research
catalog "Physical trace cases" (1976). The 1970s were hectic years for him, in early 1977 he became a member of the
newly formed elite UFOIN, an organisation set up and backed by FSR with Jenny Randles. UFOIN consisted of the best
of the UK investigators. Barry King, along with Andy Collins were to cover the South-East of UK along with other well
known researchers Timothy Good and Omar Fowler. 1977 was a flap year in the UK and both King and Collins were kept
busy 24/7 with reports, mostly of a high calibre, which found their way into the pages of FSR magazine. These included
the Aveley Abduction case, Britain's first fully documented multiple abduction case, a full years investigation was
undertaken by these two investigators.
Barry King worked with fellow investigators and close friends, Andy Collins and Graham Phillips on the magazine
"Strange Phenomena" based in Wolverhampton during 1979. This magazine was the first publication to fully document
the investigation into an abduction case from Somerset in 1973 which involved rape by the ufo occupants, MIBs, and a
host of other strange events.
Between 1977 and 1980 the reader will find numerous high quality case reports in FSR penned by King and Collins.
Barry M King can be sourced in over 40 books on the subject of Ufo's published Globally, these include many by
Ufologist Jenny Randles, including the very first book covering cases he investigated, 1979 book "Ufo's a British
Viewpoint" by Jenny Randles and Peter Warrington. He is also mentioned in the 1998 book by Jon King (editor of Ufo
Reality magazine in late 90's) "Cosmic Top Secret, the unseen agenda" . Also worthy of mention is the original version
(as credits given to BMK) of the book by Carl Nagaitis and Philip Mantle "Without Consent" (Fortune Books 2002. This
details the Somerset abduction case (Mrs X)among others.
In the summer of 2000 Mr King became a witness for Dr Steven Greer and his Disclosure Project in the USA. He can be
found on numerous interviews on tape/DVD including many posted on YouTube. He is currently affiliated to Project
Camelot and Alien Disclosure Group (UK).
At the facility which he alledges he was involved with from 1972 to 1988, they are involved with the making of
'Programmable Generated Life Forms'. He alledges that this happened during his time at the black budgeted NSA run
underground Genetics Engineering lab 200ft under Peasemore, Berkshire in England which he refers to as the
'R&D Facility AL/499' (which he alleges exists, including the NSA run 'Mannequin' in operation at that facility.),
MILABs (Military Mind Control and Alien Abductions).
He alledges that "This base is underground a village called Peasemore but cannot be accessed from the village direct.
Instead the only way to get to the base in from Hartnell Labs (Government Nuclear Experimentation centre in Oxford) or
from Greenham Common Airbase. Tunnels run from these sites many miles to the village. 99 percent of the base is
underground and you can see nothing on the surface. They have a few social engineering programming and mind control
experiments there." By this he means ways of changing the way you think and react via information manipulation or
direct stimulation of the mind with radio waves or electric pulses. American science has already admitted to experiments
of this type with Microwave equipment. "They are also involved in Genetic experimentation and making of programmed
life forms. They are also behind a lot of these so called abductions, and a lot are actually military abductions."
King states that like many others who have come forward from the States he has worked with real live aliens. "There are
various sorts of aliens and life forms at the bases. I worked at the base from August and December 79 in a security
capacity. It's officially known as Peasemore and it is in Berkshire. The base was 450 yards by 650 yards and going down
6 levels. It may be double the size now. I was a security officer. I had limited access but I had two security access
clearances of 9 and 31. I was allowed to see various areas of the base and by Dec '79 I had seen quite a lot."

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Wikibin - Where free speech matters

He is also known for exposing the alleged secret underground facility at Porton Down which he alledges is connected to
Boscombe Down via an underground tunnel - "Stuff from Porton Down is shipped to Boscombe down and then taken out
via planes to America and other places. The cultures and small scale life-forms in early stages are shipped out of this
facility. Fort Mead runs the operation in the states under the NSA. There are no holds barred with them and their control
policies. It was their idea originally and it started in 1947."
He also alledges the UK Government and military at these secret bases were involved in mind control experimentation,
UFO stealth technology, life form creation, military abductions and genetic experiments.
He is often referred to as the British Bob Lazar, former employee at Area 51 in the United States.
He is discussed at length in the books Cosmic Top Secret by Jon King (no relation) and MILABs by Dr. Helmut Lammer
and Marion Lammer.
"The real truth is that there are real aliens and that they have given a lot of the cloning technology to the military - but it is
the military who are now using it to do the abductions and are trying to blame the aliens!"

In September 2000 Barry King gave a resume for CSETI, over the Programmable Generated Life Forms, made by the
NSA run underground Genetics Engineering lab 200ft under Peasemore, Berkshire, England.
TheVoice direct Q and A page (Official) from opforsol forum / September 2005.
King was interviewed in a Chat Room in 2006.
In September 2007 King was interviewed on video with Dave Starbuck.

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