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Installation Guide - Linux Version

1 Introduction
1.1 Application Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Supported Linux Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Installation
2.1 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Installation with Graphical Installer .
2.3 Command Line Installation . . . . .
2.4 Silent Mode Installation . . . . . . .
2.5 Installation on a Central Server . . .






4 CST BOARDCHECK Graphical User Interface

4.1 Starting the CST BOARDCHECK Graphical User Interface . . . . . . . .
4.2 Updating Your Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Uninstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5 Troubleshooting
5.1 Installer reports Previous version found in NULL
5.2 Installer Shows Java Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Installation from DVD Fails . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Failed to Load Shared Library . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Update of the Installation Fails . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6 Installation of Prerequisite Packages Fails . . . . .
5.7 Complete List of Required Packages . . . . . . . .










3 Usage Guideline for the Command Line Interface

3.1 Updating Your Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Starting CST Simulations from the Command Line
3.3 Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Limitations of the Command Line Interface . . . .
3.5 Uninstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


























A Technical Information


B Installation on Unsupported Distributions

B.1 Debian 6 (64-bit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.2 Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


February 11, 2014




Figure 1: (a) The CST software on the Linux computers is controlled by a CST STUDIO
SUITE frontend running on Windows using Distributed Computing or MPI computing. (b)
The CST simulations on the Linux system are started in batch mode directly on the Linux
system. (c) The stand-alone application CST BOARDCHECK is started locally.

1 Introduction
This document contains important information about the installation and usage of CST
STUDIO SUITE on Linux systems. Please read this manual carefully before installing
the software. If you need further help installing and conguring the software please
contact the CST support team ( We will be glad to help you.


Application Scenarios

There are three application scenarios for the software this DVD contains:
1. You plan to use the CST Distributed Computing system or MPI Computing on
a Linux cluster and drive these Linux machines with the CST STUDIO SUITE
frontend from a computer running the Microsoft Windows operating system (see
g. 1(a)). In this case it is sucient to read section 2 of the document.
2. You plan to build up a pure Linux environment/cluster system where you start CST
simulations from the command line in batch mode without involving any machine
running the Microsoft Windows operating system (see g. 1(b)). Systems which require this setup are typically Linux cluster systems which are isolated by a gateway
machine from the rest of your LAN and which are controlled by queuing systems
(e.g. LSF, OGE, Torque, PBS, HTCondor). This setup can make use of the CST
Distributed Computing system and MPI Computing as well. The dierence as opposed to 1 is that there is no CST STUDIO SUITE frontend running on Microsoft
Windows involved during the simulation run1 .
3. You plan to deploy the application CST BOARDCHECK on a single machine. In
this conguration both the computations and the GUI visualization can be run on a
Linux machine (g. 1(c)). See section 4 for details.

Although you dont need to have a machine running Microsoft Windows in your cluster you will still
need an installation of CST STUDIO SUITE on a computer running Microsoft Windows to create your

February 11, 2014


Supported Linux Distributions

This version of CST STUDIO SUITE is supported and continously tested on RedHat
Enterprise Linux 5.x and 6.x as well as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11. It may
work on other distributions as well, but we strongly recommend using it on one of the
supported congurations and wont be able to support you if you experience problems
with a Linux version not listed here. Nevertheless, you can nd some information about
the installation on some distributions which are not ocially supported in appendix B.
Part of this information was kindly provided by some of our customers.



The following section explains the nomenclature used in this document.

$ command

# command


February 11, 2014

Commands you have to enter on a command prompt as a normal

user (not root) are typeset using typewriter fonts and highlighted
with a gray box. The $ sign in front of the command symbolizes
your command prompt and must not be entered.
Commands you have to enter on a command prompt as user root
are typeset in red color. The # sign in front of the command
symbolizes the root command prompt and must not be entered.
Within commands the sections you should replace according to your
environment are enclosed in <...>. For example <CST_DIR>
should be replaced by the directory where you have installed CST
STUDIO SUITE (e.g. /opt/cst/CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2014).

2 Installation


Please make sure that your environment is congured in the following way before you
start the installation.
1. Some Linux distributions will automatically mount the installation DVD but with
the noexec mount option which prevents the execution of the installer. Please mount
the DVD manually or use the command
# mount -o remount,exec /media/CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2014_Linux
to circumvent this issue.
2. Change /etc/hosts according to
Afterwards /etc/hosts should contain a localhost.localdomain localhost
line and no further lines. Additionally, if you plan to use MPI Computing, make sure that the names of your nodes can be resolved to IPv4 addresses (not
to IPv6 addresses). You can use the command
$ ping <hostname>
to test whether <hostname> can be resolved properly.
3. If you want to install a part of CST STUDIO SUITE which needs a service running
on your system (needed for Distributed Computing or license server) you must run
the installer with root permissions. In case of security concerns please contact CST
support ( for advice or read FAQ 373 (Distributed Computing) or FAQ
286 (license server) on the CST support webpage.
Superuser permissions are however not needed for the services to run: you can specify
a user account for that purpose. Note that this user account must exist before you
start the installation.
4. If you plan to use MPI Computing: Please note that MPI Computing needs a DNS
or appropriate entries in the /etc/hosts le in order to start up remote processes
on compute nodes. Please refer to the online help for further information on how to
setup a Linux cluster with MPI.
5. CST STUDIO SUITE requires that several software libraries are preinstalled on the
target system. The installer checks only its own list of libs required to successfully
execute the installer but not the CST software itself.
After the installation has nished it is strongly recommended to execute the tool
$ "<CST_INSTALL_PATH>/cst_system_check"
February 11, 2014

which can test whether all libraries and tools required to use the CST software are
present on your system.
Additionally you can nd the full list of required packages for the supported distributions in section 5.7.


Installation with Graphical Installer

After mounting the DVD into your le system go to the root directory of the DVD and
execute the installer by using the command
# ./
Note: If the machine you are installing on provides a desktop environment (a running Xserver), the installer will be executed in the so-called GUI mode. If it does not provide a
desktop environment please continue reading with section Command Line Installation
(section 2.3). The console mode can also be selected manually by starting
# ./ --nogui
1. After you have started the installer you should see the following window. Just click
on Next to proceed.

February 11, 2014

2. Please read the license agreement carefully. If you agree with the license terms select
the option I accept the terms of the License Agreement and press Next.

3. Please choose your installation set by selecting/unselecting the checkboxes. Then

press Next to proceed.
Note: The component Command line interface and CST BOARDCHECK is only
needed if you want to start simulations in batch mode either from a terminal or via
a queueing system or if you want to use CST BOARDCHECK. Please do NOT
install this component if you set up a CST Distributed Computing system
or an MPI cluster to which users send their jobs directly from the CST
STUDIO SUITE Windows frontend.

February 11, 2014

4. If you selected an installer feature that needs to run a service on your system (e.g. the
Distributed Computing components or the license server) and the installation wasnt
started with root permissions youll get the following warning. Either leave the
installer and restart with superuser permissions or change the selection of features.

5. You will see the following warning if youve selected one of the Distributed Computing components (DC Main Controller, DC Solver Server) as well as the Command
line interface and CST BOARDCHECK component in the previous step. As the
DC update mechanism is currently not aware of any les needed by the Command
line interface and CST BOARDCHECK you will need to update every installation containing this component using the update packages you get from CST (see
section 3.1).

February 11, 2014

6. If you have selected the Command line interface and CST BOARDCHECK option
you will be asked if you want to install a license le on the local machine.
Note: The license le should be installed only on the machine which is equipped
with the hardware (MAC or dongle) for which the license le was issued.

7. If you chose to install the local license server you will be asked for a license le.
Please specify the full path to the license le.

February 11, 2014

8. If you decided not to install a local license server you will need to specify the name of
the remote license server and the port on which the license server is listening in the
format <port_number>@<computer_name>. The port_number setting is optional.

9. If you selected the DC Solver Server for installation you will be asked to which DC
Main Controller this Solver Server should connect to.

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10. Next you will be asked for the so-called Main User. This is the user account under
which the CST daemons will be started. Additionally, only this user account (and
root) has the permission to congure the CST daemons and to update the installation
with service packs. The Main User needs to be a user account already existing on
the system.

11. Choose the installation folder. Please do not use spaces within this path.

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12. Check all the settings you made and start the installation.


Command Line Installation

If no running X server is found, the installer will automatically switch into a console mode.
You can however override the detection logic by running
# ./ --nogui
1. When you see the rst page of the text based installer, just press enter to continue.
Note: On any page of the installer you may go to the previous page by entering

2. Please read the license agreement carefully. If you agree with the license terms enter
Y and press enter to proceed.

February 11, 2014


3. Choose your install set by entering the number of the features you would like to
install as a comma separated list and press enter to proceed. Please note that
entering the number of a feature which is already selected will deselect
this feature. On the picture below, feature number 1 is already selected. If you
write 1 again in the comma separated list, it will be deselected.
Note: The component Command line interface and CST BOARDCHECK is only
needed if you want to start simulations in batch mode either from a terminal or via
a queueing system or if you want to use CST BOARDCHECK. Please do NOT
install this component if you set up a CST Distributed Computing system
or an MPI cluster to which users send their jobs directly from the CST
STUDIO SUITE Windows frontend.

4. If you selected an installer feature that needs to run a service on your system (e.g.
Distributed Computing or the license server) and the installation wasnt started
with root permissions youll get the following warning. Either leave the installer and
restart with superuser permissions or change the selection of features.

February 11, 2014


5. You will see the following warning if youve selected one of the Distributed Computing components (DC Main Controller, DC Solver Server) as well as the Command
line interface and CST BOARDCHECK component in the previous step. As the
DC update mechanism is currently not aware of any les needed by the Command
line interface and CST BOARDCHECK you will need to update every installation containing this component using the update packages you get from CST (see
section 3.1).

6. You will be asked if you want to provide a license le (the le must be issued for the
local machine) or if you want to connect to a remote license server.

7. If you chose to install the local license server you will be asked for a license le.
Please specify the full path to the license le.

February 11, 2014


8. If you decided not to install a local license server then you need to specify the name
of the remote license server and the port on which the license server is listening in the
format <port_number>@<computer_name>. The port_number setting is optional.

9. If you selected the DC Solver Server for installation you will be asked to which DC
Main Controller this Solver Server should connect to.

10. Next you will be asked for the so-called Main User. This is the user account under
which the CST daemons will be started. Additionally, only this user account (and
root) has the permission to congure the CST daemons and update the installation
with service packs. The Main User needs to be a user account already existing on
the system.

11. Choose the installation folder. Please do not use spaces within this path.

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12. Check all the settings you made and start the installation.

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Silent Mode Installation

It is possible to generate an installer conguration le which enables silent mode installation. This is useful if you want to deploy the software to several machines using the same
installer settings. To generate such a le, start the installer with the option --record:
# ./ --record <filename>
The installer will store a le with all settings you made during the installation process.
This le can be used for later installations:
# ./ --replay <filename>
The installer will now read all required settings from the conguration le and perform an
unattended installation.


Installation on a Central Server

It is possible to install the CST STUDIO SUITE on a central server, mount the installation directory on a client machine, and use the software on the client machine. If you
choose this type of installation be aware that the installation directory on the server must
have the same name as the mountpoint on the client machine, i.e. if you installed the software on the leserver using /opt/cst/CST_STUDIO_SUITE as installation path then the
folder must be mounted into the lesystem of the client such that it occurs with the same
name (/opt/cst/CST_STUDIO_SUITE) on the client. Additionally, be aware that the CST
daemons cant be automatically installed on the client machine. This fact leads to the
following limitations:


The Distributed Computing system cannot be set up automatically using a central installation as described above. It is however possible to start the system manually. Please refer
to FAQ 373 in the support section of the CST website.

February 11, 2014


3 Usage Guideline for the Command Line Interface

This section contains information about the setup and use of the CST command line interface which enables you to start simulations in batch mode from a terminal or via a queuing
system. If you havent installed the Command line interface and CST BOARDCHECK
component you can skip this section.


Updating Your Installation

To update your installation of CST STUDIO SUITE use the command

$ "<CST_INSTALL_DIR>/update_with_supfile" "<FULL_PATH_TO_SUPFILE>"
This command can be executed by the Main User you have dened during the installation process or by root (see installation step 10 in section 2.2 or 2.3, respectively). Replace
the terms <CST_INSTALL_DIR> and <FULL_PATH_TO_SUPFILE> with the directory where
you have installed CST STUDIO SUITE and with the full path of the patch le you
downloaded from the support section of the CST website, respectively. The quotes are
mandatory. The les used to update the Windows version of CST STUDIO SUITE cannot be used to update the Linux Command line interface.
The service packs for this software can be downloaded from within the support area of the
CST webpage.


Starting CST Simulations from the Command Line

Prior to starting any CST simulations please run the cst_system_check script at least
once. The script will report missing packages and programs that are required to run a
CST simulation.
$ "<CST_INSTALL_PATH>/cst_system_check"
To start your simulations please use the following syntax:
$ "<CST_INSTALL_PATH>/cst_design_environment" <OPTIONS> "<PATH_TO_CST_FILE>"
The quotes are recommended to prevent problems with special characters in the path. Note
that at least two command line switches need to be specied: one to select the module (e.g.
--m for MICROWAVE STUDIO), and one to select the solver (e.g. --r for the transient
The CST command line interface currently supports the following command line options:






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Starts the transient solver (T-Solver).


Starts the frequency domain solver (F-Solver).


Starts the integral equation solver (I-Solver).


Starts the asymptotic solver (A-Solver).


Starts the particle in cell solver (PIC-Solver).


Starts the particle tracking solver (Trk-Solver).


Starts the wakeeld solver (WAK-Solver).


Starts a parameter sweep. This option always uses the

solver that was used last for the saved project.


Starts the optimizer. This option always uses the solver

that was used last for the saved project.


Starts the solver on GPU hardware. N species the number

of GPUs which should be used for the simulation. This
option is only available for the transient solver (option --r),
PIC solver (--pic) or integral equation solver (--q). Please
refer to the GPU Computing Guide to learn more about
GPU Computing.


Enables MPI computing. Also a machinele must be specied when using MPI Computing. Valid for --r, --f, --q
and --tw.
Please refer to the online help to learn more about MPI


Starts the specied solver with Distributed Computing. If

no main controller is specied, the main controller from the
global or project dependent settings are taken. Otherwise
the specied main controller is used.

--dc <N>

This option sets the distributed excitations or frequency

samples to N. Only valid for --withdc and --r and --f.
Example: --dc 6

--dcpar <N>

Sets the number of distributed parameter sets to N. Only

valid for --withdc and --p and --o.

February 11, 2014


--machinefile "<MFILE>"

Denes the location of the machine le path MFILE, in order

to use MPI simulation jointly with a given queuing system
launcher. Must be used with --withmpi and can be used
with --withdc

--queuesys "<QS>"

Denes the queueing system. Currently available queueing

system tags for QS are: CST, MPI, SGE, OGE, PBS, LSF and
Can be used with --withmpi and with --withdc

--numthreads <N>

Denes the number of threads to be used for the given

simulation. Default is to use all CPU cores.


Overwrites all project specic acceleration settings (related

to threads, DC, MPI and GPU computing) to their default
settings. All command line options related to acceleration
are taken still into account, though.

--dump <N>

Update results every N minute(s) when a solver is running.

Only valid for --m or --t.

February 11, 2014



Environment Variables

The CST Command line interface currently supports the following environment variables.
CST_VERBOSE_FRONTEND If set to 0 the output of the solvers will be suppressed.
By default the output is shown on the console.
CST_WAIT_FOR_LICENSE If set to 1 the program will wait in case that the license
required to start your simulation is blocked by another simulation. The simulation
will start as soon as the license is free again. If the environment variable is not set
the program will end immediately in case that the required license is already in use.
CST_LOCALHOME By default, crucial runtime les (i.e. shared memory segments)
which are required to run CST STUDIO SUITE are created in the /tmp folder.
The CST_LOCALHOME variable allows the user to change the location where these
les are stored. Note: The path specied must exist and it must point to a local
storage device (not to a folder located on a le-server). All user accounts using CST
STUDIO SUITE need to have write-access to this folder. We recommend to not set
this variable unless /tmp does not reside on a local storage device.
In case of a stateless cluster, where all drives are mounted shared drives, the RAMdisk might be used:
$ export CST_LOCALHOME=/dev/shm
CST_ENABLE_INTERACTIVE_RESULT_VIEW By setting this environment variable to
1 CST STUDIO SUITE can be started interactively, provided the DISPLAY variable points to a visible X display. CST STUDIO SUITE may then be invoked like
$ "<CST_INSTALL_PATH>/cst_design_environment" "<PATH_TO_CST_FILE>"
Be aware that the <PATH_TO_CST_FILE> le must not be in use by another instance
Note: The interactive mode of CST STUDIO SUITE is currently meant for result
viewing only although other parts of the software (e.g. modeling) are enabled as well.
These other parts are currently not considered stable enough for production use.
3D rendering by default when started interactively, i.e. if the environment variable
CST_ENABLE_INTERACTIVE_RESULT_VIEW is set. However, some GPU drivers are
unable to handle OpenGL commands properly. If you experience issues with 3D
rendering on your system you may switch o GPU accelerated rendering by setting

February 11, 2014



Limitations of the Command Line Interface

This version of the Command line interface only supports the following solvers/features.
This is subject to change and we expect this table to grow signicantly for future releases:
Supported Solver

Known Limitations


TLM solver on Linux cant be started using the Command Line Interface.2

Frequency Domain

Inhomogeneously Biased Ferrites are currently unsupported

Integral Equation










If you have an urgent need for some of the other solvers please let us know. We can take
this into account when planning the further process of porting the software and you may
even help us to make it more robust on the Linux platform as a beta tester if you like.



Go into the "<CST_INSTALL_DIR>/Uninstall CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2014" directory and

run the command
# ./Uninstall\ CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2014
to uninstall the software.

The TLM solver can be used on Linux via Distributed Computing when started by the CST frontend
running on Windows.

February 11, 2014


4 CST BOARDCHECK Graphical User Interface

This section contains information about the setup and use of CST BOARDCHECK
which enables you to start a PCB analysis from a graphical user interface. If you havent
installed the Command line interface and CST BOARDCHECK component you can skip
this section.


Starting the CST BOARDCHECK Graphical User Interface

To start CST BOARDCHECK please use the following syntax:

$ "<CST_INSTALL_PATH>/cst_boardcheck"
The quotes are recommended to prevent problems with special characters in the path.
This command opens a graphical user interface where CST BOARDCHECK can be
started and used just like the Microsoft Windows version.


Updating Your Installation

To update your installation of CST STUDIO SUITE use the command

$ "<CST_INSTALL_DIR>/update_with_supfile" "<FULL_PATH_TO_SUPFILE>"
This command can be executed by the Main User you have dened during the installation process or by root (see installation step 10 in section 2.2 or 2.3, respectively). Replace
the terms <CST_INSTALL_DIR> and <FULL_PATH_TO_SUPFILE> with the directory where
you have installed CST STUDIO SUITE and with the full path of the patch le you
downloaded from the support section of the CST website, respectively. The quotes are
mandatory. The les used to update the Windows version of CST STUDIO SUITE cannot be used to update the Linux Command line interface and CST BOARDCHECK.
The service packs for this software can be downloaded from within the support area of the
CST webpage.



Go into the "<CST_INSTALL_DIR>/Uninstall CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2014" directory and

run the command
# ./Uninstall\ CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2014
to uninstall the software.

February 11, 2014


5 Troubleshooting

Installer reports Previous version found in NULL

If the installer shows the error message Previous version found, this likely means that
the CST installation folder has been deleted without running the uninstall program. The
installer remembers a previous installation using a hidden le. If you delete this le with
# rm /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml
you can reinstall the software. However, please use the uninstall program (located in
"<CST_INSTALL_DIR>/Uninstall CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2014") if you want to remove the
software from your system as it reverts all changes applied during installation and also
removes this hidden le.


Installer Shows Java Errors

If the installer fails with a Java error this is most likely due to an incompatible Java
version on your system. However, the installer has its own Java version and you can force
the installer to use this built-in version using the option --installerjava.


Installation from DVD Fails

Typically, the automount of the RedHat Enterprise system will mount the DVD with the
noexec ag which prevents starting programs from a DVD. Thus, if the installer fails to
start from the DVD you might have mounted the DVD with incorrect options. In this
case please unmount the DVD using the umount command and mount it again using the
following command:
# mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro,exec,map=off /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
Please create the directory /media/cdrom if it does not exist.


Failed to Load Shared Library

The CST software package has as few dependencies as possible on external libraries. However, in some rare cases you may get an error about a missing library.
If you experience trouble please run the
$ "<CST_INSTALL_PATH>/cst_system_check"
to detect and optionally install missing dependencies.


Update of the Installation Fails

If the update of your installation fails please check the following points:
The update can be performed by the Main User (dened during the installation
process) or by root. It will fail for any other user account.
February 11, 2014


Currently the patch les for the Microsoft Windows version of CST STUDIO SUITE
are incompatible with the Linux version. Please ensure that you used the correct
patch le.


Installation of Prerequisite Packages Fails

If the installation of prerequisite packages with

$ yum install ...
fails with errors like
Error: Protected multilib versions: ...
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
please try to rst update your system to the latest version with the command
$ yum update


Complete List of Required Packages

RHEL 6.x (64-bit)

util-linux-ng xorg-x11-server-Xvfb expat.i686 fontconfig.i686

freetype.i686 glibc.i686 libICE.i686 libSM.i686 libX11.i686
libXau.i686 libXdamage.i686 libXext.i686 libXfixes.i686
libXrender.i686 libXxf86vm.i686 libXt.i686 libdrm.i686 libgcc.i686
libpng.i686 libstdc++.i686 libuuid.i686 libxcb.i686 mesa-libGL.i686
mesa-libGLU.i686 zlib.i686 expat.x86_64 fontconfig.x86_64
freetype.x86_64 glibc.x86_64 libICE.x86_64 libSM.x86_64
libX11.x86_64 libXau.x86_64 libXdamage.x86_64 libXext.x86_64
libXfixes.x86_64 libXft.x86_64 libXfont.x86_64 libXi.x86_64
libXmu.x86_64 libXp.x86_64 libXpm.x86_64 libXrender.x86_64
libXt.x86_64 libXxf86vm.x86_64 libdrm.x86_64 libgcc.x86_64
libjpeg.x86_64 libpng.x86_64 libstdc++.x86_64 libuuid.x86_64
libxcb.x86_64 mesa-libGL.x86_64 mesa-libGLU.x86_64
mesa-libGLw.x86_64 openmotif.x86_64 zlib.x86_64 python-libs

RHEL 5.x (64-bit)

setarch xorg-x11-server-Xvfb expat.i386 fontconfig.i386

freetype.i386 glibc.i386 libICE.i386 libSM.i386 libX11.i386
libXau.i386 libXdmcp.i386 libXext.i386 libXrender.i386 libXt.i386
libgcc.i386 libpng.i386 libstdc++.i386 mesa-libGL.i386 zlib.i386
mesa-libGLU.i386 zlib.x86_64 expat.x86_64 fontconfig.x86_64
freetype.x86_64 glibc.x86_64 libICE.x86_64 libSM.x86_64
February 11, 2014


libX11.x86_64 libXau.x86_64 libXfont.x86_64 libXdmcp.x86_64

libXext.x86_64 libXi.x86_64 libXpm.x86_64 libXrender.x86_64
libXt.x86_64 libgcc.x86_64 libjpeg.x86_64 libpng.x86_64
libstdc++.x86_64 mesa-libGL.x86_64 mesa-libGLU.x86_64
mesa-libGLw.x86_64 python-libs

SLES 11 (64-bit)

coreutils util-linux xorg-x11-server-extra Mesa-32bit fontconfig

freetype2-32bit glibc-32bit libdrm-32bit libexpat1-32bit
libgcc46-32bit libpng12-0-32bit libstdc++46-32bit libuuid1-32bit
xorg-x11-libICE-32bit xorg-x11-libSM-32bit xorg-x11-libX11-32bit
xorg-x11-libXau-32bit xorg-x11-libXext-32bit
xorg-x11-libXfixes-32bit xorg-x11-libXrender-32bit
xorg-x11-libXt-32bit xorg-x11-libs-32bit xorg-x11-libxcb-32bit
zlib-32bit Mesa MesaGLw fontconfig freetype2 glibc libdrm libexpat1
libgcc46 libjpeg libpng12-0 libstdc++46 libuuid1 openmotif-libs
xorg-x11-libICE xorg-x11-libSM xorg-x11-libX11 xorg-x11-libXau
xorg-x11-libXext xorg-x11-libXfixes xorg-x11-libXmu xorg-x11-libXp
xorg-x11-libXpm xorg-x11-libXrender xorg-x11-libXt xorg-x11-libs
xorg-x11-libxcb zlib

February 11, 2014


A Technical Information
The CST Linux installer needs to install several les into system directories, e.g. to automatically start CST daemons with every system boot. Note that the uninstaller will undo
all those changes.
Depending on the choice of features dierent les have to be written. In the following text
the feature dependent steps will be marked as follows:


CST DC Main Controller

CST DC Solver Server
Command Line Interface and CST BOARDCHECK
License Server

1. The installation directory selected by the user will be created if it does not exist.
None of the installed programs and libraries will get a setuid ag.
2. The following scripts will be installed in /etc/init.d:
- [SS] lsb-cst-solverserver2014
- [MC] lsb-cst-maincontroller2014
- [LS] lsb-cst-flexlm2014
and symlinks into the /etc/rcN.d directories for N = 3,4,5 will be created according
to the usual Linux startup procedure depending on the features selected for installation. Note that you can switch the services on and o with the Red Hat service
3. For menu entries and icons the following les will be written:
- XDGDATA/applications/cst/*.desktop
- XDGDATA/desktop-directories/
- XDGDATA/pixmaps/cst-*.png
- XDGDATA/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/cst-*.png
- XDGDATA/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/cst-*.png
- XDGDATA/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/cst-*.png
- XDGDATA/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/cst-*.png
- XDGDATA/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/cst-*.png
- XDGCONFIG/menus/applications-merged/
where XDGDATA and XDGCONFIG depending on whether the superuser or a normal user
performed the installation:

February 11, 2014



root install

user install

This is according to the

Desktop Entry Specication and the
Desktop Menu Specication
4. If [FE] is selected
- XDGDATA/mime/packages/cst-model.xml
will be created and
- update-mime-database
is called to register MIME types for CST project les. This is according to
shared MIME database and
MIME run actions
5. If the [MC] or [SS] option is selected, settings for Solver Server and Main Controller
will be written to
- "/etc/xdg/CST AG/"
These settings can be changed with CST DC Solver Control or CST DC Main
Control or a text editor. Please refer to the Online Help of CST STUDIO SUITE
for a detailed description of the distributed computing options.
6. Files in the installation directory and the conguration les in /etc/xdg/CST AG/
will get the Main User (chosen during installation) as owner.
7. The installed daemons will be started via the /etc/init.d scripts. Both DC services
will automatically generate working directories in /tmp if [MC] or [SS] was selected:
- /tmp/CSTMainControllerWork2014
- /tmp/CSTSolverServerWork2014

B Installation on Unsupported Distributions

CST ocially supports RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 5.x, 6.x and SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server (SLES) 11. We strongly recommend using CST software on these supported distributions. However, if you need to use the CST software on a Linux distribution that is not ocially supported this section of the document contains some information
which may help you to setup the software successfully. The instructions apply to the 64-bit
(x86_64) versions of the distributions.
February 11, 2014



Debian 6 (64-bit)

The following packages must be installed prior to installation:

xvfb util-linux ia32-libs lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6-i386
lesstif2 libc6 libdrm2 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgcc1
libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa libglw1-mesa libice6 libjpeg62
libpng12-0 libsm6 libstdc++6 libuuid1 libx11-6 libxau6 libxcb1
libxdamage1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxp6 libxpm4
libxrender1 libxt6 libxxf86vm1 zlib1g python rpm


Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit)

The following packages must be installed prior to installation:

xvfb util-linux ia32-libs lib32gcc1 lib32z1 libc6-i386 libc6 libdrm2
libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgcc1 libgl1-mesa-glx
libglu1-mesa libice6 libjpeg62 libpng12-0 libsm6 libstdc++6 libuuid1
libx11-6 libxau6 libxcb1 libxdamage1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxfixes3
libxi6 libxp6 libxpm4 libxrender1 libxt6 libxxf86vm1 zlib1g
python rpm

February 11, 2014


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