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of Liberal Arts
MSJ 419- Sports Journalism

Submitted to:
Ahsan Juwel
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

Submitted by:
ID: 102011011

Section: 01
Semester: Fall, 2012
Due Date: 30thDecember, 2012

Assessment report

Name: Md.Samsul Hoque

Subject: Sports Journalism

Report Date: 29-Dec-2012

Important note:
This assessment report has been completed under the topic of 12 years of Bangladesh test cricket which
is a part of Ulab sports news. This sports news is made under sports journalism subject.

Report Origin
As an optional requirement of the Bachelor of the Business Administration (BBA) program
under University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, this report entitled - "Assessment report of ULAB
sports news."
The organization attachment started on November 17 and finished on December 15, 2012. My
Course Instructor Ahsan Juwel (Lecturer of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh) assigned me
the topic of the assessment report of ULAB Sports News.

The purposes of this assessment report are given below:
How much I contribute on my Group project?
To know the limitation of our group work.
How much other members are contributed to our group project?

Main Body

We did our work done by taking certain step. Steps are given below:

Selecting the topic:

Topic selection is very vital in any production or assignment. We select 5 topics and within these
5 topics our respective teacher selects the topic of 12 years of Bangladesh test cricket.

Collecting Video:
Our topic mainly desk report, so we needed some video of BD test cricket from the beginning
test. Video downloading work is done by Tashfiq Mahmood and video endorsement and
converting process is done by me.

Set up and Taking an Interview:

For our desk report we need some interview of some former player. We divided our work so this
interview set up work is gone to shoaib ahmed. He gave us some hopeful word that he will set up
any player interview including Naimur Rahman Durjoy. But he failed to set up and interview of
Naimur Rahman Durjoy. But he collect the number Sarwar Imran who is the former coach of
Bangladesh. Rest of the conversation is done by me with the help of this number and also using
the cell phone number of Tashfiq Mahmood. Because, he only know the number of Tashfiq
Mahmood and my voice.
We took the interview but in the interview our cameramen did a big mistake. He records the
interview only 2 minutes and rest of the interview he took the camera in stand by mode.

Video Editing:
Video editing is done by one of my closest friend Protiq. He worked on our MSJ lab two days.1 st
days me and Tashfiq Mahmood both are present in the editing panel to give him direction of how
we want to make our news. But the 2nd date Tashfiq Mahmood was not present because of the
link shoot of the whole sports news.

Potential Limitations:
Based upon the assessment, the following list prioritizes the group members potential
limitations. These potential limitations should be confirmed through work they did in the news
report and also behavioral performance. The limitations include:

Some of our group members are not active.

Lack of good quality old test cricket footage of Bangladesh test cricket.

Lacking of good Video cameramen because they are busy in their own work.

Some are narrow minded. He or she want to show her or his work to show the course
instructor only not to make any good sports news by giving the other member
opportunity. This is our main limitation.

ULAB only have one LAB, so LAB head didnt give the LAB when we need or other
group member needs.


ULAB needs some employees whom are only giving the training of the students. Training
are includes:
How to record the video with the help of video camera,
How to capture a photo, Video editing etc.

Students are not so much active, our course instructor needs to give some strong
instruction for the students.

Group work means everyone has to work and one member will give the other member to
participate in the group work. So, Group member will not be narrow minded.

MSJ LAB facility needs to be improve.

As a result, I can say that its a good semester with our respective teacher and I dont want to say
that we are not tried so much to make a better production. We are tried heard but some limitation
makes our production not so much good. At last, I can say that its a good semester and we all
enjoyed so much.

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