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Hi. Here's a summary of the 11.522 schedule and expectations for the remainde
r of the semester. Today, Monday (Dec. 1) we will work independently on projec
ts in 9-451 (or the 9-251 lab if you wish to use those machines). Next Monday
(Dec. 8), we will have a marathon 6-9 pm session in 9-451 for project presentati
ons. We will plan on 15 minute presentations plus 5-10 minutes for discussion a
nd transition.

Regarding the talks, your earlier presentation focused on understanding and refl
ecting upon an area of the literature involving computing and modeling in urban
planning. This presentation focuses on (a) the specifics of your next level of i
nquiry be it a thesis proposal, first year paper project, or research project, a
nd (b) a presentation of results, interpretations and conclusions regarding some
experimentation, investigation, or other hands-on activity. You should not dwe
ll on the background literature that you reviewed last time.

The writeup for this presentation is technically due at this last class when you
present, but every year folks ask for an extension and it is okay with me if yo
u turn it in a few days later (up to Monday night, Dec. 15) if you are pressed w
ith other end-of-class tasks.

Some of you asked for guidelines regarding the project writeup. We expect the wr
itten project report be a self-standing document that largely overlaps your pres
entation. It should be relatively short
i.e., 6-10 pages in length (plus Append
ixes, tables, etc.) and it should:
(a) state the problem and project strategy,
(b) *briefly* identify relevant literature, the needed data sources and software
packages, and how the work relates to your broader research interests and/or UI
S skill development
(c) explain your methodology,
(d) show and discuss findings & results,
(e) comment on desirable next steps and on any unexpected problems, tradeoffs, l
imitations, etc.
(f) where applicable identify, in an appendix, the directory listing, and/or any
macros, data specs, metadata, project files, or other tools/data needed to exam
ine and understand your work. This should *not* be an elaborate documentation ex
ercise but enough to understand the specific data and processing steps involved
in your work.

Regarding the order of presentations, we will try to sort that out in class toda

To facilitate submission of your slides and writeup, I have created a folder in

our class locker called 'proj14' with a README.txt file in that locker containin
g this message:
---------------------------- README.txt --------------------------------11.522 Research Seminar on Urban Information Systems, Fall, 2014

Upload your project presentatino slides and writeup to the folders in

the class locker: /afs/
Please name your files: <athena-id>_proj14_slides.ppt and <athena-id>_proj14_wri
using your MIT (athena) email ID and whatever filename suffix is appropriate for
your file type.

Upload your presntation materials into this folder:


Upload your writeup into this folder:


Let me know if you have any questions about all this.

-- Joseph Ferreira

Prof. Joseph Ferreira, Jr.
MIT Room 9-532, 77 Mass Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
T:(+1) 617-253-7410, email:

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