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Because / although / though

1. It + be + adj
Ex: It is dark

Because of / in spite of / despite

+ V-ing / noun
The + noun
the dark(ness)

2. Pronoun + be + adj
Ex: He is lazy

possessive adj. + noun

his laziness

3. Noun + be + adj
Ex: the weather was cold

The + adj + noun

the cold weather

4. There + be + noun
Ex: There are a lot of people

a lot of people

5. S + have + noun
Ex: He had experience

possessive adj. + noun

his experience

6. S + V + O + adv
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Ex: He practises gymnastics regularly

possessive adj. + adj + n + n

(4) (3) (2)
his regular gymnastics practice

I. Reduce the clause after Because/Although to a phrase beginning with Because of or

In spite of:
1. He got a promotion because he worked hard.
>Because of _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. They work with all their heart because they are well paid.
Because of ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. My brother was not qualified as a pilot because his eyes were weak.
Because of ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. The football match was canceled because the weather was bad.
Because of_______________________________________________________________________________________
5. My father missed the five oclock train because he got up late.
Because of_______________________________________________________________________________________
6. The man didnt enjoy his work because he was underpaid.
Because of_______________________________________________________________________________________
7. He makes some progress in learning English because he attends class regularly.
Because of_______________________________________________________________________________________
8. They often have quarrels because they never try to understand each other.
Because of_______________________________________________________________________________________
9. She doesnt have time to learn a career because she is too busy with her housework.
Because of_______________________________________________________________________________________
10. He didnt have enough time to learn his lessons for tomorrow because he stayed out late last night.
Because of_______________________________________________________________________________________
11. We cant study because its very noisy.
Because of______________________________________________________________________________________
12. He quitted his job because he didnt like the boss.
He quitted his job because of____________________________________________________________________
13. Everybody loves her because she has good behavior.
Because of______________________________________________________________________________________
14. Because his wife was there, I said nothing about it.
Because of_______________________________________________________________________________________
15. We shouldnt suspect him because he is very honest.
Because of______________________________________________________________________________________
16. Although he is sick, he goes to school.
In spite of __________________________________________________________________________________________
17. Although Lan was tired, she did all her homework carefully.
Despite ____________________________________________________________________________________________
18. Everybody has a great regard for her despite her poverty.
Although ___________________________________________________________________________________________
19. They worked very hard although they were old.
In spite _____________________________________________________________________________________________
20. Peter didnt go to school yesterday because he was sick.

Because of _________________________________________________________________________________________
21. Mary went to bed early because she felt tired.
Because of _________________________________________________________________________________________
22. She didnt go to the circus with Betty because she had a bad cold.
Because of _________________________________________________________________________________________
23. John succeeded in his exam because he worked hard.
Because of _________________________________________________________________________________________
24. She stayed at home because her mother was sick.
Because of _________________________________________________________________________________________
25. I like him because his father is kind to me.
Because of _________________________________________________________________________________________
26. I couldnt do the test because it was difficult.
Because of _________________________________________________________________________________________
27. Although he got up early, he was late for the first train.
In spite _____________________________________________________________________________________________
28. Although English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.
In spite _____________________________________________________________________________________________
29. Although he is an excellent doctor, he cant cure lever cancer.
Despite ____________________________________________________________________________________________
30. Although my friend doesnt have enough money, she wants to buy that new car.
Despite ____________________________________________________________________________________________
31. Although Mai didnt speak English well, she decided to live in London.
In spite _____________________________________________________________________________________________
32. Although I am hungry, I cant eat now.
Despite ____________________________________________________________________________________________
33. Despite the narrow streets, many people drive cars in this city.
Though _____________________________________________________________________________________________
34. In spite of the high prices, my daughters insist on going to the movie.
Although ___________________________________________________________________________________________
35. They worked very hard in spite of their old age.
Although ___________________________________________________________________________________________
II. Rewrite the following sentences using Because + S + V:
1. She denied telling me about herself because of her shyness.
Because she ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Because of World War II, many women took over businesses for their absent husbands.
Because the _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. Because of arriving late, we missed the first part of the play.
Because we______________________________________________________________________________________
4. Women can delay having children because of the birth control methods.
Because there___________________________________________________________________________________.
5. We couldnt let her know the truth because of its awfulness.
Because _________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Because of the invention of computer, computations can be done more precisely and quickly.
Because there ___________________________________________________________________________________
7. Because of the war, our country couldnt be well developed.
Because the _____________________________________________________________________________________
8. Because of being good at English, he was chosen as the directors interpreter.
Because he _____________________________________________________________________________________.
9. All the students love the principal because of his kindness.
Because the principal____________________________________________________________________________
10. He has to give up smoking because of his bad health.
Because his _____________________________________________________________________________________
11. Jane missed the bus. She went to school late.
Because Jane____________________________________________________________________________________
12. She put on the raincoat because of the heavy rain.
Because it _______________________________________________________________________________________
13. Because of the heavy snow, we all couldnt go out.
Because the_____________________________________________________________________________________
14. Sam was so lazy that he lost his job.
Because Sam ___________________________________________________________________________________
15. I cant come to your party because of my mothers sickness.
Because my mother______________________________________________________________________________

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