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Student _______________________________________________________

Date __________________________

Instructor _____________________________________________________

Date __________________________




1. Checked accuracy and completeness of each

MAR against medication order, clarified incomplete or unclear orders with health care provider.





2. Reviewed pertinent information related to






3. Assessed patients medical history, history of

allergies, and medication history.





4. Assessed respiratory pattern, auscultated breath






5. Assessed patients ability to hold, manipulate,

and depress canister and inhaler.





6. Assessed patients readiness and ability to learn.





7. Assessed patients knowledge and understanding of disease and purpose and action of medications.





1. Identified expected outcomes.





2. Explained procedure to patient, explained specifics if patient wished to self-administer drug.





1. Prepared medications for inhalation, checked

label of medication against MAR twice, checked
expiration date.





2. Took medication(s) to patient at correct time,

applied the six rights of medication administration.





3. Identified patient using two identifiers.





4. Compared MAR with medication labels at

patients bedside, asked patient if he or she had





5. Discussed purpose of each medication, action,

and possible adverse effects; allowed patient to
ask any questions; explained what a metereddose is and how to administer it, warned about
overuse and side effects.








Copyright 2014 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2014, 2010 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.








a. Removed mouthpiece cover from inhaler

after inserting MDI canister into holder.





b. Shook inhaler well for 2 to 5 seconds.





c. Held inhaler in dominant hand.





d. Instructed patient to position inhaler properly.





e. Had patient take deep breath and exhale






f. Had patient hold inhaler in three-point or

bilateral hand position when positioned





g. Instructed patient to tilt head back and inhale

slowly and deeply through mouth for 3 to 5
seconds while depressing canister fully.





h. Had patient hold breath for about 10






i. Removed MDI from mouth before exhaling.





a. Removed mouthpiece cover from MDI and

mouthpiece of spacer device.





b. Shook inhaler well for 2 to 5 seconds.





c. Inserted MDI into end of spacer device.





d. Instructed patient to place spacer mouthpiece

in mouth and close lips, avoided covering
exhalation slots with lips.





e. Had patient breathe normally through






f. Instructed patient to spray one puff into

spacer device.





g. Had patient breathe in slowly and fully.





h. Instructed patient to hold breath for 10






9. Instructed patient to wait appropriate length

between inhalations.





6. Allowed adequate time for patient to manipulate equipment, explained and demonstrated
how canister fits into inhaler.
7. Explained steps for administering MDI without

8. Explained steps to administer MDI using a



Copyright 2014 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2014, 2010 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.



10. Instructed patient to not repeat inhalation

before next scheduled.





11. Warned patient they may feel gagging sensation.





12. Instructed patient to rinse and spit with warm

water 2 minutes after dose.





13. Instructed patient in daily cleaning of inhaler.





14. Asked if patient had any questions.





15. Assisted patient to comfortable position, performed hand hygiene.





1. Had patient explain and demonstrate steps in

use and cleaning of inhaler.





2. Asked patient to explain drug schedule and

dose or medication.





3. Asked patient to describe side effects of medication and criteria for calling health care provider.





4. Assessed patients respirations, breath sounds,

and peak flow measures after medication
administration if ordered.





5. Identified unexpected outcomes.





1. Recorded drug, dose, route, number of inhalations, and time on MAR; included initials or
signature; recorded patient teaching and validation of understanding in nurses notes.





2. Recorded patients response to MDI, side effects,

and patients ability to use MDI.





3. Reported adverse effects/patient response/

withheld drugs to nurse in charge or health care







Copyright 2014 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2014, 2010 by Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.


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