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January 2010 

“A servant gives service to

someone, but a slave belongs to
someone. We commit ourselves
to do something, but when we
surrender ourselves to some-
one, we give ourselves up.”-
Murray J, Harris

I think that when makes them slaves. loved his master, then the slave
Paul refers to himself as a could willingly choose to remain
But we are no
bond slave of Jesus (Romans longer stuck on a one-way with him and serve him for all
1:1) this is one of the most his life. The bond slave identi-
street of sin which leads
accurate, beautiful illustra- to death. When Jesus fies himself as belonging to his
tions that could be given master by piercing his ear.
comes into our sin-
pertaining to the identifica-
corrupted heart, he The miracle of the
tion of a Christian. sweeps it clean and re- Christian life is that we don’t
Jesus has freed us places all of that garbage serve God because we have to,
from bondage under the law, with the fruit of the but we serve God because we
eliminating our struggle to Spirit which is His own want to. When we meet God,
please God without the aid nature. Although our flesh everything changes. Our priori-
of Holy Spirit (Romans 7:6) still has a tendency to- ties, goals, plans, and entire
Jesus also freed us ward sin, we have power lifestyle is suddenly not geared
from the bondage of sin from Holy Spirit to resist toward advancing ourselves.
(Romans 8:2). People have the devil and his tempta- We want nothing else but God
this idea that if they are tions. and to do nothing else but
unrestrained and can do It may sound serve Him, and so we become
whatever they want, then odd, but the Bible teaches His slaves.
this will equal happiness. The that Jesus gave us free- To be a bond slave means that
problem is that since our dom to become slaves. I’m we willingly give our life up to
Prayer Requests
human nature is inclined to not speaking of human God because we love Him. He has
sin, this is inevitably what slavery, but that we have set our hearts free from sin so -recovery from our
we’ll choose. Sin does not been liberated to become that we may be able to choose colds
equal joy, peace or satisfac- a slave of Jesus (1 Peter Him and choose a life devoted to -a deeper intimacy
tion. We only need to look at 2:16). Just as Paul proudly Holiness.
with God and a
the very people in our own declared himself to be, so
greater prayer life
lives and even celebrities to can we also be a bond
see the sad results of people slave to Jesus. -that God would con-
‘doing what they want’, which vict the students of
is: drug abuse, suicide, di- 15:16-17 gives us a clear their sin, and their
vorce, depression, addiction, definition of what it need for Jesus
to name a few and ultimately
meant to be a bond slave. -to continue strong in
death. What people antici- After six years the mas- our willingness to
pate will make them free
ter was to let his slave serve
actually chains them up and free. However, if the slave
"Your intimacy with God is the key source of your intimidation towards the
enemy" -Graham Cooke

My Favourite English Class

Just recently I asked one of my students
young adults, if he was a Christian. He in my English class for
had been coming to my English
class for a while and I saw that he brou
ght his grandmother with him to the
Sunday service. He told me that he indee
d became a Christian just a few
weeks ago. When I asked him if he had
a Bible he told me that he’s gone
through two because he gave them away
, but now he has the Book of Mor-
mon. His grandmother had passed it along
to him thinking it was just an-
other Bible.
I explained to him that the Book of Morm
told him the story of Joseph Smith and on isn’t the Bible and I
how Mormonism isn’t the same as
The next day was a rainy day and so not
the streets to attend school. Just he and many students ventured
another girl student showed up. I
was able to give him a new Bible and told
him to throw away the book of
Mormon. At the beginning of the class,
the Christian student turned to the
girl and asked if she believes in Jesus,
and she said she hadn’t made up
her mind yet.
I taught maybe 5 minutes of English that
and we spent the hour talking about the day. I sat down with them
formation of the Bible, the differ-
ence between Buddha and Jesus and
the transformed life of a Christian.
It was funny. When I stood up and turne
board, I heard the Christian student whisp d my back to write on the
er to the girl, “So now do you be-
lieve in Jesus?” He was maybe a little too
eager for her liking and she still
wasn’t sure, but I don’t doubt that God
is working in her heart.


  Prayer is something we just don’t  are always looking at things that we  + When prayer doesn't change our circum‐

do enough of. However, by disciplining our  can pray about, we just don't realize it.  stances, it changes our character. 
body (1Cor9:27), we can form a habit of 
prayer that will benefit us more than any  • Don't pray out of religious duty, but  + In trials, don't pray "Get me outta this" but 
worship Jesus, and as He loves on you  "Get me through this". The former is a 
other act imaginable. The only reason Chris‐ prayer of abandonment, while the latter is a 
tians don't prayer more is that we are not in  respond to Him in prayer. 
prayer of development. 
the habit of doing so. Because we are natu‐ • Bother God with the little things, be‐
rally lazy, we need to form an opposite  cause in time, these little things be‐  
habit. Here are some practical things we can  come the big things.    It is said that it takes 21 days to 
do to make prayer an active part of our  form a habit. Lets begin today, and reap the 
lives:  • Read and pray the Bible, take your 
fruit of this inestimable gift. 
time, meditate on it. (If you need to 
• Pray that God will give you a spirit of  choose between someone who has 
prayer.  read 10 chapters of the Bible this 
• Start small, no one starts out as a  morning, and one who has read half of 
'prayer warrior'.  one (in the same amount of time), 
choose the one who read half of one. 
• Set an alarm on your phone, or what‐ Chances are they got more out of it.) 
ever, to remind you at certain times of  Getting through the Bible is not a race. 
the day, to pray. 
• Don't give up. If we stop praying, we 
• Let the newspaper, or internet, or  stop hoping. Perseverance is more 
whatever, be a living prayer list. We  beneficial to us than convenience. 

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