DR Pachauri Reaching Out

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Dr Pachauri –reaching out to save the planet

Dr Rajendra Pachauri has been in the news quite frequently lately, with pronouncements on
the dire state of the Planet and exhortations to reduce our carbon footprint, by not eating
meat, or by flying less. On the latter subject Dr Pachauri is something of an expert:

UN Wants Us To Fly Less


At a meeting in the UK .., Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, a climate scientist with the United
Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), strongly urged
businesses to cut employee travel, and to fill the void with video conferencing.

Note the usual laziness of the media in calling this railway engineer/bureaucrat/economist, a
climate scientist.

Dr Pachauri wants to fly more

I recently examined a UN document entitled "Details of Outreach Activities carried out by

theChai rmanoft heI PCC,Dr .R.K.Pachaur i
Jan‘ 07Jul y‘08"http://tiny.cc/mpjNp

I discovered that Dr Pachauri flew at least 443,243 miles on IPCC business in this 19 month
period. He generated 101 tonnes of CO2 which he could have mitigated by giving J.P.
Morgan around $1450 to make his travels carbon-neutral, in line with the claims of the UN.
"UN leads by example, purchasing carbon credit offsets for September convention."

Leading climate scare-monger Professor John Schellnhuber recently put the maximum sum
of greenhouse gases to be emitted until 2050 at 600 to 750 billion metric tonnes of CO2.

"You divide the 750 billion tons of CO2 by the world's total population, and have the
per capita budget of emissions allowed until 2050, of some 110 tonnes of CO2,"
said Schellnhuber, who is Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact

So if we believe that the earth is a fixed container into which you can only put so much and
take out so much, rather than the dynamic, non-linear, chaotic system that it is, Pachauri used
over 40 years worth in 19 months and of course he is still travelling the world.

In my calculation of his travel, I made full use of the carbon calculator on the JP Morgan
Climate Care website, http://tiny.cc/SoQv0

I have taken their airport distances on trust but I may not have used the right airport in some
cases. I have no information on stop-overs and there is no allowance for internal travel, so the
actual result is likely quite a lot higher.

Dr Pachauri is based in New Delhi at the The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI),
http://tiny.cc/h73nH and operates his IPCC role from that base, which is reflected in the
journeys that he makes. The UN document shows the contacts and organisations that he
reaches out to, mostly it seems, fellow travellers, (quite literally!)

He met with many Heads of State, AGW luminaries such as Sir Crispin Tickell, Professor
Stephen Schneider, Lord Stern, Professor John Schellnhuber, Ban Ki Moon, Kofi Annan and
Prince Charles amongst others. He has attended presentations and honorary degree
ceremonies and his book launch. He likes to attend Clinton Global Initiative meetings,
Rockefeller Foundation and Brookings Institute events.
The 13th Session of the Conference of the Parties, (COP 13), was held in Bali, Indonesia, 3-
14 December. This bean - feast was followed by the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony in Oslo, 10
December 2007, another 8055 miles.

If we assume that many, if not most, of the attendees at Bali would also have gone to Oslo for
the presentation, it shows their dedication in seeking to cut carbon emissions.

On 19 February 2008 he flew from Helsinki to Mumbai for a Brookings Institution Dinner, just
3656 miles away. Oh, I expect he was going home.

On the 11th/12th March he did a Mumbai - Copenhagen return trip of 7965 miles, after which
he was working from home again for a few days, receiving former Vice President Al Gore on
14 March 2008. More "celebrities" arrived later in the month and on 20 March he entertained
Tony Blair and Nancy Pelosi.

He met Kevin Rudd in China and Arnold Schwarzenegger at Yale and in May he was back
in New York again for another Clinton Global Initiative meeting.

In June 2008 his itinerary was Auckland, Bangkok, Paris, Brasilia, Tokyo, Geneva, New York,
Sacramento and New York again, a mere 53,884 miles in the month.

If we look back at last year's COP 14 event at Poznan, we find that:

The Poznan Conference Produces 13,000 Tonnes of Carbon
Most of it comes from delegates' transportation and venue lighting

The December 1-12 UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by the city of Poznan,
in Poland, produced more than 13,000 tonnes of carbon during the talks.

These figures are based on the participation of 8,000 people to the venue, whereas
10,657 had already signed up by Sunday. (the adjusted tonnage is 17,318, scaled up
for Copenhagen where 20,000 are expected, we get 32,500 tonnes).

The UNFCCC says that Poland "plans to offset the total emissions resulting from the
conference once a final calculation has been made." Typically, that involves tighter
regulations on the industry for a period of time, or the import of advanced, cleaner
technology from rich nations.

The main goal of this conference is to achieve an international consensus on the

measures to be employed by countries worldwide in the fight against global warming
and climate change.

The upbeat mood is mostly caused by the US president-elect, Barack Obama, who
vowed to engage America in an international agreement on controlling fossil fuel and
deforestation, as the Bush administration failed to include the country in the
1997 Kyoto Protocol, when Congress didn't ratify the treaty. Even China sat down at
the table, and its representatives said that they were very eager to discuss possible
solutions with developed countries.

Note the repeat of the familiar untruth which, for some reason, George Bush never seemed to
counter very hard:

Climate Change Update October 24th 1997 (Kyoto)

In a US radio show, Bill Hare, Greenpeace Campaign Director, specifically blamed
Bill Clinton for holding up a new treaty to combat global warming. In December,
more than 150 nations were to meet in Kyoto, Japan, to ratify binding limits on
greenhouse gas emissions. Hare accused President Bill Clinton of delaying the final
US negotiating position, putting the US at odds with most other nations. Al Gore was,
as we know, Vice-President at the time and heavily involved in the negotiations.

Hare has been at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Change Impact Studies, (PIK),
since 2002, even though he was still Campaign Director for Greenpeace until last
year. During that time he has also been active within IPCC and was a lead author and
summary writer for AR4. He has recently started a new outfit called Climate Analytics,
also hosted at PIK and funded by the German government.

Of course, we also have the posturing by individual politicians. Al Gore is not alone with his
large Carbon footprint.

gas 1,000 Frenchmen
PARIS (AFP) — He may be a diminutive man, but President Nicolas Sarkozy has a
huge carbon footprint, equivalent to that made by 1,000 of his fellow French citizens,
an ecological magazine said last year. http://tiny.cc/K7ltt

His globetrotting in the presidential jet over the past 11 months has produced 7,061
tonnesofcar bondi oxide,sai dTer raEconomi ca.“Thati st heequi val
entoft heannual
total emissions — transport, housing, food — of1, 000or dinaryFr enchpeopl e,
the magazine. It said that its calculations were certainly an under-estimation because
the president also undertook numerous private plane trips.

The report came just two days after French parliamentarians adopted a draft bill on
measures to radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sarkozy had presented
these measures as the beginning of a “greenrevol uti
on”in France.

Time is running out

In spite of the problem of less than three weeks left to save the planet in Copenhagen, IPCC
AR5 is on the stocks for 2014 and Dr Pachauri is seeking more funding:

This is from his speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 30th Session of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Antalya, Turkey, 21st April 2009.

"..let me also highlight the growing demand for outreach activities by the IPCC.
These have no doubt had an important effect in the past two years, because
awareness on the scientific facts related to climate change have reached a level
which could not have been anticipated even at the beginning of 2007.

But, all this has only added to the demand for more information, which the IPCC will
have to provide and disseminate on a much larger scale in the future. Indeed, this
demand will not end whatever the outcome in Copenhagen, but is likely to escalate.
All the office-bearers and authors involved in the work of the IPCC will have to play
an important role in outreach activities."

In other words, keep collecting the frequent flyer points boys and girls and tell everyone else
to stop flying.

Now just imagine all the different UN organisations and all the international conferences,
http://www.un.org/en/events/archives.shtml. Most of them have several thousand delegates
including all the NGO's and journalists. That's some emissions bill.

If there were any doubts that the IPCC is anything but a political advocacy arm of the UN, this
travelling salesman should surely have dispelled them. "Outreach" of course, is the latest
buzz word for propaganda.

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