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Basic Image for Westlake High School - Laptop Image

Basic District Applications

General Settings Details
Deep Freeze "Power off" time should not be set
Desktop appearance Use logo developed for this image

Desktop Cleanup Wizard Turn this off

Internal microphone Set to automatically detect

Uncheck prompt for password when computer resumes

Password Prompt from standby
Power settings Set to "Do Nothing" when lid is closed

Allow for computers to not go into Stand-by or

Hibernate modes for 2 hours on battery or when
Power settings on batteries plugged in.
Printers Load all printers for campus
Screen bright Set screen at brightest when thawed

Basic Windows XP Screensaver set to turn on after 10

Screen Saver minutes of inactivity; No NovaNet screen saver

Check to make sure that the computers will connect to

Wireless access wireless networks

Taskbar Details
Quicktime Remove Quicktime icon from Systray
Touchpad Icon Remove Touchpad icon from Systray

Groupwise, IE, Firefox, Windows Media Player, Google

Earth, Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher,
Producer, Photostory, Movie Maker, Inspiration, Remote
Taskbar shortcuts include Desktop, IZArc
Taskbar should be one-line deep

Set appearance as Windows XP Style with silver taskbar

Desktop Shortcuts Details

My Computer
My Network Places
Student Shared
Novell Login
Recycle Bin
Log Off
Shut Down
Internet Explorer
Applications Folder Tied to Applications available on computer
CDBurner XP Pro
Google Earth
Virtual Earth
Desktop Applications Details
Make sure all automatic updates are turned off.
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Flash & Shockwave Must be installed in both IE and Firefox browsers
Audacity Install with WinLAME encoder
Blender 3D Set default save to path to H:home folder
CD-Burner XP Pro
Google Earth
Google Picasa Turn off auto-scan
Google Sketchup Turn off auto-scan
No Office Integration; No Tip of the Day; Default
attachments to save in home folder and to associate to
Groupwise most recent version the right application automatically
Inspiration 8.0

Set default home pages as home page

and library home page in tabs.
Internet Explorer 7.0 Primary page to open to
Turn off autoupdates; No autoload of music; set a
media partition on hard drive and map Itunes to this
Itunes place; no Autosync
IZArc Zip application
Java Most recent and working version
Lego Mindstorm NXT
Install software and attach probe with USB so it
Logger Pro recognizes device only once

Full install; Path to home folder; No drawing canvas,

Default font to Times New Roman; Access to all clip art
galleries; Put drawing tool at the bottom of document;
Turn assistant off; Consistent toolbar config for all
Office products; Consistent font package; Load all
Microsoft Office 2003 wizards and templates;

Microsoft Word 2003 Full install with Equation Editor; default save to .doc
Microsoft Excel 2003 Full install
Microsoft Access 2003 Full install
Microsoft Power Point 2003 Full install
Microsoft Power Point Batch Importer Add-On
Microsoft Publisher 2003 Full install
Microsoft Movie Maker Full install with
Microsoft PhotoStory
Microsoft plugin to work with Office 2003-2007
Set default home page as Add
Mozilla Firefox most recent plugin to Firefox toolbar.
NovaNET Latest update package provided by Robie Clark
Novell Login
PowerDVD Set as default DVD player
PowerToys HTML Slide Show Wizard
QuickTime Set as default for Quicktime videos only
Real Alternative Alternative Real Player install
Samsung Digital Document Camera software
SMART Lesson Activity Toolkit
SMART Airliner Bluetooth-uncheck Autofind

Install for Student Workstation - Joel has notes on this

SMART Synchroneyes install
TimeLiner 5.1
Virtual Earth
VLC Player Install but not as a default player
Windows Media Player Set as default media player
Windows Media Encoder

ZoomIT Install and set in Startup folder
ptop Image


en computer resumes


Stand-by or
attery or when


t to turn on after 10
screen saver

puters will connect to


Media Player, Google

er Point, Publisher,
r, Inspiration, Remote

yle with silver taskbar



refox browsers

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er and to associate to
y home page

dex.htm in tabs.

d of music; set a
map Itunes to this

with USB so it

o drawing canvas,
; Access to all clip art
bottom of document;
bar config for all
ackage; Load all

efault save to .doc Add

y Robie Clark
s only

oel has notes on this


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