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April 6, 2015

Week at a Glance

This week is the first of two weeks set aside
to work on your mission paper final copy.
This does not mean it is a no homework
week. Please refer to the letter given to
everyone today explaining more in detail
how this works.

Monday through Friday

Language: Work on report final copy /parent signature
Wiki Goals will NOT be checked!
Reading Logs & signatures will NOT be checked!

Pioneer Projects
Your pioneer project is due on
Tuesday morning!

Reading Lotto

Keep reading your second book. The Rate

the Book will be due after vacation.

Book Club Meets on Wednesday!

Well have time to prepare in class.

Showcase Project:

Bring your project to school TOMORROW!

Open House!
Room 10 has some pretty special
students looking forward to showing
off some pretty special projects. We hope you can
make it to Open House this Wednesday from 6:30
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. See you there!

Mrs. Eller

Research Paper
We have all reached a proud moment...everyone has
successfully researched and written all required
paragraphs for the mission research paper. Yea!!
Give yourself a pat on the back!
Now....for the final step.
For the next two weeks your task is to take all those
paragraphs and type them into the final copy.

Please remember the following:

Type all the paragraphs and remember to make all

corrections! Refer to letter given out today
with details about the homework requirements.
Refer to the Research Paper Evaluation
Guidelines on our website to find out how you need
to type up and present your report.
Examples of previous reports are available to
check out if you want to do so. Also, you can check
out Suzie Qs final report on the website.
You are not allowed to move on to any extra
credit this week UNLESS you show me that the
basic requirements have been met and I sign you
off. Then you may refer to the Extra Credit
Guidelines to give you ideas for extra credit.
Dont toss those rough draft paragraphs. You
will be required to turn them in.
Remember, this final draft is YOUR work, not
your parents work. YOU must do the typing and
fixing, not Mom or Dad.
You will also be working on your bibliography.
You need to make sure you have the required
information for every resource you used, including
websites. Use the bibliography information on the
website as a resource to help you to type out the
correct format for your bibliography. There are
rules for typing out resources, and there is an
example of a finished bibliography. I will correct
your bibliography this week if you want me to. You
need to print out a hard copy to give to me. I will
edit it and give it back to you. This is not required,
but remember, "If the teacher gives you help...use

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