Review On Ethics 2

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Professional conduct and ethical standards and a high degree of honesty are
more essential for officers and members of Philippines National Police than for any
member of the society. This is so, because they are entrusted with the enforcement of the
rules, regulations and ordinances created by City/Municipality and the laws of the land
created by the Congress that guide the conduct of society. A policemens violation or
infraction thereof, or his failure to enforce it, dishonor the law and the authority he
The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics Explained
This passage is contained in two words: duty and service. Too often we forget
that law enforcement is not just a job for which we are hired as one would hire a laborer
or tradesman. It involves a sworn duty. Some progressive police department now require
that its officers reaffirm their oath each year in an effort to drive home the message that is
contained in this sworn oath. And to again remind the officer of the essential relationship
between his job and the free society in which he lives.
The word serve denotes the denial of ones own pleasures and desire for the
good of the person or persons to be served. Service involves dedication and sacrifice of
the giving of ones self. These are words that many find hard to swallow in his present
day and age but the job of professional law enforcement requires a special creed of man.
We must, however, understand some of the limitations that are present in a truly
democratic society. In such a society as ours, this task can often be a difficult one,
because protecting the rights of the individual means also protecting the right of the
criminal. This is sometimes a hard pill for law enforcement officers to swallow.
Because of this, some officers stray politically to the far right in an effort to either
seek a system where their job would be made easier, or to better protect the society that
they have sworn to serve. It is easy for an officer to become bitter when he has
continually witnessed the ends of justice thwarted by red tape politics and technicalities of
the law. The more truly idealistic he is, the more frustrated he can become, especially if
he lacks a philosophy or understanding of his true purpose in the society which he
serves. Why must the idealistic officer suffer so? When a good carpenter does his best,
in building a fine house, one that can be seen and admired by all, he can stand back and
look at his job with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. The same applies to an
artist or anyone in the skilled trades. Why not, then the policemen? Why must a good
policeman, who works hard for the ends of justice, see the products of his work so often
crumble at his feet?
Respecting the rights of others is not one of mans natural qualities. It seems to
be part of his nature to suspect and persecute those who are in any different from him.
There is no perfect justice on this earth, nor will there ever be, because man is not all
knowing nor is he himself perfect. Still we must strive for a form of justice that
represents our ultimate capability. This involves not only great effort on the part or veryperson in the community, but individual sacrifice as well.
One of the greatest areas of fault among police officers generally, is not so much
a prejudice against the criminal. For example, an officer soon learns from experience that
a certain group of persons is often responsible for the majority of the crimes committed


such an offense. Such a prejudice could lead to the faulty conclusion that he is the guilty
person. This soon leads to a general feeling or prejudice against all those who have
been convicted of prior offenses, and an almost subconscious refusal to accord them the
same right that the Constitution provides for all persons.
One of the first things that a law enforcement officer must learn is that he has no
private life. Every citizen should be entitled to his own private life yet when a person
accepts the calling of Law enforcement, as a voluntary measure, he must be willing to
offer his privacy as a sacrifice to the good of the community which he serves. If a law
enforcement officer could hide from his neighbors the facts that he is a policeman, then
his private life could be his own. This, however, is impossibility. If a policeman has a
family, hi occupation will become known in the neighborhood within a few days at the
most. It he is single, and keeps to himself, he may keep the secret a little longer, but if he
is engaged in active law enforcement within his community, it is inevitable that his
neighbors will become aware of it. One this is known, he will become the Object of
constant observation.
In a democracy a police officer is a public officer and as such is a servant to the
community. Instead of being above reproach or ridicule, he must expect to receive his
position, as part of his job. It is not easy to control ones temper when being subjected to
unnecessary and unjustified scorn or ridicule. Punching the perpetrator in the mouth will
hurt him physically, but psychologically he will sense victory in that he knows that he got
to the officer. Nothing will hurt him more than being ignored. Through practice, even the
officer with temper can learn to control it. For the professional law enforcement officer it
is must. When subjected to scorn and ridicule, it often helps just to consider the source.
Some officers feel that there is a difference in that the information obtained by the
doctor and attorney is freely given with the understanding that will be confidential
whereas the he information obtained as part the law enforcement officer can be the result
of many sources or forms of investigation.
How it was obtained is really not important. The fact that it was obtained as part
of the officers occupation, and is usually information that he would not have otherwise
obtained had he not been in that field, is the key point.
This information should never leave the department or the person retaining it
unless it is in the interest of justice. An officer should even be careful not to reveal
information to his wife. An officers wife is often very tempted to reveal information of a
confidential nature of neighbor women in an effort to show her neighbors the importance
of her husbands job, and to gain status in the eyes of the neighbor women.
It is quite difficult to know which desire is strongest is some persons, to help our
friends or to hurt our enemies. Both desires are part of our human nature. Helping our
friends can be very good thing in self, but when it involves an inequity in the
administration of justice we are defiling the oath we made to the community in which we
serve. In police work, there is ample opportunity to both hurt enemies and help friends,
and it takes a person of strong character to properly perform his duties under these
circumstances. Without professional convictions, this can be impossibility.


One of the faults common to new officers is that they often act officiously. They
appear to the public to be over-impressed with their own importance. In a way this is
natural because it is associated with pride and a new officer is usually very proud for his
is a noble undertaking. However, a law enforcement officer must always guard against
having this pride misinterpreted by the public as being merely officious.
The majority of the people who make contact with a law enforcement officer
during his hour of duty are not criminals. The majority of the persons receiving tickets
from an officer are normally law abiding, upright citizens of the community, and they are
usually embarrassed enough by being caught inn a traffic violation without being talked
down to or treated like a criminal. Judges often report that a common reason for a
person appearing in traffic court as not so much to contest the facts of the offense as it is
complain about the demeanor of the officer issuing the citation.
The term with no compromise for crime means that crime will not be knowingly
permitted. It does not mean that the officer must perform his duties to the letter of the
law without taking into consideration the spirit of the law. If the Code of Ethics will be
examined, nothing will be found in it to the effect than an officer must obtain convictions
and send people to prison for long periods of time. It does state, however, that he must
do the best of which he is capable, and that his actions must in them be ethical. No man
can predict or guarantee the final results of any action. Only god can do this, Man can
only be responsible for his immediate actions. If an officer does a good job and the court
release the criminal, the blame rests not upon him but upon the courts, the jury or society
itself. The modern law enforcement officer has a new motto Be firm but fair. He does not
have to be a theory bound sociologist just because he treats criminals like human
The professional law enforcement officer lets the criminal call the tune as to his
own treatment. The officers can and must be as tough as the situation demands yet
there is no personal vindictiveness in the way he treats the criminal. His tone of voice
and demeanor usually indicate that he will not be walked on, yet his actions are fair
At times the use of force in the performance of ones duties is an absolute
necessity. There is no escaping it. It is extremely difficult to judge exactly whether or not
use of force is necessary in a given situation. The use of force or violence during
interrogations will often produce immediate confessions, but it should be avoided on
ethical grounds. The interrogator seldom knows with complete certainty that the suspect
is guilty, and the use of force or the third degree on an innocent person is certainly a
miscarriage of justice as well as a violation of professional conduct. As a means of
Punishment for the criminal, it would be out of place for it is not the function of law
enforcement to punish criminals. This belongs to the courts and prisons.
Those members of law enforcement who developed this code, were certainly
aware of the complexities of this particular area, but the use of the word never in
relation to accepting gratuities, indicated that they felt that this was a necessary and
essential prerequisite to professional law enforcement. To be truly professional we must
first be ethical, we must do what is actually describe, not merely what we would like to be


The essence of this section is one of the most overlooked and forgotten facets of
law enforcement by the man in the field. It is this that distinguishes the difference
between law enforcement and the ordinary job. It is this that enables an officer to suffer
the difficulties and problems that make the held, at times, so frustrating and discouraging.
Police administrators would do well to place more emphasis upon the swearing-process.
It should be made very formal and similar to the initiation of many fraternal organizations.
The chief of Police should see that the recruit is not issued a badge or allowed to
put on a uniform until he is thoroughly familiar with the code of ethics and especially the
above section. He should be made to understand that he is one of a select few, and that
his job is publics trust that must be earned. The new officer should also understand that
any personal reward would not be obtained from the public itself. This is so because the
public is a difficult master, it there no to personal reward, it can only come from itself or
from knowing the true significance of the job and the essential role that in plays in society.
Perhaps the greatest reward is the self-respect and satisfaction that comes from the
knowledge that the job was done in a truly professional manner.
Proficiency in law enforcement involves many factors. It involves mental, moral
and physical conditioning. They are all-important aspects. The officer who let him selfslip physically is certainly not able to protect society. The officer who is in good physical
condition has more confidence in his ability, and those with whom he deals sense this,
and as a result he finds that it is necessary to exert authority as much as it might be
otherwise. Unfortunately, most police department requires a stiff physical agility
examination before this area is either forgotten or greatly neglected. It is left up to the
individual officer to keep himself in shape.
The Canons of Police Ethics
The following are the cannons of Police ethics:

Primordial police responsibility

Limitation of Police authority
Knowledge of the law and other responsibilities
Use of proper means to obtain proper ends.
Cooperation with public officials
Proper conduct and behavior
Conduct toward the community
Conduct in arresting law violators.
Firmness in refusing gifts or favors.
Impartial presentation of evidence
Attitude toward police profession

Primordial Police Responsibility

The primary objectives of Police is the prevention of crime, policeman knew too
well that he has committed his Life to defend and protect the rights of the citizen and
uphold the law at all cost.
Limitation of Police Authority
The primary as an upholder of the law must know its limitation upon him in
enforcing the law, thus:


a. He must be aware of the limitations which the people, through law, have
placed him
b. He must recognize the center of the democratic system of government,
which gives person, or group of persons, absolute power.
c. He must insure that he does not pervert its true character.
Knowledge of the Law and other Responsibility

The policeman shall assiduously apply himself to the principles of the laws,
which he is sworn to applied.
He will make certain of his responsibilities in the particular field of
enforcement, seeking aid of his superior in matters technically or in principles are
not clear to him
He shall make special effort to fully understand his relationship with law
enforcement agencies, particularly on matters of jurisdiction, both geographically
and substantively.
Use of proper Means to Obtain Paper Ends

The policeman shall be Mindful of his responsibility to have strict selection of

methods in discharging the duty of his office.
Violation of law or public safety and property on the part of the officer are
intrinsically wrong. They are self-defeating if they instill in the public mind and a
like disposition.
The employment of Illegal methods, no matter how worthy the end, is certain
to encourage disrespect for the law and its officers, If the law is to be honored, it
must first be honored by those who enforce it.
Cooperation with Public Officials
The policeman shall cooperate fully with other public officials in the performance
or authorized duties, regardless of party affiliation or personal prejudices.
He shall be meticulous law, however, in assuring himself of property, under the
law, such actions and shall guard against the use of his office or person whether
knowingly or in any improper or illegal action.
Proper Conduct and Behavior
The policeman shall be mindful of his special identification by the public as an
upholder of law.
Police laxity of conduct or manner in private life, expressing either disrespect for
the law or seeking to gain special prevail, cannot but reflect upon in the policeman and
the police service.
The community and the service requires that the policeman leads the life of
decent and honorable person, following the career of policeman gives no special prerequisite.
Conduct towards the Community

The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to the community

He shall deal with individuals of the community in the manner calculated to
instill respect for its law.
He shall conduct his official life in a manner that will inspire confidence
and trust.
He will be neither overbearing nor subservient, as no individual citizen has
no obligation to stand in awe of him or fight to command him.
He will do neither from personal preference or prejudice but rather a duly
appointed officer of the law discharging his sworn obligation.
Conduct in Arresting Law Violator

Policeman shall use his powers of arrest in accordance with the law and
with due regard to the rights of the citizen concerned.



He shall, at all times, have a clear appreciation of his responsibilities and

limitation regarding the detention of the accused.
He shall conduct himself in such a manner as will minimize the possibility
of having to use force.
He shall cultivate a dedication to the people and the equitable upholding of
the law whether in the handling of the accused or law-abiding citizen.
Firmness in Refusing Gifts or Favors

Policeman representing the government bears heavy responsibility of

maintaining, in his conduct, the honor and integrity of all government institution.
He shall guard against placing himself in a Position in which the public
can reasonably assume that special consideration is being given.
He shall be firm in refusing gifts, favors or gratitude, large or small, which
can be public mind, be interpreted as capable of influencing his judgment in the
discharge of his duties.
Attitude towards Police Profession
Policeman shall regard the best possible of his duties as a public trust
and recognize his responsibilities as a public servant.
He shall strive to make the best possible application of science to the
selection of the crime and in the field of human relation.
He shall strive for effecting leadership and public influence in matters
affecting public safety.
He shall appreciate the importance and responsibility of his office, and
hold police work to be an honorable profession rendering valuable service to his
Through study and experience, a police officer can acquire the high level
of knowledge and competence that is essential for the efficient and effective
performance of duty. The acquisition of knowledge is a never- ending process of
personal and professional development that should be pursued constantly.
Impartial Presentation of Evidence
Policeman shall be concerned equally in the prosecution of the accused
or for the defense of the innocent
He shall ascertain what kind of evidence and shall present such evidence
impartially and without malice.
He shall ignore social, political and all other distinction among the person
involved, strengthening the tradition of reliability and integrity of an officers word.
Professional Police Principles
The following are the professional police principles:

Prevention of crime and disorder

Cooperation of the community
Unreasonable force reduce community cooperation
Use of reasonable force when persuasion is not sufficient
Impartial enforcement of laws.
The community is the police.
Police should not usurp judicial powers.
Rules of engagement impartially observed.
Reduction of crime and dishonor.
Police discretion

Prevention of Crime and Disorder

The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder as
an alternative to the repression of crime and disorder by police force and severity of legal
Cooperation of Crime and Disorder


The police must secure the willing cooperation in the voluntary observance of the
law to be able to secure and maintain the respect and support of the community.
The ability of the police to perform their duty is dependent upon community
support of police existence, actions, behavior and the ability of the police to secure and
maintain community and respect.
Unreasonable Force Reduce Community Cooperation
A police officer will never employ unnecessary force or violence and will use only
such force in the discharge of duty as in reasonable in all circumstances.
Force should be used only with the greatest restraint and only after discussion,
negotiation and persuasion have been found to be inappropriate or ineffective. While the
use of force is occasionally unavoidable, every police officer will refrain from applying the
unnecessary infliction of pain or suffering and will never engage in cruel, degrading of
inhuman treatment of any person.
Use of Reasonable Force when Persuasion Is Sufficient
The police should use reasonable force to the extent necessary to secure
observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice
and warning is found to be insufficient to attain police objectives.
No violence or unnecessary force shall be subject to any greater restrain than is
necessary for his detention.
Impartial Enforcement of Laws
The police seek and preserve community favor, not by catering to community
opinion, but constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial enforcement of laws, without
regard to the justice and injustice of the substance of particular laws.
In short, there should be impartial enforcement of laws on all individual members
of the, society without regard to their race of social standing.
The Community is the Police
The police at all times should maintain relationship with the community that gives
really to the historic tradition that the police are the community are the police.
The police are the only members of the community who are pain to give full time
attention to maintain peace and order, which are incumbent on every citizen in the
interest of community welfare.
Police Should Not Usurp Judicial Powers
The police should always direct their actions strictly toward their functions and
never appear to usurp the powers of judiciary by averaging individuals of the state of
authoritative judging guilt of punishing the guilt.
Reduction of Crime and Disorder
The test of police efficiency is the reduction of crime and disorder until totally
eradicated, not by evidence of police present and action in dealing with the community.
Rules of Enforcement Impartially Observed

Policemen engaged in anti-crime operation always consider the safety and

security of who might be caught in the crossfire or arm encounters.
The use of force including firearms is justifiable only by virtue of the Doctrine
of self-defense and Defense of a Stranger. Nobody, including the policeman and
other law enforcement authorities is above the law.
The use of force, especially firearms, should be applied only as a last resort,
when all other peaceful and non-violent means has been exhausted.
The use of force, especially firearms, should be confined only in the lawless
elements and the responding PNP unit. This is inherent in the police service in
which the profession, the armaments and safety life of every PNP members are
dedicated to the protection and safety of the people.


Police Discretion
A police officer will use responsibly the discretion vested in the position and
exercise if within the law. The principle of reasonableness will guide the officers
determinations and the officer will consider all surrounding circumstances whether any
legal action shall be taken.
Consistent and wise use of discretion, based on professional policing
competence, will do much to preserve good relationship and retain the confidence of the
public. There can be difficulty in choosing between conflicting courses of action. It is
important to remember that a timely word of advice rather than arrest (in appropriate
circumstances) is a more effective means of achieving a desired end.
The PNP Core Values
The police service is noble and professional. Hence, it demands from its
members a specialized knowledge, skill and high standard ethics and morality.
In this regard, the member of the Philippine National Police must adhere to and
internalize the enduring core values of the PNP.

Love of God.
Respect for authority.
Respect for women
Respect for sanctity of marriage.
Stewardship over material things
Responsible dominion

The Police Officers Pledge

I will love and serve God, my country and people.
I will uphold the Constitution and obey legal orders of duly constituted authorities.
I will oblige myself to maintain high standard of morality.
I will respect the customs and traditions of the police service.
I will live a decent and virtuous Life to serve as an example.
The Police Officers Creed
1. I believe in God, the Supreme Being and Great provider, the Creator of all men
and everything dear to me.
In return, I can do less than love Him above all, seek His guidance in the
performance of my duties and honor Him at all times.
2. I believe that respect for authority is a duty
a. I believe and uphold the Constitution, the laws of the land and the applicable
rules and regulations.
b. I recognize the legitimacy and authority of the leadership, and follow and
obey legal orders of my superior officers.
3. I believe in selfless love and service to people.
Toward this end, I commit myself to the service of my fellowmen over and above
my personal convenience.
4. I believe in the sanctity of marriage and the respect for women.
a. I shall set the example of decency and morality.
b. I shall have high regard for family life and chastity.
5. I believe in responsible dominion and stewardship over material things.
a. I shall inhibit myself from ostentatious display of my property.
b. I shall protect the environment and conserve nature to maintain ecological
c. I shall not intrigue, gossip or make unverified statement concerning personal
character of conduct, which will discredit another member of the PNP.



The Police Code of Covenant

I shall recognize and will always be conscious of the fact that the police service is
an honorable calling, thus compelling me to set the example by strictly adhering to the
provision of the code of professional conduct and ethical standards.
I bind myself to promote and enhance the noble ideas and aspiration of code of
my personal and professional life and ensure that its tenants shall be honored at all
This is my personal covenant.
The Policemans Prayer
Lord god almighty, grant us that we may this day and every day over all
temptation especially to injustice and disloyalty and with our minds inflamed by your holy
spirit. Performed all our duties in such a manner that as maybe pleasing to your divine
will so that when call to report for the last time, we may not be found wanting. Amen.
The Filipino Policeman
A Filipino policeman is a protector and a friend of the people. His badge is the
symbol of the citizens faith and trust, his uniform a mirror of decorum and integrity and
his whole human person an oblation of enduring love for homeland, fellowmen and god.
A Filipino policeman emulates the valor of Lapu Lapu, serenity of Rizal, the
leadership of Aguinaldo, the courage of Bonifacio, the idealism of Del pilar, the wisdom of
Mabini and the fortitude of Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora.
A Filipino policeman has an oath for his republic to uphold: to defend the
constitution, honor the flag, obey the laws and duly constituted authorities. He has
covenant with his people to comply: to safeguard and protect them even beyond the call
of duty. And he has a legacy for his family to fulfill: to bequeath unto them the one and
only treasure of his life - an embellished name.
The Police Professional Conduct
All members of the PNP shall observe the following professional police conduct:
Commitment of Democracy: Uniform PNP members shall commit themselves
to the democratic way of life and value and maintain the principles of public
Public office is a public trust. Public officer must at all times be accountable to
the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, act with
patriotism and justice, and leas modest lives. They shall at all times uphold the
constitution and be loyal to our country, people and organization above loyalty to any
persons or organization.
Commitment to Public Interest: PNP members shall always uphold public
interest over and above personal interest. All government properties, resources and
powers of their respective offices must be employed and used effectively, honestly and
efficiency, particularly to avoid wastage of public fund and revenues.
Non-Partisanship: PNP members shall provide service to everyone without
discrimination regardless of Party affiliation in accordance with existing laws and


PNP Conduct during Labor Dispute:
The involvement of PNP during strike, lockout, and labor dispute in general shall
limited to the maintenance of peace and order, enforcement of laws and legal Orders of
duly contributed authorities.
Physical Fitness and Health: All PNP members shall strive to be physically fit
and in good health at all times. Towards this end, they shall undergo regular exercise and
annual medical examination in any PNP hospital or medical facility.
Secrecy Discipline: All PNP Members shall guard the confidentiality of classified
information against unauthorized disclosure. This includes confidential aspect of official
business special orders, communication and other documents, roster or any portion
thereof of the PNP, contents of criminal records, identities of person who may have given
information to the police in confidence and other classified information on intelligence
Social Awareness: All PNP members shall be actively involved in civic,
religious, and other social activities with the end purpose of increasing social awareness.
Proper Care and Use of Public Property: All PNP members shall be
responsible for the security, proper care and use of Public property issued to them and/or
deposit under their care and custody, unauthorized used of Public property for personal
convenience of gain and that of their family, friends, relatives is strictly prohibited.
Non-Solicitation of Patronage: All PNP members seeking self-improvement
through career development and shall not directly or indirectly solicit influence or
recommendation from politician, high ranking government officials, prominent citizens,
persons affiliated with civic or religious organization with regard to their assignment,
promotion, transfer or related advantage.
Respect for Human Rights: In the performance of duty, PNP members shall
respect human dignity and uphold human rights of all persons. Every police officer shall
not inflict, investigate, or tolerate extra judicial killing, arbitrary arrest, any act of torture or
other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and Punishment. Every members of the
PNP shall not invoke superior order or exceptional circumstances such as state of war, a
threat to national security, internal political instability or any committing such human
Devotion to Duty: All PNP members shall perform their duties with dedication,
efficiency enthusiasm, determination and manifest concerned for public welfare. He shall
refrain from engaging in any activity, which shall in conflict with their duties as Public
servant. He shall not reign sickness or injury or physical incapacity to avoid performance
of duty. He shall not leave his assigned jurisdiction of official business, except by
permission of his superior officer or other competent authority, unless such permission is
not practical as in pursuit of a criminal, in which case a report must be made immediately
Conservation of Natural Resources: All members of the PNP shall help in the
development and conservation of our natural resources for ecological balance and
posterity. The natural resources are considered inalienable heritage of our people.
Discipline: PNP policemen shall conduct themselves at all times in keeping with
the rules and regulation of the organization. All policemen at all levels shall adhere to the
eight tenets of discipline, which include the following:
Loyalty: PNP members must be loyal to the constitution and the police service
as manifested by their loyalty to the superior, peers and subordinates as well.
Obedience to Superior: PNP members shall obey lawful orders and to be
courteous to superior officers and other appropriate authorities within the chain of
command. No members shall use abusive, insulting or indecent language to another
member. 10


Command Responsibility: In accordance with the Doctrine of Command
Responsibility, immediate commanders shall be responsible for the effective supervision,
control and direction of their personnel. He shall see to it that all government resource
with laws and regulations and safeguards against losses through illegal of improper
The Police Ethical Standards
Morality: All PNP members shall adhere to high standards of morality and
decency and shall set good example for others to follow.
Judicious use of Authority: All PNP members shall be permitted to apply for
search warrant for any evidence of assault against himself without reporting the case in
writing to his superior officer and Obtaining from his permission to apply for such warrant.
Justice: PNP members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of other so
that they can fulfill their duties and exercise their rights as human beings, parents,
children, citizens workers, leaders, of in other capacities and to see to ensure that others
do likewise.
Humility: All PNP members shall recognize the fact that they are public servants
and not the master of the people and toward this end, they should perform their duties
without arrogance.
Orderliness: All PNP shall follow logical procedure in accomplishing task
assigned to them to minimize waste in the use of time, money and efforts.
Perseverance: Once a decision is made all PNP members shall take legitimate
means to achieve the goal even in the face of internal or external difficulties, and despite
of anything which might weaken their resolve in the course of time.
Integrity: PNP members shall not allow themselves to be victims of corruption
and dishonest practices in accordance with the provision of existing laws on corrupt
PNP Image
The image of any organization affects the esprit de corps, morale and welfare of
members and sense of pride to the organization. In view thereof, all members of the
PNP should conduct themselves in manner that would not place the PNP core values in
vain and possess the following virtue: Honor, Integrity, Valor, Justice, Honesty, Humility,
Charity, Loyalty to the service,
Career Management the Key In Professionalism
The improper implementation of career management greatly these prejudice the
personnel professionalization process as regards to procurement, promotion, all
assignment, placement, training awards, and retirement.
To address this issue, and PNP shall formulate stringent policy and strictly
implement the human resources development system, compatible to the equitable
distribution of procurement, fair promotion, rationalizes approach in assignment, skill
development, immediate grant of reward and award, decent living upon retirement.
Police Management Leadership
The effectiveness of the law enforcement is reflective of law enforcement is
reflective of the managerial capabilities and competent leadership of men and women
who run the PNP organization. It is therefore a must that this attribute be the primary
basis for consideration in the selection of personnel for employment purpose.
Equality in the Service 11


There shall be judicious equitable distribution of opportunity to prove ones worth
in the police service. The problem on inequality through class orientation and
factionalism, both real and perceived, precise on favored assignment, inequitable
opportunity, of training, unfair granting of promotion, and untimely awarding of
achievements will create an atmosphere of demoralization.
The result is inefficiency and lack of teamwork to the detriment of organization. It
behooves therefore on the PNP leadership to address the situation. The civilian character
requires the adherence to the rule on merit and fitness system and to dissociate to the
above process from class orientation and factionalism.
Police Lifestyle
The PNP shall endeavor to promote lifestyle for every member of the
organization that is acceptable and respectable in the eyes of the public. Further, its
members should set example to the subordinate and follow good example from the
Police officers will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to their
agencies or themselves. A police officers character and conduct while off duty must
always be exemplary, thus maintaining a position of respect in the community, in which
he or she lives and serves. The officers personal behavior must be beyond repute. They
must be free from greed, corruption and exploitation.
The public expects a police officer to live a simple, yet credible and dignified life.
In consonance with the requirements o honor and integrity in the PNP, all
members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the timehonored principles of delicadeza. All members shall promptly discharge all debts and
legal liabilities incurred by them.
Political Patronage
All PNP members must inhibit themselves from soliciting political patronage in
matters pertaining to assignment, awards, training and promotion.
Human Rights
All PNP members must respect and protect human dignity and mens inalienable
rights to life, liberty and prosperity.
Right to Life includes the right to live, free from social damages against life or
limb, or free from unjustified control. Thus,
Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense has the right to
inform of his right remains silent and have competent and independent counsel
of his own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must
be provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the
presence of counsel.
No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any other means, which vitiate
the free will, shall be used against him.
Any confession of admission obtained in violation of due process shall be
inadmissible in evidence against him.
The law shall provide for penal and civil sanction for violations of this section as
well as compensation to and rehabilitation of victims of torture or similar
practices, and their families. (Art, III, Section 12 of 1987 Constitution)
The Right to Liberty includes the right to determine ones mode of life with due
respect to the rights of others. Liberty, so it is said, consists largely of freedom arbitrary
physical restrain. Thus,
No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, of the
press, of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the
government for redness of grievances. (Art. III Sec. 4 of 1987 Constitution) 12


The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits prescribed by law
shall not be impaired except upon the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of
national security, public safety or public health, as any provided by law. (Art. III Sec.6 of
1987 Constitution)
The Right in Property includes the right to acquire, hold, enjoy, possess and
manage property or to dispose the same accordingly as well as to devote the same to
legitimate use. Thus,
The right of the people to be secured in their person, houses, papers, and effects
against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant of arrest shall be issued
except upon probable cause to be determine personally by the judge after
examination under oath of affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses be
may produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the
person or thing to be seized. (Art.III, Sec. 2 of 1987 Constitution)
The PNP adopts the generally acceptable customs and traditions base on the
desirable practices of the police. These shall serve as inspiration as the PNP endeavor
to attain its goals and objectives.
A. Custom on Courtesy
Courtesy is a manifestation or expression of consideration and respect on others.

Salute It is the usual greeting rendered by uniformed

members upon and recognizing person entitled to salute.
Salute to National Color and Standard
PNP members stand at attention and salute the national color and
standard as it pass by them or when the national color is raised or lowered during


Address/Title - junior in rank address senior members

who are entitled to salute with the word Sir


Courtesy Calls - The following are the customs on

courtesy calls:

Courtesy call of newly assigned/ appointed members -PNP members

who are newly appointed or assigned in a unit or command, call on the
Chief of the Unit or command and to other key personnel for accounting,
orientation and other purposes.
New years call - PNP members pay a new years call on their
commanders and /or key official in their respective areas of responsibility.
Promotion Call Newly promoted PNP members call on their unit head.
On this occasion, they are usually given during recognition and
congratulations by their peers for such deserved accomplished
Exit Call - PNP members pays an exit call on their superiors in the unit
or command when relieve or reassigned out of the said unit or command.


Courtesy of the Post - The host unit extend hospitality

to visiting personnel who pay respect to the command or unit.
Rank has its own Privilege - PNP members
recognize the practice that different rank carry with them corresponding privilege.
B. Custom on Ceremonies 13


Ceremony is a formal act or set of formal acts established by custom or authority
as proper to special occasion.
1. Flag Raising Ceremony - PNP members honor the flag by raising it and singing
the National Anthem before the start of the official days work for the week.
2. Flag Retreat Ceremony - At the end of the Official days work to PNP members
pause for a moment to salute the lowering of the flag.
3. HalfMast - The flag is raised at half mast in difference to deceased uniform /
civilian member of the command.
4. Funeral Service and Honor - Departed uniformed members, retires, war
veterans are given vigil, necrological services and graveside honor as a gesture
of farewell.
5. Ceremony rendered to Retirees - In recognition of their long, faithful and
honorable service to the PNP, a testimonial activity is tendered in their honor.
6. Honor Ceremony - Arrival and departure honor ceremonies are tendered to
visiting dignitaries, VIPs PNP officers of equivalent grade.
7. Turn Over Ceremony - The relinquishment and assumption of command key
position is publicly announced in a Turn Over Ceremony by the incoming
outgoing officers in the presence of the immediate superior or his representative
and key officials.
8. Wedding Ceremony - During marriage of PNP members, a ceremony is
conducted with participants in uniform and sworn drawn.
9. Anniversary - The birth or institutional establishment of a command or unit is
commemorated in a Anniversary Ceremony
C. Custom and Social Decorum
Customs on Social Decorum are set of norms and standards practiced by
members during social and other functions. The following are police customs and social

Proper Attire - PNP members always wear appropriate and proper attire in
conformity with the occasion.
Table Manner - PNP members observe table etiquette at all times.
Social Graces - PNP members conduct themselves properly in dealing with
the people during social functions.
Uniform/ Appearance - The public looks upon PNP members as
distinctively decent when PNP members wear their uniforms properly wherever
they may be. Since disciplined PNP members are best exemplified by those
whose are neat in appearance and wearing the prescribed uniform, they must
therefore observe the following:


Wearing the prescribed uniform

Wearing as part of the uniform, awards and decorations earned in
accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations
Adherence to haircut prescribed by rules and regulations.

Manner of Walking - Every PNP members is expected to walk with pride

and dignity.

D. Other Police Customs


Visiting the Sick - PNP members who are in the hospital , their residence or
anyplace of confinement are visited by their immediate commanders or other
available officers of the unit in order that their needs are attended.
Survivor Assistance to Heirs of Deceased Members - When PNP members
die, a Survivor officer is designated to render maximum assistance to their
legitimate bereaved gears until all benefits due shall have been received.
Visiting a Religious Leaders - PNP members/ officers visiting a religious leader
in their area of assignment to establish or maintain rapport and cooperation
between the different religious leaders and PNP.
Athletics - All PNP members must undergo in physical fitness activities to insure
their proper physical appearance and bearing are maintain with the waist line 14




measurement always smaller than the size of his chest and in conformity with the
standard set forth by the organization.
Happy Hours - Usually Fridays or on any other day suitable for the occasion,
PNP members gather a PNP Clubhouse for a high hearted jesting or airing of
minor gripes.

Tradition is a body of belief, stories, customs and usages handed down from
generation to generation with the effect of an unwritten law.
The following are police traditions.
1. Spiritual Beliefs - PNP members are traditionally religious and god loving
person. They attend religious service together with their family.
2. Valor - History attests that Filipino law-enforcers have exemplified the tradition of
valor in defending the country from aggression and oppression. They sacrifice
their limbs and lives for their countrymen they are pledged to serve.
3. Discipline - The discipline of PNP members manifested by instinctive obedience
to lawful orders and through and spontaneous actions within the bounds of
ethical and legal norms.
4. Gentleman - PNP members are upright in character, polite in manners, dignified
in appearance, and sincere in their concern or their fellowmen.
5. Word of Honor - PNP members word is their hand; they stand by and commit to
uphold it. PNP members have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated
public servants who perform their duty with deep sense of responsibility and self
6. Loyalty - Police are traditionally loyal to the organization country people as
borne out by history and practice.
7. Camaraderie The binding spirit that enhance teamwork and cooperation in the
police organization, extending to the people they serve, is manifested by the PNP
members deep commitment and concern for one another.
Basic Terms
Police - Is a group persons established, maintained and organized for keeping
order, safety, protection of lives and properties and for prevention and detection of
Community - Refers to the civilian populace in cities, municipalities or Public in
general, and shall used interchangeably with public, citizenry, society, or private sector.
Police Ideal - Is the expected essence of perfection, sympathetic, courteous
intelligent, honest, and in control of his emotions and temper, at all times. It is also
includes courage and highest sense of dedication to duty.
Personal Media - Implies the use of rallies, meetings, speeches and house to
house visits to the community.
Barangay - Is the basic political unit of the Filipino nation that implements the
policies of the national and local governments.
Propaganda It is a well-planned use of Public or mass communication for
public purpose.
Police Community Relation - Is the sum total of dealings between the police
and the people it serve and whose goodwill and cooperation it craves for the greatest
possible efficiency in the service.
The Basis of Police Community Relation 15


1. The primary object of an efficient police officer is the prevention of crime; the rest,
that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To this ends all
the efforts of the police must be directed.
2. The protection of life and properties, the preservation of Public tranquility, and the
absence of crime will prove whether those efforts have been successful, and
whether the objects for which the police were appointed have been maintained.
3. Every member of the police force must remember that his duty is to protect and help
members of the community, no less than to apprehend guilty persons.
4. Consequently, while prompt to prevent crime and arrest criminals, he must consider
himself as a servant and guardian of the community and treat all law- abiding
citizens, irrespective of their social position with unfailing patience and courtesy.
5. The police officer in this way, secures the object he has planned is a more useful
police officer than his comrade who relying too much on the assertion to his
authority, runs the risk of seeing that authority challenged, and possibly, for the time
being, overborne.
6. If persuasion proves unavailing, a resort to force may become necessary, as it is
imperative that a police officer on being required to take actions shall act with the
firmness necessary to render his action effective.
Principles of Community Relation
Every member of the PNP shall adhere to the following principles of police
community relations:
Community Support must be maintained
a. Every police shall be worthy of the public high trust by doing his job and leaving
nothing through carelessness.
b. He shall make himself available and be willing to serve everyone.
Community Resentment Must be avoided
a. Every policeman shall have in mind the interest of the public
b. He shall develop friendly relations by his good conduct.
c. He shall avoid any occasion to humiliate, embarrass annoy or inconvenience
Community Goodwill Must be developed
A police should be courteous, fair and quick to assist individuals in the solution of
their problems.
Community Must Kept Informed
The police should inform the community of the regulations and policies of the
police force and the reasons of their adoption.
Objectives of Police Community Relation
The following are the main objectives of Police Community Relation from the
viewpoint of Law enforcement and community safety.
1. To maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence of the community for the
2. To obtain cooperation and assistance.
3. To develop public understanding, and support and appreciation for the service of
the police.
4. To create broader understanding and sympathy with the problems and needs of
the public.
5. To facilitate law enforcement and compliance.
6. To build public opinion in favor of the Police
7. To achieve the Police purpose or preserving the peace, protection of life and
property, and the prevention of crime.
Reviving the ideas of The peoples police 16


It is a basic notion on which modern, urban police departments were founded.
Needs for police service must be determined on the basis of ongoing communication
between the people and the police.
A more reasoned for Police work.
Police officers usually operate with a repertoire of responses determined by
penal codes, municipal ordinances, and demands of the often-recurrent types of
situations and emergencies with which they deal. The police-community relations
concept encourages police to deal with complex problems in complex ways, going
beyond traditional constraints and procedures where necessary.
A deeper more comprehensives interest in human life.
To some, this phrase may sound sentimental, and to others, unnecessary,
because many effective police officers now operate with humanity and compassion. Still
many police officers do not find it improper to adopt cynical attitudes toward human life.
The police-community relations approach by contrast, stress police are both entitled and
required to take an Interest in and help to resolve human problems.
An acceptance that relations is a process not a product.
It is vital, ongoing, and constantly changing. It requires mutual respect and
mutual exchange and cannot compartmentalized if it is to be effective.
Types of Police Community Relations
The basic ingredients in the effective observance of police community relation
include the following
A. Public Information Program
It is designed to bridge any communication gap between the police and public.
Every PNP unit is expected to conduct and develop a good workable public
information program and this is the basic among the first four programs of community
B. Public Relation Program
It is designed to maintain harmony and mutual support between the police and
the community.
Every PNP unit from station levels to higher levels shall have a Public Relations
Officer to look after the Public relation aspects of Police work. The mission of Public
Relation Officer is to gain public support for police policies and to win citizens
cooperations in the program and procedure of the police station in order to facilitate the
accomplishment police task.
C. Civic Action Program
It is designed to maintain and encourage community development
The Civic Action Program an activity that makes the policeman a friend and
partner of the people for progress as well as their defender. It can range upward from
basic individual act of courtesy of self-help, up to major engineering projects. The Civic
Action Program shall be concerned with Public welfare consistent with law enforcement
As a law enforcer, he should also be involved in the development and promotion
of program and projects that would enhance the public image of the police not only as the
guarding of the peace but also initiator of meaningful activities on promoting the social
and economic interest of the community.
D. Psychological Program
It is designed to condition both friendly and hostile public thereby insuring
facilitating the attainment of police objectives. 17


This program is designed to influence the opinions, emotions attitude and
behavior of the community so that they will behave in a manner beneficial to the police
particularly the PNP in general, either directly or indirectly.
Police Information and Education
Are communication activities utilizing the various forms of media geared towards
creating consciousness and awareness among target audience on facts and issues vital
to the development of an efficient, respected, and supported police force.
Two major components
1. Community Information
Community Information (CI) are activities utilizing the various forms of media
directed towards the public at large designed to increase their consciousness and
Knowledge of facts and issues for purpose of enhancing law enforcement, counter
insurgency and crime prevention efforts, increasing crime solution efficiency to include
weakening of the will of the Criminal elements and insurgents and enlightening other
groups of individual Critical to the government in general and the police organization in
2. Institutional Information
Institutional Information (II) are activities utilizing the various forms of Media
directed towards the public at large designed to generate trust, confidence and popular
support for the PNP or simply enhancing public perception and knowledge about the PNP
as an institution of the government.
Police Community Affairs
Are activities outside law enforcement but which necessitates PNP support and
or participation, the end result of which ultimately contribute to better appreciation and an
enhanced support to the PNP in whole in part by the populace.
Three major sub-components
1. Community Assistance and Development
Community Assistance and Development (CAD) are activities outside the field of
the law enforcement under taken upon the initiative of PNP unit of personnel for the
purpose of enhancing life as a means of drawing the support, appreciation and support of
the public to wards the PNP.
Skills, Livelihood, Coop. Development.
Sports, socio cultural development.
Medical, Dental Outreach Services.
Tree Planting.
2. Community Inter-Relations
Community Inter Relations (CIR) are activities outside the filed of Law
enforcement under taken upon the initiative of other government agencies, non
governmental organization, and or individual citizens whereby a PNP unit or personnel
actively contributes time, money and or service as a means of drawing the support,
appreciation, and cooperation of the public towards the PNP in whole in or part.
3. Community Organization and Mobilization
Community Organization and Mobilization (COM) are activities revolving around
the accreditation of existing groups or creation of new ones with the end in view of having
allies within various sectors in the community who could be tapped to assist in the
conduct of law services, community works and the like.
Comprehensive PCR Plans
The two major components of the plan are INTERNAL REFORM and GAINING
OF INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT. Both aims to improve the image of the PNP and reassure the general public that they can depend on the PNP to be their protector and
guardian in order to hasten and facilitate community mobilization for Anti-crime efforts. 18



Internal Reform and Gaining Support

Net Working Operations
The following institutions shall be the priority target:
Congress being the law making body is one of the vital governmental institutions
that can support the PNP. The PNP must master enough support from Congress so that
laws needed to enhance its capabilities to safeguard peace and order of the community
and ensure public safety as well as laws on organizational development and
modernization maybe enacted.
Liaison Office
Organization Level Liaison: The Directorate for PCR. Shall maintain a liaison
office with Congress whose main task is monitor, get the pulse, actively interact and
possibly influence lawmakers on matters affecting the PNP. Since relationship with this
institution must be symbiotic then this office shall also be responsible in giving general,
special, technical assistance to Congress as pertains to the PNP.
Top Hierarchy Level Liaison: Top leadership of the command shall conduct
regular FACE to FACE dialogues with key members of the Congress as well as different
Congressional Committees handling PNP affairs in order to present for their appreciation
and support on matters affecting the PNP.
Special Individual Liaison: Monitoring and Assessment activities and Special
Activities of general liaison.
The Media
The media is unquestionably most powerful instrument in forming public opinion.
There is a need to generate support from this institution. Specific activities to be taken
with respect to this institution includes:

Development of guidelines on Media PNP relation ship. In brief this guidelines

shall from the basis of the PNP as an organization as well as of its individual
personnel dealing with the media.
Providing timely and accurate information through press releases, regular
conference, daily bulletins, and attendance to talk show and similar programs.
Giving the media reasonable accessibility to source of information in accordance
with the existing security regulations.
Improvement of rapport with media through non- law enforcement activities such
as sports, outing parties and the like.
Giving of special awards by the PNP to deserving media personalities.

The Church
The opinion of church leaders carries much weight among the religious. It need
not underscored that a pastoral letter read through out the country carry great impact.
Liaison with important church personalities.
Monitoring and assessment
Special activities
The Students and the School
Another big and important institution of society whose support, sympathy and
empathy when properly exploited will provide the PNP a potent ally is the school and the
Effective liaison with key school authorities
Monitoring and assessment 19



Involved and support in different school activities such drug education program,
crime prevention program, immunization and vaccination program, organization
of Junior Police, and medical or dental out reach program in coordination with

The Non-Government Organizations

This is another institution target that play a vital role in enhancing the PNP image.
They are composed of society of people having common rights and privileges, common
interest and aspirations formally organized but at times most determinative of the
outcome of an issue.
Identification/assessment of existing NGO.
Liaison with the NGO.
Mobilization of NGO in support of PNP programs and projects.
Public Information and Propaganda Operations
On Internal Security
There shall be intensified information on evils of the ideology and actual terrorist
operations through regular issuance of Press releases. The editors of columnist and
enhanced utilization of the tri-media to write, print, and broadcast.
On Crime Prevention and law Enforcement
There shall be sustained information drive on how the public can reach public
assistance and the utilization of the tri-media on modus operandi safety and the like.
On Public Safety
Intensified information drive on pre disaster preparedness.
Support information drive on how to get government assistance when affected by
calamity or disaster.
Intensified information campaign to generate awareness and sympathy for the
victims of calamities and disasters with the aim of gaining relief and other support
to them.
Conducting Internal Reforms
1. Continuous Values Orientation and Skill Development of Personnel

Intensification of police education and values orientation;

Internalization of the Code of Ethics and Professional Standard of the PNP,
moral and spiritual values and basic courtesies relative to Law Enforcement.

2. Unrelenting clean up of the organization of misfits, criminal elements, and

leaders with low potential. Entails the continuous investigation, suspension or
dismissed of misguided and erring police level at all level. More on OPLAN
3. Unrelenting effort to brighten up the physical appearance of the PNP facilities
and vehicle. Sprucing up of all police station or offices to create a public friendly
atmosphere therein and the exercise of proper care.
It is a program designed to make the public aware of what the agency is doing, why is
it doing, and how it contributes to the welfare of the community.
Types of Public Relation
1. Public Awareness Programs - familiarizing the public with the nature the true
nature of police operations.
2. Informational Programs - providing the public with information, which is directly
related to the interest and
needs of the community.
3. Image Building Programs - promoting programs, which are designated to create
a more favorable public image of the police. 20



The Public Awareness Programs

MOBILE VANS - Certain variety of display and exhibit of police equipment, which
help to explain to the public, what the police do and how they do it.
DISPLAYS AND EXHIBITS - Set up in department stores, shopping centers, and
other public locations are a popular way in which the police can bring their messages to
the public.
INFORMATIVE MATERIALS - Distribution of pamphlets or brochures, which are
designed to explain their services to the public.
OPEN HOUSE - Conducted during certain times of the year such as police week,
or law observance week, public tours of facility.
PUBLIC SPEAKERS - Provide speakers for various types of public gatherings
such as civic clubs, businessmen, associations and social groups.
RIDE ALONG - Permits number of the community, to ride in a police car with an
officer and observed field operations.
The Informational Programs
NEW ARRIVALS - Making some members of the community feel at home in their
new surroundings.
TRAFFIC ADVISORY REPORTS - Coordinate with the media in announcing
important traffic matters such as road accidents, highway construction and traffic
INFORMATIONAL BUREAUS - Information about such things as renewal of
drivers license, payments of utility bills, availability of legal services and other items.
INFORMATIONAL BROCHURES - Provide the public with booklets, pamphlets,
and other types of publications, which contain information of community interest.
The Image Building Programs

Citizens awards
Police Color Guard
Police Citizens Luncheons
Operational Handshake
Recruit Visitation Programs
Community Events
Gifts Packages 21

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