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1 Diagram 2.1 shows two different structures of compound X.

Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan dua struktur yang berlainan bagi sebatian


2.1 /
Rajah 2.1

Label structure S and T

Label struktur S dan T
[1 mark]


State what compound X is .

Nyatakan apakah sebatian X.

[1 mark]
State the monomer of the structures shown in diagram 2.1.
iii) Nyatkan monomer bagi struktur di dalam Rajah 2.1

[1 mark]
b) A patients pancreatic cells have been found to be unable to
produce a compound X that has structure T. Explain the effect
of this to his digestive system.

Sel pankreas seorang pesakit didapati gagal untuk

menghasilkan sebatian X yang mempunyai struktur S.
Terangkan kesannya kepada sistem penghadaman pesakit ini.

.[2 marks]
2 Diagram 3.1 shows the formation of triglyceride.
Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan pembentukan trigliserida

Diagram 3.1 /Rajah 3.1


Name P and Q,
Namakan P dan Q.
P : ...............................................................................................
[2 marks]


In Table 1, state the number of molecules for P and Q.

Dalam Jadual 1, nyatakan bilangan molekul bagi P dan Q.
Type of molecule
Jenis molekul

Number of molekul
Bilangan molekul

Table 1 / Jadual 1
[2 marks]


Name process X.
Namakan process X.

[1 mark]
Explain process X.

[2 marks]
c) Triglyceride is a type of lipid.
State one function of triglyceride in human.
Trigliserida adalah sejenis lipid.
Ntayakan satu fungsi trigliserida dalam manusia.

[1 mark]

Diagram 3.2 shows a cross-section of an artery in an individual

who practices an unhealthy eating habit.
Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan satu keratan rentas arteri seseorang
individu yang mengamalkan tabiat pemakanan yang tidak

3.2 /
Rajah 3.2
Explain the effect of the unhealthy eating habit to his health.
Terangkan kesan tabiat pemakanan yang tidak sihat terhadap
Effect: .........................................................................................
Explanation /
Penerangan .................................................................................
[3 marks]

Suggest one practice to avoid the formation of S deposited in

the artery.
Cadangkan satu amalan untuk mengelakkan pembentukan
enapan S dalam arteri.

[1 mark]

Organic compounds in the cell, such as nucleic acid, control

activity of the cell. There are two type of nucleic acid :
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)
Sebatian organic di dalam sel seperti asid nukleik,mengawal
aktiviti sesuatu sel. Terdapat dua jenis asid nukleik : asid
deoksiribonukleik (DNA) dan asid ribonukleik (RNA)
a) Describe the structure of nucleic acid.
Jelaskan struktur asid nukleik.
[10 marks]

There are two important groups of compounds in cells, the

organic compounds and the inorganic compounds. The organic
compounds are protein, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids.
Describe the presence and importance of organic compounds,
such as carbohydrates and proteins in cells.
Sebatian organik dan sebatian bukan organik adalah dua
kumpulan sebatian yang penting kepada sel. Sebatian organik
seperti protein, nukleik asid, karbohidrat dan lipid. Huraikan
kehadiran dan kepentingan sebatian seperti protein dan
karbohidrat di dalam sel.
[10 marks]

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