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Ch. 1
1. In the first chapter the Finch family is introduced, as well as some of their neighbors. Make
point form notes listing all the important information you have learned about the following:
Atticus, Jem, Scout, Calpurnia, and Dill.
2. Mention five things about Boo Radley, beginning with the mischief he got into with the wild
gang of boys.
3. Atticus said no it wasnt that sort of thing, that there were ther ways of turning people into
ghosts(11). What did Atticus mean by this remark?
Ch. 2
1. What were the reasons for Miss. Caroline Fishers difficulties on the first day of school?
What can be said in her defense?
Ch. 3.
1. You learned a lot about the Ewells in this chapter, and you already knew a lot about the
Cunninghams. In your notebook, make two columns with these names at the top. List as many
facts as you can about each family.
2. On page 30, Atticus says, You never really understand a person until you consider things
from his point of view ... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. What does he
mean and why is it important?
Ch. 4.
1. Why was Scout afraid to play the Boo Radley game?
2. What do you learn about Mrs. Dubose and about the Radleys?
3. When Scout and her tire bumped up against the Radley house, what did she hear? How
does this create suspense?
Ch 5.
1. But while no one with a grain of sense trusted Miss. Stephanie, Jem and I had considerable
faith in Miss. Maudie. (44) What is there in the characters of each of these ladies to justify the
childrens attitudes?
2. Scout said, Dill Harris could tell the biggest ones I ever heard. What does this reveal
about Dills character? Why do you think Dill does this?
1. Although Atticus is a stern disciplinarian, the children are essentially happy about his

discipline. Why?
2. It was then I suppose that Jem and I first started to part company.(56) what has brought
Scout to this realization? How did she feel about it?

Ch. 7
1. What did Jem tell Scout about that night? How did he feel about these events?
2. He stood there until nightfall, and I waited for him. When we went in the house I saw he
had been crying;. What events have led Jem to cry? What does this tell you about his
Ch. 8
1. Looks like all of Maycomb was out tonight, in one way or another.(71-72) To what events
is Atticus referring and why are they important to the novel?
1. ...every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This ones
mine I guess.(76) What case has Atticus taken on and what reasons did he give for taking it?
2. Describe what happened between Francis and Scout, including the reason for the argument
and the results of it.
3. When Atticus says, I hope and pray I can get Jem and Scout through it without bitterness, and
most of all, without catching Maycombs usual disease(88) what does he mean?
Ch. 10
1. Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird (90) ?
2. Atticus is real old, but I wouldnt care if he couldnt do anything - I wouldnt care if he
couldnt do a blessed thing.(99) Explain why and how Jems opinion of his father has changed.
Ch. 11
1. Atticus tells Jem, I wanted you to see what real courage is. Explain Atticus definition of
courage. Do you agree that Mrs. Dubose was brave? Explain.
Ch. 12
1. Describe the prejudice experienced by the children in this chapter.
2. Rev. Sykes says, Helens finding it hard to get work these days.(123) Explain why.
Ch. 13
1. List five things we have learned about Aunt Alexandra.
Ch. 14

1. Atticus says, We still need Cal as much as ever. (137) List the details of her contributions
to the family.
2. Most readers find Dill amusing and yet feel sorry for him. Explain why this is so.
Ch. 15
1.Describe the incident at the jail.
2. In view of what you know about attitudes in the South at the time of the novel, why would it
take a great deal of courage for Atticus to face the crowd in front of the jail?
Ch. 16
1. Atticus tells Jem, Mr. Cunningham was part of a mob last night, but he was still a man.
(157) Explain what this means.
2. The court appointed Atticus to defend him. Atticus aimed to defend him. Thats what they
didnt like about it. It was confusing. (163) Explain what Scout does not understand.
1. Why was Atticus particularly pleased by Heck Tates testimony?(167-168)
2. Examine Atticus questioning of Bob Ewell and try to explain the psychology Atticus used.
Ch. 18
1. Somehow Atticus had hit her hard in a way that was not clear to me, but it gave him no
pleasure to do so.(188) Explain both parts of this sentence.
Ch. 19
1. How did Tom Robinsons version of the events of Nov. 21st differ from Mayellas?
2. The witness realized his mistake and shifted uncomfortably in the chair. But the damage
was done.(197) What was Toms mistake and how has he damaged his chances for acquittal?
3. You arent thin-hided, it just makes you sick.(199) What does Dolphus Raymond mean
by this statement?
Ch. 20
1. Find evidence to show that Dolphus Raymond is kind and that he understands human nature.
2. Summarize Atticus defense of Tom Robinson.
Ch. 21
1. Explain why the Negroes all stood when Atticus left the courtroom.
Ch. 22
1.It was Jems turn to cry.(212) Why?

2. Miss. Maudie tells Jem, There are some men in this world who were born to do our
unpleasant jobs for us. (215) Explain what she means.
Ch. 23
1. Jem says, I think Im beginning to understand why Boo Radleys stayed shut up in the house
all this time .. its because he wants to stay inside.(227) What had led Jem to this conclusion?
Ch. 25
1. What did Mr. Underwood mean in his editorial when he likened Toms death to the senseless
slaughter of songbirds?(241)
Ch. 26
1. Explain what bothered Scout about Miss. Gates.
1. List two things that Bob Ewell did to try to get back at people for what happened at the trial.
Ch. 28 & 29
1. Describe the attack on Jem and Scout.. What were Jems injuries? Who saved them and
Ch. 30
1. Why did Atticus agree to let Mr. Heck Tates version of Bob Ewells death stand? Do you
agree with his decision? Why or why not?
Ch. 31
1. We never put back into the tree what we took out of it: we had given him nothing... (278)
Is Scout right? Explain.

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