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July 8, 2012

When mass changes occur quickly, they are easily observable. Slower alterations, especially those that
happen over several generations, are misinterpreted as natural evolutions. Time itself is used by the
Establishment as a mechanism of control, especially when traditions are broken and grassroots
institutional memory become discontinuous.
A common example used to illustrate incrementalization is the metaphor of the boiling frog, which is
used to explain the notion of creeping normalcy. Another way of presenting this concept is with the
slippery slope argument (which unfortunately can suffer as an informal fallacy if any link in the chain of
asserted causations are not empirically proven). The core idea of incrementalization is that the
Establishment gradually becomes more tyrannical over succeeding generations, all the while breaking
down family units, as well as the stability of long-term relationships (both platonic and romantic), so that
any resistance will be diffused and thus rendered ineffectual since it experiences stunted growth before
prematurely expiring (this repeatedly happens in cycles; the rise and fall of pseudo-revolutions, so to
Socio-political engineering is an essential incrementalization technique. Through the coercive power of
government, special interests can force innocent people to either comply with their threats or suffer
punishment through enforcement. Taxation, regulation of free-market companies while granting
privileges to corporations, so-called social (child welfare) workers, public school indoctrination, and
welfare dependency are all examples of how the State, through codified threats of violence (that the
mainline public erroneously thinks of as the law), significantly alters human behavior to the point where
such manipulations, given enough time, are taken as a given.
Baby-boomers are the eventual result of the massive growth of statism, as evidenced by the conclusion of
the Second World War, the establishment of the United Nations, and the emergence of globalization.
Generation X experienced the inevitable consequences of the baby-boomers approval of the State, which
explains their disillusionment with the entire system (such as their attitudes towards the Cold War).
Generation Y has been attempting to remedy our overall situation, but to no effect due to both the
generational gap and their lack of understanding of history (since to them, tyranny is normal).
Even political dissidents are not totally immune from the effects of incrementalization. Most dissidents
suffer from the common problem of having such a specific encapsulated focus that they become narrowminded and neglect the big picture. Consider both the single-issue activists who inadvertently cause
division amongst themselves as well as the various dissident factions who all bitch-slap each other pretty
regularly. Overcoming this requires dissidents to cross the proverbial point of no return by entering into
a state of Nature. Until such time this happens, dissident activity will be about as effective as pissing in
the wind, for each new influx of eager activists has demonstratively slid any sort of real advancement for
the cause of Liberty backwards, typically by advocating for methods that necessarily entail working within
the system (such as by voting or writing your congresscritter).
The State really hates stable long-term relationships, regardless of whether that is expressed in terms of
platonic friendships, romantic couples, or entire familial units. What the special interests, and their
puppet governments, absolutely cant stand are (for lack of a better sounding term) tribes of humans with
a molecular level bond of trust. Tribes who posses bonds of genuine loyalty will protectively surround one
of their own individual members who happens to be singled out for persecution by the State; such
behavior testifies to the willingness of people to overtly resist the government.
Documenting the misdeeds of government over several generations is required if the slippery slope is to

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be a cogent argument instead of a logical fallacy. The next step is to present the empirical evidence to the
mass population, but especially to ones own family and friends. The results will demonstrate who is
predisposed towards resisting tyrants and who would prefer instead to serve as pro bono government
apologists. Nothing less than this will indicate the mentalities of the people towards the Establishment.

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