1 Maxwell's Equations in Matter (Integrate With Next Section)

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Maxwells equations in matter

(integrate with next section)

where s is the displacement vector from the negative

to the positive charge. More generally, polarization
is the
is charge separation per unit volume. P n
surface charge density due to charge separation; applying Gausss theorem to the charge that remains
inside a body gives that b = P. Note that
the polarization does not generally equal the electric
field that would be caused by the bound charge in
an electrostatic environment, because the curl of the
dipole moment is not necessarily zero.

Recall Maxwells equations in general:

(0 )E = ,
B = 0,
E = t B,
(B/0 ) = J + t (0 E)



Free charge.

Electric displacement

Maxwells equations in matter divide the net charge Since b = f , (0 E+P) = f , i.e. (D) = f ,
density into free charge f and bound charge b : where D := (0 E + P) is the electric displacement.
= f + b .


Linear medium

We could define Ef to be the electric field caused

by the distribution of free charge, define Eb to be
In a linear medium we assume that the polarization,
the electric field caused by the distribution of bound
and hence the electric displacement, is a linear funccharge, and say that
tion of the electric field:
Ef = f ,
P = (0 E),
Eb = b ,
E = Ef + Eb .

where is called the electric susceptibility (zero in

Such a division of the electric field is not very useful, a vacuum). So
however, because there is not a general, obvious conD =  E,
stitutive relation specifying Eb in terms of E. Eb is
determined by the global distribution of free charge,
whereas a constitutive relation naturally relates lo- where  := 0 (I + ) is called the permittivity of the
cal, physical quantities.
material (0 in a vacuum).
We need a quantity which locally defines the response to an overall electromagnetic field due to re- 2 Maxwells equations in matter
arrangement of the bound charges. This quantity is
(integrate with previous secP, the polarization or the dipole moment per unit
volume. The average polarization within a small region is minus (0 times) the average electric field in
that region resulting from rearrangement of charges Names of quantities:
originally lying within the region. [Really need to
P =: polarization
show that this is well-defined.]
M =: magnetization = volume density of magnetic moment
We assume that b = P, where P is called the
b =: bound charge density
polarization or the dipole moment per unit volume.
Jb =: bound current density



Definitions of auxiliary fields:

The dipole moment of a pair of equal and opposite

charges q equals the charge separation p = qs,

D := (0 E)+P = electric field produced by free


H := (B/0 ) M = magnetic field strength where m is volume magnetic susceptibility.

(versus magnetic induction B).
Maxwell specifies Ohms law :
Definitions of bound charge and current:
J(k, ) = (k, ) E(k, ).
b := P
Jb := M + t P
Micro Maxwell says
Definition of free charge and current:

t B + E = 0, B = 0,
t E c2 B = J/0 ,

f + b :=
Jf + Jb := J

E = /0 ,
t + J = 0.

Using these definitions in the microscopic inhomogenous Maxwell equations


t (0 E) (B/0 ) = J,
(0 E) =
to eliminate (0 E) and (B/0 ) converts them to the
macroscopic inhomogenous Maxwell equations
t D H = Jf ,
D = f .
For closure, Maxwell needs you to specify the current. The macro equations are a framework for specifying a closure for a portion of the current: the
bound part.
The generic linear constitutive relation is
D =  E,
H = 1 B,
 =: permittivity ,
= 0 (1 + m ) =: permeability
in general are functions of time, position, and wave
The polarization P is minus the electric field due to
bound charges (i.e. the electric field canceled by the
bound charges). D is the electric field due to free
charges. In general,
P = e (0 E),
where e is electric susceptibility. Similarly, magnetic moment is generally given by
M = m H,

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