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Saturday 28 March 2015

the-scenes action taking place during

that time. These included keeping
track of technological advancements
and running laboratory tests and pilot projects, with Mr Lee receiving
updates on the various water projects
coming through, Mr Yap added.
He attributed the efforts to realise
Mr Lees Marina Barrage vision over
20 years to the late leaders emphasis
on the need to build up Singapores
water resilience.
Mr Lee had never forgotten the
threat made by former Malaysian
Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, relayed to Mr Lee by the British,
that if Singapore doesnt do what I
want, Ill switch off the water supply.
Also, because of his experience
in World War II, during which Japanese soldiers bombed pipes carrying water from Johor in 1942,
Mr Lee was determined from the start
to ensure Singapore would be selfsufficient in its water supply.
The late leader has also been credited for being the inspiration behind
Singapores four big national taps:
Water from local catchment, supply
from Malaysia, desalinated seawater
as well as reclaimed/recycled water
from local waste water (NEWater).
His preoccupation with water resilience continued even in 2008, long

He was sharing his knowledge about how grass grew, how you should
maintain it, the type of soil to use ... it was almost as if this was a man from
NParks (National Parks Board). This is a man who knew all the big things around
the world. Yet, he (also) knew the minute details of how grass should be grown.
Mr Yap Kheng Guan
former director in charge of the Marina Barrage project

after Singapore had made the transition from Third World to First.
At a dialogue session with an international audience, Mr Lee said: This
(the water issue) dominated every
other policy. Every other policy had to
bend at the knees for water survival.
Foreign experts were also impressed by Mr Lees deep knowledge
of water technology and policies, said
Mr Yap, who related how the late leader had compared Marina Barrages
set-up to the Dutch dam systems.
While Marina Barrage has often
been cited as a fine example of integrating engineering with nature, its
popularity as a favourite weekend spot
for many families must have brought
much cheer to Mr Lee.
Mr Yap recalled that during
Mr Lees half-hour Sunday visits to
the area in the late 2000s, there was
a scene that would often bring a smile
to the former Prime Ministers face.

Beacon Primary
School pupils
were among
the first to pay
their respects to
Mr Lee at the
Marina Barrage
tribute site
photo: Tristan Loh

There was a seafood restaurant

... At around 6 oclock, we had almost
wrapped up the visit and saw many
families having steamboat. You could
see his proud smile upon seeing people coming to enjoy themselves, said
Mr Yap, who drove the buggy for
Mr Lee during his weekly visits.
What really pleased him was seeing happy faces, families and kids
having a good time and flying kites,
he added.
Mr Lees visit to the area was an almost regular Sunday affair, especially
during the initial years of the Marina
Barrages opening in 2008. He would
arrive at between 4pm and 5pm, when
the relentless heat had given way to
cooler winds.
The former Prime Minister had a
deep sense of curiosity, Mr Yap said.
Like an inquisitive child, Mr Lee would
ask questions, ranging from the type
of grass used at the Marina Barrages

rooftop to the different shades of blue

between the waters in the open sea,
compared with those in the catchment area.
But he would also offer nuggets of
wisdom on the most unexpected topic.
He was sharing his knowledge about
how grass grew, how you should maintain it, the type of soil to use ... it was almost as if this was a man from NParks
(National Parks Board), quipped
Mr Yap. This is a man who knew all
the big things around the world. Yet,
he (also) knew the minute details of
how grass should be grown.
For Mr Yap, the memory of hosting
Mr Lee for the first time is also deeply
etched in his mind. Feeling nervous,
Mr Yap had driven the buggy at what
he thought was an acceptable speed
and did not notice Mr Lees security
officers half-running to catch up with
them. Mr Lee told me, Slow down,
slow down, they have to run after
you, he said.
In his later years, as his health
declined and his steps grew slower,
Mr Lees visits to Marina Barrage became less frequent. But the questions
never stopped when he visited. We
were looking at the sea ... He asked
me why there are so many ships out
there, said Mr Yap. I said, Sir, I dont
know. And he laughed.

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