Fourth Deputy Governor of RBI Is..: General Awareness

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General Awareness

1. The Priority Sector Lending does not include?

1) Agriculture
2) Consumption Loans
3) Loans to Self-Help Groups
4) Small road and water transport operators
5) Loans to Stock Exchange Brokers
2. The Agriculture Loan in the Priority Sector
does not include ......
1) Loan to dairy and fisheries
2) Loan to poultry
3) Loan to animal husbandry
4) Loan to sericulture
5) Loan to commercial warehouses run by
traders to keep agriculture produce in
Urban areas
3. The Agriculture Loan in the Priority Sector
include ......
1) Loan to individual farmers
2) Loan to Self Help Groups
3) Loan to Joint Liability Groups
4) Loans to small and marginal farmers for
purchase of land for agricultural purposes
5) All of above
4. The loan given to agriculture, as a part of
Priority Sector does not include ......
1) Loans to distressed farmers indebted to
non-institutional lenders.
2) Loans to Primary Agricultural Credit
Societies (PACS).
3) Loans to Farmers' Service Societies
4) Loans to Adivasi Multi Purpose Societies
5) Loans to traders hoarding the agriculture
produce, to create the artificial scarcity.
5. Loans to individuals for educational purposes including vocational courses up to Rs.
...... for studies in India comes under Priority
Sector Lending.
1) 15 Lakh
2) 10 Lakh
3) 20 Lakh
4) 5 Lakh
5) None
6. If a student pursuing any educational course
in the abroad, then up to Rs....... lakh loan to
be treated as Priority Sector lending.
1) 5
2) 20
3) 100
4) 20
5) 7.5
7. What is the limit for housing loans under
Priority Sector, if a borrower lives in metropolitan centres with population above ten lakh?
1) Rs.100 Lakh
2) Rs.10 Lakh
3) Rs.25 Lakh
4) Rs.40 Lakh 5) None

H-- x\q

d-u u q- -~ (H-) NN v-y- ux x\q d

Kh Ey- H-- x\q b-N--
2014 --- N- C.
|-: j vU Bh-g--- u-q
--C- -b d- --vU/ --x-/ -Jd-
: 20 * 28 x u L.
: -j K~, yu -.
h: -j- . *J C: 1 d-

Nv-- -- p

A-----E Nv-- -- p
C d Kh --h -C.
S, |-: o- -d 26
(-C N- x Bh-gj L),

HRD ministry set up a four member committee to review

the present status of Universities Grants Commission
(UGC) on 3rd August 2014 under the chairmanship of
Hari Gautam.
Ratapani and Sunabeda are the new tiger reserves of India.
Ratapani is in Madhya Pradesh and Sunabeda is in Odisha.

Fourth Deputy Governor of RBI is..

13. ......% of Net Bank Credit (NBC) to be given
8. Priority Sector lending does not include ......
to Priority Sector Lending by foreign banks
1) Large Scale industries having capital
as per the order of RBI?
more than 100 crores.
1) 50 2) 40
3) 60
4) 12
5) 32
2) Small business (Original cost of equip14. Which committee suggested to increase
ment used not exceed Rs.20 Lakh).
the Priority Sector holding of foreign banks
3) Retail Trade (Advances to private retail
from 32 % to 40%?
traders up to Rs.10 Lakh).
1) Padmanabhan 2) Goparia
4) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
3) MV Nair
4) Tarapore
5) None
5) State sponsored organizations for
15. Even foreign banks must provide 40% of
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
their total loans to Priority Sector, if they
9. Bank loans to micro and small manufacturing
have at least ...... branches in India as
and service enterprises also come under
ordered by RBI.
Priority Sector loans. If it is a micro enter1) 25
2) 10
3) 100 4) 25
5) 20
prise, then the loan can be given provided
the investment in plant and machinery do not
16. As per the decision of RBI, the increase in
exceed Rs. ......
Priority Sector holding of foreign banks
having more than 20 branches applicable
1) 5 Lakh
2) 25 Lakh
3) 5 Crore
from .......
4) 15 Lakh
5) None
1) 1 Apr 2018
2) 1 Apr 2013
10. For the small scale industry, if the
3) 15 Mar 2013 4) 1 Jan 2013
loan given come under priority sector when the investment in plant
5) None
and machinery more than Rs.25
17. Total agricultural advances
Lakh and but less than Rs. ......
must be ....... percent of Net
1) 5 Crore
2) 2 Crore
Bank Credit (NBC) for domestic banks.
3) 10 Crore 4) 8 Crore 5) None
1) 24
2) 60
3) 15
11. Which loan not included weaker
A. Veera Swamy
sections under priority sector
4) 32
5) 18
18. Total agricultural advances must be ......
percent of Net Bank Credit (NBC) for for1) Beneficiaries under the Scheme for
eign banks.
Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers
1) 18 2) 24 3) 56 4) 14 5) No Target
19. The advances to weaker sections is the
2) Artisans, village and cottage industries
part of Priority Sector holding. What perwhere individual credit limits do not
centage of NBC must be given to them by
exceed Rs.50,000.
the foreign banks?
3) Beneficiaries under the scheme of
1) 50%
2) 20%
3) 25%
4) 60%
5) No Target
4) Beneficiaries of Swarnajayanti Gram
20. Foreign banks operating in India must give
Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), now National
...... percent of Net Bank Credit (NBC) to
Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM).
Export Credit.
5) Loans to individual women beneficiaries
2) 25 3) 15
4) 50
5) 18
up to Rs. 50,000 per borrower.
12. How much percent of total loans must be
the value of goods and services it imports
given to Priority Sector Lending by the
exceeds the value of goods and services it
domestic banks?
exports is called?
1) 30
2) 25
3) 40
4) 20
5) 10
1) Government Budget
2) Balance Sheet
3) Current Account Deficit
4) Current Liabilities Deficit
5) None
22. Current Account Deficit stood at ........ percent by the end of 2013-14 FY against

4.7% in 2012-13?
1) 2.4 2) 3.2 3) 1.7
4) 3.8 5) None
23. To review the allocations and operational
efficiencies of Government expenditure to

achieve maximum output FM in Union

Budget 2014-15, proposed to establish
EMC. EMC stands for......

1) Expert Management Commission

2) Expedite Management Commission
3) Expenditure Migration Commission
4) Expenditure Monitoring Commission

5) Expenditure Management Commission

24. As per FM in the budget 2014-15, banks
should need Rs. ....... crores as equity by

1) 2,40,000
2) 1,80,000 3) 5,00,000
4) 4,50,000
5) None

25. To incentivize the development of low cost

affordable housing, Arun Jaitley proposed

to set up a Mission on Low Cost Affordable
Housing anchored by.....

j -d 2, jvK -d 1,
vf vu- 2, wjK 5.
N-: -E- >-F-J, -Z-Eq
u-E-- >-F-J, N, N-, NZ,
jvK jq, d -j-N.
*J C: 3 d-
S, |-: jd/ >-F 7. C N- H/ H /
Bh-gj L.
N-: Za- >-F-J, x- Eq, j, -Kb -j-N.
*J C: 1 d-
S, |- : o -
- 46, vd q-2.
-- - A- - - -C N- /
- / - J-d - L. j - 2.
-- - A q - | L.
N-: d, -Z-E -E, N- -, -Z--, -Ed -j-N.
: 35 x N--.
h: -j-.
*J C: 5 d

1) RBI
4) SBI
5) NHB
26. Mission on Low Cost Affordable Housing
anchored by NHB get the allocation of?
1) Rs.2000 crore
2) Rs.1000 crore
3) Rs.4000 crore
4) Rs.3000 crore
5) None
27. Which of the following statement is correct
related to proposal of establishment of farming group of 'Bhoomi Heen Kisan' as proposed by FM in the Union Budget 2014-15?
1) Large number of landless farmers are
unable to provide land title as guarantee
to get finance from banks.
2) So these land less farmers are being looted by money lenders.
3) It is better to provide finance also to them,
by making a group of the land less farmers under the title of Bhoomi Heen Kisan.
4) FM proposed to finance 5 lakh joint farming groups of Bhoomi Heen Kisan this
year through NABARD.
5) All of above
28. In the Union Budget 2014-15, the FM put
how much target on banks to provide loans
to agriculture?
1) Rs.4 Lakh Crore
2) Rs.2 Lakh Crore
3) Rs.10 Lakh Crore
4) Rs.8 Lakh Crore
5) None
29. Interest Subvention Scheme for short term
crop loans will be ....... as told by FM in the
recent budget.
1) discontinued
2) discontinued from Rabi season of
3) applicable to food grains growing farmers
4) continued
5) None of above
30. Narendra Modi government committed
to ......
1) 'Minimum Government Least Governance'
2) 'Viable Government Maximum Governance'
3) 'Minimum Government No Governance'
4) 'Minimum
5) None
31. Modi said on 10th July 2014, that the government do all possible help to the poor, the
neo-middle class and the middle class,
inspired by the mantra of ......
1) Sab se badao aage badao
2) Sab ka accha nahi bura
3) Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas
4) Sab ke Jagaran adhik karna
5) Sabka Saath, Sabka Jaatak
32. Who was appointed as the fourth Deputy
Governor of the Reserve Bank of India on
30 July 2014?
1) K.R. Kamath
2) Sikha Sharma
3) S.S. Mundra
4) Y. Malegam
5) Nachiket Mor






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