EEE 51: Second Semester 2014 - 2015: Introduc-On

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51: Second Semester 2014 - 2015

Lecture 1


EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

Administra-ve Stu
Instructor: THQ (Tue/Thu 7-8:30am)
Louis P. Alarcon (

Consulta-on Hours:
Wed/Fri 2:30-5:30pm (Room 409)

Class Webpage:
Lecture notes, handouts, homeworks, announcements

EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

Midterm Exam (30%)
Saturday, March 21, 2015, 1-4pm

Comprehensive Final Exam (40%)

Saturday, May 30, 2015, 1-4pm

Homeworks (30%)
Approximately 1 per week
EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

EEE 51 Prerequisites
Semiconductor device basics (EEE 41)
Transistors (BJT, MOSFET)

Circuit Analysis (EEE 31, 33, 35)

DC and transient analysis

EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

Electronic Circuits
Semiconductor Electronic Circuits
Small, fast, low power



Babbage Analy-cal Engine

(1837) never built
EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

ENIAC (1946): 167 m2

100 kHz, 150 kW, 30 tons


Core i7 (2012): 3.4 GHz

50 W, 160 mm2

Analog vs. Digital

Analog Signals
Contains an innite
amount of informa-on
Limited by noise and other

Digital Signals
Contains a limited amount
of informa-on
This is inten-onal

Usually just 1 bit


Audio signal
EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

[QSC Audio]

FSK signal

Con-nuous Time vs. Discrete Time

Con-nuous Time
Valid all the -me

Discrete Time

[QSC Audio]

Signals are valid only at certain -mes

[New Electronics, UK]

EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

Linear vs. Nonlinear

Linear circuits
U-lize the linear rela-onships between voltages and


EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

EEE 51 at a glance
Analog, con-nuous--me, linear, semiconductor
electronic circuits
Ampliers and sinusoidal oscillators

Translinear circuits

Circuit Parameters/performance Metrics Comparison/Evalua-on

Specica-ons Metrics Parameters Circuit
EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

How do I pass EEE 51?

EEE 51 provides the tools to enable you to analyze
and design electronic circuits
Your task:
Understand and know when and how to apply these tools
to achieve a certain goal (analysis and/or design)

Memoriza-on alone does not work

Exams problems
Yes, these are problems not ques-ons
Test your understanding of how to apply these tools
EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

Exam Warning

The way things are now, you wont know. It's

the things you never heard of, havent seen
before, dont expect, and cant even imagine,
that are going to be coming for you.

Terry Goodkind

You need to understand the concepts and apply

them to solve any (EEE 51) problem

This is how you pass EEE 51

And this mindset is what dieren-ates a great engineer
from a mediocre one

EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

How do we go from EEE 41 (and 31, 33, 35, etc.)

To this? For example: The LM741 Opera-onal Amplier

EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

Transistors: Our Building Blocks

Single-Stage Ampliers
Cascaded Ampliers
Current Sources
Dieren-al Ampliers
Frequency Response of Ampliers
Feedback Ampliers
Sinusoidal Oscillators
Translinear Circuits

EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

Next Mee-ng
Transistor models
Two-Port Networks

EEEI - University of the Philippines Diliman

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