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Barracuda Web Filter

Online Demo Guide

Rev 8.0June 12, 2014

Joshua Cha

Product Introduction
What is the Web Filter?

Integrated content filtering and application blocking

Best-of-breed spyware protection
Integrated gateway anti-virus
Desktop spyware protection
Integrated reporting
Remote Filtering
Qualifying questions
1. How many computers do you have?
2. How many concurrent users do you have?
3. How many Active TCP Connections do you expect?
4. What kind of Internet connection do you have? (DSL, T1, etc.)
5. How many sites or external Internet connections do you have? Are multiple sites aggregated at a central
6. What are you looking to accomplish with the Barracuda Web Filter?
A. If customer says: Protect my users from spyware/virus/malware
Respond: The Barracuda Web Filter provides complete spyware, virus and malware protection for
your network gateway. This includes protection against drive-by installs, downloads as well as access
to known spyware Web sites. It also detects and blocks spyware activity from client computers and
provides a spyware removal tool without the need for any client software.
B. If customer says: Block access to certain Web sites or applications like media, IM, peer-to-peer (or
anything to do with content filtering and applications),
Respond: Part of our Web filters strength is its ability to block a wide variety of content and
applications with a fine level of control. You can apply global content and application filters, and create
custom policies for each user or group. If you have a quick second, let me tap you into a live
Barracuda Web Filter and show you how it works.
C. If customer says: Detailed reporting of what users are doing.
Respond: We have a variety of reports supported in our latest release. Unlike other solutions, our
reporting engine is native to the appliance and does not require additional database or software
management. If you have a quick second, let me tap you into a live Barracuda Web Filter and show
you how it works

Barracuda Networks

Rev 8.0June 12, 2014

Joshua Cha

Product Demonstration
Online Demo
Use the following steps to log into an online demo.
1. Go to in a web browser. You can demo any Barracuda Networks product from
this page.
2. Click on Barracuda Web Filter to bring up the Barracuda Web Filter demo.
3. Log in with Username: guest Password: guest
This brings you to a live Barracuda Web Filter. Before we begin, we are logging into the Barracuda Web Filter
as a guest. Feel free to explore the interface further when we are done. If you are exploring on your own, and
wish to know exactly what you are looking at, simply click the question mark icon on the right-hand side of the
page, and a pop-up window displays a detailed explanation of the tab.

Demo Script
This brings you to a live Barracuda Web Filter. Before we begin, we are logging into the Barracuda Web Filter as
a guest. Feel free to explore the interface further when we are done. If you are exploring on your own and wish to
know exactly what you are looking at, simply click the question mark icon on the right-hand side of the page, and
a pop-up window displays a detailed explanation of the tab.
The Barracuda Web Filter provides malware protection, content and application filtering with integrated reporting
at your network gateway.
1. Basic Status: This page is a snapshot of the traffic flowing through a Barracuda Web Filter:
a. On the upper left-hand side, you will see statistics on traffic to the Barracuda Web Filter. As you
can see, this Web filter has processed _____ pages through its policy engine with _____ spyware
pages. It has also blocked _____ spyware downloads and _____ virus downloads.
b. On the upper right-hand corner, you will see performance conditions that tell you if the device is
operating within limits of system load, traffic and storage, and the current operating mode
(active/audit/safe mode).

In the middle of the page, you will see infection activity detected and user requests blocked by the
Barracuda Web Filter. You can drill-down from here into a more detailed view of this traffic in the
infection activity and Web logs. The Barracuda Web Filters outbound spyware blocking
capabilities allow you to quickly detect infected machines and take corrective action. For
example, the infection activity log shows that the host machine at is infected with
_____ that was detected at ____. The device also provides an integrated spyware removal tool to
clean these infections.

d. At the bottom of the page, you will see lists and graphs that show daily and hourly trends from
traffic passing through the Barracuda Web Filter.
e. The dashboard views are customizable. To view existing custom dashboards, click on the
"Show All Dashboards" link near the top of the page. This will show the list of existing
dashboards on the appliance. Let's select the "Productivity" dashboard. You can manage the
dashboards by selecting the "Managed Dashboard" link to create, edit, or delete the
Barracuda Networks

Rev 8.0June 12, 2014

Joshua Cha

2. Basic Web Log/Application Log: The Web log maintains a chronological list of Web traffic in realtime. For example, the Web log shows you the source IP, user, and URL that was requested. This is
useful to get an immediate view of user activity.
3. Basic Reports: More detailed historical information can be gathered from the integrated reports.
Unlike vendors that require separate hardware, software or external databases to manage reports, the
Barracuda Web Filter provides reporting fully integrated into the appliance. You can generate snap-shot,
trends and detailed reports of user activity. The Barracuda Web Filter supports more than 45 report types
that can be scheduled for automatic delivery. This includes reports that will be useful to IT, HR and other
departments such as users by Web requests, domains by requests or bandwidth, time spent by users on
certain categories of Web sites. Reports can be generated ad hoc with detailed drill-down capabilities or
can be scheduled for automatic email delivery or archival to FTP or SMB shares. In addition to built-in the
reports, you can also export the syslog for customized reporting.
[Show example report users by requests for top Web users by requests]
[Show example report domains by requests filtered for LDAP user mhookano]
[Transition] Once you have an idea of Web usage patterns, you can configure policy to regulate Internet
access. The Barracuda Web Filter includes a powerful policy management engine for flexible and
granular content and application filtering.
4. Block/Accept Content Filter: There are 95 different categories that you can block, warn, monitor, or
allow. You can create global policies for your network authenticated users versus guest users. Block bars
access to the sites, Warn issues a user a configurable warning message when the site is accessed,
Monitor allows users to monitor requests, and Allow permits unrestricted access to the site.
For example, organizations may want to block sites belonging to the destructive categories, allow
categories such as business and technology, and monitor the use of social networking sites. The content
filter also includes a category for anonymous proxies which are a major concern for schools.
The Barracuda Web Filter also enables safe access to educational video libraries by seamlessly
integrating with the YouTube for Schools portal. When you enable YouTube for Schools from the Safe
Browsing section, the Barracuda Web Filter will automatically redirect YouTube requests to the
educational video portal ensuring that users have access to educational videos but not other potentially
objectionable content.
5. Block/Accept Applications: This is an important page because Web applications can be significant
bandwidth consumers. From here you can block anonymizers, Instant Messaging, streaming media,
games, file-sharing applications such as BitTorrent, and tools such as Weatherbug. If there is an
application that we currently do not block, simply send it to Barracuda Central and we will add it to our
[Transition] You can further tune the content and application filter rules by creating whitelists/blacklists,
regular expression rules, custom categories, and MIME Type blocking.
6. Block/Accept Web App Control: This is a key feature to regulate Web 2.0 Applications. For example,
you can allow access to Facebook but restrict employees from playing Facebook games or using
Facebook chat (show this under the Social Media category). This helps you enable the safe use of

Barracuda Networks

Rev 8.0June 12, 2014

Joshua Cha

Social Networking sites and content without impacting overall productivity. As you can see we have a vast
library of Applications that are automatically updated as part of your Energize Updates subscription.
7. Block/Accept Exceptions page: You can use exceptions to override the global content and
application filter policies by creating user/group/organizational unit (OU)/machine specific rules. You can
also create exception rules around time periods or time/bandwidth quotas.
For example, you can create a global policy to block access to sports Web sites, and create an exception
to allow network users to access sports sites during the lunch hour. You can create a policy that allows
only your vice president access to finance-related Web sites as defined in a custom category. Another
example here allows only machines in the HR department to access job search and career
development Web sites such as or
[Transition] You can create exceptions directly on your active directory users, groups, or organizational
units because the Barracuda Web Filter can seamlessly integrate with directory servers through LDAP,
NTLM, or Kerberos.
8. Block/Accept Web App. Monitoring: In addition to regulating Web 2.0 applications, the Web Filter
can also help you monitor Social Media Communications. This is important because Social Media
channels can be used to leak sensitive data or engage in undesirable activities like cyber bullying. You
can configure the Web Filter to inspect outbound communications, like Facebook posts and tweets, and
send these messages to an external message archiver. The messages will be tagged with relevant
information including user identity. This makes it really easy to index and search across Social Media
content in addition to corporate email for eDiscovery, Audits and forensics.
9. Users/Groups Account View: This page displays all user logins known to the Barracuda Web Filter.
10. Users/Groups Authentication: This page allows you specify the location of your
LDAP/NTLM/Kerberos server so your Barracuda Web Filter can authenticate users using
LDAP/NTLM/Kerberos, associate user group membership using LDAP/NTLM/Kerberos, and allow you to
assign exception policies to LDAP/NTLM/Kerberos users.
[Transition] The Barracuda Web Filter provides several advanced administrative controls.
11. Advanced SSL Inspection: The Barracuda Web Filter offers two options to filter https traffic. The
default method uses DNS responses to filter https requests without decrypting the traffic. Optionally, you
can specify domains and categories to which SSL transactions will be decrypted, inspected and then reencrypted on their way to the destination. This provides an added layer of security to keep out malware
over SSL transactions. Since you select the domains and categories, you can keep trusted transactions
like banking sites confidential while specifying suspicious categories, like Spyware Sites, for scanning.
SSL inspection is an advanced feature that requires the Web Filter to be deployed in forward proxy mode
and the root certificate to be downloaded and installed on client browser.
12. Advanced Remote Filtering: This allows you to download the Barracuda Web Security Agent, a client
that can be installed on remote off-network laptop/netbooks so that Web traffic from these remote
machines can be subject to policies configured on the central Barracuda Web Filter appliance. The agent
can be configured either to route traffic through the central appliance or just look up policies to enforce
the rules locally. The agent is supported on both Windows and Mac OS X platforms.

Barracuda Networks

Rev 8.0June 12, 2014

Joshua Cha

13. Advanced Delegated Admin: The Barracuda Web Filter supports multiple administrative user
accounts that can be delegated to specific roles, and assigned control over specific users and groups.
These user accounts can be restricted to only generating reports or creating policies for specific users or
groups of users. Roles-based administration enables IT administrators to maintain system-level control for
security, and to delegate policy definition and enforcement to individual user departments. Roles include:
a. Read-only: User has read-only access
b. Manager: User can configure exceptions and generate reports

Monitor: User can view logs and generate reports

d. Support: User can configure exceptions

You can also specify a Temporary Whitelist role. This is particularly useful for schools. Teachers can
temporarily override block rules to certain sites or categories to allow students access from the
classroom. Administrators can enable this by assigning the Temporary Whitelist role to an administrator
account created for a teacher. For example, if students are blocked from Social Networking sites and a
student needs access to, the teacher can temporarily enable this access for a
specified time period by providing their login credentials from the block page. Administrator accounts with
the Temporary Whitelist role cannot log into the Web interface of the device. They only have access to
temporarily whitelisted sites.
14. Advanced Backup: This allows you to back up your configuration details and save to a text-based
.bak file. This is useful for system maintenance or upgrade.
15. Advanced Linked Management: This feature allows you to cluster multiple Barracuda Web Filters
together, and to synchronize configuration. You can set up the units in active-active or active-standby
mode for redundancy even when they are not co-located.
16. Advanced Energize Updates: The Barracuda Energize Update service is the yearly subscription that
you pay for at the time of the Barracuda Web Filters original purchase. This provides virus and spyware
signatures, and content and application filter updates. You can reference this page to ensure that you are
using the latest Barracuda Energize Update release, to revert back to an older version, or to change the
frequency of your updates from hourly to daily or to off.

Barracuda Networks

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