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you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt - Charles M. Schulz

Vol. III, No. 7 , 13th February 2015

The Business of Valent nes Week

During an evening stroll in the park, I overheard two boys (in the 10-12 age group) discussing their Valentines
day plans. A thought came to my mind, if their stimuli have anything to do with the business of Valentines
day. As if that was not enough, I was perturbed to see a Rs. 10 rose sold for Rs. 50 by a Sector 35 florist in
Chandigarh. Add to it, no one bothered to bargain either. The concern was timely put to rest by a young boy
working with the florist who said, Dont u know, today is Rose Day. That day it was reinforced, the idea sells
because people buy. To call this business a one day affair, would be an understatement. Its Valentines week not
just Valentines Day. The celebration extends over a week, starting with a Rose
7 Febru ary: Rose D ay
day stretching up to Valentines Day.


8 Febru ary: P ro pose Day

9 Febru ary: Ch ocolate D ay
1 0 Febru ary: Teddy Day
1 1 Febru ary: P ro mise Day
1 2 Febru ary: Hu g Day
1 3 Febru ary: Ki ss D ay
1 4 Febru ary: Vale nti ne s D ay

A quick search on the total number of days commemorated in a year across

the globe would give a count of 222. How many of these would have been
promoted by the companies like Archies or Hallmark would be difficult to
gauge. Theres no denying the fact that the companies promote these days
with pomp and show and Valentines week provides spark in sales. The
markets are all painted red and so is the ecommerce space. The restaurants
run a special theme during this week eagerly waiting for young hearts to shell out some money. Cake shops
such as Nik Bakers is a place to be and an undisputable example of exorbitant prices charged, thanks to
occasions like Valentines Day. A long wait time at the billing counter of Nik is a shot in the arm to the belief.


Chocolates, balloons, heart shaped gifts are most popular with youngsters and Rs. 5,000 is my budget said an
elated Akshit, a University student. Its a good time to propose with a gold ring if you intend to marry the girl
and with an artificial ring if you dont, he added. Akshina, another student, prefers to spend time clubbing and
shopping with friends on Valentines day. There are not many takers though for this no-gift approach, at least
on 14th February. The trend of ascent in expenditure during this part of the year substantiates the penchant for
gifts. The National Retail Federation predicts that Americans will spend a total of $19 billion on Valentines day
this year. Indian estimates (by ASSOCHAM) pegged the market at Rs. 18,000 crore in 2014 (for whole week).
But who gains at the expense of lovers is an interesting area to explore. The wholesale flower industry is on a
whole time high during this season. Greeting cards, chocolates, jewellery and electronic gadgets selling
companies are other big gainers. Travel companies also cash in during this season with special Valentine
packages. Popular travel portal has Every Indians guide to Valentine day to offer in travel
ideas section.
Whatever the background of discussion of those boys in the park, one influence cannot be ignored; the effect of
The business of Valentines week.

Written by Mr. Dilpreet Singh

Published by: -
Chitkara Business School,
Chitkara University, Punjab

Disclaimer: This Newsletter is prepared to enhance awareness and for information

only. The information is taken from sources believed to be reliable but is not
guaranteed by Chitkara Business School as to its accuracy. Chitkara Business
School will not be responsible for any interpretations, opinions generated or
decisions taken by readers.

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