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is the greatest art form of the 21st century. Marshall McLuhan

Communicating with children through advertisements

Vol. III, No. 6 , 6th February 2015

Young minds are very impressionable. They constantly learn by picking up cues from their environment. In fact their development is
a sum of their interaction with and reaction to the environment. The important question now is, what constitutes the environment of
a child? Research has shown that one of the most important constituents of a childs environment is advertising. It has a significant
potential to influence children. On account of it therefore, critics have expressed numerous concerns over it. Let us take a look at
the situation at hand. Morally reprehensible advertising campaigns directed at children are rampant, though not evident in all cases.
The social irresponsibility and unethical campaigns of advertisers are proving harmful for children in the following ways:
Negative impact on value system
It is believed that advertisements negatively impact the values of children by encouraging materialism and sexual preoccupation
among them.
Impact on purchase decisions and family relationships
By encouraging children to be dissatisfied with their current possessions and desire
products they do not need, advertisements lead to conflict between parents and children
over the purchase of the advertised products.
Perpetuation of prejudices/wrong habits
By representing boys and girls in stereotypical roles that establish boys as superior to
girls, advertisements perpetuate prejudices among children. In this way they put girls at a
further disadvantage than they already are.
Advertisements also encourage unsafe tendencies among children. They persuade
children to ape what they are exposed to in advertisements, be it consumption of harmful
products like aerated drinks or junk food, or imitation of unrealistic feats/acts of actors.
Deception and confusion
Advertisements directed at children, on account of their manipulative and misleading
nature, manipulate and confuse children with their false claims. Not only this, advertisements also disappoint children when the
advertised products do not live up to the promises of the advertisers.
What can be done?
Advertisers have a moral obligation towards the society and a commercial obligation towards the business houses. To serve both
these conflicting ends, mediation between moral demands and corporate interests is called for. Existing laws for the same are not
working and on account of it there arises a need to repair the existing situation. It is therefore recommended that advertisements
directed at children below the age of twelve, should be banned. This suggestion is specifically pertinent given that advertisements
directed at children manipulate and sway them due to their inability to evaluate commercial persuasion.
Further, since no one understands the pulse of children better than parents, it is recommended that parents be made a part of the
censor board. Their representation in the censor board can go a long way in making advertisements directed at children ethical
because parents are the best judges of what meanings and messages children can draw when exposed to particular advertising
However, all said and done, nothing will work if the advertisers do not practice self-regulation and put their social responsibility
before their commercial responsibility.

Written by Dr. Namrata Sandhu

Published by: -
Chitkara Business School,
Chitkara University, Punjab

Disclaimer: This Newsletter is prepared to enhance awareness and for information

only. The information is taken from sources believed to be reliable but is not
guaranteed by Chitkara Business School as to its accuracy. Chitkara Business
School will not be responsible for any interpretations, opinions generated or
decisions taken by readers.

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