Conscious Health Living Booklet (Print Format)

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Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is complete and accurate.

neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering advice to the individual reader.

Doctors Across Borders

Conscious Health Living
Copyright 2014 by Doctors Across Borders, DC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form, or by any means, without written consent from the author, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.
Dr Michael McDonald
+27 82 339 9799

Dr Jackie Harmsen
+27 72 888 1000
To order, visit

When we talk about the human organism existing in a state of health, we must first of all understand several interrelated
questions. What is a human being? How did it come into existence? How is it sustained in existence? What is the purpose
of human life? Without understanding the answers to these questions (or at least the questions), we can never have
satisfactory knowledge of the real type of health we should be seeking. For without any criteria for what constitutes the
proper functioning of a human being, how can we say that it even matters whether we are ill or well? Just because
something feels good does not necessarily mean it is of ultimate benefit to us. And conversely, simply because at the
moment we seem to have pain, we cannot dismiss this experience as bad unless we understand how and what the result of
these momentary sensations will be.
Thus, we ought not necessarily to consider illness our enemy, rather, we may see it as an event, a mechanism of the body
that is serving to cleanse, purify and balance us on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes.
[The Book of Sufi Healing Shaykh Hakim Moinuddin Chishti]


Breathing Exercises


Resetting the Circadian Cycle



Remove, Repair, Rebalance, Maintain



Why Your Body Loves a Cleanse

Skin Cleansing :
Hydrogen Peroxide Bath
Anti-parasite Cleanse :
Bowel Cleanse :
Intestinal Cleanse
Gallbladder Cleanse :
Liver Cleanse :
Beetroot, Tea & Coffee Enema
Kidney Cleanse :
Celery Seed & Parsley Tea
Lymph Cleanse :
Dry Brushing & Rebounding
Pancreas Cleanse :
Bay Leaf Tea
Mucus Lining Cleanse :
Steam, Netipot Rinse




Natural, Supplements, Recipes

Foods, FAITH



Drops Program



External, Internal, Medicines



Visualisation, Repetition, Mindfulness



Broths, Electrolytes, Teas, Water



Juicing, Smoothies, Recipes for Healing



Healing from the Ground Up & Vitamin D



Let Your Spirit Shine Through



Disclaimer, Works Cited


Ho'oponopono Breathing
This breathing meditation comprises of 10 rounds of breathing. Breathe in for 7 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, breathe out for
7 seconds and hold for 7 seconds. The entire process will take about 4 minutes to complete Breathing is done all through
the nose, which adds a natural resistance to the breath. You can also use the Hooponopono mantras while practicing the
breath, "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you and I thank you".

When it Works Best

Anytime, anyplace especially when faced with any adverse situation.

Level of Difficulty

Equal Breathing
Balance can do a body good, beginning with the breath. To start, inhale for a count of 4, then exhale for a count of 4 all
through the nose, which adds a natural resistance to the breath. More advanced focused breathers can aim for 6 to 8 counts
per breath with the same goal in mind: calm the nervous system, increase focus and reduce stress.

When it Works Best

Anytime, anyplace. This breath can help take your mind off the racing thoughts, or whatever might be distracting you from

Level of Difficulty

Abdominal Breathing Technique

With one hand on the chest and the other on the belly, take a deep breath in through the nose, ensuring the diaphragm (not
the chest) inflates with enough air to create a stretch in the lungs. The goal: 6 to 10 deep, slow breaths per minute for 10
minutes each day to experience immediate reductions to heart rate and blood pressure. Keep at it for 6 to 8 weeks, and
those benefits might stick around even longer.

When it Works Best

Before anything stressful. But keep in mind, Those who operate in a stressed state all the time might be a little shocked how
hard it is to control the breath, Pacheco

Level of Difficulty

Alternate Nostril Breathing

This breath is said to bring calm and balance, and unite the right and left sides of the brain. Starting in a comfortable
meditative pose, hold the right thumb over the right nostril and inhale deeply through the left nostril. At the peak of
inhalation, close off the left nostril with the ring finger, then exhale through the right nostril. Continue the pattern, inhaling
through the right nostril, closing it off with the right thumb and exhaling through the left nostril.

When it Works Best

Whenever its time to focus or energise. Just dont try this one before bed.

Level of Difficulty

Skull Shining Breath

Ready to brighten up your day from the inside out? This one begins with a long, slow inhale, followed by a quick, powerful
exhale generated from the lower belly. Once comfortable with the contraction, up the pace to 1 inhale-exhale (all through
the nose) every 1 to 2 seconds, for a total of 10 breaths.

When it Works Best

When its time to wake up, warm up or start looking on the brighter side of things. It is abdominal-intensive and will warm up
the body, shake off stale energy and wake up the brain. Pacheco

Level of Difficulty

Progressive Relaxation
To nix tension from head to toe, close the eyes and focus on tensing and relaxing each muscle group for 2 to 3 seconds each.
Start with the feet and toes, then move up to the knees, thighs, rear, chest, arms, hands, neck, jaw and eyes all while
maintaining deep, slow breaths. Having trouble staying on track? Anxiety and panic specialist Dr. Patricia Farrell suggests we
breathe in through the nose, hold for a count of 5 the muscles tense, then breathe out through the mouth on release.

When it Works Best

At home, at a desk or even on the road. One word of caution: Dizziness is never the goal. If holding the breath ever feels
uncomfortable, tone it down to just a few seconds at most.

Level of Difficulty


Resetting the Circadian Cycle

For gut repair and biological reset, fasting 16 hours daily (evening and nights as discussed) for 10 days to give the gut the
time to recover every day, is highly recommended. NO EATING AFTER DARK. No TV or computer light into the eyes for an
hour prior to going to sleep.
Clean filtered water: A minimum of 2 litres of fluid needs to be consumed daily to relieve bowel problems water and teas
can drunk throughout the day, broths are more ideal when fasting starts in the late afternoons.
When the system is burdened with chemicals (even natural supplements become toxic to the body if one is taking too
many things at the same time), which the system can no longer deal with, then many other things go wrong. Stress is a killer,
as the amounts of adrenalin released into the body (for fight or flight), burdens the system tremendously, even leading to
more inflammatory responses and of course chemical imbalances. Exercise (even walking for 10 minutes per day) helps to
get rid of some of that.
In short: CLEAN Nourish, replenish, rest and get mind and spirit in a better state. This directly involves getting the gut into a
better state. The gut is a well-underestimated cause of many neurological challenges and mood, depression, seizures and
motivation troubles, as the gut is directly connected to the nervous system (more neurons than in the spinal chord) and
medications and toxic food stuff can wreak havoc on how the gut transfers nutrients to the rest of the body, affecting mood,
brain function and many other things. To this end, I would like to recommend the following:
Dark green vegetables contain magnesium, vitamin B complex, iron and chlorophyll good for the gut, brain, liver and blood
and should be part of your daily intake. In addition, hydration and replenishment of electrolytes through broths will recover
and correct many of the imbalances of electrolytes in the water of the body, which should speed up recovery and plasma
cellular constitution to be more normal again.
Hydration throughout the day is crucial (the body is 70% water, get the water and electrolytes right and everything else
functions better again!).
DO NOT eat after dark at all. All meals should be eaten by 3pm or 4 pm (drinking fluids (small quantities) in between of
course), thereafter to focus mainly on hydrating broths (which also contain minerals, nutrition and electrolytes, but grants
the body time to fast, thus shifting to healing, rather than digesting). This is crucial to allow the night and resting time be
the healing time every day.
Eating combinations of healthy vegetables, fish and seafood, veggies raw and cooked, colourful and happy food as you are
used to eating, but exclude beef, pork, non-organic chickens, dairy, sugars, carbs like pastas, processed foods and shop
breads, also avoid meats or animal proteins after 2pm. From 4pm, broths, water and teas for the rest of the day and evening
to rest the gut from processing food, which utilises a lot of energy.
Take (3mg) melatonin an hour to 90 minutes before going to bed and be sure to have the room completely dark, so as to
ensure proper exchange of serotonin to melatonin, which only happens when it is dark. Even fluorescent light, TV or
computer screens or exposure to that within an hour prior to going to bed, can prevent the melatonin exchange. Melatonin
is also responsible for shrinking tumors and brain as well as gut health.
Low serotonin production comes back to the supply of amino acids as building blocks and the balance between melatonin
and serotonin conversion. GABA shortage is what often is treated with anti-depressants to alleviate anxiety, depression and
irritability, which can be naturally obtained by ensuring you supply the body with good levels of zinc, potassium, glycine and
other amino acid sources found in a diet that includes plenty of fish, mixed vegetables (with skins for potassium in potatoes
for example), baby tomatoes, onions, chilies (in moderation when gut is sensitive), that will ensure your body gets the supply
of building blocks that it needs. The body relies on getting sunlight daily (direct onto parts of your body excellent, not in heat
of day of course), but also making sure that the eyes have sunglasses on when exposed to bright light outside and having
completely dark room to sleep in for the serotonin or melatonin exchanges, or the melatonin does not get converted and
vice versa. The food recommendations (other than the hydrating broths mentioned above for having in the afternoons and
evenings) should help get the balance in the gut restored.
Probiotics are really important to help the intestinal tract with the balancing of gut flora, in order to burden the immune
system less and of course to ensure less damage is caused to the gut by the bad bacteria. Even if probiotics are taken in

supplement form until you can do the sauerkraut or fermented vegetables, kefir or yoghurt, is important. Probiotics should
be taken 6x per day, half an hour before and after meals.
Making Zinc part of your daily diet and ensure you get enough Zinc is fundamental see the summary of recommend foods
below. While natural sources of zinc are always preferred a zinc supplement is also acceptable however.
Add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed to your meals (you can grind or bruise the seeds in a mortar and pestle) prior to adding it to your
food, so as to provide more of its nutrition to the system. Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of fibre and will benefit the
body at many levels to excrete toxins over and above providing essential fatty acids.
Ginger, lemon and mint are great at aiding digestion and is recommended prior to meals in diluted or extracted form.
Digestive enzymes come in the form of raw fruits and veg, a crucial part of your eating program but can be rather taxing on
the digestive system, so when your gut feels over sensitive, rely for a few days on lightly steamed, boiled or baked vegetables
or soups for easy digestion, whilst all along providing hydration as recommended.

Summary Recommended Foods

L-Glutamine Helps to heal and seal the gut along with aiding in recovery (found in red cabbage, dark green leafy
vegetables, some red meats such as lamb or venison which are clean)
Quality Fish Oil Preferably a liquid, not capsule, if you can stand the taste. This helps reduce inflammation,
balance hormones, and supports the immune system
Probiotics They provide live strains of good bacteria to help bolster your defenses.
Cinnamon - It can help to improve digestion and, as an added bonus, is great at balancing blood sugar levels add
to steamed/baked butternut, squash, pumpkin etc.
Mint Great at soothing the stomach and can help to relax the gastrointestinal tract making yourself some tea
with fresh mint, will assist quicker healing
Zinc Very important as it is utilised to form digestive enzymes and also used in regulating hormones. Zinc is found
in a wide variety of foods such as oysters, lobster, red meat, fish, whole grains, nuts, beans, pumpkin and sunflower
seeds, ginger root, mustard, poppy, celery and sesame seed, chili powder, black pepper, black currants, and
fortified foods. Fruits and vegetables arent the best sources of zinc, but it is found in cabbage, carrots, beets, and
Prebiotics In the form of fermented foods. Prebiotics help to feed friendly bacteria and allow them to thrive in a
healthy environment. Fermented foods include bio-available goat or sheep yogurt, goat or sheep kefir, kimchi,
sauerkraut or a quality kombucha
PH Balancing or Alkaline Foods Anything green is generally okay, like kale, spinach, broccoli, wheatgrass, parsley,
chlorella, and spirulina (the superfoods powder is great to add to other foods)

Do You Have Rhythm?

When our rhythms are in sync, life flows easily. We have more energy, and everyday tasks are easier to perform. When we're
'in our rhythm,' we're more socially engaging and life is more satisfying.
It turns out that finding your rhythm, is more than psychological. We each have a body clock that regulates how we feel and
perform. These rhythms, called circadian rhythms, are the signals our body clocks produce, and they affect every aspect of
our life. They tell us when to wake up, be active, sleep and how energetic to be. Even how we socialise and feel are affected
by circadian rhythms. In fact, these rhythms are so predictable, you can set your clock by them. That's where the term body
clock' comes from.
Our body clocks have evolved to depend on the sun to function properly each day. The problem for most of us though, is that
our lifestyle has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. We no longer get up with the sun, and we stay up hours after
dark. This plays havoc on our body clocksthey don't get the signals they need and so don't produce the right hormones
during the day.

Sleep is an integral part of our lives and indeed, essential to proper mental health and function. We require it to be ready and
able to concentrate on new and essential information on our environments, as well as consolidate and understand new

information. In addition, sleep has an important role in learning and memory. Sleep patterns also influence body weight and
metabolism, making them important in physiological regulation in addition to the already known involvement that it has in
other mental processes.

Circadian Rhythm
Humans are diurnal animals, which means that they are awake during the day and asleep at night. This simple concept is
closely followed by a cycle of wakefulness and sleep known as the circadian rhythm. This natural rhythm demonstrates that
the human brain is designed to enter sleep at night. Unfortunately industrialised society offers many distractions that cause
us to ignore the signals of sleepiness generated by this rhythm, disrupting our natural sleep and waking stages.
A circadian rhythm is a roughly-24-hour cycle in the physiological processes of humans, animals and plants. The term
"circadian" comes from the Latin circa, "around", and diem, "day", meaning literally "about a day." We now know there are
clear patterns of brain wave activity, hormone production, cell regeneration and other biological activities linked to this daily
cycle. The circadian "clock" in mammals is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), a distinct group of cells located in
the hypothalamus. Destruction of the SCN results in the complete absence of a regular sleep/wake rhythm.
The circadian rhythm is regulated by structures deep in the brain responsible for not only timing of when we feel sleepy or
alert, but also to control of different aspects of sleep. Sleep is broken up into stages, each thought to have different and
overlapping roles in consolidation of learning, memory, as well as physiological function and mental application. These
stages, which can be broken up into slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) occur at regular intervals
and take approximately 3.5-4 hours to cycle through.
On average, an adult requires at least 2 sleep cycles per night (approximately 8 hours) to achieve full, restful sleep.

Consequence of Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Disturbance

As sleep is so integral to daily function, it is no wonder that the disturbance of sleep and the circadian rhythm can cause
many difficulties with concentration, general mood, focus, as well as mental and physiological health, in addition to
applicable tasks, such as raising a family or keeping a job.
There are a wide range of sleep disorders, which are involved in different aspects of sleep and wakefulness, but in addition to
these issues, sleep disruption may occur and accompany other mental disorders and difficulties, further aggravating an
affected individual's condition. Those who have trouble sleeping are 10 times more likely to have depression, and 17 times
more likely to have anxiety than those having full, restful nights of sleep. Additionally, sleep disorders have been linked to
fibromyalgia and nerve pain, as well as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.


Human Circadian Rhythm

Conditions Within the Circadian Rhythm




Is Your Gut Healthy?

Gut health is at the core of our well-being, and is often at the core of illness, as well.
A properly functioning digestive system (gut) is critical to good health. In fact, 60 -80% of our immune system is located in
our gut, and 90% of our neurotransmitters (chemicals responsible for regulating mood) such as serotonin are made in our
gut. Problems in our Gastrointestinal tract can cause more than just stomach pain, gas, bloating or diarrhea; they can be the
root cause of many chronic health problems. Gut imbalances have been linked to hormonal imbalances, autoimmune
diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimotos thyroiditis, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression,
eczema and rosacea just to name a few.
The gastrointestinal tract serves as a key component in the bodys immune system and detoxification process. The majority
of our immune system resides in and around the gastrointestinal tract in order to assess if incoming food is friend or foe, and
to ensure that any toxins we absorb can be removed efficiently.
Illness develops if and when we can't digest and absorb nutrients well, dont eliminate regularly, and expose our immune
system to particles, which shouldnt be entering our system. This phenomenon is known as leaky gut.
Leaky gut occurs when substances that should be kept out of the rest of your body cross the gut lining. This will often occur
after exposure to antibiotics, steroids, other infections, or by consuming foods you dont tolerate well. When particles breach
the otherwise intact lining, our immune system reacts and creates inflammation, which can result in a variety of symptoms
for the sufferer, including gastrointestinal problems, joint pain and fatigue.
So how can you tell if your gut is at the core of your symptoms?
Do you
Have indigestion? Do you feel as if you cant digest well?
Feel as if your food just sits there?
Have symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Diarrhea? Constipation?
Experience vague, hard to diagnose symptoms such as joint pain and fatigue?
Have excessive bloating and gas?
Have an autoimmune disease?
Have chronic, complex symptoms and no clear diagnosis?
Have fibromyalgia?
Have symptoms after eating?
These can all be signs that your gastrointestinal tract may not be functioning optimally and a gastrointestinal tract out of
balance can be the core imbalance causing your symptoms and lack of wellness.

The goal is to get rid of things that negatively affect the environment of the gastrointestinal tract such as inflammatory foods,
infections and gastric irritants like alcohol, caffeine or drugs. Infections can be from parasites, yeast or bacteria. A
comprehensive stool analysis is key to determining the levels of good bacteria as well as any infections that may be present.
Removing the infections may require treatment with FAITHTM Drops or removing parasites may require treatment with antiparasite programs.

Providing the nutrients necessary to help the gut repair itself is essential. L-glutamine is an amino acid that helps to
rejuvenate the gut wall lining. Foods rich in L-glutamine include spinach, cabbage, parsley, especially in their raw forms.
Additionally, oats and wheat germ are also vegetarian-friendly sources of L-glutamine. Eggs, goat or sheep yogurt, goat
cottage cheese or goat ricotta cheese are dairy-based foods rich in L-glutamine.
Coconut oil is another superfood no one should be without. The healthy saturated fats are an integral part to healing your
gut. Lauric, capric and caprylic acids in coconut oil have antimicrobial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties. This is a real food
medicine way to gently clean your gastrointestinal system. Coconut oil should be organic, extra virgin and cold pressed.


Other key nutrients necessary for gut repair include zinc, omega-3, vitamin A, C, E. Food sources for these nutrients include:

Zinc (found in a wide variety of foods such as oysters, lobster, red meat, fish, whole grains, nuts, beans, pumpkin
and sunflower seeds, ginger root, mustard, poppy, celery and sesame seed, chili powder, black pepper, black
currants, and fortified foods. Fruits and vegetables arent the best sources of zinc, but it is found in cabbage, carrots,
beets, and peas)
Omega-3 oils (green leafy vegetables, flax seed oil, pumpkin seed oil, chai seed oil, hemp seed oil, fenugreek seed
Omega-3 fish oils (microalgae oil, krill oil, calamari oil, salmon oil)
Vitamin A (dark green, yellow and orange
vegetables and fruits, such as broccoli, spinach, turnip greens, dark leafy greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes,
pumpkin, cantaloupe, and apricots, and animal sources such as liver, goat milk, goat cheese, and whole eggs)
Vitamin C (dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, peas, red and yellow bell peppers, fruits such as guava, kiwi,
berries, citrus fruits and tomatoes)
Vitamin E (nuts, seeds, vegetable and olive oils, green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, many fruits and vegetables like
kiwi, mango, tomato, peppers, broccoli, avocado, blackberries and asparagus, and some seafood like crab)

Restoring beneficial bacteria to reestablish a healthy balance of good bacteria is critical. This may be accomplished by taking
a natural probiotic such as sauerkraut, goat or sheep yogurt, grated browned apple, goat kefir or coconut kefir or kombucha.
Add to that some pre-biotic foods, those non-digestible short-chain fatty acids that help your good bacteria flourish. To get
your dose, try eating more artichokes, garlic, beans, oats, onions and asparagus. A probiotic supplement that contains the
beneficial bacteria bifidobacteria and lactobacillus species such as GNLD Acidophilus can also be taken. We recommend
anywhere from 25 - 100 billion units a day.
Consuming foods high in soluble fibre is also important. Sources of soluble fibre include:
Legumes (peas, lupins and other beans)
Grains and seeds (oats, rye, chai seeds, flax seeds and barley), some fruits and fruit juices (prune juice, plums,
berries, ripe bananas, and the insides of apples and pears)
Certain vegetables (broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, Jerusalem artichokes, root tubers and root
vegetables such as sweet potatoes and onions please note the skins of these are sources of insoluble fibre)

When the bowel is dirty, it can harbor an amazing variety of very harmful bacteria and parasites. Constipation contributes
toward the lowering of body resistance, predisposing it to many acute illnesses and the creation of many degenerative and
chronic processes. Intestinal constipation causes cellular constipation and increases the workload of other excretory organs
kidney, skin, liver, lungs and lymph which upon overworking has lowered ability to eliminate waste materials. Decline in
tissue and organ functionality results.
Never before has man been in more toxic, poisonous environments. From the air, water, food, soil, clothing, things we touch,
all find their way into the body. The need to detoxify and cleanse the body has never been greater than right now. Here are a
guidelines to ensure your gastrointestinal tract keeps functioning optimally:

Remove accumulated faecal matter

Change the diet from a toxin-producing process to that of elimination and cleansing
Eat plenty of colourful, fresh raw fruit and vegetables daily, do the change-over from soft processed foods diet to
more rough wholesome diet in gradual manner to avoid excessive flatulence (containing skins, subsequent to
washing the fruits and veg properly)
Do regular fasting sessions and cleanse with juicing
Do colonic flushing with enemas or colonic irrigations
Exercise 30 minutes per day. Walking, rebounding, stretching, swimming, cycling, etc.
The bowel should ideally empty every 6 hours
Keep medicines to the minimum, work out a medication reduction plan with your doctor
Have regular/daily natural probiotic, such as sauerkraut, goat or sheep yogurt, goat or coconut kefir


Drink at least 6-8 glasses of pure, clean water per day (see tips on WATER under the heading Hydration)
Cleanse the mind of old negative and stressed habit patterns
Dont try to do it all at once. Go about it slowly but surely in the right direction
Surround yourself with people who encourage your wellness, who have knowledge and consciousness about these




Why Your Body Loves a Cleanse

A good cleanse will make your engine purr.
Just like your car runs better after a tune-up, our bodies function better when theyre purged of the built-up waste products
and toxins that compromise health. A truly effective cleanse must go beyond fasting or juicing by supplying the specific
ingredients needed to boost the bodys own detoxification system.
The toxins and chemicals of modern industrial life assault our bodies every day. Our systems are constantly neutralising and
eliminating them, but the problem is, over time, this exposure overwhelms the detox organs, (primarily the liver and the gut).
So, instead of getting eliminated, toxins wind up being stored in various tissues, bodily functions start to slow then falter,
setting the stage for the development of chronic diseases.
A cleanse has wonderful side effects.
Although the primary goal of a good cleanse is to reset and optimise detox function, the side effects are wonderful too
most people will experience:

Weight Loss
A boost in energy levels
Less bloating and puffiness
Clearer skin
Improved digestion
Better sleep
Relief from aches and pains

A cleansing program is like a vacation for digestion.

A good cleanse resets your body, giving it a fresh start. Your digestive organs will get a vacation from the bad stuff allowing
your bodys natural detoxification systems to reboot and return to peak performance. Herbal anti-microbials diminish the
flood of internal toxins from yeast and parasites, lightening the load on the liver so it doesnt get overwhelmed. Digestive
enzymes ensure fewer negative effects from undigested foods. Fibre feeds the cells lining the intestines thereby supporting
cellular integrity and decreasing inflammation. Eliminating foods that often cause sensitivities or reactions will give your
digestive system a well-earned rest.
A good cleanse will create a heightened sense of well-being.
A good cleanse should make you feel buoyant, energetic and vital, not spaced-out, deprived, physically weak or cranky. By
not ingesting the toxins and irritants that are a common cause of sensitivities, reactions, irritation and inflammation and by
supplementing with digestive enzymes, fibre and herbal anti-bacterials, the work load on your body is reduced which
leaves your engine with more energy for other things. You should feel lighter and more mentally focused.
A good cleanse could possibly change your life.
Not only is an effective cleanse like giving yourself a good wash and polish on the inside, but it often makes a powerful entry
point into living a healthier lifestyle. A good cleanse can kick-start healthy habits and get you started on the path of smarter
choices and sustainable health the cornerstone of long-term wellness.
With your detox systems running smoothly, your body will perform more efficiently just like it should leaving you looking
and feeling better than ever.




Love Your Skin

Your skin is our largest organ, acting as both a barrier and a waste removal system. It's porous and permeable, which allows
it to aid in our bodies elimination processes, but also allows absorption of much of what we put on it and in the same way it
digests nicotine through a patch, it absorbs toxins into your bloodstream, where your circulation propels them into contact
with every single cell.
By entering through the skin, these toxins also bypass the detoxifying bacteria, selective cellular barrier, and sensitive
immune system in your gut, meaning they can be deposited and even stored throughout your tissues before your liver has a
chance to metabolise and detoxify them.

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Recipe

1 4 cups 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide

Add 1 cup of 35% food grade peroxide to a bath-tub-full of water. Then get in and soak, preferably for 30 minutes or longer
for an oxygenating soak. (Soaping is not required when bathing as the oxygen oxidises the bacteria responsible for body
When you start taking peroxide baths increase quantity by 1 cup per week to manage side effects like raised energy levels or
dizziness due to increased oxygen levels to the brain. Do not exceed 4 cups per bath.

Side Effects
Taking a hydrogen peroxide bath is like giving yourself an oxygen supplement. It is said that a peroxide bath is very
Some people report problems like headaches and loose stools after bathing with peroxide. Many times people take these
symptoms as detox reactions the body doing some housecleaning with the extra oxygen youve provided.
Use no more than 4 cups of 35% peroxide in a full tub of water, but work up to that gradually. Some people report that the
extra oxygen gives them lots of energy, so going to bed and sleeping shortly after a bath may be affected. It is not the norm


Food Grade Peroxide

Food grade peroxide does not have the stabilisers that most other kinds of peroxide have. It is "cleaner".
Peroxide may bleach your body hair as well as your head hair (if you put your hair in the water and of course influenced by
how many cups you put in and how long you stay in). Rather keep hair out of the water.

Other Benefits
Peroxide will kill any anaerobic germs in the water and on your skin.

Safety of Letting Peroxide-water Go Down the Drain or into Garden

It goes to the sewage treatment center and kills a lot of anaerobic bacteria there, and, in the process, it will break down into
water and oxygen.
If you happen to live in the country and your tub water goes out to the land or to a creek, depending on the concentration of
peroxide in the water. It may be too strong to release directly into a stream, for example.
If you bath water is going to your own septic system, it is likely to be good for it.
Limit yourself to biodegradable soap. No salts should be run out into the garden. Plan ahead so that you do not put anything
in the bath water that you dont want on the plants. Up to 1.5 cup of peroxide in a bath is safe for your plants.
Use coconut oil on the skin after baths, if your skin feels a little dry.




Parasites are far more common than you expect. Its a myth that parasites only exist in underdeveloped countries. Parasites
can cause a myriad of symptoms, only a few of which are actually digestive in nature.

What is a Parasite?
A parasite is any organism that lives and feeds off of another organism. When we refer to intestinal parasites, we are
referring to tiny organisms, usually worms, that feed off of your nutrition.
Some examples of parasites include roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, whipworms, hookworms, and more. Because
parasites come in so many different shapes and sizes, they can cause a very wide range of problems. Some consume your
food, leaving you hungry after every meal and unable to gain weight. Others feed off of your red blood cells, causing anemia.
Some lay eggs that can cause itching, irritability, and even insomnia. If you have tried countless approaches to heal your gut
and relieve your symptoms without any success, a parasite could be the underlying cause for many of your unexplained and
unresolved symptoms.

How Do You Get Parasites?

There are a number of ways to contract a parasite. First, parasites can enter your body through contaminated food and
water. Undercooked meat is a common place for parasites to hide, as well as contaminated water from underdeveloped
countries, lakes, ponds, or creeks. However, meat is the not the only culprit. Unclean or contaminated fruits and vegetables
can also harbor parasites. Some parasites can even enter the body by traveling through the bottom of your foot.
Once a person is infected with a parasite, it's very easy to pass it along. If you have a parasite and don't wash your hands
after using the restroom, you can easily pass microscopic parasite eggs onto anything you touch the door handle, the salt
shaker, your phone, or anyone you touch. It's also very easy to contract a parasite when handling animals. Hand washing is a
major opportunity to prevent parasite contamination and transmission. Traveling overseas is another way that foreign
parasites can be introduced to your system. If you consumed any contaminated water during your travels, you may have
acquired a parasite of some kind.

10 Signs You May Have a Parasite

You have an explained constipation, diarrhea, gas, or other symptoms of IBS

You traveled internationally and remember getting travelers diarrhea while abroad
You have a history of food poisoning and your digestion has not been the same since
You have trouble falling asleep, or you wake up multiple times during the night
You get skin irritations or unexplained rashes, hives, rosacea or eczema
You grind your teeth in your sleep
You have pain or aching in your muscles or joints
You experience fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or frequent feelings of apathy
You never feel satisfied or full after your meals
You've been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia

The signs of a parasite can often appear unrelated and unexplained. As mentioned previously, there are MANY different
types of parasites that we are exposed to in our environments. We typically see parasites causing more constipation in
patients than diarrhea, but some parasites are capable of changing the fluid balance in your gut and causing diarrhea.
Trouble sleeping, skin irritations, mood changes, and muscle pain can all be caused by the toxins that parasites release into
the bloodstream. These toxins often cause anxiety, which can manifest itself in different ways. For instance, waking up in the
middle of the night or grinding your teeth in your sleep are signs that your body is experiencing anxiety while you rest. When
these toxins interact with your neurotransmitters or blood cells, they can cause mood swings or skin irritation.

How to Treat Parasites

A parasite cleanse consisting of a blend of herbs, oils and extracts is recommended.
In general, these parasite cleansing formulas provide a broad spectrum of activity against the most common pathogens
present in the human Gastrointestinal tract, while sparing the beneficial gut bacteria.

Caution: Before starting any anti-parasite program, we recommend you consult one of our practitioners to discuss
recommended methods.




The Bowel

Do you suffer from bouts of diarrhoea and/or constipation? Are your bowel movements less than once a day? Or are you
frequently tired or do you often feel bloated or mentally sluggish? If so, you may want to consider improving your bowel
health in order to improve your overall health.
So why is good bowel health so important? According to the Royal Society of Medicine, over 90% of all chronic diseases are
due to an infection of the Gastrointestinal tract. You may already have heard it said death begins in the bowel and this is
indeed true.
The bowel is in fact a waste treatment system, but with neglect and abuse - it becomes a cesspool. Whenever the bowel is
clean and working well, we are healthy and happy; but if its left to stagnate and become overburdened with toxins, it will
poison the body - a process known as auto-intoxication. Auto-intoxication can cause depression, fatigue, irritability, poor
concentration, insomnia, muscular aches, bloating, headaches, poor skin, bad breath and much more. In fact, if toxins are
left to accumulate inside the body, your organs slow down to cause degenerative diseases and serious health problems.
The bowel, otherwise known as the large intestine or colon is approximately 5 feet long and is primarily made up of
muscle. The muscles in the bowel contract and relax to push liquified waste matter along its length. The bowel's main
function is to absorb water and mineral salts from faecal matter and to pass these nutrients into the blood or lymphatic
vessels in order to keep levels in the body constant and prevent dehydration. A sluggish bowel can hold onto several pounds
of old toxic and poisonous waste material. Because the bowel can also reabsorb many soluble toxins, its important that your
bowel movements are regular and take place daily to enable toxins to be eliminated from the body as swiftly as possible.

Essentially, the bowel also provides the passage for elimination of all remaining waste, which is collected in the rectum and
excreted through the anus at intervals. Faecal matter can remain in the bowel any length of time from 10 hours to several
days, depending on the efficiency of the colon; however the shorter the transit time, the better. Unfortunately modern
diets refined, processed, low-fibre foods and animal fats, along with the use of alopathic medication and poor health habits
and lifestyles can often result in greatly increased transit times. The colon can become a breeding ground for parasites,
bacteria and viruses. If your colon is not clean, then your body cant absorb nutrients from food as effectively as it should.
Almost all mammals, including man, should have one bowel movement for every meal that is eaten every day.

Caution : Before starting any cleansing or detox program, we recommend you consult one of our practitioners to discuss
recommended methods.


Summarised Intestinal Sanitation Recipe

1 large garlic clove
2 heaped tablespoon of Epsom Salts
cup sauerkraut

Special Equipment
Toilet Paper

Take 1 large clove of garlic, crush and swallow.
Take 2 heaped tablespoons of Epsom Salts (dissolve in 50ml of luke warm water), drink and follow immediately with 500ml of
ginger, lemon, honey tea (1 teaspoon grated ginger, a squirt of fresh lemon and honey to taste in boiling water).
30 minutes later, have a cup of sauerkraut (probiotic) to replace the good flora.
Have 1 tablespoon sauerkraut or 50ml kombucha half an hour before and after all meals daily to strengthen the good flora.
Continue for at least 28 days after the bowel cleanse and then as a way of life daily.

Detailed Explanation of Intestinal Sanitation

Visit our website to read more information regarding the Intestinal Cleanse

This leads us to the next step: replacing the decimated pathogenic microbes with desirable lactobacilli. This must be done in
a massive dose 30-60 minutes after each flush; otherwise the unwanted microbes may grow back to full strength after the
next meal. Commonly probiotics contain acidophilus and bifidobacteria in addition to other lactobacteria.
Preferably buy milk-free cultures, especially with Type 1 diabetes and allergies. High-potency cultures contain 10 to 25 Billion
live bacteria per gram or per capsule.
However, these dried cultures are dormant and relatively inactive as compared to bacteria in fresh or live ferments. Initially
you may use dry cultures as starter or buy fresh ferments. Alternatively experiment with making your own ferments, genuine
fermented sauerkraut is one of the best natural probiotics. We do not recommend using commercial yogurt to sanitise the
gastro-intestinal tract because of the high content of mucus-causing lactose and the limited strains of lactobacteria. Better
for fermenting milk products are Kefir grains which can ferment at room temperature. You may ferment goats milk or even
bee pollen. These ferments do not set as solid as cows milk because of the lower protein content, but that does not matter as
the beneficial bacteria are in the liquid. You keep it warm for several hours, and it is ready to use when it tastes somewhat
acid and starts frothing, keep refrigerated. Use a glassful of this liquid as a starter for the next batch. For individuals with
Candida it is preferable to ferment in a yogurt maker close to 40C as yeast fermentation increases at lower temperatures and
can cause problems, this may also happen with sauerkraut.
Commonly these ferments are rather acidic and may upset sensitive individuals. In this case partly neutralise the acidity by
adding some bicarbonate until it is only slightly sour, or you may let the ferment stand for a few hours with the addition of
some dolomite powder and decant shortly before use.
Take a cupful of ferment after each flush, and possibly more before other meals. Continue taking either cultures or ferment
daily during the intestinal cleanse and preferably during the systemic antimicrobial therapy.

Prebiotics or the food that we provide for our intestinal flora may be even more important than the probiotics that we can
supply as supplements. These nutrients determine which microbial species will thrive and which ones will not do well. The
easily digestible carbohydrates from sugar and grain products favour Candida and other yeasts but can also lead to
overgrowth of various bacteria in the small intestines.


Commercially available soluble but indigestible fibre, called FOS or fructosoligosaccharides, helps to stimulate the growth of
beneficial intestinal bacteria. This is the fibre in fruit without the sugar. FOS are mainly composed of several fructose
molecules linked together. Some commercial FOS in processed foods are made by a fungus and yeast sensitive individuals
may react to it. The better type of FOS is produced by splitting the long fructose chains of inulin derived from vegetable
Generally inulin powder is the better supplement to use for stimulating growth of bifidobacteria in the colon, and this is one
of the more effective ways of keeping Candida in the colon under control. Inulin is a fine white powder with a slightly sweet
taste and is more pleasant to eat and more beneficial than bran.
The recommended intake of inulin is from 5 to 10 grams or 1 to 2 teaspoons daily, best divided. The amount should be
increased gradually as it may cause loose bowel motions and increased wind or flatulence. This cannot be entirely avoided
but experiment to keep it in acceptable limits.
Here is some data for the inulin content in foods: Chicory roots 15-20%, Jerusalem artichokes 14-19%, garlic 9-16%,
dandelion leaves 12-15%, onions 2-6%, leeks 3-10%, artichoke leaves 3-10%, and bananas 0.3-0.7%
An excellent health food to sanitise the intestinal tract is to blend a handful of fresh green leaves at high speed in water, and
drink this without straining. You may also add spirulina. The fibre and chlorophyll of the leaves provides high-quality food for
the resident bifidobacteria in the colon.
Legumes are high in a type of soluble fibre, raffinose, that is only broken down in the large intestines. It is another excellent
food for bifidobacteria. Raffinose is a trisaccharide with the simple sugars galactose, fructose, and glucose joined together. It
is a soluble fibre and can be found in legumes, members of the cabbage family, asparagus and other vegetables.
As a side-effect legumes tend to produce wind or flatulence which can be reduced by sprouting these legumes, or by soaking
them overnight and replacing the water before cooking. This also greatly improves the absorption of minerals by reducing
the amount of phytic acid in the seeds. Lentils, peas and chickpeas usually cause less problems than beans.




The Gallbladder

Most people never give a thought to the health of their gallbladder. The pear-shaped organ sits just below the liver that
stores the bile secreted by the liver. During a fatty meal, the gallbladder contracts, delivering the bile through the bile ducts
into the intestines to help with digestion.
When the gallbladder isn't working as well as it should gallstones develop, most people are unaware that there is a problem.
Yet in a small percentage of people, gallstones can trigger a variety of symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea,
and vomiting.
When gallstone symptoms are frequent, recurrent, and especially uncomfortable, the typical treatment is surgery to remove
the gallbladder. Watching what you eat, keeping a healthy weight and cleansing may help you prevent gallstones from
forming and avoid some discomfort if you do develop gallstones.

Gallbladder Cleanse Recipe

Approximately 36 Granny Smith apples
120ml cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon

Special Equipment
Juice extractor
Hydrogen peroxide

Day 1 : To be sure you are drinking natural juice, soak apples in peroxide water for 10 minutes prior to juicing.
Juice approximately 2 3 medium sized apples to make 120ml apple juice. Drink 120ml of apple juice at 8 am.
120ml apple juice to follow every 2 hours (10 am, 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm and 6 pm). Eat nothing else that day.
Day 2 : Repeat the apple juice schedule then at bedtime take 120ml of olive oil; you may flush it down with a shot of freshly
squeezed hot lemon juice.
This quick cleanse allows your gall bladder to soften through the consumption of apple juice and the acids it contains then
forces the gall bladder to empty with the olive oil and hot lemon juice.




The Liver

Weighing in at about 1.5KG, the liver is our busiest organ and powerhouse as it holds the greatest responsibility with regards
to detoxification. The livers ability to function efficiently is crucial as it is accountable for filtering at least 3 pints of blood
every minute of the day and is responsible for the largest percentage of detoxification, when the organ gets bogged down,
sluggish or clogged the entire body becomes more contaminated and toxic.
The most common physical symptoms of an overworked toxic liver can include: cold or flu, acne,
diarrhoea, fatigue, and skin rashes.
The liver is also thought to be an emotional storehouse and harbors suppressed feeling of anger, rage, jelousy, resentment
and depression all of which may resurface during intense detoxification of this very important organ.

Liver Cleanse With Fresh Beetroot Recipe

Fresh Beetroot is a powerful food for cleansing and supporting liver function.

cup raw grated or blended beetroot
2 tablespoons cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
Juice of lemon

Special Equipment
Blender or grater

Mix the ingredients together and eat once a day by no later than 6pm every night for 28 consecutive days.

Liver Cleansing Tea Recipe

teaspoon dried sage
tablespoon fennel seed
1 cup of filtered or spring water


Bring filtered water, sage and fennel to the boil and immediately remove from heat. Allow to steep for 10 min, squeeze in
some fresh lemon juice to taste, drink and enjoy. Enjoy 1 cup per day, 3 days per week for 4 consecutive weeks.

Liver Cleanse Coffee Enema Recipe

1L Distilled, filtered or spring water
4 tablespoons organic filter coffee
Coconut oil or Vitamin E oil

Special Equipment
Coffee perculator or plunger
Re-usable or disposable enema kit (available at most pharmacies)

Perculate 1L filtered water and 4 heaped tablesoons organic filter coffee.
Alternatively bring 1L filtered water to the boil. Put 4 heaped tablespoons organic filter coffee into plunger, pur in the hot
water and allow to stand for a few minutes allowing the coffee to steep before plunging.
Once your coffee has perculated or been prepared in the plunger allow it to cool for aproximately 30 min to an hour or add a
little cold spring water to cool the coffee to body temperature.
Test the temperature of the coffee with your finger, the coffee should be lukewarm, but not hot.
Pour the coffee liquid into the enema bag or bucket or applicator (ensure the coffee granules are left in the plunger).

The Enema Application

Next, allow the coffee to flow to the end of the colon tube, thus eliminating any air in the tube.
The colon tube should be lubricated with Coconut oil or Vitamin E oil.
The enema bag should not be over 92 cm higher than the rectum. If it is placed too high, the coffee runs into the colon too
fast and under too much pressure, causing discomfort.
Lie on your left side when starting and insert the enema nozzle into your rectum.
Inject and retain the coffee for up to 10 to 20 minutes in total.
After 5 minutes (while retaining the coffee) turn over onto your back, and once again after another 5 minutes switch to your
right side before evacuating your bowels.
While in motion it is recommended to lightly massage your abdomen from left to right (up the left side, and then left to right
just below the navel).
Note: All too often a coffee enema is applied during moments of constipation, in this case it may be easier to inject 500ml
coffee, then follow the entire cycle above through to the stage of evacuation. This will force out any faecal matter in the
colon. Once the colon is clean you can then inject the remaining 500ml and complete the second cycle to fully benefit from the
detoxing effects the coffee enema offers.

The Benefits of a Coffee Enema

The coffee enema is very stimulating to the liver and is the greatest aid in elimination of the livers toxic wastes.
The coffee enema, besides stimulating liver detoxification, also has beneficial effects in cleaning the colon. Coffee is an
excellent solvent for encrusted waste accumulated along the walls of the colon. The caffeine also directly stimulates the
peristaltic muscle to contract more powerfully and loosen such deposits, which are occasionally visible as hard, black
material and "ropes" of mucus. Gradually, as the protein metabolism of the body improves, the muscle tone of the bowel
becomes normal and thorough evacuation is possible without the aid of the enema.
Essentially, the coffee enemas help the liver perform a task for which it was not designed that of elimination in 1 or 2
years the accumulated wastes from many years of living in ignorance of the laws of nature.


At first, most people dislike enemas and have psychological barriers against them. Ignorance of the purpose and function of
the enema, as well as misunderstanding of the proper procedure for taking it bring about this aversion. We have observed,
however, that the persons most opposed to enemas soon reverse their prejudices and become the most avid supporters of
In many cases, the enema relieves distress and gives a sense of well-being and cleanliness never before experienced. The
proper removal of toxins and debris from the colon is absolutely essential in all conditions of disease and ill health.
It is most desirable to take the coffee enema early in the morning and it may be repeated again in early afternoon and/or
evening, depending upon the toxic condition of the body. Enemas using coffee in the afternoon or evening may interfere
with sound sleep. If enemas are needed at these times, rather make a weaker solution to permit sleep.

Why It Works
The effects of a coffee enema are different than a saline enema. The most important difference between a saline enema and
a coffee enema is the presence of caffeine in the coffee. Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, combine to stimulate the
relaxation of smooth muscles causing dilatation of blood vessels and bile ducts. The effects of having a coffee enema are not
the same as drinking coffee. The veins of the anus are very close to the surface of the tissue. The caffeine is therefore
absorbed more quickly (and in higher concentration) than it is in when coffee is drunk.

Liver Benefits
Additionally, coffee has a chemical makeup that is stimulative. The enzymes in coffee, known as palmitates, help the liver
carry away the toxins in bile acid. The coffee is absorbed into the hemorrhoidal vein, then taken up to the liver by the portal
vein. With the bile ducts dilated, bile carries toxins away to the gastro-intestinal tract. Simultaneously, peristaltic activity is
encouraged because of the flooding of the lower colon. Thus, when the colon is evacuated, the toxins and bile are carried
out of the body.

Many people are concerned that the body will become 'addicted' to the enema. This fear is unfounded. The bowels can
continue to function on their own after enemas are discontinued.

Additional Useful Tips

Before the enema do some form of mild exercise if possible, such as walking briskly. If one is extremely debilitated and weak,
this step will of course need to be omitted until strength returns.
Attempt a normal bowel movement. The enema is much more effective if the colon has been evacuated. One should not
become disturbed, however, if there are no regular bowel movements. In many cases, not enough bulk collects to instigate a
normal bowel movement. When no normal bowel movements are forthcoming, the enema cleans the colon adequately.
Bulk formers such as 2 tablespoons of millers bran with each meal (obtainable at the health food store) are quite helpful in
forming stools and thereby creating more normal bowel movements for those who take daily enemas.
After the normal bowel movement, if one is forthcoming, or before taking the coffee retention enema, most people find that
taking an enema with 1L of warm spring filtered water is very helpful (do not retain this enema). This procedure begins the
cleansing of the colon, removing large particles of residue and most of the gas. The warm water enema is optional and does
not need to be taken if the coffee enema can be retained for the desired period.
There are several positions that can be used while inserting the colon tube. Squatting is one. There is also the knee-chest
method, with chest and knees on the floor and buttocks in the highest position possible. Most people, however, find it
easiest to lie on the left side until the solution is out of the bag or bucket. The enema should never be taken while sitting on
the toilet or standing.


The tube should never be forced when discomfort occurs.

Regardless of the position used up to this point, one should now lie on the left side for at least 5 minutes, then on the back
for another 5 minutes, then on the right side for at least 5 minutes. If this is not possible, lie only on the right side.
After the enema is retained for 15 minutes or longer, it may be expelled.
One is now ready for the rest of the daily routine clean and refreshed!

Helpful Hints
If you find you have a lot of gas and it is difficult to retain the enema, try putting 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses into
your coffee solution.
If you get a sudden gas bubble causing an urge to expel the solution, breathe very fast through your nose using your
abdominal muscles like a bellows. This usually helps the colon wall break up the gas bubble.
If you find that a little coffee leaks out, place an old towel under your buttocks.
The coffee must be regular (organic if possible), non-instant, non-decaffeinated coffee. It must be prepared in enamelware,
glass or stainless steel, or by the tricolator filter method. Aluminum or Teflon should not be used at any time! We have found
the coffee that is unboiled or prepared via the "drip method" is preferable. Use 3 to 4 tablespoons of ground coffee to 1L of
distilled, filtered or spring water. Any water that enters into the body should be clean filtered or spring water.
Avoidance of city water supplies (always chlorinated, which has been strongly linked to hardening of the arteries, and often
fluoridated, which has been strongly linked to cancer and thyroid disease) is most essential to removing stress from the
If a coffee enema makes a person jittery, shaky, nervous, nauseated, or light-headed, the coffee solution is too strong. The
amount of coffee can be adjusted from 4 tablespoons to 4 teaspoons per liter of water as tolerance level permits.
The high, retention coffee enema should consist of 1 liter of coffee, held for 15 minutes (or as long as is comfortably
possible, but not longer than 15 minutes).
Some people can take and retain only a 500ml (2 cups) of enema solution at a time. If this is the case, one must take 2
enemas, one right after the other, (after the bowel has been flushed, the next coffee is injected immediately) and hold each
for up to 15 minutes as directed. The latter option (of 2 injection sessions) is more often than not the one to follow.




The Kidneys

The kidneys are two small organs in your lower back under your adrenal glands. Kidneys are among our most vital organs,
and they help process everything you put into your system (food, alcohol, medications, etc.) They have many functions,
Filtering waste out of the blood each day
Regulating the body's salt, potassium and acid content
Removing of drugs from the body
Balancing the body's fluids
Releasing hormones that regulate blood pressure
Producing an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones
Controlling the production of red blood cells
In other words, they keep your body healthy and it's a good idea to help them and give them a rest from time to time.
Cleansing the kidneys helps prevent kidney infection and kidney stone formation. It also boosts immunity and flushes away

Celery Seed Tea Recipe

Celery seeds have a direct action on the kidneys, increasing the elimination of water and speeding up the clearance of
accumulated toxins from the joints.

1 teaspoon celery seed
250ml of filtered or spring water

Pour 250ml boiling water over a teaspoonful of Celery seeds (freshly ground or cut) and allow it to steep for 10 minutes
before allowing the elixir to cool. Pour approximately 250ml celery seed tea into a glass.
Drink at least 1 glass per day 3 days a week.
The tea should be made fresh for each use.

Caution : Avoid in pregnancy because celery seed is a uterine stimulant.


Parsley Tea Recipe

Parsley tea has been a used to treat urinary tract and bladder infections as well as kidney stones.

1 bunch fresh parsley
1L of filtered or spring water
1 teaspoon of ginger

Bring filtered water, parsley and ginger to the boil and immediately remove from heat. Allow to steep for ten min before
straining the parsley and allow elixir to cool. Pour approximately 250ml parsley tea into a glass, squeeze in some lemon to
taste. Drink 1 glass per day for 4 consecutive days, repeat weekly for 1 month.
The remaining parsley tea can be kept in the fridge until finished. Fresh tea can be made weekly while following the cleanse.

Caution : Avoid in pregnancy because parsley tea is a uterine stimulant.

Bay Leaf Tea Recipe
Bay leaves contain notable plant-derived compounds, vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimum health, detox and
cellular regeneration. Bay leaves help in treating kidney infections and even kidney stones.

1 teaspoon dried bay leaves
200ml of filtered or spring water

Boil 1 teaspoon of bay leaves in 200ml water until the liquid has reduced to 50ml. Strain and take 1 tablespoon twice a day
for 4 consecutive days while drinking at least 2 litres of fluid on these days.

Caution : Avoid in pregnancy because bay leaf tea is a uterine stimulant.




The Lymphatic System

What is lymph and why is it important?

Our lymph travels with our nerves, arteries and veins, and is twice as big as our arterial blood supply.
The lymphatic system removes waste from every single cell in the body (yes, even all the way down to your little toes).
Sadly, we don't often talk about the lymph until it turns into cancer. In Ayurveda, the lymphatic system is the first system
that is addressed. That's because congested lymph is responsible for a variety of ailments, including suppressed immune
system, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, aches and pains, bloating and poor digestion. If your
lymph is sluggish, you're also more prone to cellulite, collecting fat deposits and obesity.

Dry Brushing Using a Dry Brush

When you do Skin Brushing, you help your Lymph System to clean itself of the toxins that collect in the Lymph Glands. You
use a simple technique to improve the surface circulation on the skin and keep the pores of the skin open, encouraging your
body's discharge of metabolic wastes, and resulting in an improved ability to combat bacteria, plus helping your skin to look
and feel healthier and more resilient. Skin brushing is a perfect treatment for self-help enthusiasts.

Special Equipment
Soft bristle body brush

Brush your dry body before you shower or bathe, preferably in the morning.
Start at your feet and always brush toward your heart. Use brisk circular motions or long, even strokes.
Brush all the way up your legs, then over your abdomen, buttocks, and back. If you have cellulite on your hips and thighs,
concentrate there a little longer.
(For complete dissolving of cellulite, brush for 10 minutes daily for several months).
Brush lightly on sensitive areas like breasts and more firmly on areas like soles of the feet.
When you reach your arms, begin at your fingers and brush up your arms, toward your heart.
Brush your shoulders and chest down, always toward your heart.
Avoid brushing anywhere the skin is broken or where you have a rash, infection, cut or wound.
Finish by taking a shower and if you choose, use cold/hot therapy to further stimulate the lymphatic system and improve
Dry off vigorously and massage pure plant oils into your skin such as almond, sesame, avocado, coconut, olive or cacao
Wash your brush every few weeks in water and allow it dry.


Example of How to Dry Brush

The Hot Towel Alternative

A hot towel scrub is an easy and absolutely free way to support your detox plan and experience similar benefits to dry skin
brushing. All you need is a sink, hot water and a washcloth. Daily hot towel scrubbing helps to open your pores, promote
circulation and release stored toxins. This simple technique also encourages fat, mucous, cellulite and toxins to discharge
through your skin rather than accumulating around deeper vital organs.

Special Equipment
Hot Towel

Wipe your skin first with a dry towel to remove dead cells, and then use the hot wet towel to stimulate and rejuvenate your
skin and organs. Scrubbing your underarms and groin will especially activate your lymphatic system.

Benefits of Dry Brushing

Tightens skin
Helps digestion
Removes cellulite


Stimulates circulation
Increases cell renewal
Cleans the Lymphatic system
Removes dead skin layers
Strengthens immune system
Improves exchange between cells
Stimulates the glands, thus helping all of the body systems to perform at peak efficiency

Exercise is one of the easiest ways to keep Lymphatic system working well. Optimal lymph moving exercise would be
rebounding on a trampoline. You probably tried rebounding when you were a kidwithout even knowing it. Rebounding is
basically just bouncing on a trampoline or rebounder. Its low-impact aerobic exercise that can jump-start your metabolism
(no pun intended)oh, and P.S. Its pretty fun!
Rebounding is gentle enough for people who suffer from various chronic disorders, but its powerful enough to get your
blood pumping and your body working. Plus, it helps your body detoxify by sweating out the toxins.

Special Equipment
Rebounder or mini trampoline

Simply bounce lightly on your rebounder or trampoline. Just ten minutes a day will work wonders.




The Pancreas

Your pancreas is an important organ and gland located in your upper abdomen. Your pancreas performs several important
functions, including the production of digestive enzymes to help break down macronutrients, the regulation of your blood
sugar levels and the production of chemicals that neutralise your stomach acids.
There are numerous pancreas-related health problems, although three in particular are well-known, including pancreatic
cancer, pancreatic insufficiency, and both acute and chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatic cancer is a life-threatening illness. The
National Center for Biotechnology Information states that, in over 80 percent of patients, your pancreatic cancer has
metastasized, or spread to other parts of your body, by the time you are diagnosed. Pancreatic insufficiency is a condition in
which your pancreas no longer produces sufficient levels of insulin often causing a secondary chronic illness, diabetes while
pancreatitis is the inflammation of your pancreas.
The pancreas requires periodic cleaning and prevention. The most appropriate time to carry out cleaning the pancreas is the
second half of the year.
Before you start cleansing treatment, it is necessary to carry out cleansing of the liver, and then wait a month and you can
then safely clean up the pancreas.

Bay Leaf Tea Recipe

Bay leaves contain notable plant-derived compounds, vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimum health, detox and
cellular regeneration.

10 bay leaves
300ml of filtered or spring water

Throw 10 bay leaves into a jug, pour in 300 ml of boiling filtered or spring water, cover and leave to infuse for a day.
Drink 50ml half an hour before each meal, 3 times per day for 2 weeks.


Steam, Netipot Rinse


The Sinus

Chronic Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the sinus cavities and has become one of the most commonly reported
diseases. Sinusitis rarely exists without the presence of nasal inflammation (rhinitis) as well. The causes of chronic sinusitis
vary but all result in swelling of the mucous membranes lining the nasal and sinus passageways. As the swelling blocks the
narrow openings from the nose into the sinuses, the sinuses are unable to drain and mucous and debris from the lining of the
sinuses build up, all of which establish an ideal breeding ground for bacteria leading to an infection. Allergies to inhaled
environmental particles, viral infections (colds and flu) and other diseases are important factors leading to chronic sinusitis.
Curing your sinus infection naturally builds up your immune system because you're allowing it to do the work it's supposed
to, rather than letting antibiotics take over. You're just giving it a little extra help and love.
If your intention is to stay healthy in the long run, next time around try these sinus cure recipes:

Steam Inhalation with FAITHTM Drops

20 drops FAITHTM Drops (activated)
1-2L filtered or spring water
2.5ml camphor, OR 1 crystal of menthol crystal

Special Equipment
Deep bowl

Add 20 drops activated FAITH Drops and 2.5ml of camphor or 1 crystal of Menthol crystal to 1 2 litres of boiling water.
Drape your head and the bowl with a towel enabling you to inhale the resulting vapour deep into the lungs.
Inhale through mouth and note for 7 minutes.

Netipot Rinse
Morning and afternoon rinse:
1 teaspoon colloidal silver


teaspoon pink Himalayan salt

teaspoon baking soda
1 cup filtered or spring water

Morning and afternoon rinse:
Add all ingredients to the boiled filtered or spring water. Cool down to a comfortable lukewarm temperature and insert into
your sinuses.

Night rinse:
1 teaspoon colloidal silver
teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
teaspoon baking soda
1 probiotic capsule, contents emptied, OR teaspoon probiotic powder
1 cup filtered or spring water

Night rinse:
Add all ingredients to the boiled filtered or spring water. Cool down to a comfortable lukewarm temperature and insert into
your sinuses. Adding the contents of a probiotic capsule works wonders as inserting all the good bacteria directly into your
sinuses helps fight off that nasty infection.





Probiotics are beneficial forms of gut bacteria that help stimulate the natural digestive juices and enzymes that keep our
digestive organs functioning properly. Over 100 trillion microbes (bacteria, fungi and viruses) populate our gastrointestinal
tract, and 99% of them are beneficial to human health. These microbes regulate not only our digestive system, but also our
metabolism and immune system.
Here are seven important, but less known, reasons to get a good microbial balance:

Boost Your Energy Levels

For every two minutes of energy your body creates, the microflora produces 6 seconds of it. If that doesn't sound like much,
think of the most erotic two minutes of your life and take the best 6 seconds of itthat's what the microflora gives you.

Increase Your Metabolism

The microflora converts 30% of the inactive thyroid hormone, thyroxine, to its active form, T3, to help boost your

Enhance Mercury Detoxification

Very new research is showing that your microflora is responsible for up to 90% of mercury detoxification. Augment your
body's natural detox mechanisms by adding a good probiotic to your daily routine.

Improve Your Mood

The microflora synthesize B vitamins, which are used to create serotonin, the 'happy' neurotransmitter. B vitamins are also
energy nutrients. If you want to be happy and energized, dejunk your diet, so the beneficial microbes can proliferate and
do their work.

Improve Mineral Absorption

Beneficial microbes enhance the absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc. If improved bone density is a goal, adding a
good probiotic should be considered along with eating foods rich in Vitamin D3, calcium, magnesium and other bone

Decrease Food Sensitivities

The microflora improve gut barrier function by creating fuel for the cells that line the gastrointestinal tract. Without this fuel,
these cells atrophy causing leaky gut. Once leaky gut is established, food sensitivities frequently develop.


Battle Obesity
Beneficial microbes use more calories to survive than pathogenic microbes. The pathogenic microbes also interfere with
insulin signaling, leading to increased fat mass. Modern animal husbandry has known this for years; give animals low-dose
antibiotics and they get fatter.
Probiotics are designed to augment normal flora so the microbes can more easily perform their diverse functions. However,
probiotics are not a panacea for wellness. They are part of a larger protocol to improve the gut microbial balance, which

Limiting your intake of antibiotics (medically and in the food supply)

Dejunking your diet to limit fuel for the pathogenic microbes
Eating a colorful array of plant-based foods to provide substrates for the mircoflora to feast on
Adding naturally fermented foods, like sauerkraut, kombucha or goat and coconut kefir, to enhance the microbial

Natural Probiotics
You can eat probiotic foods that are a host to live bacterium? Some of these include kefir (goat, sheep or coconut), kimchi,
kombucha, microalgae, pickles, sauerkraut, tempeh and yogurt (goat or sheep).

Probiotic Supplements
You can also get beneficial bacteria by taking a probiotic supplement.

Sauerkraut Recipe
Made from fermented cabbage (and sometimes other vegetables), sauerkraut is not only extremely rich in healthy live
cultures, but also helps with reducing allergy symptoms. Sauerkraut is also rich in vitamins B, A, E and C and more.

1 teaspoon cumin seed, OR mustard seed
1 tablespoon pink Himalayan salt (per cabbage)
1 cabbage (fresh cabbage is already pre-populated with bacteria required to lactoferment itself)
Filtered or spring water

Special Equipment
Blender or food processor
Mason jars or glass jars with rubber sealing

Shred the cabbage finely as if you are making coleslaw.
Sprinkle with pink Himalayan salt. Take care not to add to much salt.
You can also sprinkle some cumin or mustard seeds into the mix when you prepare it.
Massage the cabbage and all ingredients firmly to release the natural fluids to form a natural brine.
Place the cabbage mixture into a mason jar and ensure you push the cabbage down as tightly as possible with the cabbage
being submerged in a little fluid as it starts fermenting.
Leave it in room temperature for 4+ days, up to 7 days in winter.
Open the jar daily to compress the content tightly once per day to release the natural gases that have built up during the
fermentation process.
Enjoy 1 tablespoon first thing in the morning and last thing at night as a daily minimum.
Sauerkraut can be stored for up to two years in a sealed container in a cooled room.




Immune System

The immune system is composed of many interdependent cell types that collectively protect the body from bacterial,
parasitic, fungal, viral infections and from the growth of tumor cells. Many of these cell types have specialised functions. The
cells of the immune system can engulf bacteria, kill parasites or tumor cells, or kill viral-infected cells. Often, these cells
depend on the T helper subset for activation signals in the form of secretions formally known as cytokines, lymphokines, or
more specifically interleukins. The purpose of this article is to review the organs, cell types and interactions between cells of
the immune system as a commentary on their importance and
interdependence on the T helper subset. Such an understanding may help comprehend the root of immune deficiencies, and
perceive potential avenues that the immune system can be modulated in the case of specific diseases.

Food for Immunity

To beat disease, bring your body beyond surviving into thriving again
Being well-nourished feeds your defenses and your immune system. You need many nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, D and E,
as well as minerals, selenium zinc and Omega 3s to support your immune system. Focus on eating whole foods, such as
quality animal protein (if you're an omnivore), legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, as well as plenty of fresh fruits and
vegetables (eat all the colourful veggies, deep colours are better than pale colours). Eating raw as often as possible is best.
Superfoods such as bee pollen, camu camu and micro algae can give you an extra boost.
Cook with onions, garlic, ginger, black peppercorn, cayenne pepper, allspice, curry, and turmeric. They contain components
that help to boost your immune system.
Educate yourself, research what you eat & drink, the onus rests on you, your body and health stay your responsibility
Avoid processed foods, dairy products (cow), fried foods, processed baked goods, soft drinks, or products with artificial
sweeteners, refined sugars, MSG, Soya, or GMO produce. Eating too much of them suppresses the immune system and feeds
A gastrointestinal tract out of balance can be the core imbalance causing your symptoms and lack of wellness
It is known that about 60%-80% of our immune system is located in our digestive system. So keeping a healthy gut is very
important to keep a strong immune system. Probiotics are good bacteria that can be found in whole and fermented foods,
such as raw sauerkraut, miso, goat, sheep or coconut yogurt, goat or coconut kefir, kimchi and microalgae.
Cut back on deep fried foods. Use fish oils, flax seed oil, or coconut oil to cook with.


Foods to Beat Disease

Whole food is the raw material to beat disease

If a food will not rot or sprout, then throw it out

You want foods in its natural state (unprocessed)
Follow a diet that is rich in fresh and mostly raw fruit and veggies

Top 10 Anti-cancer Categories for Nourishing Diets

Deep colourful vegetables, such as beets, spinach, carrots. Also include the cabbage family such as cabbage &
broccoli, & the allium family, which includes onions and garlic
Cold water fish, such as, salmon, haddock, bass, sardines, tuna
Legumes, such as, beans, sprouts (rich in protease inhibitors, hydrazine sulphate and cleansing activity)
Whole grains, such as, oats, rice, wheat, buckwheat, barley, rye (fibre that help fight deterioration). Pearl Barley is
packed with fibre, iron, potassium and folate, a good source of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals
Cacao, the cacao bean is full of antioxidants, it helps regulate your mood and improve cardiovascular functioning.
Mix a few beans with goji berries and raw nuts to decrease the bitterness, a few raw cacao nuts a day will provide
you will all the essential oils you need
Fresh cherries and berries are full of anti-cancer agents that encourage apoptosis, self-destruction of cancer cells
Probiotics balancing the healthy flora in the intestines, to nourish gut and regulate immune system
Green tea is an Immune stimulant and antioxidant, protecting DNA and inhibits metastasis
Healthy seasonings, including mustard, curry, cinnamon, hot pepper, garlic, onion, sage, mint. (Anti-cancer and
immune stimulating ingredients)
Clean water, cleanses the body & helps flow of nutrients into cells and toxins out of cells ensure there is no
chlorine in the water

REMEMBER: Supplements are NOT a substitute for meals


FAITHTM Drops Program

The FAITH Drops program is a combination of activation and supporting the immune system, getting rid of nutritional
deficiencies and cleaning and detoxing the body systems.
Combined with education on matters such as nutrition, cleaner lifestyle, addressing the cause, breathing, exercise and more,
a lifestyle of health and wellness is encouraged and empowered through the FAITH program.
FAITH Drops aids the immune system to overcome various infectious diseases which may be that caused by germs,
bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and poisons. The removal of pathogens through oxidation, is to ensure no additional harm
is brought to the organs, the 12 herbal extracts (16 compounds) selected to make up our formulation renders the residue
harmless and aids in the complete removal of all of the resulting toxins from the body.
There are various pathways of application of the FAITHTM Drops applicable to areas of disease.

How to Activate One Dose of FAITH Drops

Put 3 drops (or the Health Practitioners prescribed number of drops) of FAITH and (2) an equal number of the Activator
into a glass. (3) Hold at an angle and (4) Allow to activate for 3 minutes. (5) Add to this activated solution a cup of tea (hot or
cold) or add approximately 175-250ml of water or fresh fruit juice (ensure no Vitamin C has been added, no colourants,
added sugars or preservatives) and (6) drink the solution within 15 minutes from activation.


6.1 The Standard FAITHTM Protocol

This protocol is used at the discretion of your Healthcare Practitioner.

The FAITH Drops formula is administered or taken a maximum of 4 times per day and each dose does NOT EXCEED 3 drops
per dose and a maximum of 12 drops per day, unless directed otherwise by your Healthcare Practitioner. We recommend
the Standard Protocol be followed for 30 days.
FAITH + Activator
Three (3) activated drops administered 4 x per day.

6.2 The Assail FAITHTM Protocol

This protocol is used only at the instruction of your Healthcare Practitioner and is used only in cases where it is
recommended that the bodies cells need to be shocked in order to acquire internal equilibrium by adjusting its
physiological processes in order for homeostasis to be reached.
Follow the protocols for mixing the FAITH drops and do not exceed a total of ten (10) drops per dose the first day and three
(3) drops per dose there after according to the protocol set out below. Do not exceed the maximum number of drops per
day or the number of days for this Protocol.





Four times daily

Continue this protocol every hour the patient is awake for no more
than 12 hours and no less than 8. Use high doses only for lifethreatening diseases or conditions. Normal dose is 3 / 3
For 1 week take recommended dose 4 x per day

9 - 15


Three times daily

For 1 week take recommended dose 3 x per day

16 - 22


Twice daily

For 1 week take recommended dose twice a day

23 - 30


Once daily

For 1 week take recommended dose once a day

This protocol may only be adapted by your Healthcare Practitioner

6.3 The Maintenance FAITHTM Protocol

This protocol is used only at the instruction of your Healthcare Practitioner.
Follow the protocols for mixing the FAITH drops and do not exceed a total of three (3) drops ONCE daily for ten (10) days
per month. Do not exceed the maximum number of drops per day or the number of days unless advised otherwise by your
Healthcare Practitioner
Three (3) Drops once daily as a Maintenance dose to maintain general health.
Follow the activating procedure as per Standard Protocol.


6.4 The Aggressive FAITHTM Protocol

This protocol is used only upon instruction of your Healthcare Practitioner.
Refer to the Table of Dosages for further information chronic illness / life-threatening illness
The Aggressive FAITH formula is administered or taken a maximum of 8 x per day (every hour) and each dose does NOT
EXCEED more than 10 drops per dose.
Do not exceed the maximum number of drops per day or the number of days for this Protocol.



Three (3) activated drops

Four (4) activated drops

Five (5) activated drops

Six (6) activated drops

Seven (7) activated drops

Eight (8) activated drops

Nine (9) activated drops

Ten (10) activated drops

Activate the drops per Activation Process above

Continue increasing the drops with each dose until you reach a maximum of 10 drops per dose every hour or until
nausea level is reached.
Once nausea is experienced resume dosage at the previous level where no nausea was experienced.
Follow Aggressive FAITH Formula Protocol for a maximum of four (4) days.
Then resume treatment following the Assail Formula Protocols (see below) or follow instructions from your
Healthcare Practitioner.
5 - 11
Four times daily
For 1 week take recommended dose 4 x per day
12 - 18


Three times daily

For 1 week take recommended dose three x per day

19 - 25


Twice daily

For 1 week take recommended dose twice a day

26 - 30


Once daily

For 1 week take recommended dose once a day


6.5 Steaming/Inhalation FAITHTM Protocol

Steaming / Inhalation Protocol

Mix ratio of drops to activator:




Add 20 drops activated FAITH Drops and 2.5ml of camphor / 1 Steaming / Inhalation asthma, bronchitis, TB, colds, flu
crystal of Menthol crystal to 1 2 litres of boiling water.
(lung or sinus related ailments).
Drape the patients head and the bowl with a towel enabling
the patient to inhale the resulting vapour deep into the lungs.
This method allows the FAITH drops direct access to the affected area, which is more effective.
Patient should maintain this position for no less than 7 minutes. Repeat 2 (or 3) x daily until desired results obtained.


6.6 Rectal Application FAITHTM Protocol

Rectal Protocol

Mix ratio of drops to activator:




Calculate 1 drop activated FAITH Drops per 10 kgs of body weight.

Anal application (enema)
Wait prescribed 3 minutes activation period.
Mix solution with 25ml luke warm water
Administer as an enema 3 times daily (tds). This is an effective way of administering the drops without patient experiencing
nausea. It enters the body faster than it would orally (OZ). Very effective for colon, prostate and intestinal cancer.
This procedure can be maintained for 21 days where after if illness still persists, the treatment may be repeated for a further
21 days upon review of the Healthcare Practitioner.


6.7 Direct Spray FAITHTM Protocol

Direct Spray Protocol

Mix ratio of drops to activator:




Add 10 drops activated FAITH Drops to cup (75ml) of

luke warm water.

Direct spray - pressure wounds (bedsores), wounds & ulcers

Pour into a spray bottle

This method allows the spray direct access to any dermal viruses / bacteria or infections/poison. It has a cleansing and
sterilising effect but does not penetrate the outer dermis.
This method should be repeated in severe cases hourly until wound starts closing. No bandages or dressings are necessary
whilst treatment is in progress. Thereafter repeat 4 x daily until completely clear.


6.8 Topical Application FAITHTM Protocol

Topical Use Protocol

Mix ratio of drops to activator:




Activate 6 10 FAITH Drops in a small glass bowl. Allow

to activate for required 3 minutes activation period.

Topical direct application onto skin.

For covering small areas of the body, add approximately 125ml of water before putting the diluted solution on the skin or in
the hair. If one uses too strong a solution of activated FAITH Drops topically, it can weaken the cells and make them more
susceptible to bacteria and infection by damaging the dermis natural acid mantle. For direct application use an earbud
dipped into activated solution and apply direct to insect bites, warts etc. Never add the activated drops to any kind of body
lotion, gel or cream. Rinse area after solution has dried on skin so as to avoid irritating the skin.
Apply minimum 4 x per day. Continue topical application until insect bites are healed or warts are clear.

6.9 Douche Application FAITHTM Protocol

Douche Protocol

Mix ratio of drops to activator:




Calculate 1 drop activated FAITH Drops per 5kg of

body weight.
Wait prescribed 3 minutes activation period.

Douche: Disposable douche or rubber syringe to be used. Place

activated drops with the 75cc water into rubbery syringe. Squirt
solution into the vagina whilst lying prone. Elevate legs and keep
solution in vagina for as long as possible not less than 5 minutes.

Add 4 tablespoons (75ml) luke warm water to

activated drops.

Douche: This method allows the drops direct access to the affected area, which is more effective. However, the pH of the
vagina is affected and yoghurt and other protocols will be required to return pH to normal. Effective in the treatment of
Cervical cancer, severe vaginal infections & stds.

Douche: Apply 2 x per day (bd) for 7 days or until clear.


6.10 OCC Transdermal 8 Day Protocol (Onto The Skin)


Mix ratio of drops to activator:




Activate 20 FAITH Drops with 20 drops of Activator in a

glass bowl.
(Apply as per the OCC Protocol by dabbing onto the skin see
(Dosage of 20 drops for 50kgs or more body weight
roster [10a])
all dosages of this mixing protocol would be halved for
someone with body weight under 50kgs, children are
calculated individually)
Wait prescribed 3 minutes activation period.
Add teaspoon DMSO (3.75ml) to the activated drops.
Wait 3 minutes for DMSO to bind to FAITH ion
Add 5ml (1 teaspoon) water to the already mixed solution.
This method allows the DMSO to transport the ion and compounds directly into the nucleus of every cell in the body,
sterilising the system and enabling cellular repair and detox.
This protocol is followed for 8 days based upon the protocol roster. Follow with 30 day mini OCC. If illness still persists
consult your Healthcare Practitioner.

How to Prepare One OCC Application of DMSO and FAITH Drops


Place the prescribed number of drops of FAITH Drops and an equal number of the Activator into a small glass
bowl. Always make use of glass never plastic.
Activate for 3 minutes.
Add to this solution a teaspoon (3.75ml) of DMSO. Gently stir using a metal / silver teaspoon, never plastic.
Activate for a further 3 minutes.
Add to this solution (2,5ml) teaspoon 1 (5ml) teaspoon of water.

Method of Applying the FAITH Drops / DMSO Solution Onto Skin



When the mixture is ready as per the 5 step directions above, you pat/stroke/dab the entire solution onto the skin
(do not rub in).
Spread the solution thinly over the designated area for that session. This will allow it to penetrate faster and be less
irritating to the skin.
Do not put the transdermal solution directly onto open lesions.
If is very important to rotate where you put the mixture on the skin. This rotation will allow the skin to recover from
the DMSO pulling the FAITH Drops through the skin. Example:
First application can be patted onto the arms;
Second application onto the chest and stomach;
Third application to the thighs;
Fourth application the calves and feet;
Then back to arms and so on. One can also apply to the back.
After 3 5 minutes, (or earlier if the skin starts to itch), gently wipe the area with a wet/damp, clean wash cloth,
after which 1 teaspoon of MSM Water (optional) will be patted to the same area that has been wiped. MSM, a
derivative of DMSO and natural anti-inflammatory, which also protects the epithelial cells, will not bind to other
molecules like DMSO or carry them through the skin

Please note that latex gloves, rubber gloves or any other kind of gloves should NOT be used to spread any mixture containing
DMSO. The DMSO can pull the ions in these gloves through the skin. Always use bare hands with NO nail varnish to apply the




OCC Protocol consists of several protocols

simultaneously (recommended at the discretion of

the qualified Healthcare Practitioner).
1. Oral doses of FAITHTM Drops
2. Transdermal application of FAITHTM Drops, DMSO
& MSM Water
And depending upon the type of cancer
3. Steaming, rectal, vaginal and / or topical
4. Intravenous Drip administration (Reserved for
Medical practitioners only)
5. Oral doses of FAITHTM Booster and/or FAITHTM
6. Oral administration of FAITHTM Enzyme Capsules
It is our recommendation that all protocols be
administered simultaneously to ensure best and fastest


Program Summary for 8 Day OCC Protocol



No. of

Phase 1 Pre-OCC




Evening only. May start 1 hour earlier. Start on the hour. Continue
treatment for 4 hours, ending after applying the teaspoon MSM
Eat a well-balanced healthy diet to nourish non-cancerous cells
May start 1 hour earlier. Start on the hour. Continue treatment for
13 hours, ending after applying the tsp MSM water.
Eat a well-balanced healthy diet to nourish non-cancerous cells
On this day you do not do any transdermal applications. You rest,
eat a well-balanced healthy diet to nourish non-cancerous cells and
you continue with Oral FAITH Drops and other additional
protocols given.
Evening only. May start 1 hour earlier. Continue treatment for 4
hours applying the tsp MSM water. Start on the hour.
Eat a well-balanced healthy diet to nourish non-cancerous cells
Start on the hour. Continue treatment for 13 hours, ending after
applying the tsp MSM water.
Eat a well-balanced healthy diet to nourish non-cancerous cells
On this day you do not do any transdermal applications. You rest,
eat a well-balanced healthy diet to nourish non-cancerous cells and
you continue with Oral FAITH Drops and other additional
protocols given.
Evening only. May start 1 hour earlier. Start on the hour. Continue
treatment for 4 hours, ending after applying the tsp MSM water.
Eat a well-balanced healthy diet to nourish non-cancerous cells



May start 1 hour earlier. Start on the hour. Continue treatment for
13 hours, ending after applying the tsp MSM water.
Eat a well-balanced healthy diet to nourish non-cancerous cells

Phase 2
Full OCC





Repeat Phase 1
Repeat Phase 2
Full OCC




Repeat Phase 1
Repeat Phase 2
Full OCC

6.11 The FAITHTM Mini OCC

In some instances there is no necessity to perform a Full OCC Protocol again. In this instance (which is left to the discretion
of the Healthcare Practitioner) follow the instructions for a FAITH Mini OCC.

Transdermal Application Quantities for FAITHTM Mini OCC Protocol

1 to 30


FAITH + Activator
20 drops / 20 drops


4 times daily,
2 days on, 1 day off
The FAITH MINI OCC is performed between 2 to 4 x per day at the Healthcare Practitioners discretion. The treatment
applications continue for as long as the HCP sees an improvement. No changes should be made by the client/patient unless
discussed with the HCP first.


1 teaspoon

OCC Protocol application ROSTER

NO _______

Date /

4 Hour Protocol



1 application
MSM water ONLY
1 application
MSM water ONLY
1 application
MSM water ONLY
1 application
MSM water ONLY






1 application


MSM water ONLY


1 application


MSM water ONLY


1 application


MSM water ONLY



1 application
MSM water ONLY


1 application


MSM water ONLY


1 application


MSM water ONLY


1 application


MSM water ONLY


1 application


MSM water ONLY


1 application


MSM water ONLY



1 application



MSM water ONLY



1 application



MSM water ONLY



1 application



MSM water ONLY



1 application



13 Hour Protocol

Treatment Complete


MSM water not required




Definition of Disease: A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such
as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterised by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
It has become customary of most human beings to believe that disease is a part of our daily life however what we think of as
a disease is actually an imbalance of one of the bodys core physiological processes.
While it may be convenient to lump together symptoms and call them diseases, that isnt the way to address what's
making us sick. It's not the way to think about medical care in the face of a changing pattern of health problems as we live
longer lives but lives that are increasingly limited and burdened by subpar health.
We know an event in one system can affect something else in another system. We even know that an improvement in one
system may adversely affect something in another system.
We at Doctors Across Borders feel that the state of mind as well as spirit, is what also needs to receive attention, when the
body is challenged by a state of disease. With that in focus, addressing the cause, utilising nutrition (for mind and body),
breathing, visualisation, flora balancing, body cleansing, immune activation and support, clean water in gratitude, prayer,
silence, touch, massage, laughter and love all are utilized to correct imbalances. An approach of integrative consciousness
that also recognise the need to heal the attitude.
We ought not necessarily (to) consider illness our enemy; rather, we may see it as an event, a mechanism of the body, that is
serving to cleanse, purify, and balance us on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. (The book of Sufi Healing)

External Causes of Disease

Everyone has a lifestyle, and while certain aspects like how much you eat, exercise, smoke, and drink can be managed
directly, not everything can be fully controlled. For instance, there can be toxins in your home or work environment that are
not easily removed. A lifestyle, diet, and environment that are optimal for one person might be poison for another.
External causes of diseases are of a physical nature and they encroach upon the body from the outside environment. They
are also called external pathogenic factors. Some of these include:

Antibiotics & vaccines

Chronic infections (bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral etc.)
Environmental pollutants
Lifestyle (alcohol & drug use/abuse, diet, lack of exercise, poor posture, poor sleep, stress etc.)


Toxic burden (chlorine & fluoride in water, food preservatives, root canal and mercury fillings)

Internal Causes of Disease

Internal causes of disease are those which do not arise from what we might call catching a bug or a virus.
Traditionally there are seven emotions that, unresolved, can be major internal causes of disease if they persist or are overindulged in, anger, joy, worry, grief, fear, anxiety, fright.
A slightly expanded list of these gives:

Unrestrained or inappropriate joy, laughter (what we might call hysterical over-excitement) affects the heart.
Worrying, over-thinking and obsession affects mainly the spleen
Grief, sadness and worry affects the Lungs
Sadness also affects the heart
Fear and deep anxiety affects the kidney
Anger and frustration affects the liver
Shock affects the heart and the kidneys

Other internal causes of disease may also include:

Spinal alignment
Energy alignment

Mainstream medicine has become a colossal one size fits all system. The focus has been to diagnose a disease and match it
with a corresponding drug. This medicine matching game doesn't take into account that we're all different; every person is
genetically and biochemically unique. There are no magic pills. What works for one person may not work for the next. We
should take into account biological variability and tailor a solution for the individual.
Allopathic medicines are, for the most part, not designed to heal, but to manage symptoms. Because this is the case, when a
patient with a chronic condition is given a medication, they are often told theyll have to take the drug indefinitely. This is
also why, as time goes on, medication lists normally get longer and dosages become higher.
We should see symptoms as the bodys check engine light. What would you think if I covered up the check engine light and
kept on driving as usual? In terms of health, we should find out why the symptoms are there in the first place. Very few
people are sick from a pharmaceutical deficiency.
Have you ever wondered how allopathic medicines work?
They literally block or inhibit certain overly active metabolic steps associated with the symptoms of a disease.
The problem is that the sometimes a drug blocks a specific biological target that's important for normal functioning in other
places within the body.
Your blood pressure may be going down, but keeping it down knocks out your sexual potency. Your ulcer may be under
control, thanks to your antiulcer drug, but it may be causing anemia. Or your arthritis pain may now be manageable due to
the powerful anti-inflammatories youre taking, but those same anti-inflammatories may be contributing to your risk for
kidney disease.
A good question to ask yourself when assessing treatment options is, What is the most effective option that causes the least
amount of side effects? If an allopathic medicine fits this criteria, then it might be the best option for you. It just so happens
that medications often do not fit this criteria.



Neurological Reprogramming

Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts it is therefore vital you make those thoughts good ones.
Our genes are as changeable as our brains. The latest research in genetics shows that different genes are activated at
different times. They are always in flux and being influenced. There are experience-dependent genes that are activated when
there is growth, healing, or learning; and there are behavioral-state-dependent genes that are influenced during stress,
emotional arousal, or dreaming Dr Joe Dispenza
Healing begins in your spirit - between your ears and in your heart. Deal with your emotions of fear, anger, panic, and
depression and come out with optimism, hope and a fighting spirit.
Happiness brings endorphins that supercharge your immune system. Be with people who have FAITHTM, hope, a sense of
humor and who encourage you.
There is wisdom in all life that knows how to fix disease, just give your body proper physical and metaphysical resources to
do its job.

Feed your mind with good thoughts, beauty, laughter, music, play
Feed your heart with love, forgiveness, confidence in your abilities and a sense of purpose
Feed your body with good nutrition

Its all about soul medicine, about how we cant truly heal unless we give our souls what they crave: love, community,
meaning and purpose, healthy food, communing with nature, laughter, the unconditional love of animals, a sense of
belonging and a serene living environment.
You can only change from the inside out


Visualisation is training yourself to think in a positive way. By visualising you are creating neural pathways, which will allow
your intention to become more believable, within reach and obtainable.
Start by training your mind to bring the things you want into your reality. This could be a different body shape, overcoming a
health condition, a feeling, or an object of value. If you have something you would like to come to fruition in your life, take
time every morning and at night to visualise it.
Make the visualisation as vivid as you can, make the colors bright, the sounds clear and the taste pleasant. Notice if you hear
anything and take in the detail of what you see. Make it stronger, brighter, louder.
You can do this visualisation even if you find it a little difficult to actually believe it will happen.


Do this for as often as you can, your unconscious mind will work towards getting it for you. Repetitive visualisation and using
your amazing imagination is the power behind everything you create in your life.

Mindfulness is paying attention, deliberately and non-judgmentally to each moment of your life. Knowing how to tap into
this skill will change your life, because it's the very cause of joy. You can experience significant benefits by incorporating
these practices into your everyday life.
By incorporating mindfulness into your life, you can experience a release from anxiety and stress, improved physical and
emotional wellbeing, more focus and intuition, along with many other benefits.

Find a quiet space to be alone for 10 minutes and sit or stand comfortably. As you assume a comfortable posture, try and
grow an inch taller by lengthening the crown of your head up towards the ceiling.
Set a timer on your phone or watch for 10 minutes.
Close your eyes and begin to take deep breaths in and out through your nose. Imagine the belly expanding rst, then draw
the breath up into the ribs, and then up into the chest.


Begin to count the seconds of each inhale and each exhale. Inhale for a count of 5, exhale for a count of ten. If this length is
too long to start, reduce the length but keep the ratio of inhale to exhale 1:2.
Breathe like this for 20 breaths.
After your 20th exhale, take a few soft breaths in and out through your nose.
Now, bring your awareness right to the center of your heart.
Imagine the breath moving in and out through the heart as it acts as your heart were your lungs and the breath was uidly
moving directly in and out of its center.
No need to count the breath, just keep it steady and uid and concentrate on that point in the middle of the heart where it
breathes in and out.
After the timer sounds, place both hands on your heart and take a moment to feel its beating.
You are alive. You are powerful. You are a center of the universe that continually shines like the sun.

Find a quiet space around you and sit down comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe deep into your belly.
In your mind, take yourself to a peaceful setting, either one that youve experienced personally or one that you create in the
moment. We recommend a natural setting such as a summer meadow, a clear riverbank, an open field of wildflowers, or a
fertile mountain peak. Take yourself to this space.
Engage all of your senses. What do you see in this setting? What are the sounds, the smells, and the tastes? Go through the
senses and make a note of all the visceral experiences you can call to your mind. Try not to make too much of an effort, just
let these sensations come to you.
Now, watch as someone enters into this space. At first, you cannot tell who it is, but a feeling of complete and pure love
rushes over you. You feel you have known this person for a lifetime.
Watch as this person starts to approach you. With each breath he/she gets closer, until you notice the familiar shape of their
face. It is you, standing before you, smiling. Take note of the kindness in your own eyes, the gentility of this self before you,
and the feeling of complete compassion this visage has for you. You are witnessing yourself as your beloved.
As you picture yourself standing before you, smiling, accepting, open to possibility, see yourself speaking these words to you:
I am open to and accept radiant health from the universe. I am open to and accept your highest potential.
Let these words be repeated to you 10 times. After the tenth time, take 3 deep breaths, holding at the top of the inhale for 5
seconds, solidifying in yourself the knowledge of your personal power and the reality of unimaginable possibilities to be
attracted into your life.




Broths used to be a dietary staple, as were fermented foods, and the elimination of these foods from our modern diet is
largely to blame for our increasingly poor health, and the need for dietary supplements.

Chicken Broth Recipe

Simmering bones over low heat for an entire day will create one of the most nutritious and healing foods there is. You can
use this broth for soups, stews, or drink it straight. The broth can also be frozen for future use. Keep in mind that the "skin"
that forms on the top is the best part. It contains valuable nutrients, such as sulfur, along with healthful fats, so just stir it
back into the broth.

1 bunch parsley
1 large onion, coarsely chopped
2 carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons vinegar
3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
4L filtered, OR spring water
1 whole free-range chicken, OR 1.5kg of bony chicken parts, such as necks, backs, breastbones, and wings
Gizzards from one chicken (optional)
2-4 chicken feet (optional)

Special Equipment
Stockpot or Crockpot

Fill up a large stockpot (or large crockpot) with filtered or spring water. (A crockpot is recommended for safety reasons if you
have to leave home while its cooking.)
Adding the fresh parsley about 10 minutes before finishing the stock, as this will add healthy mineral ions to your broth.
Remove remaining bones from the broth with a slotted spoon and strain the rest through a strainer to remove any bone
Please note the addition of vinegar. Not only are fats ideally combined with acids like vinegar, but when it comes to making
broth, the vinegar helps leech all those valuable minerals from the bones into the stockpot water, which is ultimately what
youll be eating. The goal is to extract as many minerals as possible out of the bones into the broth water. Braggs raw apple
cider vinegar is a good choice as its unfiltered and unpasteurised.

Vegetable Broth Recipe

This vegetable broth is an excellent source of minerals and contains something sweet, something spicy or and something

Sweet Ingredients
2 carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped
2 beets, coarsely chopped
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
4 medium sized tomatoes, diced
2 bell peppers, diced
2 apples (without core), peeled and coarsely chopped
4 medium sized potatoes, diced
1 winter or summer squash
4L filtered, OR spring water


Spicy Ingredients
2 onions, coarsely chopped
4 medium sized leeks, coarsely chopped
1 piece of ginger, coarsely chopped
4 garlic cloves, whole
2 scallions, coarsely chopped
1-2 spicy peppers (use sparingly or to taste)
3 bay leaves
5 sprigs fresh thyme
5 sprigs fresh rosemary

Salty Ingredients
2-5 pieces kombu, OR wakame seaweed
3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
1 punnet shitake mushrooms
Miso Paste (optional)
1 bunch chard
1 bunch fresh parsley
1 bunch fresh cilantro
1 bunch kale
(any greens will do with the exception of dandelion greens which can make the broth too bitter)

Special Equipment
Stockpot or Crockpot

Roughly chop the vegetables and put them in a large stockpot filled with the filtered or spring water.
Add a few sprigs of herbs, a few bay leaves, and at least 2-5 good-sized pieces of seaweed. Kombu and Wakame work best,
but any seaweed will do.
Let the pot come to a boil and then simmer on low for at least 3 hours.
You can then strain the broth and add a sprinkle of salt if desired.
For a really clear broth you can use a sprout bag to strain it after it has cooled.
Sip the warm broth like tea or use it as a base to make cooked vegetable soups and grain dishes.
You can also freeze the broth to defrost for later.

Electrolytes are vital for your health and can be removed from the body by all types of deprivation.

Coconut Water
Coconut water will hydrate your body and rebalance your electrolytes and helps maintain the bodys fluid levels and its
potassium content helps maintain water pressure within cells and blood. The best is to drink it from the fresh young coconut,
but packaged coconut water is fine, too (be sure to choose one without added sugar or preservatives).

Electrolyte Broth Recipe

This vegetable broth is an excellent source of electrolytes and is best when made from organically grown vegetables.

1 small onion
1-2 carrots
3-4 celery stalks
3-4 unpeeled potatoes


bunch spinach
3L filtered, OR spring water
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (optional)
Fresh parsley, OR oregano, OR thyme (optional)
Pinch cayenne pepper (optional)
Sweet potato (optional)

Special Equipment
Stockpot or Crockpot

Dice 3-4 unpeeled potatoes and one small onion.
Thinly slice 3-4 stalks of celery and 1 or 2 carrots and
chop a large handful of spinach.
Place all the ingredients into a pot with 3L filtered or spring water.
Simmer for 20 minutes, strain the liquid, and discard the veggies and drink.
Dont be afraid to experiment! A finely diced sweet potato gives wonderful flavour, or try other veggies for different tastes.
Fresh or dried herbs such as parsley, oregano, thyme, or salt-free herbal seasoning can also be used to extra flavour. Add a
teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and some cayenne pepper to spice up the taste of this broth.

Herbal Tea (Infusions)are a great addition to your daily hydration. The leaves from plants such as mint, verbena, linden,
balm, and so on give a pleasant aroma and flavor to the water in which they are steeped, which makes infusions a satisfying
alternative to people who dont enjoy drinking plain water.
The hydration benefit does not extend to sweetened infusions, or if the tea is made with plants that have diuretic properties,
such as parsley and dandelion.

Hydrating Ginger Tea Recipe

To make a good ginger tea, all you need is fresh ginger and filtered water. The rest of the ingredients are optional, but it
might taste better with a little honey in it, as well a splash of fresh lemon juice. Chamomile flowers, cinnamon, cayenne
pepper, or an Echinacea tincture can also be added to the tea but are optional. Be sure not to add everything at the same
time but to rather try different combinations.

lemon, juiced
1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger root
1 tablespoon raw honey
2 cups filtered water
Pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)
1 cinnamon stick (optional)
Chamomile flowers (optional)
Echinacea tincture (optional)
Fresh mint leaves (optional)

Special Equipment
Grater or zester

Grate the ginger with a grater or zester. If you slice it, slice it thin and use more.
If you are adding cinnamon, mint, chamomile or cayenne, add it here by infusing it with the ginger.


If you are using a saucepan, bring the water to a boil, add ginger and turn off heat. Put the lid on it and let it steep for 10
minutes. If you are using a teapot, add ginger in the teapot and pour boiling water in it. Let it steep for about 10 minutes. If
you are using a saucepan, strain the water to remove the ginger.
Add fresh lemon juice and honey, stir and enjoy!
If you want a cold tea, let your tea cool down, store it in the fridge and add ice cubes before serving.

The water content in babies is often as much as 75 %, but this will continually decrease with age. As you get older, the more
water you should drink and the more fresh food you should eat, which will help keep you physically and mentally agile well
into old age. The brain is up to 90% water. If you have been drinking far too little water for the last decade or drunk it in a
way the body cannot use it properly, the consequences will become more apparent in the second half of your life. Fresh fruit
and vegetables water content can be over 90%, by eating your water, you will provide the body with vitamins, trace
elements and a slow and evenly supplied water that have the minerals ready in biological bonds.
Water is the main means of transport not only for all the materials that are required in the cells, but also for all the cells
waste substances. If the transport network isnt functioning properly because of lack of water, waste isnt taken away, but
left behind as deposits. Putting the energy of infinite Love and Gratitude on your water, by giving thanks to it and loving it,
you value it, you will even wash fears away and energise even the water with healing ability.

Water Tips

Start the day with 1 or 2 glasses of water to flush the system and bring new life to your day.
Drink 6 to 10 glasses a day more if you are stressed.
If drinking a minimum of 6 glasses a day, add a pinch of salt to balance the water.
Sip slowly to detox and cleanse.
Hold the water in your mouth for a few seconds to encourage absorption.
Dechlorinate tap water by letting it stand in a jug the chlorine evaporates to a degree.
Energize water by stirring it, blessing it, or using a water-energizing device.
Move your internal water pump: run, walk, move your ankles, and do any other foot or leg movement that you
Get a foot massage.
Circle the body move in figure eights with your eyes, head, hips, and shoulders.
Talk kindly to yourself (and your inner waters) with appreciation, respect, and acceptance.
Speak to others in the same way.

Ultimate Hydration Recipe

teaspoon honey
teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch pink Himalayan salt
1L filtered, OR spring water
freshly squeezed lemon (optional)
Ginger slice (optional)
4 mint leaves (optional)

Make a liter of water that contains teaspoon honey (dissolve in a bit of lukewarm water) + teaspoon cinnamon + a pinch
of Himalayan salt and drink over the course of the day.
Adding half to a full freshly squeezed lemon is also recommended as a good addition per occasion.
Ginger or mint leaves for change of flavour per occasion also recommended.




Juicing works by extracting the micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) from fruits and vegetables, allowing your body to rapidly
absorb them for the most optimal benefit. By removing the fibre, the digestive system doesnt have to work as hard to
deliver nutrients to your cells as it would if you ate the fruit and/or vegetables.
One of the most common juicing mistakes is adding too much fruit and not enough vegetables. Fruit has a higher sugar
content than vegetables, making it a sweet treat or a dietary nightmare. Too much sugar can spike your insulin levels, which
can be harmful for someone who is diabetic or trying to lose weight.
Until you discover how your body reacts to juicing, we recommend sticking to the 80/20 rule, 80% vegetables and 20%
selected fruit (apples or pears are ideal). That way youre consuming more vegetables (which are typically more nutritious
than fruit), while still giving your taste buds something to get excited about.
Juicing provides the body with the proper nutrients in order for it to heal itself. It is also one of the most effective methods in
preventative health care. By having 250ml (a combination of fresh fruit and vegetable juices) daily, the body will be supplied
with the needed enzymes, vitamins and minerals to maintain good health, and in higher quantities to restore a diseased body
to healthy condition. If you want to increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables without the additional calories, than
juicing is the way to go.
There are many health benefits juiced fruits and vegetables have to offer. For example:

A couple of apples to remove toxins from the intestines and strengthen the heart
A banana or 2 for energy
A beetroot or 2 to nourish your blood
Bell peppers for healthy hair and skin
A couple of carrot sticks to repair collagen
A cup of spinach to enhance glowing skin

Daily Green Juice

There is a daily juicing program of preferably (and where possible organic) fresh fruits and vegetables.

inch slice of ginger root
inch slice of lemon
green pepper
small red cabbage
1 handful kale (when available)
1 handful spinach, OR red leaf lettuce
1 handful water cress, OR parsley
1 carrot
1 granny smith apple

Special Equipment
Masticating juicer (preferred), centrifugal juicer or juice press

Juice all ingredients and enjoy.
Be sure to wash non-organic fruit and vegetables well in water that contains a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade
to rid it of the pesticides and chemicals.
Juice made in a centrifugal or masticating juicer should be enjoyed within 15 minutes.


Herewith some additional healing juice recipes for specific ailments:

Aches, Pains and Inflammation

Beyond adding amazing color, beets offer incredible benefits including combating inflammation, aiding detoxification, and
even giving your brain a boost.

inch slice of ginger root, peeled
1 apple, unpeeled and seeds removed
1 small beet, peeled
1 large cucumber, unpeeled
1 small lemon, peeled
3-4 Tuscan kale leaves (Tuscan kale is less bitter flavour and deep green colour)

Special Equipment
Masticating juicer (preferred), centrifugal juicer or juice press

Juice all ingredients and enjoy.
Be sure to wash non-organic fruit and vegetables well in water that contains a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade
to rid it of the pesticides and chemicals.
Juice made in a centrifugal or masticating juicer should be enjoyed within 15 minutes.
Here are a few other healthy alternatives for aches and pains.

Pineapple juice
Dark leafy green juice
Comfrey tea

Immune Boosting Juice

Use this juice is a great option if you feel a cold coming on because it's low in sugar and high in immune boosting nutrients,
especially vitamin C and chlorophyll.

teaspoon camu berry powder
lime, juiced
1 jalapeo pepper, seeds (partially or entirely) removed
2 cucumbers
2 romaine lettuce leaves
3 kale leaves
4 celery stalks

Special Equipment
Masticating juicer (preferred), centrifugal juicer or juice press

Juice the cucumbers, celery, kale, lettuce, and jalapeo pepper.
Transfer the juice to a shaker cup or blender, add the lime juice and camu berry powder, and blend until ingredients are fully


You can adjust the heat level from mild (by removing all the jalapeo seeds prior to juicing), to ambitiously spicy (if you juice
the pepper whole), to anywhere in between.
Be sure to wash non-organic fruit and vegetables well in water that contains a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade
to rid it of the pesticides and chemicals.
Heres another great recipe to give your immune and digestive systems a significant boost.

ripe avocado
large beetroot
medium carrot
inch sliced ginger root
1 whole apple, sliced, peeled and cored
1 cup orange juice
1 whole peach, sliced and pitted
1 cup organic frozen raspberries
1 teaspoon organic chia seeds
6 ice cubes
teaspoon magnesium powder to ease body tension and make sleep deep and restorative (optional)

Special Equipment
Masticating juicer (preferred), centrifugal juicer or juice press

Toss everyone into a superpowered blender, and press "Go"
To increase the cleansing effects of this smoothie, swap the peach for a whole, peeled kiwi fruit.
Be sure to wash non-organic fruit and vegetables well in water that contains a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade
to rid it of the pesticides and chemicals.

For Healthy Skin

Here is a delicious juice that promotes healthy glowing skin. The cucumber is hydrating and contains silica, known for its
amazing skin-toning benefits.

1 cucumber
1 cup purslane
handful cilantro
Here are a few other healthy skin juicing combinations

handful turnip green
green bell pepper
1 handful kale
a raw beetroot


6 carrots
4 carrots
8 strawberries
16 green grapes, OR red grapes
1 apple
5 carrots
inch slice ginger root
6 carrots
green bell pepper
4 apricots
1 bunch green grapes, OR red grapes
1 pear
watercress (the silica in watercress is great for treating for acne)
carrot juice (for sunburn)

Special Equipment
Masticating juicer (preferred), centrifugal juicer or juice press

Juice all ingredients and enjoy.
Be sure to wash non-organic fruit and vegetables well in water that contains a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade
to rid it of the pesticides and chemicals.
Juice made in a centrifugal or masticating juicer should be enjoyed within 15 minutes.

Healing Recipe
You must have at least one smoothie per day containing a combination or variety of the following ingredients.

teaspoon cinnamon
teaspoon turmeric
glass filtered, OR spring water
a raw beet
1 glass of fresh apple juice
1 banana
1 raw egg
1 teaspoon flaxseed oil
1 teaspoon orange rind
1 teaspoon fresh parsley
1 slice of pineapple, OR paw-paw (with some pips and skin) alternately or both at same time
1 tablespoon fresh sprouts

Special Equipment


Place all ingredients in a blender.
Blend on high for 30 seconds or until thoroughly mixed
Pour into a tall cup, sprinkle with your favorite spices, and enjoy.
This smoothie is very filling and you can enjoy a to glass quantities several times per day, rather than a large glass at once
. You can also freeze the liquid not used immediately in ice trays to preserve its nutritional value and re-use later.

Jazzed Up Smoothie
You can add carrot, mango or spanspek into your smoothie too to change the flavours up a bit. Remember it should always
taste nice. One can also do a green smoothie to help the hemoglobin and natural iron levels along. Add some apple, banana,
broccoli, celery, mint, parsley and spinach for a green smoothie change up.
You can also vary the fruits going into the smoothie and really experiment with what is nice having beetroot for example
will make the smoothie red and a minimum of every second day with beetroot would be great for your liver. Banana is good
for energy and beneficial to have before 11am. Paw paw and pineapple is good for healing enzymes. Parsley lifts iron and
haemoglobin levels.

Smoothie Healing Benefits

Cinnamon has too many benefits to mention however some of the well know benefits include blood sugar control,
lowering LDL cholesterol and has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties.
Turmeric stops communication between diseased cells and has great anti-inflammatory properties.
Beetroot cleanses the liver and encourages red blood cell production, which means better oxygen carrying and
toxins removal.
The malic acid in apple juice helps to relax the laminin in the liver, which aids detoxing.
Banana is filled with potassium and gives you energy.
Raw egg is filled with albumin vital for cell reformation.
Flaxseed oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fibre,
protein, and zinc.
The limonene in orange rind stops communication between diseased cells and activates disease fighting enzymes in
the liver.
Fresh parsley contains natural iron, vitamin C and magnesium vital for oxygen transportation and protection of
nervous system.
Pineapple and paw-paw contains disease fighting enzymes and melatonin, which encourages good sleep.
Sprouts are live food for cell renewal and helps fight wasting.

Recipes for Healing

We have so much control over our health and our quality of life by what we choose to put in our bodies. Food is truly an
invaluable tool for living gracefully, happily, and fulfilled.
If you can successfully implement food as medicine into your life, exponential health dividends await. Eating and living this
way arms you with the power to boost immunity, assist with weight loss, improve digestive function, dramatically reduce the
risk of diabetes, provide exceptional cancer prevention, ward off osteoporosis, balance hormones, all the while nourishing
both the taste buds and the soul.
Several healing recipes are available on our website, and can be found in the disease
cancer about food recipes menu selection.




Remember the guy in college who went barefoot everywhere? He may have seemed eccentric, but it turns out he was on to
Earthing means walking barefoot on soil, grass or sand (any natural surface). The planet has its own natural charge, and we
seem to do better when were in direct contact with it.
Early studies are showing that the health benefits such as number of remarkable health advantages, such as increasing
antioxidants, reducing inflammation, and improving sleep, come from the relationship between our bodies and the electrons
in the earth.
The benefits from Earthing as summarised in the book "Earthing" are as follows:

Defuses the cause of inflammation, and improves or eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation related
Reduces or eliminates chronic pain
Improves sleep in most cases
Increases energy
Lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones
Normalises the body's biological rhythms
Thins blood and improves blood pressure and flow
Relieves muscle tension and headaches
Lessens hormonal and menstrual symptoms
Dramatically speeds healing and helps prevent bedsores
Reduces or eliminates jet lag
Protects the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
Accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity

Walk barefoot daily and/or sit barefoot on the lawn outside every day.

Vitamin D
Every cell in your body has a receptor for D, which makes it more like a hormone than a vitamin. It supports your immune
health, and is critical for people with autoimmune diseases. It's necessary for your body to absorb calcium, and women with
low vitamin D levels are at a higher risk of osteoporosis. And lets not forget about mood many of you might notice you
feel more blue in the winter when there's less sunshine thats because vitamin D is made by sunshine. You can however also
get small doses of vitamin D from fatty fish.

Get 10 minutes early morning sun and 10 minutes late afternoon sun, without sunscreen, every day (even sitting in the shade
allows Vitamin D production).




Have you ever asked yourself, self, when did I lose the ability to unselfconsciously roar with laughter? To be able to
express pure joy without any inhibitions is not only our birthright, it's also really good for us.
Here are a few reasons why:

Laughter releases feel-good endorphins into your system, which can help to relieve pain and gives you a sense of
Laughter has a relaxing effect on the whole body with the positive effects of laughter lasting up to 45 minutes
Laughter reduces anxiety and helps relieve depression by reducing stress and releasing pent-up tension thus
fostering a positive attitude and feelings of happiness
Laughter contracts your abdominal muscles and gets your shoulders moving giving you a mini-workout. Laughter
workouts are good for your heart, diaphragm, abdominal, intercostal, respiratory, and facial muscles
Laughter increases blood flow and improves the function of blood vessels, which can help protect the heart. Studies
have shown that people suffering from heart disease are 40 % less likely to laugh in many situations compared to
people without heart disease
Laughter initially raises blood pressure, then reduces it, leaving a lower blood pressure than normal
Laughter increases the number of T-cells in your body, giving your immune system a boost
Laughter speeds up metabolism and heart rate, which could help you lose weight
Laughter expels more air than normal breathing, which has a cleansing effect on the lungs
Laughter can be contagious, increasing happiness and intimacy, thus enhancing relationships
Laughter restores playfulness in your life. Children laugh up to 300-400 x per day during their formative years, and
this reduces to 10-15 x per day as an adult
Laughter helps reduce wrinkles to leave you looking and feeling younger

The following steps will explain the Laughter exercises that make up each class or session. Your teacher or group may
develop their own variants, but these basics are standard and knowing them will help you to practice at home as well as
within the group.

Clap Your Hands in Front of the Heart

How its done: Focus on your stomach and laugh "Ho, ho, ho."
Focus on your chest and laugh "Ha ha ha."
Change constantly between your abdomen and your chest up and down, and shout, "Ho ho ho, Ha ha ha, Ho ho, ho".

Lay Your Hands on Your Head

How its done: Laugh inside your head "He he he", to clean your head of tension.
Then lay your hands on your chest and shout "Ha ha ha".
Lay your hands on your stomach and yell "Ho ho ho".
Concentrate on your feet and trample with your feet on the ground, saying: "Hu hu hu".

Do the Laughing Wave

How its done: Bow your upper body to the earth. Have your hands facing down. Focus on the ground. Send your hands
upward to heaven. Wail like a siren: "Ha ha ha ha." Perform the laughing wave several times. Through your laughter, connect
heaven and earth.


Do the Welcome Laughter

How its done: Within a group, keep eye contact and laugh, until all people in the group are happy. At home, look in the
mirror and welcome yourself. When you look into the mirror there is always something to laugh about.

Extend Your Hands to Heaven

How its done: Concentrate on your chest and laugh "Ha ha ha" for a minute.





Any advice given should never be used as a substitute for the medical advice from your own doctor. Always consult
your own General Practitioner (GP) if you are concerned about your health.

You understand that the Practitioner/Nutritionist is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, psychologist or other
licensed or registered professionals. Additionally you understand that the Practitioner/Nutritionist is not providing
health care or medical services and will not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever, any disease,
condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.

Any discussion regarding vitamins or other supplements should always be communicated with your GP prior to use
taking into consideration drug-herb interaction with your physician should you be taking pharmaceutical drugs.

The information presented is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented
for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional.

You must check with one of our qualified Healthcare Practitioners before taking any supplements while pregnant or
breastfeeding to make sure they are safe.

Cleansing supplements should never be taken while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Works Cited
We have quoted information from various writings of many esteemed authors, utilised pictures for the sake of education and
adapted recipes to include clean ingredients. Should any of the writers be offended by this use, please do contact us and we
will remove it from our EBook.
Article Credits
The Book of Sufi Healing | By Shaykh Hakim Moinuddin Chishti
Ho'oponopono Meditations |
Equal Breathing |
What You Need to Know About Circadian Rhythms | By Dr. Frank Lipman
Is Your Gut Healthy? } By Dr. Martha Calihan
Total Body Tune-up | By Dr. Frank Lipman
Want Beautiful Skin on a Budget? | By Kai Rikken
10 Signs You May Have a Parasite | Dr. Amy Meyers
Healthy Bowels The Foundations of Good Health | By Liz Barrington
Foods for Gallbladder Problems |
How To Support And Detox Your Kidneys | By Pauline Hanuise
Why the Secret to Getting Healthy Starts With Your Lymph | By Melissa Schollaert
Herbal Remedies for the Pancreas |
How to Cure Sinus Infection Naturally | By Raquel Vasallo
How to Heal Your Gut and Heal Yourself | Dr. Amy Meyers
7 Reasons To Take Probiotics | By Dana James
10 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Probiotics | Kevita
The Library Wellness Online |
The Immune System An Overview The Body |
What I Wish Everyone Knew About Chronic Disease | By Dr. Jeffrey Bland
3 Reasons Mainsteam Medicine is Failing You & What to Do About It | By Dr. William Cole
Modern Medicine Is Killing You But Its Also Saving Your Life | By Dr. Lissa Rankin
How To Retrain Your Negative Mind | By Caroline Rushforth
What a Day of Mindfulness Looks Like | By Tina Williamson
Increase Energy and Gratitude Meditation | Blog By Sakara
Meditation For Discovering Your Highest You | Blog by Sakara
Are You Making These 8 Common Juicing Mistakes? |
The Whole Journey |


Article Credits (Cont.)

How To Make a Perfect Smoothie Every Time | Blog By
The Importance of Lunch |
Thai Eat Like an Actress |
Lunching Like a Prince, Eating Like a Pauper | Fiona Macrae
10 Reasons Eating Raw is Healthier for You and the Planet | By Zen Habits
The Surprising Health Benefits of Going Barefoot | Dr. Izaac Eliaz
Do You Need t Worry About Vitamin D In The Summer? | By Dr. Susan Blum
10 Reasons You Should Always Laugh Out Loud | By Louise Jensen
Cleansing Credits
Hydrogen Peroxide Bath |
Recipe Credits
Liver Cleansing with Fresh Beetroot |
An Inflammation-Busting Beet Juice By Jo-Ann Buyus
Cucumber-Kale Juice With A Jalapeo Kick | By Julie Morris
Ravishing Red Immune-Boosting Smoothie Stefanie Delprete
Green Juice For Healthy, Glowing Skin | By Katrine Van Wyk
Photo Credits


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