GROUP 6 - Brand Management Assignment - II-Veet-Brand Enhancing Strategy

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Veet Brand

MBA Executive
Through this assignment our Group has tried to evolve the
strategy to enhance the Brand of Veet through Line
Extension and Brand Extension.

Brand Management Team

Amit Prakash
Puneet Singhal
Sandeep Kumar
Saurabh Jain
Shikhar Singh
Vinod Kumar


Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Line Extension ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Stimulating the Senses .............................................................................................................................. 2
Touch or Applying Veet ......................................................................................................................... 2
Smell or Aroma ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Vision..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Hearing .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Product Availability- Distribution .......................................................................................................... 3
Brand Extension ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Comparative Benefits.................................................................................................................................... 4
Comparative Risks ......................................................................................................................................... 5

RB is a company with wide range of products and Veet is already an established brand leader in Hair
Removal and want to extend their Brand Image. They would like to understand that how they can
improve the Brand Value and eventually result into more revenues.
Veet should likely foray into two extensions to increase the Brand Value
1. Line Extension
2. Brand Extension

Line Extension
Line Extension is an intermediary step to grab the share in the existing market.

Stimulating the Senses

Touch or Applying Veet
This includes introducing repackaging the product in such a manner so that it eases out application of
the cream. It may include introducing curves for application of the Veet Cream according to body part.
For Example a semi arc shaped (Concave) as shown below for legs or Convex for Underarms.



Smell or Aroma
Veet has already introduced various skin types including Normal, Sensitive types but now should get into
flavors like strawberry, chocolate, fruit crush etc as well since any brand should focus upon the five
senses i.e. Vision, Touch, Taste, Smell and Hearing so as to stimulate the brain. Smell or Aroma is a major
factor which stimulates the brain as shown in Exhibit 2.

The focus should also be enhanced on leveraging the brand as a Beauty Brand since it will help in
introducing products under the brand extension strategy.
Bill-Boards A lot of ads placed strategically near the parlors or salons will result in an impulsive buying
Radio Ads Radio Ads during evening time can play a major role since this is the time when working
women after a hectic day would like to relive them and prepare themselves for the next day.
Product Availability- Distribution
Kiosk A beauty kiosk with a self-dispensing machine near the work place or residential place can help
them grab the product on the move.

Brand Extension
Under the Brand Extension strategy, RB should introduce products such as Exotic Deodorants and exotic
perfumes and further enhance the range to other cosmetic products for the young crowd. The range
shall help them get into the market of beauty and cosmetics. They should strategically avoid getting into
a product range of hairs such as Hair Cream, Shampoos etc and get into a product range which means
good, soft, glowing and vibrant skin.

Comparative Benefits
A line extension can reinvigorate a product line, bringing it back into the public awareness by drawing
new customers and higher profits. A brand extension can increase profits by allowing manufacturers to
tap into new markets and offer increased diversity in their inventory. Line extensions and brand
extensions both allow companies to promote new products with reduced promotional costs because the
new lines or brands benefit from being part of an established name

Comparative Risks
Any time a company introduces a new brand or line, the company name could become tarnished if the
product proves to be an immense failure. Consumers might feel less inclined to support the company's
new products in the future. So each new extension, in some way, carries the reputation of the entire
company, and that can backfire. Extensions can also cause intra-firm competition, wherein conflict
arises among different divisions of a company.

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