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MARCH 2015

te, in the 2015 Easter Pla
Jesus standing before Pila

For Our Sins...

On Good Friday, the Bible
School students put on a play at
our primary school and then at the
local prison. The
play was a moving
interpretation of
Jesus betrayal,

He is not here.
He is risen as
He said...

~ Mt
crucification and
resurrection. The
children watched with attention,
nervously laughing when Jesus
was beaten and cheering when He
rose from the dead.

Afterward, the gospel

was shared and the kids
were given gospel tracts to


take home with

them. It is hard to
estimate how many
people came, but it had
quite the turn out! I loved

Jesus on the cross (above). The audience (below)


On Easter morning we
celebrated by dancing, singing and
praising the Lord at church. Then
sat down to a delightful chicken
feast! Yum!

My blog is updated regularly... Check it out and enjoy!

Ambassadors, Maputo and More...

If I were to tell you all the hoops and hurdles
Ive had to jump through in the last month for my
paperwork, youd never believe me. Suffice it to
say, Im exhausted... but I think Im starting to
see the finish line. Though distant, its visible and
for that, Im very excited!
The AVARA papers were greatly complicated
after learning that its illegal to own both a clinic
and a pharmacy in Mozambique. Who would of
guessed!? Its not going to be possible to it like
Id hoped.
After meeting with the regional director in
charge of pharmacies, I was presented with three
options --none of which particularly appeal to
me. These options are: 1) open the clinic but do
not offer free or subsidized medicines, 2) open a
pharmacy (for profit) that is not in any way
associated with Maforga mission, or 3) quadruple
the size of the clinic to include 18 new beds, a
kitchen, morgue, and lavatories so that I can
qualify as an in-patient hospital with pharmacy
privleges. Sigh.

The first option limits my ability to help the

community with medicines, the following two
options would require a huge investment of
times, labor, and staff. Im not ready for that.
On a brighter note... my equivalencia seems
to be moving somewhat. I went to Maputo last
week to try and get the American ambassador
involved and push on the key players holding up
the paper. I was not able to get it during my stay,
but my friend in Maputo is confident it was just
the right amount of pressure and that we should
hear something concrete in the next week or so.
Heres the thing... my last diploma they
refused to acknowledge. Only God knows why! It
was my Theology degree and since it was not
mandatory for working at the clinic, I didnt
argue then. But this time... Im a bit nervous.
What if after all this time, effort, investment, and
prayer they say no? Im not sure how Ill be
able to move forward if they reject it. Please pray
for a yes and if not... for me to handle the
rejection with much grace and wisdom! Thanks!

~ Chicken Hiatus ~
After months of stress and vain effort to get the lights fixed in the coop so the layers could
produce, I decided to close down the chicken project. Due to my workers neglect, more than half of
the layers were dead and only a fraction of those producing. Worse still was the effect the stress of
this project was taking on my spiritually. I had turned into a nagging, shrill kind of monster that I no
longer recognized. It broke my heart. So after much prayer and internal debate, I agreed with God to
let the project go for a season and re-evaluate. The stress lifted immediately. More to the point, I
was able to sell my remaining birds quickly and for a small profit. The money raised is in an
account waiting for God to speak again as to how and when to use it. My goal is to still make this
project self-sustaining. Please pray with me as I explore new options. Pray God sends a willing
helper to run this project and whatever He has planned next. Thanks.


Pray God would make a
way for me to get
medicines for the clinic.
Without an AVARA buying
them becomes more
expensive and challenging.
Money came in for the roof
and the supplies have been
ordered. They should
arrive by next week and the
roof will be nailed on soon
after. Pray for no rain!
With the chicken project on
hold, Im finally able to
breathe again and gain
perspective. Pray Ill get
help to run the project
better in the future and that
Ill be able to know when
to start it again.
For the ST mission team
coming from Germany in
July and Aug. I cant wait!
For my equivalencia papers
to be approved so I can
start delivering babies in
My health has been good!
A nurse, Shari Graham, is
preparing to come work
here by the end of the year,
pray for her health,
funding, and training
before she comes.

Selitas Story
Last month I shared with you
about the mysterious death of
Catarina. At first we were told it was
a some kind of abdominal tumor that
ruptured, but I no longer think it was
the case. I think she died of typhoid.
Since her death, weve had others
come down with similar symptoms
and they have been treated. At first
we thought they were complicated
malaria cases. Some improved with
treatment but others worsened. One
sweet girl who was particularly
effected is named Selita.
After four rounds of various
malaria treatments, Selita developed
a tremor in her hand. At this point,
Roy and Trish (the directors of the
orphanage) took her to a doctor in
Zimbabwe where she was diagnosed
with typhoid.
But even with the right
medications, her symptoms seem to
worsen. She developed partial
paralysis in her right hand and
temporary blindness. At which point
everyone returned to Zimbabwe for
more tests.
The doctors said her symptoms
were/are most likely hysterical (i.e.
no physiological basis). Her
blindness and paralysis passed, but
her tremor remained.
However after a few days of
reprieve, more hysterical (or possibly

neurological?) issues sprang up.

Selita became catatonic and mute.
After a few days and much prayer,
she regained normal bodily function
but she continues to have speech
problems. Her words are stilted,
garbled and guttural. Im very
confused by her symptoms. We all
Many, if not all of us, believe her
symptoms are spiritual as well as
physical. Her typhoid appears to have
passed but many disturbing
neurological symptoms continue.
Please pray for us.
I learned that over the weekend
she developed malaria again and was
admitted to hospital.
What is being done next? There is
talk of taking her for a CT scan but
that decision is costly and is in no
way a sure bet. We are praying and
fasting for her. Please pray for us all
here at Maforga. Pray as the Lord
leads. Thanks!

Mailing Address:

Support Address:

c/o Missao Crista de Maforga

C.P 3, Gondola
Manica Province, Mozambique

Make checks payable to

Shepherds Staff, PO Box 53640
Albuquerque, NM 87153-3640
Write #6201 on memo line.
Donate online at

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