Toolkit 2000 Version 1.0 Instructions What You Need

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Toolkit 2000 version 1.

What you need:
1. Toolkit 2000
2. Word 97 or higher installed
To install:
1. Copy files, journal.txt, and pacs.txt to Words template directory as
defined in your Microsoft file locations. If you are not sure where to copy
these files, pull down the Tools menu and choose Options, then select
the File Locations tab.
2. To use the template, choose File, New. A window should open that will
allow you to choose the template you want to use.
3. Pick the AIP template, which should be located under the General tab.
4. Click on OK. The AIP toolbar should now appear on your screen.
Elements of the AIP Toolbar:
The AIP toolbar consists of the following buttons: Title, Authors, Abstract,
PACS, Section Headings, Footnotes, References, Table Captions, and Figure
Not all articles will contain all of the elements listed above. Use only the ones
that pertain to your article. For example, do not input section headings if your
article does not contain any.
Note: Using the toolkit will automatically apply selected Word styles to the
manuscript parts. Do not reapply styles or create new styles. Special characters,
math expressions created using the equation editor, italics, boldface, and other
formatting cannot be added in the dialog box (add or apply after the dialog box
has been closed, to the resulting text). Type the manuscript in the exact order
given below. However, footnotes, endnotes, reference citations, and equations
may be typed as needed.
1. Title: Select the Title button on the AIP toolbar and type in the manuscript
title. Click on OK. Type in a hard return after the title and before entering
the Author names and affiliations.
2. Authors: Next, select the Authors button. Follow standard AIP rules for
listing individual authors and author groups. Click on OK. Type in a hard
return after the author(s) and before the Abstract.
3. Abstract: Select the Abstract button. Follow the instructions on the
screen for inputting the abstract. Type in a hard return after the abstract
and before the PACS numbers.

4. PACS: Click on the PACS button. Select Master PACS Scheme List in
the dialog box and wait for list to load. Select PACS numbers. Click on
OK. Add a hard return after the PACS numbers and before the first
heading and/or body of the manuscript.
5. Headings: The Headings dialog box allows four levels of section
headings. Pick a specific level and type in the section heading title. Click
on OK. Remember to add a hard return after the section heading and
before the body text.
6. Body Text: Lines are double-spaced. Add two hard returns at the end of
each paragraph. Do not use paragraph indenting.
7. Footnotes: Use this dialog box to create footnotes to titles, authors,
affiliations, and throughout the manuscript (if necessary). Remember, you
must add footnotes to titles, authors, and affiliations only after they have
been created in their respective dialog boxes. Place the cursor next to the
item that is to be footnoted and click on the Footnotes button.
8. References: Use the References dialog box (this will create endnotes,
which are cross-referenced links to the bibliography list). Choose Journal,
Book, Conference Proceedings or Other. Follow the instructions in the
dialog box. You can create only one reference at a time. To add another
reference, open the dialog box again, etc. Add a space between each
reference citation. References will be numbered 1 2 3 in the article. Do
not add additional commas and en dashes, and do not attempt to hide
reference numbers by converting them to comments. Although this is not
technically the correct style for reference number listing in text (which in
the case given in the example would be 1-3), it will be converted
correctly by AIPs conversion software. If you cite a reference more than
once in the article, all subsequent input should consist of superscript
numbers. It is not necessary to cross-reference the additional citation to
the originally cited endnote.
9. Equations: Use the Word equation editor or MathType to create displayed
or in-line math expressions. All displayed equations and complex in-line
equations must be created in this manner. Simple in-line expressions may
be created using basic Word keystrokes, but please make sure that all
variables are typed as italic characters, not Roman characters. Use the
Symbol font for all special characters. Characters of note: degree sign,
multiplication sign, minus sign, Greek symbols, primes. Do not use Word
pictures or graphics to create equations or special characters.
10. Table Captions: Click on the Table Captions button. Type in the caption
and add a hard return at the end. To create the table, use the Word table
menu (Table, Insert, Table, etc.). Do not use graphics lines, spaces, or
tabs. Use rows, columns, and cells. When the table is done, type in a hard
return. To add another table, repeat this procedure. Remember to add
hard returns at the end of table captions and tables.
11. Figure Captions: Use the Figure Captions dialog box, one caption per
12. Figures: Do not include figures or graphics in the main text file.


Although it is highly recommended that the Toolkit be used to typeset an article
from scratch, the Word styles as described above may be applied to existing
A brief description of the styles specific to the Toolkit can be found at the end of
this document.
1. Open the file in Word.
2. Attach the Word toolkit to the open document. On the toolbar, click on
Tools/Templates and Add-Ins. Attach the AIP template. Click on
Automatically update document styles. Click on OK. The AIP Toolkit
toolbar will appear on your screen. The toolkit styles will also appear in the
drop-down style menu.
3. Hot Keys: You can apply the Word styles by simply highlighting the
appropriate text and clicking on the following shortcut keys:
To apply this style:
Author First Name
Author Last Name
Name Separator (and)
Author Affiliation
PACS Numbers
Section Heading Level 1
Section Heading Level 2
Section Heading Level 3
Section Heading Level 4
Table Caption
Figure Caption

Use this Hot Key:


For example: To add the TITLE style, highlight the article title, and then click on
ctrl-alt-T. This automatically applies the correct style to the title.
Do this for all styles as needed. Or you can highlight the text, and add styles
using the Style Drop-Down Menu.
If you have not used the Equation Editor to create math expressions, you will
have to re-key equations using this application.
Spacing: Make sure body text is double-spaced throughout.


Non-reference Section Styles. Please use these styles to mark up text that is
outside of the reference section.
The articles abstract
An authors affiliation or institution
Article Title
The title of the article
Figure Caption
The caption associated with a figure
First Name
An authors first name
Heading 1
First level section heading
Heading 2
Second level section heading
Heading 3
Third level section heading
Heading 4
Fourth level section heading
Last Name
An authors last name (surname)
A PACS code associated with the article
Post Participle
Additional part of an authors name (e.g., Jr., Sr., III)
Table Caption
The caption associated with a figure
Reference Section Styles. Please use these styles to mark up text within the
reference section.
Bib BTitle
The title of a book
Bib Chapter
The chapter of a book
Bib Ed First Name
A book editors first name
Bib Ed Last Name
A book editors last name
Bib Ed Post Participle
Additional part of an book editors name (e.g., Jr., Sr.,
Bib Edition
The edition of a book
Bib First Name
The first name of an author for book and journal
Bib Jtitle
The title of a journal
Bib Last Name
The last name of an author for book and journal
Bib Page
The page number of a book or journal reference
Bib Post Participle
Additional part of an authors name (e.g., Jr., Sr., III)
Bib PubCity
The city of the book publisher
Bib PubName
The name of the book publisher
Bib Pubyear
The year of publication of a book
Bib Volume
The volume number for book and journal references

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