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EXPERIMENT 3 f*** this shit


Analysis and verification of Superposition theorem.

Brief theory

The superposition theorem for electrical circuits states that the response (voltage or
current) in any branch of a bilateral linear circuit having more than one independent
source equals the algebraic sum of the responses caused by each independent source
acting alone, while all other independent sources are replaced by their internal

To ascertain the contribution of each individual source, all of the other sources first
must be turned off (set to zero) by replacing all other independent voltage sources
with a short circuit, thereby eliminating difference of potential, V=0 and replacing all
other independent current sources with an open circuit, thereby eliminating current,

The above procedure is followed for each source in turn, and then the resultant
responses are added to determine the true operation of the circuit. The resultant circuit

operation is the superposition of the various voltage and current sources.

From the figure below, the switches are setup so as to allow the separate power
sources to be turned off for the Superposition theorem to be verified.

Equipment list
Two DC power supplies of suitable voltage


and current ratings

Three potentiometers of 10 k resistor
Three DC voltmeters (0-5 V)
One multi-meter
Trainer board

Experiment setup

The network (circuit) was setup as in Figure 4.1.

Both sources were kept active in the circuit by keeping the poles of single pole,

double throw (SPDT) in proper position.

5 volts was applied from E1 and 10 volts was applied from E2.

The rheostats R1, R2 and R3 were set at such value so that none of the ammeter
readings I1, I2 and I3 exceeded the power supplies (E1 and E2 current ratings and the

rheostat current) ratings.

The current I2 was measured and recorded in Table 4.1.
E2 was rendered inactive.
The current I2 in the branch R2 was measured and recorded in Table 4.1.
E1 was rendered inactive.
The current I2 in the branch R2 was measured and recorded in Table 4.1.
I2 = I2 + I2 was verified, which would validate the superposition theorem for this

particular circuit.
Steps 4 to 10 were repeated by changing R1, R2 and R3. A few more sets of readings
were taken.


The focus of the experiment was on Superposition theorem. The current and the
voltage in the circuit were measured and recorded using calibrated multi meter. The
resistance of the resistors was measured individually also using calibrated multi meter.
The resistor measurements were not connected on the circuit as to avoid any false

In the experiment, the individual current from separate power sources was measured.
It was done by short circuiting one power source and found the current from the other
source. First total resistance was found out and then using the formula V=IR, the
resultant current was calculated. Similar procedure was also carried out for the second

power source.
This experimental outcome was cross checked both using theoretical calculations and
experimental outcome.


From the experiment carried out, it was determined that the total current entering a
load fromcombined E.M.F sources equals the algebraic sum of individual caused by
E.M.F sourcesacting along. Thus satisfying the superposition theoremB y
also using an alternative Ohms law (I = V/R), we can
show that
t h e relationship between voltage (excitation) and current (respons
e ) i s a l s o l i n e a r f o r a resistor.The concept, known as the principle of
superposition is a direct consequence of the linearity property of circuits

The superposition principle states that the voltage across or current through anelement in a
linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across or currentsthrough that element due to each
independent source acting alone.In this experiment, at first set of readings, the resistance were set as R1=2007
ohms,R2=3018 ohms and R3=4007 ohms. Then, when E1 and E2 were both active, theammeter reading at
R2 branch, I2 was 1.52mA. While when only E1 and only E2 wereactive, the ammeter reading at R2 branch,
the value of I2 and I2were 0.75mA and0.76mA respectively.I2 and I2were added together and I2 then
equal to 1.51mA. The formula,I2=I2+I2was verified with discrepancy of only 0.01mA.At second set
of readings, R1=3018 ohms, R2=2007 ohms and R3=4007 ohms andwhen E1 and E2 were both active, the
I2=1.92mA. When only E1 active I2= 0.76mAand while only E2 active, I2=1.14mA. Adding both value of
I2 and I2together,I2=1.90mA. With discrepancy of only 0.02mA, the formula of I2=I2+I2was verified.At
third set of readings, R1=2007 ohms, R2=4007 ohms and R3=3018 ohms. Therecorded value when both E1
and E1 were active of I2 was 1.32mA. Then, when onlyE1 active the recorded value of I2 was 0.56mA and
when only E2 active, I2was0.75mA. When both I2 and I2were added, the calculated value of I2 was
1.31mA.With different of 0.01mA between recorded value of I2 and calculated value of I2, theformula
I2=I2+I2once again was verified.Although discrepancies between recorded values of I2 and
calculated values of
I2were relatively small, these discrepancies actually caused by resistance in the
apparatus and wires that are used and hence affected the outcome of the results. Then, since
we used rheostats in this experiment, just a slight touch could make thevalue of resistance in
rheostat change.In applying
Superposition Theorem
, the current I2 was found theoretically with reference to Figure 4-1. E1=15 V, E2=20 V and
then R1=2007 ohms, R2=3018 ohmsand R3=4007 ohms. The theoretical values were recorded in table next




As a conclusion, it is can be said that the objective of the experiment
which is toverify experimentally the Superposition Theorem was achieved successfully. Thediscrepancies
was small, thus the results can be accepted.

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