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<h5 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #202020; font-family: footli

ght mt light; font-size: 11pt;"><b><em>

This post has been published by me as a part of the <b>Blog-a-Ton 53</b>; the fi
fty-third edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we wri
te. In association with <a href="" target="_bl
ank">?Soulmates: Love without ownership</a> by <a href="
/vinitbansalauthor" target="_blank">Vinit K Bansal</a>. To be part of the next e
dition, visit and start following <a href=""><b>Blog-a-Ton</b
<h5 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #707070; font-family: consta
ntia; font-size: 10pt;"><b><em>"Happiness. Simple as a glass of chocolate or tor
tuous as the heart. Bitter. Sweet. Alive."</em></b></span></h5>
<p style="text-align: center;"><em>Hung upon the darkness </em>
<em>Silhouettes, of our memories</em>
<em>The shadows, of our love</em>
<em>Becomes clearer as it seems </em>
<em>The reflections of the light </em>
<em>From the skins of the yester days</em>
<em>Have blinded every thought</em>
<em>As if I'll never see</em>
<em>The moment stops for us now,</em>
<em>Hell freezes over my head,</em>
<em>The devil escapes from within me</em>
<em>From places locked up deeper than before</em>
<em>The redolence in the chocolate's steam </em>
<em>Escaping from my cup,</em>
<em>Drawing my demons out</em>
<em>As it would to the other insects </em>
<em>And the likes of everything that crawls</em>
<em>My conscious is spinning around me</em>
<em>Before it's hurled back into time </em>
<em>As a ghost I stood there, near our younger selves</em>
<em>Watching as we watched each other through our gleaming eyes</em>
<em>When we had only met for the first time since we loved </em>
<em>And without hesitating</em>
<em>I searched for the hunger dwelling beneath those eyes</em>
<em>I stood there watching above us as </em>
<em>A figment of memories past, you wouldn't care about now </em>
<em>Yet, as our skins touched that night, as your fingers grazed mine,</em>
<em>As we bared our souls naked to each other</em>
<em>And as we both leaned in </em>
<em>I stood there watching, as our parched lips touched so innocently</em>
<em>Kissing and quenching the thirst in each of us</em>
<em>I watched by that moment, the one that u could never forget </em>
<em>The night that I thought I had found the reason for my life</em>
<em>Hovering above us I followed, as we tightly held each other and went to our
<em>Our foolish youth made us snicker, as we dubbed it our very own love shack</
<em>The laughter died as soon as I shut the door behind me,</em>
<em>I was looking at you now, and there you were,</em>
<em>The goddess of my love,</em>
<em>The air thickened inside, with our lust for each other</em>
<em>As every moment our skins never touched seemed an eternity in time</em>
<em>I pulled you closer to my breath and youdidn'thesitate, to acknowledge my desi
<em>As we pulled the curtains together and revealed ourselves under the sinful l
ight </em>

<em>The warmth of your skin drawing me towards you,</em>

<em>Sensual and passionate as I had always promised</em>
<em>Young and in folly, we had dreamt of this night in so many ways,</em>
<em>Unknown to the ways of making love, we fumbled and laughed as we kissed </em
<em>And in the corner, something made me turn my head</em>
<em>You saw what I had seen, and you nodded instantly</em>
<em>You laid there barren, waiting for me to open up the bottle</em>
<em>To pour the darkest chocolate onto the smoothsun-kissedskin of yours</em>
<em>And on that night I had tasted my sweetest memory.</em></p>

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