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1. Public health as defined by Winslow focuses on group action so that everyone will enjoy his birthright of health to longevity. This is
accomplished through organized community effort which involves:
a. government official organization
c. rural health unit
b. non-government or private organization
d. government and non-government sectors
2. The philosophy of CHN recognizes the family as unit of service, EXCEPT:
a. care is on individual members of dependent, disabled or sick
b. to enhance the worth and dignity
c. gives care all through out the stages of mans life
d. focusing on both preventive and curative aspects of care
3. The community health nurse as a manager performs such activities as:
a. planning and programming
c. environmental sanitation
b. health education
d. epidemiology
4. Which of the following nursing functions refer to evaluation?
a. determining needs and problems
b. assess periodically strategies and activities as to its effectiveness and appropriateness
c. plans and administers nursing care
d. trains and supervises other health team member
5. A situation or condition which interferes with the promotion and maintenance of health and recovery from illness or injury which can
be modified through nursing intervention:
a. health deficit
b. stress point
c. nursing problem
d. health problem
6. In community-oriented nursing practice, the approach is:
a. merely follow-up of nursing students in adapted community
b. patient and family participation in their case
c. provisions of primary prevention to individuals
d. health team approach with community participation and follow-up
SITUATION: A review of the records of Municipality B revealed that:
7. The community health care plan should be based on community health needs as recognized by the:
a. barangay health workers
c. public health nurse
b. midwife assigned in the barangay
d. individuals and families in the community
8. The following is a priority and a well-stated objective of the health care plan for the given community:
a. to intensify education on environmental sanitation in all barangays of Municipality B
b. to reduce the number of undernourished children by 20% by the end of the year
c. to motivate at least 20% of the couples to practice family planning
d. to increase immunization coverage after one year
9. For the purpose of detecting early signs of under nutrition, an activity that can be included in the plan of care is:
a. mass immunization of children
c. laboratory procedures like urine examination
b. periodic weighing of 0-5 year old children
d. conducting clinic and home visits
10. Your health teaching for mother/families in this community should emphasize:
a. importance of being fully immunized
c. techniques in cooking and preparing food
b. complete breastfeeding of babies from 4-5 months
d. all these health teachings
SITUATION: Mrs. Guardacasa is carrying twins. In the 36 th weeks of pregnancy, she admitted to the hospital because of labor. Her
membranes have ruptures.
11. The nurse attending to her hears only one heartbeat. Which of the following should nurse take?
a. immediately notify the physician of these findings
b. increase the frequency of assessment of fetal heartbeats
c. take no additional action since this is a normal occurrence
d. examine the amniotic fluid for meconium staining
12. Mrs. Guardacasa delivers spontaneously to two girls in developing care plans for the twins, the nurse should recognize that it is
essential to consider which of the following?
a. circulatory function is enhanced by frequent change position
b. a well lubricated skin is resistant to excoriation and damage
c. a premature infants core temperature reflects the infants ability to conserve body heat
d. optimal environmental temperature results in minimal oxygen consumption in the premature infant
13. Mrs. Guardacasa asks her infants will be fed for the first time. In order to respond, the nurse must know that the method used and
the time of the first feeding of a premature is based chiefly upon the infants:
a. birth weight
c. level of physiologic maturity
b. degree of hydration
d. total body surface
14. On the 2nd day postpartum, she has difficulty urinating. In response, which of the following action should the nurse to take first?
a. palpate her abdomen
b. explain the frequent is expected during the first few days after delivery
c. advise her to use a bed pan for her next voiding
d. explain to her the relationship between trauma during delivery and bladder dysfunction.
15. After reaching the appropriate weight, the twins were discharged. Which of the following statements indicates a correct
understanding of the twins needs?
a. our babies needs are different from those of full term infants and we will do all we can to protect them
b. we are going to try very hard to countered the effects of our babies having been born prematurely
c. for a while the smaller baby will need special attention but later, we can care for them similarly
d. we expect to enjoy our babies and will give them the kind of care babies needs
16. During the patients clinic visit, it is the PHNs to carry out one of the following, EXCEPT:
a. carry out physicians order as giving medication or injection
b. explain and reinforce physicians orders and advices
c. seek information regarding health status of other family members
d. instruct midwife to give the medication to the client
17. Under the PRC board of nursing resolution #08, nurses can be allowed to insert IV solutions after duly accreditation by:
a. Department of Health
c. Association of Nursing Service Administration of the
b. Philippine Regulation Commission
d. Philippine Nursing Act of 1991
18. The vision of the DOH:
a. Health for 2010
c. Health in the Hands of the People
b. Health for all Filipinos
d. Health Accessibility

19. It is defined by WHO as essential care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means of
acceptable to them through their full participation and a cost that the community and country can afford at every stage of development:
a. DOH
b. RHU
c. PHC
d. Sentrong Sigla
20. The first international conference of PHC was held in:
a. Switzerland
b. USA
c. Paris
21. Health services were devolved to local government units for the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. to transform LGUs into self reliant communities
b. to involved people in the development and progress of their communities
c. to empower people better access to decision making
d. none of the above
22. Which of the following agencies will be responsible for the protection and promotion of the peoples health?
a. Local Government Unit
c. Department of Health
b. Department of Interior and Local Government
d. Provincial Health Council
23. Which of the following public health programs are developed and made more accessible to the people?
a. environmental health and communicable disease
c. control of non-communicable disease
d. all these program
b. maternal and child health program
24. The Department of Health adopts measures to augment basic health services and facilities provided by LGUs. Which of the
following is not a priority area for the provision of assistance by the DOH?
a. areas where studies/research on health are conducted
b. selected areas in the city
c. areas recommended by governors and other local officials
d. deserving but less developed LGUs
25. Which law mandates devolution of health services to LGUs?
a. RA7610
b. RA7160
c. RA6170
d. RA6710
SITUATION: Robbie, 3 years old was brought by his mother to the health center because of cough and colds.
26. Which of the following signs will indicate that Robbie is suffering from severe pneumonia?
a. stridor
b. chest in-drawing
c. fast breathing
d. wheezing
27. While assessing Robbie for the above sign, you have to make sure that he is:
a. not aware you are counting his respiratory rate
c. asleep
b. not crying
d. not playing
28. You decided that Robbie has pneumonia. What is the best management that you can administer?
a. prescribe an antibiotic
b. provide close follow up of his condition
c. all of these measures
d. give the mother instructions on how to take care of him at home
29. If Robbie manifests wheezing, you will:
a. give him a bronchodilator
c. refer him to the nearest hospital
b. diagnose him as having very severe disease
d. prescribe an antibiotic and follow up closely
SITUATION: Marie, 25 years old, G1P0, came to the center for her prenatal checkup.
30. When is the best time to start preparing Marie for breastfeeding?
a. on the lat month of pregnancy
c. in the second trimester
b. on the first prenatal checkup
d. immediately after delivery
31. During her pregnancy, Marie may not be given which supplement?
a. ferrous sulfate 100mg OD from the fifth month of pregnancy until two months after delivery
b. retinol 200,000 units once every 6 months
c. iodine 200 mg capsule once during the pregnancy
d. all of these may be given
32. Marie is instructed to offer her breast to the baby for the first time within 30 minutes after delivery. What is the purpose for offering
the breasts this early?
a. to foster early maternal bonding
c. to stimulate milk production
b. all of these
d. none of the above
33. After delivery and based on the recommended schedule in the Under Five Care Program, you will encourage Marie to bring her
baby to the health center:
a. whenever the baby has a health problem
d. at the time when the baby is scheduled for
b. regularly every 2 months
c. regularly every month
34. Mrs. Josie Cruz had a home delivery under the care of a traditional birth attendant. She was noted to have excessive vaginal
bleeding. The traditional birth attendant will refer her to which of the following?
a. public health nurse
c. rural health midwife
b. municipal health officer
d. private obstetrician
35. Which diarrheal disease/s warrant/s the prescription of antibiotics?
a. giardiasis
b. bacillary dysentery
c. amoebiasis
d. all of these
SITUATION: Mr. Ison, a public health nurse is conducting community class in Brgy. Baliuag about PTB.
36. Category 3 treatment regimen for TB is prescribed to:
a. new PTB patiens whose sputum is positive
b. previously treated patients who are relapse
c. new PTB patient whose sputum is serum negative for 3x and CXR of PTB minimal
d. previously treated patients who are failures
37. What TB drug is not given to children under age 6 who are too young to report visual disturbance?
a. INH
b. rifampicin
c. ethambutol
d. PZA
38. Regimen 1 treatment for TB is prescribed. This is given:
a. 2 months intensive phase, 4 months maintenance phase
b. 3 months intensive phase, 5 months maintenance phase
c. 2 months intensive phase, 2 months maintenance phase
d. 3 months intensive phase, 6 months maintenance phase
39. The usual treatment for TB includes the use of isoniazid (INH) and which of the following therapies?
a. theophyline inhaler 100
c. three antibacterial agents
b. IM penicillin
d. aerosol treatments with pentamidine
40. Mr. Ison is aware that family members of a client diagnosed with TB may have been exposed to the disease. A tuberculin skin test
may show which of the following conditions?
a. active disease
c. extent of the infection
b. recent infection
d. infection of some points

SITUATION: As a public health nurse, you play an important role in the implementation of the Expanded Program on Immunization.
41. Maintenance of the cold chain is necessary to keep the vaccines and toxoids potent. Who is the cold chain officer in the rural health
a. rural health midwife
c. municipal health officer
b. public health nurse
d. rural sanitary inspector
42. What is the dose of hepatitis B vaccine in the EPI?
a. 0.5ml
b. 0.05ml
c. 0.1ml
d. 1.0ml
43. Which of the following is/are true after giving BCG?
a. you must not apply alcohol on the site of injection
b. a wheal is formed, it disappears after about 30 minutes
c. all of these are true
d. the patient develops an abscess at the site of injection
44. What reaction is/are expected after giving DPT?
a. All of these are expected
b. the patient will have fever lasting for 1 day only
c. the patient will have a permanent scar in the site of injection
d. the patient will have a local tenderness at the site of injection on the 2nd week
45. Which vaccines should not be stored in the freezer?
a. DPT
c. all of these
b. tetanus toxoid
d. hepatitis B vaccine
46. Which disease can also be prevented by BCG vaccination?
a. tuberculosis
b. leprosy
c. both of these
d. none of these
47. According to Margaret Shetland, public health nursing is based on which philosophy?
a. health and longevity are birthrights
b. man has worth and dignity
c. public health nursing functions as part of a total public health program
d. the public health nurse is responsible for developing the peoples health capability
48. In the health center, who is the supervisor of midwives?
a. midwife supervisor
c. health center physician
b. public health nurse
d. obstetrician
49. As an epidemiologist, the nurse is responsible for presentation of health statistics. To compare the frequency of occurrence of
pneumonia and disease of the heart, which graph will she prepare?
a. line
b. bar
c. pie
d. scatter diagram
50. Which step in community organizing involves establishing a two-way communication system with the people?
a. community study
b. integration
c. entry
d. mobilization
51. You are a newly appointed public health nurse. What is the first activity that you will be concerned with?
a. establish a working relationship
b. study the set-up of the local government system
c. assess the health needs of the people by conducting a survey
d. make plan of care together with the doctor and midwives
52. You were designated to be the public health nurse in a doctor-less municipality. Who will be the manager of the rural health unit?
a. public health nurse
c. municipal health officer
b. rural health midwife
d. rural sanitary inspector
53. When the occupational health nurse applies ergonomic principles, she is carrying out which of her functions?
a. health care provider
c. health educator
b. environment manager
d. health coordinator
54. Which criteria must the nurse take into consideration when determining which of the identified health programs should be given
priority after conducting community diagnosis?
a. magnitude of the health problem
c. modifiability of the problem
b. nature of the problem
d. all of these should be taken into consideration
55. In assessing the familys coping capacity, you noted that the children have incomplete immunization. Under which area of
assessment in the family coping index will you include this observation?
a. application of principles of general hygiene
c. health attitudes
b. therapeutic competence
d. family living
56. To which level of prevention does screening of potential blood donors belong?
a. primary
b. secondary
c. intermediate
d. tertiary
57. Primary health care is a total approach to community development. Which of the following is an indicator of success in the use of
primary health care?
a. health services are affordable to individuals and families
b. health programs are sustained according to the level of development of the community
c. all of these
d. health workers utilize appropriate technology
58. To which level of health care delivery does the Region V hospital belong?
a. primary
b. secondary
c. intermediate
d. tertiary
59. Which of the level of water supply is best in an urban setting?
a. point source
b. water stand post
c. communal
d. waterworks system
60. The Sentrong Sigla Movement has been launched to improved health services delivery. Which of the following is/are true of this
a. all of this are true
b. this is a joint project of the Department of Health and Local Government Units
c. it encourages health centers to focus on health promotion
d. the DOH provides grants and technical assistance to Sentrong Sigla
61. As a public health nurse one of the functions that you will perform is monitoring of the health status of the community. Weekly
monitoring will be accomplished for which disease?
a. several acute diarrhea
c. all of these diseases
b. typhoid fever
d. pneumonia
62. Which cases should be reported within 24 hours from time of diagnosis?
a. measles
c. both of these
b. AFP polio type
d. none of these
63. Which of the following should be given priority in providing care to pregnant women and their families?
a. a pregnant women whose systolic and diastolic pressures have increased by 5-10 mmHg over her baseline systolic diastolic
b. a pregnant woman who weighs 110 lbs.

c. a pregnant woman with a history of hypertension in a previous pregnancy

d. a woman pregnant for the third time and is 33 years old
64. To protect the other members of the household, which of the following is priority objective in the care of a patient with active
pulmonary tuberculosis?
a. to offer emotional support
b. to assess the environment for standards of sanitation and provide needed health teachings
c. to teach the patient about the nature of the disease
d. to coordinate with various agency services that the patient requires
65. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding measles control?
a. treating measles patients with high dose vitamin A significantly reduces mortality rate
b. all cases of measles should be reported
c. as a routine, measles vaccine is given to infants between 9-12 months of age
66. For prevention of hepatitis A, you decided to conduct health education activities, which of the following is irrelevant?
a. safe food preparation and food handling by vendors
b. proper disposal of human excreta and personal hygiene
c. use of sterile syringes and needles for injection
d. immediate reporting of water pipe leaks and illegal connections
67. Which of the following are strategies implemented by the Department of Health to prevent transmission of Malaria?
a. teaching people in endemic areas to use chemically treated mosquito nets
b. all of these strategies
c. chemoprophylaxis of non-immune persons going to endemic areas
d. chemoprophylaxis of pregnant women in endemic areas
68. Secondary prevention for malaria includes:
a. residual spraying of insecticides at night
c. determining whether a place is endemic or not
b. planting of eucalyptus trees
d. growing larva-eating fish in mosquito breeding places
69. Which is the best preventive measure for schistosomiassis?
a. destruction of snails
c. use of protective footwear
b. environmental sanitation
d. irrigation of snail breeding places
SITUATION: You are a nurse member of a health team assigned to Mt. Pinatubo where Aetas live. You cared for the family of Mang
70. To effectively give nursing care to Mang Ambos family, you must first:
a. assess Mang Ambos health beliefs
c. understand Aeta culture
b. share health experiences
d. work with the traditional healer
71. The most important factor to consider in modifying harmful health practices of Aeta family is to:
a. convince methods about benefit to change
c. ensure that the change blends with Aeta culture
b. involve Aeta community in bringing about change
d. increase health Knowledge of the family
72. What care strategy has the Department of Health used for accessibility of health?
a. deregulation of health services
c. Sentrong Sigla clinics
b. regionalization of health services
d. primary health care
73. Health is viewed today on a more individual basis as:
a. absence of disease in an individual
b. psychosomatic well-being of a person
c. complete physical, mental and social well-being
d. each persons maximum capacity to live happily and productively
74. Community health nursing is population-focused. This means that the:
a. services are focused only on the high risk members of the community
b. unit of care is the individual patient and his family
c. services provided are ecologically oriented
d. services are directed to the health of all population groups
75. Community diagnosis is based upon constantly changing, interdependent conditions. Which of these refer to the potential of the
community to address its problems?
a. socio-economic conditions
c. health status of the community
b. likelihood that the community will change in action
d. community health capability
76. The following are processes involved in community diagnosis. Arrange them in their correct sequence:
1. data presentation
4. data analysis and interpretation
2. data collation
5. data gathering
3. data utilization
a. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4
b. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
c. 3, 5, 2, 1, 4
d. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
77. The devolution of health services to the local government units was mandated by:
a. RA7160
b. EO51
c. RA7305
d. RA9173
78. Tertiary prevention would be best described as:
a. health teaching and immunization
b. early diagnosis and treatment
c. recovery from physical limitation and psychological regression
d. preventing disability and maximum use of remaining capacity
79. In making a plan for the home visit of a family, priority should be given to:
a. Needs as recommended by physician
c. needs seen by midwife
b. needs as seen and examined by family
d. needs seen by nurse
80. Area of family competence that helped determines the maturity and integrity of the family in meeting usual stressors and problems
in life:
a. physical independence
c. health knowledge
b. therapeutic competence
d. social competence
81. Family living patterns with interpersonal relationship, kind of discipline that prevails in the home, decisions and support trust and
a. family living
c. emotional competence
b. therapeutic competence
d. social competence
82. This area is concerned with adequate space, lighting and ventilation:
a. physical environment
c. therapeutic competence
b. physical independence
d. use of community facilities and resources
83. Area of family coping that is concerned with medications, treatment and procedures prescribed for the ill members of the family:
a. therapeutic independence
c. health attitude
b. health knowledge
d. emotional competence
84. Based on the criteria for determining priorities, rank the following according to what must be attended to first:

1. health threat
2. health deficit
3. foreseeable crisis
a. 2, 1, 3
b. 2, 3, 1
c. 1, 3, 2
d. 1, 2, 3
85. The following criteria are helpful to determining priorities:
1. nature of problem presented
3. preventive potential
2. modifiability of the problem
4. perception as to attention needed
a. 1, 2, 3
b. 1, 2
c. 1, 3
d. 1, 2, 3, 4
SITUATION: Aling Juana, 25 years old, a mother to Ana 4 years old, Totoy 3 years old, and Tintin 3 months. They lived in depressed
area, several kilometers from the nearest health center. Mang Pilo is only a rice cake vendor. He does peddling every morning. On
nurse Almas first visit, she noted the following:
- children without immunization
-flies, insects surrounding the
- lack of toilet facilities
- water supply is across the street
86. The above mentioned conditions are characteristics of:
a. health deficit
b. stress point
c. health threat
d. all of the above
87. Both Ana and Totoy are 2nd degree malnourished which Tintin is first degree. This constitute as:
a. health threat
b. foreseeable crisis
c. health deficit
d. health problem
88. For Tintin to be fully immunized, the nurse will take the plan that the child will have all:
1. antibodies
3. before 12 months of age
2. antigens
4. before 18 months of age
a. 1, 3
b. 1, 4
c. 2, 3
d. 2, 4
89. In assessing health care needs of patients, he community health nurse can use the following as principal source of data:
a. patient, patients records and members of the family
c. doctor and other members of the health team
b. members of the family
d. nurses observation
90. Which of the following administrative orders updated roles and functions of the municipal health officers, PH nurse and rural
a. AO#114 s. 1991
c. Magna Carta of Public Health Workers
b. LOI949
d. Circular#2 s. 1986
91. Which one of the following Acts means that Health Workers are all persons engaged in health related work regardless of their
employment status?
a. Magna Carta of Public Health Workers
b. Security of Tenure of Regular Employees
c. Discrimination Prohibition
d. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees
92. The Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 in Section 27 Scope of Nursing, describes the person practicing Nursing when the person uses
which one of the following scientific knowledge?
a. nursing process
c. studies of nursing manpower needs
b. management skills
d. diagnostic procedures
93. Which one of the following use of documents is prohibition in the practice of nursing in the Philippines?
a. personal endorsement of health products
c. authenticated registration card
b. another nurse identification card
d. valid certificate of registration
94. For a refresher course required taking fourth nurse licensure examination, the applicant must have enrolled for one year during
which level of the curriculum?
a. second
b. third
c. fourth
d. first
SITUATION: The Occupational Health Nurse Program Supervisor has varied functions and responsibilities. These are still concepts of
CHN. Sally is a nurse supervisor in the non-com unit of the DOH.
95. Which of the following function is important?
a. participates in formulation of health policies
c. chooses employees for training
b. acts as resource person in prevention and control of
d. assess the community environment
96. In the Industrial Toxicology Health Program of the DOH, the nurse is expected to have basic knowledge of health hazard due to
chemical substances. Which substances can cause respiratory illness?
a. sodium chloride
c. nitroglycerine
b. carbon dioxide
d. carbon monoxide
97. In Agricultural Workers Environment, the nurse is expected to have basic knowledge of substance which can cause illness. Which
substances from the farm are poisonous?
a. insecticides
b. pesticides
c. germicides
d. fertilizers
98. When a farmer exhibits the symptoms of poisoning especially respiratory distress, what should the nurse do first?
a. call an ambulance
c. loosen tight clothing
b. bring to the nearest doctor clinic
d. destroy the container of poison
99. Health promotion in Occupational Health is doing assessment of health risk associated with lifestyle of the employee. What health
risk is associated with a bagasse loader?
a. asthma
c. bagasosis
b. delirium
d. congestive heart failure
SITUATION: The DOH promotes use of herbal drugs. As a public health nurse, you implement the program on Traditional Medicine in
the community.
100. To promote the use of herbal medicines which, of the following projects would you encourage the people in the community to do?
a. backyard herbal gardening
c. save mother earth
b. plant a tree
d. clean and green
1. The Public Health Nurse is determined that she needed to reinforce the initial health teachings given by the midwife-on-duty
regarding the administration of Tetracycline Eye Ointment when the mother stated:
a. I can use clean cloth to wipe the eye.
b. I should wear sterile gloves when administering the medications.
c. I should wash my hands before and after administering the medication.
d. I will continue the treatment until redness is gone.
2. The Public health nurse had her regular barangay health station visits. As she was making her community-rounds she noted in one
barangay health station that the midwife-on-duty had the following cases at hand and shed assisted her. Which of the following
medication is indicated for hookworm infections?
a. Albendazole
b. Gentamicin
c. Chloroquine
d. Benzylpenicillin

SITUATION 1 - Two children were brought to the Barangay Health Center. Tin-tin with chest in-drawing and Tam-tam has diarrhea.
Apply the Integrated Management and Childhood Illness (IMCI) approach.
3. Tin-tin who is 13 months has fast breathing, she has:
a. 30 breaths per minute or more
c. 40 breaths per minute or more
b. 60 breaths per minute
d. 50 breaths per minute
4. How would you classify the illness of the Tin-tin?
a. Severe pneumonia
c. Bronchopneumonia
b. Pneumonia
d. No pneumonia: cough and cold
5. Tam-tam, the 2nd child has diarrhea for 5 days, there is no blood in the stool. She is irritable; her eyes are sunken. The nurse offered
fluids, the child drinks eagerly. How would you classify Tam-tams illness?
a. Severe dehydration
c. Some dehydration
b. No dehydration
6. Tam-tams treatment should include the following EXCEPT:
a. For infants under 6 months old who are not breastfed, give 100-200 ml clean water as well during this period
b. Give in the health center the recommended amount of ORS for 4 hours
c. Reassess the child and classify her for dehydration
d. Do not give any other foods to the child for home treatment
7. While on treatment, Tam-tam who is 18 months old weighs 18kgs. and her temperature registered at 37C. Her mother says she
developed cough for 3 days. She has no general danger signs. She has 45 breaths/minute, no chest in-drawing, no stridor. How will
you classify Tam-tams manifestation?
a. No pneumonia
b. Bronchopneumonia
c. Severe pneumonia
d. Pneumonia
8. Which of the following i s NOT the application of public health principles?
a. The nurse utilizes vital and health statistics to describe the communitys health status.
b. Nursing care is mainly directed to sick population who seek consultation in the health center.
c. In preventing and controlling disease transmission in the community, the nurses priority is to protect the healthy population by
instituting specific protection measures against a disease.
d. The nurse analyses the determinants of health needs and problems as basis in developing community
heath programs.
9. Which best describes community health nursing practice?
a. Setting of practice is situated in the natural environment of the people.
b. It is population focused.
c. A synthesis of nursing practice and public health practice.
d. Prioritizes health-promotive and disease preventive strategies
10. In your community home visits, you have scheduled several cases. Who is your LAST priority?
a. Family planning defaulters
c. G4P3 3-day Post Partum
b. G3P2 36 weeks AOG
d. PTB case on D.O.T.S.
11. A step in the development of the Community Health Plan that answers the questions. What health problems, health threats and
health deficits exist and how the community copes with these health problems is referred to as:
a. Plan formulation
b. Evaluation
c. Assessment
d. Plan implementation
12. Community Health Nursing is aggregate-focused. Which best demonstrates this concept?
a. The provision of nursing care in the natural environment of the people.
b. The provision of service at an affordable cost.
c. The performance of community diagnosis
d. The coordination of service by different members of the health team
13. Evaluating the nursing care given, which of the following vital statistics in the communities served indicates the BEST health status?
a. 50% Swaroops index for the year 2006
c. 0 infant mortality rate for the year 2006
b. 0 crude death rate for the year 2007
d. 0 crude birth rate for the year 2007
14. A pregnant client comes to her first prenatal visit. She reports a pregnancy history of two babies born near the due date, twins born
prematurely, and a miscarriage in the first trimester. Using the GTPAL notation, how would her pregnancy history be recorded?
a. Gravida 5 Para 2-2-1-4
b. Gravida 4 Para 2-1-1-4
c. Gravida 5 Para 2-1-1-4
d. Gravida 4 Para 2-2-1-4
15. Which of the following is TRUE of the Philippine Health Care Delivery System (PHCDS)?
a. The Department of Interior and Local Government is the countrys foremost health coordinating agency because of the
Implementation of devolution
b. Health insurance companies dictate the current referral system in the country
c. The PHCDS is composed of a 3-tier referral system
d. Health care delivery system in the country was specially designed for the poor congruent with the Primary Health Care concept
16. When solving environmental health problems, the Community Health Nurse seeks out the extent of the problem, questions all
people involved, formulates nursing diagnosis. This describes which phase of the community nursing process:
a. Evaluation.
b. Implementation.
c. Planning.
d. Assessment.
17. Your first home visit is in the home of a 75 year old client who had cerebrovascular accident about 6 weeks ago. During
assessment, the client complains of severe headache. Your most appropriate intervention is to:
a. Ask the client what medication he has taken
b. Ask the client if he has pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen
c. Assess the clients pain level on a scale 1-10
d. Put the client in a sitting position and check blood pressure
18. A safe water supply is basic to environmental health. Sources of water pollution are:
a. It results from industrial and automotive emissions
b. Groundwater coming from the surface through wells and springs
c. It is a recent phenomenon, coming about since the 1960s
d. Infective substances such as bacteria and parasites
19. In a community with 25,000 population and 73 total deaths where 7 died of cancer, what is the proportionate mortality?
a. 9.59
b. 10.43
c. 0.0958
d. 0.014
20. The community health nurse prepares to administer immunization. The nurse should remember the contraindication of
immunization. Which of the following conditions is NOT true about contraindication to immunization?
a. Do not give DPT to a child who has recurrent convulsion or active neurologic disease
b. Do not give DPT2 or DPT3 to a child who has had convulsions within 3 days of DPT1
c. Do not give BCG if the child has known AIDS
d. Do not give BCG if the child has known hepatitis
21. Directly Observed Treatment Short course (D.O.T.S) can do all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Prevent new infection among children and adults
c. Cure TB patients
b. Require hospitalization
d. Stop resistance to anti-TB drugs
22. A nurse considering being a community organizer should have knowledge on the elements of community development. Which of
the following should NOT be considered by the nurse as a basic element of community development?
a. Full active participation in decision making
b. Basic daily needs of the people are met

c. People still dependent on the authorities for action

d. Equality between males and females
Situation 3- The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness or IMCI technology is a World Health Organization strategy which aims to
curb the growing infant/child mortality and morbidity concerns in many countries especially the Third World economies like the
Philippines. This program integrates many dependent health programs to singular approach. Safety and quality would be any nurses
focus. The following questions apply.
23. Yuri is an 18 month old child who has cough for 7 days with no general danger signs, with temperature 37.5 C and respiratory rate
of 41 breaths/minute. How will you classify Yuris breathing?
a. Very fast breathing.
b. Fast breathing.
c. Slow breathing.
d. Normal breathing.
24. Yuris illness can be classified as:
a. Severe pneumonia.
b. No pneumonia.
c. Very severe disease.
d. Pneumonia.
25. After 3 days, the nurse notes that Yuri has chest in-drawing and stridor. Her mother returned him to the health center immediately.
The nurse should:
a. Change the medicine to the second line antibiotics
b. Observe the child in the health center
c. Give first dose of antibiotics and refer urgently
d. Advice mother to observe the child and continue giving the antibiotics
26. The nurse should consider the following in assessing the child for chest in-drawing EXCEPT:
a. The child should be calm
b. The lower chest wall does not go in when the child breathes in
c. Chest in-drawing should be present at all time
d. The lower chest goes in when the child breathes in
27. If a child is 2 months to 5 years, which of the following steps is NOT appropriate in checking for general danger signs?
a. Ask if the child has fever
b. Look and see if the child is abnormally sleepy or difficult to awaken
c. Ask if the child is feeding well
d. Ask if the child has convulsions
28. Go Mi Nam is a tiny baby who was born two weeks ago. Her weight is 2.7kg, temperature is 36.7C. She does not have
convulsions, no chest in-drawing, no nasal flaring and grunting, no bulging of the fontanels, no skin pustules, and theres pus and a little
redness in the tip of her umbilicus, her respiration is 55 breaths per minute. How will you classify Go Mi Nams illness?
a. Possible very severe disease
c. Pneumonia
b. Local bacterial infection
d. Possible serious bacterial infection
Situation 4- You are a beginning community health nurse in your Health Center. You are aware that meaningful integration is essential
for you to carry out your roles and functions. The following questions apply.
29. Integration is the process of establishing rapport with the people in the community. It can BEST be achieved by:
a. Sponsoring a sports festival to have an opportunity to meet more people
b. Conversing with the people where they are and participating in social activities
c. Cleaning the house and doing other household chores
d. Bringing in some gifts to win acceptance of the people in the community
30. A 3 year old child consulted a health center because of diarrhea for 5 days. The child weighs 14.5 kg., unable to drink and the skin
pinch goes back very slowly. The nurse classified the childs illness as severe dehydration. What is the BEST immediate treatment that
the nurse should do with this child?
a. Begin IV therapy as specified in plan C if the nurse is trained to give IV treatment
b. Continue feeding the child with fluid-based foods
c. Refer the child urgently
d. Give 900 ml of ORS in 4 hours
31. Jeremy, a 2 year old child weighing 8.5 kg., has diarrhea for 3 days. He is abnormally sleepy and unable to drink, with sunken eyes
and skin pinch goes back very slowly and temperature of 38.5C. Since there is no malaria risk and no dengue risk in the area, the
nurse classified Jeremys illness as very severe febrile condition with severe dehydration. What immediate treatment should the nurse
a. Give first dose of paracetamol and refer urgently
b. Begin IV therapy as specified in plan C if the nurse is trained to give IV treatment and refer the child urgently
c. Immunize the child and refer urgently
d. Give 900 ml of ORS in 4 hours and the first dose of antibiotics and refer urgently
32. At which phase of community organizing process are the leaders or groups given training to develop their knowledge, skills and
attitude in managing their own programs?
a. Entry Phase
c. Sustenance and Strengthening Phase
b. Pre-entry Phase
d. Organizing-building Phase
33. When you have already organized, follow-up home visits are likewise needed. Which of the following should you do first?
a. Wash your hands and perform the necessary procedure
c. Do an environmental surveillance
b. Greet the patient/resident, introduce self
d. Explain the purpose of the visit
34. Which of the following priority conditions will be the determining factors on the frequency of home health visits?
a. The need for health teachings and level of family understanding
b. Acceptance of the family of their health concerns and their coping strategies
c. Administration of medications and the scheduled set
d. The results of the studies conducted and level of family understanding
35. Which of the four sign of good attachment is TRUE in this statement?
a. The chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open while the lower lip turned inward and more areola visible above than
b. The chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open while the lower lip turned outward and more areola visible below than
c. The chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open while the lower lip turned outward and more areola visible above than
d. The chin should touch the breast while the mouth is wide open while the lower lip turned inward and more areola visible above than
SITUATION 5 Luna is on her 3rd month of pregnancy but this is her first prenatal visit. Her last menstrual period was November 15.
Her menstruation follows a regular 28 day cycle.
36. On a 28-day menstrual cycle, the nurse expects that Lunas ovulation would have occurred on what day of the cycle?
a. 14th day.
b. 3rd day.
c. 10th day.
d. 19th day.
37. Using Naegeles rule, Lunas expected date of delivery is most likely to be on:
a. September 11.
b. August 22.
c. August 11.
d. September 15.
SITUATION 6 Nurse Yoona, of the N.A.R.S. Program have just been assigned in the community of Barangay Mapagmagal,
Mabalacat City. This is her 2nd week and she is to do assessment of the health needs of this community, she conducts a community

survey fully aware of the importance of demography, health statistics, and epidemiology in her tasks as Community Health Nurse. The
following applies.
38. Upon completion of data collection N.A.R.S. Yoona develops the barangays population pyramid. The population pyramid has a
broad base of information which points to what cluster of indicators:
1. High percentage of the 0-4 group
3. A young population
2. High birth rates on males
4. More females
A. 1 and 2
B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 2, and 3
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
39. After having identified the demographic variables of the community, N.A.R.S. Yoona made a literature review on the different health
indicators and their significance. She re-appreciated that vital statistics includes the following data:
a. Births, deaths and illnesses
c. Births, deaths, and migration
b. Fertility, mortality and migration
d. Fertility, mortality and marriage
40. N.A.R.S. Yoona also came across the case of Mang Rain, a construction worker in Mabalacat City and who was hit by a large log
during his work. He was rushed toJBLMGH where he unfortunately expired after 3 hours. His remains were taken to his home at
Barangay Mapagmahal, Mabalacat City and buried in the nearby community cemetery. In this case N.A.R.S. Yoona is confident that the
death of Mang Rain will be reported and registered in:
a. Angeles City.
b. San Fernando City
c. Mabalacat City.
d. Tarlac City.
41. In the course of data collection, N.A.R.S. Yoona further generated the following data:
No. of populations
Population under 1 year
No. of live births
No. of maternal deaths
Total deaths from all causes
No. of deaths from pneumonia
No. of pneumonia cases
Based on the data above, the crude birth rate is:
a. 30/1000
b. 25/1000
c. 24/1000
d. 32/1000
42. Here, part of N.A.R.S. Yoonas job as Community Health Nurse is monitoring the occurrences of selected notifiable diseases by
weekly charting or graphing of cases. The primary goal of this so-called epidemiological process is to:
a. Identify geographical location of cases of the disease in the community
b. Promote wellness and prevent disease
c. Suggest a cure to solve disease occurrences
d. Encourage cooperation and support of the community
43. The Department of Health implements the following programs that affect the productive years of life, EXCEPT:
a. Environmental sanitation.
c. Family planning.
b. Maternal and child care.
d. EPI.
44. The principal government agency mandated by the constitution for the health and protection of our people is the:
a. Department of Health
c. Department of Transportation
b. Department of Education
d. Department of Justice
45. As a public health nurse, one of the functions that you will perform is monitoring of the health status of the community. Weekly
monitoring should be accomplished for what disease?
1. Typhoid fever.
3. Pneumonia
2. Severe acute diarrhea.
4. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
a. 1 only
c. only 1, 3, and 4
b. 2 only
d.. 1, 2, 3, and 4
46. Which of the following provides for the control of environmental sanitation in order to promote and maintain health?
a. Republic Act No. 7160
c. Presidential Decree No. 856
b. Executive Order No. 119
d. Republic Act No. 9003
47. To protect the other members of the household, which of the following is the priority objective in the care of a patient with active
pulmonary tuberculosis?
a. To offer emotional support
b. To coordinate with various agency services that the patient require.
c. To teach the patient about the nature of the disease
d. To assess the environment for standard of sanitation and provide needed health teaching.
48. Which of the following is true about program evaluation?
a. It determines which program will be retained or stopped
b. The evaluation is designed and conducted by the community
c. Benefits include refunds of costs from the government
d. Program evaluation is a critical phase in the planning process
49. The elements of T.B. - D.O.T.S that needs to be fulfilled include all of the following EXCEPT?
a. Regular chest x-ray for diagnosis
c. Standardized recording and reporting of TB data
b. Supervised treatment by a treatment partner
d. Regular supply of anti-TB drugs
50. Pulmonary TB is suspected when client manifests which symptom?
a. Hematemesis
b. Cough for more than 2 weeks
c. Precordial chest pain
d. Sudden loss of weight

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