Is Life But An Empty Dream?

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Life by itself doesnt have meaning; instead it is an opportunity to create one, this was the
answer given by a great person when he was asked, What is the meaning of life?. This is
probably the best SMS that was ever sent to me and it speaks the truth about life which is but
an abstract perception. But what are the stages that we come across to create meaning is the
question before us. An overview of the same is the theme of my article.
Before proceeding, it is necessary to know that meaning is something that defines,
that elaborates, that expresses, that concludes.
Life begins right from infancy and childhood; the first and foremost thing that we are
taught is friendship and contemporarily we are introduced to competition which has
become the medulla of the society today, and of course these induce responsibility in a person
and a group. But the thing to remember is that achievement is the result of an individuals
hard work but development is always a result of teamwork. Hence, for a team to be
efficient, there has to be good friendship. So, I wonder, doesnt the existence of good
friendship create meaning in our lives?
This is followed by schooling and college life wherein we learn about discipline,
hard work and positive approach by teachers and love by parents. Speaking about the
former, when things are not presented to us, we tend to purchase them and in order to
purchase them, we need to work hard and earn money. Exactly in the same way, God hasnt
gifted us the power to see the future, but he has certainly gifted us the power to plan for it. In
order to make our future the way we have planned, we need to work hard.
During the course, there may be several hurdles, but positive attitude and self
appreciation prevents us from undergoing any kind of depression in life. Remember, I will
always win, a positive statement, gives better meaning than I will never lose, which is
expressed the other way round.
We, being students of Science, know that all the crystalline salts are soluble in water,
which is termed a "Universal Solvent". Explicitly speaking, the crystalline salts have their
atoms arranged in a regular and disciplined fashion, aligned in a proper geometry. So, our
disciplined life would make this World, this Universe, accept us which is nothing but the
situation, the time wherein our signature is transformed into an autograph. Doesnt this sort of
success give meaning to our lives?
Speaking about the latter, Love, it has many variantions in its definition. According
to me, love is a saturated state of faith and respect, and we should never love anyone as a
person; instead, we should love the relationship that we have with the person and once the
relationship becomes efficient, the love towards that person in us will automatically take a
holding. Competition makes a man intelligent, education makes a man rational but love
makes him responsible. Doesnt this create meaning in our lives?

If we look at ourselves in the practical environment of our lives, then every moment
we encounter becomes an experiment with a new challenge before us, and for this, a teacher
becomes necessary. He is the one who makes us understand about every possibility and
outcome. A good teacher is the one who tells his students, Ask me any kind of doubt, and
remember, no question is silly, as answers often tend to be. In order to appreciate the actual
importance of a teacher in our lives, we have to take a look at the transitions that take place in
the teaching process itself as we grow up. In primary school we are taught to Do or die. In
high school, we are taught to Do, then die but now, the best teachers teach us, If we do, we
never die.. Isn't this motivating enough to make us work hard and succeed? Wouldn't the
presence of teachers like this give meaning to our lives? Doesnt the transition in the
statement make us think that when there is growth, changes will follow? If we fear change,
how can there be growth?
The work that we do and the things that we possess also contribute to creating
meaning in our lives. The terms goal and aim have different meanings, acoording to me
atleast. The dreams which we have, to become something in our life, constitute the goal and
the intention behind it and the plans or objectives that we want to achieve after reaching the
goal constitute our aim. Wont this nature of having a good goal with an aim of
development of mankind create meaning in our lives?
When we speak about our possessions, things can be classified as essentials and
accessories. The essential things are those that are utilized by us for obvious and
unavoidable purposes, and the accessories things are those which even if not possessed wont
affect our lives much. Such accessories should be possessed by us only, and only, as a token
of our achievement, a souvenir of any work that has made us feel true satisfaction in the very
depths of our heart. When all things possessed by us are inbued with life in and imbibe a
loaded meaning as to why we possess them, life becomes even more colourful and lively.
Doesnt this attitude create meaning in our lives?
These are some of the stages in life when we will have the privilege, and the
opportunity to create meaning.
To conclude, everything that exists is defined. They do have a meaning, and they
provide us scope to explore them in the right dimension. We only have go deep inside the
vast ocean in search of the hidden pearl in the shell. In such a pursuit , an honest effort will
surely succeed!
Now tell me, if you have trully absorbed everything, Is life but an empty dream?

Samarth Deyagond
1st Semester , CS

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