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Fatharani Yurian Wahid
ID. 12317244013, International Biology Education, Department of Biology Education,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Yogyakarta, 2015.

Harvard Step Test can be used to know the level of physical fitness of people.
This practicum is aimed to understand the adaptive respond of our body towards
stimulus of heavy physical activities; and it is also aimed to analyze and determine the
level of physical fitness of the participant. There are six participants who did this test.
Before doing exercise or when in break condition, the participants count the heart beat
during a minute. Then the participants do an exercise, it is turn up-down on a Harvard
chair for maximally five minutes and count the heart beat after that exercise.
Benchmark of this test is value of Physical Fitness Index (PFI), it is formulated by
divide the 100x time of exercises (in seconds) with the amount of heart beat on one
minute after exercises. The value of PFI consists of three groups, poor (<50); average
(50-80); and good (>80). Result of practicum shows that only one participant who has
the value of PFI average (54.54); the other five participants have the value of PFI poor
(17.92; 29.65; 30.11; 32.05; and 40.17). It means only one participant who have average
level of physical fitness and the other five participants have poor level of physical

Keywords: Harvard Step Test, heart beat, physical fitness index.


Fatharani Yurian Wahid
ID. 12317244013, International Biology Education, Department of Biology Education,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Yogyakarta, 2015.

Body temperature of human is tend to constant because of thermoregulator

inside the body. This practicum is aimed to measure the body temperature using
thermometer body at some parts of body (under tongue, left armpit, and right armpit).
It can prove that temperature of human body is not or little influenced by temperature
of environment. There are six participants who measured their body temperatures. In
normal condition, the body temperature is measured at that parts of body. While at the
warm condition, it is measured after gargling with warm water at under tongue of each
participants; at the cold condition it is measured after gargling with cold water. The
result shows that normal body temperature of human is in interval 36 0C until 380C.
From the data of body temperature of the participants at some conditions, this
practicum prove that temperature of human body is not or little influenced by
temperature of environment.

Keywords: body temperature, constant, thermometer, environment temperature.

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