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Life is difficult for most of us. Why?

Perhaps most of us are difficult to please.

We work very hard to have what Buddha gave up to become enlightened.

Does that mean we are benighted?

What we don’t know is always difficult. Life is God.

And when you know God nothing is difficult. God is Love.

To be loved is heavenly but to love is deadly, so the world has become deadly


In the world of Ro and Mo life is not difficult and so can yours be also.

What is the meaning of life?

Why were you born? Does God exist?

Is there a devil? What is love?
Who loves you? Who do you love?
To give or to receive?
To be free or to be captive?
To lose or to be lost?
To be true or to lie?
To be open or to be closed?
To be together or to to be separate?
To love or to be loved?

In relation to the above questions we have had countless hours of discoursing

with many people we know and knew in our lives. In a three day proclamation
this book reveals some views, concepts, and ideas we presented in those dis-

We have avoided political correctness as much as possible to keep the flavor in

which they were said and is not intended to offend anyone.

  Living in this divided world can sometimes be hell. Whether at home or at

work. Until recently we had taken it for granted that togetherness was what eve-
ryone desired. Oh! No! Not so!
‘ I, Me and Myself, ’ is the norm in this world. ‘I and Me, we are One. If you have
seen Me you have also seen Me! I am an individual like no one else. I am the
great one and I do everything my way and I have no one to thank. There is none
like Me!’ What a heavy load some Great Ones carry on their shoulders. In the
world of Ro and Mo we share the load and share it equally, so the scales balance
and there is no friction and the load moves smoothly and effortlessly. In our
world there is no Great One . We are One and together we are One. There is no
glue to stick us together, no written agreements no prenuptial no vows no mar-
Jesus said: “in heaven there is no marriage nor is anyone given in marriage.”
“In heaven there is no master nor is anyone a servant.”

From the FIRST DAY

First hour:

What is seen is created by what is unseen.

 Charles Darwin was a clever man to suggest that life evolved from simple to
complex and higher forms. But what evolved to lower forms of life? The none liv-
ing simple molecules? What evolved into simple none living molecules? Single at-
oms? And what evolved into single atoms? Energy?
  Albert Einstein, another great chap said energy is matter. E=MC². Where did
the energy come and from and where did the matter come? When you see matter
you see energy resting and when you see energy you see matter in motion. They
have both always existed and they are the same but in different forms. You can’t
see the wind but you can see the waves and they too are the same in different
forms. You can’t see God but you can see the creation and they too are the same
in different forms. And so are you and God; the same. If there is no wind how
will there be waves? There will be stillness and that is like death.
Fourth hour: 
With or without love, sex is nice. It is very sad girls don’t like sex and again us
boys have to work hard to buy it or do it ourselves. DIY sex must be booming
when you consider the price you have to pay these days. Why do you think Aids
is so widespread? Men have to find alternate holes. Men have need for sex unlike
women. Women are definitely the weaker sex. They just don’t have a strong sex-
ual need. If they did you would find brothels for women. Instead they have ma-
ternity wards. Men sow and women reap. Men rape and women sue. Men pay and
women lay.
 If a woman said she liked sex and gave herself freely she will be called a slut. If
she says it’s not free, she is a whore. So she has to go for rape. Good girls do not
like sex nor do they sell it; they get raped. There are millions of unreported rapes,
there are so many children born every hour in the world!
 Men on the other hand are called dick-heads if they don’t like sex and don’t go
after the females. The more females a man conquer the the more of a man he be-
comes. The more men a female conquer the more of a whore she becomes. If a
man loves another man without the sex, then he is not gay. If a man loves a
woman without the sex he is definitely gay.      
Although we like to think that human beings are somehow a superior being and
that our lives are somewhat sacred to other beings on this planet, we are still in
the primitive stage of evolution. We are definitely a more advanced animal but
that does not necessarily mean we have got anywhere near the spirit beings we
are meant to be. Men still go behind a woman like dogs do, sniffing the back side
of a bitch. I don’t understand why men with all their muscles go weak in the knee
when they see a beautiful woman. I do that when I get scared. And seeing a beau-
tiful woman never gave me a fright.

Sixth hour:

When you can borrow a book from the library why buy one? However interesting
the book was you will find many more interesting books in the world. Will you
not read them because you want to be loyal to this one book all your life? Isn’t va-
riety the spice of life?
 The Ten Commandments says ‘thou shall not commit adultery.’ Nowhere in the
bible dose it say ‘thou shall not have sex, not even premarital sex.’ ‘Everything
was good and multiply and fill the earth’, God said to Adam and Eve. They chose
to till the ground and bring forth children in pain rather than have plenty of sex
and let the garden of Eden feed them. If you love someone, why in the world do
you want to tie them up to your hand and have them on a permanent leash. You
do that with your dog, and if you really love the dog you’ll let it free. If your horse
break it’s leg you shoot it and put it out of it’s misery. If your son is dying of can-
cer, even he can’t ask to be put out of his misery. Is that because we are civilized?

Ninth hour:

 Children are an extension of their parents and parents do their damnedest to

make them like themselves. Most children fight back but soon they become like
their parents and the world doesn’t really change. We fought with bows and ar-
rows and swords in the past. Today we fight with missiles and tanks. In the past
we were barbaric and crucified and scalped and lynched. Today things are done
humanely with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.
 We have changed the methods of how we do things but we haven’t changed
what we do. If you are a robber you are only thinking of changing your tactics to
be a better robber. When you stop robbing is when you will really change.
While the world is busy trying to survive, life is just passing by. If the world
would grow up and accept that it cannot overcome death, then the world might
finally begin to live. Struggling to save our lives has become life. So we have be-
come great savers, hoarders, stockpilers, and laborers and conservers. That is why
the main political parties are Labour and Conservative. They both save, one by
laboring and the other by conserving.
 Love is life and love is giving. Love is not material or physical that you can
measure with instruments. Love is of the spirit, character of giving, and is im-
measurable and radiates like the sun radiates light. Death is also a spirit, character
of getting, that absorbs love like a black hole sucks in light. Black holes are very
heavy with a lot of baggage they have sucked and nothing escapes from them, not
even light and therefore are invisible.

Sixteenth hour:

Why is it so hard for a rich man to enter heaven? You would think that it’s the
rich who are in heaven. Jesus said that, “it would be easier for a camel to go
through an eye of needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” But
all most all christians try to go through an eye of a needle to get rich. Most of the
richest countries are christian. But being poor doesn’t necessarily mean you slide
effortlessly through the eye of the same needle. Rich or poor, it is impossible to
go through an eye of a needle so why waste energy trying to do the impossible,
just do the possible and get rich. Yet most of the world is poor. Why? Perhaps
getting rich is hard work.
We know that all the money in the world will not buy us true love. If you can buy
it, it is not true love. But if we find it we do all we can to buy it. To keep it for
ourselves. But love is like the sun light and is for everyone. Trying to keep the sun
light for yourself makes the most intelligent of human beings into morons.


Second hour:

We glorify freedom and fight to protect it with our life. Freedom from what?
Freedom to do as we please or freedom to do as we are told, or freedom to dic-
tate to others or freedom for others to dictate to us?
 Scientists will tell you that for every action there is a reaction. Common sense
will tell you that what goes up comes down. The force of gravity brings you down.
If you want freedom from the force of gravity how will you walk on earth? We did
not create the world or ourselves and if we don’t abide by the rules of the creator
we only make it harder for ourselves. If you want to go up and stay up you need a
lot of energy and when you run out of energy you come back down. We become
very proud of ourselves that we have cracked the law of gravity and so think that
we have cracked God. We become greater than God. The moment we become
greater than God we loose respect for God. For thousands of years we have de-
fied God and today we are concerned about global warming and many other man
made problems. We blame each other and still carry on hoping the problems will
go away or Green Peace will sort it, as long as we have our freedom.

Fourth hour:

You need a license to to drive a car. To vote you have to be eighteen. Unless you
are eighteen you can’t buy a beer in the pub. To be a midwife you need a univer-
sity degree; but to have a baby you don’t need to be eighteen, posses a license or
an education. Why? You can’t even buy a cigarette unless you are eighteen but
you can give birth to a child and become a mother. You don’t need to read and
write, be employed, or have a home to bring children into the world. In some de-
veloped countries the authorities provide ‘benefits’ for these parents. It’s almost
like fashion to be single parents these days. When they perfect the cloning tech-
nology you might be able to pick up a live Barby doll with a designer label. Super
stars will be seen cuddling Calvin Klein babies, and pushing them in Giorgio Ar-
mani prams in Boasting Boulevard. The rest of us will be at the flea market.
Seventh hour:

Why do we cherish privacy? Why do we build houses with thick walls? What are
we hiding; and from whom are we hiding. Don’t we all like and do the same
things? Doesn’t the man next door like to eat, drink, have sex and sleep?
Governments win elections because they know what will keep most of us happy
and that is not a lot. Every year they tell you that things are getting better but
you have to restrain spending because of the improvements they made last year.
They tell you the same thing every year, it’s getting better but we have to do bet-
ter. Like children fighting for extra pocket money and the parents never tell the
children of their true financial status, especially if they are well off, is the way
governments and people behave in the country. And just like the children know
most of what the parents do; so the people know what the governments do. If
everyone knows what everyone is doing why do everyone fight for privacy? Perhaps
everyone doesn’t know what everyone is doing.

Eleventh hour:

 Why do we teach children one thing and do another? What would happen if
they were to do as we tell them? Ah! but we know that they will do just like us.
Thus we are two steps ahead. Of course, if they did as they are told we will crush
them and break them if not kill them.        
 Your spirit tells you who you are but your mind doesn’t like what the sprit tells
you. The mind says that you are not God therefore you can’t possibly do what the
spirit demands. Whatever you don’t like to do or be, is quickly put in the ‘box for
the spirit things’, and tell yourself that, that is for the priests or for men of God.
‘I am human and it is impossible for a man to do like God’, thus you rationalize
to avoid spiritual growth. You begin to separate yourself from the spirit and think
separately from the spirit. You don’t realize, you separate yourself from everyone
else in the process. Everyone wants to be the captain of their ship. When you
separate from the spirit you have to give yourself an identity. Like when you grow
up and leave your parents’ house and build your own unique home, you build your
own unique mind. Since your mind expands just like your body enlarges as you
grow, so your ego expands, and as your ego expands your pride expands. You ex-
pand like a star but you run out of energy because you are limited as a human be-
ing. Although your mind is of the spirit and can imagine infinitely, without your
spirit to guide you your expansion can’t be sustained. You run out of energy and
collapse. If your ego was massive enough you can collapse into a black hole and
you become invisible and no one will see you anymore.  
Fourteenth hour:

  It doesn’t matter which part of the world you were born; or if you were born
to the rich or poor, growing up is a daunting task. For generations human beings
have mistakenly acknowledge growing up as becoming wise. This is a half truth.
Any sane person would agree that a grown-up should be truthful in addition to
other characteristics. We use the term grown-up loosely. We presume that we
grow together with the body unless we suffer Downs syndrome or some other
syndrome. We may all suffer from different syndromes but one thing is clear, that
we all suffer from laziness. Laziness to grow up.
 It is pathetic to hear a wise person, holding a high position of authority lying to
an educated society, who in return covertly accepts the lie. Only when the cost of
that lie is unbearable that the lier is replaced. Sadly with another lier to tell yet
another lie.
 Often we hear that children are innocent. Does this mean grown-ups are not?
And what are the children innocent of ? When the child reaches the age of eight-
een does it loose it’s innocence. From innocence to guilty from child to adult.
What are the adults ‘the guilty’, doing having children ‘the innocent’? To bring
them up to be like themselves, guilty adults? To be a chip off the old block?
What are the adults guilty of ? Have you noticed when the media reports of a dis-
aster, the news readers always refer to the victims as innocent? It is taken for
granted that all victims of any mishap is innocent. And that all are innocent until
proven otherwise. Fine, I don’t have a problem with that, accept for the state-
ment that, no one is perfect. Contradictory isn’t it? If no one is perfect, then no
one can be innocent. If everyone was perfect then we wouldn’t need the police.
No one will be hurt and no one will be guilty. But we are still less evolved in that
area than animals, who have no innocents and guilty, or police and law courts.
They live and have lived for millions of years without all that. So much for human
evolution. It’s more like human devolution if you asked me.

From the THIRD DAY

Third hour: 
Why is the world so serious? People are serious unlike animals. Animals do what
animals do, they eat, drink, have sex and give birth. Animals don’t need schools,
employment, traditions, governments, marriages, sports, prostitution, murder,
wining and loosing and security forces. Animals should have security forces to
protect themselves from us but we have them to protect ourselves from our own.
If we can’t trust each other why should anyone in the world trust us? Aren’t we
above all living things on earth? Yet we are the most destructive animal on earth.
The Great Spirit in it’s wisdom imprisoned us on earth. It is virtually impossible
for us to venture out of this planet. We aught to learn something from this. We
may go around feeling very important but, even the earth is pretty insignificant
in the boundless universe. The universe humbles the mighty galaxies but the
Great Spirit humbles the universe. “Heaven is my throne and the earth is my foot
stool”. Isaiah.66:1
 You are a tiny spirit born of the Great Spirit like a new born prince to a great
king. Until you become king you have many lessons to learn and you cannot learn
unless you are humble. Most people go through their entire life on earth and
never learn to be truly humble.
I said people are serious. Jesus and Buddha and others like them were not serious
people. Jesus walked among fishermen and prostitutes and Buddha gave up his
palace and walked about with the untouchables. They could not have been seri-
ous with fishermen and prostitutes and the untouchables. Thousands of years af-
ter their deaths we have made them into very serious and pious people. Jesus
siting at a fisherman’s house chatting to a prostitute and Buddha hanging around
with an untouchable is no serious matter. Can you see the Pope having a chit chat
with a cheap prostitute in a fisherman’s house and The Dali Lama hanging out
with the untouchables. Not on your life, they are very serious people with a seri-
ous religion preaching to a bunch of serious people. People are seriously miss led
by these seriously exalted people. Quite the opposite of what Jesus or Buddha
taught. When Jesus was asked by his disciples who was the greatest in the king-
dom of heaven he called a little child to him and set him in the midst of them
and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little
children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” “Therefore who-
ever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Nothing like the old Pope; is it? And nothing like the exalted politicians or the
school principals or our parents who profess to be Christians and Buddhists and
had us baptized as christians and Buddhists. These are normal people seriously
sick. Seriously deluded.

Fourth hour: 
Today the house of commoners or peasants or working class are managing the
economy. And when they have done a good job they get a pat from the Queen. A
knighthood or even a seat at the Lords. In France and many other countries they
have got rid of the monarchy and are very proud that they have elected a peasant
as king and call him or her president.
 The modern economy is a wonderful creation and it goes like this: everybody
needs money and that means a job. Governments are primarily elected to create
jobs and create jobs they do. To create jobs in the health care service you need to
increase the number of sick and keep the sick, sick. If you are in the law en-
forcement business you need the crime rate to go up or your job prospects will
diminish. Doctors will be out of work without the sick and the police without
criminals. Arms manufactures will go bust without the likes of Sadam and the Al
queda. And so the governments are doing a good job creating the sick and the
criminals and the terrorists. Whoever is better at it, we vote for them.
In nineteen sixty nine the cell phone or the digital camera was not heard of. The
microprocessor wasn’t yet invented, but the moon landing was invented. Even at
the hight of the cold war the Soviets went along with the american invention be-
cause they also needed to carry on with the research to develop missiles. The
whole world was sold a piece of the American pie to create work.
Today they are planning trips to Mars and beyond. There are oil wells on earth
that they can’t reach, but they are spending billions of dollars to go to Mars to
look for water and life. Everybody knows what they did when they went by the
boat load to America and found water and life.

Fifth hour:

Black man and the red man are not really human. They are domesticated animals.
They were discovered in the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries and had to be
chained and domesticated. The red ones had to be scalped and yet couldn’t be
domesticated. They have been allocated habitats called reservations as they are a
protected species now. The black man enjoys what dogs and cats do. They have
been given their masters’ names and you find them in the White House running
behind their master. Today they are so well behaved that they don’t need to be
chained. They even get patted for being good guard dogs for their masters. But
just like dogs they are still their masters’ slaves. They may have changed the name
from slave of state to secretary of state, but it’s George Bush who is the master
and not Chicken George.
 The other thing we find odd is that you can find Anglo Americans, Irish Ameri-
cans, Hispanic Americans, Black Americans, Indian Americans, Muslim Ameri-
cans and Red indians but no Americans. It’s the same if you look at both Ameri-
can continents and Australia and New Zealand. There were no human beings in
those places, only animals. Africa is finally given back to the slave people and
Nelson Mandela is let out of the cage. Now he goes to Australia wagging his tail
and gets an award for good behavior. So he doesn’t go walkabout with his fellow
subhumans. He wears a tie and suit and has become like his master. Cathy Free-
man, once known as a subhuman of Australia has been given Native title and
made an Australian of the year by a foreign invader. Johnny KilCoon alias Johnny
Howard calls himself Australian while still flying the British flag. Cathy Freeman
has been given the right to run with the humans because she has been bred by
white men and now she has a little bit of human in her. But she is not allowed to
fly her own subhuman flag in her own coon country. She has to fly a foreign flag.
The ones who insist on her flying the British flag were themselves thrown out of
Britain for stealing a ‘little’ piece of pork from Steptoe and his son. Well Steptoe
couldn’t afford a big piece could he?
We want Sadam to give Kuwait back to the Kuwaities and Indonesia to give
East-Timor back to the East-Timories. The British handed India back to the In-
dians and did the same with most of the nations they ruled. So are we to assume
that America, Australia, Canada and many others like them will also be handed

Ninth hour:

Why do we hate the truth or being true, yet have an accused in court hold a bi-
ble and say, ‘I promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me
God’? Nobody in the court room believes that the accused would tell the truth,
otherwise he wont be in court in the first place. The judge is not trusted nor are
the jury for they too are human and criminals. In the animal world there are no
criminals for they do as they are suppose to do.
If there is a loving God like the Bible suggests why does he or she or it, let peo-
ple, animals, plants and the environment suffer? Why doesn’t God get rid of the
access CO2 and fill the the gaps in the ozone layer? Why doesn’t he stop the
globe warming and stop the killer storms and earth quakes? Why does God let
millions suffer because of poverty, war, and disease. Why did he create you? Why
were you born? Animals don’t ask these questions they just do like robots. Ani-
mals are programed like computers, the hardwear is their body and the softwear
is their instinct. Humans are the same but have soft wear capable of free will. But
with free will comes responsibility. Responsible for your own life. You can’t have
free will and yet have someone else take responsibility for some of your actions.
You are free to jump up and you are free to to fall and break your neck. Guidance
is there in the software but unlike animals we can override instructions from our
conscience. Your conscience is your innocent and true self, the Great Spirit in
you, the child in you. But who wants to be a child? We are warned that once you
override your conscience, you will be on your own and your innocence shall surely
die. You will be free of the truth and being honest. Because it’s your conscience
‘Great spirit’ that lives and when you can’t live with your conscience you divorce
from your conscience like a child divorcing it’s parents. Who will guide you?
When you run out of your inheritance like the prodigal son you become your
brother’s servant. But if listening to your conscience is hell to you, life with the
Great Spirit becomes hell. How then will you enter the spirit and eternal world.
No innocent child can be with you, so you quickly make your children like you
and most of them make the same choice as you did. But you will crucify them un-
til they become like you or end up in prisons or mental hospitals. If they die you
will call them saints. When they are with you, you hate them and call them evil
and after you have killed them you build them temples and worship them there.
The only saint you get is a dead one. People love dead saints because they don’t
have to live up to them. Instead they vote for politicians who are liars like them-
selves and then moan that they never keep their promises.

©2008 Rohan and Mohan Perea. All rights reserved.

Published by AuthorHouse™UK Ltd.

Also printed by AuthorHouse United States of America Bloomington Indiana.

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