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Volume 1, Issue 1 1st July 2009


E D I T O R ’ S
I know what you must be
thinking. Ok. I don't. But “A job where I can travel”. One of get about PER DIEM!! Yes PER his colleagues had to dig up
you may be thinking, un-
imaginative name. Well, the requirements we give our- DIEM. FYI, diem in Latin whatever skills they had and
blame the muses, seems selves when looking for a new means day. Hence PER DAY. become mechanics when their
they were on leave. This
job or first one. Take my buddy One gets paid per day in addi- car broke down in the middle
E-zine is aimed at working
class people who occa- Kenneth, in the time span of a tion to salary. That’s the way it of nowhere. Stuck for hours,
sionally receive veiled year, the man has been to should. The money, the cars, they had to roll up their
threats from their
bosses and little thanks Madagascar, France, south Af- sleeves and get dirty <wonder
from their subordinates. rica, DRC and Uganda. Susan if Aguilera’s “dirty” was playing
So, take a read. Find out
does the Scotland, UAE, France, in the background>. Thankfully
what's happening with
other companies . And if UK route all the time. Sounds relaxing at the beach later
you want to, reply to the glamorous eh? Maurice and made up for it. Mike
email address provided
with your own thoughts Nelson have been to almost all <AIRUGANDA> found the lan-
and we won't mind let- part of Uganda. IF they don't guage barrier in Spain too
ting others read it. This e-
know a town’s name, it doesn't much for him to handle. “Its
zine will be available
every three weeks free exist. Diana runs around Bujum- like someone had mixed Chi-
Work in the fast lane!!!!!
of charge to your email. bura, Kigali and weird towns in nese , Xhosa, Mexican and put
Engross yourself in this
the first edition, hope- the middle of Uganda’s upcoun- it thru a synthesizer just to
fully the first of many. try landscape. Silver , Allan and the hotels, the exotic places, spite me .Otherwise the
This edition features the Dogo know all the streets in the awe of staggering scenery. download speeds were off the
travelling workers. And Kampala. They can walk around Perfect. BUZZZ!!! Wake up. Is it hook.“ Joan <NSSF> enjoyed
what they do when
they….working. in a riot blindfolded without los- really that perfect? the round trip from Kampala to
ing their way. Of course when Fort Portal but had problems
Enjoy. According to Emma
one hears company trip, the with the time spent on the
Businge Abid Weere
<HUAWEI>, don't believe eve-
association of hotels, company road . She did however enjoy
rything you dream . On a re-
cars or all-expenses flights buying cheap matooke along
cent trip to Burundi, he and
spring to mind. And lets not for- the way.
I S S U E :

Organisation In Focus 2 I n t h e n e w s
• No new taxes or increases • F1 teams announce break- • Tanzania to start taxing reli-
Office Exhibit 3
away gious institutions
• Ramadhan Magara convicted
Tribute to MJ 4
of manslaughter, sentence of • Federer hailed as the greatest • 75 year old woman impreg-
Retirement watch 5 14 years for the 2006 killing of nated by rapist-turned-lover,
• Hilary Clinton breaks elbow.
two supporters of Kizza Besi- 25
Obama says, “it wasn't me.”
What's in your contract 6 gye.
• Kigali invaded by Ugandan
• Zain and IHK scandal excite
Idler’s ark 7 • USA re-orders the football girls on holiday.
Humour central 9
landscape at confederations
• King of Pop , Michael Jackson
cup • Another scandal hits Pente-
is dead
costal Churches.
P a g e 2 W o r k - z i n e

AEISEC is not an organization that opment YES in MUBS among others. Golf friendships that last a lifetime. Usu-
appears in the New Vision list of tournaments and exhibitions are also held. ally bottle parties <we all know what
top companies but it should in AEISEC Uganda has over the years hosted that means>, these parties go on till
yours. Remember your times at and sent members to Canada, USA, UK, morning. AEISEC alumni leave with
campus when you had so much Egypt, India, Spain, Nigeria, Colombia and built self esteems and confidence.
free time that you wished you many more. Students and fresh graduates Skills acquired and experience
could do something constructive are offered the chance to pick up, show off, gained prove crucial in the job
or have fun? AEISEC is the answer. and improve their managerial, marketing, world. But I do have one regret as
IT provides international intern- organizational and communication skills regards AEISEC : No one invited me
ships for all its members plus the with no prior experience required. But its for the one piece party where atten-
opportunity to get on-hands experi- not all work. Various welcome and farewell dees , whether male or female, were
ence with creative and impact-ful parties are held often by AEISEC Uganda. required to wear only ONE single
projects. AEISEC Uganda runs a Truth be told, the best parties I have at- piece of clothing!!!!! <Sigh>
number of projects in various ar- tended have been AEISEC parties. You just
eas such as the AIDS awareness walk into a room full of strangers from
ASK in MUK or the business devel- around the world and you walk out with By Work - Zine Reporter

• Always have extra airtime if you don't • Always carry a thick jacket regardless of
have a work phone where you are going

“Plan to stay an • If you can, look for a friend who lives in • Carry a digital camera for the sights though
the town you are going to , essential in they look the same over time
extra day . IF showing you good spots and getting you
• Always have extra cash and space . Never
something can go out of a tight fix.
know what will happen or find on the road
• NEVER , NEVER, ever leave your laptop
wrong, it usually in your hotel room for an extended pe-
• Plan to stay an extra day . IF something can
go wrong, it usually does
does” riod even if its just for supper. Always
leave it in the hotel safe or walk with it • Purchase a phone that enables you to con-
nect to the internet. Boredom and need for
• Every receipt is vital. If you can get it for
knowledge can hit hard
mineral water, do so. Accounting is easy
Nelson Tusiime — UTL

If you thought your job was turn. Thinking that its their the whole school, castigates What would you
bad : Three resident tutors in companion returning, they them for watching a blue movie. rather have in a job
one of the top secondary continue watching and start Points them out to the whole : Opportunity or
schools were watching an making jokes about how the school. All the students they have security ?
adult movie in one of their guy had had to go to the power over are snickering. And it
colleagues room. After some bathroom to help himself. gets worse: they are not fired. So
time, one of them gets up They hear the door closing. if you thought your job was bad, This is a question
and walks out of the room. A Thinking the other dude was trust them , it could be worse!! that Enterprise
few minutes later, the re- pissed, they give it no more Uganda asked once
maining two hear the door attention. The next morning, me . What's your an-
opening and don't bother to the headmaster , in front of Peter - Centenary Bank swer?
P a g e 3
O f f i c e t h i n g s : E x h i b i t 1

We have just come back from a company retreat. It was actually a wrap my legs around him. First, I did not hear him. Second I did not
surprise birthday party for some people at work, but that's the official want to hear that! I was choking on Nile Special (What river Nile is
name and we shall stick with that. I am exhausted and exhilarated. A when you drink up a whole lot of it), and I was hearing the Nile, be-
bit bruised but happy for those bruises. Happy that I am still alive to cause it was all in my ear canal. I was also bobbing up and down in
enjoy those wounds. the water, inhaling of course while in the water. So I just wanted to
keep my head up. Gradually, I came to my senses and did as I was
You see, we went white water rafting. Funny thing is, I can't swim. Not told.
that I rarely swim, or had forgotten how to swim: I just can't swim. And I
went white water rafting. Bright. We had quite a long way to go to the raft because I had drifted far
from the raft. I was a bit nonplussed as the three other men in the
Now, I will spare you the preliminaries and get right down to the nitty boat had not been flung from the raft. Quite a blow to my ego. I think
gritty details of this exhilarating experience. Wait. First, we left some- the Irish guys in the boat suspected I could not swim because they
one in Kireka. We were all late to report for departure, but this guy started asking our guide insinuating questions like, "Can you do
outdid us. So, he had to catch up with us on bike. He swore he was white water rafting if you can't swim?"
two minutes away, yet we just left him. His new promise is never to The second time i was freaked out was when I was lured out of the
wait for any of us! boat by a girl who told me to get in the water. Not willing to feel like
the odd chicken out, I obliged. First I was holding on to the raft be-
Anyways, back to the Nile. White water rafting is pretty extreme with cause I still had vivid flashes of the afterlife from the earlier fling off
frequent flipping of the boat. We were made aware of that by the the boat. But then she managed to separate me from the boat. At
guides. I was hesitant at first, but then there were these life guards in first I was close but then the river started pulling me apart from the
kayaks, so I was at ease a little. boat.

So we go for our first rapid, we paddle hard through it, it's a grade one, I panicked.
so we make it through without a hustle, then came the grade three. I
saw the wave coming, and there was little I could do to stop it. So I just At first I had tried an amateur butterfly stroke, with a little success.
rode it. Correction. It rode me. We see the wave coming up for us, and Now that I was far from the boat I tried more strokes, from more
the guide shouts for us to sit in the boat and hold tight. I sat, held onto insects. I was paddling hard but I was getting pulled further back. I
my paddle with one hand and held the rope on the side of the raft with tried the cockroach stroke, the ant stroke and even the freaked out
my left. This is my weaker hand, I must say, so hanging onto a boat millipede, but I was getting nowhere! Finally a kayak guy got me. I
tilted at ninety degrees was not even a remote possibility. reached the boat, dunked under and promptly took in a deep breath.
Of course I came up coughing and gasping for air. The guide was
I went under water. They say your life flashes before your eyes before not in a mood to pull me out just yet. Panic written all over my face,
you die, but my brain does not work that way. I was thinking other gasping for the ever elusive breath, I motioned fervently for help. He
thoughts like, " Why the hell did I just take a deep breath when I was kept saying," You'll be fine, just relax." Relax? I cant breathe in with
already under the water?'' And, " I wonder if this floater thing even my nose or mouth and you are telling me to relax?
Anyways, many more things happened during the day that I will tell
I soon found out as I came to the surface gasping for air. If I ever met you about at some other time. Till then, stay safe.
the guy who invented floaters, I would kiss him. Because were it not for
By Otaala Samuel
his device, I might be doing the moonwalk with Michael Jackson (RIP)
right now. A kayak guy came rushing over, bless him, and told me to

L e s s o n s f r o m t h e o f f i c e :
C o v e r T h y A s s ! ! ! !
All my life, i have been told one thing: Be a matter as possible. That way, you will look In the dog eat dog of corporate office poli-
Man. Own up! how my erstwhile good inten- like you got everything in control. If your sub- tics where your head can become a step-
tioned teachers would cringe if they knew that ordinate messes up, make sure you have an ping stone for others, where getting rid of
the undisputed rule in the office is Cover thy email and memo trail which can be traced to potential competition is the norm, where
Ass!!! When given work and something goes him. And one of those emails should be from dragging other people's name thru the mad
wrong, find out why it went wrong and more you to him reminding him of the importance makes you look good, where a smile is
importantly, who caused it to go wrong and of the work. When your immediate boss uses something to be weary of, where alliances
even more importantly, be the FIRST to report his authority to slow down the pace of your with the devil are common place,
it up the chain of command. Even when it is work, make sure there is an email from you the unspoken rule is to , repeat after me,
your fault, be the FIRST to report it up to your to him "requesting" for further assistance, Cover thy Ass!!!!
supervisor and copy it to as many people who and of course copy to the" relevant" people in
By Kasana Andrew -
t h e o f f i c e .
P a g e 4 W o r k - z i n e

T r i b u t e t o a K i n g : T h e J a c k s o n
C o m p l e x
Born on the 29th of August, 1958 as the seventh of nine children traitor of the black civil rights movement. The transformation of his
Michael Joseph Jackson was always destined for the big stage. By appearance from a quintessentially Negro archetype to a quintessen-
the tender age of five he had already risen to fame as the lead voice tially Caucasian archetype through a string of cosmetic procedures to
on the Jackson Five classic “ABC”. For the first time the world was many is indicative of desperation to be white, a betrayal so to speak of
introduced to Michael's unique, sweet voice and it is a matter of his race. Michael Jackson himself would eagerly posit the argument
considerable interest that at age fifty Michael's recording voice had that he was a sufferer of vitiligo, a rare skin condition, and that as an
barely changed. It was not until 1971 when he released his first solo entertainer his appearance was as essential as his choreography but the
project, “Off the Wall” whilst still a member of the Jackson Five that damning counter argument is that be that as it may, what did the shape
it become apparent that perhaps Michael was destined for greater of his nose or more suspiciously the distinctly Caucasian appearance of
things. With the release of “Thriller” in 1982 he instantly became a his three children have to do with his skin condition?
living legend. Thriller went on to become the biggest selling album
of all time, a fact that is unlikely to change, and as of today has sold a He paid the ultimate price for his weaknesses, his album sales plum-
colossal 109million records as per some estimates and at its peak was meted, his enormous fortune began to capsize in his debt; but dogged
selling a whopping million records a week and seven of its tracks by child sex abuse scandals and impropriety and ridiculed by the media
reached number one. But as this phenomenal success was unfolding a he still maintained a strangle hold on a committed fan base. His would
parallel tale of a troubled psyche that progressively became more and be come back tour, “This is it” a three month residence at the O2 arena
more eccentric with fame simultaneously played out in the media. sold an unprecedented 750,000 tickets in a matter of minutes. Officials
His spending, reports that he slept in a hyperbolic chamber, his insis- at Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) the promoters for the come
tence on wearing a surgical mask in public and his changing appear- back tour and managers of the O2 and the Staples Center where he was
ance were all pointers to a deep psychological pathology but he was rehearsing had often remarked that Micheal Jackson had single hand-
always vindicated by his enormous musical talent. edly saved the arena, if not AEG from the global recession. Such was
the power of his music and the greatness of the man. Few people if any
His behavior could have been a subtle call for help but such was the could emerge from that level of personal turmoil and still be a finan-
intensity of the musical revolution he had ignited that in many ways cially viable franchise. Without a doubt he is the most influential musi-
his fame almost dehumanized him and even as a frail fifty year old cian, if not personality of all time. His choreography, his voice and his
the adoring public took it for granted he would deliver fifty concerts stance were so out of this world that to an extent one can’t avoid think-
with the same intensity characteristic of his eighties and nineties ing that perhaps physiologically he was always meant to be a musical
performances. His success is quite simply unmatched, four of his super star, that he was born not made. And as the world mourns his
albums BAD, Dangerous, History and Off The Wall are among the untimely death on the 25th of June, 2009 at his multi million Los An-
most successful albums. His haul contains thirteen Grammy awards geles residence the most fitting way to remember him is to remember
and an equal number of number one singles and two inductions to the what he stood for, what he invested his time and finances in and that is
rock and roll hall of fame but it is quite a sad that to many the most his music and his philanthropic causes and also dedicate a prayer to the
enduring memory of him will be that of strange individual with dark three people that were most important to him – his three children.
proclivities and to an overwhelming majority he remains a highly
complex puzzle. To the Black civil rights movement he was probably
as influential as Barack Obama doing for civil liberties in music what By Magumba Mark Abraham. The Writer was Mr.SMACK
Martin Luther King did in politics – what Michael Jackson proved
which he won by making numerous variations to Michael
was that a person of color could be accepted and even worshipped by
Jackson’s moves.
a white majority but at the same time to others he is the ultimate

MY PLAYLIST • Common Reaction – Uh huh her ( Common Reaction –

• Every breath you take- The Police (Every breath you 2008)
take – 1995) • 99 times – Kate Voegele ( A Fine Mess – 2009)
• Dirty Diana—Michael Jackson (Bad—1987) • Ayagala Mulasi – Bobi Wine/Kabaya/ Casanova
• What a wonderful world – Louis Armstrong ( The • No Grave – Newsboys ( Hands Of God – 2009)
Ultimate Collection CD3 2000) • Brown Eyes – Lady Gaga (The Fame – 2008)
• Always on Time – Ja Rule/ Ashanti ( Pain is Love -
2001) Kalisa Michael (Air Uganda)
• 360° – Asa ( Asha 2008)
• Boys with Girlfriends – Meiko ( Meiko – 2009)
V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 P a g e 5

O f D r e a m s , l e a d e r s a n d p l a n s

Every one had a dream of becoming employee how the company is running eviction that occurred involved leaders. The
great when they were young. The bankrupt, implying that the employees reason that was given is a leader has to
dreams differ from one person to an- earn miserly wages or go without salaries remain focused for goals to be achieved.
other, but one thing remains true and for some months. This on the other hand From the blame shifting, me personal opin-
that is we all dreamed big. Just as Clay pushes the employee to care less about ion is that all parties are to be blamed, but
in the potters hand so are dreams in our the company. Question is who is to be one should be blamed more and that is the
minds. They keep changing from time to blamed of the two and is it true that the leader. If the leader is competent then the
time depending on the prevailing cir- employee is not competent to perform business would as well blossom; but this is
cumstances. Focusing on circum- the tasks he was engaged for? not the case and for one reason or another,
stances, don't they have power over our it is reflected in the incompetency's of the
Lets try shifting the blame for a while;
minds? We plan to do “A” and yet end employees. why ? Because incompetent
may be this is all caused by the con-
up doing “B” because of the prevailing leadership recruits incompetent employees .
sumer who is not willing to buy the com-
circumstances. Why does this happen ? To a greater extent, this implies that the few
modities and services, perhaps it is the
Is it because we are undisciplined more competent employees have to bear the in-
management who are corrupt and ag-
especially to time or just can not follow adequacies' of the incompetent.
ing , or it’s the employees who forsake
up our dreams? Is this the cause of un-
their responsibilities to part-time else Finally , it is my view that you should always
productivity and collapsing of busi-
where for an extra income or is it the have plan B when you are in a working envi-
nesses? Anyway the floor is open for
economy and polices that cut across the ronment that is not edifying you because
debate!! Many managers complain
entire globe without any country having time and talents killed are never reborn.
about their employee’s unproductive-
control over them. Which is which? I
ness and yet they can not sack them
believe all of the above parties have a
because the competent ones are too Written by Kwagalakwe David Kintu.The
point for not supporting productivity. One
expensive. This has resulted into com- Writer is an assistant lecturer at Mountains
of my hobbies is watching television and
placency for both parties i.e. employer of the Moon University Fort Portal.
I recall watching a few episodes of Ap-
and employee.
prentice Africa in which we had some of
The employer tightens the budget and our country men participate. One lesson I
goes an extra mile of “assuring” the got from this show was that most of the

R E T I R E M E N T W A T C H : P I N E A P P L E S
Pineapples are rarely mentioned as a top money earner. smother weeds. Pineapples take 18 – 24 months to
Yet they are for some and can be for you. An acre can bear fruit and the same plant can thereafter bear a
accommodate up to ten thousand (10,000) suckers. I re- pineapple every six months for 10 years. About six
peat 10,000!!! The current going rate for buying a sucker suckers can be harvested from each plant each time
is 60ugx and the least you can get for a pineapple on the it bears fruit. These suckers can then either be
local market is 400ugx. Local market has demand for planted or sold , maybe both. Pineapples are not la-
huge pineapples. The more suckers you grow on an acre bour intensive since about 5 people can look after 10
the smaller the pineapples. European markets prefer to 12 acres comfortably. Pineapples can also be
small organic pineapples. The choice really is yours. Pine- intercropped with others like maize, mangos etc.
apples can grow in almost any type of soil. The land
Daniel Malinga (MOFPED) The writer is a pineap-
should be relatively flat and there should be no shade.
ple farmer and upcoming economist.
Pineapples are not water intensive and do not have to be
watered . Vigilant weeding has to be done regularly. Cof-
fee husks are the best type of recommended organic
manure because they not only nurture the soil but also
P a g e 6 W o r k - z i n e

W h a t ’ s i n y o u r c o n t r a c t
There is this here my friend whatever training he under- Europe. Expenses involved case you want to leave,
with the fictional name of say goes, if he tries to leave amount to the thousands of you are hit with hidden
Daniel. He works in a prestig- within a two year period after dollars. Over ten times the sal- interest which you wont
ious multinational company any train- ary. For the com- pay if you stay with the
that really doesn't pay him ing, he pany, they have company.
He has to pay his
that well but its all good. He has to pay found a great
Have you read your con-
wouldn't mind leaving but up to a employer in order to way to keep em- tract properly? Are there
there is a problem. He has to maximum ployees hooked
quit. clauses which are death
pay his employer in order to of 100 into the system.
traps? Next time before
quit. Yes. He has to pay his % or a minimum of 25% of For the employee, it just means
you sign, make sure you
employers when he wants to the total cost the company that you are a slave for life.
read the fine print. In the
quit. There is a little piece of spent on him. Which would Some organizations encourage
long run, it may be eas-
paper he signed that was an not be too bad if they didn't employees to get special tai-
ier to just say no.
addendum to his contract. In keep giving him training in lored loans which are tied di-
a few words, it stated that for South Africa, America , rectly to being employed. In By Work-
Work-Zine Reporter

A D A Y A T W O R K : C S R I N M B A L E
I always knew what I needed to know about Mbale ,say Mt. gest chapatti possibly available in the world. Amazingly, the
Elgon being the 7th highest point on the African continent. But I almighty bell beer tastes even sweeter with a superior view of
ddint know about Mbale.. Elgon ranges in a distance.
First stop Mbale resort hotel , not yet a rated facility but one is What’s puzzling is that every street we by-passed is almost
impressed by the serenity and panorama that may not be found the same with building matching each other on either sides.
in the notable 5 star hotels back in Kampala. Fairly a small But just incase you are lost never forget to trace your bearing
from the clock tower roundabout.
In search of a night life club oasis should do, fortunately or
unfortunately there isn’t a VIP section yet but instead of local
rhymes I expected to find, it was an upright treat to some T.I
jams. To add to that it was a ladies night so I had no problem
getting boogie Company leaving me craving. Unfortunately I
had to retire to the hotel.
Since my presence in the town was not a personal visit had
to get back to my sent purpose and shortly after set back to
Kampala and if anything, Mbale is a remarkable place to be.
Written by Philip Odoi (MTN) Photo by Muguruki

place with a health club and a gym ,apparently the only one in
the whole district
In a quick drive to town ,I couldn’t wait to get my stomach filled
with some local flavor at oldest and most popular restaurant in WWW.IAMBORED.COM
Mbale known as Mukwano restaurant . Skeptical about the WWW.SOYOUTHINKYOUKNOWFOOTBALL.COM <Site con-
staple food Malewa (bamboo shoot) . I just stuck to the ordi- tains quizzes on various topics, fields and sports. Not lim-
nary and I think the Guinness book is missing out on the big- ited to football>
P a g e 7 idlers corner

just about anyone, even yourself, or even worse, our dear Editor,
E - Z i n e ? ? S e r i o u s l y ! ! ! and I have heard about them (the pictures I mean, ever been in a
I’m supposed to write something, so he says, something sensible, he chat room? I mean, the old chat rooms where 20 different people
said, something geeky he suggested, I guess that means I’m not sup- were holding 36 different conversations with each other and still
posed to ramble on and on and on about… well, nothing in particular. somehow making sense of it, that’s how you might have to read
That’s not a problem is it? You don’t mind reading about nothing, do this… it’s not really an article is it? But then, we are calling this an e-
you? It not like this is going to become a regular column or anything, it’s zine, so what the hell. (That does make sense; I know it does, to me
just a hopeful e-zine editor looking up a burned up writer with a severe anyway.))! I haven’t seen them, but I’ve heard about themJ)
case of writer’s block to fill up an empty space in this e-zine thingy... (My, but that was a spectacularly long paragraph, just been looking
should have gotten an ad of sorts if you ask me, even an ad for the e- through it again and even I don’t quite understand it, and I can un-
zine itself… derstand some programming mind you, I mean, just what is that
While we are on the topic, you do know what an e-zine is, right? I exclamation mark doing outside two layers of brackets? And the
mean, it would be pretty pitiful if you did not, you are reading it. But just whole thing looks like one huge impenetrable jungle of a sentence
in case, cuz I’m tired of people going “…an e- what now?” e-zine peo- from out here, kinda like Africa to the “civilized world” (yes, I mean
ple, e-zine. I don’t even know what this one’s called come to think of it, the quotes, read them out loud if you have to.))
but air time’s too precious to try and figure out such a tiny detail. My So he comes to people like me, and of course darling hime-sama,
dictionary defines e-zine as “a website with a magazine lay out” (I could wonder what she’s written about, she seemed all concerned about
have just pasted the entire entry, but that would have required me to being all prim and proper, you know, writing something that made
put down credits or whatever they call them, this is Uganda, no one sense about something that actually mattered. Lucky for me, I have
respects Intellectual property rights, so I give you half the definition and no such qualms, so you get stuck with this drivel. (Very good quality
we call it square, but that’s beside the point.) Clearly that’s not what this drivel if you ask me, better than a good long swig of Ug, you know,
thingy thing is, not an e-zine I mean, but for clarity’s sake let’s just call it the kind that has you going “hssss, arhhhh!!!”(yes, I was just sound-
that. ing that out.).)
See, apparently our dear Editor, who I assume you all know and love Are you still reading this? You should have scanned through and
*ahem* (sore throat, seriously), got it into his head that all you poor turned the page by now, cuz I’ve seriously run out of stuff to ramble
sobs who work with computers but haven’t figured out a way to access on about, pretty soon I’m going to have to break into song. Ah, wait,
anything online besides your mail needed to know what’s going on in even I wouldn’t be able to stand that, so I guess this is where I pen
the internet world. (You’re not missing much, clearly, otherwise I’d off, keyboard off, or whatever they call it in this digital age.
actually have something to write.) Unfortunately he seems to have
qualms about letting you really know what’s going on, I mean, I haven’t Till next time, Sayonara (literally).
even smelt the infamous Zain photos, just heard enough about them to
get me curious. (btw, if you haven’t heard about them, then you really By Brian B. Coutinho. The writer is insanely bored, intelligent ,
are living in the dark ages, cuz I live on the outer reaches of the inter- writing a book , owns a company and hosts game-night.
net, you know, where no one uses their real name, “1337” actually
means something and the pretty avatar you’re chatting with could be

M a y b e f r o n t d e s k m a n a g e r i a l s e r v i c e s
That was how stuck I was. Abid i. they’re bored. Before I could finish listing my findings, I realised I was writing
asked me to write an article about ii. they’re idle about myself, so I stopped to think again (I rarely do that cuz it
work, and here I was, the master can mean work, and like I said, I don’t get paid well enough). I
blogger on penmanship! the bank- iii. their internet is faulty, might take this as an insult, I mean, of all people Abid could call
robber of poetry, the master sculptor thus they cannot open pages upon, was I the one who would definitely have a lot to write about?
person of rhythm and rhymes, swiftly as they would like so as Or worse still, did he just want me to jot down the story of my week
stuck!! I mean, I am the Jack Bauer, to research on “more construc- days? (Just hold on a sec while I go face book him and get an an-
the Scorfield, the Chuck Norris, the tive” topics. So they stick to swer.)
Inspector Clusoeur, kwegamba, the their home page (facebook), and
occasionally check their e-mail. I must say, he has indeed convinced me that I am the best writer
one they always call upon when that he has come across and a week without my writing is like
things have failed. So I decided to iv. their bosses take them to be winter without snow (Obama’s inaugural speech and Michael Jack-
take a few minutes and think, very hard working, hence they son (the late) with a proper nose) I will therefore do my best not to
what do bored people like to read don’t feel the need to put in disappoint and come back probably a week later with something
about. I mean, every single person any more effort and there is no perfect. Then again, if its not perfect, I could just be like Picasso
who will get to read this article is of promotion looming in the near who is considered a great artist he could not draw anything right!.
course a liability to the company future, forgetting that they do
for which they work cuz they can not have any qualifications for Abid to S.Kelly: Yah, its ok.
never find something constructive that non-existent promotion, S.Kelly to Abid: ITS OK!!!!!!!!! ITS JUST FREAKIN
to do to boost sales. So what would maybe front desk managerial OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
an idle person, soon to be disorderly services.
want to know? So I decided to first v. they do not get paid well By Sara A. Kelly <mbu she is a blogger>
try an understand such a person. enough to actually work hard.
V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 P a g e 8

• AEISEC hosts all its interns and cleaning needs.. Call

EVENTS, ADS AND alumni every Thursday at Mateos for 0782639282
EVERYTHING ELSE roll-call • Turkish perfumes , pour femme
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• Faith Lesley (PWC) and friends are going to ball every Thursday at their grounds Long lasting and fragrant. Free
• Join Munene Kizito every Saturday delivery with in Kampala
celebrate life with Mongolian at Kabira
and Sunday for Lawn Tennis at MUK 12,000/= Call wangari
Country Club on Friday 3rd July at 6pm.
courts 0773907692
Come with 40k.
• Transformers 2 is showing at Cineplex. • Chess at Lugogo indoor stadium • House Broker : Kiwatule and
canteen every Saturday Ntinda areas. Fred
• NSSF is having a departmental party on
4th July. Someone please invite me • Congratulations to Kisembo Moses
on his gift from God.
• RAM SWAP: DDR2 512mb
• Hire Edward (AIG) will be hosting a cash-
available. DD R1 512mb
flow game session on Sunday 12th July . • Jazz nite at Emin Pasha every Friday
needed. Call Abid
The game is based on the best-selling Rich • Jazz nite at Katch The Sun every 0712688903
Dad Poor Dad book series Thursday • Work-zine: looking for sensible
• Rita Bitariho is having kwanjula meetings • Mwisya Hamu Harvey writers instead of the crap that
every Friday at Link Bar in Wandegeya at (0772967608) has opened up an has been published this week.
6pm art gallery at Ntinda Shopping Cen- • Isaack Tindyebwa has wedding
• Brian B. Coutinho hosts game-night every tre
meetings every Friday @ IPS
Friday in Wandegeya. Warcraft, cards, om- • Datasoft (0752530820) is opening building starting from 6.30pm
weso, scrabble, monopoly and everything up a branch in Southern Sudan for
• Samsung SGH-G780 / D780
else. Come with your laptop and cable for all your computer needs
Duo on sale. 260$ Negotiable
network games • Cleanmax Uganda Ltd is an innova- Call Sly 0712489990
• Join Andrew and pals every Sunday at tive local company based at Udyam SEND IN YOUR PERSONALS FOR
MUBS for football at 2pm house that takes care of all your FREE PUBLICATION

H O T H A N G O U T : M E E T I N G : G R O O M ’ S
Before you claw my eyes out, If you still haven't got it, this is THE groom promised to times when I would rush
first hear me out. Salient points the deal. Get into a car or two tell them the story of all to Lugazi to make it more
about Nakumatt : or three, drive to Nakumatt at the places he had lived up enriching. And right now,
around midnight. Buy whatever if they collected a certain
• its open 24 hours with al- the reason we are here is
drinks you want . Go to the amount. Target was
ways someone to serve you because I have decided to
parking lot, open the car doors, reached and this is what
at any ungodly hour. move to Abayita Ababiri.
turn up the volume and have a
he said: “I used to live in And that is my story.” And
• Cheapest drink section in blast till the sun come up. In
Nabbinonya when I was he sat down to deafening
town. Wines , whisky’s , case you need refills, just pop
younger. Then I moved to applause from the guys
beers and sodas at very into the supermarket. To ease
Nankulabye. I can assure and puzzled looks from
affordable prices. yourself, go upstairs. If it starts
you it was frustrating. the women.
raining, drive to the lower base-
• Crisps and other eatables Some times I even went to
ment or huddle in the car. (If you don't understand
are available all the time. Kaberebere. when I got
this story, just revise your
Variety too bolder I moved to Mpoma.
Written by Owori Kent — But I still wanted more.
• Security: Need I say more
DataSoft So I decided to shift to
• And most importantly of all: Ggaba. This was definitely Submitted by Norman -
a huge parking lot that be- the best place to live. I Warid
comes empty past midnight. got addicted. There were
L I F E S T O R Y : W h o ’ s V i b i n g w h o ? ? ?
It’s the third Saturday in a row I have seen this chick. Last to think am desperate – I told her I would be back, with the
Sato, she was at BBQ Lounge, the one before, am sure it hope and pretext that I could catch her later and get her
was Kla Rugga Club. The one before, 2.36am, just Kicking, number. Just as I was walking away, she managed to con-
Kisementi. Am not mistaken – she is the same one, spotting vince me how she could leave soon…Having run out of
that gap between her front teeth, giving her a rabbit-like look ideas, and lost for words, I wondered how to make her
but with great appeal… Now, tonight was not like other stay. But this one was intelligent. She asked for my phone
nights, where we are always out to score and get laid. To- and told me as she dug her well manicured nails into my
night, am sure that, even if I say hi, it will be enough for me Kabiriti, “Call me!”
to start with next time I espy her. I recall telling the guys that That was 3 weeks ago, and as I sat to tell George and
I am going for a leak, and a quick de- Keno my luck with this damsel, we had
tour placed me right in the path of some spent some crazy and lovely time
where she was standing. Weak knees between the sheets several times now.
were not gonna take down my tower- “She is the same one, spotting that gap Having told the entire story to my boys,
ing and “hunkish” frame…I reached between her front teeth, giving her a George looked on in amazement, but trust
her, and just before I could say any- rabbit-like look but with great appeal” Keno, he was not moved. He grinned and
thing, she spoke out, “Hey, took you a patted me on the back and said, “The chick
while, huh? You good?” vibed you!” I tried to defend myself and
Lost for words like a tipper going up- efforts, but Keno put together word by
hill, I managed to claim, “it was quite a distance.” She re- word. He explained, the very essence of women, how she
plied, “So, are you gonna buy me a drink, or wait for me to had done her magic and homework…it was me that
ask?”. I was almost caught off guard easily recalling how I played according to her script…Not that it made it any less
almost walked out of the house with narra dimes, only to enjoyable – but there is that feeling of outsmarted and
recall how big a liar George can be when he says the drinks vibed that took away the credit to this lay…damn, chicks
are on him. I recalled seeing her drink Smirnoff, kind of drink can also vibe!
that her kind would appreciate. The waiter I’d sent does the
magic in record time while I was sneaking in some small
talk. Recalling what my “player” friend Keno told me, I did Desert Whisperer –Huawei. The writer hates deserts
not want to spend too much time with her. I wanted her not and whispering. Maybe he likes desserts!!!

H U M O U R C E N T R A L : A J A Z Z C H O R D
Stevie Wonder is playing his first gig in Uganda at the that he is, dives straight into a jazz Improvisation
White Horse Inn and the place is absolutely packed to with his band around the B flat minor Chord and really
the rafters. In a bid to break the ice with his new audi- tears the place apart.
ence, He asks if anyone would like him to play a request. The crowd goes wild with this impromptu show of his
A little old mukiga man jumps out of his seat in the technical expertise. The little old man jumps up again.
first row and shouts at the top of his voice "Play a "No, no. Play a Jazz chord, play a jazz chord!"Well now
Jazz chord! Play a jazz chord!" truly irritated that this little guy doesn't seem to ap-
Amazed that this guy knows about the jazz influences preciate his playing ability. Stevie says to him from
in Stevie's varied career, the blind impresario starts the stage "OK, mister, you get up here and do it!"
to play an E minor scale and then goes into a difficult
jazz melody for about 10 minutes. When he finishes the The little old man climbs up onto the stage, takes
whole place goes wild. The little old man jumps up again hold of the mic and starts to sing... "A jazz chord
and shouts "No, no, play a Jazz chord, play a Jazz to say I ruv you..."
A bit irritated by this, Stevie, being the Professional
Joshua Nkurunziza (UK)

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