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Neighbours From Hell (c) JoWooD

FAQ by Nightshade

Version: 1.5

Copyright 2003 DHX

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents
--------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Intro
2. Version Info
3. Walkthrough
.1 - Season 1
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

The First Trick

TV Afternoon
Birthday Surprises
The Apple Pie
The Old Spoilsport
Bath Time

.2 - Season 2
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

Art For Mum's Sake

A Sunny Morning
One Little Piggy
Barbecue Time

.3 - Season 3
Laundry Day
Episode 1
Episode 2 Fitness Frenzy
Episode 3 Do It Yourself
Episode 4 Night Of The Hunter
4. Links
5. Credits, Contacts, Legal Stuff.
1. Intro
--------Well, this is my first FAQ, so, forgive me for any mistakes.
2. Version Info
---------------Version 1.0 (18th July 2003)
- Completed Season 1 and Season 2
- 100% in all Episodes of Season 1
- 100% in all Episodes of Season 2
Version 2.0 (10th August 2003)
- Completed season 3
- 100% in all Episodes of Season 3
3. Walkthrough

--------------Please play the intro and try not to use this unless your really stuck!!
3.1 - Season 1
Episode 1 - The First Trick
Pass Rating: 50%
Time: 05:00
My Score:
4/4 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
This ones easy so ill be brief, Grab the whoopee cushion from the chest of
draws in the hall, then the super glue from the medicine cabinet in the
bathroom, wait for him to leave the kitchen then use superglue on binoculars
grab egg from fridge and use on microwave then leave, when he re enters the
Kitchen nip into the living room use the TV antenna and finally use the whoopee
cushion on his chair, leave and if you did it right you just scored
Episode 2 - TV Afternoon
Pass Rating: 55%
Time: 05:00
My Score:
6/6 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Your safe in the hall for now so collect the saw from the chest of drawers
and the laxatives from the medicine cabinet grab the loo roll too. Now for
the fun wait till he leave the kitchen and use the laxatives on the beer and
grab the egg from the fridge now nip into the hall again for a mo and let
him grab Laxo-beer when he leaves nip in again and use the egg on the
microwave, when he makes a run for the loo nip into the living room and saw
his chair and use the TV antenna he should make his way back via the kitchen
when he does nip to the loo and block it with the loo roll. Now just wait in
the wardrobe for you 100%.
Episode 3 - Birthday Surprises
Pass Rating: 60%
Time: 05:00
My Score:
6/6 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok, you need to start being a little quicker/careful now grab the stuff
from the drawers yet again (Firework, Mouse Trap ,Pen) use pen of moms
picture, now grab the soap (Next to sink) use on floor then use the loo roll
on the loo. watch him carefully when you can nip up to the kitchen via
living room and grab the egg now leave again wait for him to go get his mail
when he does nip back into the kitchen and use egg on microwave and fire
work on candle box, leave the living room and use mouse trap on mailbox then
hide in the wardrobe and watch the Fun Again if you did it right there s
another 100%.

Episode 4 - The Apple Pie

Pass Rating: 65%
Time: 06:00
My Score:
7/7 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok you know the score by now grab the stuff from drawers(pen, super glue) and
bath (soap, loo roll) room including medicine cabinet (shaving foam, Hair
restorer) go to kitchen via living room grab egg from fridge and use shaving
foam on whipped cream now its back to the bathroom use soap on floor, block
the loo, use super glue on after shave and hair restorer on deodorant stick
back to the kitchen via living room and use egg on microwave now all that s
left is to nip into the hall and graffiti his moms picture again and don t
that wardrobe look inviting...There you have it another 100%
Episode 5 - The Old Spoilsport
Pass Rating: 70%
Time: 06:00
My Score:
8/8 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
here we go again grab bowling ball from its bag and the pen from the drawers
head along to the bathroom and grab the loo roll and soap nip up to the living
room grab his mobile phone from between the doors and use the pen on the
sheet music on the piano head to the kitchen grab the egg and cheese from
the fridge use egg on microwave and walk to window get the bowling ball
ready to use and wait when the football come in the window use the bowling
ball on it and leave quickly!!! use pen on moms picture again and cheese on
plat go to bathroom use soap on floor and block loo nip up to the living room
and when he sees him moms picture use mobile phone. Now just wait for you
Episode 6 - Bath Time
Pass Rating: 75%
Time: 06:00
My Score:
9/9 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
OK, here we go...The final and most difficult episode of season 1.
This ones quite hard first off go straight into the kitchen and grab the egg
from the fridge and the bottle from the bin, go back down to the hall and
grab the stuff form the drawers (pen, glue, shoe polish) and hide in the
wardrobe until he goes to the living room now head back to the bath room
fill the empty bottle from the bath grab the loo roll soap and stuff from
the medicine cabinet (bath balls, hair restorer) and head to the wardrobe to
wait, when he leaves the bathroom after his bath follow him through the
house to the kitchen egg the microwave and use the bathwater on the milk
bottle head to the hall while he in the living room and graffiti him mom

again head into the bath room and use the soap on the floor the hair
restorer on the bath and the shoe polish on the towel head up to the living
room and use the bath beads on the sweets and the glue on the photo album
wait here until he enters the bath room and nip into the wardrobe when he
leave the bathroom wait for him to go up to the living room and nip into the
bath room and block the loo now once again head back to the wardrobe and
wait for your well deserved 100%.
3.2 - Season 2
Episode 1 - Art For Mum's Sake
Pass Rating: 60%
Time: 07:00
My Score:
7/7 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok this is where it gets interesting he's got himself a parrot that lives in
the living room so you must always!!!!! sneak in this room.
Ok grab the Spanner(Wrench) from the drawers, the pins from the board and
the stuff from the medicine cabinet (stain remover, scissors) enter living
room and then sneak to his now unlocked bedroom door, grab the magnesium
powder from his bedside cabinet and hide under the bed, once he s on the
balcony nip back down to the living room and sneak to the kitchen grab the
banana from the bin and go to the hall, head for the living room and sneak
back to his bedroom and hide under his bed until he leaves (after the photo)
then go to the balcony and use the scissors on the tied bird and the stain
remover on the painting, go back to the bedroom and use magnesium powder on
camera back down to the living room and sneak drop (right mouse) the banana
and sneak use the stool next to the statue, continue to sneak into the
kitchen and use the pins on the stool and the spanner on the engine, go
downstairs and wait for your 100%
Episode 2 - A Sunny Morning
Pass Rating: 65%
Time: 07:00
My Score:
6/6 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok, yet again always sneak in living room, go strait to fridge and grab the
honey, grab the banana from the bin and then to the hall and grab the brush
from the drawers and jump in the wardrobe (don t complain if you get caught
your just not fast enough) once he leaves the hall grab the pins and switch the
dirty brush for the toothbrush head to the living room sneak to the bed room
when he step on his rug then hide under the bed when he leaves grab the soil
from the bag and use the honey on the suntan lotion, grab key from the
bedside table drawer and hide under the bed again, now head down to the hall
snaking through the living room use key on bathroom cabinet and get weed killer
go back up to the balcony use pins on deckchair use the umbrella hide under the
bed and wait for him to leave the use the weed killer on the watering can head
for the kitchen and use the soil on the coffee machine and head for the hall
use the banana on the floor and hide in the wardrobe and wait for your 100% to

Episode 3 - One Little Piggy

Pass Rating: 75%
Time: 07:00
My Score:
6/6 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok here we go fist off you don t need to sneak around the pig but you do
around the parrot and our snoring friend, this one easy if your quick go to
the kitchen and raid the fridge and dustbin for a banana and some Tabasco,
head to the living room and grab the nitro from the chemistry set and the
chips from the bag, now down into the hall and grab the pins now wait till
he hits the kitchen and head up to his room and grab the cactus from the
balcony the next bits tricky but work fast and you'll be fine as soon as he
hits the bed grab the key, use cactus on the alarm and Tabasco on the false
teeth and leave for the kitchen immediately use chips on parrot food use nitro
on milk now down to the hall and free the pig with the key and wait bellow
the living room when he hits the kitchen go up to his room again and use the
banana on the floor and the pins on his bed and hide out on the balcony and
wait for your well deserved 100%
Episode 4 - Barbecue Time
Pass Rating: 75%
Time: 07:00
My Score:
6/6 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok here we go again this one's easy, grab the pins from the board and the stuff
from the medicine cabinet in bathroom (alcohol, growth formula) and head for
the kitchen and grab the banana from the bin and the vinegar from the fridge,
go up to his bedroom and hide under his bed until he leaves, "fix" the fire
extinguisher, use alcohol on the beer and growth formula on the spray bottle
and hide again under the bed, the second he hits the balcony use the banana on
the floor and head strait for the living room use pins on chair and switch the
wine for vinegar and head for the kitchen...wait and yet again you have 100%
3.3 - Season 3
Episode 1 - Laundry Day
Pass Rating: 60%
Time: 10:00
My Score:
8/8 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok This one stumped me for a bit but here it is, first grab the marbles from
the drawers then go to the living room sneak!! grab the bird seed from the
abandoned perch, go to kitchen and grab severed cord from bin and soap flakes
from box, Now upstairs to his study and grab the letter opener from the drawer,
head for the balcony and grab the shovel now hide under the bed...When he hit
the balcony legit down to the basement and use the cord on the wall socket grab
the wine from the rack and the pliers from the workbench use wine on washer and
pliers on dryer now it up to the living room again sneak use the letter opener

on hover, shovel on plant and then the soil you get on the rug now sneak to the
door leading to the bedroom DONT enter yet wait for him to use the dryer and
let the dog spot you now use the door, now where in his room again use the
marbles on the floor and the soap on the fish food in the study and hide under
the bed, when he hit the balcony again nip out from under the bed and use the
iron and hide again, when he goes to the study use the bird seed on the clothes
on the balcony and hide under the bed yet again and lie there in the knowledge
you just earned yourself another 100%
Episode 2 - Fitness Frenzy
Pass Rating: 65%
Time: 10:00
My Score:
10/10 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok Folks this one took a while but here it is, First grab the tape and skate
from the bag then the marbles from the drawers, sneak into kitchen and get the
cord, go down to the basement and grab the spring and pliers from under and on
the workbench respectively now legit to the bathroom and grab the steroids
from the medicine cabinet now go up to his room and grab the knot book from his
bedside cabinet and saw from the balcony. now you have all the stuff your
ready when he finishes on the mini tramp use the knot book on the yoga book,
the steroids on the fish food and the spring on the tramp head down to the
living room and use the pliers on the exercise bike, Next sneak use the skate
on the kitchen floor go down to the basement and use tape on extender, cord on
wall socket and saw on weights the head back up to the hall and use marbles on
the floor and then knot the skipping rope now hide in the wardrobe and wait
for your 100% total.
Episode 3 - Do It Yourself
Pass Rating: 70%
Time: 10:00
My Score:
8/8 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
Ok this one's tricky so here we go, Go to the basement and Use the cloth. Use
closed heating valve and grab the pliers from the workbench. then its up to the
hall. Open the drawers and you get the fuse and marbles. Go to the kitchen and
grab the cable from the bin. Wait until your neighbour goes into the hall and
head up to the balcony and Use the angle grinder. Use the marbles with bedroom
floor. Open bedside table and you get the book of torture. Use pliers with the
ladder in the study. now head back down to the living room and Use the book of
torture with the assembly instructions. Sneak to the kitchen and Wait until he
hit the living room. pop down and Use the fuse with fuse box and Hide in the
wardrobe. Wait until he comes from the basement and goes to the kitchen. dash
to the basement and Use cable with socket, Use closed main water valve, Wait
until he goes to the bathroom and high tail it to the wardrobe and settle in
for you final victory. 100% Achieved
Episode 4 - Night Of The Hunter
Pass Rating: 75%

Time: 10:00
My Score:
9/9 Tricks Played
Rating - 100%
OK this is it, the final, and what a final it is its kinda weird but here goes
first grab the marbles and polish from the drawers, now go into the basement
and grab the rat from the hole and the nail from the workbench, now to the
bathroom for the super glue head for the door into the kitchen and when your
neighbour leaves after returning the bottle, grab the cable and use the polish
on the bottle. wait here until he heads for the basement and scoot upstairs
grab the dog whistle and gunpowder from the desk drawer in the study the
shotgun cartridges from the box in the wardrobe and the balloon in the bedside
table and hide under the bed when he goes out on to the balcony go back
downstairs to the basement and use cable on socket and corks and cartridges on
shoot gun and go and wait by the door to the living room, when he goes to get
his record after putting his tin down and opening the record player blow the
dog whistle then the powder on his tin and the nail on the record player then
go hide in the wardrobe when he goes down in to the basement use the marbles on
the hall floor and go up to the bedroom and use the super glue on the hat and
the rat on the medal box (under the hat) finally use the balloon on the horn on
the balcony and hide under the bed....And there it is folks a total clean sweep
100% in all levels.
4. Links : My Site (Still Under Construction but working) : The best site of walkthroughs and other guides. : Official Neighbours From Hell site
5. Credits, Contacts, Legal Stuff.
---------------------------------Thanks to JoWood the COOL game. NFH 2 looks real cool too can't wait.
Thanks to Gamefaqs and there contributors for the format of this FAQ.
You can contact me by email (
or by AOL Instant Messenger (N1GHT5HAD3).
Please email me with suggestions, errors.
Copyright 2003 DHX.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright Law.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

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