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Nikka Q.



Learning Task No. 3: Time Management

We were asked to observe one class each of at least two departments.

I observed LSE 8B from the Natural and Applied Sciences Department and
English7 from the Social Sciences Department.
The LSE 8B which were on Laboratory that day seems to be on a rush.
They were rushing the discussion so that students can proceed with their Lab
work before time runs out and they still have time to discuss the activity for
the next meeting. But despite the rush, the teacher still gave motivation
before the students started their work. She reviewed the past lessons on how
to properly sew shorts and then let the students do their work with minimal
time allotment. When there are few minutes left, she asked the class to stop
what they are doing and instead continue it outside after class or during free
time so that she still have time to discuss for the next activity. In totality, the
time management is good but somehow I observed that the time allotment
of 1 and a half hours for a laboratory wasnt enough. I suggest allotting
longer time for it so that students can do their work well. Although it is a
good practice in terms of training them to work under pressure, we should
consider the fact that not all students can comply with it all the time and as
a result, unfinished and unsatisfactory work were observe.
In English 7 class, I observed good time management although the
teacher had a really hard time interacting with the students. The students
were uncontrollable. They kept on talking and I observed that the teacher
cant handle them. But despite that, he still managed to tell to class what he
wants to impart them. As a motivation, he explained the guidelines for the
Photo Essay project for the upcoming Field Trip. There was no formal
discussion because they were set to discuss their previous video projects on
that day. They talked about the videos they have presented and as a closing,
the teacher asked them what they have learned while doing their project and
how can they relate it to what they have learned in the class. Although the
class was always noisy, the teacher still managed to use the time properly.
The 1 and a half hour allotment for this class was enough compared to the
LSE 8B class.

But to recapitulate, both class showed proper time management even if

some circumstances occurred. Time was allotted specifically to learning and
not on less important things. The teachers were both ready for teaching aids
to facilitate hassle-free discussion and they have tasked the class president
to check who is absent, for them to save time and to focus primarily to the
discussion proper.

In an online article entitled 5 Management Tips for Teachers, the

author discussed 5 classroom management tips for teachers that can help
them on effectively managing time. One that I would give emphasis to, is
the 5th one which says, Set aside personal time. I personally observed it
from the 2 teachers I have observed. They were focused on discussion and
dont mind the phone call or personal questions of the students. Every
teacher should know the importance and benefits of having a good
classroom management since as the article also said, Time management is
an important part of providing quality education and meeting the needs of
every student.

Online Article

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