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About the programme

1. What is this programme about? What does it aim to achieve?
This programme aims to increase the number of certified professional accountants via the fastest route
to a career in accountancy. This programme is targeted towards young and motivated candidates to start
their professional accounting certification during their tertiary studies.
2. Who is this programme for?
This programme is targeted at Bumiputera SPM, STPM and A Level leavers, diploma graduates and
fundamental certificate holders who are interested in furthering studies in fundamental level certificates
such as Certified Accounting Technician (CAT), Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB), or
professional certificates such as Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) or Institute
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
3. What are the benefits of this programme and how is it different from other programmes?
This programme gives participants the opportunity to obtain an international fundamental accounting
certification (CAT, CFAB) and professional accounting certification (ACCA, ICAEW) in the fastest route
during the earliest stage while being funded at leading education institutions in Malaysia.
4. Is this a scholarship or loan programme?
This programme is a convertible loan programme where only the annual subscription fees, initial
registration fees, exam fees and exemption fees will be put under a loan basis. However, scholars are
only required to pay only a maximum of 20% from the total of the mentioned fees upon completion of
the programme (terms and conditions apply). Further reductions of the payable amount will be subjected
to Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera (Yayasan Peneraju)s discretion and the scholars
Other costs which include tuition fees, preparatory development programme and mentoring will be
covered by Yayasan Peneraju as part of the programme.
5. Is this programme offered in all states in Malaysia?
Currently, no. It is dependent on the training providers locality. At this point, the programmes are
offered in the Klang Valley and Kuching (for CAT and ACCA programmes only).
6. Which professional accounting certifications would I be able to pursue under this programme?
This programme gives you the opportunity to obtain fundamental level certificate such as Certified
Accounting Technician (CAT), Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB), or professional
certificates such as Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) or Institute Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

7. How do I apply for this programme?
Interested applicants can apply by visiting our website at Read about the
programme and FAQs and if you meet the minimum requirement click on the online application link and
fill up your details. The official application for 2015 will be opened in April 2015, however, you can start
providing us your contact details at our website ( in order to be notified once
we open the application.
8. I am sure that there will be assessments for this programme. What is the structure of assessment?
An interview session will be part of an assessment process to select qualified Bumiputera candidates
who meet the application requirements for the programme. Besides the interview session, there are
other technical assessments that would take place.
9. If I pass the assessment, how I will be notified?
Those who pass the assessment will be notified in the form of phone call and/or email.
10. What if Im currently taking my CAT / CFAB / CIMA-CBA / ACCA / CIMA / CPA Australia / ICAEW /
MICPA - ICAA papers? Can I still apply?
No. We only accept applications from applicants who have not started their certification papers.
Other Details
11. Would I be bonded with Yayasan Peneraju after I have finished the programme? If so, how many
years would the bond be in effect?
No. Scholars who have completed the programme will not be bonded by Yayasan Peneraju. However,
scholars are required to work in Malaysia, or if outside of Malaysia, scholars are required to work with a
Malaysian company (terms and conditions apply).
12. Am I required to commit to any kind of official contract/ agreement?
Yes. An official offer will be made and scholars are required to enter into a scholarship agreement with
Yayasan Peneraju.
13. Would I be able to reject the offer if I am shortlisted?
Yes. The agreement is only binding after the programmes Scholarship Agreement is signed and
delivered to Yayasan Peneraju.
14. What are the consequences I would face, should the contract be breached?
Scholars who withdraw or who are terminated from the programme are required to pay all costs incurred
on behalf of the scholar to Yayasan Peneraju. The amount will be calculated by Yayasan Peneraju up to
the point of termination.
15. If I receive another loan/scholarship, am I still eligible to receive Yayasan Peneraju

No. Only one scholarship is allowed at one time.

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