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time to
inspiring interiors
full of seasonal magic

original gifts

presents for everyone

Expert insight

5 designer projects

dine in style

chic schemes &

elegant tableware

Snow & mistletoe

the joys of winter

The art of
From festive decorating
to simple party food




78 LISTED BUILDING Inspiration for this


The wild surroundings of an Edinburgh home
have infuenced the creation of its garden and
guided the thought-provoking artworks within.

neoclassical propertys beautifully patterned interior

came from one of theatres great stage designers.

89 WOOD-CLAD HOUSE Serenity emanates

from the elegantly simple white-on-white scheme

of this welcoming family home.

96 17TH-CENTURY COTTAGE Jewel colours

have led the way for a fresh take on Christmas
decorating in this recent renovation.

103 BE INSPIRED How to create a calming

pared-back country look similar to that seen in
the 17th-century property.
our CoVEr

104 FRENCH FARMHOUSE By embracing

the imperfections of this 400-year-old cottage, the

owner has given it a unique, organic beauty.

*128 DREAM GARDEN In rural Kent, topiary

creates a fairytale landscape thats a true delight.


60 MOUNTAIN RETREAT Modern Alpine chalet

style comes into its own at this time of year.
*131 A FESTIVE HOME Winters soft palette

of deep greens, natural textures and accents of silver

and white conjure up the spirit of Christmas.


Imaginative alternatives to the traditional fr.

december 2014 | H&G | 7


17 H&G EDIT Events, shopping, gardening and style

ideas, plus the latest news from the design world.

43 TRAVEL Lbeck in Germany has many

attractions, not least a magnifcent Christmas fair.

57 MOVERS & SHAKERS Bold, modern pattern is

the hallmark of Rapture & Wrights fabric and wallpaper.
*68 IN SEASON The myths, legends and folklore

behind mistletoe, the quintessential Christmas plant.

*160 PARTY PIECES Savoury and sweet canaps.

186 WE LOVE Fine dining meets spectacular
design at The Jane in Antwerp.


*118 KITCHEN Swedish minimalism and classic

English style prove a recipe for success.
*122 LIVING ROOM Silver, aqua and lilac tones
bring effortless chic to a Hamptons beachside home.
*124 DINING ROOM Solid timber and a shot of

colour lend traditional elegance to an 18th-century space.

*126 BATHROOM A marble vanity and bespoke

tiles give personality and charm to a luxurious scheme.
for multifunctional and dedicated entertaining spaces.
157 ADVICE Celia Rufey answers your queries.



19 CLASSIC COPPER Accessories in warm tones.

*26 ELEGANT PLATES Smart styles for your table.
31 CITY NIGHTS An urban scene inspires a palette

of deep violets, watery greens and shimmering pinks.

39 CHRISTMAS CREATURES Adorable decorations.

40 READER OFFERS Perfect gift ideas from


William Yeoward and Designers Guild.

42 H&G TRAVEL Great offers from Italy to Vietnam.

*45 CHRISTMAS GIFTS Presents for design lovers,
chefs, gardeners, adventurers and children.

For our special oer price
of 24.99 for 12 issues,
turn to page 14.

8 | H&G | december 2014


149 H&G TRAVEL European trips for less.

155 DRINKS TROLLEYS Serve guests with fair.
166 ADDRESS BOOK Contact details for stockists.

december 2014
Deborah Barker
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Christmas is a time for sharing with family and

friends and so, this month, i am sharing the writing of my
editors letter with my younger son, felix, aged 15. he has
a bit of a fascination with these letters, which probably stems
from the fact that he gets the occasional mention, and has
been asking if he can write one. ive been dodging the issue,
but when he composed and presented me with this rather
touching piece, i thought i would, in turn, share it with you.
As the only one in my house who hasnt taken up journalism
as an occupation, I feel that I should be the one to show my home at Christmas from a
different perspective. How should I describe our house? Well, each room seems to take on
a certain glow and we use them differently in the weeks before 25 December. Our sitting
room, which I rarely use during the rest of the year, becomes a place of peace, where I
spend time reading or just pondering my ideas. Maybe it is the woodburning stove, or
the cocooning purple walls that seem to block out everything important and allow me to
enjoy the quiet solitude. It always feels like the most Christmassy space, with the tree
of perfection put up by Mum. When I was a child, it was the room of excited present
opening and the sound of ripping paper but, as a teenager, it is where I feel the warm
embrace of Christmas Day. Merry Christmas from our family, Felix.
Im sure many of you are deep in the delight of present buying. However if, like
me, you havent even started and are seeking inspiration, turn to page 45 for our
round-up of great ideas for everyone on your list. We are also offering a special gift
subscription to H&G for a year or even two. To fnd out more, call 0844 848 0848
and quote CLJ4 or visit

Deborah barker, eDitor-in-chief

Cover photograph
paul raeside

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 3







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H&G EDIT december

Styling Emma Thomas and ali Brown PhotograPh Paul raEsidE

The people, products and places creating a buzz this month

These exquisite slip-cast ceramic

decorations are beautifully designed
and finished with a hand-dyed silk ribbon and
sterling silver clasp. Eminently collectible, they look
wonderful clustered into a shapely arrangement.
Ceramic decorations, round 9.5x10cm, pointed 9x12cm, 45 each,
Alice Walton Ceramics, 07817 917035,

dEcEmbEr 2014 | H&G | 17

H&G EDIT | shopping








Warm, polished tones for

chic schemes this Christmas
1| A charming addition to the Christmas tree.
Copper baby bear decoration (can be personalised),
W7cm, 10 a pair including mummy bear,
Not on the High Street,

2| On trend two-tone style.

Copper panel cushion, 45cm sq, 89, Mumo at

Wolf & Badger, 020 7229 4848,


3| Perfect for casting a mellow glow.

Copper lights CL25 (top), H25.5xdiam29cm,

595; CL30, H15.5xdiam41cm, 655; both
David Derksen,

4| Hand-forged and cutting edge.

Japanese scissors, L19.5cm, 66.30,

Kaufmann Mercantile,

5| Gives presents a beautiful metallic shine.

Wrapping paper, 12.50 for a 10m roll,
Cox & Cox, 0844 858 0744,

6| Pleasing contemporary design.

Feature Laura Vinden

Chunk of Marble candleholder,

H7xdiam7.5cm, 60, Menu at Skandium,
020 7584 2066,

7| Ideal for adding warmth to interiors.

Copper-plated hexagonal table,
H45xW60xD52cm, 329, House Envy,
01446 795594,

8| Craftsmanship with eco credentials.

La Familia containers, from 110 each, Rodrigo
Bravo at Mint, 020 7225 2228,

9| Lighting with elegant poise.


LED desk lamp, H35xW60.5cm, 120, Aaron

Probyn at Habitat, 0344 499 4686, l


december 2014 | H&G | 19


Red flash With their fne

leather forms backed in rich crimson
suede, are the camera straps by Warbler,, set to do for the
feld of photography what Louboutins
red-lacquered soles did for the world
of shoes? The straps were designed
by photographer and Homes & Gardens
contributor Mark Bolton, to personalise
his own equipment. Made in Bristol,
using vegetable-tanned leathers, the
Blackcap wrist, 28, and Dartmouth
Warbler neck (left), 38, straps are
for small- to medium-sized cameras,
while the Whitethroat, 48, suits
larger DSLR models; the split ring
fts most lug attachments. All the
straps are available in Conker or
Havana leather, stamped with
the Warbler logo, and presented
in a recycled cardboard box.

Star light, Star bright

Create an eye-catching Christmas display with a striking Advent hanging
star light from Barbed, 020 8878 1994, Made from
powder-coated aluminium, the 40cm star costs 149, and the 60cm, 169.

From recent trends and enticing products to design events and exciting shop
openings, our blog covers the best interiors news and
showcases the finest inspiration. Sign up now to receive updates.


chriStmaS countdown
London-based chocolatier Paul A Young has
added a Scandi-style advent calendar, 69, to
his Christmas range. The 24 wooden houses,
each holding a chocolate of your choice, also
look festive lined along a mantel or displayed
as a village scene on a console table. Contact
020 7437 0011,, for stockists.

A frm favourite for

easy elegance, Pinch,
020 7622 5075,,
has introduced the
stylish Harlosh
bedside table,
We love its refned
shape and the
detailing in the
foating dovetailed
drawer and lipped
shelf. Available in
black stained ash,
white-oiled oak
(right) or full black
American walnut,
from 755.

december 2014 | H&G | 21


Top haT
Christmas comes
but once a year, so
British designer
Fenella Smith has
marked the occasion
by popping cheerful
festive headwear on
the strutting cock
pheasants, posing
black Labradors
and monocled pugs
that adorn her witty
wrapping paper.
Christmas wrap,
12.50 for fve sheets
in one design, Fenella
Smith, 01491 638850,

for fresh, restaurant-quality meats this

Christmas, try online artisan butcher Choose your own cuts, or
select the surprise Me option, for traceable,
vacuum-packed, chilled meat with recipes
and cooking tips. Minimum order, 25.

all set for


Table manners
Our favourite new kitchen accessories, made from stone, marble and brass,
come courtesy of Tom Dixon. Sculptural in shape yet supremely easy to use,
they are guaranteed to make a contemporary style statement.
CloCkwise, from top Stone spice grinder, 75; Etch wood tealight holder, 50;

Form deep bowl, 110 set of three; Arc bottle opener, 45; Arc corkscrew,
45; Cog cylinder tealight holder, 50; Chop long (chopping board), 75cm, 75;
Stone cake stand with brass plate, diam29cm, 110; Form cake slice, 50;
all Tom Dixon, 020 3696 4950,

Discover a wealth
of original gift
ideas, delicious
recipes for both
traditional and
alternative festive
menus, as well as a
superb collection
of decorative craft
projects for your
table, hall and
living room at

3 of the best Christmas Condiments

1| Spiced Plum Chutney.
Handmade from locally
sourced North Yorkshire
produce, and laced with
cloves, ginger, allspice
and molasses, this one
is tasty with turkey and
chicken. 3.30, Rosebud

2| Chilli Jam. The red

chillies and red peppers
in this jam are the perfect
mix of heat and sweet; an
invigorating addition to
fsh dishes, or a great dip
for nibbles before lunch
on Christmas Day. 3.65,

3| Pear & Walnut

Chutney. Blended with
sultanas and warming
spices, and made from
surplus fruits sourced
from around Britain,
this is the must-have
partner for Stilton.

Preserves, 01765 689174,

Tracklements, 01666 827044,

4.50, Rubies in the Rubble,

22 | H&G | december 2014


Life in miniature


Homes & Gardens design
correspondent celebrates products
developed with a social and
environmental conscience
In very simple terms, good design means things
that work well and also look good, however, recently,
Ive been considering design for good ideas for designs
that solve social and/or environmental problems, or
enhance the lives of less-privileged people.
Thinking along the same lines is Paul Priestman,
co-founder of design agency PriestmanGoode, based in
London and China, which specialises in transport design,
including public transport, aircraft interiors and airports.
The world faces huge challenges, says Paul, noting, in
particular, expanding populations leading to congested
cities, lack of living space, strains on public transport and
poorer air quality. Overconsumption is depleting natural
resources and creating massive waste, but the power
of design to change all this is immense.
Recently, PriestmanGoode
hosted an exhibition called
Bright Ideas to Make Life Better,
The ideas highlighted are not
theories or concepts, but
products and projects that
are already established or
incubating all over the world,
ranging from clever items to
improve personal lives to broad
strategies for whole communities. They
include the Nest Learning thermostat (above),;
available from, which saves energy by
automatically creating a central heating program
to suit individual homes; the Fairphone,,
promoting ethical materials in the manufacture of mobile
phones; and the Senz umbrella (top),, with a
shape that defes high winds. PriestmanGoode has also
built its own hydroponic garden for growing vegetables
indoors, using a DIY book by Zurich-based Italian
architect Antonio Scarponi,
Five international thought leaders were also asked
for their ideas. From the UK is Frances Sorrell, co-founder
of The Sorrell Foundation, a charity that has worked since
1999 to inspire creativity in schools. Lady Sorrells choices
included the website, designed by Ben Terrett,
which has won awards for clarity and simplicity; and the
design of St Lukes Church of England Primary School
in Wolverhampton, by Architype,, which
encourages a new way of teaching and learning.

24 | H&G | december 2014

New exhibition Small Stories:

At Home in a Dolls House at
the V&A Museum of Childhood
charts the various incarnations
of dolls houses over the past
300 years, from gifts for wealthy
adults and educational aids for
girls learning to run a household
to cherished childrens toys. We
were thrilled to discover that
one of the 12 residences on
display is Jennys Home, which
was launched by H&G in 1965;
its modular design is the
epitome of 1960s style. Others
include the Georgian Tate
Baby House (above right) and
Kaleidoscope House (right) with
replica designer furniture. This
is a fascinating insight into the
history of residential architecture
and design and everyday family
life. From 13 December; free entry.
V&A Museum of Childhood,
Cambridge Heath Road, London
E2 9PA, 020 8983 5200,



In a quaint 15th-century house near the Suffolk coast,

Pump Street Bakery offers exquisite handmade breads,
pastries and seasonal dishes, which you can enjoy in the
caf by the fre, and courses, such as sourdough making,
from 130. Chris Brennan, who founded the bakery with
his daughter Joanna, also makes chocolates, sourcing
high-quality beans from individual farmers and
cooperatives. His latest creation, the Sourdough & Sea
Salt chocolate bar, 5.80 (available online), combines
Venezuelan cocoa with sourdough crumbs for a delicious
malty favour. Contact 1 Pump Street, Orford, Sufolk
IP12 2LZ, 01394 459829,

For the perFect chrIstmas gIFt, see our subscrIptIons oFFer at




We select our favourite designs for this
seasons best-dressed dining tables





1| Willow Love Story

dinner plate, diam27cm,
15, Loveramics at Amara.
2| Jacques dinner plate,
diam27cm, 70,
Katharine Pooley.
3| Black Willow
dinner plate,
15.50, Burleigh.
4| Pin Stripe dinner plate,
diam23cm, 25, Jasper
Conran for Wedgwood.
5| Chair dinner plate,
diam27cm, 28, Chris Inder
at Designed In England.
6| Patternity Coupe
dinner plate, diam28cm,
60, Richard Brendon.
7| Trees dinner plate,
diam27cm, 19.50,
Louise Wilkinson.
Walls in Caledonia in Elgin
101/6023, 270 a roll, Cole & Son.
Swirl bauble, 3.90, India Jane.








8| Bleu dAilleurs dinner plate,

diam27cm, 92, Herms at
Thomas Goode.
9| Country Estate dinner plate,
diam28cm, 28, Juliska at Selfridges.
10| Steampunk Ante Meridiem
dinner plate, diam27cm, 65,
Royal Crown Derby.
11| La Classica Contura buffet plate,
diam30.5cm, 69, Villeroy & Boch.
12| Blue Fluted Mega dinner plate,
diam27cm, 75, Royal Copenhagen
at Skandium.
13| Aegean Filet dinner plate,
diam27cm, 95, LObjet at
The Wedding Shop.
14| Blue Orchid Platinum
dinner plate, diam22.5cm,
157, Meissen at Harrods.




Background in 32301-11
linen mix, 152cm wide, 42m,
Kravet at GP&J Baker.




DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 27

H&G EDIT | neWs

design focus


Two makers of stylish cards and papers

tell us how they got started and what
theyre creating for Christmas

Karolin Schnoor

Illustrator Karolin Schnoors designs

include nostalgic Christmas images
with a contemporary feel.

I moved from Berlin to study art in London and
was lucky to get commissioned work just after
fnishing a BA in illustration. My images have
appeared in books and magazines, my screenprinting includes prints, bags and tea towels,
and client work has stretched to ceramics. The
opportunity to see your work on a wide range
of media is one of the appeals of illustration.
Christmas is a good time to go all out on
traditional imagery and nostalgia. Prints should
feel warm and friendly and look good placed on
a mantel with other festive ephemera. This year,
Im launching my frst wrapping paper collection
(above) in collaboration with Wrap magazine.

ElEanor TaTTErSfiEld

Eleanor Tattersfelds cards, tags

and giftwrap are all hand-printed
using a traditional letterpress.

courSE Quill london is

running a calligraphy workshop

on 6 December, from 2-5pm, in
Islington, north London, priced
at 44 per person, including
materials and refreshments. To
book, contact

printer/founder of Marby and elM

I got started in printing by chance. I was looking
online for stationery and came across an old
letterpress printer for sale. I bought it, and was
given a rudimentary lesson in how to use it by
Roy Caslon, who has become a dear friend.
Anyone can buy a desktop letterpress;
Adana 8x5s are the easiest to use. Without a
press, the closest technique is rubber stamping.
You can buy great ink pads and wonderful
stamps and embossing powders that can be
applied after stamping and heated to give
the effect of copperplate printing.
Fluoro is a trend in all areas this Christmas,
including stationery. For a sophisticated take,
wrap presents in Kraft paper and fnish with
a stylish tag and neon ribbon.
Contact 07903 419661,

December 2014 | H&G | 29


Jack Horner, Claypaint, 32.70

for 2.5 litres, Earthborn.

Deep Water Green, Flat

Emulsion, 36 for 2.5 litres,
Paint Library.

city Nights
Deep violet with splashes of
watery green and shimmering
pink offer the perfect mix
of drama and sparkle

Mother of Pearl, matt

emulsion, 28.70 for 2.5 litres,
Designers Guild.

Elegant White, Low Sheen

Emulsion, 34.50 for 2.5 litres,
Konig Colours.

Sparkle photographic
print, 30.5cm sq, 59,
Myan Soffia at Urbanara.

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 31


1| Dreaming wallcovering in Aurora

W383/02, 495 for two rolls, Jessica
Zoob at Black Edition. 2| Prima Alpaca
in Caribbean and Mulberry, alpaca wool,
152cm wide, 196m, Sandra Jordan
at Holland & Sherry. 3| Gilded Chenille
in Snow, cotton mix, 140cm wide,
97m, Sheila Coombes at Brian Yates.
4| Brendon White Oak fooring
OAK-21-010, 76.85sq m, Ecora.
5| Elements emulsion, 35.50 for
2.5 litres, Fired Earth. 6| Aquilla in Quartz,
linen, 138cm wide, 51.50m, Voyage.
7| Bonito in Slate, cotton velvet, 136cm
wide, 108m, Boeme Design.







8| Project-ready cabinet knobs in Light

antique brass CK9501, diam3cm, 29
each, SA Baxter. 9| Wool Croft Arran
carpet in White/Cream, 51.45sq m,
Alternative Flooring. 10| Prestwick Wool
Satin in Menthe 68609, wool, 137cm
wide, 204m, Schumacher at Turnell &
Gigon. 11| Chevron cord T701/04, cotton
mix, 2.5cm wide, 6m, Osborne & Little.
12| Bilbao in Primavera 9917/01, cotton
mix, 140cm wide, 162m, Glant at Alteld.
13| Key tassel in Pink, L22cm, 9, Jessica
Light. 14| Plains Six in Indigo, cotton mix,
140cm wide, 33m, Scion. l

32 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

For the PerFect christmas giFt, see our subscriPtions oFFer at

STyLIng Laura Vinden PhOTOgrAPh PauL raeside




katharina eisenkoeck


Join us for An
inspiring ChristmAs
deCorAting event
with tricia guild and
William Yeoward
Were giving H&G readers a unique
opportunity to meet these two renowned
designers, who will be offering plenty
of inspiration on how to create the
perfect Christmas table and a 20 per
cent discount at their stores on Londons
Kings road. each group (maximum
30 guests) will begin the morning at
one of the two stores with drinks and
croissants, then enjoy a talk on festive
decorating and shopping time before
strolling to the second store for
more ideas and shopping. You will also
receive a free gift from each.
When Wednesday 19 november,
10.30am to 12.30pm.
Tickets 20; to book, call 020 7893 7625.
Where designers guild, 267/277 Kings
road, London sW3 5en, and
William Yeoward, 270 Kings road,
London sW3 5AW.

this London-based designer-maker uses traditional skills

to transform everyday materials into modern accessories and
lighting. We asked her about her creations and her career so far.
You work mainly in leather, concrete and stone. Why?
Coming from a background in architecture, ive always been
intrigued by natural materials that portray a certain elegance,
and those that have a long tradition in our culture. turning
these traditional elements into new things is what excites me.
How did you establish your studio? After graduating from
Camberwell College of Arts in 2012, i wanted to set up my own
studio, so i went for it. the nomadic light is my signature piece
and, once it was out there, my business grew. the challenge
was to fnd the time to develop new products while making
the existing designs. eventually, i decided to collaborate with
other craftspeople to overcome production shortages.
What inspires you? mostly the materials; i love experimenting
with them to alter their use. A good product should have a
sculptural simplicity, with the user as a key factor. When
developing a product, i enjoy thinking through all its possible
functions, which often takes me down entirely new routes.
Can you describe your production process? When i started
out, i did everything myself, from casting the concrete to boiling
the leather in my kitchen at home. now i work with other
craftspeople; for example, concrete specialist Leigh Cameron
casts all the nomadic light and Wander lamp parts.
Whats next? i plan to develop more products to complement
my range of leather and concrete, introducing a different
material and fresh technique for each new piece.
Ekdesign, 07860 677545,

bowls (above),
from 60
each; Icon
lamp, from

AbouT Turn
harlequin has added versatile new designs
to its chic momentum range of fabrics and
wallpapers. We love the reversible mika in
seven colours, linen mix, 142cm wide, 49m.
Contact 0845 123 6805,

Festival Fun
Take a jaunt down to Cornwall from
4-7 December for Padstows Christmas
Festival, one of the biggest and best free
food events in the UK. In the stunning
harbourside setting, renowned chefs,
including Rick Stein, Nathan Outlaw and
Paul Ainsworth, will be sharing recipes
and creating signature dishes for
visitors to sample. Youll also fnd a
unique selection of gifts from Cornwalls
fnest designers and makers at the
110-stall market, along with live music
and a freworks display. For more details,

december 2014 | H&G | 35


cOOl A fun addition

nordic star
While scouring this years Christmas press events in search of inspirational
ideas, we were delighted to discover Danish brand Ferm Livings latest
collection of ornaments, including the modern geometric designs (above),
which cost from 8 each. If you like the look, the smart Christmas tree
foot, 49, continues the theme. See the collection at

no room in your handbag? then

download every issue of your favourite
magazine to your ipad or tablet, so you
can browse beautiful homes, gardens and
decorating features wherever you are.

to any childs bedroom or

home offce, Michael &
Georges quirky lamp,
from 988, is an overscale
replica of the classic HB
pencil. Standing 168cm
tall, its made from cedar,
with a yellow satin fnish
and distinctive gold
lettering. The 8m cable,
which can be arranged
as a doodle, adds a
witty touch. Bespoke
colours, lettering
and length of cable
are also available.
Contact 07727
726269, michaeland

bright sparks

Upholding its
commitment to supporting local craftsmen,
furniture maker WorkHouse has joined forces
with designer Bethan Gray to produce a
British-made range of upholstered seating.
The shapely Ella collection comprises a
sofa and armchair, both available in various
sizes and leg options and with a choice of
buttoned or plain back. Contact 020 7247
Ella sofa
(diamond back),
from 3,620,
Bethan Gray at

Make the cut

Design duo Scholten & Baijings has taken cut crystal to another level with its contemporary Elements collection.
Produced by new Irish company J Hills Standard, the distinctive hand-cut range includes glasses of every style,
from whisky and wine to Champagne. Prices start at 131 for a low tumbler. Available at
For more pattern inspiration, visit our blog

36 | H&G | december 2014

passion for pattern

H&G EDIT | shopping

Adorable decorations bring a
playful element to the festive tree







Feature Laura Vinden photo ania WaWrzkoWicz


1| Polar bear, 10x13cm,

14.95, Liberty.
2| Spaniel, 9x4.5cm,
7.95, The Hambledon.
3| White goose, 9x11cm,
5.95, Felt So Good.
4| Elephant, 12x12cm,
18, Anthropologie.
5| Embroidered reindeer
decoration, 10x5cm, 29.95,


Coral & Tusk at Harrods.

6| Bertie, 10x10cm, 9,
Plum & Ashby.
7| Camel, 11x11cm,
9.50, Daylesford.
8| Seal, 10x5cm, 9,
West Elm.
9| Reindeer, 9x10cm, 9.95,
The Shop Floor Project. l



DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 39

special offers

christmas gift ideas

Give the perfect present this year with two fantastic offerings
from Designers Guild and William Yeoward


save 30% on a
washbag from
william YeowarD
These beautiful natural linen and velvet
washbags from William Yeoward come
in four great colours and are lined with
waterproof cotton. They make a wonderfully
personal gift as William handwrites each
chosen name, which is then embroidered
on to the bag (measuring 21x37cm).
Homes & Gardens readers can enjoy a
special price of 29.50 (a saving of 10)
and, if ordered before 20 november, the
washbag will be individually wrapped and
posted to you in time for christmas.

How to order
Simply visit
christmas and select the colour and
enter the name to be handwritten by
William. At the checkout, please use
offer code WYGIFT14.
Terms anD conDiTions offer available online
only. offer closes 20 november 2014. available
while stocks last.

save 20% at Designers guilD

Designers Guild is giving readers an early
christmas present by offering 20 per cent
off its furniture and accessories. Whether
you are looking for inspiring ways to decorate
your home or searching for stylish gifts,
Designers Guild has the perfect solution. from
gorgeous ideas for the table, contemporary
decorations and beautiful accessories to
handmade jewellery and home fragrance,
there is something for everyone. The offer is
valid both online and in store.

How to claim
Enter the code HOMES20 when you buy
online at, or present this page at a Designers
Guild fagship store. For shop details,
Terms anD conDiTions furniture is not available online.
The 20% discount is valid until 5 December 2014. products
are subject to availability. Designers Guild retains the right
to reject any application. There is no cash alternative, in whole
or part. offer is not to be used with staff discounts, or other
promotional offers online or in store, and excludes fabrics and
wallpapers, as well as sale vouchers, sale items and p&p.


distilled style
Acclaimed architect Thomas
Heatherwick, heatherwick.
com, is behind Bombay
Sapphires new gin distillery
and visitor centre in
Hampshire. The venture is
located at the Laverstoke
Mill, which used to produce
banknote paper. Inside this
historic space is the stateof-the-art distillery, while
outside a striking glasshouse
structure showcases the ten
exotic botanicals that are
infused into the gin. Visitors
can enjoy a tour focusing on
the history of gin, interactive
workshops and cocktail
masterclasses. To book, visit

AnouksA HempeL by marcus Binney
(45, Thames & Hudson).
Celebrated designer Anouska Hempel shares
an insight into her vision and creativity in her
frst monograph, which covers 13 projects and
features more than 400 images.
READER OFFER To buy this book at the special price of
35 (including UK mainland delivery), call 01903 828503,
quoting THAHD, or visit Offer
is subject to availability and closes 31 December 2014.

Words luisA FERDEnzi, ARAbEllA st jOhn PARkER, jAnE AkERs

A FrAme For LiFe by ilse Crawford

and edwin Heathcote (35, rizzoli).
Alongside the story of Ilse Crawfords life, including
her time as a design journalist and opening her
studio, this book showcases her most interesting
domestic interiors and public spaces.
READER OFFER To buy this book at the special price
of 30 (including UK mainland delivery), call 01235
465577 and quote code FFL/HG. This offer is subject
to availability and closes 1 May 2015.

niCky HAsLAm: A Designers LiFe

(50, Jacqui small; from 20 november).
With paintings, drawings and photographs by
himself and other artists, this book reveals the
influences behind Nicky Haslams vast archive and
looks at the charm and wit of his interiors style.
READER OFFER To order this book for just 37.50
(including UK mainland delivery), call 01903 828503 or
email (include your name and
address), and quote code APG243.

FOR thE PERFEct chRistMAs giFt, sEE OuR subscRiPtiOns OFFER At MAgAzinEsDiREct.cOM/clb4

FlExiblE FRiEnDs
Trying these rubber slippers on one of the hottest days
of the year at this summers new gardening show, Grow
London, felt a little strange, but now that rainy days
are here again, the Mouillre is our new best friend.
Inspired by the galoshes he had worn when in Montreal,
Luc Mouillres eponymous slippers are put on over
shoes to limit chances of slipping on wintry paths and to
keep feet dry. Suitable for mens and womens shoes and
available in a range of colours, they cost 49 a pair.
Contact 0033 6 64 99 24 65,

With eggbox-like compartments filled with

beautiful combinations of spring-flowering
tulip, muscari, crocus and narcissi
bulbs, Plant-O-Mats will make planting
quick and easy. Available in a choice of
circular or linear formats, they cost from
8.99 each. Contact Suttons Seeds,
0333 400 2899,

december 2014 | H&g | 41


Lake Maggiore, Lake orta

and the Matterhorn
eight days half-board from 899 per person.
Selected departures from April to October 2015.
hOLIdAy InCLudeS:

n Return flights from most UK

airports, taxes and transfers.
n Seven nights at a four-star
hotel with half-board.
n Visits to Zermatt in the Swiss

Alps to view the Matterhorn, Lakes

Como and Orta, the Isola Bella
and the town of Orta San Giulio.
n A ride on the Centovalli railway
and a lake cruise.
n Fully escorted sightseeing.

europeS fineSt river cruiSeS

Including the Rhine, danube, Moselle, elbe, Rhone or Seine.
eight days from 1,099 per person, 14 days from 1,549
per person. Selected departures April to november 2015.
hOLIdAy InCLudeS:

n Return rail* and Eurostar or

flights, taxes and transfers.
n Beautifully appointed fouror five-star en-suite cabins
with hotel standard beds,

bathrooms and river view.

n Full board with exceptional
cuisine throughout.
n A choice of 11 inspiring cruises.
n Escorted by an experienced
tour manager.


vietnaM and caMbodia

eight days half-board from 829 per person.

Selected departures from April to October 2015.

Sixteen days from 1,899 per person.

Selected departures from January to november 2015.

hOLIdAy InCLudeS:

n Return flights, taxes

and transfers.
n Seven nights in a four-star
hotel with half-board.
n Fully escorted sightseeing
including Valley of the Temples in

Agrigento, baroque Palermo,

hill-top Taormina, Mount Etna,
Europes largest active volcano,
Monreales medieval cathedral
and cloisters and Siracusa, the
birthplace of the Ancient Greek
mathematician Archimedes.

hOLIdAy InCLudeS:

n Return flights to Gatwick,

taxes and transfers.
n Four- and five-star hotel
accommodation with breakfast,
plus five meals.
n Fully escorted sightseeing of

Phnom Penh, Angkor and Hanoi

in Cambodia; cruise through
Vietnams Ha Long Bay and visit
the Citadel and Imperial City in
Hue, stay in Ho Chi Minh City, visit
the Cu Chi tunnels and enjoy a
Mekong Delta cruise and tour.

Terms and conditions Prices are per person, based on two sharing and subject to availability. Additional entrance costs may apply. Images used in conjunction with Riviera Travel. Offer operated by and subject to the booking conditions of Riviera
Travel Ltd. Abta V4744, Atol 3430, a company wholly independent of Time Inc. (UK) Ltd. When you respond, Time Inc. (UK) Ltd and other group companies may contact you with offers/services that may be of interest. Please give your mobile or
email details if you wish to receive such offers by SMS or email. We will not give your details to other companies without your permission; please let us know if you are happy for us to do so. *Supplements applicable for certain regional stations.


H&G EDIT | travel



1| Local architectural style


is seen at the Hotel Anno.

2| The majestic town hall
on the market place. 3| Find
modern lighting at Schneid.
4| A view across the River
Trave. 5| The Christmas
market. 6| Lbecks famous
marzipan. 7| Schabbelhaus
restaurant. 8| The old town.

4| 5|




Great eSCaPe

LUbeck, Germany

fEATurE sarah baldwin PHOTOgrAPHS alamy, 4 corners

Gothic churches, cobbled streets and a magnifcent

Christmas fair lure us to Germanys best-kept secret





The larger accommodation

options are rather uninspiring,
so choose the charming Hotel
Anno 1216,, a
converted 800-year-old house
located within Lbecks historic
walls and mere moments from
its pedestrianised centre. While
the rooms and communal areas
are simply decorated, the original
details and frescoed ceilings
make it truly memorable. With
more of a home-from-home than
a hotel feel, it doesnt have a bar,
restaurant or 24-hour concierge,
but an excellent organic breakfast
is available for 15. Double rooms
cost from 148 per night.

Marzipan is very close to Lbecks

heart and Caf Niederegger,, is the place to
sample it, with a wonderful choice
of cakes. The sweet-toothed will
also love chocolate shop-cumcaf Amaro,
For top-notch German cooking,
head up the river to Travemnde;
La Belle Epoque in Columbia
Casino,, has
three Michelin stars, although its
interior is not the most engaging.
Back in town, try Wullenwever,, with its lovely
courtyard, or Schabbelhaus,, for good Italian
food in a historic home setting.

For a month from the end of

November, a Christmas market
takes place outside St Marys
Church, with 400 merchants
selling everything from toys and
decorations to gingerbread and
Glhwein. Otherwise, Lbeck has
a few design stores worth seeking
out. Schneid,, offers
furniture and lighting with a
Nordic feel, while Blomqvist
stocks a few favourite brands, such
as Design House Stockholm and
Marimekko. GalerieWerkstatt C
is a must for exquisite handmade
jewellery and ornaments.

This town is made for wandering,

with medieval architecture at
every turn. Holsten Gate is the
most recognisable landmark,
but Gothic churches St Marys
and St Catherines are the real
highlight. For a superb overview,
cruise along the River Trave; the
majestic brick salt warehouses
on its banks hint at a thriving past.
In summer, visit Travemnde, with
its expansive sandy beach; the
Christmas market is the winter
treat, but be aware the weather
can be pretty severe. Lbeck is
60km from Hamburg with regular
train links. For more information,

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 43

The best presents are thoughtful surprises. Weve
rounded up ideas for design lovers, chefs, gardeners
and adventurers, as well as treats for children

Oh Christmas
Tree hand-printed
wrapping paper,
6 for 2 sheets,
one grey, one
white; grosgrain
ribbon in Bottle
Green, Olive Gold,
Shingle Grey and
Midnight Blue,
4 for 5m;
hand-printed gift
tags, 6 for six;
all Rowen & Wren.

rack, H
, 9
8, A


H&G EDIT | gift guide

96, The
Conran Shop.

Sculptural ceramic
brooches, from H5cm,
from 49, Hana Karim at
The Shop Floor Project.

1000 Ships framed print by Richard Peacock,

42x59.5cm, 49.95, East End Prints.

The design

H1 on
e, Mas
o &
do um
ei rtn
a o
t k 5, F
rro 38

P ,
ea cm
e S D5

Brass pencil tin, 17x5cm,
49, Midori at Quill.

Kelim cushions, 50cm sq,

67.50 each, Ferm Living.

fille g

Lagos neckerchief in Red, 40cm sq,

45, Luna & Curious.

en .
em hop
dm AS
an &
ar 0, V
nd 2
ale cm,
ua 5.5
et x1
rp 16.5

Pebble wireless
phone charging
pad in white
marble, H3.5x
150, Ore at
The Conran Shop.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

Ceramic Bertie,
H11xW4.5xD7cm, 35,
Plum & Ashby.

december 2014 | H&G | 47

H&G EDIT | gift guide

Baguette boards,
extra large 86x
18cm, 126; small
41x18cm, 70;
Lostine at SCP.

A Curious
History of
Food and
Drink by
Ian Crofton,

The budding
Bird Tail handmade ceramic bowls,
small H6xdiam11.5cm, 29; large
H8xdiam17.5cm, 55; Jude Allman at Aram.

fil king


0x en
H1 Wr
it, n &
in we
e g Ro
ad 58,
m m,
Ho 26c

Brass salad servers,

L30cm, 42, Ferm Living.

Bayside apron
in Beige,
85, Lexington.

rkscrew, 11x7. cm, 98, Jon

s co

195, Rococo

coffee clip,
12, V&A Shop.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

Hario copper coffee

siphon, H33xW9xD16cm,
135, Selfridges.

december 2014 | H&G | 49

H&G EDIT | gift guide

Homefront allotment set, H5.5x

W17.5xD17cm, 14.95, Wild & Wolf.

fil king

Emiel box with

garden tools,
146, Amara.

Leather kindling bucket,

H27xdiam23cm, 70,
Decorators Notebook.

feeder and h
li bird


The keen

Leather gardening
gloves, 32,

Bo te
by ytu
g n
si e I
de , Th
m 5
iu 8
ar ,
rr ue
t iq
in ut
ss Bo

Cast-iron fre bowl,

H20xdiam60cm, 89,
Graham and Green.
and Wait.

Leather spade,
L104xW21 cm, 120,
The Conran Shop.

Pruning knife and sharpening steel set,

L16cm (knife), 48.85, Burgon & Ball.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

december 2014 | H&G | 51

H&G EDIT | gift guide

12 bird calls
in a box,

Pursuits Cotswold weekend bag, H33xL57xW26cm, 610, Ettinger.

and H ags, Glassw
uts in
ork in
, 38 rol Blue, H1 quoise
Etoile xW24x

c er
o l
St fil

Custom-edition silver carbon

SX-70 Polaroid camera, H17.5x
W13xD10cm, 299, Selfridges.

The avid

and tuck tin,
D15.5cm, 19.95,
Burgon & Ball.

e, H21x

Bon Voyage

Cable-knit wool hat

with pompom, 30,
V&A Shop.

Pack & Ca

re ,
yf m

Leather glasses case,

18x8cm, 50, Ada
Blackjack at ODells.

Folding sleigh,
79.99, Toast.

52 | H&G | december 2014

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

H&G EDIT | gift guide

in Roty wooden
L60xW36cm, 1 n plane,
35, A
lex an
d Alexa.

Stack and
Scare Monster
blocks, 68 for
14-18 piece
set, Rume.

Animal pens,
2.75 each,

The little

rm L
5, Fe
t, H1

Make Your Own London

Landmarks book, 14.95,
Thames & Hudson.

Pieces N Play
colour domino set,
5.5x3cm (each
piece), 39,
Future and Found.

Lost My Name personalised story book, 18.99, WHere to BUY, PAge 166

54 | H&G | december 2014

monkey on
a trapeze,
D2cm, 3.95,
The Original
Pop Up Shop.

Dhardi elephant
head, H35xW47x
D47cm, 59,

doctors case,
H9x W39x
D34cm, 50,

Feature Harriet Loraine-SmitH photograph emma Lee

(wrapped presents) Cut-outs rHapSody, pixeLeyeS

fil ckin
le g

H&G EDIT | movers & shakers

fabric and wallpaper makers


In their Gloucestershire workshop, Rebecca Aird and Peter Thwaites

the duo behind the company Rapture & Wright use traditional
printing techniques to create bold designs with a modern edge
Wor d s SA R A H WIL S O N
P h otogra P h s A LU N CA L L ENDER

Rebecca and Peters studio and

print room are in a converted barn,
giving them space to experiment,
while keeping production small scale.

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 57

H&G EDIT | movers & shakers

ebecca Aird and Peter Thwaites of

Rapture & Wright create striking
fabric and wallpaper designs, using
traditional hand-printing techniques and
materials exclusively from British suppliers.
Although made by artisan processes, the
collections have a distinctly contemporary
feel. Colours are restricted to two or
three, and the skill lies in making these
combinations work. The couples designs
are sold at Heals, Liberty and Redloh
House Fabrics, and other clients include
interior design companies Turner Pocock
and Martin Brudnizki Design Studio.
Tell us a little about your backgrounds.
Rebecca grew up in an environment that
was a mix of the creative and the practical.
My mother was a garden designer and my
father an engineer, she says. When I was
a child I loved making things and, by the
age of ten, I knew I wanted to be a designer.
I studied graphic design at Nottingham
Trent University, then worked on packaging
concepts for a design company.
Peters creative streak led him to study
graphic design at Northumbria University.
I was born in Sri Lanka and grew up in
Africa and Pakistan, he says. Vibrant
colour and pattern were everywhere and
my childhood was spent outside drawing.
After leaving college, Peter started
designing and hand-painting wallpaper
for clients around the world.

How did the business take shape? After

meeting at a friends wedding, Rebecca
and Peter went into business together,
working from a studio in London. First,
they created a range of wallpapers, drawing
on their existing archive of designs, then
they diversifed into fabrics, with
inspiration coming from their travels.
Marriage and children (Amity, 12, and
Elsa, nine) followed and they realised they
needed to alter their lifestyle. The move to
the Cotswolds in 2007 gave them more
space to fulfl orders (they currently stock
around 2,000 metres of base cloths ready

58 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

for printing) and the chance to set up a

dedicated print room, while maintaining
a London presence just off New Kings
Road. Rebeccas father helped them build
the 10-metre print table and drying racks
for their new workplace. Their customer
base grew by word of mouth and following
appearances at interior design trade shows,
including Decorex and Design Junction.
Our customers range from London-based
interior designers to retail markets at
home and overseas, says Peter. We have
a huge client base in America.
Where does your design inspiration
come from? The initial collections were
hugely infuenced by surfng trips in the
UK, France and Spain, says Rebecca.
More recent designs have been based on
our travels to Cambodia and Morocco,
as well as Japanese kimonos and artists
such as Georges Braque. But the Rapture
& Wright ethos also draws ideas from
historical British elements, such as the arts
and crafts and Bloomsbury movements.
Where do you source your materials?
The linens and felted lambswools come
from a mill just north of Edinburgh,
the paper is produced in Norfolk, and
pigments and inks are supplied by other
UK companies, says Rebecca. We
are both passionate about supporting
British crafts that are in danger of
disappearing, and wanted to create
something special in which many of
us could be involved in the process.
Explain the process of hand-printing
fabrics. Once the design has been agreed
and colourways tested, we create the fnal
artworks, one for each colour, says Peter.
These are transferred onto flms by hand
or onto the computer. A screen is coated
with light-sensitive emulsion and the
design from the flms exposed onto it.
Then the base cloth is rolled down the
print table and ironed into position on
the surface. The repeat of the pattern is

worked out and marked down the edge of

the print table so that the pattern joins up.
Next, the ink mixed for the frst colour
is ladled onto the screen. The screen is
placed on the fabric at the position of the
frst repeat and the ink forced through the
screen mesh by passing the squeegee from
one person to the other twice. We work
our way down the table, alternating repeats
and drying them as we go.
Finally, the screen is washed and the
process repeated for the second and third
colours. Wallpaper is printed in a similar
way, with bespoke designs created using
oxidised copper and antiqued aluminium.
Can you describe a typical day? The
mixing of colours starts at 8am and
printing shortly after, the aim being to
complete two runs of fabric before lunch,
says Rebecca. A short break follows to deal
with sample requests and queries, then
another couple of runs are done in the
afternoon. This adds up to about 40 metres
of fabric a day, if everything goes according
to plan. But every batch of fabric is different
and so are the problems we encounter.
Around 4.30pm, everything is washed up
and the following days schedule agreed,
so that inks and screens can be prepared.
Whats next? Rebecca and Peter are
working on new fabric lines, including
Baya, based on a Japanese block print,
and Medina, inspired by a North African
lamp. Other projects include developing
more designs using pattern placement,
by which fabric designs are reconfgured
and recoloured on the print table. This
pioneering approach ensures that each
piece is unique and hand-crafted. A further
range of the distinctive new collection of
cushions and art prints is also under way. l
Rapture & Wright is holding open days
on 7-8 November at the Gloucestershire
studio, which will include screen-printing
demonstrations. For details, contact
01608 652442,

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

LEFT Swatches showing the

vibrant colourways of Medina,

a North African-inspired fabric.
TOP ROW Peter and Rebecca pass
the squeegee across the screen
to print the pattern repeats onto
the fabric, a task that requires
two people as the registration
has to be spot-on, while the
colours applied can be subtly
altered by changing the pressure;
the distinctive new collection of
cushions, lampshades and art
prints by Rapture & Wright;
cushions covered in Medina (top
and below) and Baya (centre).
MIDDLE ROW Inks are mixed first
thing every morning; Peter checks
the screen after washing off the ink;
where it all begins roughs of new
designs for bespoke wallpapers.
RIGHT Inspiration and equipment for
experimenting with colour; notebooks
showing sketches of ideas.

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 59

An evocative mountain scene is perfect for

setting the tone of this contemporary scheme.
Floor-to-ceiling curtains, an alpaca rug and
an oversized sofa piled with cushions bring
softness to the clean lines of the architecture.
FURNITURE Victor sofa, H80xW270xD103cm,
3,240 plus 18.5m of fabric, Caravane. TS tables
(from left) in Marrone Emperador, H51xdiam40cm,
345; Nero Marquina, H41xdiam55cm, 525; Bianco
Carrara, H35xdiam80cm, 690; all Gubi at SCP.
FABRICS Sofa in linen stonewashed Melchior,
119m, and Cotton Khadi plaid throws, 84 each;
both Caravane.Pouffes in (from front) Coddington
21158 374, wool mix, 148cm wide, 150m,
Zimmer+Rohde. Jean Genie in Soft, linen mix,
139cm wide, 99.80m, James Malone Fabrics at
Avorez. Curtains in Macao in Powder, linen mix,
140cm wide, 83.50m, Nya Nordiska. Cushions in
(from second left), Miguel in Liquorice, cotton mix,
140cm wide, 181m, C&C Milano; Knotty in Saddle
Shoes, wool mix, 308m, Altfeld; Colibri 484,
silk, 60m, Zimmer+Rohde; Corin in Ebony,
138cm wide, cotton mix, 60m, Romo.
WALL Bespoke printed mural (image from a
vintage postcard), 60sq m, Surface View.
ACCESSORIES Wooden Etagire cakestand,
H35xdiam36cm, 95, Plmo. Derome column table
lamp by Pinch, H92.5xdiam50cm, 675; Gilou
chunky knit cushion cover in Soft Pink, 60cm sq,
180; both The Conran Shop. Miller cream wool
cushion (far right), 48cm sq, 75, Daylesford. Simple
espresso cups, H7cm, 16 each, Folklore. Pink and
white stoneware bowl, H15xdiam44cm, 1,100,
Christiane Perrochon at The Conran Shop.
Honeycomb paper balls, diam15cm, 9 each, The
Cross. Pink ribbon, 23mm wide, 90p a metre, Jane
Means. Alpaca hide, 550sq m, The Rug Company.

60 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014


Inspired by the simplicity of modern Alpine

hideaways, our take on the trend for chalet style
comes into its own at Christmas, with a focus on
understated sophistication, natural textures and
a colour palette of dusky pink, black and white

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 61

Oering a creative twist on the traditional cow bell,

these distinctive stoneware versions make a charming
addition to a pared-back interior.
ACCESSORIES Stripe stoneware bells with hemp rope and
wood knocker, H13cm, 140; H15cm, 165; H18cm, 210;
Michele Quan at SCP. Artwork (in background) Close Range,
2013, charcoal on canvas, 100x122cm, 2,500, Andrew Vass.
Extra long fairy lights, 10m, 50, The White Company.

Where a Christmas tree might prove overbearing, this

simple brass candelabra makes a stylish alternative
for a hallway or small space.
FURNITURE Wooden Museum bench, H45xW230xD20cm,
210, French Connection.
FABRIC Curtain panel in Grenada in Crme T9034/01, linen
mix, 137cm wide, 416m, Weitzner at Altfeld.
FLOORING Moroccan encaustic cement tiles in Black, White
and Salmon, 20cm sq, 1.80 each, Best Tile.
ACCESSORIES First aid box, 59.50, Parlane. Grey zinc and
glass box lantern, 40, The White Company. Brass vase,
16.5cm, 45, Matki at Aram. Sheepskin mittens, 59; Tivoli
Sorel boots, 130; both Toast. Goatland sheepskin, 110x80cm,
395, The Conran Shop. Brass wire Christmas tree candelabra,
H84xW63cm, 300, Otago. Close Range artwork, 2013,
charcoal on canvas, 100x122cm, 2,500, Andrew Vass. Caf
curtain rod in Antique Brass, 102-178cm, 34, Jago Designs.

62 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 63

Trails of refreshingly scented

eucalyptus interwoven with strings
of fairy lights create a naturalistic
centrepiece. Complement with
place settings in black, white and
pink for a sophisticated touch
and use gleaming brass accents
to bring sparkle to the occasion.
FURNITURE Deben dining table, H76x

W220xD80cm, 905, Salvation Furniture.

Knot chairs, H72xW58.5xD50.5cm,
296 each, Folklore and Bodie and Fou.
FABRIC Curtain in Henley Quilted Linen
21151991, linen mix, 135cm wide, 100m,
Hodsoll McKenzie at Zimmer+Rohde.
ACCESSORIES Leiston pendant lights
in Antiqued Brass, H22xdiam45cm,
165 each; Classic curtain pole,
beeswax fnish, 12mm, 14p per cm;
button fnials, 12mm, 5.70 each;
brackets, 12mm, 5.90 each; standard
rings, 20mm, 1.05 each; all Jim
Lawrence. Extra-long fairy lights, 10m,
50, The White Company. Mini Mae
brass candelabras, H12.5xdiam13cm,
22 each; mini candles, 8 set of 20;
all Rowen & Wren. Lama offering bowls,
largest H9xdiam19cm, 125 set of six
assorted sizes, Oka. Crackers, 35 set
of six, Toast. Rosa linen napkins, 42cm
sq, 7.49 each, Linen Me. Vaisselle Milky
et Way plates, diam26.5cm, 25 each,
Caravane. Boxwood knives, 185 set
of six; Boxwood forks, 155 set of six;
both Summerill & Bishop. White tipped
glasses, 8.50 each, Daylesford. Small
Dew tumbler in Grey, H8cm, 7, Folklore.
Personalised ceramic baubles in
Black or White, diam6cm, 18 each,
Twenty-Seven at Selfridges.

64 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014


DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 65

A dolls house lled with glowing candles makes a striking alternative to a hall console table decorated
with a festive display. For a new take on smart wrapping, try wood grain-effect wallpaper nished with twine.
PAINT Banister in French Grey Pale, Absolute Matt

Emulsion, 35 for 2.5 litres, Little Greene.

FABRIC Present sacks in Poulton Stripe L260 (pink) and
L262 (black), cotton, 134cm wide, 96m, Fermoie. Similar
ready-made striped present sack, 29, Daylesford.
ACCESSORIES Bird chandelier, H62xdiam97cm, 3,000,

66 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

Nicholas Haslam. Gifts wrapped in Wood Grain wallpaper 92/5028

and 92/5026, 72 a roll, Cole & Son. Cotton stripe twine in
Charcoal, 2.95 for 20m roll, Bailey Wood. Dusty pink satin
ribbon, 23mm wide, 90p per m, Jane Means. Early 20th century
painted dolls house, 1,250, Lassco. Mini candles, 8 set of 20;
Beti ceramic bell garland, L165cm, 24; all Rowen & Wren.


Luxurious velvet, chunky knits, soft washed linen, quilted cotton and cosy alpaca: layers of rich
texture create an inviting retreat, while a delicate colour palette keeps the look serene.
FURNITURE Muses headboard, H55xW135cm, 710 plus

5m of fabric; De Luxe divan and mattress, H32xW135x

D190cm, 2,315 plus 9m of fabric; feet, 36 set of four;
all Vispring. Hampi side table, H40xW40xD40cm, 107,
Caravane. Cross ottoman (upholstered separately),
H44xW60xD40cm, 125, French Connection.
FABRICS Headboard and divan in Hacienda in col 6, polyester
mix, 148cm wide, 29m; Cross ottoman in St Germain in Poudre,
cotton, 140cm wide, 155m, Mtaphores at Abbott & Boyd.
WALLS Wallcovering RM900, 100cm wide, 144.80m,
litis at Abbott & Boyd.

ACCESSORIES Kyrgyzstan felt rug, 75x155cm, 450, Felt. Lordy

pillowcases, linen, 20 each; king-size Lordy duvet cover, linen,
160; all Loaf. Moti pillowcase in Ardoise, cotton, 65cm sq, 47,
Caravane. Tassel cushion, 64cm sq, 65, Sophie Conran. Pink
velvet cushion, 30x60cm, from 66, Kirsten Hecktermann.
Chunky ivory throw, 120x180cm, 495; Vice Versa linen throw in
Nude, 140x250cm, 260; black and white oval cotton bedspread,
220x240cm, 995; all The Conran Shop. IC T1 table lamp, H53x
diam32cm, 290, Flos at Aram. Chunky knit wool stocking, 32;
extra long fairy lights, 10m, 50; both The White Company. Alpaca
and shearling slippers, 69, Toast. WHERE TO BUY, PAGE 166

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 67

OPPOSITE PAGE Great spheres

of mistletoe take on a mystical

quality, high in the hoar-frosted
branches of a poplar tree.
THIS PICTURE The tradition
of hanging bunches of mistletoe
to ward off disaster and evil
spirits continues in some
parts of Britain to this day.

in season

Many are the legends surrounding this symbol of Christmas, considered both
hero and villain as well as an essential feature of festive decorating
Wo rd s Va ne s s a Be rrid g e

december 2014 | H&G | 69

egarded as a symbol of peace, love and fertility and a defence

against evil spirits, lightning and fre, and used as a weapon
by the Norse god Hod to unwittingly kill his brother,
mistletoes social and cultural history is not without note.
Pliny the Elder wrote that British druids used the plant in medicines
and rituals, while grains of mistletoe pollen were found in the stomach
of Lindow Man, who is believed to have lived around 2,000 years ago.
The tradition of kissing beneath its boughs was frst recorded in England
during the 16th century, and in some parts of the Three Counties of
Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, mistletoe is still
traditionally left to hang from a beam or wall for a year, to ward off the
aforementioned spirits and disasters before being renewed in December.
There are 1,000 sub-tropical species of mistletoe that grow around
the world, but Viscum album subsp. album is the only British and
northern European native species. It grows in a variety of trees, most
commonly on the branches of apple trees. It is a vital support for six rare


n Plant mistletoe seeds on the

bark of a host tree between late

January and the end of March.
n For best results, use fresh
berries. Squeeze the seeds out
of the berries, then scrape off the
gummy uid that surrounds
the seeds, keeping a little on the
bottom to stick them to the bark.
n Seeds need light to germinate;
and male and female seeds are

needed for fertilisation, so plant

fve or more seeds on each branch.
n Do not prune the host tree for
at least 18 months.
n You can harvest small
quantities of mistletoe within
four years; after ten years,
you will have a large clump.
n For more information about
growing, visit The Mistletoe
Pages at

ABOVE Viscum album subsp. album,

Britains native mistletoe; berries are

borne by the female plant, developing
their pearly white hue in November.
THIS PICTURE Mistletoe thrives in
this Worcestershire orchard, where
the rough bark of the old apple trees
is an ideal host for its seeds.

December 2014 | H&G | 71

THIS PAGE Mistletoe is synonymous

with festive decorating: woven into

wreaths, teamed with candles and
tied in bunches for table settings
and naturalistic seasonal displays.

insects and very intriguing to look at, appearing like giant baubles high
up on the bare branches of wintering trees.
However, mistletoe is also a hemiparasite dispersed by birds eating
its berries; if allowed to grow unchecked, the plant can severely
damage its host by hijacking water and mineral nutrients. Over the past
decade, large focks of eastern European blackcaps have over-wintered
in Britain rather than fying further south, and the effect of this in the
Three Counties, in particular, is that mistletoe has become rampant.
Conservation and sustainable harvesting are needed, says mistletoe
expert Jonathan Briggs, who urges fruit farmers to gather both the
white-berried female plant and the less eye-catching male to maintain
a proper balance. If you are considering growing mistletoe, you can
also help, says Jonathan, by planting the seeds in poplars, whitebeams,
hawthorns and limes as well as, of course, apple trees. l

n provides
information on all aspects of the plant,
including biology, conservation and
traditions; enthusiast Jonathan Briggs
can arrange guided walks for groups.
n Mistletoe walks are organised
occasionally through The Wildlife
Trusts,, and
at National Trust properties,
n Tenbury Mistletoe Festival,, runs events in
late November and early December
in this Worcestershire town, known
as the mistletoe capital of England.

72 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

n Apple producers Dave Kaspar and

Helen Brent-Smith of Days Cottage,
01452 813602,, sell
mistletoe from their orchards at local
Gloucestershire farmers markets.
n The English Mistletoe Company,, offers
fresh mistletoe and related products
throughout the Christmas season.
n Mistletoe and grow-your-own kits are
available from The English Mistletoe
n KissMe Mistletoe, 01584 781244,, sells mistletoe
harvested from organic apple orchards.

For the PerFect christmAs GiFt, see our subscriPtions oFFer At

PhotograPhs GAP Photos


iNspiriNg spaces
Our choice of irresistible homes and beautiful gardens

PhotograPh mark bolton

THis monTH, our houses celebrate the

beauty of a successful renovation, from bold
pattern in a neoclassical house inspired by
the theatre (page 78) and the white-on-white
serenity of an elegant Dutch home (page 89),
to rich, jewel colours in a 17th-century
cottage (page 96) and the organic charm of a
400-year-old French property (page 104).
our garden, in Scotland, joins landscape and
art in perfect harmony (page 110).

month 2014 | H&G | 77


A wall was removed to

create this impressive
space, which has bespoke
freplaces at either end
and luxurious extra-long
sofas for a unifed feel.
Procuratie e Scimmie
wallpaper 97/8025, 140
a roll, Cole & Son, 020 7376
The Clandon Bolection
freplace, 1,914, Chesneys,
020 7627 1410, chesneys. Laurel mirror in Burnt
Silver WM24, 1,488; Trevose
mirror in French Brass
WM21, 1,284; both Porta
Romana, 020 7352 0440,

78 | H&G | december 2014



Taking its cue from the great stage designer Oliver Messel, this
recently renovated neoclassical home has been theatrically
transformed with large-scale pattern and vivid colour
Wo rd s Ser ena Fo kS cha ner P hotogra P h s M a r k B o lto n

december 2014 | H&G | 79


The Pecketts added the

Italianate stone portico to
emphasise the grandeur of
the late 18th-century house,
which overlooks the
Lincolnshire Wolds.
Bespoke portico,
Haddonstone, 01604 770711, Wreath
and fowers throughout,
Vincent & Stubbs,
01507 603911,

Large antique pieces are

combined with luxurious

window dressings and

comfy seating to create a
welcoming space (above)
where guests can linger.
Chesterfeld sofa, 2,550,
Andrew Martin, 020 7225
New Shine rug in Taupe,
399, Marks & Spencer,
0333 014 8000,

Mirrored alcoves with

matching tables and lamps
bring a pleasing sense of
symmetry to this carefully
designed space.

t Christmas, Gerry Pecketts Lincolnshire home is

suffused with all the glamour of a chic Tuscan retreat.
In the lofty, Travertine-foored entrance hall, a classical
staircase is festooned with a garland of greenery. Nearby,
flames glow in pilastered stone fireplaces, casting
shadows over the surrealist Fornasetti wallpaper, candles ficker on glass
coffee tables and long, sleek sofas invite you to contemplate the view of
the rolling hills, reminiscent of a Renaissance painting.
It was this vista of the Lincolnshire Wolds that frst drew Gerry to the
Grade II-listed Georgian house. It had been a farmhouse and was in a
poor state: there was no fow between the rooms, freplaces were empty
and lots of the windows were boarded up, she says. My elder daughter,
Dominique, cried when she frst saw it. The lofty proportions, generous
complement of outbuildings and that prized view, however, convinced

Gerry that the house could be made into a comfortable family

home, albeit with serious time and effort. Over the past ffteen years,
weve opened up the rooms to take advantage of the surroundings and
emphasised the neoclassical architecture.
Gradually, too, the interior has acquired a glamour that refects the
decorating style of Gerrys other daughter. Sophie, an interior designer
with a penchant for the theatrical style of Oliver Messel, has deployed
colour, pattern and scale to capitalise on the propertys good architectural bones. This Christmas, guests will converge on the recently
transformed sitting room, which had been two rooms before the dividing
wall was removed to create a single 100-foot-long space. At either end,
bespoke Chesneys freplaces, inspired by the restored cornicing, have
been installed, their Italianate feel echoed in an amusing wallpaper from
Cole & Son. The surreal effect is picked up in two round mirrors on the
mantelpiece, eye-catchingly overlaid to provide a distorted refection of
the antique chandeliers. To link the two ends of the room, Sophie added

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

december 2014 | H&G | 81




With its exposed oak

beams, this extension was
designed to resemble a
traditional barn conversion.

This richly decorated space

is furnished with a specially
commissioned table and
joinery that echoes the
cabinetry of the kitchen
in the adjoining extension.

At Christmas this inviting

room, with bespoke
cabinetry in contrasting
woods, is where guests like
to congregate. Sophie, seen
here with her boyfriend,
Gianluca Ciaraldi, and her
mother, Gerry, chose Sloe
by Chiselwood for the pink
painted cupboards.

Interior design and ottoman,

Sophie Peckett Design, 07515
944593, sophiepeckettdesign.
com. Oak beams, Stuart
Somerscales, 01469 560704.
Alfonse foor lamp, 1,842;
shade, 281; both Porta
Romana, 020 7352 0440,

82 | H&G | december 2014

Bespoke inlaid table

and cupboard, Chiselwood,
01522 704446,

Extension, Hardy Brothers,

01673 838202,

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

december 2014 | H&G | 83


An overscale wallpaper
pattern adds decorative
interest to an otherwise
neutral scheme.
Lotus wallpaper, 105 a roll;
skirting boards in Charleston
Gray, Estate Eggshell, 51 for
2.5 litres; both Farrow & Ball,
01202 876141,

A previously bricked up
window was unblocked and
an antique freplace added
to defne the bedroom
(above) of Gerrys son.
Palm Leaves wallpaper

95/100, 67 a roll, Cole & Son,

020 8442 884, cole-and-son.
com. Blind in Soft Jardin
ExoChic FCL038/01, 120m,
Christian Lacroix at Designers
Guild, 020 7893 7400,

Bold prints and neutral

furnishings (left) continue
the classical but modern
feel of the house.
Similar bedspread, Limoges
Grey double bedspread,
119.99, Seymours of
Darlington, 01325 355272,

a pair of long, streamlined sofas, one a Christian Liaigre original picked

up at auction, the other a bespoke facsimile commissioned from
Crowther & Sons. Mirrored alcoves on either side of one freplace
enhance the glamorous feel.
Contributing to the festive allure is an attractive combination of antique,
bespoke and off-the-peg furniture. We moved in with very little
and have gradually added and designed pieces to create the classiccontemporary feel my mother and I like, says Sophie.
In the hall, a rangy Chesterfeld, positioned for convivial chats, is
complemented by the rococo-esque curves of a hand-painted armoire
and the swishy fall of tasselled curtains. Upstairs, in the main bedroom,
a sombre walnut four-poster bed was painted in Farrow & Balls
Clunch, its futed frame echoed in a neoclassical mirror opposite. The
velvet chair was a steal from Oliver Bonas, says Gerry; its soft tone

perfectly picked out in the silk quilt. In the bedroom of Gerrys son,
Henry, a zebra-print chair sits happily with the monochromatic
wallpaper and dressing table, another high street fnd.
To counterbalance the 18th-century architecture, Gerry has recently
added a large extension, which is separated from the dining room in the
original house by foor-to-ceiling cabinetry housing glassware on one
side and a fridge-freezer on the other. Incorporating a new kitchen and
a family room, and featuring a canopy of oak beams, the new space is
perfect for the large Christmas tree that the family puts up each year.
As the woodburning stove crackles in the background and festive
wafts of Jo Malones Pomegranate Noir drift through the air, the family
gathers for a glass of wine before sitting down at the table, which is
elegantly dressed with crystal and hand-painted china, for a lunch that is,
as Gerry says, long, jolly and full of good-humoured family banter. l

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

december 2014 | H&G | 85



An elegant take on
Chinoiserie reigns
in this space, complete
with a discontinued cherry
blossom wallpaper by
Cole & Son.

Once a guest bedroom,

Gerrys bathroom
features a luxurious
wetroom-style shower
and a low, sculptural,
free-standing bath.

Velvet tub chair in Clover,

445, Oliver Bonas, 020 8974

Napoli bath, 2,750,

Victoria+Albert, 01952

86 | H&G | december 2014

december 2014 | H&G | 87


Annette, Dirk and

Alisha enjoy crisp winter
mornings on the veranda,
which they added to the
house. The chandelier
has rusted since its been
outside and now looks as
if it was always like that,
says Annette.
Similar candelabra, Rustic
candelabra, 65, cox &
cox, 0844 858 0744,

Wood-clad house

All is calm

Serenity emanates from the elegantly simple interior of this Dutch home, where
candlelight, seasonal greenery and a dash of pastel pink add festive charm
Wo rd s Andr e F r ieze P h otogra P hs Lo u is L em A ir e

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 89



Warm wood foorboards

were laid throughout
to soften the starkness
of the white walls and
plain window dressings.

The steep wooden stairs

turn sharply at the top,
giving quirky character to
this simply decorated space.

Similar armchairs, Murray

wingback armchair, 429,
Made, 0345 450 6118, Made.
com. Similar coffee table,
Berkley coffee table, 259.90,
Maisons du Monde, 0808 234

90 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

Similar garland, Frosted

Glacier Swag with natural
cones, 10, Christmas Trees
& Lights, 0800 157 7265,
Similar lanterns, tin lantern
with wire cutout window,
14.50, Greige, 020 3141


The Christmas colour

theme is most defnitely
pink, with rose-tinted
baubles giving the mercury
candleholders a pink blush.
Similar tealight holders, aged
glass silver tealight holder,
1.95, Live Laugh Love, 01342
Similar tray, shiny hammered
nickel candle tray, 29, Greige,
020 3141 9030,

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 91

nnette Wijnjeterp does not dream of a white

Christmas, she dreams of an all-white
interior. Ive always decorated in this style
because it is light and serene, she explains.
The look is a combination of white and
cream, which has been inspired by magazines. I like my
home to be calm. During the festive season, Annette and
her husband Dirks early 20th-century wood-clad home,
close to Alkmaar in Holland, exudes elegant simplicity, but
is enhanced by the glitter of candlelight, the warmth of
wooden decorations, swathes of fragrant greenery and extra
helpings of pink. This one accent colour has been allowed
to creep in as the couples daughter, Alisha, has grown up.
Now ten years old, Alisha and the house in its current
incarnation were born at almost the same time. Annette
and Dirk bought the property in 2003, from Dirks mother
and aunt. Although he was born in this house and now runs
the family business his grandfather set up in it, due to Dutch
law, Dirk could not inherit the company and property: he
had to buy them. Having done so, he and Annette spent a
year renovating the interior, reinstating the walls that had
been removed from the ground foor when it was converted
into a shop, laying wooden foorboards and ftting a new
kitchen. Then, Alisha arrived.
While pink is predominant in her bedroom, it is because
of Alisha that pink also appears in the living areas. I had to
compromise on my all-white scheme for her, says Annette.
In her room I put up pink wallpaper and added pink accessories and bedlinen. When her friends come over, they ask
me Where is the colour?, Why is only the bedroom pink?
and Cant you have other colours?
Annette is a woman who knows her own mind, however,
and she has not only designed the white-on-white colour
scheme with great care, she has given the planning of the

92 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014


Natural and painted antique

furniture gives the room
texture and a sense of story.
The dining table has letters
engraved into it by a previous
owner, says Annette.
Similar elm table, from 495,
An Angel At My Table, 0845
200 0723, anangelatmytable.
com. Similar lampshades, Gold
chiffon lampshade, from 96,
Styling With Light, 01590

A carpenter made the

cabinets to fulfl Annettes
long-held desire for a
real wood kitchen.
Similar cabinets, Country
Farmhouse Ivory units, from
262 for a 600mm base unit
with two shelves, John Lewis,
0345 604 9049,

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at


The original brick walls

have been lined with
panelling to create a
traditional, slightly
homespun feel. A muchloved treasure, the wreath
on the sideboard (left) is
brought out every year and
displayed in a different place.

Similar pendant, Spun

Reector Cord Grip light in
Weathered Copper, 190.80,
Styling With Light, 01590
Similar cupboard, Chantilly
distressed sideboard, 795,
Little Tree Furniture at Not On
The High Street, 0345 259 1359,

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 93

fittings the same degree of attention. When we were

renovating the house, I did a drawing of how I wanted it to
look so that the builders understood me precisely, she
recalls. I enjoyed being hands on. Before going to work each
morning, I would talk through the plans, to achieve exactly
what I wanted. The contractors were hired to do the main
structural tasks, but Annette painted the interior herself and
Dirk installed the electricity, gas and insulation.
Looking at their home now, Annette says that for her, the
most pleasing aspect is one that many people would overlook: the window sills. I chose windows with deep sills, so
that I can sit my pots on them, she says. The sills, like the
colour scheme, set our home apart from those of our neighbours. I like homes that stand out, with quirky features such
as our staircase, which has small steps that get high very
quickly so you have to bend your head almost immediately
or youll bang it. We dont want to live in a show home that
looks like all the others. Our home has a history.
The furnishings exhibit this unique character, too. Where
possible, Annette bought vintage furniture that shows patina
and wear to ft in with the era of the property. The secondhand coffee table positioned in front of the woodburner in
the sitting room is one such item, and came from Annettes
favourite shop, Van Goeden Huize in Alkmaar. Its lovely
and cosy in this room on Christmas Day when the stove is
lit and we all open our presents, she says. Alisha and I often
go ice skating together in the winter, and on our return
we warm up by sitting on the coffee table and drinking hot
chocolate. The aged wood has marks and dents from its
previous owners. Its a table that tells stories. Now, the
table will be able to tell the story of Annette, Dirk and Alisha
in their distinctively white home. l

94 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014


The only colour in the

bedrooms comes from
the bedlinen taupe in
Annette and Dirks room,
pink in Alishas, grey for
the guest room.
Similar bed, Rebecca
bedstead, from 768, Cornish
Bed Co, 01208 813994, Similar
bedspread, Trellis throw, 190,
Christy, 0845 758 5252,

Having hankered after a

traditional built-in bed for
years, Annette fnally had a
carpenter build one for her.
Similar chair, Windsor grey
painted chair, 140 a pair,
Debenhams, 0344 800 8877,




Jewel colours are at the heart of this

newly renovated home, setting the scene
for a fresh take on festive decorating

96 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014



An exuberant pink and mauve

palette brings a contemporary
note to Christmas entertaining.
Hanging ribbons are a simple
yet effective finishing touch.

A cold and imposing stone

fireplace was replaced by a
woodburning stove, which
brings cosiness to this room
in the oldest part of the house.

Chairs in Calaggio in Peony, 65m;

curtains in Brera Largo in Pebble,
62m; both Designers Guild, 020
7893 7400,
Bespoke curtains, Sims Hilditch,

Curtain in Seraphina in Delft, 89m,

Designers Guild, 020 7893 7400, Similar fre
surround, Ascot, 954, English
Fireplaces, 01730 887207,

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 97

he freshly painted walls were still

glistening wet and the last workman to
leave had barely had time to gather his
tools before Michael and Jane Findlays
guests arrived last Christmas. Fast
forward a year and, mercifully, the only preparations
required this December will be a few festive ourishes
in the dining room and a treat or two for Monty, their
West Highland terrier, under the tree.
Situated in the picturesque surroundings of the
Somerset-Dorset border, the Findlays Grade II-listed
home stands within a garden that is bountiful, even in
winter. They have echoed its exuberance inside the
house, using abundant painterly orals in homage to
their shared passion for living life colourfully.
This beautiful 17th-century cottage with a Georgian
extension was the answer to Michael and Janes threeyear search for the sublime. The couple had previously
lived in Guildford but, with their son Barnaby on
his way to university, they craved the challenge of

98 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

a project and, ultimately, the opportunity to enjoy a

more relaxed lifestyle.
With no particular location in mind, their main
proviso for their new home was that it must provoke
an emotional response and inspire them. This immediately felt right, says Michael, sales director at
Designers Guild, recalling the morning when he saw
the house for the rst time. The place had a wonderful
heart and soul, which we knew we wanted to retain,
but we decided we could give it a sense of freshness
and a more contemporary feel.
The charm of the original rooms with deep-set
windows and low ceilings spanned by beams, and
the rather grander feel of the light-lled rooms of the
Georgian extension, become apparent as you wander
through the house. Structurally, it was in remarkably
good condition, says Michael. It was more of a
decorative proposition than anything else.
A sophisticated palette of soft greys and blues shot
through with vibrant pink and lime was devised with



This relaxing open-plan space

incorporates a dining area (left)
at one end and the kitchen (above
right) at the other. Tall Georgian
windows allow winter sunlight
to stream in, giving the vibrant
tones a jewel-like glow, while
the mix of informal ceramics
displayed on the dresser is
perfectly in tune with the
traditional style of the room.

Greenery from the Findlays

garden welcomes guests as
they pass over the threshold.
The previous owner was a
botanist, so were reaping
the benets, Michael says.

Suffolk oak dining chairs,

210 each, Neptune,
01793 427427,

Elfreda table lamp in Sage,

1,175, William Yeoward, 020
7349 7828,

the help of interior designer Emma Sims Hilditch,

reecting Michael and Janes deep afnity for colour
and texture. Having met during the 1980s through
their respective jobs at Designers Guild, the couple still
share a passion for the companys painterly watercolour style and fine linens, for which their home
is a natural showcase.
The single source approach has paid off and each room
ows calmly and effortlessly into the next. In a bid to
bring depth to the overall scheme, the couple has introduced layers of fabrics festooned with orals, checks
and circular motifs in everything from upholstery and
curtains to cushions and bedlinen.
The result, says Michael, is a relaxed and cohesive
home that reects their personalities. Pattern is very
important to us and it really comes into its own in the
Georgian part of the house, with its high ceilings, he
says. People tend to be nervous about using pattern in
small spaces, he adds, but it gives our older rooms a
sense of structure. It looks elegant and exudes warmth.

100 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

As the woodburning stove crackles with fresh kindling
in the spacious kitchen, Michael explains how versatile
the house is. There are ve bedrooms, which means
we can comfortably entertain ten people, but it never
feels too roomy when its just the two of us.
When family and friends descend this Christmas,
the centre of attention will be the glorious dining room,
with its farmhouse table and high-backed chairs
upholstered in a fuchsia cut velvet that echoes the
pink hues in the artwork above the replace. You
have to pass through this space to reach the kitchen,
but we wanted it to be more than a byway, so we
followed the advice of designer William Yeoward and
made a statement here, says Michael.
Standing back to admire the Findlays home, it is
difcult to imagine that anyone would rush through
any of the rooms without pausing to appreciate the
harmonious blend of colour and the sensitive restoration. This is a very happy house, says Michael, and,
as the door opens on another family Christmas, it
would be impossible to disagree.


The vivid hues and sumptuous

textures of velvet and wool
enhance the restful feel of this
neatly symmetrical scheme.
French Country bedside tables
PRO030, 552 each, Chelsea Textiles,
020 7584 5544,
Artwork by Jennifer Mackenzie,
The Jerram Gallery, 01935 815261,

Tongue-and-groove panelling
and a blue-check blind give
this room a crisp country look.
Chichester oak top washstand
with basin, 750, Neptune,
01793 427427,

Raspberry-coloured curtains
add a fresh, modern accent
against the neutral backdrop
of this simply styled space (left).


DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 101


Fine linen curtains pool gently on

the floor of the couples bedroom.
They frame an elegant writing
desk by the window, which offers
views of the countryside beyond.
Small bureau PRO070, 1,324,
Chelsea Textiles, 020 7584 5544, Curtains in
Viola, 89m, Designers Guild, 020
7893 7400,

102 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014


Subtle SCHeMeS

TAll orDEr
Clear, calm spaces are at the
heart of the pared-back country
look, so good storage is essential.
Grange, 020 7935 7000,,
offers this Jacob tallboy, H132x
W88xD47cm, 1,826, in a variety
of painted finishes, so you can
create an individual piece.



n Texture and fnish are key to

creating a characterful country

look. I would render the walls and
foor in concrete, and contrast
that with softly limed timber
furniture and zinc accessories.
n Use paint in creamy milk or
soft, sludgy grey tones on walls
and woodwork, and offset
with the warmth of exposed
foorboards or seagrass matting.
n Choose a single paint colour
for both woodwork and walls,
but use contrasting fnishes so
they catch the light differently.
n Try mixing old and new furniture
in a room. The rawness of salvaged
metal items and weathered timber
works beautifully teamed with
simple, crisp linen upholstery.
n Bring sofas in from the walls,
and place a console with table
lamps behind; the different
perspective and fall of light
will help bring the space alive.
n I always include linen of
varying textures, weights and
weaves in my schemes. Its
earthy properties are in keeping
with a relaxed country feel.
n Keep curtain headings soft
and unfussy. Loose curtains
backed with contrasting linen
puddling on the foor create
a wonderfully romantic feel.
n For an informal look, opt for
loose covers in white or pale linen
or denim on sofas and armchairs.
n Old baskets and galvanised
containers work just as well for
shoes and boots as for logs;
they also make an interesting
alternative to cupboards.
n A real fre is essential. Try
using reclaimed timber for
the surround and look for old,
mismatched freside accessories.
De Hasse at De Hasse no 13
Architectural Interior Design,
01892 536259; l

wARming glow
A woodburning stove in a pale finish brings an instant
feeling of comfort and an air of natural simplicity. This
traditional design is the cream enamelled Beaumont
8KW dual-fuel stove in Ivory, h70xW64xD40cm, 1,842,
from Chesneys, 020 7627 1410,


Pared-back country
echo the elegant and calm rural style of Michael and Jane Findlays home


Gingham Check in Dark

Linen 34082395, cotton,
140cm wide, 18m,
Laura Ashley, 0871 983

Suffolk Check Large in

Pink, cotton, 137cm wide,
24.50m, Ian Mankin,
020 7722 0997,

Pretty Maids in Smoke,

linen, 138cm wide, 48m,
Vanessa Arbuthnott,
01285 831437,

lIGhT moVEs
Add soft layers of light to
sitting rooms with a mix of similarly
styled table lamps. This Dumpling
design from Porta Romana,
020 7352 0440,,
comes in a choice of six coloured
glass bases and 56 lampshades.
Shown is the Olive base, 474, with
a top hat shade in Bay Silk, 80.

wEll plAcEd
This neat triple storage shelf, h38xW99xD23cm, is available in a
range of muted shades (or unpainted, if you prefer) and with peg
hooks in brass, chrome or wood. shown is the Ivory painted finish,
155, from The Dormy house, 01264 365808,

december 2014 | H&G | 103


Outdoor space was

taken from a terrace to
create a living-dining
room. It took a local
craftsman four months
to make the steel window
frames; theyre such
a wonderful feature,
says Alexandra.

french farmhouse

Furniture designer Alexandra Sliosberg has embraced

the imperfections of her 400-year-old property, decorating
simply to create a home infused with organic style
Word s Natalie WaiN P h otogra P hs a NNe - Cat her iNe S Co f fo Ni

104 | H&G | decembeR

month 2014


The warming pinks and

earthy browns of the
original stone enhance
the cosy feel of this space,
which has become the
heart of the house.
Free Flow woodburning
stove, from 2,260,
Bullerjan, 0049 5136
97750, For
similar pendant lights,
try Trainspotters, 01453


Mismatched seating
and a table made from
reclaimed timber hint at
Alexandras passion for
Similar star, amish metal
barn star, from 37, not on
The high, 0345
259 1359, notonthehigh Similar chair,
Vintage retro rattan chair,
345, alexander & Pearl,
020 8508 0411, alexander

month 2014 | H&G | 105

106 | H&G | december 2014

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at



We rarely used the attic

at the top of the stairs,
but once wed laid the
foorboards taken from
the old terrace, we
realised it was perfect as
a little television room.
says Alexandra.

The house is a work in

progress for Alexandra
and Bertrand, who plan
to open up the kitchen
next. Here, glass jars
flled with baking
ingredients show their
preference for objects
that are useful. I love
the way glass refects
light, says Alexandra.
The jars feel very
homely and make
me want to cook.

Similar pouffe, Big knit

cable pouffe, 93.99,
Worldstores, 0344 482
Similar coffee table, Pallet
coffee table, 295, Gas
& Air, 07870 821257,

Loft fush wall lamp in

brushed steel, 205, Jield
at Heals, 020 7896 7451,

I have no guidelines when

it comes to style; Im led by
how I feel and it all comes
together naturally.

he aroma of sweet biscuits laced with fragrant herbs and

spices flls the air as you step into Alexandra Sliosbergs
farmhouse at Christmas. As the Anglo-French furniture
designer piles a freshly baked batch into an earthenware
bowl, her youngest son, Basile, loops a few others with
ribbon to decorate the tree. It is diffcult to discern exactly what the
spices are or, indeed, what it is that makes this scene so enticing,
but that is the beauty of the Sliosbergs home: it transcends defnition.
Alexandras serendipitous approach to style is as instinctive as her
cooking, and the interior is a masterclass in going with the fow.
Alexandra and her husband Bertrand had two main stipulations when
they left their Chiswick town house ten years ago to fnd their dream
home in France: frstly, the house should have a rich heritage and,
secondly, it had to be a blank slate. Were a very artistic family, so a
project felt obvious, says Alexandra. Its incredibly satisfying to create
a house you love, and this would be an anchor for our three sons.
The 400-year-old farmhouse, in Ecquevilly on the outskirts of Paris,
sits in the grounds of a ruined castle and had been stripped back to
basics by the previous owners. As the Sliosbergs were keen to preserve
the old look of the interior, its imperfections were wholeheartedly
embraced. A chalky stone wall has been left untouched, suffusing
the living and dining area with a warming pink glow; elsewhere, walls
that had been hand-plastered using an ancient sponging technique
reference Alexandras passion for natural textures and soft lines.
Theres not a single wall that is straight, she says.
As you wander through the house, it is clear that Alexandra is not
governed by the confnes of any particular style. It is, she agrees, an
organic approach, informed by her inclination for authenticity. Im
obsessed by simplicity, she says. Its not really minimalistic, but I like

108 | H&G | decembeR 2014



I love the traditions

of decorating the tree,
making the cake and
singing carols. Christmas
is very much about
taking our time and
enjoying being together
as a family, says
Alexandra, as she helps
eight-year-old Basile
hang homemade

A square of dark grey

paint on the bedroom
wall creates a minimal
headboard for the simple
bed. This is a very pure
space, says Alexandra
of the clutter-free room.
I like to have only
the essential things
around me.
Grey wall in Down
Pipe, Estate Emulsion,
36 for 2.5 litres, Farrow
& Ball, 01202 876141, For
similar vintage letters,
try the Vintage Wall,

things to have a purpose and a history, which may explain why Im

drawn to furniture more than decorative objects.
A soothing palette of greys and whites (I fnd grey a very warm
colour, says Alexandra) is the perfect backdrop for a wonderfully
mismatched array of vintage and homemade furniture. This includes
a rustic coffee table made from old foorboards reclaimed from the
house, and a wooden chest of drawers with well-worn character. Both
are located in the living-dining room, where sunlight streams through
the glass wall separating this space from the courtyard. Among the few
concessions to decorative objects are collections of antique letters and
glass jars. I fnd glass so appealing, says Alexandra. Its the transparency and the refection of the light its very pure.
With the oven door closed on another batch of biscuits, Alexandra
turns her attention to decorating the table made by her father from
an old oak stable door for a pre-Christmas family soire with Bertrand
and their sons Benjamin, 14, Elliot, 11, and eight-year-old Basile.
To ward off the winter chill, the heat of a powerful woodburner is turned
up high to permeate every nook of the spacious, but cosy,
room. However, it is not just the stove that warms the Sliosbergs
home. Despite Alexandras penchant for simplicity, or perhaps
because of it, every piece of furniture has a story attached to it. We
often entertain family and friends, so its essential that our home
is a welcoming space, she says. We take satisfaction in the small
things and thats what makes it so comfortable.
In the subtlest nod to country style, jam jars flled with four, sugar
and deep brown currants glimmer in the low winter sun by the kitchen.
It may be impossible to pinpoint the spices Alexandra has used in her
biscuits but, as in her house, they are certain to be all things nice. l

month 2014 | H&G | 109

Listen to
ScottiSh Sculpture garden

the land

The wild surroundings of Nicky and Robert Wilsons Edinburgh home guided the creation
of their garden and the thought-provoking artworks positioned throughout its 100 acres

Wor ds A mA n dA PAt ton PhotograPhs AllAn P ollo k-m o r r is

110 | H&G | december 2014

the vast, swirling

geometric shapes of
charles Jenckss landform
sculpture, Cells of Life.

december 2014 | H&G | 111

upiter Artland, which Robert and Nicky Wilson have

created at Bonnington House, is not a conventional
garden, but the Wilsons are not conventional people.
Robert is from a family of serious art collectors,
while Nicky studied sculpture at both Camberwell
and Chelsea Colleges of Arts before working in Rome for a
time. At the heart of Roberts passion for the formative arts is
landscape and, in particular, the geomancy of landscape; that
is, where the spiritual and the physical meet. All in all, it was
inevitable that any garden he and Nicky created together would
be a combination of natural setting and artistic forms.
Leaving London in 2001 for Bonnington, a dishevelled
property just outside Edinburgh, with their four children and
a couple of dogs in tow, the Wilsons had plenty to occupy
themselves. However, they had been particularly excited by the
possibilities offered by the wild landscape surrounding the
house, so it was to this that they turned their attention frst.
They had plenty of ideas but applying them to the 100 acres
was quite a different matter. However, as Nicky spent time in
the grounds, walking the dogs and fnding outlets for her
childrens boundless energy, a direction for the transformation
gradually began to take shape in her mind.
Although the Wilsons wanted to display sculpture, this
was not about creating an outdoor gallery for an existing collection. From the outset the landscape came frst, and it has
dictated not only the shape of the grounds but also the very
form that the individual sculptures should take: each one was

Cells of Life comprises

eight landforms and a
connecting causeway
around four lakes.

112 | H&G | december 2014

Set within Cells of Life are

stone benches carved with
a wordplay that scans
from Live to Dead.

Marc Quinns Love Bomb

is framed by an avenue of
newly planted chestnut
against a backdrop of the
Pentland Hills.

The differentiation
between land and water
is lost in the deep snow
of a Scottish winter.

Temple of Apollo, by Ian

Hamilton Finlay, is one
of many pieces exhibited
along a woodland path.

Antony Gormleys
Firmament seems to
spring from the open
feld that it inhabits.

This duck house, set in

a pond surrounded by a
white garden, was designed
to be seen in the moonlight;
in winter, snow creates a
magical glimmering effect.

commissioned with a precise position in mind, and as a direct

response to that particular site.
As a result, the works have a strong sense of place and Nicky
believes that the three-way relationship between the site, the
artists and themselves has led to the creation of some exceptional
pieces. What delights us is work that pushes the boundaries,
she says; what makes it a success is the collaboration.
One case in point is Cells of Life, a vast landform sculpture
by Charles Jencks inspired by a cells ability to divide, a fundamental concept of life. Diametrically opposed in style to this
is Marc Quinns famboyantly colourful Love Bomb, which
sits on a purpose-made hill, framed by a specially planted
chestnut avenue. In the nearby woodland, almost hidden,
waiting to be stumbled upon, is Andy Goldsworthys Stone
Coppice, huge boulders of local basalt set in trees, symbolising
the dialogue between weakness and power.
The decision to invite the public to enjoy the landscape
was easy to make. Once wed embarked on this journey, we
realised the scale was so enormous that we couldnt not share
it, Nicky says. Both she and Robert also believe in the lifeaffrming effect that art can have on people, particularly on
the young, so they are determined that as many children as
possible should visit the grounds. Art can fnd a meaningful
place in your life, she adds, and something that you love lives
with you for a long time.
The Wilsons have just moved back into Bonnington House,
after three years of restoration work, and are now creating a
private garden for themselves. I want my back garden to be
beautiful and elegant, says Nicky. However, while I know
what I want the plants to do, I dont know which plants to
choose to achieve this. Although she had wanted to plan the
garden herself, she decided to commission landscape designer
Arabella Lennox-Boyd, who is, says Nicky, about the only
person to whom she feels she can let go of the space. It will be
fascinating to see where this collaboration leads. l

Garden Guide
Orientation 100 acres of land

surrounding Bonnington House,

which was built in 1622.
Soil type Clay.
Special features Contemporary
sculpture garden with
specially commissioned
artworks and landforms.
Visiting and contact details

Open Thursday to Sunday, May

to the end of September. For
more information, contact
Jupiter Artland, 01506 889900,

114 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

FOr the perFect chriStmaS giFt, See Our SubScriptiOnS OFFer at magazineSdirect.cOm/clb4

35 pages of inspired ideas for every room in your home




Dream spaces Our fve imaginative schemes include a

classically elegant bathroom (page 126), a chic beachside
living room (page 122) and a topiary-filled garden (page 128).
iDeas Whether you want a multipurpose space or a setting for
formal entertaining, our round-up of dining rooms will provide
inspiration (page 141). Plus, we complement the traditional
Christmas fir with alternative tree ideas (page 150).
iNTeriOrs Deep greens with accents of silver and white
form the basis of our festive decorating looks (page 131).
sHOppiNG Drinks trolleys for a perfect party (page 155).
aDVice Celia Rufey answers your design queries (page 157).
december 2014 | H&G | 117


for lIfE
DESIGNER Bob Malston,

Martin Moore & Company,

0845 180 0015,
BUDGET From 35,000.

Blending Swedish
minimalism and
classic English
style, this kitchen
doubles as a
practical family
hub and sleek
entertaining space

caN yoU DEScRIBE ThE pRojEcT? The extension

that the kitchen occupies was a long time in the making
it took two years to secure planning permission and one
more to build. The owners, Camilla and Miles Marten,
bought the Grade II-listed Georgian property as the
perfect place to bring up their three children, aged seven,
nine and ten. Its a sizeable home, set in landscaped
grounds, but the original kitchen, located in a small
room at the back of the house, wasnt exactly family
friendly. Since planning restraints vetoed any thoughts
of removing internal walls, a garden extension was the
next best solution and its actually given them a much
bigger, brighter space than they had ever imagined.
WhaT WaS ThE DESIGN BRIEF? Swedish-born Camilla
was looking for a style that was essentially English
but with a Scandinavian infuence: clean lines, fresh
fnishes and lots of light. The layout had to be extremely
practical to cope with the demands of three young
children, but it also needed to function as an elegant,
grown-up entertaining space by night.
hoW DID yoU chooSE ThE caBINETRy? Although the
extension is new, its structure is sympathetically styled
using traditional materials and glazing designs similar
to those from the Georgian era. Camilla saw several
Martin Moore & Company kitchens in magazines
and felt that the style of our cabinetry would work
well. Weve combined doors from our New Classic and
English ranges, which are both simply elegant. To create
a free-standing feel, we used three tonally similar paint
shades: Farrow & Balls Pointing on the main cabinets
and Old White on the butler cupboard, and Paint
Librarys Tarlatan on the island unit.
WhERE DID yoU STaRT? Right from the beginning, the

Aga was to be the centrepiece. Weve framed it in a

Classic open chimney surround, something of a Martin
Moore hallmark feature, which acts as an architectural
focus without competing with the impressive roof
lantern that bisects the ceiling. At the back of the

118 | H&G | december 2014

december 2014 | H&G | 119


chimney, a stone-topped shelf provides space for fresh

herb pots and cooking essentials such as oils, vinegars
and utensils. Camilla also requested a rail for hanging
colanders, strainers and small pans.

kitchen has four low-slung sash windows, plus a glazed

door to the garden, so planning the layout wasnt as
clear-cut as you might expect in a new building.
However, a straightforward space can lack character
and its undoubtedly the views of the garden and
abundance of light that make this kitchen so special.
We planned the sight lines of the room to work with the
views, to create a lovely setting in which to cook.
The simple L-shape layout with an island provides a
tight, ergonomically effcient heart, with storage and
appliances logically placed to minimise travel. We did
have to locate food storage in the dining area but by
housing it all in one large butler unit, with bi-fold doors,
only one trip is needed to gather ingredients.

This kitchen looks simple

and uncluttered, yet every
element works hard.


Georgian-style windows, with their low sills, were a

natural location for deep window seats and Camilla
loved the idea of incorporating a relaxing spot for quick
coffee breaks or a place where the children can sit and
chat while she cooks. We built drawers underneath for
added storage and there was enough space between
the seats to include a glazed-front dresser that displays
china and glassware. A fnal feature on that wall is a
small offce space in the corner, with a fling drawer
and family noticeboard above.

looks simple and uncluttered, yet every element works

hard. Take the island unit: it hosts two good-sized sinks,
a dishwasher and waste bin on one side, and a wine
cooler, bookshelves and storage on the other. The
overhang at one end comfortably seats two and there
is more than ample countertop. Its incredibly busy
behind closed doors, but on the face of it all is calm
and collected, which is how all kitchens should be. l

120 | H&G | december 2014

ABOVE This versatile cupboard incorporates electrical sockets, so appliances can be left

plugged in ready for use when needed and neatly hidden behind bi-fold doors when not.
BELOW LEFT A large butler cupboard is conveniently located by the entrance to the kitchen,
making it easy to pack away food shopping. BELOW RIGHT Antiqued mirrored glass panels

create a striking backdrop to the classic Aga and offer a softer refection than standard
mirror. OPPOSITE PAGE The double under-mounted sinks are well equipped with mixer
taps, a spray hose and a separate boiling water tap. The oversized light shades, from an
architectural salvage fair, help to defne the island zone and add a note of industrial style.

feature Linda CLayton PhotograPhs darren Chung

to have one of our appliance cupboards. No question.

In essence, its simply a four-door bi-fold cabinet that
sits on top of the worktop and is typically used to store
small appliances, such as a kettle, toaster, mixer and
coffee machine. The beauty of this cabinet is the fact
that everything can be easily accessible yet also hidden.

New Classic and English
cabinetry, from 35,000;
black slate worktop,
from 500sq m; quartzite
composite worktop,
from 640sq m; antiqued
mirror splashback, from
395sq m; all Martin Moore
& Company, 0845 180 0015, Aged
Muscat stone fooring,
from 57.60sq m, Martin
Moore Stone, 01372
478955, martinmoorestone.
com. Walls in Clunch;

For the perFeCt Christmas giFt, see our subsCriptions oFFer at magazinesdireCt.Com/CLb4

cabinets in Pointing; butler

cupboard in Old White;
all from 36 for 2.5 litres,
Farrow & Ball, 01202
Island in Tarlatan, from
36 for 2.5 litres, Paint
Libary, 020 7823 7755, Aga,
from 4,995 for three-oven
model, Aga, 0845 712 5207, KM6352
induction hob, 1,800,
Miele, 0330 160 6600, PKX 11045

sinks, 619 pair, Franke,

0161 436 6280,
Oberon taps, 435, Perrin
& Rowe, 01708 526361,
Design Pro3-VAQ hot
water tap, 849, Quooker,
0808 102 0673, quooker. Tolix Tabouret H75
bar stools, 320.70 each,
Espacio, 0800 970 4917, Anders
light (above table), 1,125,
Pinch, 020 7622 5075,

december 2014 | H&G | 121

h&G DeSIGn dream living room

designer Philippa Thorp,

Thorp Design, 020 7235


a soothing blend
of subtle silver, aqua
and lilac tones brings
effortess chic to
this beachside home
in the Hamptons

Can you desCribe the room? This is the living room of a

beach house in the Hamptons, USA, designed for American

clients whose London home we have also worked on. The whole
house is very open-plan, so the family can be in different rooms
while still feeling connected to one another. Here, you can see
the doorways that lead to the kitchen and entrance hall.
What Was the starting point for this sCheme? We found
a lovely patterned Vanderhurd fabric featuring beautiful lilac
and aqua tones that we used for the sofa cushions, then we
sourced more pretty fabrics in similar hues to build the scheme.
The soothing sea-foam palette chosen for the curtains and rug
echoes the seaside location of the house and, to keep everything
light and fresh, we battened white fabric to the walls.
hoW did you plan the layout? As this is a family holiday home,

we incorporated a generous L-shaped sofa thats big enough to

seat plenty of people. It is angled towards the freplace and the
television, which is housed in a wall of joinery. We used two coffee
tables to create lots of surface space without too much bulk, and
positioned a long, narrow table behind the sofa so that when you
enter from the hall, there is something attractive to look at, rather
than the back of the seating. A pair of beautiful overscaled wing
chairs either side of the freplace add grandeur.
desCribe the use of texture and sCale. Texture comes

from the self-coloured geometric pattern on the silk rug that

we designed it also helps to add an element of masculinity and
modernity to the scheme. We included many contrasting materials
in order to add interest, such as honed stone on the coffee table
tops, shagreen on the small round side tables and shiny mercury
on the table lamps. The coffered ceiling gives a structured feel,
and we made the room openings as tall and wide as possible to
increase the sense of space and volume.

Functionality was imperative to the design a series of French

doors runs the length of the room, leading out onto the swimming
pool area so that the interior and exterior feel unifed, and there is
practical storage concealed in the joinery along the inside wall. The
open-plan layout allows for easy circulation, and there is plenty of
comfortable, elegant seating to accommodate large family
gatherings. Its the perfect room to relax in. l
Find all the latest shopping buys For your
living room at

122 | H&G | december 2014

feature emma j page

hoW does the finished room marry form and funCtion?

Bespoke sofa, from 6,600; coffee
tables, from 2,800 each; small round
side tables, from 3,450 each; all Thorp,
020 7235 7808, Bespoke
table lamps; Small Blanchett chairs,
5,970 plus 5m of fabric each; all
Charles Saunders, 020 7351 5242, Chairs in Burma in
Parma, 182m; curtains in Smokebush,
212m; both Tissus dHlne, 020 7352
9977, Walls in Serge
Antique fabric, 108m, Claremont, 020
7581 9575,
Cushions on sofa in Medallion, 176m;
bespoke rug, 19,400; both Vanderhurd,
020 7313 5400,

the aim was to create a living room

that has an elegant and timeless
feel with a sense of calm. Its the
ideal place to take time out.

december 2014 | H&G | 123

H&G DesiGN dream dining room

Designer Max Rollitt,

Max Rollitt Design,

01962 738800,

the rich solidity of

timber combined
with a judicious shot
of colour lends
this 18th-century
dining room an air of
traditional elegance

What Was your inspiration for this scheme? This is my

ideal dining room; its in London, in the Spitalfelds home of the
decorative artist and designer Marianna Kennedy. The proportions
and period of the room were my inspiration. Dating from the
mid-18th century, it has bold cornicing and a strong dado rail and
skirting. The walls were already painted a soft stone colour and
the doors and skirting in a dark brown to mimic rich mahogany.
Describe your choice of Dining table anD tableWare.

With the scene already set, my job was to paint the picture, with
a classic 18th-century still life as my vision. The table is one of my
own designs. Created with comfort and practicality in mind, it can
extend from a simple round to a long oval. The top is made from
solid sycamore that is bleached and then scrubbed. The base is
painted; the red of the table legs and the fabric on the occasional
chairs against the wall injects a punch of colour to an otherwise
restrained palette. The table is covered with antique glass and
ceramics, which add grandeur but also soften the scheme.
hoW Does the furniture complement the room? I had a
wonderful Dutch press cupboard dating from about 1770, which I
knew would work well here. It has a beautiful form and though its
a little over-scaled, its bowed cornice and bombe base add instant
elegance. The dining chairs, seen against the wall, were inspired by
an original Regency chair of mine. Their simple form, coupled with
a red horsehair fabric made by John Boyd, references the period
of the room while adding a contemporary update. Variety comes
from the blending of old and new. The larger chairs at each end of
the table are different; one is an antique, dating from around 1780,
and still has its original black paint, and the other is new, in its raw
state. These contrast with the table to avoid the look of a standard
set. Using different fnishes in this way creates texture and depth.

Ive tried to complement the boldness of the architecture while

adding softening touches. The antique press is as functional as it is
beautiful, providing ample storage for glassware, ceramics, cutlery
and linen, while the table, being extendable, is practical. Aesthetic
elements, such as the pair of late 18th-century Danish pier mirrors
with their gilt and silvering, add a classical touch. l
Find all the latest shopping buys For your
dining room at

124 | H&G | december 2014

feature emma j page

hoW Do you blenD style anD function in this scheme?

Dutch linen press, circa 1770, 14,000;
Danish pier antique mirrors, circa
1790, 6,000 a pair; Sycamore top
extendable dining table, 7,780; bar
backed dining chairs (against wall),
2,650 each; antique marble obelisks,
1,950 a pair; Windsor armchair,
2,900; all Max Rollitt, 01962 738800, Bar backed dining chairs
in Criollo Horsehair in Red CR/230/15,
from 120m, John Boyd Textiles, 01963

The period details of this

dining room inspired a simple
scheme where beautiful
objects of great design could
really shine.

december 2014 | H&G | 125


desiGner Sophie

Rogerson, RFR, 020 7349

budGet Around 20,000.

Individual touches, such as

bespoke foral-patterned
tiles, out-sized fttings
and a tealight chandelier,
add personality and
charm to this classically
elegant bathroom


Humber bath with overfow hole and

painted fnish, 4,980; Classic bath
mixer taps with Skye heads, 1,500;
Double Lowther vanity unit, 6,540;
Classic basin taps with Skye heads,
1,170; Eden WC suite, 1,776;
all Drummonds, 020 7376 4499, Plain cement
tiles, 75sq m; Rosiers patterned
cement tiles, 96sq m; both Emery
& Cie, 020 8969 0222,
Walls in Skimming Stone, Estate
Emulsion, 36 for 2.5 litres, Farrow
& Ball, 01202 876141,
Marco mitred wall mirrors, 225 each,
Oka, 0844 815 7380,
Effes Jupiter hanging tealight
chandelier, 54.99, Black Country
Metalworks, 0800 975 5717,

can you describe the property? We actually found this home as

part of our property search service its a semi-detached Victorian
town house overlooking Wandsworth Common in London. The owners
are a couple with fve young children and, as wed built up a good
working relationship, they asked us to design the interior, too.
Where is this bathrooM in the house? Originally, the frst foor
had two large bedrooms, but we turned the rear one into this bathroom,
with a dressing area linking it to the main bedroom at the front. Big,
solid pocket doors between the dressing area and bedroom allow the
entire frst foor to be opened up, so the space really fows.
What Was your Main brieF? The owner is very tall and requested

the largest walk-in shower possible. He liked Drummonds oversized

sanitaryware, and also picked out the double marble vanity unit. The
couple wanted a haven from their busy lives, so the challenge was to
get everything to ft in while maintaining the serenity of the space.
hoW did you estabLish the coLour paLette? Strong shades
have been used elsewhere in the house, but the bathroom and
bedroom required a calmer, more muted feel. We used Farrow & Balls
Elephants Breath on the bedroom furniture and took it one degree
lighter in the bathroom by painting the walls in Skimming Stone.
The exterior of the bath is painted in Farrow & Balls Dove Tale.

Whats the story behind the LiGhtinG? The owners originally

fell in love with a stunning chandelier, but it cost nearly 4,000, which
they just couldnt justify, and there are also strict building regulations
regarding bathroom lighting. The solution, an iron tealight holder,
was inexpensive and looks great. The electric lighting is on dimmers,
with discreet ceiling spotlights and bronze wall lights.
What MaKes this bathrooM so speciaL? We didnt lose sight
of the rooms architectural character. The tall skirting boards were
matched to others in the house and the sash windows were minimally
treated with half-height shutters. The room features strong key
pieces, but overall the feel is very serene. l

126 | H&G | december 2014

FEATURE Linda CLayton PhoTogRAPhs matt CLayton

can you teLL us about the tiLes in the shoWer? On a visit

to Retrouvius we looked at Emery & Cies amazing cement tiles and
had the design created to order. Theres one tile on the back wall
with a little frog on it, which is a cute touch.

For the perFeCt Christmas giFt, see our subsCriptions oFFer at magazinesdireCt.Com/CLb4

the room features

strong key pieces,
such as the marble
vanity unit and
decorative tiling,
but overall the feel
is very serene.

Find all the latest shopping buys For your

bathrooM at

december 2014 | H&G | 127


Box and yew plants carved into wonderful
shapes create a fairytale landscape in this
garden deep in the Kentish countryside
designer profile Artist and designer Charlotte

Molesworth began work in the dyeing and distressing

department of the Royal Opera House, then went
on to teach art and design before taking up garden
design. She now focuses primarily on painting and
on tending her garden.

how did you become interested in topiary? My mother was

my inspiration, as shed always created topiaries in our family garden,
so when we bought this property, I decided to make some of my own.
When we got married, my husband, Donald, and I asked for unwanted
yew seedlings and young box plants as wedding presents. We took
thousands of cuttings from these, which I grew on and used to make
the topiaries that are in my garden now.
what was the garden like when you moved in? The property

had belonged to the estate of the famous plant hunter Collingwood

Cherry Ingram, who lived in the large house next door. This was the
gardeners cottage and, when we moved here 33 years ago, it had an
overgrown kitchen garden and an old orchard.
how did you develop the design? Initially, I planted out the box
and yew cuttings in rows until they were big enough to transplant and
eventually shape. I then devised a rough garden plan, with a long path
through the centre and topiaries on either side. The path leads to a
lawn with herbaceous borders and a traditional cutting garden.
which site and soil conditions suit the plants? The soil here
is good-quality loam over clay, but yew and box, which Ive used for the
majority of my sculptures, grow happily in most soils, as long as they
never become waterlogged. Our garden is sheltered from cold winds
to the north and to the east by tall hedges and a ninety-six-year-old
Monterey pine that was planted by Cherry Ingram.
where is the rustic garden furniture from? The chairs were

part payment for wedding fower arrangements, and I made the

table from salvaged slate, old oak gateposts and tree trunks.
what tips can you give novice topiarists? Firstly, buy some
good-quality tools, including really sharp shears. You could practise
on a small, ready-made box cone or cylinder, making a lollipop by
removing the lower stems, or try an abstract form from an unshaped
plant. Clip a little at a time and keep standing back to take stock of your
work. Dont worry about bald sections or holes; new growth will soon
fll the gaps, or you could tease out a few stems to plug the spaces.
how do you keep topiary healthy? Yew and box grow well in

the ground if spaced out so they receive plenty of light and air; this also
helps to prevent fungal disease such as box blight. Plants in beds

128 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

wont need fertilising, but topiaries in containers will thrive if repotted

every year or two. Take the plant out of its pot, cut two or three inches
off the bottom of its root ball, and replant in fresh compost.
when and how often do you trim topiary? Birds nest in our
large topiaries, so I dont start trimming them until late July, after
the chicks have fown. However, you can cut smaller plants from
late May. Most topiary needs just one trim a year.
apart from yew and box, which plants can be used? Holly and
bay make beautiful topiary, but quick-growing plants are less suitable
as they need shaping more often. Youll fnd more advice on the website
of the The European Boxwood and Topiary Society, l

key plants

1| Hoheria lyallii.
2| Buxus sempervirens (box).
3| Taxus baccata (yew).
4| Euphorbia.
5| Lavandula (lavender).
6| Yucca (dwarf form).
7| Elaeagnus Quicksilver.
8| Anemanthele lessoniana.

where to buy
Burncoose Nurseries,
01209 860316,
Greenhills Nursery,
020 8144 9907,
King & Co,
01376 340469,
Topiary plants,
01952 913120,
0345 474 1041,
Precision tools from Japan,
plus topiary workshops.

lanDsCapInG anD



The patio surface is gravel. The

table top is salvaged slate
and the chairs are antique.

I devised a rough
garden plan,
with a long path
through the centre
and topiaries on
either side.






where to buy
Stone Warehouse,
01629 636212,
Burgess Reclamation,
01869 346347,
Holloways Garden Antiques,
01886 884665,
020 7394 8061,
Architectural salvage.


COntaCt DetaIls


Charlotte Molesworths
garden, near Cranbrook,
Kent, is open by appointment
to groups of ten or more.
Call 01580 240887 or visit


DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 129


Ivy adorned with silver

baubles and ceramic
stars offers a different
take on a classic wreath.
FABRIC Curtain in Timba

Organic in Larch, cotton,

137cm wide, 35m, Malabar.
PAINT Door in Slate Grey,
Gloss, 75.68 for 5 litres,
Ecos Organic Paints.
wreath, diam40cm, 30,
John Lewis. Vintage silver
baubles, 19.95 set of six,
The Original Pop Up Shop.
Ceramic star decorations,
W7cm, 3 each, Tom Butcher
Ceramics. Nickel 3D
snowfake decorations,
7.50 set of four, Retreat.
Silver ribbon, 5 a roll,

A festive home

Take inspiration from winters soft palette of deep greens, natural textures
and accents of silver and white to conjure up the spirit of Christmas
Styling Marisa Daly PhotograPhS Paul raesiDe

december 2014 | H&G | 131


Several shades of green bring a rich

intensity to this soothing scheme.
Generous fashes of silver act as
sparkling highlights, while the soft glow
of candles softens the overall effect.
FURNITURE Febo armchairs in Velvet Lusso, H77x
W64xD75cm, 2,029 each, B&B Italia at Harrods.
Mail bronze side table (between chairs), H59x
diam44cm, 1,695, William Yeoward. Pompidou
metal and glass coffee table, H45xW120xD80cm,
395, Oka. Deep dream sofa in Anthracite cotton,
H75xW220xD100cm, 2,250, Graham and Green.
Velo low table, H42xdiam41cm, 1,400, Soane Britain.
FABRICS Blinds in Misa Moir Plain in Grey, linen
mix, 140cm wide, 89.50m, Marvic Textiles.
Lampshade in Wood in Leaf, cotton mix, 126cm
wide, 117m, Brunschwig & Fils at GP&J Baker.
Cushions on sofa in (from far left) Scott 10589/778,
wool, 137cm wide, 105m, Zimmer+Rohde; Montana
MLF2230/12, cotton mix, 140cm wide, 66m; Kediri
Silk F5750/23, cotton mix, 139cm wide, 86m; both
Osborne & Little; Cassia in Apple, cotton mix, 140cm
wide, 58m, Designers Guild; 31440/3, cotton mix,
137cm wide, 99m, Kravet at GP&J Baker.
PAINT Walls in Grodan H11, matt emulsion, 34.50
for 2.5 litres, Eic. Woodwork in Warm White, Interior
Eggshell, 41.50 for 2.5 litres, Marston & Langinger.
FLOORING Similar fooring, Oak Baked Pre-oiled
Ebony, from 82.50sq m, The Natural Wood
Floor Company.
ACCESSORIES Elca cushions (on chairs) in Pearl on
Linen, 40cm sq, 65 each, Tori Murphy. Cunningham
candle holder (on side table), H10xdiam15cm,
22.50; Swirl silver glass baubles, 3 each; Amla
silver votives, 4.90 each; Forest faceted votives,
H7.5cm, 3.50 each; Dusk votive, H10cm, 7.50;
Bezio Piccolo mirror, diam91cm, 695; Lexington
square mirror tray, 28cm sq, 62; all India Jane.
Faux Silver Spruce tree, 7ft, 250, John Lewis.
Snowfake tree topper, H19cm, 10; glass mirror
trees, H11-14.5cm, 29.99 set of three; Miners
style tealight holder (on mantel), H13.5cm, 7.99;
all Retreat. Green balloon baubles, H15cm, 17.50
each; Green jelly mould baubles, H10cm, 15 each;
all The Conran Shop. Ceramic feather decorations,
L14cm, 17.50 set of four, V&A Shop. White lace
decorative baubles, 11.95 each; green glitter
baubles, 12 each; all Harrods. Vintage silver
baubles, 19.95 set of six; printed paper baubles,
3.95 each; all The Original Pop Up Shop. Mini
chandelier decorations, 4.50 each; snowfake
decorations, 3 each; all Re. Glass baubles with
feather, 3 each, John Lewis. Forty warm white LED
indoor fairy lights, L300cm, 8.99, Lights4Fun.
Wrapping paper, from 2.50 a sheet; silver
present boxes, from 2.50 each; all Paperchase.
Green ribbon, from 2.60m, V V Rouleaux. Tuileries
topiary tree single ball decoration (on mantel),
H15cm, 19.50; Tuileries topiary tree pyramid
decoration, H20cm, 25; Tuileries topiary tree
three balls decoration (on table), H25cm, 28;
Palio silver striped espresso cups and saucers,
42 set of four; all Oka. Fornasetti Silenzio scented
candle, H15xdiam11cm, 99; Iittala Kastehelmi
votives in Green, H6cm, 10.50 each; all Amara.
Palm tree candlesticks, H31cm, 34.95 each, Rigby
& Mac. Truro Twig foor lamp, H142cm, 1,710; 18in
Pembroke lampshade, 56.40; both Vaughan. Big
stainless steel lantern, H100xW22x D22cm, 145;
extra large, square stainless-steel lantern,
H69xW32xD32cm, 145; aged green zinc planters,
H15xdiam13cm, 12.95 each; all Nordic House.
Green journals, 20 each, Anthropologie. Mirror
glass trees, tallest 22cm, 29.99 set of three, Retreat.
Bernardaud Divine coffee pot, 528; Bernardaud
Divine coffee cup and saucer, 138; both Thomas
Goode. Similar silver plant pot, Hasselnot plant pot,
H21cm, 20, Ikea. Silver sequin cushion (on sofa),
29.50, Marks & Spencer. Provence rug in Emerald,
240x170cm, 1,600, Stepevi.

132 | H&G | december 2014

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

december 2014 | H&G | 133


For a natural-style centrepiece with

a homespun quality, arrange moss,
pine cones and snowfake decorations
around a cluster of fickering candles.
FURNITURE Bodiam side chair in Greyed Oak,

H95xW55xD58.5cm, 595, William Yeoward.

ACCESSORIES William Yeoward Crystal American

Bar Lillian jug, 45; Cutipol Goa cutlery, 176

24-piece set; all Amara. Silver faceted salt and
pepper set, 69; vintage dyed linen napkin in
Moss, 18; both The Conran Shop. Chilewich
metallic lattice silver placemats, 48x36cm, 29.95
each, Harrods. Stag and Spot cracker, 41.25 set
of six, Thornback & Peel. Classical plate with linen
stripe in Forest Green, diam21cm, 17, John Julian
Design. White Lace fat plate, diam27cm, 25.95,
Villeroy & Boch. Bitossi tumbler in Olive, 7, Heals.
Lambourne wine glass, H19cm, 5.75, India Jane.
Christmas cake stand and dome (stand used
for centrepiece), H24xdiam35cm, 59, Marks &
Spencer. Snowfake confetti decorations, 7.50 set
of 24; nickel 3D snowfake decorations, 7.50 set
of four; all Retreat. Alphabet votive candles, H6cm,
6 each, Oliver Bonas. Castellet tablecloth in Dove
Grey, 160x325cm, 135, The Linen Works.

A pure green and white palette lends itself to seasonal embellishment for Christmas Day, but also looks
fresh and inviting throughout the year. Branches of ivy are a lovely way to divide place settings and can
also be used to edge shelves, while snowflakes tied to the back of each chair are a pretty touch.
FURNITURE Bodiam side chairs in Greyed Oak,

H95xW55xD58.5cm, 595 each, William Yeoward.

Beauville rectangular dining table, H79xW179x
D99cm, 995, India Jane.
FABRIC Blind in Aylsham L228, cotton,
134cm wide, 96m, Fermoie.
PAINT Walls in Portland, Chalky Interior Matt,
41.50 for 2.5 litres; woodwork in Warm White,
Interior Eggshell, 41.50 for 2.5 litres; both
Marston & Langinger.
FLOORING Similar fooring, Oak Baked Ebony preoiled, 82.50sq m, The Natural Wood Floor Company.
ACCESSORIES Faux box wreath, diam55cm, 99;
Pea Shoot plates (on shelves), diam26cm, 12
each; all Oka. Glass bead rusty fower clips (on
wreath), 4.50 each; snowfake decorations, 3

134 | H&G | december 2014

each; vintage glass cake stands (on shelves),

from 16 each; small vintage glass pedestal
jugs, 12.50 each; all Re. Green glass bauble
decorations (on shelves), 28 each, The
Conran Shop. Cirro jug (top left-hand shelf),
H22xdiam15cm, 41, LSA at Amara. William
Yeoward Crystal Country wine jug (bottom
right-hand shelf), H34cm, 85; William Yeoward
Crystal American Bar Dakota Spiral jug (second
bottom right-hand shelf), H20cm, 80; both Amara.
Clear jugs with white rim, H28cm, 48 each,
Anthropologie. Bud vase in Olive, H14cm, 14.50;
Umberto vases in Pine, H15-24cm, from 60 each;
all LSA International. Nordic white futed bowls,
H16xdiam16cm, 15.50 each; Nordic white pitchers,
H24cm, 18 each; both Nordic House. Pols Potten

green jug (top right-hand shelf), H22xW17cm,

30; Bitossi tumblers in Olive (on table), 7 each;
both Heals. Lambourne wine glasses, H19cm,
5.75 each; Gunther silver oval trays (on shelves),
20x25cm, 18.50 each; Savoy Leaf open dishes,
diam19cm, 11.50 each; Savoy Leaf platters,
small, 26x37cm, 25; large, 33x44cm, 45;
all India Jane. Classical plates with linen stripe
in Forest Green, diam21cm, 17 each, John Julian
Design. Stag and Spot crackers, 41.25 set
of six, Thornback & Peel. Lum suspension lights
in Polished Nickel, diam24cm, 998.40 each,
Kaia. Star Viscose Visky rug in Pebble Grey,
240x170cm, 1,500, Stepevi. Silver present
boxes, from 2 each, Paperchase. Green ribbon,
from 2.60m, V V Rouleaux.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

december 2014 | H&G | 135

136 | H&G | december 2014

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at


A busy wallpaper design is most successful in a room with grand

proportions and a simple colour palette, such as green and white.
Echoing these hues in your gift wrapping creates a cohesive look.
FURNITURE Embossed white metal
chest of drawers, H86xW107xd50cm,
750, Graham and Green.
WALLS Florencecourt wallpaper
100/1002, 90 a roll, Cole & Son.
Woodwork in Warm White, Interior
eggshell, 41.50 for 2.5 litres,
Marston & Langinger.
FLOORING Similar fooring, Oak
baked Pre-oiled ebony, 82.50sq m,
The Natural Wood Floor Company.
ACCESSORIES Faux Silver Spruce tree,
7ft, 250, John Lewis. Vintage dolly tub
(used as tree planter), H50xdiam47cm,
125, The Balcony Gardener. Antique
mirror teardrop baubles, 13.95
set of four; hand-printed Santa
sack, 35; Christmas mix gift
tags, 4.75 set of six; Star tin
can candle holder, 6.95; all
The Original Pop Up Shop.
Pewter Jingle Bell Star
decoration (on banister),
diam22cm, 14.99, Lakeland.

Wrapping paper, 2.50 a sheet,

Paperchase. Green ribbon, from 2.50 a
roll, V V Rouleaux and Paperchase. Taporo
green Alta beaded glass candle, H18cm,
Amara. Miners-style white tealight
holder, H13.5cm, 7.99, Retreat. Glass
fagon vase, H44xdiam30cm, 45, Nordic
House. Ivory wool snowfake decoration,
diam15cm, 3, Re. Serax green patterned
tealight holders, 4 each, Heals. Opal
futed grey glass votive, H7cm, 3.90,
India Jane. Glass dome house, H25cm,
45, Marks & Spencer. Silver and white
bauble, 6.50, India Jane. Guaxs green
glass vase, H14xdiam16cm, 110, Poliform.
Snowfake confetti decorations (on
branches), 7.50 set of 24, Retreat. Small
ceramic star decorations, diam7cm, 3
each, Tom Butcher Ceramics. Sudbury
stair runner in Light Grey, wool, 60cm
wide, 150m; plain iron rods, 73cm wide,
29 each including brackets; all Roger
Oates. New Shine rug in Silver, 170x120cm,
209, Marks & Spencer.

december 2014 | H&G | 137


Layers of soft texture in the form of

generously padded eiderdowns, mohair
blankets and upholstered headboards
always look cosy and welcoming. A
pine cone motif wallpaper introduces
a wintry forest feel.
FURNITURE Rectangular square shallow buttoned

headboards, H67xW91cm, 190 plus 1.5m of

fabric each, The Dormy House. Hamarvik 3ft single
mattresses, 80 each; Engerdal 3ft single
mattress bases, 120 each; Sultan stainless-steel
legs, 10 set of four; all Ikea. Portman rectangular
tagre table in Nickel Black Faux Shagreen,
H58.5xW51xD30cm, 828, Vaughan.
FABRICS Curtains and blind in Citra 2065/13, linen,
145cm wide, 66m, Jim Thompson at Fox Linton.
Headboards in Scott 10589/997, wool, 137cm wide,
105m, Zimmer+Rohde. Eiderdowns in Seafern in
New Mown Green, linen, 139cm wide, 167.60m, The
Nicky Haslam Collection; green cushions in Chester
Wool in Spruce, wool mix, 137cm wide, 219.20m,
Schumacher; both at Turnell & Gigon. Plain stocking
in Renishaw in Cypress, viscose mix, 140cm wide,
85m, Marvic Textiles. Plain stocking cuff in
Varese in Zinc, cotton, 140cm wide, 65m, Designers
Guild. Striped stocking in Poulton Stripe, cotton,
134cm wide, 96m, Fermoie. Striped stocking
cuff in Carron in Calico, cotton mix, 140cm wide,
64m, Sanderson.
WALLS Sequoia Wellington wallpaper in Charcoal
K3SW01, 57.50 a roll, Kuboaa. Architrave in
Paper White, Chalky Interior Matt; Woodwork in
Paper White, Interior Eggshell; both 41.50 for
2.5 litres, Marston & Langinger.
FLOORING Perendale carpet in Mole, wool,
108sq m, Flock.
ACCESSORIES Small decorative storage suitcase,
H14xW44.5xD28.5cm, 40; large decorative
storage suitcase, H22.5xW60xD42cm, 75; both
Oliver Bonas. Matt black 2m long curtain pole
pack with button fnials, diam1.6cm, 86.10, Jim
Lawrence. Light grey mohair throws, 200x150cm,
69 each; Dogtooth single duvet covers in Grey,
40 each; Dogtooth single ftted sheets in Grey,
26 each; Medallion embroidered standard Oxford
pillowcases, 35 each; all Cologne & Cotton. City
framed sateen pillowcases, 50x75cm, 59 each,
Lexington. Single bed valances in Natural Linen,
H38xL200xW92cm, 195 each, Oka. Tom wall
light in Antiqued Brass with cream shade,
H19xdiam22cm, 258, Hector Finch. Christiane
Perrochon green ceramic cup, H7cm, 67.50;
green glass tumbler, H8cm, 10; green glass
carafe, H25cm, 49; all The Conran Shop.
Snowfake confetti decorations (on tree), 7.50 set
of 24; white snowfake votive, H10.5cm, 12.99
pair; both Retreat. Wrapping paper, from 2.50
sheet; driftwood tree, H35cm, 20; all Paperchase.
Ribbon, from 2.50m, V V Rouleaux. Scandi chic
gift tags, 3 set of six; Christmas mix gift tags,
4.75 set of six; all The Original Pop Up Shop. l



138 | H&G | december 2014

december 2014 | H&G | 139

H&g dEsign IDEAS

State of the art

A prominent artwork
can set the tone of your
dining room, as in this
Chicago apartment by
Kinari, 020 7937 3325, Dark
walls and foors provide
a rich, cosseting base
and keep the focus on
the painting, while
bespoke chairs in tan,
from Van Rossum, 0031
487 53 12 88, vanrossum, add a
warmer note. e

dining rooms

Whether you want to decorate a space for formal entertaining

or create a distinct zone within an open-plan layout, our elegant
solutions and expert advice will inspire you
DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 141


ExpErt viEw
setting a
stylish table

display manager,
Thomas Goode,
020 7499 2823,

Singing the blueS Working

with one strong colour, such as inky
blue, will create a striking dining
space, while texture and pattern
can help to soften the effect. Shown
here are Montpelier dining chairs,
556 plus 1.5m of fabric each,
Dining Chair Company, 020 7259
0422,; covered in
Roncioni fabric in Indigo, 100m,
and curtains in Aksu in Cobalt,
47m, both Designers Guild, 020
7351 5775,
twiSt on tradition
Consider pairing a toile motif fabric
with a bold paint shade, such as this
Wanting Green from Sanderson,
for a design-led feel. The colours in
this scheme have been picked out
of the fabric, Royal Oak in Spring,
76.80m, from Lewis & Wood,
01453 878517,

142 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

n If space is limited, lay the table in

the traditional manner, then remove
any excess elements afterwards. Its
best to avoid putting serving platters
on the table. Instead, make use of
a sideboard or console to plate up.
Should crowding still prove a problem,
omit the side plates.
n When choosing a centrepiece,
pick something thats either lower
than or well above the eyeline, as
visual communication is essential at
dinner parties. Almost anything can
work, from foral arrangements to
existing ornaments, but ensure
theres a common theme, such as
animals or birds. Keep the focus on
the table with candlesticks and votives
and low-level background lighting.
n At Christmas its acceptable to
be more adventurous with table
decorations and, for 2014, the look is
multicoloured and kitsch. If you choose
not to buy seasonal china, linens with a
festive motif are a good investment and
will last for years. Think about crackers,
placemats and table confetti to enchant
adults and children alike.
n If you want to mix and match your
tableware, key items such as linen and
charger plates should remain constant
as you experiment with the colour,
shape and pattern of the china. The
current trend is for an eclectic mix
with a sense of organised chaos.
n Invest in the best tableware you
can afford, but dont be seduced by
unnecessary pieces; just buy what
you need for your style of entertaining.
Select dual-purpose items; for example
a soup plate can also be used for pasta.
Above all, choose what you love and
collect slowly. That way, you will enjoy
your tableware for life.
n To impress guests, opt for full
cutlery for each course, ensure each
person has their own butter portion
and put out stemmed glasses for
water and wine.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

A good way to create an intimate

space for dining is to choose
a rich, opulent colour palette
and use it on the ceiling too.
Roselind Wilson, Roselind Wilson Design,

020 3371 1779,

bold blend Sculptural

ornaments in white are arresting
against deep brown walls, with
strong, contrasting colours and
sharp architectural lines bringing a
sense of structure. This new spin on
a traditional look is enhanced by the
Clifton dining benches, from 864
each, Chapel Street, 020 8576
and modern tableware.

floral noteS This scheme

with a botanical theme features a
rich, moody palette, while accent
accessories draw on the shades
of the fower-festooned curtains.
The fabric is Rhubarb in Green/
Black, 146m, Jobs Handtryck
at Skandium, 020 7584 2066, A simple table
and bistro chairs ensure the
drapes remain the focus. e
DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 143



For a truly successful scheme,

create the right ambience
SeT THe mood Bear in mind that
people tend to be seated in a dining
room so the lighting must be at eye level
to be effective, says Lucy Martin, design
director of John Cullen, 020 7371 5400, Wall lights,
picture lights and lamps will help to
achieve a soft, intermediate intensity.
Lighting should be also be suffciently
bright for guests to see and to enjoy
the food and conversation, so make
it adjustable via dimmers. Opt for a
pendant light, too, as a dining room
looks best with a focal point over the
table. It needs to be carefully positioned;
too high and the light wont illuminate
the table, too low and you could
obstruct the views of your guests.
fIT for every purpoSe If youre
also using the dining area as a work
space, wed recommend you install
recessed downlighters for brightness,
says Chris Jordan, managing director
of Christopher Wray Lighting, 020 7013
0180, Directional
downlighters are best for diverting the
light to where it is needed most. For a
fexible, layered effect put all your lighting
on dimmers and separate circuits.


interior can be transformed into
a more dramatic proposition by
experimenting with shape and
proportion. Striking without
being overbearing, these
oversized lights are in harmony
with the tonal scheme and also
refect the size and shape of the
chairs around the table. A similar
pendant is Crio, 2,922, Fabbian
at Made in Design, 020 7692

INTeGraTed IdeaS Lighting set into

joinery serves the same function as a
table lamp but without the clutter,
says Lucy Martin. Cleverly lit shelves or
niches give depth and texture to a room
and are a good way to retroft lighting
into a space without having to rewire
from scratch. For a streamlined look,
ensure that the lights cant be seen from
a standing or sitting position. LED strip
lighting is ideal underneath shelves or
on top of cabinetry, if theres a space
between the furniture and the ceiling.

REfInEd RuSTIc This

bespoke dresser, displaying
kitchenalia and tableware, is the
perfect backdrop to the dining
zone of this French-style kitchen.
Neptune, 01793 427427, neptune.
com, and Country Life Furniture,
07828 806922, countrylifefurniture., both sell ranges of furniture,
including rustic dressers, that
would help recreate this look.

144 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

ModERn glAMouR The

interest in this room by designer
Jonathan Adler, 020 7589 9563,, comes from
the furniture and accessories,
with a backdrop of understated
treatments and fnishes. The
Scalinatella dining table, 3,500,
Ipanema pendant light, 1,825,
and Delphine mirrored bar,
2,995, bring ornamental
glamour that references a range
of historical styles, all with
a 21st-century twist. e


1| Updated icon.

U six-seater table in oak in Black,

H72xdiam120cm, 999, Hans
Wegner at John Lewis, 0345 604

2| Nature inspired.

Branch table in lacquered bronze

fnish and glass, H75xdiam130cm,
2,230, Cappellini at Chaplins,
020 8421 1779,

3| Modern British.

Whitstable table in oak,

H75xdiam88cm, 475, Mathers
& Hirst at Heals, 020 7896 7451,

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

4| Elegant choice.

TA16 Anna table in walnut and

stainless steel, H75xdiam130cm,
4,349, E15 at Nest,
0114 243 3000,

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 145


ADVICE Storage
The best option will depend on
how you use your dining room
practical conSiderationS Think
about what you will use the room for, says Pam
Cox, owner of Hm Interiors, 01491 579371, If it will be almost entirely
dedicated to dining, its crucial to leave enough
room between the seating and other furniture
to allow people to get to and from the table
with ease. Where space is limited, you may
have to sacrifce storage to retain an open feel.
Attempting to squeeze in too much could detract
from the overall look and function of the space,
so consider what is really necessary.
chooSing a Style If your dining room is
on the bijou side, go for unity when selecting
storage. A mishmash of furniture styles will
create discord and, as the space will probably be
used for entertaining, it should be as calm and
inviting as possible. Opting for built-in pieces and
making the most of recesses are good ways to
achieve a clutter-free look. You could have open
shelves to display ornate items and practical,
custom-built drawers for cutlery and tableware,
says Alan Borra, designer at Neville Johnson,
0161 873 8333,
multifunctional roomS Installing sliding
doors in an open-plan kitchen/dining room is
a good idea, as it means you can hide any food
preparation mess from guests, and concealing
the kitchen will also create a more intimate,
relaxed space for dining. Converting part of a
formal dining room into a work zone is another
option for maximising space. A compact study
area can be concealed with a pull-out desk
behind bespoke cabinetry. For a truly seamless
look, invest in wireless technology.

great danes This room functions as

both an airy summer space and a snug winter
sanctuary. Natural wood, via The Hans
Wegner CH24 Wishbone chairs, from 493
at Skandium, 020 7584 2066,,
and wide-format Dinesen foorboards, 0045
7455 2140,, together with white
walls, exhibit quintessential Scandinavian
style. The addition of a Mrso wood-burner,, creates a season-proof design.
Mix and Match These high-backed
Windsor chairs add a casual side to this
otherwise formal dining room by Emily
Henderson, Silver
or copper effect accessories with a retro look
highlight the sheen of the Art Deco-style
wallpaper for a touch of understated luxury. e

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 147


Joy division A chic glazed

screen separates this open-plan
kitchen and dining area while letting
light fow through. It references
steel-framed, industrial-style
partitions, but in a bright fnish
that feels right for modern living.
A monochrome colour palette limits
the interest to architectural details,
with the table echoing the simple
design. The Rowico Saltlake Living
dining table, 550, Wayfair, 0800
169 0423,, is similar
to the one pictured.
eastern promise The
success of this Chinoiserie-inspired
dining room by Brett Mickan, 0061
2 9690 0053,, lies
in the tight colour palette, which
is drawn from the wallpaper;
Birdcage Walk, 52 a roll, by Nina
Campbell, 020 7225 1011, shop., has a similar
pattern. For Chinese-style furniture
and accessories, try Orchid, 020
7384 2443, l

Aram, 020 7557 7557,
Barker and Stonehouse,
0333 355 9003,
The Conran Shop, 0844 848
India Jane, 020 8799 7166,
Innes, 01482 649271,
Julian Chichester, 020 7622
Lombok, 020 7736 5171,
Neptune, 01793 427427,
Nicky Cornell, 0845 604 0244,
Made In Design, 020 7692
Occa Home, 0330 363 0330,
Poliform, 020 7368 7600,
Raft Furniture, 020 8450 5078,
Roche Bobois, 020 7317 8828,
SCP, 020 7229 3612,
Tablemakers, 020 7223 2075,
Twentytwentyone, 020 7288
Vaughan, 020 7349 4600,

148 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

Feature Charlotte luxford PHOtOGraPHS timeinCukContent.Com; zeke ruelas;

living4media/alexander van berge; art + CommerCe; gap interiors/piotr gesiCki; thomas dalhoff


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From a tower of vintage tins to natural

driftwood sculptures, we round up
our favourite imaginative alternatives
to the traditional conifer

150 | H&G | december 2014



Distinctive, personal, budget-friendly and gratifyingly easy
to take down on Twelfth Night, these two advent calendar
trees are truly inspired and simple to make. The tapering
stack of boxes and tins is a wonderful idea for anyone who
fnds it hard to throw away beautiful but empty containers,
while the arrangement of envelopes will please stationery
enthusiasts and jigsaw puzzlers alike. To make this clever,
space-saving tree look grown up, use a range of differently
sized envelopes in a toning colour palette to create a random
composition within the triangular outline, and rehearse
your layout on the foor before attaching it to the wall.
Envelopes, from 43p each, Hobbycraft, 0330 026 1400,
Chipboard Alpha letter and number packs, from 3.75, Kaisercraft at
Merly Impressions, 07913 394451,

Branch inside and ouT ABOVE AND RIGHT

Why have just one tree when you could have a whole forest
of them, photographed and turned into a wallhanging? This
spruce wallpaper is perfect for a landing. Or take your cue
from the pantomime stage set and apply an easy to remove
silhouette sticker to the wall, then decorate it with real
baubles. Those who have a bah humbug aversion to
trees indoors may prefer to take the ornaments outside
and spread festive joy around the garden.
Tree for Life (not just for Christmas) wallpaper, L200xW83cm, 185
per panel, Deborah Bowness, 01757 248500,
Christmas Tree Silhouette wall sticker, from 10.99, Custom Wall Designs,
0845 539 0172, Command clear decorating
hooks, 3.99 pack of 20, 3M Direct,

december 2014 | H&G | 151

TableTop fancies THIS PAGE

Real or otherwise, full-size trees are not for
everyone, or indeed for every room, but a
tableau of small-scale alternatives to the
seasonal conifer is sure to entertain. Turn
the dining table into a frosted landscape with
glittering glass trees flled with fairy lights
and snowfakes; and dress a corner table
or windowsill with paper trees, created
from recycled paper cut into squares with
pinking shears and built up in layers on
paper spikes. Finally, fashion a colourful
miniature tree for the sitting room using a
stack of orange peel cut into ever-decreasing
star shapes and topped with a star anise.
Let the citrus delight stand on the coffee
table for a few days, then burn it in an open
fre to release the fragrance.
Glass Christmas tree jars, 40 each, Cox & Cox,
0844 858 0744, Paper spike,

152 | H&G | december 2014


pared-back profiles THIS PAGE

These sculptural, bare-branch beauties are the designs to choose
for a less-is-more display. With a bit of DIY skill and access to
materials (sanded pine planks, stems, driftwood and copper pipe),
you could make your own versions. Your local Forestry Commission
site is a good source of tree offcuts to stand in the red bases.
Wooden Christmas tree, 129, Timbatree at Not On The High, 0345 259
1359, Metal tree bases, from 105 each, Barbed, 020
8878 1994, Driftwood trees, from 60 each, Blodwen, 01239 710859, Forestry Commission, Forestry Commission, l
FIND seasoNal IDeas aT HoUseToHoMe.Co.UK/CHrIsTMas

december 2014 | H&G | 153

H&G DesiGn shopping

Drinks trolleys
We serve up our choice of favourite designs for the party season



Feature Laura Vinden





1| Matgot trolley in Blue Grey, H74xW66xD55cm, 665, Gubi. 2| Malibu drinks trolley, H73.5xW63.5xD41.5cm, 195, Oliver Bonas.
3| Steel Pipe drinks trolley, H69.5xW82xD41.5cm, 2,070, Cappellini. 4| JZ tea trolley, H68.5xW107xD48cm, 7,080, Jorge Zalszupin
at Espasso. 5| Mai Tai trolley, H70xW60xD42.5cm, 533, Twentytwentyone. 6| Chariot mobile table, H60xW74xD56cm, 1,740,
Casamania at Chaplins. 7| Folding drinks trolley, H75xW53.5xD41cm, 315, Design Vintage. l WHERE TO BUY, PAGE 166

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 155


Our expert Celia Rufey answers
your interior design questions
and decorating dilemmas
profile Celia Rufey has been

the Homes & Gardens decorating

expert for more than 30 years.
She has a wealth of interiors
knowledge and has also designed
her own range of fabrics.


I buy red electrical fex, preferably silk
covered, for the light in my dining room?
CH, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.

Dyke & Dean, 01424 429202,,

sells three-core silky red twisted braid fex (below
left) for 4.40m, plus 3 p&p on a small order. It
also has metallic red plain cable (below right) at
9m, and black and red zigzag plain at 4.40m
among its 38 colours. Lamps and Lights, 01223
750153,, supplies many
useful lighting accessories, including decorative
fex in 15 colours, which comes in cut lengths
of 1m, 3m, 6m and longer. Its Twisted Braid
three-core costs 3.70 for 1m and 9.90 for 3m;
Plain costs 4.56 for 1m and 12.72 for 3m, with
3.50 p&p on a small order. Ive asked each
company to send you cuttings of its red fex.


THIS ONE? Can you tell me the method used to
make this arrangement from your May issue?
NC, London E3.

I focus as much on how presents
look as on whats inside. Last year
I marbled my own wrapping
paper and tied gifs with bright
contrasting ribbons.
Bridie Hall, Pentreath & Hall, 020 7430 2526,

Billy Hillhouse at Billy Loves Flowers, 07740 100703,, designed this beautiful arrangement.
She told me she loves to manipulate scale so that the
fowers and foliage tower above the container, sometimes,
as here, to twice its height. For an arrangement like this,
Billy flls a heavy container with Oasis forists foam and
positions the tall foliage frst, starting with a piece in the
centre in this case, a branch of eucalyptus, supplemented
with stems of mimosa. Always let a fabulous big branch
of foliage do the work for you in setting up the shape and
structure, she says. Once the essential shape has been
established, insert the tall fowers, then the shorter ones.
Try to group them as they are seen in nature, she advises,
as thats the key to achieving an authentic effect. e

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 157


How to submit
your question
What factors do I need to consider,
including how it should be fxed?
TW, Leeds.
Mirror is a visual magician, multiplying
space and refecting light. Rupert Bevan,
020 7731 1919,, who
produces antiqued mirrors for many interior
projects, offers this advice. Firstly, if your
room receives little natural light, mirror the
wall opposite the main window to brighten
the space during the day. If sun streams in
through the window, the refection would be
dazzling, so choose another wall. Panel size
is a matter of personal choice. Very small or
very large panels are more work to ft, which
will increase the cost, and panels above 2m sq
are diffcult to toughen; untoughened glass
could be a hazard if mounted on a living room
wall. You also need to decide whether you
want the mirror to be a permanent fxture
or moveable. If it has a backboard, it can be
repositioned, but if the panels are fxed to the
wall, theyll be there to stay. Once the mirror
is in place, arrange the furniture and objects
it will refect into a pleasing composition.


CUSHIONS? Id like to fnd designs that
feature animals or birds as presents for
younger members of the family, but I want
stylish patterns that are fun without being
babyish or beyond my budget.
AG, Tenterden, Kent.
Ive found a selection at different price points,
starting with the wittily sketched Birdy cushion,
which costs 12 from Habitat, 0344 499 4686, Charlene Mullen, 020 7739 6987,, offers a whimsical family
of cat-shaped cushions in cream-coloured wool
with black embroidered features and a name
on the back, priced at 40 each. Hand-knitted
lambswool cushions, 72.50 each, from Donna
Wilson, 020 7749 0768,, capture
the characters of badger, fox, owl, robin and
a reticent dog, which is particularly irresistible.
For a menagerie of animals, see the Silken
Favours Marvelous Menagerie cushion, 95
from Heals, 020 7896 7451,

Menagerie, 95,
Heals; Dog,
72.50, Donna
Wilson; Birdy,
12, Habitat.

The House Clinic service is

free to all H&G subscribers.
By email Send your query,
subscriber number and address
is a 12 fee per query. Please
note, this is a subsidised service.
By pOSt Send your query,
subscriber number or payment
and an sae to Homes & Gardens,
Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark
Street, London SE1 0SU. Make
cheques/postal orders payable
to Time Inc Ltd. We are unable to
answer more than one question
per reader each month.
Celia Rufey can also help you
create an individual design for
any room in your home, including
offering ideas on colours,
fabrics, paint, wallcoverings
and fooring. For full details,


inherited a vintage cake stand
with pretty plates but the
chrome is faking. Would
anyone re-chrome a small
item such as this?
CH, Bath.

I suggest you search online for

electro-plating companies in
your area, and dont be put off
when they appear dedicated to
re-chroming hub caps and exhausts
on vintage cars. I spoke to two
companies within reach of Bath
to check whether they would restore
your cake stand. Martin Raymond
at Avon Electro-Plating Services,
01934 631277, avonelectroplating., explained that the old chrome
plating would be stripped back
to bare metal before new chrome
is applied for a guide price of
around 50. At S&T Electroplate,
01454 313162,,
I spoke to Kim Saleh. This company
also re-chromes small items for
a minimum charge of 50. l


158 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014



Alice Hart shares a superb selection of savoury and

sweet recipes for glamorous winter get-togethers

he most successful party

food tends to be slightly
out of the ordinary but
delicious and relatively
light. Heavy, awkward-to-eat dishes
or anything involving too much
last-minute preparation should be
saved for another time. The following
recipes have been created to ft all

160 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

these criteria, with the lychee

martinis a refreshing way to get
festive celebrations rolling. The
savoury dishes are versatile and can
be served in greater quantities as
starters, rather than canaps, while
the whisky ice cream and roast
grapes would also make a fabulous
pudding at a more intimate dinner.

OF SALMON (opposite page)
Serves 20 as a canap or 8 as a starter

Make this up to three days ahead for an

easy and impressive starter or party
platter. The quality of the fsh is key, so buy
a very fresh side of salmon and ask the
fshmonger to trim it neatly and remove
any pin bones.
For the beetroot-cured salmon
1.2kg very fresh side of salmon
2 tbsp fennel seeds
1 tbsp black peppercorns
175g light soft brown sugar
115g rock salt
Small bunch of dill, chopped
1 large beetroot, scrubbed and coarsely grated

For the roast beetroot

12 baby beetroot (the Candy Stripe variety
is pretty), scrubbed and stalks trimmed
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
4 thyme sprigs
Salt and black pepper
Buttered soda bread, to serve
n Check the salmon thoroughly for bones

and use tweezers to remove any that the

fshmonger has missed. Lay the fsh out
fat, skin-side down, in a non-metallic dish.
n Roughly crush the fennel seeds and
peppercorns using a pestle and mortar. Mix
with the sugar, salt and half of the dill in a bowl,
then stir in the grated beetroot. Spread all
over the fesh of the salmon, tucking a little
underneath the fsh too. Cover with clingflm
and weigh down with a baking tray flled with
a couple of tins of beans or similar. Chill for at
least 24 hours, or up to 3 days.
n Brush off the marinade, rinse the fsh very
briefy under cold water and pat dry with
kitchen paper. Sprinkle with the remaining
dill and chill.
n Pre-heat the oven to 190C, gas mark 5.
Wrap the small beets loosely in a sheet of foil,
adding the olive oil, vinegar and thyme sprigs
along with salt and pepper before scrunching
the foil edges to seal. Place on a baking tray and
cook for 50 minutes to 1 hour, until the beets
are tender. Cool slightly, then cut into quarters.
n Meanwhile, lay the salmon on a chopping
board, skin-side down, and slice very thinly,
at a 20-30 degree angle to the board, starting
from the thinner tail end and working towards
the thicker part.
n Serve the salmon on a board or platter with
the roast beetroot and buttered soda bread.
Offer horseradish sauce on the side, if you like.


Serves 16 as a canap or 4 as a starter

As soon as the squid is cooked, serve as individual nibbles with a few peppery salad
leaves and a spoonful of plum sauce, or on a large platter beside a pile of forks.
For the plum sauce
1 shallot, peeled and fnely chopped
1 tbsp groundnut oil
4cm piece ginger, peeled and fnely grated
1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
300g fresh or frozen plums, stoned and
chopped (or a 400g tin, drained and stoned)
1 star anise
2 tbsp soft brown sugar
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1 tbsp dark soy sauce

For the squid

100g cornfour
100g plain four
2 tbsp Sichuan pepper, crushed
1 tbsp black peppercorns, crushed
2 tsp sea salt, plus extra to sprinkle
450g squid, cleaned (ask your fshmonger
to do this) and cut into 3cm tubes
1 litre sunfower or vegetable oil, for frying
2 spring onions, trimmed and fnely sliced
1 red chilli, fnely sliced

n To make the sauce, gently fry the shallot

in the oil until soft. Add the ginger and
garlic, cook for 1 minute, then stir in the
plums, star anise and sugar and simmer for
5 minutes. Stir in the vinegar and soy sauce.
Briefy blitz with a handheld blender.
n For the squid, mix the cornfour and plain
four with both types of pepper and the
salt in a large bowl, then set aside. Line a
tray with kitchen paper and have more salt
ready to sprinkle over the cooked squid.
n Heat about 7cm of oil to 180C in a
deep saucepan or wok. If you dont have a
thermometer, a cube of bread should brown
in 20 seconds when the oil is hot enough.
n Coat the squid well with the four mixture
and fry in batches for 2 minutes or until
crisp. Use a slotted spoon to lift out, then
drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle with salt.
n Serve scattered with spring onions and
chilli, with the plum sauce on the side. e

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 161

Makes 4 small cocktails

Strong and sophisticated, this fragrant drink is a real

crowd pleaser and is certain to lend your party the right note.
8 tinned lychees in light syrup,
150ml of the syrup reserved
Large handful of ice cubes
200ml good-quality vodka
30ml white vermouth

n Put 1 lychee into each of

4 coupe cocktail glasses,
then place in the freezer

162 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

for 20 minutes until very cold.

n Put the remaining lychees into
a cocktail shaker or large, lidded
jar, together with the lychee
syrup, ice, vodka and vermouth.
n Shake well for 20 seconds,
then strain between the
chilled cocktail glasses.


Makes about 20

Harissa spiked yoghurt is a wonderful

accompaniment to these crunchy bites.
Use a Parmesan-style hard cheese to make
the dish truly vegetarian.
250g yellow split peas
100g frozen peas, defrosted
red onion, peeled and fnely chopped
Handful of fresh mint, chopped
90g Manchego cheese
1 small egg, beaten
Finely grated zest of 1 small lemon
3-4 tbsp chickpea (gram) four
3 tbsp olive oil
Handful of pea shoots or watercress

For the harissa yoghurt

200g Greek yoghurt
1-2 tbsp lemon juice, to taste
Salt and black pepper
1 tbsp rose harissa
n In a large pan, add enough water to cover

the split peas. Bring to the boil, skim off any

scum, then simmer gently for 45 minutes.
n Towards the end of the cooking time,
turn the heat down and stir often, as the
split peas will become very thick, absorbing
the cooking water. Add the defrosted peas
and crush roughly with a potato masher.
Leave the mixture to cool (it will become
even thicker).
n Meanwhile, season the yoghurt with the
lemon juice, salt and pepper. Marble the
harissa through and set aside while you
cook the fritters.
n Mix the cooled peas with the onion, mint,
60g of fnely grated Manchego cheese, the
egg, lemon zest and chickpea four. Season
generously with salt and pepper.
n Heat the oil in a large, non-stick frying pan.
Drop in heaped teaspoons of the mixture,
patting it down with the back of a spoon to
form fritters. To avoid overcrowding the pan,
you may have to cook in batches.
n Fry for 2 minutes on each side, until
golden brown. Transfer to a platter and top
with shavings of the remaining Manchego
and small dollops of harissa yoghurt,
fnishing each fritter with a pea shoot or
a sprig of watercress. e

DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 163

Makes about 60

These soft, velvety morsels can

either be served as they are
or coated in chocolate for an
extra-decadent treat.
1 tsp vegetable oil
200ml double cream
70g salted butter, cubed,
at room temperature
tsp vanilla bean paste
1 tsp sea salt fakes
175g golden syrup
220g caster sugar
150g dark chocolate, roughly
chopped (optional)
n Line a 23cm square baking tin with foil and

grease lightly with the oil. Heat the cream

and 30g of the butter in a small saucepan
with the vanilla and half of the salt until it
begins to boil. Remove from the heat, cover
and set aside in a warm place.
n Gently heat the golden syrup with the
sugar in a heavy-based saucepan, stirring
to melt the sugar. Once the sugar has
dissolved, stop stirring and only swirl the
pan from time to time to prevent hot-spots
forming. Attach a sugar thermometer
to the pan and boil the syrup until it
reaches 155C/310F.
n Remove from the heat and immediately
stir in the warm cream mixture to form
a smooth toffee sauce. Return the pan
to the heat and boil steadily until the mixture
reaches 127C/260F.
n Remove from the heat and take the
thermometer off the pan. Stir in the
remaining butter until the mixture is
smooth, then pour into the oiled tin and set
aside for 15 minutes. Scatter with the
remaining sea salt and leave to cool
completely. Carefully lift the caramel out of
the tin and peel away the foil. Slice into little
squares with a sharp knife.
n Serve the caramels as they are or covered
in chocolate. To do this, melt the chocolate in
a bowl set over (but not touching) simmering
water, or in the microwave. Drop in the
caramels one by one, then retrieve them
with a fork, allowing the excess chocolate to
drip off before placing on a wire rack to set.
The caramels will keep for a week in an
airtight container in a cool place.

164 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014


Serves 16 as a canap or 8 as a dessert

Youll need an ice-cream maker for this luscious recipe, which is accompanied by sweet, perfumed roast grapes and
contains just enough whisky to provide a smoky kick. Quality matters, so use a good single malt.
350ml double cream
500ml whole milk
1 vanilla pod, split
Pinch of sea salt
4 egg yolks
100g golden caster sugar
60ml single malt whisky

For the roast grapes

300g black muscat grapes
2 tbsp light brown sugar
15g softened butter

n Put the cream, milk, vanilla pod

and salt in a heavy saucepan and

bring to the boil. Turn off the heat
and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
n Strain the milk and cream
through a sieve, pressing frmly
to extract the vanilla favour.
n In a large bowl, beat the egg
yolks and sugar with an electric
whisk for a few minutes, until very
thick and pale in colour.
n Reheat the infused cream and
bring to the boil, then slowly pour
on to the egg mixture, beating all

the time. Pour back into the pan

and stir constantly over a very low
heat for about 10 minutes, until
the custard thickens enough to
coat the back of a wooden spoon.
Stir in the whisky, cover and
leave to cool.
n Pour the cooled custard into
an ice-cream maker and churn
according to the instructions.
Spoon into a pre-chilled ice-cream
container, cover and freeze for at
least 4 hours, until frm.
n For the roast grapes, pre-heat

the oven to 200C, gas mark 6.

Snip the grapes into bunches
of 4-8 grapes. Line a baking sheet
with non-stick baking paper
and space out the grapes on it.
Scatter with the sugar and dot
with butter.
n Roast for about 20 minutes,
until the grapes have caramelised
and the odd one has burst. Serve
warm with scoops of the ice
cream and a fnger or two
of whisky on the side. l


DECEMBER 2014 | H&G | 165

Details of stockists featured in this issue; visit for more listings

Abbott & Boyd, 020 7351 9985,
Alex and Alexa, 0845 838 1331,
Alternative Flooring, 01264 335111,
Altfeld, 020 7351 5893,
Amara, 0800 587 7645,
Andrew Vass,
Anthropologie, 020 7870 4821,
Aram, 020 7557 7557,
Avorez, 020 8949 3388,

Bailey Wood, 01392 692000,
The Balcony Gardener, 020 7431
Best Tile, 00353 51 354905,
Black Edition, 01623 750005,
Bodie and Fou, 020 8450 5600,
Boeme Design, 01483 217716,
Brian Yates, 020 7352 0123,
Brunschwig & Fils, 01202 266990,
Burgon & Ball, 0114 233 8262,

C&C Milano, 020 7751 4554,
Cappellini, 020 7014 5980,
Caravane, 020 7486 5233,
Chaplins, 020 8421 1779,
Cole & Son, 020 7376 4628,
Cologne & Cotton, 0845 262 2212,
The Conran Shop, 0844 848 4000,
Cross, 020 7727 6760,

Daylesford, 01608 731700,
Decorators Notebook, 0845 474 1747,
Designers Guild, 020 7351 5775,
Design Vintage, 01273 558675,
The Dormy House, 01264 365808,

Earthborn, 01928 734171,
East End Prints,
Ecora, 020 7148 5265,
Ecos Organic Paints, 01524 852371,
Eic, 0845 073 9432,
Espasso, 020 3575 1250,
Etoile Home, 07961 392399,
Ettinger, 020 8877 1616,

166 | H&G | december 2014

Felt, 020 8772 0358,
Felt So Good, 0117 942 0759,
Ferm Living, 0045 7022 7523,
Fermoie, 01672 513723,
Fired Earth, 0845 293 8798,
Flock, 020 8440 8777,
Folklore, 020 7354 9333,
Fortnum & Mason, 020 7734 8040,
Fox Linton, 020 7368 7700,
French Connection, 020 7036 7200,
Future and Found, 020 7267 4772,

The Garden Edit,
Goodhood, 020 7729 3600,
GP&J Baker, 020 7351 7760,
Graham and Green, 0845 130 6622,
Gubi, 0045 3332 6368,

The Hambledon, 01962 890055,
Harrods, 020 7730 1234,
Heals, 0870 024 0780,
Hector Finch, 020 7731 8886,
Hedgehog, 020 8964 9331,
Holland & Sherry, 020 7352 4798,

Ikea, 020 3645 0000,

India Jane, 020 8799 7166,
The Indytute,

Jago Designs, 01494 462023,
Jane Means, 01522 522544,
Jessica Light, 020 7256 1157,
Jim Lawrence, 01473 826685,
John Julian Design, 01603 488019, or
John Lewis, 0345 604 9049,
Jonathan Adler, 020 7589 9563,

Kaia, 020 7243 6299,

Kirsten Hecktermann, 07887
Konig Colours, 01280 847166,
Kuboaa, 0117 369 0195,

Labour and Wait, 020 7729 6253,
Lakeland, 01539 488100,

Lassco, 01844 277188,

Lexington, 01494 787210,
Liberty, 020 7734 1234,
Lights 4 Fun, 01423 816040,
Linen Me, 020 8133 3853,
The Linen Works, 020 7819 7620,
Little Greene, 0845 880 5855,
Loaf, 0845 468 0698,,
LSA International, 01932 789721,
Luna & Curious, 020 3222 0034,

Malabar, 020 7501 4200,
Manufactum, 0800 096 0938,
Marks & Spencer, 0333 014 8000,
Marston & Langinger, 020 7881 5700,
Marvic Textiles, 020 7352 3119,

Natural Floor Company,

01737 823666,
Nicholas Haslam, 020 7730 8623,
Nordic House, 0845 475 1610,
Nya Nordiska, 0800 069 9610,

ODells, 07730 129416,
Oka, 0844 815 7380,
Oliver Bonas, 020 8974 0110,
The Original Pop Up Shop, 07967
Osborne & Little, 020 8812 3123,
Otago, 020 7871 4434,

Paint Library, 020 7590 9860,
Paperchase, 020 7467 6200,
Parlane, 01451 812700,
Plum & Ashby, 020 8988 5222,
Plmo, 0844 557 3590,
Poliform, 020 7368 7600,

Quercus, 020 7291 7200,
Quill London, 020 8692 0702,

Re, 01434 634567,
Retreat, 0870 803 3428,
Rigby & Mac, 020 8761 1011,
Rococo Chocolates, 020 7352 5857,

Roger Oates, 020 7351 2288,
Romo, 01623 750005,
Rowen & Wren, 01932 847538,
The Rug Company, 020 7908 9990,
Rume, 01273 777810,

SA Baxter, 020 8196 2410,
Salvation Furniture, 07771 560835,
Sanderson, 0844 543 4749,
SCP, 020 7739 1869,
Selfridges, 0800 123400,
The Shop Floor Project, 01229
Smug, 020 7354 0253,
Soane Britain, 020 7730 6400,
Sophie Conran, 0843 227 1460,
Stepevi, 020 7376 7574,
Summerill & Bishop, 020 7229 1337,
Surface View, 0118 922 1327,

Thames & Hudson, 020 7845

Thomas Goode, 020 7499 2823,
Thornback & Peel, 020 7831 2878,
Toast, 0333 400 5200,
Tom Butcher Ceramics, 0130 170
Tori Murphy, 07958 688519,
Turnell & Gigon, 020 7259 7280,
Twentytwentyone, 020 7288 1996,


Urbanara, 0800 7797 527,

V&A Shop, 020 7942 2696,
Vaughan, 020 7349 4600,
Villeroy & Boch, 020 8871 4028,
Vispring, 01752 366311,
Voyage, 0141 641 1700,
V V Rouleaux, 020 7224 5179,

West Elm, 0800 404 9780,
The White Company, 0844 736 4222,
Wild & Wolf, 01225 789909,
William Yeoward, 020 7349 7828,

Zimmer+Rohde, 020 7351 7115,

we love

The Jane

Fine dining meets spectacular design at this other-worldly new restaurant in Antwerp
fake and peel. The pice de rsistance is an
enormous chandelier by Beirut-based studio
.PSLAB, which spans 12 metres in the centre
of the room and uses 150 light bulbs to create
a stunning starburst effect.
This divine setting is the stage for an
equally heavenly dining experience. The
kitchen stands in place of the original altar,
like a shrine behind glass, so guests can
watch the chefs working their magic. Menus
offer classic staples alongside more daring
dishes, which put the focus on creativity
and favour rather than a rigid attention to
detail, with seasonal delights that change
depending on whats available locally.

take it home Ideas for recreating the distinctive ambience

Feel Good
chair in leather,
Flexform, 020 7376

186 | H&G | DECEMBER 2014

Daphne Ikat cushion in

Black, 45cm sq, 300,
Madeline Weinrib,

NeeD to kNoW
The main restaurant can host up to 65 guests,
but you can also dine in the Upper Room Bar,
which can accommodate up to 40 people and
offers a birds-eye view of the restaurant interior.
Three, ve and seven-course xed menus in
the main restaurant start at 55 per person.
Open Tuesday to Saturday for lunch and
dinner, the restaurant is currently booked up
to three months in advance and the Upper
Room Bar one month. Its worth checking, which
advertises last-minute cancellations.
The Jane, Paradeplein 1, 2018 Antwerp,
0032 3 808 4465, l

Perla in Topaz 130971, viscose mix,

138cm wide, 65m, Harlequin,
0845 123 6815,

Astoria 15-arm pendant in Matt Black,

H133xdiam109.5cm, 1,895, Ruben Lighting
at Chaplins, 020 8421 1779,

Feature jane akers and Laura Vinden

irst impressions count, and this bar and

restaurant in Belgiums second-largest
city wowed us before we had even
walked through the door. Formerly the chapel
of a military hospital, the building has a
magnifcent 19th-century faade that forms
the grand entrance to The Jane a recent
venture of Michelin-starred chef Sergio
Herman and chef Nick Brill, in collaboration
with architect and designer Piet Boon.
Inside, the design is a feat of artistry and
engineering. Plush leather banquettes sit
against a backdrop of clean white walls,
contemporary stained-glass windows and
a cavernous vaulted ceiling that seems to






Planning, preparing and enjoying
dishes together with family and
friends is a ritual that is entwined with
Christmas. This time of year also offers
the perfect excuse to try new recipes
and ingredients, so we thought wed
share some delicious suggestions
to give you ideas for holiday menus.
Creating an environment with a festive
feel is also an important element of
entertaining. With this in mind, we
asked Tricia Guild and William Yeoward,
two of the biggest names in British
interior design, to create the ideal
setting for seasonal celebrations. As
youll see, the results are stunning, with
colour, pattern and accessories used to
achieve a variety of different looks. In
addition, we have chosen our favourite
items from their current ranges. There
is also an exclusive opportunity to meet
the designers at their London stores
(see below right). With so much to
inspire, we hope this supplement will
help you create an enjoyable festive
gathering. Happy Christmas!


GilEs kiME, ExECutivE EDitoR


Editor-in-chief Deborah Barker

Acting deputy editor Sarah Baldwin
Acting art director Andrea Lynch
Art editor Paula Randall
Designer Rebecca Halverson
Chief sub-editor Catriona Summerhill
Deputy chief sub-editor Becky Ambury
Sub-editor Andrea Johnson
Acting editorial production manager
Clare Willetts
Editorial production Ricky Martin
DECEMBER 2014 Published by Time Inc.
(UK), Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street,
London SE1 0SU. Repro by Rhapsody,
109/123 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4LD.
Printed by Polestar Chantry, Brindley Way,
Wakefield 41 Industrial Estate, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire WF2 0XQ. Distributed by
Marketforce (UK) Ltd, Blue Fin Building,
110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU.
Time Inc. (UK) Ltd. 2014.

Flavourful soup, salad, game terrine and more.

The designer creates two styles of table
dressing to give a meal the right mood.

Gorgeous gifts from William Yeowards range.

Deliciously different ideas for festive
entertaining, from spiced fsh to pheasant pie.

The founder of Designers Guild offers two
colourful schemes for dinner and drinks.

Perfect presents from Designers Guild.

Exquisite sweets for fnishing a meal.



feSTIve eveNT

On Wednesday 19 November we are

offering 60 Homes & Gardens readers
the opportunity to meet designers Tricia
Guild of Designers Guild, 020 7351 5775,, and William Yeoward,
020 7349 7828,, at
an event that includes inspirational talks on
decorating at Christmas, as well as a chance
to shop at their stores on Londons Kings
Road with a 20 per cent discount. The event
runs from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Tickets
cost 20; call 020 7893 7625 to book.

H&G Starters

A fying

Seafood, vegetarian delicacies and

dishes made for sharing: these enticing
recipes set the tone for the meal

Smoked VeniSon Terrine

Serves 6-8

This rich loaf is excellent warm or chilled.

400g smoked venison
slices, half chopped
80g Parma ham, sliced
800g pork sausage meat
2 tbsp mustard powder
50g fat-leaf parsley, chopped

1 slice stale bread, in crumbs

2 tbsp jellied meat stock
2 tbsp Worcester sauce
215g raw cooking chorizo
4 tbsp redcurrant, rowan
or apple jelly to glaze

Line a 900g loaf tin with foil or non-stick Tefon fabric. Overlap
100g of the venison slices on the base, then cover with overlapping
slices of the Parma ham.
Put 100g of the chopped venison in a food processor, with half the
sausage meat and all the mustard, parsley, breadcrumbs, jellied meat
stock and Worcester sauce. Blitz in short bursts, until the mixture is
even but still rough, so that it has plenty of texture. Spoon this over
the venison and ham in the tin and press down. Pre-heat the oven
to 180C, gas mark 4.
Lay the raw chorizo in two parallel rows along the length of the
terrine. Cover with the rest of the chopped venison, press down, then
add the remaining 400g of sausage meat and any leftover chorizo,
chopped. Overlap the remaining sliced smoked venison on top.
Wrap the loaf tin in a continuous strip of foil, twice, crimping the
edges closed. Set the wrapped terrine in a large roasting pan and
pour in boiling water to a depth of 2cm. Bake for 90 minutes, then
turn off the oven and leave the terrine to rest for 5 minutes.
Remove and unwrap the terrine, then tilt the loaf tin to pour off the
juices, reserving these. Turn out the terrine on to your serving dish
and remove the foil or Tefon fabric.
To make a glaze, boil the jelly with 2 tablespoons of the reserved
cooking juices until the jelly dissolves. Brush over the hot terrine.
Serve the terrine warm with salad leaves and baby potatoes,
or chilled with pickles and relishes.

Smoked chicken and

clemenTine Salad (opposite)
Serves 4

This is a delicious balance of peppery and fresh favours.

3 clementines
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
tbsp lemon juice
300g smoked chicken,
torn into bite-size pieces
2 red chicory or radicchio heads,
trimmed, separated into leaves

Handful of watercress,
tough stalks removed
2 heaped tbsp
pomegranate seeds
3 spring onions, trimmed,
fnely sliced
Salt and black pepper

Use a sharp knife to pare the skin from the clementines and slice
the fesh into thin rounds. Squeeze any remaining juice from the
clementine skins into a bowl and stir in the olive oil, lemon juice and
a little salt and black pepper.
Arrange the clementine slices, chicken, chicory and watercress on
serving plates. Scatter with pomegranate seeds and spring onions
and spoon the dressing over.

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 5

H&G Starters

Chard kibbeh with pine nut and mozzarella stuffing

makes about 20 large kibbeh

These are slightly larger than traditional kibbeh to allow for more of the chard and mozzarella flling. They make a
great starter but are equally good as a vegetarian main course with warm fatbreads, a large salad and hummus.
For the kibbeh
600g foury potatoes, peeled and
cut into chunks
200g bulghur wheat, soaked in
cool water for 10 minutes
300g chard or spinach
2 tbsp plain four
tsp ground allspice
tsp ground cumin
tsp ground coriander

For the flling

tsp ground allspice
2 tbsp pine nuts
150g buffalo mozzarella,
cut into 1cm cubes
Salt and black pepper
Greek yoghurt, chopped dill and
pomegranate seeds, to serve

6 | H&G | christmas 2014

To make the kibbeh, put the

potatoes in a pan of salted water,
bring to the boil and simmer for
20 minutes, until completely
tender. Drain well, then put in
a large mixing bowl and mash
until smooth.
Drain the bulghur and wring
out in a clean tea towel to extract
all the water. Add to the potatoes
and stir together.
Blanch the chard in boiling
water for 1 minute then refresh
under cold water, wring out in
another tea towel and chop half
fnely and half roughly.
Add the fnely chopped half to
the potato mixture with the four,

allspice, cumin and coriander.

Season with salt and freshly
ground pepper and knead until
blended. Chill for 30 minutes.
To make the flling, mix together
the ground allspice, pine nuts
and roughly chopped chard and
season well with salt and pepper.
To form the kibbeh, divide
the potato mixture into about
20 large walnut-size pieces and
roll each into a ball.
Working with one at a time,
stick a fnger into the centre to
form a large hollow, stuff in a cube
of mozzarella and a teaspoon of
the spiced chard and pine nut
mixture, then mould the potato

around it to enclose completely,

forming a torpedo shape. Repeat
with the other balls to use all the
flling ingredients. At this stage
the kibbeh can be chilled on trays
for up to 48 hours.
Either bake the kibbeh for
20 minutes in an oven pre-heated
to 190C, gas mark 5, or shallowfry in about 3cm of groundnut
oil, turning often, until golden
brown all over. Drain thoroughly
on kitchen towel after frying.
Serve the hot kibbeh with
spoonfuls of Greek yoghurt
and a scattering of dill and
pomegranate seeds.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

lentil, sausage and fennel salad with mustard dressing

serves 4

Try adding parsley and rocket leaves for extra colour and favour.
3 red onions, peeled and
sliced into thick wedges
6 thyme sprigs, plus
1 tsp thyme leaves
6 good-quality sausages
1 tbsp olive oil
200g Puy lentils
2 small fennel bulbs,
trimmed, fnely sliced

For the dressing

1 tsp Dijon mustard
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp good-quality
balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp clear honey
Salt and black pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 190C, gas mark 5. Lay the onion and
thyme sprigs in a single layer in a roasting tin and arrange
the sausages on top. Drizzle with oil and roast for 35 minutes,
until the sausages are golden and the onions are soft.
Whisk all the dressing ingredients together with 1
tablespoon of water and season well. Set aside.
To cook the lentils, put them in a saucepan and cover with
cold water to about 2cm. Bring to the boil, cover, reduce the
heat and simmer for 20 minutes. The lentils should be soft
but still hold their shape. Drain any excess water and transfer
the lentils to a large mixing bowl. Stir in half the dressing and
season with salt and pepper.
Thickly slice the cooked sausages and combine with
the lentils, onion, thyme leaves and fennel. Serve with the
remaining dressing spooned over.

H&G Starters

ScallopS with pancetta, Sage,

black pepper and caperS
Serves 4

If you can, buy a whole piece of smoky pancetta and slice

it yourself; pre-cut lardons wont have the same heft.
2 tbsp extra virgin olive
oil, plus extra to fnish
100g piece of pancetta, sliced
into generous lardons
12 large scallops, roe attached,

shell removed, cleaned

1-2 tbsp capers, rinsed
1 tsp crushed black peppercorns
Small handful of sage leaves
1 lemon, halved

Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan, add the pancetta and
cook until crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
Put the scallops (with the roe) in the pan and sear over a high
heat for about 1 minute on each side, until golden. Add the capers,
peppercorns and sage leaves along with the pancetta to the pan
and cook for 1 minute.
Squeeze over plenty of lemon juice and drizzle with a little
more olive oil to fnish. Serve with the juices from the pan.

watercreSS Soup with Smoked trout (left)

makes 1 litre

Serve this luxurious green soup in small cups.

50g lightly salted butter
3 shallots, peeled, chopped
2 potatoes, peeled, diced
1 litre vegetable stock
250g watercress, tough stalks

removed, roughly chopped

5 tbsp crme frache
Salt and black pepper
75g smoked trout fllets,
torn into pieces

Melt the butter in a saucepan and gently fry the shallots for
5 minutes. Add the diced potato and stock and bring to the boil.
Reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes or until the potatoes
are tender. Add the watercress and cook for 1 minute.
Transfer to a food processor or blender and whiz until smooth,
then stir in the crme frache and season to taste. To serve,
reheat gently and pour into small cups, then place a piece of
the trout on top of each.

babY roaSted potatoeS with herb Salt (left)

Serves 12

Everybody loves roast potatoes and this is a fun way to eat them.
500g small potatoes, scrubbed
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp crushed pink peppercorns

2 tbsp each chopped thyme,

fat-leaf parsley and chives
40g sea salt fakes

Pre-heat the oven to 200C, gas mark 6. Scatter the potatoes

in a roasting tin, drizzle with olive oil and shake the pan to coat well.
Roast in the oven for 1 hour or until golden, turning once or twice
during the cooking time.
Mix together the peppercorns, herbs and sea salt fakes in a
serving bowl. Tip the potatoes into a dish and serve with cocktail
sticks for dipping them into the herb salt.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 9

10 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014

H&G Decorating


Designer William Yeoward creates two dierent moods for a Christmas

table, one informal and stylish, the other wonderfully glamorous


The key to this look is

mixing styles. Use patterns
and plains with a dash of
texture. Tie it all together
with a co-ordinated palette.

place settings Painted check

accessories Trio bird cup, 69.

placemat in Red, 22. Letinse placemat

in Lime, 15.25. Garland plate, 99.
Porcelain painted bowl, 59. Fork
napkin in Red, 22. Reindeer bauble,
26. Fanny goblet, 40. Garland
goblet, 49. Lambert knife, fork and
spoon, 12.90 each. Jumping skier
Christmas decoration, 15.95.

Garland footed hurricane lamp, 115.

Gabrielle fve-arm candelabra, 350.
Woodland deer decoration, 49.
Strata candlesticks in Moss, small,
345; medium, 375; large, 395.
Rustic wooden Christmas tree,
45. Tilly hurricane lamp, 175.
Classic footed centrepiece, 65.

FUrnitUre Bespoke dining table

in solid oak. Bespoke Hyme chest.
Nantes carver dining chairs, 1,125
plus 3.5m of fabric each.
FaBrics Dining chairs in (outside)
Marese in Slate, 55m; (inside) Lipari in
Lavender, 79m. Curtains in Orisso in
Biscuit, 137m; all William Yeoward and
William Yeoward Crystal.

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 11

H&G Decorating

For me, Christmas is not about tinsel, its about glamour. I love
my table to gleam with crystal and to hear the clink of well-flled glasses.


Flamboyant place settings

lead the way. Shimmering
glassware in amethyst and
amber brings a note of
glamour, with candlelight
creating an intimate mood.

12 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014


ACCESSORIES Adele spherical vase,

FURNITURE Bespoke Asti dining

placemat in Dark Violet, 19.95.

Philippine dish, 380. Ansous
Spots napkin in Dark Violet, 19.95.
Pearl berry spray, 14.95. Brancaster
cutlery, 435 for a fve-piece place
setting. Georgina goblet, 175. Vita
tumbler double Old Fashioned
in Amethyst, 135. Vita coupe in
Amethyst, 150. Blodwyn salt
dish with spoon, 95.

515. Vespa candle lamp, 360. Rock

crystal candleholders, small, 59
each; large, 129 each. Kate magnum
decanter, 245. Inez footed comport,
120. Renata fruit stand, 575. Bucco
vases, 59 each. Pebble votives, 39
each. Strata votives, 99 each. Strata
bowls, 375 each. Marta vase, 135.
Favorita vase, 285. Marcia vase,
139. Strata plate, 295.

table in Silver Birch. Hammerhead

Carver dining chairs, 1,185 plus
3.5m of fabric each. Palea wall mirror
in bronze, 995. Bespoke Hyme
two-door chest. Bespoke Aurora
bookcase in Grey Walnut.
FABRICS Dining chairs in Anaf in
Flax, 76m; all William Yeoward and
William Yeoward Crystal; and Glenville
in Honey, 58m, Designers Guild.

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 13











1| Napkin ring, 3.95. 2| Noisette Indigo
cushion, 50cm sq, 65. 3| Conchita Denim
cushion, 60x40cm, 75. 4| Corinne cocktail
jug and spoon, 1.4 litres, 95. 5| Leather tray in
Light Blue, 45x33cm, 235. 6| Banquet serving
platter in Jazz in Charcoal, 42x25cm, 195.
7| Banquet serving platter in Fern in Cobalt,
42x25cm, 195. 8| Georgian carafe bottle,
H24cm, 75; Georgian carafe magnum, H28cm,
85. 9| Mouse cheese knife, L17cm, 19.95.
10| Sigrid wine cooler, H25cm, 135. 11| Tear
drop olive oil bottle in Amber, H26cm, 39.

14 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014

H&G Shopping

From napkins and serving trays

to carafes and ice buckets, we
pick our favourite gifts from
William Yeowards 2014 range









12| Round driftwood tray with watermark

detail, diam48.5cm, 149. 13| Bindi cushion
in Rose, 60x40cm, 115. 14| Casablanca cushion,
60x40cm, 115. 15| Cloud marquetry picture
frame in Red, 4x6in, 75. 16| Classic wine funnel,
diam11.5cm, 30. 17| Amethyst bottle stand,
diam13cm, 52. 18| Terracotta bird candleholder,
H13cm, 65. 19| Leather coaster in Red,
diam10cm, 19. 20| Leather ice bucket in Red,
H17xdiam16.5cm, 249; all William Yeoward,, and William Yeoward

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 15

H&G Main courses

Centre stage
Tempting fsh dishes, hearty bakes and twists on the traditional bird,
these main courses will delight your guests throughout the festive season

Slow-RoaSt ShouldeR of poRk with fennel SeedS and chilli

Serves 8

Six hours in the oven yields tender, melting esh and crisp, spiced crackling.
2kg pork shoulder,
bone in, skin on
1 tbsp sea salt
2 tbsp fennel seeds,
lightly crushed
1 tbsp chilli fakes
2 carrots, peeled and
cut into large pieces

16 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014

2 red onions, halved

2 sticks celery, cut
into large pieces
1 bulb garlic, skin on,
broken into cloves
Handful of bay leaves
600ml water, chicken
or vegetable stock

Pre-heat the oven to 220C, gas mark 7.

Score the pork skin into thin stripes with a very
sharp knife. Rub the salt, fennel seeds and
chilli into the cuts. Place the pork, skin-side up,
in a roasting tray and roast for 30 minutes,
until the skin has started to crackle.
Turn the oven down to 170C, gas mark 3,
cover the pork with a double layer of foil and
roast for 4 hours. Remove the pork from the
oven, baste with fat from the tray, then transfer
to a chopping board. Spoon all but a couple of
tablespoons of fat from the tray. Add all the

vegetables, garlic and bay leaves to the tray and

stir them into the fat. Put the pork on top of the
vegetables and return to the oven, uncovered,
for 1 hour, until the meat is soft and tender.
Transfer the pork to a serving dish, cover
with foil and leave to rest while you make the
gravy. Spoon any fat from the tray, then add the
water or stock to the tray with the vegetables.
Bring to the boil on the hob, then simmer for a
few minutes, stirring, until thickened and dark.
Serve the pork with the gravy.

date-cRuSted fiSh
with haRiSSa
Serves 4

In this traditional Bedouin recipe,

a coating of pured dates infuses the
fsh with a delicious fruity avour.
250g fresh dates,
1 onion, peeled and
fnely chopped
2 garlic cloves, peeled
and crushed
1 tsp ground turmeric

1-2 tsp harissa

1 fairly large trout
or seabass, gutted
and cleaned
Sea salt
Few sprigs of
fat-leaf parsley

If the dates are not moist, soak them in

water for several hours. Put them in a blender
or a food processor with 1-2 tablespoons of
water and pure.
Mix together the onion, garlic, turmeric and
harissa. Rub the mixture around the inside of the
fsh, sprinkle with a little salt and lay a few sprigs
of parsley in the cavity. Seal the cavity by weaving
a thin skewer through both sides, then push a long
skewer through the mouth of the fsh and stand
it in a jug to support it.
Make sure the skin of the fsh is dry, then rub
the sticky date pure all over. Leave to sit for
about 10-15 minutes, so that the pure frms up
a little. Place the fsh on a grill pan covered with
lightly greased foil, then cook under a hot grill
for about 5 minutes on each side.

Taken from
Flavours of the
Middle East by
Ghillie Basan
(18.99, Ryland,
Peters & Small).

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 17


Serves 4 generously

This make-ahead dish is like a savoury bread pudding. It improves if left

to sit for a few hours before being baked to crunchy topped perfection.
3 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for the dish
1 winter squash or pumpkin, about
1.2kg, de-seeded, peeled if the skin is
tough, and cut into 3cm cubes or slices
2 tsp brown mustard seeds (optional)
2 tsp English mustard
2 tbsp chopped chives
2 eggs
1 egg yolk

500ml vegetable stock

150ml double cream
150g Gruyre, grated
Salt and black pepper
300g sourdough bread,
torn or cut into large chunks
1 garlic clove, peeled and chopped
150g mixed mushrooms, halved or
sliced depending on size

Pre-heat the oven to 200C, gas mark 6 and lightly oil a medium-large heatproof
baking dish. Toss the squash with 2 tablespoons olive oil and the mustard seeds,
if using. Spread the mixture in a roasting tin and cook for 25-30 minutes until
browned. Set aside to cool slightly.
Meanwhile, whisk the mustard, chives, eggs, egg yolk, vegetable stock, double
cream and 50g of the Gruyre together, seasoning it to taste. Put the bread in the
baking dish and pour over two-thirds of the stock mixture.
Gently heat the garlic and the remaining tablespoon of oil in a large frying pan.
Once it begins to sizzle, turn up the heat and add the mushrooms, stirring briskly
for a couple of minutes until browned. Season and remove from the heat.
Gently spoon the roast squash and garlic mushrooms in and around the bread.
Pour in the rest of the stock mixture, scatter with the remaining Gruyre and cover
with foil. At this point the panade can be left in the fridge for a few hours. Bake for
about 40 minutes, remove the foil, then cook for 10 minutes more, until golden.

18 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

H&G Main courses


Serves 6-8

Horta (wild greens) fried with garlic is a

classic Greek dish. It makes a favourful
stung for lamb as a refreshing change from
turkey or goose on Christmas day.
600g mixed green leaves, such as spinach
leaves, chard, beetroot tops and watercress
2 fat garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
200g feta, drained and crumbled
2 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for roasting
Black pepper
1 large leg of lamb, part-boned (ask your
butcher to do this)

Pre-heat the oven to 190C, gas mark 5. Blanch

the mixed leaves in boiling water for 1 minute,
then drain. Refresh under cool water and drain
thoroughly, squeezing out excess liquid using a
clean tea towel. Roughly chop the leaves and put in
a bowl with the garlic, feta and olive oil. Add plenty
of freshly ground black pepper and mix well.
Firmly stuff the greens into the de-boned
section of the lamb leg and tie the leg together
tightly with string at regular intervals to keep
the stuffng in place.
Place the lamb leg in a roasting tin and drizzle
with a little olive oil. Roast for 1 hour 30 minutes
for medium, covering loosely with foil if the skin
is becoming too brown after an hour. Rest for
15 minutes before carving into slices. Serve with
lemon roasted potatoes.

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 19

H&G Main courses

Warm salad of freekeh, duck and figs

serves 6

Cracked freekeh, otherwise known as green wheat, can be found in health food and Middle Eastern shops;
substitute with spelt, farro, pearl barley or bulgur wheat if you cant fnd it. Leftover roasted meat, such as lamb
or goose, sliced pan-fried duck breast or feta could be used instead of the Chinese-style duck.
1 pre-prepared Chinesestyle crispy duck (available
in supermarkets)
6 plump fgs, halved
15g butter, very soft
200g cracked freekeh
50g walnuts, toasted and
roughly chopped
Small bunch of fat-leaf
parsley, chopped

20 | H&G | christmas 2014

For the dressing

200ml red wine
2 shallots, peeled and
fnely chopped
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tsp honey
6 tbsp olive oil
Salt and black pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 220C, gas mark 7. Put the duck in a roasting tin and roast
for about 45 minutes, until crisp and browned. Before the duck is cooked, lay the
fgs out in a separate tin and dot with butter. Roast for 15 minutes and set aside.
Meanwhile, put the freekeh in a saucepan with enough water to cover by 1cm.
Add a generous pinch of salt, bring to the boil, then cover, reduce the heat and
simmer gently for about 15-20 minutes, until the grains are tender but slightly
chewy. Drain any excess water away and return the grains to the heat for a minute
or two, fuffng them with a fork. Cover and set aside.
To make the dressing, put the red wine and shallots in a frying pan and bring to
the boil. Simmer to reduce the volume by half, then remove from the heat and
whisk in the remaining dressing ingredients. Season and pour half the dressing
over the warm freekeh.
Roughly shred the duck meat and crisp skin, adding it to a large serving
bowl with the freekeh, walnuts and parsley. Carefully fold in the fgs and pour
the remaining dressing over.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

roast trout stuffed With herb

quinoa and peppers
serves 6

This is such a useful recipe to feed a

crowd as it can be prepared in advance.
4 red, yellow or orange peppers
2 tbsp olive oil, plus extra
for greasing and drizzling
125g quinoa
300ml vegetable stock
100g stoned olives,
roughly chopped
2 large handfuls of soft herbs,
such as parsley, mint, basil,
chives, coriander and a little
tarragon, chopped
Finely grated zest of 1 lemon
and a little juice
3 tbsp pine nuts, toasted in
a dry pan
2 x 500g sides trout or salmon,
cleaned and pin-boned
Salt and black pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 220C, gas mark 7.

To make the stuffng, slice the fesh from the
peppers, discard the seeds and pith, and arrange
on an oiled baking sheet, skin-side up. Drizzle with
oil and roast for about 20 minutes, until charred,
then put in a covered bowl or a plastic bag to
steam. Once cool, peel off the skin.
Turn the oven down to 170C, gas mark 3.
Meanwhile, rinse the quinoa in a sieve then put
it in a pan with the vegetable stock. Bring to the
boil and simmer for 16-18 minutes. Cool, then
stir in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and all the
remaining ingredients (except the fsh).
Lay fve 30cm lengths of kitchen string across
an oiled baking tray, about 4cm apart. Place one
trout or salmon side, skin-side down, on the
strings, adjusting them so that they are evenly
spaced down the length of the fsh. Season the
fsh with salt and pepper and carefully spoon
the stuffng mixture on top, pressing it down
frmly. Season the second fsh side then lay it on
top of the stuffng, skin-side up. Bring up the ends
of each string and tie together.
The fsh can be prepared to this stage a few
hours in advance and kept in the fridge. Bring up
to room temperature before cooking. Bake the
fsh for 15-20 minutes, until it just fakes when
pressed. Serve with a green salad.

christmas 2014 | H&G | 21

Roast guinea fowl with RosemaRy caRRots and baked polenta

serves 4-6

Instead of stirring polenta on the hob, try baking it for a fuss-free option. Everything here but the
gravy is cooked in the oven, so getting this hearty roast on the table is a matter of timing.
240g polenta
tsp salt
50g butter
2 guinea fowl
Sea salt
6 rosemary sprigs
1 lemon, halved
2 onions, sliced (skin on)
100ml Madeira
500ml chicken stock
400g baby carrots
2 tbsp olive oil
25g Parmesan, grated
2 tsp runny honey
Salt and black pepper

22 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014

Pre-heat the oven to 190C, gas mark 5. Put the

polenta in a baking dish, stir in the teaspoon salt,
30g butter, melted, and 1.6 litres water and bake,
uncovered, for 1 hour.
Rub the remaining butter over the breasts of the
guinea fowl and sprinkle generously with sea salt. Put
a rosemary sprig and half a lemon in the cavity of each,
and tie the legs with kitchen string. Put the onions on
the base of a sturdy roasting tin, place the birds on top
and roast for 50 minutes, until the skin is golden and
the juices run clear when the birds are pierced with
a skewer through a thigh. Remove the guinea fowl to a
platter to rest for 10 minutes and discard the onions.
Put the tin over a high heat and add the Madeira to
make a gravy. Boil to reduce by half, then add the stock

and bubble for 5 minutes until syrupy. Keep warm.

Lay out the carrots (with their tops still on) in
a roasting tin with the olive oil and the remaining
rosemary sprigs. Season, toss to mix and roast for
25 minutes.
Meanwhile, stir the polenta well and return to the
oven for about 20 minutes. Mix in the Parmesan, cover
with foil and rest for 5-10 minutes before serving.
Turn the oven up to 220C, gas mark 7. Stir the
honey into the carrots and roast for 10-15 minutes
more, until caramelised. Carve the rested birds into
large pieces and serve on top of the polenta with the
pan juices spooned over, and the carrots and
gravy on the side.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

H&G Main courses

pheasant and mushRoom

puff pastRy pie
serves 4-6

Seasonal and comforting, this pie

is also a real treat. Serve with mash
and greens to mop up the juices.
4 tbsp plain four
Salt and black pepper
3 pheasants, divided
into breasts and
thighs, boned
30g butter
1 tbsp olive oil
400g mixed
wiped clean
10 shallots, peeled

and halved
150ml dry sherry
4 juniper berries,
lightly crushed
400ml good, fresh
chicken stock
50ml double cream
320g ready-rolled
puff pastry
1 egg, beaten,
to glaze

Season the four generously with salt and

black pepper and spread out on a plate. Coat
the pheasant pieces with the four, saving any
that doesnt stick. Heat the butter and oil in a
casserole or deep frying pan, add the foured
pheasant pieces and sear over a medium heat,
until browned on all sides. Remove to a large
bowl using a slotted spoon.
Add the mushrooms to the pan and cook,
stirring for 5 minutes, then add these to the
pheasant using a slotted spoon. Cook the
shallots (adding a little more butter or oil,
if needed) for 5 minutes, until beginning to
brown, stirring in any of the unused four
at the end.
Add the sherry and crushed juniper berries
and bubble for 1-2 minutes. Gradually add the
stock, bring to the boil and simmer briskly for
5 minutes, then stir in the cream. Remove from
the heat and stir in the pheasant, mushrooms
and any juices from the bowl. Transfer to a pie
or baking dish and leave to cool.
Pre-heat the oven to 190C, gas mark 5.
Cover the flling with the pastry, allowing
about 4cm of excess to drape over the sides
(stick this down with a little water).
Make a large slit in the centre to let out
the steam, brush with beaten egg to glaze
and bake for about 40 minutes, until deeply
golden. Let the pie sit for 10 minutes
before serving.

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 23

24 | H&G | Christmas 2014

H&G Decorating


Rich mauves, vibrant greens and jewel-like amethysts are Tricia Guilds
ingredients for her thrilling take on seasonal decorating

A striking mix

Panels featuring a beautifully bold

wallpaper design set the tone for this
exuberant table. Contrasting shades
of purple, blue and green have an
eclectic, playful effect, enhanced by
kitsch decorations and cut owers.


placemats in Magenta, 7.50

each. Sorbetto dinner plates in
Stone, 9.50 each. Sorbetto side
plates in Ice, 7.50 each. Sorbetto
soup plates in Menta, 9.50 each.
Palasini wallpaper in Indigo (made
into gift bag), 85 a roll. Brick Lane
cutlery, from 6 for a fork. Lario
napkins in Magenta, 7.50 each.
Mattiazzo crackers, 50 for six.

Lucca glass tumblers in Cobalt,

Verde and Celeste, small, 7
each; large, 9 each. Pink
dog decoration, 26 for two.
Mamushka decoration, 15
for four.
ACCESSORIES Lario tablecloth
in Marina, 85. Runners in Gavanti
silk stripe in Amethyst, 100m.
Sorbetto salad bowls in Mirtillo
and Mela, 29 each. Sorbetto

side plate in Mirtillo, 7.50. LSA

Gio glasses, 8 each. Guax glass
vases, from 60 each. Amrapali
candle 33. Giftwrap, from a
selection, from 5 for two sheets.
All Designers Guild.
fuRNITuRE Lim table, from
1,761; M1 chairs, 254 each;
both MDF Italia.
WALLPAPER Mattiazzo wallpaper,
75 a roll, Designers Guild.

Christmas 2014 | H&G | 25

H&G Decorating

For me, a fresh contemporary palette of colours offers a brilliant way to

completely transform a space, adding a magical air.

A festive look

Masses of vivid colour, candles,

fowers and decorative accessories
create an intimate feel for relaxed
drinks or a buet lunch. Wrapped
gifts enhance the Christmas spirit.

26 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014

ACCESSORIES Lario napkin in

Capri, 7.50. Large Lucca glass in
Glicine, 9. Small Lucca glasses
in Cobalt and Verde, 7 each. Jinshi
wine glasses, 9 each. Giftwrap,
from a selection, from 5 for
two sheets. Palasini wallpaper in
Indigo (made into gift bag), 85
a roll. Mamushka decoration, 15
for four. Cone decorations, 12

each. Astier de Villatte Tom bowl,

150. Kate McBride cup and
saucer, 200. Kate McBride
goblet, 200. Gardenia candle,
38. Tube tall sky vase, 80.
Astier de Villatte Vauban
vase, 220. Astier de Villatte
candlesticks, from 80 each.
Saraille ombre candles,
12.50 for four. Bambola vase,

160. Vintage bottle vases,

55 each. Kathy Dalwood head
sculpture, 350. Astier de
Villatte vases, from 90 each.
Butterfy dome, 15.
FURNITURE Adelphi chair,
from 1,000. Saarinen
side table, from 912.
FAbRIC Indupala cushion in
Cobalt, 70. All Designers Guild.

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 27









28 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014


1| Astier de Villatte Vauban vase, H33cm,

220. 2| Lario napkins in Indigo and Slate,
45cm sq, 7.50 each. 3| Astier de Villatte
Blue Butterfy plate by John Derian,
diam20.5cm, 70. 4| Small Lucca glass in Blue,
H9cm, 7. 5| Astier de Villatte candlesticks,
H25cm, H35cm, from 80 each. 6| Saraille
glass in Aqua, 140ml, 7. 7| Mattiazo cushion
in Cobalt, 60cm sq, 115. 8| Sorbetto dinner
plate in Stone, diam27cm, 9.50. 9| Time
bowl in Blue, H6.5xdiam14cm, 21. 10| Time
mug in White, H9xdiam8cm, 19.

H&G Shopping

Our favourite pieces from

Designers Guilds latest collections
of stylish home accessories make
ideal Christmas gifts







11| Bottle vase, H32cm, 40. 12| Imperial Love

porcelain cup and saucer, H9xdiam8cm,
43. 13| Indupala cushion in Cobalt, 60x30cm,
70. 14| Small Lucca glass in Verde, H9cm, 7.
15| Saraille dining candles, H20cm, 12.50 set
of four. 16| Gardenia candle, H8xdiam10cm, 38.
17| Butterfy dome decoration, H12.5cm, 15.
18| Sorbetto small bowl in Mela, H10xdiam13cm,
9.50. 19| Lario napkins in Borghese Lime and
Marina, 45cm sq, 7.50 each. 20| Sorbetto dinner
plate in Menta, diam27cm, 9.50. All Designers



CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 29

H&G Desserts

From light and elegant to rich
and indulgent, these exquisite
desserts will make the perfect
fnale to seasonal entertaining

Stuffed freSh dateS in clementine Syrup

Serves 6-8

These sticky dates make a delectable dessert served with thick

cream and can be preserved for up to three months.
40 fresh red or
yellow dates
40 blanched almonds
500g granulated sugar
Freshly squeezed juice of
2 clementines and pared
rind, cut into thick strips
3-4 cloves
Clotted cream, to serve

30 | H&G | CHRISTMAS 2014

Put the dates in a heavy-based pan with

enough water just to cover. Bring to the boil,
reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes
to soften, then drain, reserving the water.
Carefully remove the stones from the
dates using a sharp knife, then stuff each
with an almond and set aside. Pour the date
water back into the pan and add the sugar,
clementine juice and rind, and cloves.
Bring to the boil, stirring all the time until
the sugar has dissolved, then continue to boil

for 2-3 minutes. Reduce the heat and simmer

until the syrup begins to thicken. Add the dates
to the pan and simmer for about 40 minutes,
until the syrup is thick and fragrant.
Leave to cool then transfer to a bowl. Serve
chilled or at room temperature with the syrup
and clotted cream, if you like.
To preserve, spoon the dates into sterilised
jars, cover with the syrup, seal and store in the
fridge or a cool place for two to three months.

Taken from
Flavours of the
Middle East by
Ghillie Basan
(18.99, Ryland,
Peters & Small).

Serves 6

This must be made a few hours

before serving to give the layers
a chance to soften and mellow.
400ml freshly made
espresso coffee
50ml rum or
150g golden
caster sugar
200g Savoiardi

3 eggs, separated
500g mascarpone,
at room temperature
100ml Marsala
50g cocoa powder,
50g dark chocolate,
fnely grated

Pour the coffee into a dish and stir in the

rum or amaretto and 50g of the caster sugar.

Divide the biscuits into two batches. Taking

one batch, dip each biscuit briefy into the
coffee mixture, turning to coat, then put
straight into 6 individual serving glasses or
one large serving dish, to form a base layer.
Using an electric whisk, beat the egg yolks
with the remaining 100g caster sugar for
8-10 minutes, until thick and pale. Fold in
the mascarpone, a spoonful at a time, until
incorporated, then swiftly whisk in the
Marsala, trying not to lose any volume.
In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites
until stiff. Fold the mascarpone mixture
into the egg whites. Spoon half of this over
the biscuits in the serving dish or divide
among the individual glasses, then lightly
dust with half the cocoa powder. Repeat
the layers using the second batch of
sponge fngers, dipped in the coffee
mixture, and the mascarpone.
Finish with a dusting of cocoa
powder and a layer of grated
chocolate. Chill for at least 6 hours
or overnight before serving.

CHRISTMAS 2014 | H&G | 31

H&G Desserts


Serves 6

This is a softly set, fragrant jelly with a melting texture. Should you want to set it in a mould and turn
it out, add an extra leaf of gelatine to make the jelly frmer and chill for at least 5 hours before doing so.
600ml muscat wine
(or other foral
dessert wine)
125g caster sugar
3 ripe but frm
yellow peaches
6 leaves gelatine
Pouring cream,
to serve

32 | H&G | christmas 2014

Put the muscat, sugar and peaches in

a saucepan with 350ml water. Bring to a
simmer and gently poach for 10 minutes.
Remove the peaches with a slotted spoon
and allow to cool. Slip the skins off and add
these to the poaching liquid, barely simmering
on a low heat, until it turns peachy-pink.
Soak the gelatine leaves in plenty of cool
water for about 3 minutes, adding them one by
one to prevent sticking. Wring the soft leaves
out, then stir them into the hot peach-poaching
liquid to dissolve completely. Strain the jelly
mixture into a jug and cool for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, halve, stone and slice the

peaches. Divide the jelly mixture between
6 glasses or cups. Place the jellies in the fridge
for 20-30 minutes, until the liquid begins to
set, then push the peach slices down into the
glasses. If the liquid has thickened enough,
the peaches will be suspended beneath the
surface. If the peaches foat, chill the jellies for
a few minutes more, then push the peaches in.
Leave for at least 3 hours to set completely
before serving. Eat as they are or accompanied
by pouring cream, if you like.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at


Makes 8

Friands are delicate French cakes, leavened with whipped egg. You can easily buy exible
silicone friand moulds online, but a non-stick mun tin works just as well.
Friands are best eaten on the day they are made, but freeze well for up to three months.
75g butter, melted and cooled
slightly, plus extra to grease
100g macadamias
140g icing sugar, sifted
60g plain four, sifted
3 large egg whites
Pinch salt
tsp vanilla extract
2 plums, stones removed, one
diced, the other fnely sliced
2 tbsp plum or apricot jam,
to glaze

Pre-heat the oven to 200C, gas mark 6.

Unless your friand or muffn moulds are
silicone, grease them with a little butter.
Roughly chop 25g of the macadamia nuts
and set aside. Pulse the remaining 75g in a
food processor with 2 tbsp icing sugar (this
helps to prevent the nuts turning oily) until
fnely ground. Tip into a mixing bowl and stir
in the remaining icing sugar and the four.
In a separate, clean bowl, whisk the egg
whites and salt together until they form stiff
peaks. Fold into the nut mixture using a large

metal spoon, with the vanilla extract, diced

plum and melted butter. Dont overfold;
keep the batter light and airy.
Divide the batter between the moulds and
top with a few slices of plum and a sprinkle of
the reserved nuts. Bake for 20-25 minutes
until golden and risen. Cool in the moulds for
5 minutes before turning out on to a wire rack.
Heat the jam in a small pan to melt it
slightly. Brush the tops of the warm cakes
with the jam, then leave to cool completely.

christmas 2014 | H&G | 33

pine kernel torte

Serves 8-10

This easy after-dinner or teatime cake has a lovely texture with a light nutty
crunch. It is delicious served with Vin Santo, a sweet Italian dessert wine.
175g unsalted butter,
softened, plus extra
for greasing
175g light brown soft sugar
3 eggs
200g plain four, sifted
1 tsp vanilla extract
60ml Vin Santo
1 tsp baking powder
100g pine nuts
Finely grated zest of 1 lemon

34 | H&G | christmas 2014

Pre-heat the oven to 220C, gas mark 7.

Lightly butter a 23cm spring-form cake tin and
line with baking parchment. Using an electric
mixer or hand-held whisk, beat the butter with
the sugar until light and fuffy.
Beat in the eggs, one at a time, adding a
spoonful of the four to prevent curdling. Briefy
whisk in the vanilla extract and the Vin Santo.
Using a large spoon or spatula, gently fold in
the sifted four and baking powder, with 40g
of the pine nuts and the lemon zest.
Pour the mixture into the prepared cake tin

and smooth the surface, then scatter the

remaining pine nuts over the top. Bake for
40-45 minutes, until a skewer inserted into the
centre of the cake comes out clean. Leave to
cool in the tin for 15 minutes, then turn out on
to a wire rack and cool completely.
Serve with whipped cream and a glass of
Vin Santo; sliced tangerines, a little rosemary
and honey make lovely additions. For a richer
variation, split the cake horizontally and fll the
centre with mascarpone and fg jam.

For the perFect christmas giFt, see our subscriptions oFFer at

H&G Desserts

Spiced pear and chocolate cakeS

Makes 6

Presented in a syrup-lled preserving jar with cinnamon and cloves, these pears also make a welcome gift.
For the spiced pears
6 small, frm pears
500g caster sugar
1 litre cold water
10 cloves
10 cardamom pods
2 cinnamon sticks

For the chocolate cakes

60g unsalted butter
25g cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 tbsp boiling water
50g caster sugar
50g dark brown soft sugar
1 large egg
2 tbsp milk
90g plain four
1 tsp baking powder
tsp salt

Peel the pears, leaving the stalks intact,

then slice off the bottoms and hollow out to
remove the core and seeds. Put the sugar and
water in a large saucepan and boil until the
sugar has dissolved.
Add all the spices and the pears to the pan
and reduce to a simmer. To keep the pears
submerged, place baking paper on the surface
of the syrup and weigh down with a small
saucepan lid or plate that fts inside the pan.
Simmer for 15 minutes, until the pears are
tender. Leave the pears to cool in the syrup.
For the chocolate cakes, pre-heat the oven
to 170C, gas mark 3. Lightly butter six 120ml
ramekins and place on a baking tray. Mix the
cocoa powder, vanilla extract and boiling water
in a small bowl until combined, then set aside
to cool. In a food processor, beat together the
butter and sugars for 3-4 minutes, until

the mixture is pale and creamy. Add the

egg and milk and beat well.
Sift the four, baking powder and salt into
a clean bowl and stir to combine. In a food
processor, beat half of the four mixture into
the butter mix, then add half of the cooled
cocoa mixture.
Repeat with the remainder of each mix,
scraping down the sides of the bowl to make
sure the ingredients are well incorporated.
Divide the mixture between the ramekins.
Press one pear into the centre of each the
cake mix should come about halfway up each
pear. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a skewer
inserted into one of the cakes comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack and dust with icing
sugar. Store in an airtight container for up
to three days. Serve at room temperature.

Taken from
Treats by April
Carter (12.99,
Hardie Grant).

christmas 2014 | H&G | 35

Recipes Alice Hart 4, 6, 7, 9, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34;
Clare Ferguson 5; Joanna Farrow 8; Ghillie Basan 17, 30; April Carter 35.
photogRaphs James Merrell 2, 10-13, 24-27, 36; Jonathan Gregson 4, 6, 7, 9, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,

23, 31, 32, 33, 34; Laura Edwards 5; Maja Smend 8; Steve Painter 17, 30; Danielle Wood 35.

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