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Vd is directly proportional to ECV and tissue binding but inversely proportional to plasma protein

binding (PPB). Therefore, the higher the Vd, the lower the PPB.
Drugs with zero order kinetics: phenytoin, ethanol, aspirin
AUC degree of drug absorption
Cholinergic receptors
Nicotinic receptors
Noradrenergic receptors
Skeletal muscle tremor due to beta 2 effect. Therefore, b2 antagonist would help remove the tremor.

i.e. Propanolol
For acute angle closure glaucoma: Pilocarpine
Contraindicated in acute angle closure glaucoma: Atropine
GI and bladder atony: Betanechol
"Sufficient quantity": qs
Rx - superscript
Direction to the pharmacist - subscript
Direction to the patient transcription
Basis, adjuvant, corrective, vehicle self explanatory
Anticholinergic of choice for asthma: Ipratropium bromide
Ipratropium bromide is usually given with: Salbutamol
Needs drug monitoring due to its narrow margin of safety: Theophylline
Long half-life of salmeterol is due to its: High lipophilicity
Patients are instructed to gargle after taking this drug (budesonide) to prevent: Oral candidiasis
Can be used with other drugs for helicobacter pylori infection: Bismuth sulcralfate
Anti-emetic for chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting: Ondansentron
Ulcer/ Zollinger-ellison/Gastroesophageal disease: Omeprazole
Acetazolamide side effect: hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis; Indicated for glaucoma and acute

mountain sickness
Which diuretic is the best for calcium stones: Thiazides
Which diuretic is best for HPN: Thiazides
Which diuretic is best for heart failure: Loop diuretics
Most common indication for your carbonic anhydrase inhibitor: Glaucoma
What diuretic will cause stone formation: Loop diuretics
Aldosterone antagonist: Spironolactone
Most common site of digitalis toxicity: GIT
Inc Ca, dec K, dec Mg risk factors for digitalis toxicity: Furosemide/ Amiodarone
MOA as a PDE inhibitor Bipyridines (Milrinone/inamrinone)
Beta drugs with ISA - Labetalol
Highest probability of torsade de pointes: Class III
Not a prodrug for ACE inhibitors: Captopril
Block GPIIb/IIIa (i.e. Tirofiban, eptifibatide): Abciximab
Antihyperlipidemic that is a ligand of PPAR: Fibrates
Fibrates + statins are not recommended due to w/c side effect: Rhabdomyolysis
Which drug will inhibit the HMG-Coa reductase inhibitors: Statins
Anti-epileptic agent that produces paradoxical hyperactivity in children: Phenobarbital
Anti-epileptic used for SIADH: Carbamazepine

SSRI's, have delayed effect due to: Post receptor down regulation
Action is affected by kinetics at low and high dose: Phenytoin
Most potent psychopharmacologic, for schizophrenia: Haloperidol
Indicated for all types of seizures (grand mal, absence, myoclonic seizures): Valproic acid
Side effect of psychopharmacologic drugs: Motor dysfunction
Displaces phenytoin from CHON binding: Aspirin
Anticonvulsant with bad effect to heart: Phenytoin?
Anticonvulsant best for acute epileptic attacks: Diazepam?
Antibiotic with the same spectrum of activity as aminoglycosides: Aztreonam
Antibiotic which has a decreased absorption in presence of food: Phenoxymethylpenicillin or penV
Antifungal that can safely cross BBB: Fluconazole
Antiviral drug that prevents uncoating of virus: Amantadine
Antiviral drug that prevents the release of virus: Oseltamivir
Antiviral drug that prevents penetration: Enfurvitide
Antiparasitic drug for amebic cyst passers but do not kill tissue trophozoites: Diloxanide furoate
Antiparasitic drug for tissue trophozoites but not amebic cysts: Metronidazole
Antimalaria drug for radical cure: Primaquine
Anti-TB drug that is used to reduce emergence of resistance: Ethambutol
Anti-TB drug for latent infection (boy, exposed to TB): Isoniazid 9mos.
Anti-TB drug that has a biphasic kinetics: Isoniazid
Anti-TB drug for slowly growing tubercle bacilli: Pyrazinamide
Anti-TB drug that can also be used in leprosy: Rifampicin
Drug for multibacillary leprosy: Clofazimine
Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocker whose metabolite laudanosine can induce seizures when it

gets accumulated and requires greater anesthetic concentration: Atracurium

Accumulation of O-toluidine metabolite: Prilocaine
Anesthetic drug that can cause cardiac toxicity: Halothane
Condition that is resistant to non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockers: Severe burns
Steroid for salt-losing addisons disease: Fludrocortisone
Least sedating 1st gen. H1 blocker: Chlorphenamine
Antithyroid drug for rapid improvement of symptoms in goiter: Iodide
Anti-thyroid for pregnant women: PTU
Anti-thyroid for compliance: Methimazole
SERM beneficial effect to bone but not to breast: Raloxifene
Anti-diabetic drug for obese patients with good renal function: Metformin
Anti-diabetic sulfonylurea drug good for elderly patients: Tolbutamide
Drug for prostate cancer: Flutamide
Vincristine (adverse effect): Neurotoxicity
Cyclophosphamide (adverse effect): Hemorrhagic cystitis
Cisplatin (adverse effect): Nephrotoxicity
Doxorubicin (adverse effect):
First sign of salicylate toxicity: Hyperventilation & respiratory alkalosis
Lead accumulates where in children: Bone marrow
Heparin (antidote): Protamine
Warfarin should not be used for pregnant women: Heparin more advisable
Breastfeeding women are more prone to pass on to their babies their drug intake when drug is taken:
before breastfeeding

Magnesium Ma = madaming poopoo se: diarrhea

Aluminum Al = ala wAlang poopoo se: constipation
-tidine = h2 antagonist
Cimetidine enzyme inhibitor; hormonal adverse effects
Famotidine most potent
-azole = proton pump inhibitor
Dopamine alpha 1, beta 1, dopamine receptors
At low doses causes vasodilation
Disopyramide and flecainide, verapamil negative inotropic effect
Calcium Channel Blockers

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