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Dear Applicant:

You are about to begin preparations for Ministerial Credentials and/or

Missionary Service, request for Spiritual Covering or Partnership/Affiliation.

Shepherds Of Grace International is an Apostolic Ministry operating under

the leadership philosophy of Servanthood, Relationship, Responsibility and

Please locate and read the following forms and initial here:

1. _____ Spiritual Covering or Partnership/Affiliation

2. _____ Statement of Mission and Vision
3. _____ SOGI an Apostolic Oversight and Apostolic Ministry
4. _____ Application for Church or Ministry Partnership/Affiliation
5. _____ Application for Ministerial Credentials

Submit to our office: this cover letter along with the Application Church or
Ministry Partnership/Affiliation, Application for Ministerial Credentials, two
current passport photos, one regular family photo and all fees. All other
material in this packet is for your files.

Please complete all Applications fully, leaving no blanks spaces. If the any
question does not apply to you, mark “N/A”. Uncompleted applications will
slow down the process of credentialing and/or acceptance.

Serving Christ, Together,

Bishop John J. Aguilar

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Shepherds Of Grace International
“Spiritual Covering” or “Partnership”

Spiritual Covering:

There are some Ministries in need of a “Spiritual Covering” and desire to be connected to
a “mother organism”. (God has called us to be a living organism not an organization)

Shepherds Of Grace International (SOGI), is an Apostolic Ministry, providing a

Spiritual Covering for Pastors, Churches and other Outreach Ministries. Developing
responsible Evangelism, through Prophetic Preaching Teaching, and Development of
Leadership. Provoking people to live with a passion for Christ.

We are NOT a denomination but rather a “Volunteer Fellowship” submitting to one

another in authority. We function as a “Father in Ministry”, giving direction and
guidance as we work together to further the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Church or Ministry will keep their present name (sample: Abundant Life Church),
but they will join the Shepherds of Grace International Family and together we will work
to full-fill the Vision that God given that local Church or Ministry.

Locations under the Spiritual Covering of Shepherds of Grace International will have
priority concerning leadership development, training, evangelism and ministry on a local
level as well as organizing short-term mission teams or medical mission teams from the
USA, to work with overseas pastor's in an attempt to raise the visibility of their ministry,
benefit their local work and fulfill the “Great Commission”.

Our primary purpose is reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
and developing leadership who fulfill this purpose.

Spiritual Covering for the USA Includes:

Relationships in ministry
Spiritual Support, Oversight, Guidance and Development
Leadership reflecting: Servanthood, Relationships, Responsibility and Empowerment
License and Ordination (normally this pastor will have credentials only with us)
Development of Mission Programs and short-term mission trips

Spiritual Covering for Overseas Locations will also include:

Relationships in ministry
Financial Support As the Lord Supplies (no support is guarantee)
Appointing a SOGI Director for that Area (presently a volunteer position)
Yearly Conference and Leadership Development as schedules allow
SOGI will establish children's home, clinics, water wells etc., as the Lord directs.
Short-term mission trips from USA

We are “kingdom minded” people... connecting one another, and helping one another to
further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the end, it is not about Shepherds of Grace or any
other Ministry Name... It is about Reaching People For Christ.

As Paul and Barnabas worked together, side by side in the ministry... so is our
“Partnership” program. Some ministries are already established, even further along then
we are... and a part of our vision is to connect people together for the kingdom work.

In “Partnership” the Church or Ministry will keep there own credentials and ordination
process... continue with their own spiritual direction and guidance, without our input or
experience... But will choose to join hands with us in ministry. Together we will share
our resources and work side by side in ministry... evangelistic crusades... children's
homes, medical clinics, bible schools, etc.

These Churches or Ministries will also keep their present name and be listed as one of
Shepherds Of Grace Intl. “Partners” or “Affiliates”. The Pastor's and Shepherds of
Grace International, will work together on specific ministry projects as resources are

For overseas locations, Shepherds of Grace International. will organize short-term

mission teams or medical mission teams from the USA, to come and work with these
overseas pastor's in an attempt to raise the visibility of their ministry and benefit their
local work.

This Includes:

Ordination ONLY if the pastor is a SOGI Director's (he will hold dual credentials)
Financial Support as the Lord Supplies
Working together on Evangelistic Projects
Short-term mission trips from USA

These are the basic differences between our Spiritual Covering, and Partnership.

With either program we do not guarantee salaries, monthly finances or unlimited

resources. We walk and live by faith, trusting our Lord to provide for everything.

Our commitment is to promote true ministry, discipleship, pastoral training, feeding

the hungry, ministry to the poor and reaching the lost. SOGI has no paid staff,
including the Bishop and his family. All members are volunteers or raise there own
mission support.

As “Kingdom Minded” people, we are called to bring people together from every tribe
and nation, for the work of the ministry and the glory of God.

Should you have further questions please contact us (803) 617-9571

Visit us Online:

Our Mission
To participate in the Body of Christ, as an Apostolic
Ministry, providing a spiritual covering for pastors,
churches and other outreach ministries. Developing
responsible Evangelism, through Prophetic Preaching,
Teaching, and Development of Leadership. Provoking
people to live with a passion for Christ.

Our Vision

To connect Christians (who live a Christ-like life) from

every tribe and nation, for the purpose of the Great
Commission... "Go ye unto all the world... and make
Disciples" we train people to identify and step into
the purpose, plan and position of ministry that God has
ordained for their life, while being "kingdom minded"
with a desire to connect other Christ-like people together
for a kingdom work.
Apostolic Oversight

What Is Apostolic Oversight?

It will be easier to see what apostolic oversight is by first stating what it is not. In 1
Thessalonians 2:1 the apostle Paul said; our coming to you was not in vain. The word
"vain" expresses the hollowness of anything; Paul was saying their work was not void of
content or power. This word could also be translated "empty-handed.” Paul was saying;
we didn't come to take something away from you but to bring you something. This is the
heart of apostolic oversight. It has nothing to do with what the apostle "receives" from the
church; it has everything to do with what apostolic oversight brings to the church.

Apostolic oversight:
Is not a means for personal kingdom building. The issue is not quantity - "How many
churches do you have in your network?" The issue is the quality of care for the local
church and love for the saints.
Is not about money, it is not "a pretext for greed " (1Thess. 2:5). Paul denies that he ever
used his ministry as a secret means of enriching himself. Apostolic oversight is not multi-
level marketing for church planters where all resources work their way to the top.
Is not about human glory; "I'm Apostle so and so". Paul said; we have never sought
honor from men, from you or from anybody else (1Thess. 2:6). Paul here is repudiating
personal ambition. Paul never used his preaching to gain the honor, recognition and
approval that men give.
Is not micro-managing the church. Paul actually did have authority, but he never
abused it. Even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority
(1Thess. 2:6). The only authority that exists in the church is Christ's authority. True
apostles are not authoritarian or controlling. Authority is always to be used for the benefit
of those under it, never for the personal benefit of those exercising it.
True apostolic oversight has to do with being a "father" to the church.
Seeing the church as a father sees his children, intent on training his children
according to their individual needs. Caring for children is tiring work. Paul
said; You remember brethren, our labor and toil, laboring day and night (1
Thess. 2:9). True apostles faithfully proclaim “The Gospel of God" without
alteration or substitution.
Apostolic oversight is foundational. Paul said; I have laid a foundation and another
builds on it (1 Cor. 3:10). The foundation of a building is out of sight, but it is the key to
stability and the growth of the structure built on it. Many churches today have faulty
foundations and as a result they continually struggle with the same problems. Jesus Christ
himself is the Chief Cornerstone of the foundation (Eph. 2:20). Everything the church is
and does has to be rightly related to Christ, because the church belongs to Him.
It is part of New Testament Christianity that churches are to be built up, equipped and
matured through ongoing relationship with five-fold ministry. While in the first century
this was done primarily through relationship with apostles who initially founded the
churches, today many churches are discovering the importance of relating to apostles
who may not have pioneered the church, yet provide a rich source of wisdom and
strength through ongoing relationship. This is accomplished when a church moves
beyond merely having fellowship and receiving ministry from apostles, into the place of
identifying, recognizing and receiving oversight from an apostolic ministry. This can
only occur where a relationship of trust has been established between a church and an
apostolic ministry. Such a relationship takes time to establish.

The Benefits of Apostolic Covering

There is no reason for a church to have an apostolic covering if the church doesn't benefit
from the relationship. If the only one receiving benefits is the apostle, something is
wrong. Following are some areas that a church and its leaders should benefit from
apostolic covering:
Counsel - In vision, helping to define it, refine it and articulate it. In doctrine, to
help deal with doctrinal issues confronting a church or causing division in the
church. In church discipline, this is especially helpful in difficult cases to avoid
personal attacks against leadership when a member needs discipline.
Protection - This is to provide an atmosphere of safety and security for both the
pastor and the people. To protect the people- if a leader falls into error or sin or
becomes dictatorial, the congregation knows they have someone to appeal to,
helping to avoid a church split. To protect the pastor - At times the Pastor needs
someone to speak on his behalf. He needs protection against false accusations.
Accountability - Having apostolic covering gives the pastor someone to be
accountable to, someone to talk to, relate to and just sound off to.
Confirmation - Apostolic covering can be used to confirm and ordain elders and
other 5-fold gifts in the church. Having someone else to interview and confirm
candidates for ministry can provide an objective view that is often missing in
independent churches.
Encouragement - Visits by apostolic covering can bring encouragement and
blessing to a local church.
Commitment - Apostolic covering doesn't work unless there is a level of
commitment by a pastor and congregation. Every pastor knows the value and
importance of commitment in the local church. A level of commitment is needed
if you're going to entrust someone with ministry responsibility in the local church.
As an apostolic network we have come to realize that there are some basic
commitments a pastor and local church need to make to fully benefit from
apostolic oversight:

First, set aside a time to meet with the overseer or attend services that SOGI may conduct
throughout the year. This will provide and opportunity:
To increase vision
To build relationships
To encourage fellowship
To receive teaching and ministry
To connect with a global vision
To be personally strengthened and refreshed
Secondly, participate financially - One of the signs that a church is committed to SOGI is
regular financial support. As an apostolic ministry we believe that every participating
church and ministry should be giving consistently.
Jesus taught that one of the evidences that people were receiving the Word of God
was their willingness to support the messengers financially (Matthew 10:5-14).
We are cautious as an apostolic ministry regarding the subject of finances. We
know there is much confusion and abuse in this area in the body of Christ. We
believe the laborer is worthy of his wages (1 Tim.5: 18) and that churches
receiving ministry from the apostolic ministry should financially support the
As an International Ministry that is committed to reaching the nations, there are many
things that need to be done that will require financial support.
We need to develop materials that are translated into different languages to
minister to the nations.
We need to develop materials that can be used by SOGI churches for the
discipline and training of people in the local church.
We need to provide for administrative expenses including; office expenses,
printing costs, mailing costs, web site maintenance, and hosting the national
Our desire as an International Ministry is to be a resource center that will be able
to provide support for local churches both here and abroad. Overseas Churches
desperately need our support. All of this requires finances.
Practical Steps for Entering SOGI
Begin to build a relationship with Bishop John Aguilar and members of the SOGI
Talk to your leaders and the church about having apostolic oversight.
Have someone from SOGI come and teach on apostolic oversight.
Pray and ask God for insight concerning being under Apostolic covering.
Fill out, and submit an application - Attach dues.

Code of Ethics
It is a requirement that every member of SOGI accept and adhere to the following
ministerial ethics:
Each member has a right to their own style and personality as they follow Christ.
To conduct ones affairs in: morals, finances, and business relations with a high
degree of Christian integrity.
To maintain a teachable spirit towards the other leaders of the Fellowship.
To speak in a respectful and edifying manner where other members of the
Fellowship are concerned.
To abstain, directly or indirectly, in any issue that would cause a church split.
To not sow seeds of discord among the body by gossip, rumors and opinionated
To abstain from the consumption or use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs.
To pursue a Christian relationship with other members of the Fellowship.
To respect the rights of others and allow them to be different, as long as their
actions comply with the written Word of God.
To support and give your loyalty to any pastor under which you may serve.
To deal justly as the Scriptures command concerning all areas of fellowship,
relationships, unity and brotherly love.
To follow the procedure as commanded in the Scriptures when faced with a
brother or sister who is in violation of these ethics or any other Biblical moral
To agree to adhere to our statement of faith and ministerial Ethics.
Shepherds Of Grace International
An Apostolic Ministry

This means...

We are called by God to live a separated and consecrated life. Romans 1:1, Paul describes
himself as a “ of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of

We are called to be an Apostolic Father, planting and establishing churches world-wide and
developing responsible evangelistic ministry. The Word of God tells us in 1 Corinthians 4:15,
"For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers...", an
apostolic father will produce mature sons and daughters who are ready to carry a high level of
anointing in preaching, ministry, and integrity.

We are "kingdom minded", bringing Godly believers together, from every tribe and nation, for
the purpose of the great commission. Reaching The World For Christ and training them to
discover their potential, plan, and purpose in life; while helping them to identify and step into
their ministry.

We do not seek a sign, but expect signs and wonders to follow an apostolic ministry. "Truly
the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and
mighty deeds." 2 Corinthians 12:12

We will conduct ministry in the humility that Paul the Apostle demonstrated in 1 Corinthians
15:9, when he said, "For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an

We are servants of the most high God, providing a Spiritual Covering, with the understanding
that leadership is not title or position, but rather relationship, responsibility, and empowering
others. (1 Peter 5)

We do not think ourselves better than another, but we are committed to growing closer to
Christ daily. Studying to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that need not be
ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, being a doer of the Word, making the most of every
opportunity as we actively participate in the great commission.
Apostolic Ministry

The word "missionary" comes from a Latin word meaning the same as the Greek word
"apostolos," one sent forth, representing the one who has sent them forth, having all authority of
the sender, accomplishing what the sender would have accomplished should he had gone

The Function of an Apostle In the First Century Churches:

1. Taking the gospel to unreached areas. (Romans 15:20)

2. Laying a firm foundation (Christ Himself) for the churches being

established. (1 Cor. 3:10,11)

3. Training the initial leaders and appointing elders. (Acts 14:21-23)

4. Dealing with specific problems, false doctrines or sins in the churches that
had been established. (Corinthians)

5. Promoting unity in the Body of Christ. (1Cor., Eph., John)

6. Demonstrating and imparting the supernatural dimension of the

Kingdom of God. (1Cor. 2:4,5)

Are the functions still relevant today?

Unreached Areas - Although the gospel has gone out to some degree to every nation of the
earth, there are still an estimated 16,000 "people groups" that are geographically or linguistically
isolated and have never even heard of Jesus Christ.

Foundation Laying - Many churches in America and all over the world have never really been
established on a solid biblical foundation. They have been built upon human traditions and
human opinions, but not upon Christ Himself and His eternal Word.

Training Leaders - Today the apostolic function of training leaders has been largely replaced by
seminaries and Bible schools. Appointing the leaders of local churches has been made a matter of
congregational voting, selection by a denominational hierarchy, or ambitious aspiring young
preachers simply starting their own churches and appointing themselves the pastors. The result
has often been that leaders are put in places of responsibility that they are not really called to by
God, and are not adequately equipped to fulfill. They may have been good students at the
seminary, but are likely to miss the kind of personal training and character development that
Timothy received from Paul.
Problem Solving - It is clear that local churches frequently encounter problems that they have
difficulty solving without outside assistance. Pastors are often without any personal
accountability and often have no one to give them input regarding church problems. Sometimes
local leaders have blind spots and cannot even see the shortcomings that exist.

Unity - The disunity of the Body of Christ is still a scandal that robs us of the full blessing of
God and undercuts our testimony to the lost. Men of genuine apostolic heart have a burden to see
God's people come together as a united family and a united army. They see an overview of the
universal church around the world and can sense the heartbeat of what the Lord is speaking. The
vision is sorely needed in the church today, and only men of apostolic insight and authority can
bring it about in a significant way.

Supernatural - For too long we have relied upon our intellect, human wisdom, and persuasive
words - the very things Paul put no confidence in: "My message and my preaching were not in
wise and persuasive words, but with demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might
not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power (1 Corinthians 2:4,5).
Shepherds Of Grace International
Church or Ministry Partnership/Affiliation


1. Name of Church or Ministry: ______________________________________________

2. Address : ___________________________________ Phone: ____________________

3. Name and addresses of Pastor an officers:

__________________________________________________Phone: _______________

__________________________________________________Phone: _______________

__________________________________________________Phone: _______________

__________________________________________________Phone: _______________

__________________________________________________Phone: _______________

4. Ministry Areas of interest:



5. How long has your group been assembling together as a church body or ministry?


6. Define your ministry or describe the vision of this ministry. _____________________



7. Has this ministry ever been affiliated with any other organization, fellowship or
denomination? If yes, please list the name and address of the organization and period of
this affiliation ____________________________________________________________


From: ________________________To: ________________________

8. Is this ministry currently affiliated with any other organization, fellowship or

denomination? If yes, please list the name and address of the organization.



9. Does this ministry support any missionary in a foreign country? ______________If

yes, please provide their names, along with the city, state, and country of their foreign



Please Include the following with your application:

1. A brief typewritten history of this ministry since its inception.

2. A picture of the Pastor and his family and/or persons who will be involved in SOGI ministry.

3. A sample of recent newsletter, bulletin, or flier communication of this ministry, if

Shepherds Of Grace International maintains the right to deny, revoke, repossess of withhold
affiliation certification with due written notice.

We believe there are other God-called fellowships, organizations and association of which Shepherds Of
Grace International is only one of many.

We believe in the “Great Commission” and agree to uphold the high standard of ministry of
Jesus Christ and of the Shepherds Of Grace International.



NAME _______________________________________ TITLE__________________________

NAME _______________________________________ TITLE__________________________

NAME _______________________________________ TITLE__________________________

NAME _______________________________________ TITLE__________________________


DATE _______________

Before completing this application, please take note of the following:

1. All applicants should have:

a) A definite call, confirmed to others by the witness of the Holy Spirit.

b) An understanding of a purpose of God for this present hour as generally

accepted by Shepherds Of Grace International

c) A desire and dedication to give themselves wholly to the ministry.

2. All parts of this application that are applicable must be completed in their entirety.

3. Separate sheets appended to this application shall be with the full name of the applicant and statements given shall be identified
by the number or letter of the questions being answered or explained.

4. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT PLAINLY and attach a current photo with your application.



Last First Middle Maiden Name


CITY _________________________________ STATE __________________ ZIP _____________

Permanent Address (if different from above)___________________________________________________________________________


Telephone - Home: ( ) ________________ Office: ( ) _______________

Age _______ Date of Birth _________________ Place _________________________________ Male _______ Female _______

Citizenship _______________________ Social Security Number ______________________

Have you ever been arrested for a sexual crime? Yes _______ No _______

If Yes, Please Explain ___________________________________________________________________________________________




Step 1: Ministerial License - hold for 2 year minimum,

Step 2: Ordination - years 4+/full-time ministry only. Persons with ministerial experience can apply for Ministerial Licensing or
Ordination and persons who already hold credentials can apply for transfer.

____ License to Minister ____ Ordination ____ Recognition of Prior Ordination or Transfer ____ Partner Status Only

____ Bishop or Apostle (after Ordination, minimum 4 years oversight of multiple ministry with SOGI)


Shepherds Of Grace International? _______ Yes _______ No


Single _______ Married _______ Widowed _______ Divorced _______ Separated _______

Spouse's Name _______________________________________ Spouse's Social Security # _____________________

Were you ever divorced? _______ Yes _______ No Was your spouse? _______ Yes _______ No

(If you or your spouse have ever been divorced please give brief details of the circumstances surrounding the divorce on a separate page.)

CHILDREN: Name Age Name Age

______________________________________ ________ ____________________________________ ________

______________________________________ ________ ____________________________________ ________

______________________________________ ________ ____________________________________ ________

E. SPOUSE'S COMMENT - Please have your spouse explain how he or she feels about your relating to Shepherds Of Grace
International including any reservations he or she may have. If single, mark N/A. (Use additional paper if necessary)




F. EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION - Please provide the following information about your formal education other than grade school.
(Use additional paper if necessary.)


1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

G. WORK EXPERIENCE - Please list your work experience for the past ten years with your current or most recent position first.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Use additional paper if necessary)


1. Are you born again in accordance with John 3:3, 5 & 7? _______ Yes _______ No When? ______________

2. Have you been baptized by immersion in water? _______ Yes _______ No When? ___________________

3. Have you received the Baptism the Holy Spirit? _______ Yes _______ No When? ___________________

4. Do you speak in other tongues? _______ Yes _______ No Frequently? _______ Yes _______ No

5. Have you ever been involved in a church split? _______ Yes _______ No If yes, please explain. (additional paper if necessary)

1. Do you presently hold ministerial credentials with any other church body or fellowship? _______ Yes _______ No

If yes, please complete the following:

a) Type of credentials: __________________________________________

b) Name of organization: ________________________________________

c) Complete mailing address of organization: ______________________________________________________________

d) Date of ordination or issuance of credentials: ____________________________________

e) Do you wish to retain these credentials? _______ Yes _______ No

If you do, Shepherds Of Grace International may or may not issue further credentials to you. If not, the classification you
may receive from Shepherds Of Grace International will be that of "PARTNER" status or Church or Ministry Affiliation.

f) Have you in the past held ministerial credentials which have lapsed with any church body or fellowship? (Include Shepherds Of
Grace International credentials which are not presently valid.) _______ Yes _______ No

g) Have you ever had credentials revoked? _______ Yes _______ No

If so, please explain. (Use additional paper if necessary.)




2. Are you a pastor? _______ Yes _______ No If so, name of church ______________________________________________

3. What church do you attend? ___________________________________________ Pastor's Name_________________________

Church Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________

4. List with dates, places and responsibilities any Christian ministry in which you are engaged.




5. List with dates, places and responsibilities past Christian ministry in which you were engaged.



6. Do you have a call to any specific kind of ministry? _______ Yes _______ No

If so, what? (Please be specific)




1. Have you ever been involved in bankruptcy? _______ Yes ______ No If yes, explain. _________________________________


2. Are all of your bills currently up-to-date? _______ Yes _______ No

There is a $50 initial application fee and a $15 annual renewal fee for ministers who remain in goodstanding.

In addition, all Shepherds Of Grace International credential holders are asked and encouraged to support Shepherds Of
Grace International with their tithes and offerings.

Suggested individual support is 10% tithe of their personal income and any voluntary offerings, however great or small
toward missions.

If the Church is under the supervision and government of Shepherds Of Grace Intl., then the support is a 10% of total
tithe and offering collected and should be sent in monthly.

“Partner’s”, are asked and encouraged to voluntary support Shepherds Of Grace Intl., with some type of monthly offering,
however great or small.

Print Name (As it is to appear on your credential card) _______________________________________________________________

Signature __________________________________________________ Date ________________

K. INFORMATION CONCERNING Shepherds Of Grace International

1. Are you currently a member in good standing in a local Church? _______ Yes _______ No

2. What is your reason for applying for credentials or Partner Status with Shepherds Of Grace International?





3. How did you learn about Shepherds Of Grace International and its outreach ministries?




4. If you are granted credentials by Shepherds Of Grace International, will you endeavor to "guard the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
peace?" _______ Yes _______ No

5. Please read the STATEMENT OF FAITH. Do you agree with the Statement of Faith? ______ Yes _____ No

If there is any part of this Statement with which you do not agree please state your views in the space provided.





Do you use tobacco, alcohol, or narcotics in any form? ________ Yes ________ No

If yes, please explain. _________________________________________________________________________________________



List the full name, address and telephone number of six (6) people, including your current pastor and one other minister, who have known
you during the past four (4) years. If you are a pastor, give the name of a pastor or church leader who knows you well and with whom you
enjoy a close professional relationship. The Credentialing Committee reserves the right to contact any or all references listed.


PLEASE NOTE: Due to the time needed to obtain references, approximately 30-40 days will be needed for complete processing of this
application. The most frequent delay is obtaining and receiving of Personal Reference. Be sure to advise those you listed that someone
from SOGI may be contacting them by phone or by postal mail to receive a written personal reference concerning you. This will greatly
help and reduce the processing time.

Please put in title (Rev., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.)

1. Pastor:

Name ________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ______________________

Street ________________________________ City _______________________ State _________________ Zip ____________

2. Employer:

Name ________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) _______________________

Street ________________________________ City _______________________ State __________________ Zip __________

3. Title ______________________________

Name ________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ___________________

Street ________________________________ City _______________________ State __________________ Zip ___________

4. Title ______________________________

Name ________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ___________________

Street ________________________________ City _______________________ State _________________ Zip ____________

5. Title ______________________________

Name ________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ___________________

Street ________________________________ City _______________________ State __________________ Zip ___________

6. Title ______________________________

Name ________________________________________________________Phone ( ) ___________________

Street ________________________________ City _______________________ State __________________Zip ___________


1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible, authoritative Word of God

2. We believe in the triune Godhead as eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious death and atonement
through His shed Blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His present priestly ministry.

4. We believe in evangelistic and missionary fervor and endeavor.

5. We believe for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. We further believe in the
keeping power of God.

6. We believe that sanctification, holiness and the overcoming life is God's design for the Church, which is the Bride of Christ.

7. We believe that Baptism is for believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and is to be administered by immersion, thus bearing witness to the
gospel of Christ's death, burial and resurrection for us, and our own new life in Him.

8. We believe that Communion, when shared by believers witnesses to the saving power of the gospel, to Christ's presence in His church,
and looks forward to His victorious return.

9. We believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as on the day of Pentecost and in the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit as evidenced in
charismatic gifts and ministries, and in the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.

10. We believe that divine healing is obtained on the basis of the Atonement.

11. We believe in Christ's imminent personal return in power and great glory, and in His present and everlasting dominion.

12. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: they that are saved unto the resurrection of eternal life and they that are
lost unto the resurrection of eternal punishment.


COVERING OF Shepherds Of Grace International


If credentials or Partner Status are approved, I understand there will be an annual renewal fee required.

WAIVER: I willingly waive any right of access to the recommendations from the above listed/persons and any other personnel records,
knowing that this waiver is not required as a condition for acceptance of this application. _______ Yes _______ No

I hereby authorize Shepherds Of Grace International to make any investigation of my personal history and financial and credit record
through any investigative or credit agencies or bureaus of their choice. In addition, I understand I may be asked to furnish a current copy of
my personal credit report at my own expense. _______ Yes _______ No

I willingly agree to abide by the decision made by the Credentialing Board of Shepherds Of Grace International _____ Yes _____ No

APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE__________________________________________ DATE ______________

SPOUSE'S SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________ DATE__________________

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