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- modern medicine was discovered, formulated by the
- from the greek word ethos
- characteristic way of acting with intellect, and the will
- in latin "mors, mores" - traditionals
- action 1. distinction - good/ evil, right or wrong and
moral or immoral
- is a science
- a good doctors is someone who knows what he's
doing (competent)
- a great doctor is competent and knows wha is right
and what is wrong

How to give the best service of all?

2. obligation to do what is good and avoid what is evil...

do what is right and avoid what is wrong

Universal values (outside of him, try to imitate and do i

his life.)
- more human and more humane
- imperceptible but nonetheless real
1. Love
2. Truth
3. Peace
4. Freedom
5. Responsibility
6. Morality

3. Responsibility
4. Reward and Punishment
- science of the morality of human acts
2 types of human actions
1. acts of man
- actions that we do instinctively or involuntary
2. human acts
- acts done knowingly; intentional
morality is the quality of human acts
Why is ethics important?
-It spells the Difference the between a good doctor and a
great doctor
-a doctor who isonly after money, boastful and more of a
form rather of a substance
-antennability of moral

Who would deny these principles?

1. Good is to be done, evil isto be avoided
2. Justice is right injustice is wrong
3. Respect and love for ones parent is laudable and good
4. Truth is good and falsehood is bad

Difference - can be seen in human actions

- difference bet (principles)
Regardless of race, culture and social status

Antennability of relativism & scepticism

- "I doubt it"
- everything is to be doubted and nothing can be held
in certain
- "it depends"
- may agree to it, but relativices the moral standard
makes all truth variable dependent on time, etc.
moral relativism
-morality is never fixed nor constant but constantly
- what is advantageous to self would be chosen
subscription to these will lead to deep trouble

Foundation of ethics
-that there are actions thatwe are responsible
-Judgements of these actions areto be regulated
-judgement is supposed to be objective
-systematized body of knowledge based on facts not

"homo mensura omnium"

- men is the measure of all things
-differences in the things they like
where to get the answer to judge objectively?
- from the thing itself
- your answer and your reaction should go hand-inhand to be objectiv e

Facts and principles are called postulates

***there is necessity for objective moral standard
Ethics as a science have postulates
- Basic pricnciples whos truth are clearly and universally
1. There is a difference between right and wrong.
2. There are actions which men should ought to do and
actions that men should ought not to do.
-prioritize the patient,s needs; to heal your patients
-be people of hope; be people who of life
3. Man is responsible for his actions
-sense of accountability
4. if he does wrong, he deserves to be punished
(compensations: reward and punishment)

Laws, courts of justice, crimes and punishment

"a person without a foundation is a person without

direction. a person without direction is living a life not
worth living"

-combination of 2 words
Ethics is morality
Is branch of ethics w/c deals wi problem life and dying of
health and healing which are the concerns of medical
- focuses attention to a healthy world

- Attempt to rationalize the many advancement in the

many advancement

freedom towards your own body

- harming yourself

Problem of life and dying

- the highest form of committlment in doctors (intails life
and story)
- actions should be governedwith highest of morality,
- you are like priests... People who can give hope to
- youare called to take care notjust the physical wellbeingbut also the mental, emotional, total whole being
of the patient.
- to give life and to give hope in all forms

6th Alcoholism
-state of dependence on wine
- state of drunkeness
-takes away many posibilities, creativity, energy

Health isthe total well-being of a person whiere-in he is

free from any difficulties,
Health is hollistic
Personal and social responsibilities for health
- health is our own personal responsibility
- to be healthy, we owe It to our family and the society
- it is a crime of injustice thawt because of our _____ to
cause our family financial burden
- health is also a social responsiblity
- society has the tas to promote health on citizenry
- crimes against human life: suicide, killing, mutilation
(taking away an organ which is integral to the human
body - which is not for preservation), sterilization
(sterility - unable to conceive by ,human acts, infertility naturaly unable to conceive, impotence - without power
to erect, frigidity)
1st suicide
2nd mutilation
3rd Types of sterilization
1. Punitive sterilization - punishment for crimes
2. Therapeutic Sterilization - permissible in order to
preserve the well-being of the person
3. Eugenic Sterilization - healthy, prevent procreation
4th Euthanasia - mercy killing
- by father ... Act of inducing death painlessly
- in no case euthanasia is permissible
Stopping the life-support system is not euthanasia...
Because you allow the nature to follow-up the dying
***life is the domain of God.***
- God gives life
Legalization of euthanasia
- in euthanasia, you give the state the power over life
- giving power that is subjective for abuse
- would lead to suicide
- *those who are healthy butdepressed, and finds no
meaning in life
- it might slit the medical profession to the ones who
preserves life to killing by request
****pains and suffering molds us to become better
person, not bitter persons***
****do not be afraid of pains and ,sufferings****
5th Crime against lifeis Drug addiction
- implies a habit
- we are supposed to preserve the body... But by drugs,
you are willingly yet foolishly giving-up that control/

7th Abortion
- is the inntentional expulsion of fetus which cannot
survive outside the womb of the mother
1. Indirect - morally permissible (principle of double
***the principle of therapeutic intervention is to save
- must have the intention to save both
- but along the process, constitution would lead to
death of either.
- unintentional... (always thrive to save life, do
everything you can)
Unencephaly is justifiable to abort because child is
unable to live
But abortion due to genetic disorder, is non-permissible.

-all that we have now is something that we have
what will happen to the next generation is our fault
are we taking care of each other, of our resources
-treat them with utmost respect
-we cannot contradict human nature
- challenge towards creativity and
As a whole
Principle of DOUBLE EFFECT
Good and Bad
-do action for the purpose of the good
-the action must be safe or at least neutral.

"footprints in the sand"

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