EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template Making Clay Without Heat

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template

Making Clay without Heat

Lisa M. Dennis
Toddlers to Pre-K/ Science and Math

Common Core Standards:

Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards
Domain: Approaches Toward Learning
Strand: Engagement and Persistence
Topic: Persistence
Standard Statement: Carry out tasks, activities, projects or experiences from beginning to end.

Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge Sub-Domain: Mathematics

Strand: Measurement and Data
Topic: Describe and Compare Measurable Attributes
Standard Statement: Measure length and volume (capacity) using nonstandard or standard measurement tool
Lesson Summary:
The children will measure the ingredients for the activity of making clay.
The children will mix the ingredients together in a bowl.
The children will use technology to gather data for this experience.
Estimated Duration:
The activities will take place for four days at 40 - 50 minute time spans.

Commentary: I will ask the children if they have ever helped their parents or a family member in making
I will listen to the children about their experiences then I will ask them if they would like to participate with
me in making clay and document it with photos and videos and then make the experience into a movie?

Instructional Procedures: There are 18 children in the class and 3 teachers and for this activity we have
parent volunteers.
Day 1
At 9:00am each morning the children have circle time and the activity will begin once circle time is over wh
normally takes about 15-20 mins.So during circle time I will prepare two tables for the children to sit at in
groups of five. Placing all of the items needed for this activity on the table. Which will consist of bowls,
spoons, measuring cups,measuring spoonns, platic storage bags, food coloring, water, salt oil, flour, and
cornstarch. The other eight children will have iPads to take pictures and make videos of the activity. The par
volunteers will help with the children using the iPads for assistance if any problems occur during the
ducumentation. The two groups of children will sit down at the tables with their bowls and spoons and

measuring cups and measuring spoons. The ingredients will be on the table for the children to use on the tab
As the children measure out the ingredients for their clay the other children will take pictures and videos to
show how the process occurs of making the clay. As the children mix the product they will be taped speakin
on how they are feeling about this activity, if the mixing process is hard and etc. This whole process of the
shots the children want to photograph and the videoing of their friends should take about 40 minutes. After
40 minutes the iPads will be stored and the children will put their creations on the platic bags for storage the
everyone will assist in cleaning up and wash their hands for lunch.
Day 2

On this day once again the children activity will be set up during circle time and this time the children will
switch places from makinng clay and using the iPads. Since there are only 8 children predicted to being film
and 10 children predicted to be filming. 2 of the children will do other things like filming the volunteers
helping the children, showing themselves next to the children mixing the clay, they can take pictures of a
student using a iPad to photograph a student they can ask another iPad user how they are feeling about this
experience, etc. This whole process should take about 40 minutes then once again the iPads will be put up an
the clay will be put in storage bags. The children will assist in cleaning the tables and the measuring device
All of the ingredients and bowls will be stored properly in the cabinets.The children will then wash hands an
do preparations for lunch.
Day 3

On this day after circle time the children will split into 2 groups. One group will go to the gross motor room
for 25 minutes and the remaing children will view some of the tapings from their iPads. During this time pa
of the information on iPads will be fixed, rotated, rearranged,music added, voice tracks for narration added f
sound. When the 25 minutes are up the two groups will switch places and the next group will get to view th
pictures and videos and add to it just like the first group did. This should take about 25 minutes. When the
minutes are up the other group will come back and the children will go into their normal routine of waiting o
the rug while they wash hands and use bathroom before lunch.
Day 4

On this day once again the children will split into two groups after the daily circle time at 9:20am and each
group will watch a slideshow of the activity that they documented while one group is watching the other gro
will go to the gross motor room or the library. The children will watch the pictures they took and videos they
filmed made into a slidehow and into a movie. This process was guided through This website has information on how to turn photos into a video
slideshow and it also gives information on adding sound and editing videos. The children will discuss their
feelings regarding this experience and this is another Ohio Learning and Development Standard of Social an
Emotional Development.

The children will be observed throughout the days of this activity and if they were able to add ingredients
using the measuring devices, ask questions during the activity, make comments to their friends regarding th
activity, make predictions as they added to the clay mix then they were successful in this activity. The ares o
Science, Math and Social Development were all used in this activity.

The children will work with their clay for an activity at the end of the week during this activity assessment w
be made of this being a positive learning experience for the children when they get out their clay and they ar

able to use it. If the clay turns out to be too wet then more flour will be used for the clay to be brought to a
firmer form for using the clay. Listening to the children's words will also show what the children learned fro
this experience.

Differentiated Instructional Support

For children that this activity took more time in making the clay, we will adjust the area that the child neede
more time in time for another activity date.

For children who got done quicker than others they can be of assistance to the children who are having a har
activity. Or if that is not a choice make those children have another chance at using the iPad to document th
clay that they made.

An extension of this activity would be after sending home the clay with the children ask the children to talk
about the experience in a share time during circle time.

Homework Options and Home Connections

The children can take home flyers with the ingredients for this activity to be done at home.

Interdisciplinary Connections
Bev Bos Theory of a child actually learns more from the activity when they have touched it and Howard
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence.
Materials and Resources:
For teachers

Measuring cup, measuring spoon, water, salt, cornstarch, flour, bowl, spoon, food
coloring, vegetable oil

For students

iPads, their hands

Key Vocabulary
Measuring cups, measuring spoons, water, salt, flour, cornstarch, vegetable oil, food coloring, mixing, stirrin
bowl, spoon, ingredients

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