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Flash back to 1990 and Nirvana is on the stage in front of a crowd of about two hundred people.One of the
people in the crowd that night is the women wearing black sunglasses and white mini-dress-Courtney Love.Her
eyes grow fixed to its thin , blond singer , Kurt Cobain.
Picture 1:Nirvanas play on conert

`` He`s got Dave Pirner damage``,she tought.`` But way in the Sub Pop rock god sort of way.``
Kurt had heard of Courtney through his friend Calvin Johnson of K Records and throught reports in the
magazines.He knew that she was at the show.Normally shy,Kurt was just curios to meet tha women about whom
he heard all that rumors.
``I thought she looked like Nancy Spungen,``Kurt later said.``She looked like a classic punk rock chick.I did feel
kind of attracted to her.Probably I wanted to sleep with her that night ,but she left.``
But although Courtney pretended to be cold and disinterested, she was attracted to Kurt from the moment she set
eyes on him.She was also curious because he didnt make a pass at her.The two didnt bump into each other
again for more than a year.But Courtney started keeping tabs on Kurt.She contacted her old bandmate Jennifer
Finch.Jennifer was good friends with Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl and agreed to hook Courtney up with Kurts
drummer.Grohl told that Kurt had talkred about their first meeting and was attracted to her.Courtney decided to
give Dave something to give to Kurt.
Courtney liked to create miniatires in the shape of unusual figures.Most of her friends agree that she had more
talent at drawing or painting than she did with music.She made Kurt a creation of shells and dollhouse furniture
placed in a small,heart-shaped box.Dave gave to Kurt,who never called Courtney to thank her for the gift.
In May 1991,Kurt and Courtney crossed paths again.They had gone to see a triple-band blowout in Los Angeles
featuring the Butthole Surfers,Red Kross, and L7.They stopped each other and quickly struck up a conversation.
``We bonded over pharmacenticals``,Coutney later told Hot Press.``I had Vicodin extra-strength , which was
pills , and he had Hycomine cough syrup.I said You are a pussy , you shouldnt drink that syrup because it is
bad for your stomach.``
``Kurt was happy because he finally met a women who liked doing drugs and also enjoyed getting laid``,says
Kurts best friend.Dylon Carlson.``They were inseperable in the early stages of their relatoinship.``
Kurt found Courtney to be sympathic , brash , self-effacingly funny , and supportive.She soon became a regular
at Nirvanas space , and she would party with the band.She liked to order pizza and Chinesse food and pick up
the tab so that Kurts bandmates would welcome her presence.
Some of Courtneys friends claim that she was solelyinterested in the potential of Nirvanas success and she
wanted to be first in line when it happened.But Courtney has a totally different view.
``I though I was going to be more famous than him``,she told writter Nick Wise.
The couple separated for a few months because Kurt said he was confused.He told her that he needed space to
concetrate on making the ``Nevermind`` album.
And then Kurt and Courtney finaly reunited at an L.A. nightclub after ``Nevermind`` hit it big a few months
The new couple shared something in common wich helped them bond , a penchant for large amounts of heroin.
``She let him to do heroin``,said Dylan Carlson.``Actually Courtneys very smart.She knew that the more drugs
Kurt did , the less trouble he would cause her.``
The way Kurt told the story to his biographer Michael Azerad , he and Courtney had done heroin together in
Amsterdam around Thanksgiving 1991 , but ``It was my idea``, he said, ``I was the one who insigated it.But I

didnt really know how to get it , so Courtney was the one who would be able to somehow get it.She would be
the one who would take me to the place where we might be able to have a chance of being able to find it.We
only did it twice the whole tour``.
When Kurt returned from Europe , with Courtney , he said his stomach ache had become so bad , it made him
want to kill himself. He said that met a dealer who was soon getting him heroin every day.
``It started with three days in row of doing heroin and I dont have a stomach ache``, he said.This was such a
relief , I decided , Im going to do this for a whole year.I was determined to get a habit.This was the only thing
keeping me blowing my head of right now``.(This would be cited after his death as proof that he had always
been suicidal).
Dave and Krist noticed Kurt was totally out of it.They were concrned about his health and about what would
happen if millions of fans and viewers realized that Kurt was junkie.
Picture 2:The cover of the ``Nevemind`` album

When Kurt finished with the ``Saturday Night Live`` show on MTV , at backstage he almost collapsed.When the
band finished playing ``Smelles Like Teen Spirit``, Kurt went backstage and fell into Courtneys arms.It was
about time that Courtney found out that she was pregnant.She was so anxious to tell Kurt.When Courtney told
Kurt , at first time , he didnt believe Courtney because she had joked about being pregnant in the past.But when
he realized that she was serious , he told her that they should got married.At first Courtney used to say ``Dont
feel like you have to marry me because Im carryng your child``.``Ill still be a good mother , you can bet your
life on that``. (We have a fact that she told her friends that she wanted that for a long time.)The couple split their
time between Seattle and their rented home in the Fairfax area of L.A.The rest of the time , they spent on the
roud touring.
Picture 3:The Nirvana band
Kurt and Courtney decided
to get married far away from
family and friends.The
couple flew off to Hawaii with
a small group of friends and
they were married on February
24,1992 in Waikiki.They
both picked out the flowers hey
would hold at their
wedding.Kurt decided to wear
green pajamas and Courtney
wore a lace dress that had once
belonged to one of their
heroes , Hollywood actress
Frances Farmer.
``Being from Aberdeen and
raised with some sence of
family values , Kurt thought
he had no choice but to marry
Courtney``, said Carlson ,
his best man on wedding.``I
know he liked Courtney a lot
but he would say many times
that he was not even sure if
he was in love.But Kurt said
that he was convinced that
you didnt have to be in love to
get married.Later , I think he
realy loved her.``
Kurt and Courtney enjoyed
the next few months in Seatlle
and L.A.They became
almost inseperable , exept when
Kurt insisted an hanging out
with his junkie friends.
As I say , Courtney was
pregnent .She went on to talk
about her pregnancy.They
knew that it was a girl and
theyd already called her :
Frances Bean.

The birth of his daughter was only two weeks away.He was the biggest rock star in the world.He should have
been happy.But all of the people were coming down on him and Courtney as if they were demons.It was cansing
a lot of tension between them.
``Im going to kill you,you bastard!``, Courtney yelled on Kurt.``I dont even want you to see the baby when it is
born.Youre a basket case!``
Kurt was to strung out to yell back.He went up the stairs and climbed into bed.The next morning he decided to
check into a detox centre in another effort to clean himself up.
Courtney was growing more depressed.She said that she wanted to comit suicide so that Kurt would lose both ,
her and the baby.
``Ive gone through hell in the last year and all that he could think about is getting his next fix!``
Courtney checked into an L.A. hospital two weeks before she expected to give birth.Ironically , Kurt was
checked into an adjoining room trying to kick his drug habit.Kurt was bitter about everything that had
happened.His first thought , he would tell Michael Azerad , was to quit the band and kill Hirschberg , Courtney
and Kurts worst enemy , who was causing all that fights between them.She was the news reporter who was
causing all that fights with the news reports and articles.
But there was little doubt in the minds of the Cobains friends and record management that most of Hirschbergs
article was accurate.Few months before when Courtney gived birth she had the interview with Lynn
Hirschberg.Lost in the subsequent uproar over Courtneys heroin admission were some telling quotes from her
on-again , off again best friend Kat Bjelland , leader of Babes in Toyland.
``Only about a quarter of what Courtney says is true ``, Bjelland told Hirschberg.``But nobody usually bothers to
decipher which are the lies.Shes all about image.And that is interesting. Irritating , but interesting...Courtneys
delusional.I called her while ago because I was worried about her baby and her sanity, but I never heard back
from her.In the past , I always forgave her , but I cant anymore. Last night I had a dream that I killed her. I was
really happy.``
...``The Giffen people freaked out after that article came out , `` recalls Courtneys father.``They tried to do
everything possible to revamp her image so that fans would not be offended.But Kurt got depressed and went on
a huge drug binge that annoyed Courtney.They started arguing constantly and Courtney was a totaly wreck.``
The rest of Nirvana was growing increasingly ambivalent toward Courtney.``She is going to break us up!``Krist
Novoselic would say.``She totally controls Kurt and shes turning him against us.``
And later Courtney said that she wants to destroy them because they have ruined her life.She told her lawyer
that she only done heroin early in the pregnancy before she knew that she was pregnant.
When Kurt heard that Courtney went into labour , he rushed down the hall in the hospital smock to be with his
wife.But the combination of sedatives and lack of sleep made him totally incoherent when he approached

Picture 4:Courtney Love and Frances Bean

Courtneys doctors tried to calm her down but to no avail.Kurt

started to yell back at her but he collapsed.After a few minutes ,
he was revived and escorted out of the room.
Frances Bean Cobain was born at 7:48 a.m. on August 18 ,
1992.She weighed seven pounds , one ounce , and doctors said
that she was born healthy.Courtney says she was named after
Frances McKee of Scottish duo the Vaselines.However , others
still believe that she was named after Seatlles Frances Farmer
whose life was something of an obsession for Kurt.Her middle
name was given to her because Kurt tought that she looked like a
bean when she was shown the ultrasound before she was born.
Courtney later claimed that Kurt brought a gun to the hospital the next day and threatened to commit a
suicide.She also claimed that she tried to convince her to kill herself too.She also said that this was not the first
time he asked her to take her life.Tabloids had a field day with the birth of Frances.Headlines like ``Cobain Baby
Born A Junkie`` or ``Baby Born Deficient`` were read by millions of Nirvana Fans.Kurt tried to ignore all the
negative publicity and concetrate on his new baby.

Five days after Courtney gave birth , an article appeared in the ``Los Angeles Times`` , which had recieved a fax
of her medical records from somebody in the hospital.The paper reported that the pregnant woman had checked
into the hospital under an assument name , listing Kurt Cobain as her husband.
The article sparked further outrage.Courtneys lawyer called and told her that the L.A. child welfare authorities
were threatening to take custody of Frances because of the alegations that Courtney had used herion during her
An emergancy meeting was called , with Kurt , Courtney , their lawyer Rosemary Carroll , and Danny
Goldberg.Frances was only few days old and already Cobains were about to lose her.The four devised a plan to
create as much positive publicity as possible , with Kurt and Courtney posing with Frances and looking like
loving parents.Interviews and photos suddenly appeared in a string of magazines including ``Spin`` , ``Rolling
Stone`` , and even in the ``Times``.The Cobains were conviced that they would beat the charges to keep their
In September , Kurt told Robert Hilburn of the Los Angeles Times that he was entiraly clean of drugs since the
birth of his baby.``Holding my baby is the best drug in the world``, he said.
Kurt and Courtney have just had another falling out after Courtney brought up the unpopular subject of buying a
home in Beverly Hills . Kurt insisted that Frances Bean be raised in Seattle because its safer and offers a more
stable environment.He was so good with kids.Whenever someone recognized him , he would never refused an
autograph.He liked the adulation after all the abuse he took at home.``
Kurt had already been approached by two British writers who were interested in doing a biography of
Nirvana.He gave them an inerview.Courtney immediately one of the writers and left a message on the answering
machine telling him to better back off.When Kurt heard the news , he blew up.Kurt left on writers answering
machine nine messages the next day.
Kurt later admited to Michael Azerad that he had made the threats and that he wanted to kill the two writers.
Kurt approached Michael Azerad and asked him to write biography of Nirvana.Azerad insists the book was
unauthorized.He thanks Kurt and Courtney for their ``assistance and encouragement``.The couple gave Azerad
complete access to friends , family , and band members , which resulted in the release of a very thorough but
incomplete biography of Kurt in late 1993 , a few months before kurts death.

Picture 5:Kurt holding his

daughter Frances

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