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IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1
Student Exercises
Course: TOS31 ERC: 1.0
November 2012

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Table of contents
About this book
Student exercises for Unit 1
No student exercises are provided for this unit.


Exercise 2-1: Installing Red Hat on the PXE server

Exercise 2-2: System preparation
Exercise 2-3: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning .
Exercise 2-4: Confirming SmartCloud Provisioning operation .
Exercise 2-5: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning with an ESXi compute node
Creating the storage nodes .
Creating the compute node .
Deploying kernel services
Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview
man .
cd and ls .
cp and mv .
scp and mv
tab .
Navigation arrows and history
vi editor
Miscellaneous commands




Student exercises for Unit 2


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-1: Exploring the HSLT administrative console .

Exercise 3-2: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console
Exercise 3-3: Creating users and groups from the GUI .
Exercise 3-4: Enabling quotas .
Exercise 3-5: Assigning resource quotas to groups
Exercise 3-6: Registering a virtual image
Exercise 3-7: Deploying a virtual system instance .
Exercise 3-8: Accessing to new virtual system
Exercise 3-9: Displaying resource use
Exercise 3-10: Using IP group .
Exercise 3-11: Using elastic IP addresses .






Student exercises for Unit 4

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 5

Lab environment .


Table of contents
Exercise 5-1: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console .
Exercise 5-2: Deploying a basic virtual image .
Exercise 5-3: Deploying an intermediate virtual image instance
Exercise 5-4: Deleting virtual system images
Exercise 5-5: Creating a disk volume and attaching it to a virtual system instance
Exercise 5-6: Assigning an elastic IP address to a deployed virtual machine


. 5-2
. 5-5
. 5-8
. 5-10
. 5-11
. 5-13

Student exercises for Unit 6

No student exercises are provided for this unit. .

. 6-1








Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-1: Registering initial images .
Exercise 7-2: Adding an operational repository .
Exercise 7-3: Reviewing initial users and roles .
Exercise 7-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role



Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-1: Logging in to the user interfaces .

Exercise 8-2: Verifying the status of the HSLT cloud group .
Exercise 8-3: Indexing an image .
Exercise 8-4: Checking an image in to the reference repository
Exercise 8-5: Remediating an image
Exercise 8-6: Checking an image out of the reference repository
Exercise 8-7: Using the Virtual Image Library filter functions .
Exercise 8-8: Searching the Virtual Image Library
Exercise 8-9: Comparing images .
Exercise 8-10: Searching for similar images
Exercise 8-11: Verifying image capabilities
Exercise 8-12: Importing an image into the reference repository





. 8-1
. 8-2
. 8-3
. 8-5
. 8-7
. 8-11
. 8-13
. 8-14
. 8-15
. 8-17
. 8-18
. 8-19






Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-1: Configuring host name resolution .

Exercise 9-2: Adding an operational repository for VMware .
Exercise 9-3: Installing the vSphere plug-in
Exercise 9-4: Using the vSphere plug-in .


Student exercises for Unit 10

No student exercises are provided for this unit. .

. 10-1

. 11-1

Exercise 12-1: Registering initial images .

Exercise 12-2: Adding an operational repository .
Exercise 12-3: Reviewing initial users and roles .
Exercise 12-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role






. 12-1
. 12-3
. 12-7
. 12-9

Student exercises for Unit 11

No student exercises are provided for this unit. .

Student exercises for Unit 12


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Table of contents

Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-1: Logging in to the user interfaces
Exercise 13-2: Verifying the status of the HSLT cloud group
Exercise 13-3: Indexing an image
Exercise 13-4: Checking an image in to the reference repository
Exercise 13-5: Remediating an image .
Exercise 13-6: Checking an image out of the reference repository
Exercise 13-7: Using the Virtual Image Library filter functions .
Exercise 13-8: Searching the Virtual Image Library
Exercise 13-9: Comparing images
Exercise 13-10: Searching for similar images
Exercise 13-11: Verifying image capabilities .
Exercise 13-12: Importing an image into the reference repository












Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-1: Configuring host name resolution .
Exercise 14-2: Adding an operational repository for VMware
Exercise 14-3: Installing the vSphere plug-in
Exercise 14-4: Using the vSphere plug-in


Student exercises for Unit 15

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Exercise 17-1: Viewing machine activity reports

Exercise 17-2: Viewing user activity reports .
Exercise 17-3: Viewing audit data
Exercise 17-4: Monitoring the status of audit data storage
Exercise 17-5: Deleting audit data













Student exercises for Unit 16

No student exercises are provided for this unit.

Student exercises for Unit 17

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-1: Register an image to HSLT and SmartCloud Provisioning
Exercise 18-2: Use the Virtual Image Library to make the image HSLT compatible
Exercise 18-3: Creating a virtual system pattern with an add-on
Exercise 18-4: Deploying a pattern using add-onsin the HSLT cloud .
Exercise 18-5: Deploying a pattern using a script in the HSLT cloud .
Exercise 18-6: Creating a Linux master image

Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-1: Installing legacy web console
Exercise 19-2: Integrating with external LDAP server
Exercise 19-3: Using external DHCP server .
Exercise 19-4: Configuring fail-over DHCP server .
Exercise 19-5: Configuring secondary DNS server .
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012





IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Table of contents

Student exercises for Unit 20

No student exercises are provided for this unit. .

. 20-1

. 21-1

Student exercises for Unit 21

No student exercises are provided for this unit. .


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

About this book

These are the exercises for the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1 SPVC. These exercises were
designed to provide a foundational knowledge of the product and its components, including
installation, configuration, administration and use.



About this book


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 1

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 1


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

This unit is for classes that use the KVM hypervisor on the compute node. The ESXi hypervisor is
covered in Exercise 2-5, Installing SmartCloud Provisioning with an ESXi compute node on page

Exercise 2-1: Installing Red Hat on the PXE

In this exercise, you install the Red Hat 6.1 OS on the PXE server. If your PXE server has Red Hat
installed, you can skip to System preparation on page 2-3.


___ 1. Insert the Red Hat 6.1 installation DVD into the DVD drive and start the computer. If
necessary, select the DVD drive as the boot device.
You are prompted to test the media. If this is the first time to use this disk, test it.
Otherwise, select Skip to continue.
The anaconda installer loads.

___ 2. At the introduction splash screen, click Next.

___ 3. Select English as the language and click Next.

___ 4. Select the US English keyboard layout and click Next.

___ 5. Select the option Basic Storage Devices and click Next.

___ 6. On Storage Device Warning, choose Yes Discard any data.

___ 7. Enter the host name

___ 8. Click Configure Network. Select the System eth0 adapter. This adapter is connected to
the other systems for your environment. Click Edit.
___ 9. Select the Connect automatically check box.
___ 10. Select the IPv4 settings tab. For the method, select Manual.
___ 11. Under addresses, click Add. Provide the IP address The netmask defaults to
16 (indicating Click Apply.
___ 12. Click Close.
___ 13. If necessary, repeat for any other adapters as your instructor indicates.
___ 14. Click Next.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-1: Installing Red Hat on the PXE server

___ 15. Select the appropriate time zone. Leave the check box selected for System clock uses
UTC. Click Next.
___ 16. Enter the root password and confirmation as object00. Click Next.
___ 17. On Weak Password window, choose Use Anyway.
___ 18. Select the option Use all space for the disk and click Next.
___ 19. When prompted, click Write changes to disk. This action creates the partitions and boot
___ 20. Select Basic Server as the installation type. Select the radio button Customize now and
click Next.
___ 21. In the package selection panels, select the appropriate group from the left panel and the
options that are shown from the right panel, as indicated in this table.


Package group




Application group

Virtualization Client
Virtualization Platform
Virtualization Tools

General Purpose Desktop
Graphical Administration Tools
Legacy X Window System Compatibility
X Window System
Internet browser

Additional Development

Click Optional Packages and select the tcl-devel, libXaw-devel,

and libXpm-devel packages if you are using the NX server to
connect to this computer. You have 41 of 102 packages selected.


Development Tools
Click Optional Packages and select the expect-5 package if you are
going to use the NX server to connect to this machine. You have 17
of 44 packages selected.
If you are not using NX, you do not need the development packages.

___ 22. Click Next.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-2: System preparation

___ 23. The installation process begins. Depending on the speed of your computer, this process
takes 10 - 30 minutes to complete.
___ 24. Remove the installation DVD and reboot the system.
You might be prompted for additional information when the system loads for the first time. You do
not have to create additional users for this class. Accept all license agreements if you agree to the
terms. No account or connection with the Red Hat Network is required for this class.

Exercise 2-2: System preparation

In this exercise, you prepare the system for installation and initial configuration of SmartCloud
Provisioning. You must have access to the files mentioned here, provided by your instructor, or on
a provided CD-ROM disk. Note that the customer is responsible for all licensing agreements for any
package or program when deploying SmartCloud Provisioning in a customer environment.


___ 1. Log in to the PXE server as root with password object00.

___ 2. Open a terminal window by right-clicking the desktop and selecting Open in terminal.
___ 3. Stop the iptables (firewall) application to ensure that it does not interfere with the
communications among the various servers and protocols:
chkconfig iptables off
service iptables stop

___ 4. Disable SELinux to keep it from interfering with the installation and operation of
SmartCloud Provisioning. Open the SELinux configuration file (/etc/selinux/config) in
the text editor of your choice and modify the following line:

to read:


then save the file.

___ 5. Reboot the system.


___ 6. After reboot, log in as root again. Open a terminal window as before and create the
directory to hold the SmartCloud Provisioning files and programs:
mkdir /data

___ 7. Move the Red Hat 6.2 installation DVD ISO file (RHEL6.2-20111117.0-Server-x86_64DVD1.iso) to the /data directory.
mv /labfiles/isos/RHEL6.2<tab> /data

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-3: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning

___ 8. Create a directory to hold the RPM packages for HSLT and VIL.
mkdir /tmp/ISCP

___ 9. Move the RPM packages for HSLT and VIL to the /tmp/ISCP directory.
mv /labfiles/ISCP/*.rpm /tmp/ISCP

___ 10. Create a directory to hold RPM packages for VIL.

mkdir /tmp/ntfs

___ 11. Move the RPM packages for HSLT to the /tmp/ntfs directory.
mv /labfiles/ntfs/*.rpm /tmp/ntfs

___ 12. Create a directory to hold WebSphere Application Server installation files.
mkdir /tmp/was

___ 13. Move the WebSphere Application Server installation files to the /tmp/was directory.


mv /labfiles/was/*.zip /tmp/was

___ 14. Extract the installation media for SmartCloud Provisioning.

cd /labfiles/install
tar -xvf CI91KML.tar

Your particular version might be slightly different from the version available at the time of
this writing.

Exercise 2-3: Installing SmartCloud

___ 1. Run the installation script.

cd /labfiles/install/IBM_SmartCloud_Provisioning

A welcome screen is displayed, which includes links to the product documentation and
___ 2. Click Next.
The license agreement window opens.
___ 3. Review the contents, and click Accept if you accept the terms. You must accept the terms
to continue.
You are prompted for the type of installation.
___ 4. Select Custom and click Next.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-3: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning

___ 5. Leave both optional check boxes cleared. You are using the custom method to view the
options available at installation. Click Next.
A window for providing the location for the prerequisites opens. You are prompted for the
location of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 installation image.
___ 6. Use the Browse button and select the ISO file that you copied to the /data/ directory
___ 7. In a similar manner, select the location of the Ruby packages as /tmp/ISCP.
The livecd-tools and python-imgcreate packages are also in /tmp/ISCP.
___ 8. Click Next.
A window opens for providing network settings.
___ 9. Confirm that the following entries match the defaults in the window and click Next.

DNS suffix:

DNS parent:

Network address:


DHCP range start:

DHCP range end:


A window opens for configuring the kernel services settings.

___ 10. Accept the defaults for the number of servers (three Zookeeper nodes and three Hadoop
and HBase nodes) and the MAC addresses. In your environment, depending on your
hardware, the compute node might need to run kernel services. If so, clear the check box
for Only deploy Kernel Service virtual machines to Storage Nodes. Click Next.
A user account window opens.

___ 11. Enter new password for the adminuser user ID, enter the password again to confirm it and
click Next to continue.
A summary window opens.
___ 12. Confirm the settings and click Next to continue.
The installation process begins. When the process completes, the PXE server is running.
In addition, a private DNS and DHCP service for the cloud is running on the PXE server,
or First-Box.
A message displays when this process finishes, indicating that the First-Box is ready. You
are then prompted to boot your compute and storage nodes.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-3: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning

___ 13. Leave the message box displayed while you boot those nodes, or click OK.


___ 14. Start the first storage node. Choose the option to boot from the network.
When the system is configured, ensure that the BIOS settings are set to boot from disk as
the first option. The only time that you need to boot from the network is to configure the
storage node the first time.
If your computer has multiple network interfaces, you must choose the one that is defined
for use with the SmartCloud Provisioning product.
___ 15. Select the option to create the node as a storage node. The default option is the compute
Operating system and necessary applications will be installed on the first storage node
___ 16. Reboot the storage node when prompted.
___ 17. Repeat the process for the second storage node. Both systems can be deployed at the same
time. There is no need to wait for the first node to complete before starting the second
node configuration.
___ 18. Start the first compute node. Choose the option to boot from the network.
The compute node is configured after both storage nodes are operational. The compute
node is a transient server. This means that no persistent data is stored on the compute


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-3: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning

node, and all running data is stored in a random access memory (RAM) disk. Therefore,
the compute node is regenerated every time that it boots.
If your computer has multiple network interfaces, you must choose the one that is defined
for use with the SmartCloud Provisioning product.
___ 19. Select the option to create the node as a compute node. The default option is the compute
When the compute node is configured, the system defines a host name, such as
The following message displays until the compute and storage nodes are operating.

___ 20. If you have not done so, click OK to dismiss the message about the compute and storage
nodes in the installation program.
The installation wizard begins creating the master image for the kernel services machines.
When the process is finished, a complete message is displayed.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-4: Confirming SmartCloud Provisioning operation

Exercise 2-4: Confirming SmartCloud

Provisioning operation
When the system is deployed, confirm that the system is accessible.
___ 1. Start the web browser on the PXE server.
___ 2. Enter the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the browser to access the HSLT
administrative console. The server with the web console is in your /etc/hosts file.
___ 3. Enter user name: adminuser and password: passw0rd (change o to zero).


___ 4. Test the configuration of the CLI by using the describe nodes command. Open a new
terminal window to get the changes to the .bashrc file.

You receive output similar to this truncated example.

[root@isaacpxe labfiles]# iaas-describe-nodes
| cpu_load | instances | hyper_type | ipaddress --------------------------------------------------------------rack1.compute-1 | 0.08
h| 2
| kvm
--1 total hyper nodes-jid
| cpu_load | ipaddress | available | is_manager | | 0.24
| | 254306
| y
| | 0.06
| | 506448
| n
--2 total storage nodes-Transaction completed.

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-5: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning with an ESXi compute node

Exercise 2-5: Installing SmartCloud

Provisioning with an ESXi compute node
___ 1. On the first-box server, run the installation script.
cd /labfiles/install/IBM_SmartCloud_Provisioning

A welcome screen is displayed, which includes links to the product documentation and
___ 2. Click Next.
The license agreement displays.
___ 3. Review the contents, and click Accept if you accept the terms. You must accept the terms
to continue.


You are prompted for the type of installation.

___ 4. Select Custom and click Next.

___ 5. Select the check box for Manage VMware ESXi servers.

A window for providing the location for the prerequisites displays. You are prompted for
the location of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 installation image.
___ 6. Use the browse button and select the ISO file that you copied to the /data/ directory.
___ 7. In a similar manner, select the location of the Ruby packages as /tmp/ISCP. The livecdtools and python-imgcreate packages are also in /tmp/ISCP.
___ 8. Click Next.

The next window is for providing network settings.

___ 9. Confirm that the following entries match the defaults in the window and click Next.

DNS suffix:

DNS parent: Per the instructors directions

Network address:


DHCP range start:

DHCP range end:

The next window is for configuring the kernel services settings.

___ 10. Accept the defaults for the number of servers (three Zookeeper nodes and three Hadoop
and HBase nodes) and the MAC addresses. In your environment, depending on your
hardware, the compute node might need to run kernel services. If so, clear the check box
for Only deploy Kernel Service virtual machines to Storage Nodes. Click Next.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-5: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning with an ESXi compute node

Important: Kernel services do not run on ESXi servers. In this case, they deploy only on the
storage nodes, regardless of the selection for this option.
For ESX compute nodes, the First-Box server needs the VMware vSphere command-line
interface (CLI) installed. The installer prompts you for the installation package for this
___ 11. Click Browse and navigate to /labfiles/prereq directory and select the package. In this
development of these materials, the file name was VMware-vSphere-CLI-4.1.0254719.x86_64.tar.gz.
You are prompted for the ESXi server information.
___ 12. Provide the values and click Add.

ESXi Server IP Address:

User name: root

Password: object00


A summary window opens.

___ 13. Confirm the settings and click Next to continue.

The installation process begins. When the process completes, the PXE server is running.
In addition, a private DNS and DHCP service for the cloud is running on the PXE server,
or First-Box.
A message displays when this process finishes, indicating that the First-Box is ready. You
are then prompted to boot your compute and storage nodes.
___ 14. Leave the message box displayed while you boot those nodes, or click OK.

Creating the storage nodes

In this step, you install the storage nodes. The PXE server handles all configuration and package
deployment for you.
___ 1. Power on the first storage node. Choose the option to boot from the network. When the
system is configured, ensure that the BIOS settings are set to boot from disk as the first
option. The only time that you need to boot from the network is to configure the storage
node the first time.
If your computer has multiple network interfaces, you must choose the one that is defined
for use with the SmartCloud Provisioning product.
___ 2. Select the option to create the node as a storage node. The default option is compute node.
___ 3. Reboot the storage node when prompted.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-5: Installing SmartCloud Provisioning with an ESXi compute node

___ 4. Repeat the process for the second storage node. Both systems can be deployed at the same
time. There is no need to wait for the first node to complete before starting the second
node configuration.

Creating the compute node

The compute node is configured after both storage nodes are operational. The installation script
performs some configuration on the ESXi server. Some of the steps are defining several virtual
switches and configuring the promiscuous mode. Finally, a management virtual machine is
deployed into the ESX server environment.
This virtual machine manages the process of deploying virtual machines stances from a storage
node onto the different structure of the ESXi server. This machine was referred to as the DOM0
machine in prior releases of SmartCloud Computing. It is now named vmware_mvm, and serves
as the compute node. It runs the Ruby processes to function as a hyper_bot in a SmartCloud
Provisioning environment. Each ESXi server that is to act as a compute node has an instance of this
virtual machine that is running on it, as shown in this capture from a vSphere client.


Deploying kernel services

When the compute node and storage nodes are running, you install the virtual machines that provide
all the kernel services. Kernel services only run as KVM instances.
___ 1. Return to the first-box server where the installer is waiting to continue.
The /etc/hosts file is updated as each storage node is ready. When you have entries for
both storage nodes, proceed to Step 2.
cat /etc/hosts

Your output is similar to the following example: storage-1 storage-2

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview

___ 2. Start the virt-manager program to connect to the KVM hosting environments on the
compute and storage nodes. You can watch the virtual machines as they are created and
deployed. Open a terminal window and issue the command to start the program.
virt-manager &

The ampersand (&) sends the command to the background, freeing the terminal session
for future commands.
___ 3. Select File > Add connection and provide the information to connect to the storage-1
node and click Connect. Enter yes when prompted about the identity of the system.

Hypervisor: QEMU/KVM

Connect to remote host: <Selected>

Method: SSH

User name: root

Host name: storage-1

Auto connect: <Selected>


___ 4. Repeat Step 3 for the storage-2 node. Leave the virtual machine manager application open
while you run the deployment scripts.
You are running the virtual machine manager to watch the progress of the installation of
the kernel services images.
___ 5. Click OK to dismiss the message about the compute and storage nodes in the installation
The installation wizard begins creating the master image for the kernel services machines.
When the process is finished, a complete message is displayed.
___ 6. Click OK to dismiss the message.

___ 7. Click Finish in the installation wizard. View the summary.

___ 8. Click Done to exit the wizard.

Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview

In this exercise, you work with common Linux commands that you use in managing the SmartCloud
Provisioning environment. While there are many tools available in a GUI environment, at some
point you must manage the environment by using Linux commands.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview

The man (manual) command provides access to documentation (called man pages) for various
commands. To access this documentation, enter man <command>.
___ 1. Open a terminal window and issue the command to access the documentation for the ls
man ls

The behavior is similar to the vi editor. Use the keys indicated to navigate the document.
This list is only a subset of the available commands.

j: Move one line forward

k: Move one line backward

f: Move one page forward

b: Move one page backward

g: Move to the top of the document

G: Move to the end of the document

/<text>: Use the forward slash followed by a string to search the documentation.
When you have a string that is located, you can use the n key to move to the next
result on the search. This search moves down the document from the current location
of the cursor. To search the whole document, you must place your cursor on the first
line with the g command.

?<text>: Search backward


___ 2. Search for the string modification. There is only one instance in the document.
___ 3. Search again for the string reverse. There are two instances.
___ 4. Enter q to exit the man page.


If you have a GUI environment that is configured on your server, you can use the gedit text editor
to modify text files. It operates like Microsoft Windows notepad. The editor is under Applications
> Accessories > gedit Text Editor.

cd and ls
Use these commands to change directories when you navigate the file system and view the contents
of directories. The top-level, or root, directory is indicated by a forward slash (/). If you are on one
branch and need to go elsewhere, you indicate the full path to the new directory you need. One
shortcut when climbing a branch is to use two periods (..) to indicate the previous, or higher
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview

directory. For example, if you are in the directory /etc, the command cd .. (note the space) moves
you up a level, to the root (/) directory.
___ 1. Move to the directory that has the SmartCloud Provisioning CLI utilities.
cd /iaas/cli

___ 2. List the contents of the directory.


The .. indicator works with other commands also.

___ 3. List the contents of the branch above your current location.
ls ..

Sometimes, the plain output is not useful, as there are no indicators as to what types of
files you are viewing, or their permissions. Use the long listing to provide more details.
ls -l ..


There is an alias (shortcut) defined for ls -l.

ll ..

In a long listing, the first letter indicates whether the name shown is a directory or not. A d
indicates that it is a directory. The next characters are three groups of three letters: r, w,
and x. These letters indicate whether the file is readable, writable, or executable, and by
which group or user. The first triplet indicates permissions that the owner (or user that
created or was assigned the file) owns on the file. The second triplet indicates permissions
for members of the same group as the owner of the file. The third triplet is for the world,
or all users on the system. The owner and group are shown in the following columns. In
the /etc directory, the owner is root and the group that is associated is the root (or super
user) group.
For example, a set of permissions like rwxr-x--- indicate that the owner can read, modify
(write), and execute the file. Members of the group that you see in some of the other
columns can only read, execute, or run the file. Everyone else on the system does not have
permission to the file. You use the chmod, chgroup, and chown commands to modify
permissions, group ownership, and user ownership of files. Use the man pages to explore
these commands if you have time.
___ 4. Do a long listing of the contents of the /etc/ directory. Use the shortcut to indicate move up
a branch, or use the full path.
ll ../../etc

In effect, move up two branches then go down one level to the etc directory. A simpler
way in this case is to use the full path.
ll /etc

Sometimes, you need to find the file that was modified most recently, or last.
___ 5. Use the t and r switches to sort by time in reverse order. The a switch indicates to show
hidden files, or those files that have a leading period. This option is useful when searching


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview

for a log file, because the most recent log file is typically of concern when
ls -altr /etc

cp and mv
The cp (copy), and mv (move) commands are used to duplicate or relocate files on the system. The
move command is also used to rename a file in the current directory.
___ 1. Navigate to the /labfiles directory. Create a subdirectory for use in this set of exercises
with the make directory (mkdir) command.
cd /labfiles
mkdir play
cd play


The pwd (print working directory) command returns the path in which you are currently
___ 2. Create an empty file. The touch command creates a pointer to a file, but there is nothing in
touch playfile

___ 3. Make a duplicate of the file in the current directory.

cp playfile playfile2

You have two files that are listed now.

___ 4. Rename the file or move the first file to another file name.
mv playfile newfile

___ 5. Copy the playfile2 to another directory and verify that it is there.
cp playfile2 /labfiles
ls /labfiles

___ 6. Remove the playfile2 from the current directory.

rm playfile2

___ 7. Move the playfile2 from the /labfiles directory to this directory. In the copy and move
commands, a single period (.) indicates to use the current directory as the argument to the
mv /labfiles/playfile2 .

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview

This command performs the same action:

mv ../playfile2 .

scp and mv
The secure copy (scp) command operates like the copy command. The additional feature of scp is
the ability to transfer files to other hosts. The command options are always entered in the same
order, with the source first, and the target second.
___ 1. Navigate to the /labfiles/play directory.
cd /labfiles/play

___ 2. Copy the hosts file from storage-2.

scp storage-2:/etc/hosts .


Note that the source is a different machine. The colon (:) indicates the end of the host
name, and the remaining path is the path on that system to locate the file.
___ 3. List the directory contents. The hosts file is on your local system.

___ 4. Rename the hosts file and copy it to storage-1.

mv hosts hosts.copy
scp hosts.copy storage-1:/tmp
ssh storage-1
ls /tmp


In some Linux environments, such as this one, the Tab key performs an autocomplete function. It
finds all possible matches to a command and displays them for you. This feature is useful when you
have long file names or directory structures. In these commands, press the Tab key where you see
<tab>. Observe how the commands are completed for you.
ls /ia<tab>/cli/iaa<tab>-des<tab>-no<tab>
cd /etc/sys<tab><tab>

When there are multiple matches that can complete a command or string, the possibilities are
presented to you. Pressing the tab key twice lists four possible files or directories that start with sys.
If you enter co<tab>, the shell matches only the sysconfig directory and completes it for you.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview

Navigation arrows and history

The Linux environment in the classroom is also using a history buffer. Previous commands are
remembered by the system and you can use the up and down arrows to move back and forward in
the history command. You can also see a list of commands that were previously entered by typing
___ 1. Display a history of commands.

___ 2. Use the up arrow cursor key to move back up through your command history.
This feature is useful if you mistype part of a long command. You can retrieve that
command and modify the command line without retyping the entire string. You can also
use Ctrl+r to filter your history that is based on a string and retrieve a command from the



This command retrieves the last command line that is entered with the string ssh in it.
Pressing Enter runs that command. If you want to modify the command first, press the Tab
key when the command is displayed.

vi editor

A text editor is a program that can be used to create and modify text files. One of the most popular
editors on Linux is vi. The editor operates in two modes: insert-text mode and command mode.
To insert new text, enter i. To append text to the current line, use a. When you are in insert-text
mode, all keystrokes are entered as text into the document until you press the Esc key.
The following common vi commands are accessed by pressing the colon (:) key:

h: Move cursor one character to left

j: Move cursor one line down

k: Move cursor one line up

l: Move cursor one character to right

w: Move cursor one word to right

b: Move cursor one word to left

x: Delete character

dw: Delete current word (end with ESC)

cw: Change current word (end with ESC)

r: Change current character

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 2

Exercise 2-6: Linux command overview

dd: Delete current line

yy: Copy (yank) the current line to the buffer

p: Dump out at current place your last deletion or copy (the paste command)

The key to learning vi is to know the difference between insert-text mode and command mode. In
the latter mode, as its name implies, you issue commands. The characters that you type display on
the screen if you are in insert-text mode, but do not display on the screen while you are in command

Miscellaneous commands
You might also use the following commands in your work in Linux:


whoami: This command displays the current user name for your session.

date: The date command returns the system date and time.

control+c: This combination interrupts the current running command. This ability is
useful when a command seems to be nonresponsive or hung.

top: This command shows a runtime view of running processes on the system, the amount
of processor that each is using, and other useful information. While top is running, you can
stop (kill) a process by pressing k, and providing the process ID and the type of interrupt
to send.

ps -ef: This command shows a static output of running processes.

grep: This command provides a filter for output.

|: This symbol is the pipe symbol, entered by typing Shift+\ on the US keyboard, above the
return key. This pipe redirects the output of a command to another command. For
example, you can use the command ps -ef | grep http and you get a list of all the running
processes on the system that have the string http in them. The command example runs the
ps -ef command. Take the output from that command and use it as input to the grep filter,
looking for matches on http.

pwd: As shown earlier, this command prints the current working directory.

ping: This command tests for connectivity to a particular host or IP address. You can use
the -c # option to indicate to send a certain number of packets. For example, ping -c 3
storage-1 sends three packets to the storage-1 host. Otherwise, ping runs until you
interrupt it with Ctrl+C.

*: The asterisk, or star, is a wildcard matching character. For example, ls iaas* lists all
files in the current directory that start with the string iaas.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

In SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1, an administrative GUI is still available for most of the
administrator functions in HSLT environment. Additionally, ISCP console is provided to manage
cloud infrastructure in ISCP environment.
In this set of exercises, you use the HSLT administrative console and ISCP console.

Exercise 3-1: Exploring the HSLT

administrative console


In this exercise, you open the HSLT administrative console and familiarize yourself with the
various tabs.
___ 1. Open a web browser and go to the following web page:
The login page will appear.

___ 2. Log in using default user id and password with administrator privileges:
user id: adminuser
password: passw0rd (0 is a zero)


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-1: Exploring the HSLT administrative console

The administrative console opens to the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning Administration

tab as in the following example.

___ 3.


Click each tab and explore the contents. Click the Accounts and Quotas tab. Notice the
three tabs on the left for Users, Groups, and Access IDs. Click each tab to see the

___ 4. Notice the toolbar at the top of each of the tabs. Depending on which panel is displayed, it
looks like this example. Position your cursor over each of the icons to see the action that it


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-1: Exploring the HSLT administrative console

___ 5. Expand the Actions menu and notice that each icon or button is also available as a menu
item on this menu. Two other options are Export as HTML and Export as CSV. Click
Export to view these two options. Use these options to export the contents of the current
page as either an HTML file or comma-separated values (CSV) file.
___ 6. Select Configure Options.
The contents vary depending on which page it is opened from, but look like this example.


You can use this panel to customize which columns are displayed on the selected page.
___ 7. Notice the filter field on the right side of the toolbar.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-2: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

This field is a quick search field for matching text anywhere on the page. After a filter is
applied, you use the clear filter option to return to the entire list.


Use the icon with three arrows to the right of the quick filter field to open the Advanced
filter menu. Use the advanced filter to search for various combinations. These options are
available from any of the pages in the console.

Exercise 3-2: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud

Provisioning console
In this exercise, you open the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console and familiarize yourself with
the various tabs.
___ 1. Open a web browser and go to the following web page:


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-2: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

The login page will appear.


___ 2. Log in using default user id and password that has administrative privileges:
user id: adminuser

password: passw0rd (0 is a zero)

The administrative console opens to the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning Administration

tab as in the following example.

At the top of the page, there are menu tabs to access user and administrators functions to
use and manage SmartCloud Provisioning resources.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-2: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

___ 3. Move your cursor and click on Cloud tab to display the list of menu under that tab. When
you hover your mouse on Cloud tab you will see the description of that tab as shown in
the following example.

___ 4. On the welcome page you can also see Setting up your private cloud section which
consists of shortcut links to access some functions to setup your cloud quickly. Click on
Create users link to open Users page which allows you to manage users as shown in the
following example.


In general all pages are divided into two parts, the left part shows the list of items and the
right part shows information about the selected item.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-2: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

___ 5. Click on SCP Administrator (adminuser) and you will see information about that user
on the right panel as shown in the following example.


In the above example, the left panel has a title of Users which describes the purpose of the
panel. The right panel has a title of SCP Administrator which describes information
about that user.
There are also action icons available on each panel. In the above example, Users panel has
a plus sign (+) icon to create a new user while the SCP Administrator panel has two
icons. One is a refresh icon and the other one is a delete icon.
In this case the delete icon is grayed off because this user is a system user which cannot be

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-2: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

___ 6. Click on Welcome tab to go back to Welcome page. Expand Working with virtual
systems section to show steps on managing virtual system instances. Below is the


At the bottom right corner, you can also see a light bulb icon. It works as a beacon to
notify that there is a product information update available with the ISCP product that
youve just installed. Below is the example.

___ 7. Click on the light bulb icon at the bottom right corner of ISCP consoles welcome page. It
will open your default web browser and show the latest information about ISCP 2.1.

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-3: Creating users and groups from the GUI

Exercise 3-3: Creating users and groups from

the GUI
To access SmartCloud Provisioning, you must have an entry in the LDAP server and be registered
to use the product. If a customer has an existing LDAP server for authentication, then only those
users must be registered for access. In the classroom environment, you add users to the LDAP
instance that is installed with SmartCloud Provisioning.
First you have to use ISCP HSLT administrative console to create and register user to LDAP server
and then you have to create the same user in ISCP environment using ISCP console.
In this exercise, you create groups and users and assign the users to groups. Later in these exercises,
you enforce quotas on the groups.
___ 1. Open the HSLT administrative console and log in, if necessary.


___ 2. Click the Accounts and Quotas tab and click the Users tab. Click the Actions menu and
select New User. Alternatively, you can click the New User icon on the action menu bar.
___ 3. Create a user with a user ID of user1 and a password of passw0rd. Confirm the password
and click OK.
Note: You see messages in the message area that indicate that the request was submitted and that
it completed successfully. Remember that this process is two steps to create and register the user.
When you create the user from the HSLT administrative console, both of these steps are performed
and the role of default_user_role is automatically assigned.
___ 4. Create a second user, user2 with password of passw0rd.
___ 5. Click the Access IDs tab.

You see user1 and user2 with their associated access IDs in the list. The new users are
registered and have their IDs.
___ 6. Click the Groups tab. Select New Access Group from the action menu bar or the Actions
menu to create a group.
___ 7. Create a group as follows:
___ a. In the Group field, enter classgroup.
___ b. In the Description field, enter Class GUI Group.
___ c. Under Available Access IDs, select user1. Press and hold the Ctrl key and select
user2. Click the right arrow (>) symbol to move user 1 and user2 from the Available
Access IDs to the Selected Access IDs panel.
___ d. Click OK.
You see the new group in the Group list. You now have a group with two users.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-3: Creating users and groups from the GUI

Now you will create the same users and group in ISCP environment using ISCP console.
Note: At the time of writing, there is a defect that user objects in LDAP server are not
automatically associated to the designated group object when users are assigned to group using
HSLT administrative console. You will work around this issue using WebSphere Integrated
Service Console.
___ 8. Open a web browser and go to the following web page:
WebSphere Integrated Service Console will appear as shown below.


___ 9. Log in using the following default user id and password:

User id: wasadmin

Password: passw0rd (0 is a zero)

Welcome page will be displayed as shown in the following example.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-3: Creating users and groups from the GUI

___ 10. Expand Users & Groups section on the left panel and click on Manage Groups link.
All group objects will be displayed as shown in the following example.


___ 11. On the right panel, click on classgroup link.

Group properties page will be displayed on the right panel.

___ 12. Then click on Members tab and click on Add Users... button.

Add users to a Group page will be displayed on the right panel.

___ 13. Click on Search button and choose users that you want to add into the group.
___ 14. Select user1, press and hold Ctrl key and select user2 more than one item. Then click
Add button at the bottom.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-3: Creating users and groups from the GUI

Both users will be added into classgroup group as shown in the following example.


___ 15. Click on Manage Groups link on the left panel. Click on classgroup link and click on
Members tab.
The two users have been added into the group as shown in the following example.

Now you are ready to create users and group and assign users to group in ISCP console.
___ 16. Open the ISCP console and log in, if necessary.
___ 17. Click on System tab and click on User Groups.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-3: Creating users and groups from the GUI

___ 18. Click on plus sign (+) at the top right corner of left panel.
___ 19. Create a group as follows:
___ a. In Group name field, enter classgroup.
___ b. In Description field enter Class GUI Group.
___ c. Click on OK button to create the group.
A new group will be created as shown in the following example.


___ 20. Click on System tab and click on Users.

___ 21. Click on plus sign (+) icon in the top right corner of left panel.
___ 22. Create a user as follows:
___ a. In User name field, enter user1.
___ b. In Full name field, enter User One.
___ c. In Email address field, enter
___ d. Leave Account type value to LDAP.
___ e. Click on OK button to create the user.
A new user called user1 has been created and listed on the left panel of Users page.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-4: Enabling quotas

___ 23. Click on User One (user1) item on the left panel of Users page.
The following example shows information about the newly created user.


In the above example you can see that user1 has been automatically assigned to group
classgroup. This happens when you choose LDAP as the authentication method.
___ 24. Create another user called user2 with a full name of User Two and email address of
In the next exercise, you use the GUI to assign resource quotas to this group.

Exercise 3-4: Enabling quotas

In this exercise, you enable resource quotas. To enforce quotas, you must reconfigure the web
___ 1. Log in to the web service machine and edit the /iaas/etc/webservice.conf file. Open a
terminal window on the PXE server to begin.
ssh webservice
cd /iaas/etc
vi webservice.conf


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-4: Enabling quotas

___ 2. Look for the line that starts with nogroup and insert a line above it.

Enter :wq! to save your changes to the file. It has contents similar to this example.
"quota":{"instnum":5, "nr_virt_cpu":5, "memory":10240,
"volume":20, "image":20, "eip":1}


___ 3. Note the default settings that are assigned to a user if they are not assigned to a group:

5 instances

5 virtual CPUs

10240 MB RAM

20 GB disk volume total

20 images maximum

1 IP address

___ 4. Restart the web service for the change to take effect:

You see the following display.

| |
/ _____)
| |_____ _____( (____
| (____ (____ |\____ \
| / ___ / ___ |_____) )
IAAS Webservice Bot Re-Run Script Initializing

___ 5. Return to the PXE server by exiting the SSH session.


Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-5: Assigning resource quotas to groups

Exercise 3-5: Assigning resource quotas to

___ 1. In the administrative console, ensure that the group you added is selected. Click the
Modify Quota Options icon from the Actions toolbar.
You can use the Modify Quota options to set the following parameters:

Quota Policy: The policy that is used for the quota; a value of either shared or user.
A shared quota means that the quota is shared within the group. User means that the
quota is set for each member of the group.

Memory (MB): The total amount of virtual memory (in MB) for all instances.

Volume (GB): The total amount of volume space (in GB).

Virtual Image Space: The total amount of image space stored (in GB), including
registered and captured images.


You can set one or more quota options. If you do not set an option, the default quota option
is used.
___ 2. Assign the maximum number of deployed VMs to be 2. A value of -1 indicates that there
is no limit for a particular category. Complete this panel as follows:

Quota Policy: shared

Deployed VMs: 1

Virtual CPU Number: -1

Memory (MB): -1

Volume (GB): -1

Virtual Image Space: -1

Static IPs number: -1

___ 3. Click OK to save the changes.

You see a message that the quota for the group was successfully modified.

Exercise 3-6: Registering a virtual image

Before you deploy virtual machine instances, master virtual images must be available in the
SmartCloud environment. For redundancy purposes, a master image must be available on at least
two storage nodes in the environment and registered for use. For this portion of the lab exercises, a
master image is provided. In the CLI exercises, you learn how to create new master images.
Like users and groups, virtual images have to be created in HSLT and ISCP environments. First you
have to register the image using HSLT administrative console and then use ISCP console to register

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-6: Registering a virtual image

it in ISCP environment. The images are located in the /labfiles/ImageForRegister folder. To

register an image, you must copy it to at least two storage nodes in the cloud.
___ 1. Copy the image files to each of the storage nodes.
Right-click anywhere in the background on the PXE server and select open in terminal to
open a terminal window. In the terminal window, enter the following information:
cd /labfiles/ImageForRegister
scp rhel61basic root@storage-1:/iaas/iaas-store/files
scp rhel61basic root@storage-2:/iaas/iaas-store/files

___ 2. If the administrative console is not open, open it to the following location:
___ 3. Log in with a user ID with administrator privileges, in this case use the default:
user id: adminuser
password: passw0rd (0 is a zero)


___ 4. Click Virtual Images and Deployed VMs tab.

___ 5. Click Register Image from either the action bar menu or the Actions menu. Enter the
following information and click OK.

Virtual Image ID: rhel61basic

Description: Red Hat Enterprise Linux base image

Type: image

Format: raw

Architecture: i386

Disk: virtio

You see a message indicating that the image was registered successfully. It has a status of
Available as displayed in the following example.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-6: Registering a virtual image

Note: If the image status is unavailable, SmartCloud Provisioning might have detected the image
on only one of the storage nodes. It might take a few minutes for the image to be detected on both
storage nodes. You can see where it is located by selecting the virtual image and selecting View
Storage nodes on which the Image is stored from the Actions toolbar.
Now you need to register the same image in ISCP environment using ISCP console.
___ 6. If the SmartCloud Provisioning console is not open, open it to the following location:
___ 7. Log in with a user ID with administrator privileges, in this case use the default:
user id: adminuser
password: passw0rd (0 is a zero)
___ 8. Click on Catalog tab and choose Virtual Images.


___ 9. On the Virtual Images page, click on plus sign (+) at the top right corner of the left panel.
___ 10. Choose Register an image from a managed cloud group option and select the image
name of rhel61basic which has just been registered through HSLT administrative console.
Tip: If you do not see any virtual image, click on Cloud tab and choose Hypervisors. Click hslt1
and click Quiesce icon to put the hypervisor into quiesce mode and then click Maintenance icon
to put the hypervisor into maintenance mode. Then click Start button to start the hypervisor.
___ 11. Click on Register button to complete the request and click on Close button to close the
___ 12. Back to Virtual Images page, click on rhel61basic image on the left panel to see its


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-6: Registering a virtual image

The following example shows the information of a newly created virtual image,


If you scroll down the right panel, you see more information, as shown here.

Now the image is available as a virtual image for SmartCloud Provisioning users to deploy
as a VM.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-7: Deploying a virtual system instance

Exercise 3-7: Deploying a virtual system

Before a typical user can deploy virtual system instances, that particular user must have access to
the cloud group that they will run on and the virtual image that will be used to deploy them. In these
exercises, you use cbadmin, which has administrator privileges to assign user1 a permission to use
HSLT cloud group and rhel61basic image.
___ 1. Open the SmartCloud Provisioning console and log in using the following credential:

User ID: cbadmin

Password: cbadmin

___ 2. Click the Cloud tab and choose Cloud Groups.

___ 3. Click HSLT on the left panel to display details about that cloud group on the right panel.


___ 4. Scroll down the right panel until you see Access granted to field.
___ 5. Click the Add more field and enter user1.

A drop-down list is displayed on that field to show the list of users that match the user
name that you entered.
___ 6. Choose User One (user1) from the drop-down list.

User One has access permission to virtual image rhel61basic as displayed in the
following example.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-7: Deploying a virtual system instance

___ 7. Click the Catalog tab and choose Virtual Images.

___ 8. Click rhel61basic on the left panel to display details about that virtual image on the right
___ 9. Scroll down the right panel until you see Access granted to field.
___ 10. Click the Add more field and enter user1.
A drop-down list is displayed on that field to show the list of users that match the user
name that you entered.
___ 11. Choose User One (user1) from the drop-down list.
User One has access permission to virtual image rhel61basic as displayed in the
following example.

___ 12. Log out from the SmartCloud Provisioning administrative interface and log in using the
following information:

User ID: user1

Password: passw0rd (0 is a zero)

___ 13. Click the Catalog tab and choose Virtual Image.
___ 14. Click the rhel61basic image on the left panel to show details about that image on the right

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-7: Deploying a virtual system instance

___ 15. On the right panel, click the cloud icon at the upper-right corner to deploy the image in the
The following information is displayed.

___ 16. Click Choose General Settings and enter the following information:

Instance name: Deployment test

Number of VMs: 1

Persistence instance: Not persistent

___ 17. Click Configure Software and click Generate SSH keys at the bottom of that section.


___ 18. After the SSH public key field is populated, click the Download SSH private key link.
Save the private key in the secured location.
The private key is used to connect to the new virtual system instances by using SSH
___ 19. Leave the remaining fields empty or as they are, and click OK to submit the request.
___ 20. On the successful request submission pop-up window, click OK to continue.
Your virtual system is displayed on the Virtual System Instances page.

___ 21. Wait until the Current status field on the right panel shows The virtual system has been
deployed and is ready to use.
___ 22. Click the refresh icon to get the latest status.

A newly deployed virtual system instance is displayed.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-8: Accessing to new virtual system

Exercise 3-8: Accessing to new virtual

In this exercise, you learn how to access your new virtual system by using both the GUI and CLI.
For the GUI, you use your browser to access the virtual machine. For the CLI, you use the SSH
private key that you downloaded during the deployment process.
___ 1. Open SmartCloud Provisioning console and log in, if necessary.
___ 2. Go to the Virtual System Instances page by clicking Instances tab and choose Virtual
Systems and click the Deployment test instance.
___ 3. On the right panel, expand the Virtual machines section and click the Login link under
the SSH column.
The name is displayed in the Virtual machines section.


___ 4. Enter the following information:

User: root

Password: passw0rd (0 is a zero)

A new browser window opens. You can access the command-line interface of your virtual
___ 5. Run any Linux command, like ifconfig eth0, to see the details about the first ethernet
Now, you learn how to access the system by using a command-line interface.
___ 6. Take note of the IP address of the deployed virtual system on the right panel under the
Virtual machine section of the Virtual System Instances page.
___ 7. Locate the SSH key that you downloaded when you deployed your virtual system
instance. Check the download directory setting of your browser, if necessary.
___ 8. Rename the file to xxx.key and run the following command:
chmod 600 xxx.key
ssh -i xxx.key root@<virtual systems ip address>

The command-line interface of your new virtual system is available.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-9: Displaying resource use

Exercise 3-9: Displaying resource use

In this exercise, you display current resource use by quota.
___ 1. Return to the HSLT administrative console page in your browser.
___ 2. Ensure that you see the Groups tab with the admingroup selected.
___ 3. Click View Resource Usage to see the resources that are currently in use by this group.
The output looks like the following example.


Note: The current design of virtual system deployment to the HSLT cloud group is to use
adminuser as the owner. Even if a typical user deploys a new virtual system, it will still be owned
by adminuser. Therefore, you can only examine resource use of admingroup.

Exercise 3-10: Using IP group

IP addresses in IBM SmartCloud Provisioning are only accessible through IP group. And IP groups
are associated to hypervisors.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-10: Using IP group

In this exercise you will define IP group and use that to assign different set of ip addresses to the
default hypervisor.
___ 1. Go to PXE server and open a command prompt by right clicking anywhere in the desktop
and choose Open in Terminal.
___ 2. Go to directory /var/named and execute
vi forward-lookup.db

___ 3. Enter the following information at the bottom of the file with each every element in one
line is separated by tabulator (<tab>).


___ 4. Save the file by entering :wq!.

The file would look like the following example:

___ 5. Go to directory /var/named and execute

vi reverse-lookup.db

___ 6. Enter the following information at the bottom of the file:

$TTL 86400; 30 minutes

Important: Do not forget to add dot (.) at the end of every PTR line.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-10: Using IP group

___ 7. Save the file by entering :wq!.

The file would look like the following example:

___ 8. Restart DNS service by executing the following command:

service named restart


___ 9. Test DNS server by running the following command:

nslookup webserver01

The result would look like the following example:

___ 10. Test the reverse lookup by executing the following command:

The result would look like the following example:

___ 11. Open the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console and log in, if necessary.
___ 12. Click on Cloud tab and choose IP Groups.
___ 13. On the left panel, click on the plus sign (+) at the top right corner to create a new IP group.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-10: Using IP group

___ 14. Enter the following information:

Name: Web servers

Version: IPv4

Obtain IP address from: IP Address Pool

Subnet address:



Primary DNS:

___ 15. Click on Create to process the request.

___ 16. Back to IP Groups page, click on Web servers on the left panel to show detail
information about that ip group on the right panel.


___ 17. Scroll down the right panel until you find IP Addresses: field.
___ 18. In Add range field, enter the following information:



then click Add link to add those ip addresses into the ip group.
The right panel would look like the following example:

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-10: Using IP group

___ 19. Click on show more link to see the last ip address.
___ 20. Click on Cloud and choose Hypervisors.
hslt1 is the default hypervisor that comes with IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1 product.
___ 21. Click on hslt1 to show detail information about that hypervisor on the right panel.
___ 22. Expand Network section and expand default network section. You will see IP group has
a value of HSLT-default. You are going to change this with Web servers ip group.
___ 23. Put hslt1 hypervisor into quiesce mode by clicking on Quiesce icon at the top of the right
___ 24. Then put hslt1 hypervisor into maintenance mode by clicking on Maintenance icon at the
top of the right panel.
___ 25. Go back to expand Networks section and expand default network section. Change the
value of IP group: to Web servers. The change will be saved automatically.


___ 26. Then put hslt1 hypervisor back into start mode by clicking on Start icon at the top of the
right panel.
Now you are ready to deploy another instance to hslt1 hypervisor, but this time ip address
will be assigned from Web servers ip group.
___ 27. Log out from ISCP console and log in back using user1 user id.

___ 28. Deploy again a new instance using rhel61basic virtual image and you will see that its ip
address will be and its hostname is webserver01.
Below is an example instance deployment using Web servers ip group.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-11: Using elastic IP addresses

Exercise 3-11: Using elastic IP addresses

In this exercise, you learn how to configure elastic IP addresses and attach one of them to a deployed
virtual system instance.
___ 1. Open a high-scale low-touch administrative console and log in, if necessary.
___ 2. Click the Network Pools tab and choose Static IPs tab on the left side of the console.
Five static IP addresses are listed, -
___ 3. Click the plus (+) icon from the action icons to add new static IP addresses.
___ 4. On Add Static IPs window, add the following information:

Start IP Address:

End IP Address:


___ 5. Click OK to process the request.

A new static IP address is created. You remove them again because you use the existing IP
groups for the next steps.
___ 6. Choose the new static IP addresses that you created in the previous steps. Click the minus
(-) icon to delete them.
___ 7. On the confirmation pop-up window, click OK to continue.

Based on the existing IP addresses, give permission to user1 to use one of the IP addresses.
___ 8. Open a terminal window and run the following commands:

cd /iaas/cli
source iaasrc
iaas-modify-address -i -a <user1s access id> -l
database server

Tip: Use iaas-describe-accesses-by-group to find the access ID of user1.

Create one elastic IP address that you can assign to a virtual system instance deployed in the
previous exercise.
___ 9. Open the SmartCloud Provisioning console and log in by using the following information:

user: adminuser

password: passw0rd (0 is a zero)

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-11: Using elastic IP addresses

Important: At the time of writing, you cannot use user1, the typical user, to associate an elastic
IP address to a virtual machine even though the instance is owned by that user. You can use user1
to allocate it, but not associate it. You must use adminuser to do that.
Because every virtual machine that is deployed in HSLT is mapped to adminuser, it becomes the
owner. Therefore, user1 cannot associate its own virtual machine.
___ 10. Click the Cloud tab and choose Elastic IP Addresses to open the elastic IP addresses
___ 11. Click the plus (+) icon to create a new elastic IP address.
___ 12. Enter database server as a value in the Tag field. Click OK to submit the request.
Note: When you create an elastic IP address, that address uses one of the available static IP
addresses that are defined in a high-scale low-touch environment.


The elastic IP address is allocated but not yet attached to any virtual machine.
A new elastic IP address is illustrated in the following example.

___ 13. Click the Associate to a Virtual Machine icon at the upper-right corner of the right panel.
___ 14. Choose the VM that you deployed in Deploying a virtual system instance on page 320 and click OK to submit the request.
The elastic IP address is associated to a virtual system, as shown in the following example.

Check the assignment of the elastic IP address.

___ 15. Open a terminal window in the PXE server and run the following command:

The ping command gets a response from the machine, which means that the IP address
was assigned correctly.

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-11: Using elastic IP addresses

___ 16. Run the following command to access the virtual machine by using an elastic IP address:

___ 17. Enter the root password and run the following command to check the real IP address of the
virtual machine:
ifconfig eth0

The following example shows the result of those commands and the real IP address to
which the elastic IP address points.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 3

Exercise 3-11: Using elastic IP addresses


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 4

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 4


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 5

In these lab exercises, you learn how to perform the following tasks to use IBM SmartCloud
Provisioning 2.1:

Navigate the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

Deploy a VM image instance

Create a disk volume and attach it to a VM instance

Capture a VM instance

Assign an Elastic IP address to a deployed virtual machine

Delete a virtual machine


Lab environment

The lab environment has one PXE (pixie) server, two storage nodes, and at least one compute node.
You perform the tasks in the lab exercises by using the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console and
terminal sessions on the PXE (pixie) server.


Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-1: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

Exercise 5-1: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud

Provisioning console
In this lab exercise, you explore some of the pages and functions provided by the IBM SmartCloud
Provisioning console. The user name reguser with password passw0rd was created in LDAP with
minimal permissions.
___ 1. To register the user, open the Firefox web browser on the PXE server, if it is not already
Four tabs are displayed.
___ 2. Click the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning Console tab and click Register.
___ 3. Enter reguser for the user name and click Register.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-1: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

___ 4. Click Back to return to the login page, and log in as reguser using passw0rd for the


___ 5. Click Catalog > Virtual Images and observe the images that are available. These images
can be used by the group Everyone, which includes all users on the system.
___ 6. Click the image rhel61compat and notice the detailed information that is listed on the
right side of the window.

___ 7. Position your cursor over the icons to the right of rhel61compat that are available (not
grayed out).
A pop-up message indicates the actions that you can perform, including Refresh, Deploy
in the cloud, Make read-only, and Delete.
___ 8. Click Catalog > Virtual System Patterns and select pat0 to see detailed information
about the pattern.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-1: Exploring the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning console

You can perform six different actions for this pattern.

___ 9. Click Instances > Virtual System Instances.

You see a list of deployed virtual machines or (none). If any virtual machines are listed,
you can select them and see details and actions that you can perform.


This introduction to some of the menus, windows, and actions are useful for performing
the remaining exercises for this unit. You also registered a new user for the IBM
SmartCloud Provisioning console that you will use to perform the rest of the exercises in
this unit.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-2: Deploying a basic virtual image

Exercise 5-2: Deploying a basic virtual image

In this exercise, you deploy a VM image instance and look at the detailed information for this user.
___ 1. Click Catalog > Virtual Images and select rhel61basic.


___ 2. Use the Deploy in cloud action icon to deploy the image.
___ 3. Click Choose General Settings in the pop-up window.
___ a. Enter basicDeploy for the Instance name.
___ b. Enter 1 for the Number of VMs.

___ c. Enter This is a virtual instance of the rhel61basic image for Description.
___ d. Enter rhel61 basic for Tags.

___ e. Select Not persistent from the Persistent instance drop-down menu.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-2: Deploying a basic virtual image

___ 4. Click Configure Software.

A green check mark is displayed by several of the items in the pop-up window. These
items have default values that you can look at. A green check mark is required on each
item before you can click OK.
You might have to use the slide bar to see all the Configure Software information.
___ 5. Click Generate SSH keys and then click Download SSH private key to save the key to a
The file can be used with ssh to log in to the deployed image. The file is stored in the
Downloads directory.
___ 6. Click OK to deploy the virtual image and OK to go to the Virtual System Instances
___ 7. Click the Refresh icon to refresh the window while the image is being deployed.
The Current status field in the detailed information changes until the image is deployed,
and specifies when the image can be used.



IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-2: Deploying a basic virtual image

___ 8. Expand the Virtual machines information and the machine information by clicking the
plus sign by each machine to see more details about the virtual machines.

___ 9. Click Login, enter root for the user name, enter passw0rd for the password, and click


A session to the machine opens. You can perform preliminary testing before you give the
key file to someone to use with ssh.

___ 10. Issue a few UNIX commands and click the x in the upper right of the session window to
close the session.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-3: Deploying an intermediate virtual image instance

Exercise 5-3: Deploying an intermediate

virtual image instance
In this exercise, you deploy an intermediate virtual image instance and create two virtual instances.
___ 1. Click Catalog > Virtual Images and select rhel61compat.
This intermediate image is part of a pattern pat0.


___ 2. Use the Deploy in cloud action icon to deploy the image.

___ 3. Click Choose General Settings in the pop-up window and enter the following
___ a. Enter compatDeployIntermediate for the Instance Name.
___ b. Enter 2 for the Number of VMs.
___ c. Enter This creates 2 virtual instances from the rhel61compat image for
___ d. Enter rhel61 compat for Tags.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-3: Deploying an intermediate virtual image instance

___ e. Select Not persistent from the Persistent instance menu.


___ 4. Click Configure Software.

___ 5. Click Generate SSH keys and then click Download SSH private key and save the key to
a file.
The file can be used with ssh to log in to the deployed image, and is stored in the
Downloads directory.
___ 6. Click OK to deploy the virtual images and OK to go to the Virtual System Instances
___ 7. Expand the virtual machines information by clicking the plus sign to see more details
about the virtual machines.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-4: Deleting virtual system images

Exercise 5-4: Deleting virtual system images

In this exercise, you clean up some of the virtual system instances because they are no longer
___ 1. Click Instances > Virtual systems.
___ 2. Select basicDeploy.instance.
___ 3. Click the delete action icon in the upper-right corner to remove the machine.
___ 4. Click OK to the pop-up message.
___ 5. Select the CompatDeployIntermediate instance
___ 6. Expand the list of virtual machines by clicking the plus sign.


___ 7. Click View, using the slide bar if necessary.

___ 8. Click the red X on the first virtual system in the list to delete one of the virtual machines,
and click OK to the pop-up message.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-5: Creating a disk volume and attaching it to a virtual system instance

Exercise 5-5: Creating a disk volume and

attaching it to a virtual system instance
In this exercise, you create a 2-GB disk and attach it to a virtual instance.
___ 1. Click Cloud > Disks.
___ 2. Click the green plus sign under the Cloud menu.
An Add Disk pop-up menu is displayed.
___ 3. Enter disk 1GB for the Tag.
___ 4. Enter 1 for the Size.
___ 5. Enter 1 for the Number.


___ 6. Click OK to create the disk and select the new disk, and click Attach.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-5: Creating a disk volume and attaching it to a virtual system instance

___ 7. Select the VM name in the pop-up window and click OK.

___ 8. Click the Refresh icon.

The status changes to Attached, and the attached virtual machine has a value listed.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-6: Assigning an elastic IP address to a deployed virtual machine

Exercise 5-6: Assigning an elastic IP address

to a deployed virtual machine
In this exercise, you attach an elastic IP address to a virtual machine.
___ 1. Click Cloud > Elastic IP addresses.
___ 2. Click the green plus sign, enter Elastic for the Tag in the pop-up menu, and click OK.


___ 3. Select Elastic IP Addresses and click the Associate to a Virtual Machine icon.

___ 4. Select a virtual machine from the pop-up menu and click OK.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 5

Exercise 5-6: Assigning an elastic IP address to a deployed virtual machine

The status of the Elastic IP address changes to Associated. A new icon is available that
you can use to disassociate from a virtual machine, and the attached virtual machine is

___ 5. Open a terminal on first box.

___ 6. Use ssh <elastic IP Address> and enter passw0rd for the password.


___ 7. Enter the ifconfig command.

You now logged into the virtual machine that you created, by using the Elastic IP address.
The IP address that is shown beside ifconfig is the IP address that is assigned by the
DHCP server of SmartCloud Provisioning. You can ssh to the same machine by using the
address shown in the ifconfig output for eth0.
You have now associated a virtual machine with an elastic IP address and logged into the machine
using that address. If this virtual machine halted, you can deploy the same image could and use the
elastic IP address assigned to it.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 6

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 6


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 7

In this set of exercises, you learn to add your first operational repository, review the existing users
and roles, add a new user, and assign a role.

Exercise 7-1: Registering initial images

Perform this exercise if you did not complete the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning SPVC course. If
you completed the SmartCloud Provisioning SPVC course, your first-box virtual machine is set up
and you can skip to the next exercise.
___ 1. Log in to your first-box virtual machine as root with password object00.


___ 2. From your desktop, open a Firefox browser.

Four tabs are displayed at the top of the window.

___ 3. Click the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning High scale low touch administrative console
The web address is
___ 4. Log in as adminuser with password passw0rd.

This user ID and password are cached in your browser.

___ 5. Click the Virtual Images and Deployed VMs tab.
No images are listed.

___ 6. Click the Register Image icon on the top left.


Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-1: Registering initial images

The pop-up window has the details for the first image to be registered. All of the default
field settings are correct for this image.
___ 7. (Optional) In the Description field, add a description, like Red Hat Basic Image.
___ 8. Click the OK button.


___ 9. Click the Register Image icon and select the rhel61compat image from the Image File
Name list.
All the default settings are valid. You can optionally add a description.
___ 10. Click the OK button.

___ 11. Follow steps 9 and 10 to register the rhel61diff and the rhel61http images.
Four registered images are now displayed in the list.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-2: Adding an operational repository

Exercise 7-2: Adding an operational

Adding an operational repository is typically the first step in a new installation of the Virtual Image
Library. You define an operational repository for each of the hypervisor environments that are
managed by SmartCloud Provisioning. The default hypervisor is high scale low touch (HSLT).
When an operational repository is defined, all the registered images in that hypervisor are
discovered and a basic index is performed. An index is like an inventory scan, resulting in a set of
descriptive information about the image, including virtual hardware and software details.
___ 1. In your Firefox browser, click the rightmost tab to log in to IBM Virtual Image Library.
The web address is
___ 2. Log in as adminuser with password passw0rd.


The IBM Virtual Image Library window opens.

___ 3. Click the Images link.

To set up the operational repository for HSLT, you must know the IP address or host name of the
webservice virtual machine. In this lab environment, we are using /etc/hosts for name resolution.
___ 4. Open a terminal window (right-click the desktop and select Open in Terminal).
___ 5. In the terminal window, issue the following command:
cat /etc/hosts

___ 6. Note that the IP address of the webservice virtual machine is

Note: In a production environment, /etc/hosts is not a likely host name resolution method. The
webservice virtual machine typically has the host name webservice. You can enter the

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-2: Adding an operational repository

command ping webservice to find the IP address. Alternatively, you can find the host name in
the /etc/dhcp/dhcp.static file on your first-box machine.
___ 7. In the Virtual Image Library web interface, under the Images tab, perform one of the
following tasks:

Select Actions > Add Repositories.

Click the Connect to a hypervisor manager and add the related repositories icon.


___ 8. In the pop-up window, enter the following values:


Hypervisor Manager Name: HSLT

Hypervisor Manager Description: High scale low touch

Hypervisor Manager Type: High scale low touch

Host Name or IP Address:

Administrative User Name: adminuser

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-2: Adding an operational repository

Administrative Password: passw0rd

Confirm Password: passw0rd


___ 9. Click the OK button.

HSLT is listed under Operational Repositories.

___ 10. Expand HSLT > High scale low touch.

In the lower pane of the window, you can see the progress.

The hypervisor manager is discovered and registered, followed by a basic indexing of the
images in the hypervisor. This process can take approximately 10 minutes. After the
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-3: Reviewing initial users and roles

indexing is complete, you can click the Virtual Images tab to see virtual hardware and
software details for each of the images.
___ 11. Click the Virtual Images tab under All Resources.
___ 12. Click the link for one of the four images.
___ 13. Click the following tabs to see the information that is available on each tab:



Installed Software

High scale low touch Compatibility Details


___ 14. Log out from the Virtual Image Library.

Exercise 7-3: Reviewing initial users and

The IBM Virtual Image Library includes two users that are defined with the administrator role. The
users and roles in Virtual Image Library are managed in the WebSphere Integrated Solutions
Console. In the next two exercises, you review the initial users and roles, add a new user, and assign
a role to use in a later unit.
___ 1. In your Firefox browser, open a new tab and enter the following address:

Note: is the IP address of the Virtual Image Library server virtual machine.
Alternatively, you can use the host name,

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-3: Reviewing initial users and roles

A message about an untrusted connection is displayed.

___ 2. Correct this situation by clicking I Understand the Risks, and click Add Exception.


___ 3. Ensure that the Permanently store this exception check box is selected and click the
Confirm Security Exception button.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-3: Reviewing initial users and roles

___ 4. Log in as wasadmin with password passw0rd.


___ 5. In the left pane, select Applications > Application Types > WebSphere Enterprise
___ 6. In the Enterprise Applications pane, click ImageManager.

___ 7. In the Detail Properties section, click Security role to user/group mapping.
The Enterprise Applications window opens.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

The user, wasadmin, is assigned to all three roles mentioned in the lectures. The wasadmin user ID
is mapped to the adminuser user ID that you are using for most of your activities. The administrator
role includes the Configuration Librarian and the Operator roles. The administrator role can create
users and assign roles to them.

Exercise 7-4: Adding a new user and

assigning a role
In this exercise, you add a new user called Administrator and assign it to the Administrator role.
You use the administrator user ID in the VMware vSphere client in a subsequent unit. In this lesson,
this ID must be associated to Virtual Image Library.When we use the vSphere plug-in to attach to
Virtual Image Library in Unit 4, the user ID we use in vSphere needs to be known to Virtual Image
Library. We are defining it now to be ready for the connection in Unit 4.


___ 1. In the left pane of the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, select Users and Groups
> Manage Users.
The adminuser and wasadmin users are listed.

___ 2. Click the Create button.

___ 3. In the Create a User panel, enter the following field values:

User ID: Administrator

First name: vSphere

Last name: Administrator

E-mail: < cleared >

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Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

Password: object00

Confirm password: object00


___ 4. Click the Create button.

The following confirmation message is displayed.

___ 5. Click the Close button.

Your new user is added to the list.

___ 6. In the left pane, select Applications > Application Types > WebSphere Enterprise
___ 7. In the Enterprise Applications pane, click ImageManager.
___ 8. In the Detail Properties section, click Security role to user/group mapping.


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Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

The following information is displayed in the Enterprise Applications window.


___ 9. Select the Administrator check box and click the Map Users button.
___ 10. Click the Search button.

The three users are listed.

___ 11. Select Administrator from the Available box on the left and click the right arrow button
to move it to the Selected box on the right.

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Student exercises for Unit 7

Exercise 7-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

___ 12. Scroll down and click the OK button.

In the user and group mapping panel, you see the Administrator user ID added under the
Administrator role.


___ 13. Click the OK button.

___ 14. In the Enterprise Applications panel, click the Save link to save your changes.

___ 15. In the Enterprise Applications panel, click the check box for ImageManager, then click
the Stop button.
___ 16. When the stop is complete, click the check box for ImageManager again, then click the
Start button.
___ 17. When the application as started, log out of the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console
and close its tab in your browser.


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Student exercises for Unit 8

In this set of exercises, you use the Virtual Image Library to manage images in your SmartCloud
Provisioning high-scale low-touch (HSLT) repository. The HSLT repository is an operational
repository. You search for images, compare images, check images in to the reference repository,
check images out of the reference repository, verify image capabilities, and remediate a partially
compatible image.

Exercise 8-1: Logging in to the user



In this exercise, you log in to the user interfaces that are required during the lab exercises.
___ 1. Open the Firefox web browser on the PXE server, if it is not already open.
Four tabs are displayed.

In these exercises, you use the Virtual Image Library, SmartCloud Provisioning Web console, and
HSLT administrator console. You do not use the Image Construction and Composition Tool in these

___ 2. Click the fourth tab, IBM Virtual Image Library.

___ 3. Log in to the Virtual Image Library as adminuser with password passw0rd.
___ 4. Click the third tab, IBM SmartCloud Provisioning Web console.
___ 5. Log in to the SmartCloud Provisioning web console as adminuser with password
___ 6. Click the second tab, IBM SmartCloud Provisioning administrator console (also
known as the HSLT administrator console).
___ 7. Log in to the HSLT administrator console as adminuser with password passw0rd.


Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-2: Verifying the status of the HSLT cloud group

Exercise 8-2: Verifying the status of the HSLT

cloud group
In this exercise, you use the SmartCloud Provisioning web console to verify the status of the HSLT
cloud group.
___ 1. Click the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning web console tab in your web browser.
___ 2. Click Cloud > Cloud Groups.
You see the HSLT cloud group in the left pane.
___ 3. Click the HSLT cloud group.
You see details related to the cloud group in the right pane. Verify its current status and
synchronization status. The current status should be connected and the cloud group
should be synchronized with the Virtual Image Library.


If the status is correct, skip to the next step. Otherwise follow these steps to correct the
status and synchronize the components.

If the current status is not connected, use the following steps to start the hypervisor:

___ a. Scroll down until you see the Cloud group target field.

___ b. Expand the Cloud group target field.

___ c. Click the hslt1 hypervisor to display details related to the hypervisor.
___ d. Click the start icon (

) to start the hypervisor.

___ e. Click Cloud > Cloud Groups and select the HSLT cloud group again.

If the cloud group is not synchronized with the Virtual Image Library, use the following
steps to manually synchronize the cloud group:

Note: If you started the hslt1 hypervisor manually, you must resynchronize the cloud group,
because changes might have been made since the last syncronization.
___ a. Click the synchronize cloud group icon (
the Virtual Image Library.

) to synchronize the cloud group with

___ b. Wait until the synchronization completes. Click refresh to monitor the activity.


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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-3: Indexing an image

Exercise 8-3: Indexing an image

In this exercise, you look at the contents of the operational repository and perform a full indexing
against an image.
___ 1. Select the Virtual Image Library tab in your web browser.
___ 2. Click the Images tab.
In the content pane, you see two repositories listed with four images and zero deployed
virtual machines.
___ 3. Click Reference Repository in the navigation pane.
There should be zero images in the reference repository.
___ 4. Expand the links to display the HSLT operational repository, VM_Services.


___ 5. Click VM_Services.

There should be four images in the HSLT operational repository.

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-3: Indexing an image

___ 6. In the content pane, click the Virtual Images tab for the operational repository to display
the images:






___ 7. Scroll to the right. You see that each of the four images are RHEL 6.1 images.
There is no versioning information because these images have not been checked in to the
reference repository yet.
Basic indexing is run for each image when it is discovered. This indexing is done
automatically when the cloud group is registered.
___ 8. Scroll to the right until you see the compatibility status.

The rhel61compat image is the only image that is fully compatible. The other three
images are partially compatible. Youwill remediate the images in a later exercise.
___ 9. Select the rhel61http image and click Actions > Start Full Indexing to perform a full
indexing against the image.
___ 10. Monitor the progress of your request in the Task Progress pane located at the bottom of the

Note: The basic indexing gathers information about the OS and the software (products, rpms,
patches) and stores the results in the Virtual Image Library knowledgebase. Full indexing does
basic indexing and crawls every directory and file in the image to create a comprehensive set
of facts about the image that are also stored in the Virtual Image Library knowledgebase.


IBM Tivoli Course

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-4: Checking an image in to the reference repository

___ 11. Find the rhel61diff image and click Actions > Start Full Indexing to perform a full index
on that image. When the full indexing completes, scroll to the right to verify that the image
is fully indexed.

Exercise 8-4: Checking an image in to the

reference repository
Images that are managed must be checked in to the Virtual Image Library local store, which is called
the reference repository. In this exercise, you add an image to the reference repository. This process
is known as checking an image in to the reference repository.
___ 1. In the content pane, select the rhel61http image and click Actions > Check in image.
___ 2. In the Check in Virtual Image panel, provide the information to indicate that this image is
an RHEL 61 image with the HTTP server installed. Indicate the name of the chain for this
image as shown in the following screen capture.


Note: Since this image is the first one that you are checking in to the reference repository, a new
version chain is created. If there were existing images and version chains, you would have the
option of adding this image to an existing chain.

___ 3. Click OK.

You see the task progress in the task progress pane.

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-4: Checking an image in to the reference repository

Note: When an image is checked in to the Reference Repository image library, it performs a full
index on the image, even if a full index has completed. Some amount of time might have elapsed
since that occurred, and any changes are picked up at this time.
___ 4. After the check-in and indexing complete successfully, select Reference Repository in
the navigation pane.
You now see that there is one virtual image in the reference repository.
___ 5. Click the Virtual Images tab in the content pane to see that the virtual image name and
details are listed.
The new icon beside the name indicates that this image is a reference repository image.


Also, notice that the version information is now displayed as version 1.1, which indicates
the first time that the image was checked in to the reference repository.
___ 6. Click the image name, rhel61http, to display the detailed information about the image.
A new tab opens with five subtabs:





Installed Software

HSLT Compatibility Details

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Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-5: Remediating an image

___ 7. Click the Versions tab to see the versioning information tracked by the Virtual Image
Library for each reference repository image.


___ 8. Examine each of the tabs to familiarize yourself with the information that they contain.
___ 9. Perform steps 1 - 7 to check the rhel61compat image in to the reference repository.

Exercise 8-5: Remediating an image

Images can be ported (moved) across hypervisors; for example, from VMware to HSLT. Related to
the move, each image can have a compatibility status, as follows:

Fully Compatible: All compatibility checks succeeded and no action is required.

Partially Compatible: One or more compatibility checks are not satisfied, and a
remediation action exists for each condition that is not satisfied.

Not Compatible: All compatibility checks are not satisfied. No remediation actions exist.

Unavailable: Compatibility conditions do not exist for this kind of image. The image
compatibility cannot be checked.

In this exercise, you select a partially compatible image and take action to remediate the image.
When complete, the image should be fully compatible. Only images in the reference repository can
be remediated.
___ 1. Select Reference Repository.
___ 2. Click the Virtual Images tab.
___ 3. Click the rhel61http image to display its details.

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-5: Remediating an image

___ 4. Click the Summary tab.

___ 5. Scroll down to see that the image is fully indexed and its compatibility status is Partially


___ 6. Click the High scale low touch Compatibility Details tab.

You see the compatibility checks that were run against the image and their results. Several
checks failed; for example, the CoudIinit service installed check failed.
___ 7. Click Actions > Make the Image Compatible to remediate the failed checks.


IBM Tivoli Course

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-5: Remediating an image

The Make the Image Compatible window opens.


___ 8. Fill in the following information and click OK when done:

New Reference Image Name: rhel61httpcomp

Description: RHEL 61 HTTP image fully compatible

Version Chain: Connect to the related version chain

___ 9. Close the details for the rhel61http image.

___ 10. In the Monitor the Task Progress pane, wait until the image is remediated and fully

When complete, the new image, rhel61httpcomp, is listed for the reference repository.

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-5: Remediating an image

___ 11. Click the image and scroll down to verify that its status is Fully Compatible.


___ 12. Click the Versions tab.

The rhel61httpcomp image is a child of the rhel61http image with a new version, v1.2
assigned to it. You created a new image in the reference repository when you created the
rhel61httpcomp image.

Notice the genealogy in the family tree. You started with the rhel61http image in the HSLT
operational repository. Next, you checked the image in to the reference repository. Then, you
remediated the image, creating the rhel61httpcomp image.


IBM Tivoli Course

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-6: Checking an image out of the reference repository

Exercise 8-6: Checking an image out of the

reference repository
To replicate images from the reference repository into a cloud environment, they must be checked
out of the reference repository into the operational repository. Typically, these images are master
images that are managed from a central location and replicated to multiple clouds in the customer
environment. For this exercise, you check out the image that was remediated, the rhel61httpcomp
___ 1. Select Reference Repository in the navigation pane and click the Virtual Images tab in
the content pane.
___ 2. Select the rhel61httpcomp image and click Actions > Check out Image to copy the
image to the operational repository.
___ 3. Enter the following information:


Source Image: <prefilled with the image name that was selected>

Target name: rhel61httpnew (This name can be any name that you want for the

Hypervisor manager: HSLT

Location: High scale low touch

Operational Repository: VM_Services

Description: New version of RHEL 61 HTTP image - fully compatible

___ 4. Click OK to check the image out of the reference repository and into the HSLT
You see progress information in the task progress pane.

Note: When an image is checked out of the reference repository into a HSLT repository, the
image is copied to the storage nodes and automatically registered with the SmartCloud
Provisioning image catalog. After this process completes, it is available as a master image in the
SmartCloud Provisioning environment and can be used to deploy virtual machines.
After the checkout completes, a basic indexing is performed against the image.
___ 5. When the basic indexing completes, click the VM_Services operational repository in the
navigation pane.
___ 6. Click the Virtual Images tab. Verify that the rhel61httpnew image is in the list. Notice
the version is 1.2.1.
___ 7. Click the image to display more details. Notice that the image is Fully Compatible and
the basic indexing is complete.
___ 8. Click the Versions tab.
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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-6: Checking an image out of the reference repository

___ 9. Notice the family tree.


In review, you took these steps to get to this point:

You started with the rhel61http image in the HSLT operational repository.

You checked the image in to the reference repository using the same name.

You remediated the image, creating rhel61httpcomp in the reference repository.

You checked the image out of the reference repository as rhel61httpnew.

Each step created a new image in the family tree.

___ 10. Open the HSLT administrator console for SmartCloud Provisioning.
___ 11. Click the Virtual Images and Deployed VMs tab.

You now see rhel61httpnew in the list of available virtual images.


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Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-7: Using the Virtual Image Library filter functions

Exercise 8-7: Using the Virtual Image Library

filter functions
In this exercise, you use the Virtual Image Library filter functions.
___ 1. In the navigation pane, select All Resources.
The Summary tab includes information about number of repositories (two), number of
virtual images (eight), and number of deployed virtual machines of which the image
library is aware (none).
___ 2. Click the Virtual Images tab.
You see all eight images in the list.
___ 3. Use the quick filter field and enter compatible as the filter criteria.


You see several images that contain the text, compatible.

___ 4. Clear the quick filter field to display all eight images.
___ 5. Click the advanced filter icon (


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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-8: Searching the Virtual Image Library

___ 6. Define the following advanced filter criteria:

Match: all rules
Rule 1:

Column: High scale low touch compatibility

Condition: contains

Value: partial

___ 7. Click the Add Rule icon (

Rule 2:

Column: Indexing state

Condition: does not contain

Value: full


___ 8. Click Filter to filter the data.

You see one image, rhel61basic, matching the criteria. This image is a partially
compatible image that has basic indexing only.

___ 9. Clear the filter.

Exercise 8-8: Searching the Virtual Image

In this exercise, you search all images in all repositories. In particular, you search for images
containing a specific software product.
___ 1. In the navigation pane, select All Resources.
___ 2. Click Actions > Search within the selected item.
The Search All resources tab is displayed.


IBM Tivoli Course

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-9: Comparing images

___ 3. Under Search Options, scroll down to the Search Criteria section and enter the following
___ a. In the Name field, enter rhel.
___ b. Expand the By Software Products section and filter for ncompress.
___ c. Select the ncompress software.


___ d. Scroll to the bottom of the pane and click the Search button to perform the search.
In the Images Search Results in the content pane, you see the search results. There is a tab
for the virtual images that match the search criteria and a second tab for any deployed
virtual machines that match the search criteria. In this case, there is only one RHEL image
that contains the ncompress software, the rhel61diff image.
___ 4. Close the windows that you opened during this exercise by clicking the X on each of the
tabs that you opened.

Exercise 8-9: Comparing images

In this exercise, you use the Virtual Image Library compare image function to compare two images,
their software products, and their files.
___ 1. In the navigation pane, select All Resources.
___ 2. Click the Virtual Images tab in the content pane.

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-9: Comparing images

___ 3. Select the following images by clicking the image name:

rhel61diff (in the HSLT operational repository)

rhel61http (in the reference repository)

___ 4. In the rhel61diff pane, click the compare icon (


You see a message that rhel61diff was selected and that you must select a second image.

___ 5. Click the rhel61http tab.

___ 6. Click the compare icon for rhel61http to select it as the second image for the comparison.


The rhel61diff image is compared to the rhel61http image. The compare function runs,
comparing products for both images.

___ 7. Click all three tabs to see what software products are unique to each image and what
software products are on each image, but different.
In this case, the only difference is the lzo software. It is on rhel61diff only. There are no
other software product differences between these two images.
___ 8. Select Files and click Compare to perform a file comparison between the two images.


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Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-10: Searching for similar images

___ 9. Click all three tabs to see what files are unique to each image and what files are on each
image, but different. In this case, you see the following differences:

The /etc/gssapi_mech.conf file is only on rhel61diff.

The /etc/adjtime file is different on both images.

Tip: You can run the file comparison because each image is fully indexed.
___ 10. Close the windows that were opened during this exercise by clicking the X on each of the
tabs that you opened.

Exercise 8-10: Searching for similar images


In this exercise, you use the Virtual Image Library show similar function to compare one image to
all other images and see how similar they are, by percentage.
___ 1. In the navigation pane, select the VM_Services hypervisor.
___ 2. In the content pane, click the Virtual Images tab.

___ 3. Select the rhel61httpnew image and click Actions > Show Similar.
A new tab opens titled Similar to rhel61httpnew. By default, Products is selected for the
similarity check, which means that you are searching for images that contain similar
products to rhel61httpnew.

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-11: Verifying image capabilities

Note: The similarity column on the far right of the table indicates the similarity percentage for
each of the images or virtual machines in the table. The images are listed in order from most
similar to least similar. In this case, the rhel61diff in the HSLT operational repository is the least
similar image.
___ 4. Click the Files radio button for the view and click the Show Similar button again.
In this case, you receive an error message that indicates that a file-based comparison
cannot be performed because the image is not fully indexed.
___ 5. Click OK to close the error message.

Exercise 8-11: Verifying image capabilities


In this exercise, you use the SmartCloud Provisioning web console to display the images in the
Virtual Image Library and look at the image capabilities more closely.
___ 1. Click the SmartCloud Provisioning web console tab in your web browser.
___ 2. Click Catalog > Virtual Images.

You see all virtual images that were registered with the SmartCloud Provisioning image

___ 3. Select the rhel61basic image.

The details about the image, including the image capability, are displayed in the content
pane. In this case, the image capability is Basic.
Basic images can be deployed as a single virtual machine or within a pattern. Basic images
do not provide any configuration capabilities for additional disks, NICs, or users.
___ 4. Select the rhel61httpnew image.

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Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-12: Importing an image into the reference repository

In this case, the image capability is Intermediate. Intermediate images provide the
capability to run add-ons and script packages by using the scp-cloud-init script configured
to run at boot time of the guest operating system.
___ 5. To change the image capability for the rhel61diff image, select the image and navigate to
the Image Capabilities field.
The rhel61diff image is a basic image.
___ 6. Use the drop-down menu to change the image capability of rhel61diff to Intermediate.
The change is automatically saved. In a typical environment, you have more work to do to
configure the image.

Exercise 8-12: Importing an image into the

reference repository


In this exercise, you create a new raw image from an existing image and import the raw image from
local storage into the reference repository.
___ 1. On the PXE server, open a terminal session.

___ 2. Enter the following five commands to copy a raw image from the image library to local
cd /labfiles/ImageForRegister
scp rhel61basic root@image-library:/home/library/imlib/import
ssh root@image-library
cd /home/library/imlib/import
mv rhel61basic rhel61import.raw

___ 3. Click the Virtual Image Library tab in your web browser.
___ 4. Click Images > Reference Repository.

___ 5. Click the Virtual Images tab in the content pane.

___ 6. Click Actions > Import Image to import the raw image that you created.
The Import Image to Reference Repository window opens.
___ 7. Complete the following information:

Image File: rhel61import.raw

New Reference Image Name: rhel61import

Description: Imported RHEL 61 image

___ 8. Click OK to import the image.

___ 9. Monitor the progress in the task pane.
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Student exercises for Unit 8

Exercise 8-12: Importing an image into the reference repository

After the image is imported, a full indexing is automatically run on the new image. The
rhel61import image is also added to the content pane.
Every image in the reference repository has a version associated with it. In this case, the version is
1.1, indicating this is the initial time that the image was checked in to the reference repository.


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Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 9

In this unit, you connect the Virtual Image Library to a VMware environment, comprised of a
Virtual Center server and vSphere client, and an ESX server. You create an operational repository
for VMware, which discovers and indexes the images in it. After that, you install the vSphere plugin to initiate several Virtual Image Library functions directly from the vSphere client.

Note: For this unit, you start two additional virtual machines in your environment that you
might not have started already. If you have not started them, ensure that the ESX and the
vCenter virtual machines were reset to the Configured for Start snapshot in the VMware
Snapshot Manager, and that they are started to the point where you see a login prompt on each


Exercise 9-1: Configuring host name

For the VMware to Virtual Image Library connection to work, the host name of the Virtual Center
server must be resolvable by the Virtual Image Library server. The reverse is also required. The host
name of the Virtual Image Library server must be resolvable from the Virtual Center server and the
vSphere client machine. In this environment, the Virtual Center Server and the vSphere client are
running on the same machine, the virtual machine called vCenter.
The Virtual Center machine is configured to resolve the host name of the Virtual Image Library
server. In this exercise, you check this configuration on the Virtual Center machine and configure
the Virtual Image Library server to resolve the host name of the Virtual Center machine.
___ 1. Click the vCenter virtual machine. Remember to use Crtl+Alt+Insert to bring up the login
___ 2. Log in as Administrator with password object00.
___ 3. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and
open the file in WordPad.


Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-1: Configuring host name resolution

___ 4. Confirm that the following definition is in the file: image-library


___ 5. Close the hosts file.

___ 6. Open a command prompt and enter the following command:

ping image-library

___ 7. Confirm that you get a positive response from the ping command.

___ 8. Click the FirstBox virtual machine. Right-click on the desktop background and open a
terminal window.
___ 9. Enter the following command:
ssh image-library

A logged-in session on the image-library virtual machine is opened as root.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-1: Configuring host name resolution

___ 10. Using the editor of your choice, edit the /etc/hosts file on the image-library machine and
add the following line: vcenter1


___ 11. Save and close the /etc/hosts file.

___ 12. From the image-library command line, enter the following command:
ping vcenter1

___ 13. Confirm a positive response from the ping command and enter Crtl +C to stop it.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-2: Adding an operational repository for VMware

Exercise 9-2: Adding an operational

repository for VMware
You must know the IP address or host name of the Virtual Center server to add the operational
repository. As you know, the IP address of the Virtual Center server is Continue on
the first-box virtual machine for this exercise.
In your Firefox browser, the rightmost tab is the login screen for IBM Virtual Image Library. The
web address is
___ 1. Click the rightmost tab. Log in as adminuser with password passw0rd.


The welcome window for IBM Virtual Image Library is displayed.

___ 2. Click the Images link.

___ 3. Select Actions > Add repositories or click the icon Connect to a hypervisor manager
and add the related repositories.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-2: Adding an operational repository for VMware

___ 4. In the pop-up window, enter the following values:

Hypervisor Manager Name: VMware

Hypervisor Manager Description: Virtual Center

Hypervisor Manager Type: VMware Virtual Center

Host Name or IP Address:

Administrative User Name: Administrator

Administrative Password: object00

Confirm Password: object00

___ 5. Click the OK button.
You see VMware listed under Operational Repositories.
___ 6. Expand VMware and the entries below it.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-2: Adding an operational repository for VMware

In the lower pane of the interface, you see the progress.


The hypervisor manager is discovered and registered, followed by a basic indexing of the images
that are found in the hypervisor. After the indexing is complete, you can click the Virtual Images
tab to see the virtual hardware and software details for each of the images found.
For the VMware hypervisor in the Virtual Image Library interface under the Virtual Images tab,
you can find information about VMware templates only. Information about virtual machines,
running and not running, is under the Deployed VMs tab.
___ 7. Select the VMware operational repository in the left pane.
___ 8. Click the Virtual Images tab in the right pane.
___ 9. Click the link for the rhel62_image1 image.

___ 10. Click the Versions, Hardware, Installed Software and High scale low touch
compatibility details tabs to see what is contained there.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-3: Installing the vSphere plug-in

Note: At the time of writing of this course, the software indexing of SUSE images in VMware
operational repositories is not supported. Therefore, if you click the link for the
sles11_template_1.0.0 image, you do not see any information under the Installed Software

Exercise 9-3: Installing the vSphere plug-in

Perform the installation of the vSphere plug-in from the Virtual Image Library web interface.
___ 1. Working on the FirstBox virtual machine, under the Images tab of the IBM Virtual Image
Library web interface, select the VMware operational repository in the left pane.
___ 2. From the Actions pull-down menu, select Install vSphere Client Plug-in.


The status is visible in the lower pane of the interface.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

Exercise 9-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

Perform this exercise on the vCenter virtual machine. This is a Windows 2003 machine that is
running the VMware Virtual Center Server and the vSphere client. You log in to the vSphere client
and explore the functions added to it by the Virtual Image Library vSphere client plug-in.
___ 1. Go to the vCenter virtual machine. If you are not logged in, log in as Administrator with
password object00.
___ 2. Double-click the VMware vSphere Client icon on the Windows desktop.


___ 3. Ensure that the check box for Use Windows session credentials is selected and click the
Login button.
A security warning window is displayed.

___ 4. Click the check box for Install this certificate and do not display any security
warnings for image-library.
Click the Ignore button.

___ 5. Ensure that you are in the Inventory view of VMs and Templates. In the left pane, click to
select the rhel62_image1 template. Click the IBM Virtual Image Library Details tab.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

___ 6. A Security Alert window appears.


Click on the Yes button.

A summary window opens.

This window is like the one on the Virtual Image Library interface when you click this image
template. Now, it is displayed through the vSphere client. You can click some of the subtabs to see
the hardware and software details for the template.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

___ 7. In the left pane, right-click the rhel62_image1 template and select IBM Virtual Image
Library > Copy to Reference Repository.


This task begins, and its status is reflected in the lower Recent Tasks pane of the vSphere
___ 8. In the top navigation pane of the vSphere client, click the Home link.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

___ 9. In the top Inventory section, click the IBM Virtual Image Library icon.


You now see the full Virtual Image Library web interface. Notice that you are logged in as
Administrator. The plug-in inherited your login ID from the vSphere client and logged in
with this ID to the Virtual Image Library. Remember that you created the Administrator
user ID and assigned it to the Administrator role in Unit 2.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 9

Exercise 9-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

___ 10. Click the Images tab near the top of the interface.
___ 11. Notice that a full index of the rhel62_image1 image is underway or completed. This task
is automatically initiated as a result of copying the image to the Reference Repository.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 10

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 10


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 11

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 11


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 12

In this set of exercises, you learn to add your first operational repository, review the existing users
and roles, add a new user, and assign a role.

Exercise 12-1: Registering initial images

Perform this exercise if you did not complete the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning SPVC course. If
you completed the SmartCloud Provisioning SPVC course, your first-box virtual machine is set up
and you can skip to the next exercise.
___ 1. Log in to your first-box virtual machine as root with password object00.


___ 2. From your desktop, open a Firefox browser.

Four tabs are displayed at the top of the window.

___ 3. Click the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning High scale low touch administrative console
The web address is
___ 4. Log in as adminuser with password passw0rd.

This user ID and password are cached in your browser.

___ 5. Click the Virtual Images and Deployed VMs tab.
No images are listed.

___ 6. Click the Register Image icon on the top left.


Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-1: Registering initial images

The pop-up window has the details for the first image to be registered. All of the default
field settings are correct for this image.
___ 7. (Optional) In the Description field, add a description, like Red Hat Basic Image.
___ 8. Click the OK button.


___ 9. Click the Register Image icon and select the rhel61compat image from the Image File
Name list.
All the default settings are valid. You can optionally add a description.
___ 10. Click the OK button.

___ 11. Follow steps 9 and 10 to register the rhel61diff and the rhel61http images.
Four registered images are now displayed in the list.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-2: Adding an operational repository

Exercise 12-2: Adding an operational

Adding an operational repository is typically the first step in a new installation of the Virtual Image
Library. You define an operational repository for each of the hypervisor environments that are
managed by SmartCloud Provisioning. The default hypervisor is high scale low touch (HSLT).
When an operational repository is defined, all the registered images in that hypervisor are
discovered and a basic index is performed. An index is like an inventory scan, resulting in a set of
descriptive information about the image, including virtual hardware and software details.
___ 1. In your Firefox browser, click the rightmost tab to log in to IBM Virtual Image Library.
The web address is
___ 2. Log in as adminuser with password passw0rd.


The IBM Virtual Image Library window opens.

___ 3. Click the Images link.

To set up the operational repository for HSLT, you must know the IP address or host name of the
webservice virtual machine. In this lab environment, we are using /etc/hosts for name resolution.
___ 4. Open a terminal window (right-click the desktop and select Open in Terminal).
___ 5. In the terminal window, issue the following command:
cat /etc/hosts

___ 6. Note that the IP address of the webservice virtual machine is

Note: In a production environment, /etc/hosts is not a likely host name resolution method. The
webservice virtual machine typically has the host name webservice. You can enter the

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-2: Adding an operational repository

command ping webservice to find the IP address. Alternatively, you can find the host name in
the /etc/dhcp/dhcp.static file on your first-box machine.
___ 7. In the Virtual Image Library web interface, under the Images tab, perform one of the
following tasks:

Select Actions > Add Repositories.

Click the Connect to a hypervisor manager and add the related repositories icon.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-2: Adding an operational repository

___ 8. In the pop-up window, enter the following values:

Hypervisor Manager Name: HSLT

Hypervisor Manager Description: High scale low touch

Hypervisor Manager Type: High scale low touch

Host Name or IP Address:

Administrative User Name: adminuser

Administrative Password: passw0rd

Confirm Password: passw0rd

___ 9. Click the OK button.
HSLT is listed under Operational Repositories.
___ 10. Expand HSLT > High scale low touch.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-2: Adding an operational repository

In the lower pane of the window, you can see the progress.

The hypervisor manager is discovered and registered, followed by a basic indexing of the
images in the hypervisor. This process can take approximately 10 minutes. After the
indexing is complete, you can click the Virtual Images tab to see virtual hardware and
software details for each of the images.


___ 11. Click the Virtual Images tab under All Resources.
___ 12. Click the link for one of the four images.

___ 13. Click the following tabs to see the information that is available on each tab:



Installed Software

High scale low touch Compatibility Details

___ 14. Log out from the Virtual Image Library.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-3: Reviewing initial users and roles

Exercise 12-3: Reviewing initial users and

The IBM Virtual Image Library includes two users that are defined with the administrator role. The
users and roles in Virtual Image Library are managed in the WebSphere Integrated Solutions
Console. In the next two exercises, you review the initial users and roles, add a new user, and assign
a role to use in a later unit.
___ 1. In your Firefox browser, open a new tab and enter the following address:

Note: is the IP address of the Virtual Image Library server virtual machine.
Alternatively, you can use the host name,


A message about an untrusted connection is displayed.

___ 2. Correct this situation by clicking I Understand the Risks, and click Add Exception.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-3: Reviewing initial users and roles

___ 3. Ensure that the Permanently store this exception check box is selected and click the
Confirm Security Exception button.


___ 4. Log in as wasadmin with password passw0rd.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

___ 5. In the left pane, select Applications > Application Types > WebSphere Enterprise
___ 6. In the Enterprise Applications pane, click ImageManager.
___ 7. In the Detail Properties section, click Security role to user/group mapping.
The Enterprise Applications window opens.


The user, wasadmin, is assigned to all three roles mentioned in the lectures. The wasadmin user ID
is mapped to the adminuser user ID that you are using for most of your activities. The administrator
role includes the Configuration Librarian and the Operator roles. The administrator role can create
users and assign roles to them.

Exercise 12-4: Adding a new user and

assigning a role
In this exercise, you add a new user called Administrator and assign it to the Administrator role.
You use the administrator user ID in the VMware vSphere client in a subsequent unit. In this lesson,
this ID must be associated to Virtual Image Library.When we use the vSphere plug-in to attach to

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

Virtual Image Library in Unit 4, the user ID we use in vSphere needs to be known to Virtual Image
Library. We are defining it now to be ready for the connection in Unit 4.
___ 1. In the left pane of the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, select Users and Groups
> Manage Users.
The adminuser and wasadmin users are listed.


___ 2. Click the Create button.

___ 3. In the Create a User panel, enter the following field values:

User ID: Administrator

First name: vSphere

Last name: Administrator

E-mail: < cleared >

Password: object00

Confirm password: object00

___ 4. Click the Create button.

12-10 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

The following confirmation message is displayed.

___ 5. Click the Close button.

Your new user is added to the list.
___ 6. In the left pane, select Applications > Application Types > WebSphere Enterprise
___ 7. In the Enterprise Applications pane, click ImageManager.


___ 8. In the Detail Properties section, click Security role to user/group mapping.
The following information is displayed in the Enterprise Applications window.

___ 9. Select the Administrator check box and click the Map Users button.
___ 10. Click the Search button.
The three users are listed.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

___ 11. Select Administrator from the Available box on the left and click the right arrow button
to move it to the Selected box on the right.


___ 12. Scroll down and click the OK button.

In the user and group mapping panel, you see the Administrator user ID added under the
Administrator role.

___ 13. Click the OK button.

12-12 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role

___ 14. In the Enterprise Applications panel, click the Save link to save your changes.

___ 15. In the Enterprise Applications panel, click the check box for ImageManager, then click
the Stop button.
___ 16. When the stop is complete, click the check box for ImageManager again, then click the
Start button.


___ 17. When the application as started, log out of the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console
and close its tab in your browser.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 12

Exercise 12-4: Adding a new user and assigning a role


12-14 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 13

In this set of exercises, you use the Virtual Image Library to manage images in your SmartCloud
Provisioning high-scale low-touch (HSLT) repository. The HSLT repository is an operational
repository. You search for images, compare images, check images in to the reference repository,
check images out of the reference repository, verify image capabilities, and remediate a partially
compatible image.

Exercise 13-1: Logging in to the user



In this exercise, you log in to the user interfaces that are required during the lab exercises.
___ 1. Open the Firefox web browser on the PXE server, if it is not already open.
Four tabs are displayed.

In these exercises, you use the Virtual Image Library, SmartCloud Provisioning Web console, and
HSLT administrator console. You do not use the Image Construction and Composition Tool in these

___ 2. Click the fourth tab, IBM Virtual Image Library.

___ 3. Log in to the Virtual Image Library as adminuser with password passw0rd.
___ 4. Click the third tab, IBM SmartCloud Provisioning Web console.
___ 5. Log in to the SmartCloud Provisioning web console as adminuser with password
___ 6. Click the second tab, IBM SmartCloud Provisioning administrator console (also
known as the HSLT administrator console).
___ 7. Log in to the HSLT administrator console as adminuser with password passw0rd.


Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-2: Verifying the status of the HSLT cloud group

Exercise 13-2: Verifying the status of the

HSLT cloud group
In this exercise, you use the SmartCloud Provisioning web console to verify the status of the HSLT
cloud group.
___ 1. Click the IBM SmartCloud Provisioning web console tab in your web browser.
___ 2. Click Cloud > Cloud Groups.
You see the HSLT cloud group in the left pane.
___ 3. Click the HSLT cloud group.
You see details related to the cloud group in the right pane. Verify its current status and
synchronization status. The current status should be connected and the cloud group
should be synchronized with the Virtual Image Library.


If the status is correct, skip to the next step. Otherwise follow these steps to correct the
status and synchronize the components.

If the current status is not connected, use the following steps to start the hypervisor:

___ a. Scroll down until you see the Cloud group target field.

___ b. Expand the Cloud group target field.

___ c. Click the hslt1 hypervisor to display details related to the hypervisor.
___ d. Click the start icon (

) to start the hypervisor.

___ e. Click Cloud > Cloud Groups and select the HSLT cloud group again.

If the cloud group is not synchronized with the Virtual Image Library, use the following
steps to manually synchronize the cloud group:

Note: If you started the hslt1 hypervisor manually, you must resynchronize the cloud group,
because changes might have been made since the last syncronization.
___ a. Click the synchronize cloud group icon (
the Virtual Image Library.

) to synchronize the cloud group with

___ b. Wait until the synchronization completes. Click refresh to monitor the activity.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-3: Indexing an image

Exercise 13-3: Indexing an image

In this exercise, you look at the contents of the operational repository and perform a full indexing
against an image.
___ 1. Select the Virtual Image Library tab in your web browser.
___ 2. Click the Images tab.
In the content pane, you see two repositories listed with four images and zero deployed
virtual machines.
___ 3. Click Reference Repository in the navigation pane.
There should be zero images in the reference repository.
___ 4. Expand the links to display the HSLT operational repository, VM_Services.


___ 5. Click VM_Services.

There should be four images in the HSLT operational repository.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-3: Indexing an image

___ 6. In the content pane, click the Virtual Images tab for the operational repository to display
the images:






___ 7. Scroll to the right. You see that each of the four images are RHEL 6.1 images.
There is no versioning information because these images have not been checked in to the
reference repository yet.
Basic indexing is run for each image when it is discovered. This indexing is done
automatically when the cloud group is registered.
___ 8. Scroll to the right until you see the compatibility status.

The rhel61compat image is the only image that is fully compatible. The other three
images are partially compatible. Youwill remediate the images in a later exercise.
___ 9. Select the rhel61http image and click Actions > Start Full Indexing to perform a full
indexing against the image.
___ 10. Monitor the progress of your request in the Task Progress pane located at the bottom of the

Note: The basic indexing gathers information about the OS and the software (products, rpms,
patches) and stores the results in the Virtual Image Library knowledgebase. Full indexing does
basic indexing and crawls every directory and file in the image to create a comprehensive set
of facts about the image that are also stored in the Virtual Image Library knowledgebase.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-4: Checking an image in to the reference repository

___ 11. Find the rhel61diff image and click Actions > Start Full Indexing to perform a full index
on that image. When the full indexing completes, scroll to the right to verify that the image
is fully indexed.

Exercise 13-4: Checking an image in to the

reference repository
Images that are managed must be checked in to the Virtual Image Library local store, which is called
the reference repository. In this exercise, you add an image to the reference repository. This process
is known as checking an image in to the reference repository.
___ 1. In the content pane, select the rhel61http image and click Actions > Check in image.
___ 2. In the Check in Virtual Image panel, provide the information to indicate that this image is
an RHEL 61 image with the HTTP server installed. Indicate the name of the chain for this
image as shown in the following screen capture.


Note: Since this image is the first one that you are checking in to the reference repository, a new
version chain is created. If there were existing images and version chains, you would have the
option of adding this image to an existing chain.

___ 3. Click OK.

You see the task progress in the task progress pane.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-4: Checking an image in to the reference repository

Note: When an image is checked in to the Reference Repository image library, it performs a full
index on the image, even if a full index has completed. Some amount of time might have elapsed
since that occurred, and any changes are picked up at this time.
___ 4. After the check-in and indexing complete successfully, select Reference Repository in
the navigation pane.
You now see that there is one virtual image in the reference repository.
___ 5. Click the Virtual Images tab in the content pane to see that the virtual image name and
details are listed.
The new icon beside the name indicates that this image is a reference repository image.


Also, notice that the version information is now displayed as version 1.1, which indicates
the first time that the image was checked in to the reference repository.
___ 6. Click the image name, rhel61http, to display the detailed information about the image.
A new tab opens with five subtabs:





Installed Software

HSLT Compatibility Details

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-5: Remediating an image

___ 7. Click the Versions tab to see the versioning information tracked by the Virtual Image
Library for each reference repository image.


___ 8. Examine each of the tabs to familiarize yourself with the information that they contain.
___ 9. Perform steps 1 - 7 to check the rhel61compat image in to the reference repository.

Exercise 13-5: Remediating an image

Images can be ported (moved) across hypervisors; for example, from VMware to HSLT. Related to
the move, each image can have a compatibility status, as follows:

Fully Compatible: All compatibility checks succeeded and no action is required.

Partially Compatible: One or more compatibility checks are not satisfied, and a
remediation action exists for each condition that is not satisfied.

Not Compatible: All compatibility checks are not satisfied. No remediation actions exist.

Unavailable: Compatibility conditions do not exist for this kind of image. The image
compatibility cannot be checked.

In this exercise, you select a partially compatible image and take action to remediate the image.
When complete, the image should be fully compatible. Only images in the reference repository can
be remediated.
___ 1. Select Reference Repository.
___ 2. Click the Virtual Images tab.
___ 3. Click the rhel61http image to display its details.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-5: Remediating an image

___ 4. Click the Summary tab.

___ 5. Scroll down to see that the image is fully indexed and its compatibility status is Partially


___ 6. Click the High scale low touch Compatibility Details tab.

You see the compatibility checks that were run against the image and their results. Several
checks failed; for example, the CoudIinit service installed check failed.
___ 7. Click Actions > Make the Image Compatible to remediate the failed checks.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-5: Remediating an image

The Make the Image Compatible window opens.


___ 8. Fill in the following information and click OK when done:

New Reference Image Name: rhel61httpcomp

Description: RHEL 61 HTTP image fully compatible

Version Chain: Connect to the related version chain

___ 9. Close the details for the rhel61http image.

___ 10. In the Monitor the Task Progress pane, wait until the image is remediated and fully

When complete, the new image, rhel61httpcomp, is listed for the reference repository.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-5: Remediating an image

___ 11. Click the image and scroll down to verify that its status is Fully Compatible.


___ 12. Click the Versions tab.

The rhel61httpcomp image is a child of the rhel61http image with a new version, v1.2
assigned to it. You created a new image in the reference repository when you created the
rhel61httpcomp image.

Notice the genealogy in the family tree. You started with the rhel61http image in the HSLT
operational repository. Next, you checked the image in to the reference repository. Then, you
remediated the image, creating the rhel61httpcomp image.

13-10 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-6: Checking an image out of the reference repository

Exercise 13-6: Checking an image out of the

reference repository
To replicate images from the reference repository into a cloud environment, they must be checked
out of the reference repository into the operational repository. Typically, these images are master
images that are managed from a central location and replicated to multiple clouds in the customer
environment. For this exercise, you check out the image that was remediated, the rhel61httpcomp
___ 1. Select Reference Repository in the navigation pane and click the Virtual Images tab in
the content pane.
___ 2. Select the rhel61httpcomp image and click Actions > Check out Image to copy the
image to the operational repository.
___ 3. Enter the following information:


Source Image: <prefilled with the image name that was selected>

Target name: rhel61httpnew (This name can be any name that you want for the

Hypervisor manager: HSLT

Location: High scale low touch

Operational Repository: VM_Services

Description: New version of RHEL 61 HTTP image - fully compatible

___ 4. Click OK to check the image out of the reference repository and into the HSLT
You see progress information in the task progress pane.

Note: When an image is checked out of the reference repository into a HSLT repository, the
image is copied to the storage nodes and automatically registered with the SmartCloud
Provisioning image catalog. After this process completes, it is available as a master image in the
SmartCloud Provisioning environment and can be used to deploy virtual machines.
After the checkout completes, a basic indexing is performed against the image.
___ 5. When the basic indexing completes, click the VM_Services operational repository in the
navigation pane.
___ 6. Click the Virtual Images tab. Verify that the rhel61httpnew image is in the list. Notice
the version is 1.2.1.
___ 7. Click the image to display more details. Notice that the image is Fully Compatible and
the basic indexing is complete.
___ 8. Click the Versions tab.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-6: Checking an image out of the reference repository

___ 9. Notice the family tree.


In review, you took these steps to get to this point:

You started with the rhel61http image in the HSLT operational repository.

You checked the image in to the reference repository using the same name.

You remediated the image, creating rhel61httpcomp in the reference repository.

You checked the image out of the reference repository as rhel61httpnew.

Each step created a new image in the family tree.

___ 10. Open the HSLT administrator console for SmartCloud Provisioning.
___ 11. Click the Virtual Images and Deployed VMs tab.

You now see rhel61httpnew in the list of available virtual images.

13-12 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-7: Using the Virtual Image Library filter functions

Exercise 13-7: Using the Virtual Image

Library filter functions
In this exercise, you use the Virtual Image Library filter functions.
___ 1. In the navigation pane, select All Resources.
The Summary tab includes information about number of repositories (two), number of
virtual images (eight), and number of deployed virtual machines of which the image
library is aware (none).
___ 2. Click the Virtual Images tab.
You see all eight images in the list.
___ 3. Use the quick filter field and enter compatible as the filter criteria.


You see several images that contain the text, compatible.

___ 4. Clear the quick filter field to display all eight images.
___ 5. Click the advanced filter icon (

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IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-8: Searching the Virtual Image Library

___ 6. Define the following advanced filter criteria:

Match: all rules
Rule 1:

Column: High scale low touch compatibility

Condition: contains

Value: partial

___ 7. Click the Add Rule icon (

Rule 2:

Column: Indexing state

Condition: does not contain

Value: full


___ 8. Click Filter to filter the data.

You see one image, rhel61basic, matching the criteria. This image is a partially
compatible image that has basic indexing only.

___ 9. Clear the filter.

Exercise 13-8: Searching the Virtual Image

In this exercise, you search all images in all repositories. In particular, you search for images
containing a specific software product.
___ 1. In the navigation pane, select All Resources.
___ 2. Click Actions > Search within the selected item.
The Search All resources tab is displayed.

13-14 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-9: Comparing images

___ 3. Under Search Options, scroll down to the Search Criteria section and enter the following
___ a. In the Name field, enter rhel.
___ b. Expand the By Software Products section and filter for ncompress.
___ c. Select the ncompress software.


___ d. Scroll to the bottom of the pane and click the Search button to perform the search.
In the Images Search Results in the content pane, you see the search results. There is a tab
for the virtual images that match the search criteria and a second tab for any deployed
virtual machines that match the search criteria. In this case, there is only one RHEL image
that contains the ncompress software, the rhel61diff image.
___ 4. Close the windows that you opened during this exercise by clicking the X on each of the
tabs that you opened.

Exercise 13-9: Comparing images

In this exercise, you use the Virtual Image Library compare image function to compare two images,
their software products, and their files.
___ 1. In the navigation pane, select All Resources.
___ 2. Click the Virtual Images tab in the content pane.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-9: Comparing images

___ 3. Select the following images by clicking the image name:

rhel61diff (in the HSLT operational repository)

rhel61http (in the reference repository)

___ 4. In the rhel61diff pane, click the compare icon (


You see a message that rhel61diff was selected and that you must select a second image.

___ 5. Click the rhel61http tab.

___ 6. Click the compare icon for rhel61http to select it as the second image for the comparison.


The rhel61diff image is compared to the rhel61http image. The compare function runs,
comparing products for both images.

___ 7. Click all three tabs to see what software products are unique to each image and what
software products are on each image, but different.
In this case, the only difference is the lzo software. It is on rhel61diff only. There are no
other software product differences between these two images.
___ 8. Select Files and click Compare to perform a file comparison between the two images.

13-16 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-10: Searching for similar images

___ 9. Click all three tabs to see what files are unique to each image and what files are on each
image, but different. In this case, you see the following differences:

The /etc/gssapi_mech.conf file is only on rhel61diff.

The /etc/adjtime file is different on both images.

Tip: You can run the file comparison because each image is fully indexed.
___ 10. Close the windows that were opened during this exercise by clicking the X on each of the
tabs that you opened.

Exercise 13-10: Searching for similar images


In this exercise, you use the Virtual Image Library show similar function to compare one image to
all other images and see how similar they are, by percentage.
___ 1. In the navigation pane, select the VM_Services hypervisor.
___ 2. In the content pane, click the Virtual Images tab.

___ 3. Select the rhel61httpnew image and click Actions > Show Similar.
A new tab opens titled Similar to rhel61httpnew. By default, Products is selected for the
similarity check, which means that you are searching for images that contain similar
products to rhel61httpnew.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-11: Verifying image capabilities

Note: The similarity column on the far right of the table indicates the similarity percentage for
each of the images or virtual machines in the table. The images are listed in order from most
similar to least similar. In this case, the rhel61diff in the HSLT operational repository is the least
similar image.
___ 4. Click the Files radio button for the view and click the Show Similar button again.
In this case, you receive an error message that indicates that a file-based comparison
cannot be performed because the image is not fully indexed.
___ 5. Click OK to close the error message.

Exercise 13-11: Verifying image capabilities


In this exercise, you use the SmartCloud Provisioning web console to display the images in the
Virtual Image Library and look at the image capabilities more closely.
___ 1. Click the SmartCloud Provisioning web console tab in your web browser.
___ 2. Click Catalog > Virtual Images.

You see all virtual images that were registered with the SmartCloud Provisioning image

___ 3. Select the rhel61basic image.

The details about the image, including the image capability, are displayed in the content
pane. In this case, the image capability is Basic.
Basic images can be deployed as a single virtual machine or within a pattern. Basic images
do not provide any configuration capabilities for additional disks, NICs, or users.
___ 4. Select the rhel61httpnew image.

13-18 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-12: Importing an image into the reference repository

In this case, the image capability is Intermediate. Intermediate images provide the
capability to run add-ons and script packages by using the scp-cloud-init script configured
to run at boot time of the guest operating system.
___ 5. To change the image capability for the rhel61diff image, select the image and navigate to
the Image Capabilities field.
The rhel61diff image is a basic image.
___ 6. Use the drop-down menu to change the image capability of rhel61diff to Intermediate.
The change is automatically saved. In a typical environment, you have more work to do to
configure the image.

Exercise 13-12: Importing an image into the

reference repository


In this exercise, you create a new raw image from an existing image and import the raw image from
local storage into the reference repository.
___ 1. On the PXE server, open a terminal session.

___ 2. Enter the following five commands to copy a raw image from the image library to local
cd /labfiles/ImageForRegister
scp rhel61basic root@image-library:/home/library/imlib/import
ssh root@image-library
cd /home/library/imlib/import
mv rhel61basic rhel61import.raw

___ 3. Click the Virtual Image Library tab in your web browser.
___ 4. Click Images > Reference Repository.

___ 5. Click the Virtual Images tab in the content pane.

___ 6. Click Actions > Import Image to import the raw image that you created.
The Import Image to Reference Repository window opens.
___ 7. Complete the following information:

Image File: rhel61import.raw

New Reference Image Name: rhel61import

Description: Imported RHEL 61 image

___ 8. Click OK to import the image.

___ 9. Monitor the progress in the task pane.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 13

Exercise 13-12: Importing an image into the reference repository

After the image is imported, a full indexing is automatically run on the new image. The
rhel61import image is also added to the content pane.
Every image in the reference repository has a version associated with it. In this case, the version is
1.1, indicating this is the initial time that the image was checked in to the reference repository.


13-20 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 14

In this unit, you connect the Virtual Image Library to a VMware environment, comprised of a
Virtual Center server and vSphere client, and an ESX server. You create an operational repository
for VMware, which discovers and indexes the images in it. After that, you install the vSphere plugin to initiate several Virtual Image Library functions directly from the vSphere client.

Note: For this unit, you start two additional virtual machines in your environment that you
might not have started already. If you have not started them, ensure that the ESX and the
vCenter virtual machines were reset to the Configured for Start snapshot in the VMware
Snapshot Manager, and that they are started to the point where you see a login prompt on each


Exercise 14-1: Configuring host name

For the VMware to Virtual Image Library connection to work, the host name of the Virtual Center
server must be resolvable by the Virtual Image Library server. The reverse is also required. The host
name of the Virtual Image Library server must be resolvable from the Virtual Center server and the
vSphere client machine. In this environment, the Virtual Center Server and the vSphere client are
running on the same machine, the virtual machine called vCenter.
The Virtual Center machine is configured to resolve the host name of the Virtual Image Library
server. In this exercise, you check this configuration on the Virtual Center machine and configure
the Virtual Image Library server to resolve the host name of the Virtual Center machine.
___ 1. Click the vCenter virtual machine. Remember to use Crtl+Alt+Insert to bring up the login
___ 2. Log in as Administrator with password object00.
___ 3. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and
open the file in WordPad.


Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-1: Configuring host name resolution

___ 4. Confirm that the following definition is in the file: image-library


___ 5. Close the hosts file.

___ 6. Open a command prompt and enter the following command:

ping image-library

___ 7. Confirm that you get a positive response from the ping command.

___ 8. Click the FirstBox virtual machine. Right-click on the desktop background and open a
terminal window.
___ 9. Enter the following command:
ssh image-library

A logged-in session on the image-library virtual machine is opened as root.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-1: Configuring host name resolution

___ 10. Using the editor of your choice, edit the /etc/hosts file on the image-library machine and
add the following line: vcenter1


___ 11. Save and close the /etc/hosts file.

___ 12. From the image-library command line, enter the following command:
ping vcenter1

___ 13. Confirm a positive response from the ping command and enter Crtl +C to stop it.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-2: Adding an operational repository for VMware

Exercise 14-2: Adding an operational

repository for VMware
You must know the IP address or host name of the Virtual Center server to add the operational
repository. As you know, the IP address of the Virtual Center server is Continue on
the first-box virtual machine for this exercise.
In your Firefox browser, the rightmost tab is the login screen for IBM Virtual Image Library. The
web address is
___ 1. Click the rightmost tab. Log in as adminuser with password passw0rd.


The welcome window for IBM Virtual Image Library is displayed.

___ 2. Click the Images link.

___ 3. Select Actions > Add repositories or click the icon Connect to a hypervisor manager
and add the related repositories.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-2: Adding an operational repository for VMware

___ 4. In the pop-up window, enter the following values:

Hypervisor Manager Name: VMware

Hypervisor Manager Description: Virtual Center

Hypervisor Manager Type: VMware Virtual Center

Host Name or IP Address:

Administrative User Name: Administrator

Administrative Password: object00

Confirm Password: object00

___ 5. Click the OK button.
You see VMware listed under Operational Repositories.
___ 6. Expand VMware and the entries below it.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-2: Adding an operational repository for VMware

In the lower pane of the interface, you see the progress.


The hypervisor manager is discovered and registered, followed by a basic indexing of the images
that are found in the hypervisor. After the indexing is complete, you can click the Virtual Images
tab to see the virtual hardware and software details for each of the images found.
For the VMware hypervisor in the Virtual Image Library interface under the Virtual Images tab,
you can find information about VMware templates only. Information about virtual machines,
running and not running, is under the Deployed VMs tab.
___ 7. Select the VMware operational repository in the left pane.
___ 8. Click the Virtual Images tab in the right pane.
___ 9. Click the link for the rhel62_image1 image.

___ 10. Click the Versions, Hardware, Installed Software and High scale low touch
compatibility details tabs to see what is contained there.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-3: Installing the vSphere plug-in

Note: At the time of writing of this course, the software indexing of SUSE images in VMware
operational repositories is not supported. Therefore, if you click the link for the
sles11_template_1.0.0 image, you do not see any information under the Installed Software

Exercise 14-3: Installing the vSphere plug-in

Perform the installation of the vSphere plug-in from the Virtual Image Library web interface.
___ 1. Working on the FirstBox virtual machine, under the Images tab of the IBM Virtual Image
Library web interface, select the VMware operational repository in the left pane.
___ 2. From the Actions pull-down menu, select Install vSphere Client Plug-in.


The status is visible in the lower pane of the interface.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

Exercise 14-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

Perform this exercise on the vCenter virtual machine. This is a Windows 2003 machine that is
running the VMware Virtual Center Server and the vSphere client. You log in to the vSphere client
and explore the functions added to it by the Virtual Image Library vSphere client plug-in.
___ 1. Go to the vCenter virtual machine. If you are not logged in, log in as Administrator with
password object00.
___ 2. Double-click the VMware vSphere Client icon on the Windows desktop.


___ 3. Ensure that the check box for Use Windows session credentials is selected and click the
Login button.
A security warning window is displayed.

___ 4. Click the check box for Install this certificate and do not display any security
warnings for image-library.
Click the Ignore button.

___ 5. Ensure that you are in the Inventory view of VMs and Templates. In the left pane, click to
select the rhel62_image1 template. Click the IBM Virtual Image Library Details tab.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

___ 6. A Security Alert window appears.


Click on the Yes button.

A summary window opens.

This window is like the one on the Virtual Image Library interface when you click this image
template. Now, it is displayed through the vSphere client. You can click some of the subtabs to see
the hardware and software details for the template.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

___ 7. In the left pane, right-click the rhel62_image1 template and select IBM Virtual Image
Library > Copy to Reference Repository.


This task begins, and its status is reflected in the lower Recent Tasks pane of the vSphere
___ 8. In the top navigation pane of the vSphere client, click the Home link.

14-10 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

___ 9. In the top Inventory section, click the IBM Virtual Image Library icon.


You now see the full Virtual Image Library web interface. Notice that you are logged in as
Administrator. The plug-in inherited your login ID from the vSphere client and logged in
with this ID to the Virtual Image Library. Remember that you created the Administrator
user ID and assigned it to the Administrator role in Unit 2.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 14

Exercise 14-4: Using the vSphere plug-in

___ 10. Click the Images tab near the top of the interface.
___ 11. Notice that a full index of the rhel62_image1 image is underway or completed. This task
is automatically initiated as a result of copying the image to the Reference Repository.


14-12 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 15

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 15


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 16

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 16


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 17

In this set of exercises, you examine the reports that are provided with IBM SmartCloud
Provisioning 2.1 and customize them. In addition, you look at the audit data that is provided.

Exercise 17-1: Viewing machine activity

To view the SmartCloud Provisioning reports, you must be logged in to the SmartCloud
Provisioning interface with a User ID that has the cloud administration permission.


___ 1. If you are not logged in to the SmartCloud Provisioning interface, open a browser window
to the following address:

where the workload deployer IP address is the address of the virtual machine for the
workload deployer component. This address is in the /etc/hosts file on the first box
machine. In the lab environment, the address is

The SmartCloud Provisioning login screen is displayed.

___ 2. Log in with a user ID with administrative privileges. For the purpose of the lab, use the
default administrative user name and password:

User name: adminuser

Password: passw0rd

The IBM SmartCloud Provisioning window opens.

___ 3. Select Reports > Machine Activity to see the available machine activity report.
___ 4. Click CPU Usage by Hypervisor in the report list to open the CPU Usage by Hypervisor


Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-1: Viewing machine activity reports

This report provides information about the percent of the processor that is being used for
each hypervisor.
___ 5. Click the From field to change the date range and time for the report.
Because there is no activity in the lab environment, the report data is minimal; however,
you can see how you can customize the report ranges. By default, the last 30 days of data
are displayed. Change the range to a 24-hour time period, for example 8/12/2012 - 8/13/
2012, as shown in the following example and click Update Reports.


Notice that the x-axis values are changed from daily to hourly values.

Note: If you change the time period to one for which there is no data, the data points on the
graph do not change. If the new time requested is outside of the time that the product was
running, the data points on the graph do not change.

Note: Data on the timeline of this graph is averaged to fit into the chart. There are always 10
data points and if the timeline is longer, then the data is averaged into those 10 data points.
Therefore, every time point does not have a dot on the X axis. Every point on the X axis is not
necessarily a specific point in time.
Average values are displayed by default.
___ 6. To see the maximum values, click Maximum. Because there is no machine activity in the
lab environment, the graph does not change. However, you can see how the report
function works.
___ 7. Open each of the other reports to take a look at the information they provide. Click CPU
Usage by Virtual Machine.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-1: Viewing machine activity reports

This report provides information about the percentage of the processor that is being used
for each virtual machine. The amount of virtual processor that is available for a virtual
machine is defined when the virtual machine is added to a pattern.
___ 8. Click Memory Usage by Hypervisor.
This report provides information about the percentage of the memory that is being used for
each hypervisor.
___ 9. Click Memory Usage by Virtual Machine to open that report.
This report provides information about the percentage of the memory that is being used for
each virtual machine. The amount of virtual memory that is available for a virtual machine
is defined when the virtual machine is added to a pattern. The list of virtual machines is
sorted to ensure that virtual machines from the same virtual system instance are listed
___ 10. Scroll to the bottom and notice that all running virtual machines are displayed by default.
Use the check boxes beside the virtual instances to remove specific virtual machine
instances from the report.


___ 11. Click Storage Usage by Device.

The Storage Usage by Device report provides information about the percentage of storage
that is being used. Storage is defined for each hypervisor.
___ 12. Click IP Usage in the Cloud.
The IP Usage in the Cloud report provides information about the percentage of the IP
address that is being used.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-2: Viewing user activity reports

Exercise 17-2: Viewing user activity reports

In this set of exercises, you look at the user activity reports that are provided with IBM SmartCloud
___ 1. Locate the user activity reports by selecting Reports > User Activity.
The user activity reports view opens. By default 30 days of data for all users defined to
SmartCloud Provisioning are displayed.


___ 2. As with the machine activity reports, choose a date range and change it. In this case, you
do not have the option to filter the specific users that are included.
___ 3. Click the Download filtered data button.

You can open the file or save the data in a comma separated (.csv) file to use in a
spreadsheet or other application.

Exercise 17-3: Viewing audit data

In this exercise, you view the audit data that is collected by SmartCloud Provisioning. The auditing
function is a continuous logging activity. SmartCloud Provisioning records information about
administrative and security events that occur in the product and in the cloud.
The following examples are some of the events that are tracked by the auditing function:


Configuration changes

User authentication

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-3: Viewing audit data

Access to objects that are secured by object-level access control

Digital signature validation

For each event, the collected information identifies the user who initiated the operation and whether
it succeeded. SmartCloud Provisioning makes this audit data available for download in the form of
event records.
The SmartCloud Provisioning event log stores the event records that contain audit data. To
download the records, you can use any of the following interfaces:

User interface

Command-line interface

Direct calls to the REST API (SmartCloud Provisioning provides sample scripts that you
can customize and run with a job scheduler to automate download of audit data on a
regular basis.)


After you download records from the log and store them in your own archives, you must delete
those same records from the log. Otherwise, when the log reaches a preset capacity limit,
SmartCloud Provisioning suspends the auditing function until storage is available. You can use the
user interface to monitor storage use of the auditing function. When use is near 90%, you clean the
audit log storage.
Tip: Designate one individual with full auditing permissions to download audit data, archive it
to external storage, and delete it from the Workload Deployer component machine as a routine
You must have the Auditor role with full permissions or the Auditor role with read-only
permission to view audit data.
___ 1. In the SmartCloud Provisioning user interface, click System > Auditing. Expand the
Download section.
This section provides the option to either download all data or filtered data in which you
specify both a time frame filter and the number of records that you want to retrieve. In this
exercise, you download all data.
___ 2. Select Download all data and specify the maximum number of records to receive in the
Maximum Event log size field.
You can specify up to 20,000 records. If you type a greater value in the field, the product
automatically adheres to the maximum of 20,000 and writes 20,000 records to the
compressed file that you download. Because you are looking at an example of the audit
data, specify 10 in the maximum event log size field.
___ 3. Click Download and select Open with Archive manager (the default).

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-3: Viewing audit data

You see the contents of the file It can contain up to the following four files,
depending on whether you migrated from a previous version of SmartCloud Provisioning:

appliance-audit.csv: You receive this file if you migrated from a previous version of
the product. The file contains all the audit data that was logged by the product before
your migration.

license-audit.csv: This file is empty because you are not monitoring license use in this

pvu-audit.csv: This file is empty because you are not monitoring processor value unit
usage in this environment. This file contains four files.

___ 4. Double-click the file to see the contents of that file:

audit-events.csv: This file contains the audit event records that you specified for
download by using the user interface.

audit-events-signed-events-checksum: This file contains the digital signature that

verifies both the integrity and authenticity of your audit data. Archive this file with
your event records.




Note: The last two files contain information that you must have to delete the audit data in a
separate exercise.
___ 5. Double-click on the audit-events.csv file.

This file is the one that contains the audit data in comma-separated format. The first eight
comma-separated elements of every record are values for the common attributes for all
event records. Within each record, the values for these common attributes are followed by
attribute name-value pairs that can vary from record to record. The contents of the auditevent.csv file look like the following example.

___ 6. See the SmartCloud Provisioning Users Guide for information about the name value pairs
for the events. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the window to close it. Extract


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-3: Viewing audit data

the files for use in a later exercise. Click Extract at the top of the Archive Manager


___ 7. Select File System on the left, tmp from the list of file systems, and Extract from the
bottom of the Extract window.

The files are extracted to the /tmp directory.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-4: Monitoring the status of audit data storage

Exercise 17-4: Monitoring the status of audit

data storage
In the SmartCloud Provisioning user interface, you can view the usage levels of storage resources
that are dedicated to logging audit data. Use this information to determine when to delete audit event
records to free up storage and maintain the regular audit data logging process.
You need to understand the following terms, which are specific to SmartCloud Provisioning

Event record: A record that contains audit data for a security or administrative event. One
record corresponds with each event.

Event log: SmartCloud Provisioning storage that is dedicated to archiving audit data.


Note: When audit data storage reaches a preset capacity limit, SmartCloud Provisioning
suspends collection of audit data until the storage resources are available. Delete audit data
from the event log immediately after you download the data and archive it.
You must have the Auditor role with full permissions or Auditor role with read-only permission
to view the status of audit data storage in the user interface.
___ 1. In the SmartCloud Provisioning user interface, click System > Auditing.
___ 2. Expand General Status. Note the read-only field Maximum event log size.
The value of 2500000 records is the maximum number of event records that can be stored
in the event log at one time.
___ 3. Check the Current event log utilization field.

You see the percentage of the event log that is currently used to store event records. When
that percentage approaches 90%, you need to clean the event log.

Note: When the current event log utilization value exceeds 90%, you see the following text:
Continue operation with event auditing temporarily disabled. This message indicates that
SmartCloud Provisioning suspended collection of audit data until storage is available. Typical
operation of the rest of the product continues.

Exercise 17-5: Deleting audit data

Because SmartCloud Provisioning does not automatically delete audit data after you download it,
you must run the script to delete the data from the machine and free storage
resources. In this exercise, you delete the audit data. You must have the Auditor role with full
permissions to delete audit event records.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-5: Deleting audit data

The script is located in the deployer.cli samples library. You must download and
configure the .cli file to run the script.
___ 1. From the SmartCloud Provisioning user interface, select Welcome and click the
Download command-line tools link.

___ 2. Select Save File and click OK to save the .zip file.


___ 3. Double-click the saved file to open the archive manager.

The file is named deployer.cli.<version number>-<date_time>.zip, where <version

number> and <date-time> are the version number of the script and the date and time that
it was created.
___ 4. In the archive manager, click Extract to extract this file to your hard drive. Select File
System to navigate to the top-level directory, and click Extract.
The new directory /deployer.cli is created.

___ 5. Set JAVA_HOME to point to the Java home directory. In this environment, this directory
is usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0. Type the following commands to set JAVA_HOME:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0

(This line ensures that JAVA_HOME is set correctly.)

Note: Java Runtime Environment (JRE), version 6 is required on the machine on which the
command-line interface is to be run.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-5: Deleting audit data

___ 6. To run cli commands, you must retrieve the key file for your user ID. Open a new browser
window and enter the following address:
where <your_workload_deployer_server> is the host name or IP address of the workload
deployer virtual machine.
In this environment, you use the following address:

Note: The workload-deployer IP address is in the /etc/hosts file on the pxe server machine.
___ 7. Complete the following steps to save the userKeys file as a .json file in the same directory
that the script is executed from:
___ a. Select File >Save Page As from the web browser toolbar


___ b. Select FileSystem, then double click deployer.cli,lib,,

___ c. Ensure that the file type is .json.
___ d. Click Save.

___ 8. To run, it must be in the same directory as the cli commands and the
userkey file. Copy it to that directory using the cp command:

cp /deployer/cli/samples/ /deployer.cli/lib/

17-10 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-5: Deleting audit data

___ 9. To run, you must change the permissions to run the script as follows:
cd deployer.cli/lib/
chmod 755

___ 10. The script calls the shell script,so you must change the
permissions for that script as well.
chmod 755
___ 11. Run to delete the audit record that you downloaded in an earlier exercise.
The command syntax is as follows:
sh ./ username=adminuser password=passw0rd
keyfile=userKeys.json IWD= map=/tmp/audit-events-recordIDs hash=/tmp/audit-events-signed-record-IDs

Note: The period and forward slash (./) indicate that the script you are running is in the current
directory. If you leave the deployer.cli/samples directory, you must include the full path name
when you run the script or cd back to that directory.


Note: The tmp/audit-events-record-IDS and /tmp/audit-events-signed-record-IDS files

are the two files that you downloaded in a previous exercise and saved to the /tmp directory.
They define the audit data that is being deleted.
When the command completes you will see an exit code of 0.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 17

Exercise 17-5: Deleting audit data


17-12 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

In this set of exercises, you perform some of the following administration functions:

Use the Virtual Image Library function to make a virtual image high-speed low-touch
(HSLT) compatible

Create virtual system patterns

Add add-ons to virtual system patterns

Add script packages to virtual system patterns

For this set of exercises, you need the virtual image, rhel61basic. To use the HSLT cloud group,
you must copy this image to the two storage nodes and register it to HSLT and SmartCloud Provisioning.


Exercise 18-1: Register an image to HSLT and

SmartCloud Provisioning
___ 1. Copy the rhel61basic image to each of the storage nodes. The image is in the labfiles/
ImageForRegister directory. Use the rsync command to copy the image to storage-1:
rsync -avS rhel61basic storage-1:/iaas/iaas-store/files

When the copy is complete, repeat the process to copy the image to storage-2:
rsync -avS rhel61basic storage-2:/iaas/iaas-store/files

___ 2. After the image is on both storage nodes, use the HSLT administrative console to register
the virtual image to HSLT. Open a browser window to the console by using the format,
http://<adminconsole_ip-address>:9080/adminconsole, as follows:
Log in as the default_admin_role:

User ID: adminuser

Password: passw0rd

___ 3. Click the Virtual Images and Deployed VMs tab to register the image. Click the Virtual
Images tab, and click the Register image icon.
___ 4. Complete the panel with the following information:

Image File Name: rhel61basic

Description: basic Red hat 6.1 image

Format: raw


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-1: Register an image to HSLT and SmartCloud Provisioning

Type: image

Architecture: x86_64

Platform: linux

Disk: ide

Leave the Enable virtio and XEN hypervisor check boxes cleared.
___ 5. Click OK to submit the request.
A message is displayed in the message area indicating that the request was submitted. A
second message indicates that the image was successfully registered.

Note: If the image status indicates that information about the request is unavailable, it typically
means that the scanning process has not yet found the image on both storage nodes. Wait a few
minutes and refresh the window to show it as available.


___ 6. Log in to the SmartCloud Provisioning interface with the default administrative ID

User ID: adminuser

Password: passw0rd

___ 7. Click Cloud > Cloud Groups. Select the HSLT cloud group in the left pane to view the
details about this cloud group. Check the information in the Current status and
Synchronization status fields.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-1: Register an image to HSLT and SmartCloud Provisioning

___ 8. If the current status is Connected, as in this environment, you can skip this step. For
demonstration purposes, the following process is used if the current status is Not
___ a. Click Cloud > Hypervisors and select the hslt1 hypervisor in the left pane.
___ b. Click the Start icon.
___ c. Return to the Cloud Groups panel and verify that the cloud group is now Connected,
as shown in the following example.

___ 9. If the synchronization status indicates that synchronization with the Virtual Image Library
succeeded, you can skip this step. If the synchronization status does not indicate that
synchronization with the Virtual Image Library succeeded, as seen here, click the Register
to Virtual Image Library icon.


When the process completes, the synchronization status indicates that synchronization
with the Virtual Image Library succeeded.

Note: This process might take a few minutes to complete, and you might need to refresh the
panel to see the status update.
___ 10. When the synchronization is complete, click the IBM Virtual Image Library tab in the
The Virtual Image Library UI opens in a new browser window. If you need to log in, use
the User ID adminuser and password passw0rd.
Click Images and Operational Repositories to open the Operational Repositories view.
___ 11. Click the Virtual Images tab and find the rhel61basic image. Scroll to the right to see the
information that is known about the virtual image, including the indexing status of Basic
indexing complete.
___ 12. After the basic indexing of the image is complete, return to the SmartCloud Provisioning
user interface and click Catalog >Virtual Images to register the rhel6basic image with
SmartCloud Provisioning. Click the Add new virtual image icon and complete the
Register Virtual Image window as follows:
___ a. Select Register an image from a managed cloud group.
___ b. Select the HSLT cloud group.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-2: Use the Virtual Image Library to make the image HSLT compatible

___ c. Select the rhel61basic image. Notice the capabilities level of Basic.


When the operation completes, Click Close to close this window. You will see the rhel61basic
image in the Virtual Images list.

Exercise 18-2: Use the Virtual Image Library

to make the image HSLT compatible
In this exercise, you use some of the advanced image management capabilities that are available in
the Virtual Image Library to make an image fully compatible with HSLT.
___ 1. In the Virtual Image Library UI, with the Operational Repositories view open, click the
Virtual Images tab and select the rhel61basic image.
Select Actions > Check in Image to check the image into the Virtual Image Library
Reference Repository.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-2: Use the Virtual Image Library to make the image HSLT compatible

Complete the Check in Virtual Image window as follows:

Source Image: rhel61basic (read-only field with image name)

New Reference Image Name: rhel61basic (name of your choice)

Description: Red hat 61 image with basic capabilities

Comments: <empty>

Version Chain: Start new version with chain name: rhe61basic

Click OK to start the check-in process.

A message is displayed in the message area indicating that the image is being checked into
the operational repository. When the check-in process completes, the process to perform a
full index of the image starts. This process might take several minutes to complete.
___ 2. After the check-in and indexing are complete, click Reference Repository in the left pane
to open the reference repository.


___ 3. Click the Virtual Images tab in the right pane to see all images that are in the Reference
Repository. Locate the rhel61basic image and click the image name.
A new tab containing details about this image is displayed, like the following example.

Scroll to the bottom of the window to see the High Scale Low Touch Compatibility which
indicates that the image is partially compatible.
___ 4. Select the High Scale Low Touch Compatibility Details tab to see the checks that were
performed on the image and the status of each of the compatibility checks (Passed or Not
Passed). Because you use this image in the HSLT cloud group, you must make it fully
From the Actions menu, select Make the Image Compatible.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-3: Creating a virtual system pattern with an add-on

___ 5. Complete the panel as follows:

Source image: rhel61basic - read-only field containing the image name you are
working with

New Reference Image Name: rhel61bcompat - this is any unique image name of your

Description: Red Hat 6.1 compatible image

Version Chain: Select Connect to rhel61basic - this will keep this image connected to
the basic image that we started with in the reference repository for tracking purposes

Click OK to start the process. You will see a message showing the status of the

Once the process completes, the image will be fully indexed to update the changes in the
reference repository.
___ 6. A message is displayed with the status of the operation. After the check-in and indexing
are complete, click the Images tab. You see the rhel61bcompat image with a version
number of 1.2.


Select the image name to open the Detail view and verify that the High Scale Low Touch
compatibility indicates that it is Fully compatible.

Exercise 18-3: Creating a virtual system

pattern with an add-on
In this exercise, you use the fully compatible image, rhel61bcompat, to create a simple virtual
system pattern by using the add-on capability.

Note: To use add-ons, the virtual image must be fully compatible with HSLT and must be able
to run the following commands on the image: awk, chmod, cat, curl, find, mkfs, parted, sed,
ok, unzip.
After the new virtual image is created, it can be checked out to an Operational Repository for use
in the cloud.
___ 1. From the Virtual Image Library Reference Repository panel, select the rhelbcompat
image that you created. Click the icon to Copy a virtual image operational repository.
Complete this panel with the following information:


Source image: rhel61bcompat (read-only field that contains the name of the selected

Target name: rhel61bcompat (name for the virtual image in the HSLT environment)

Hypervisor manager: HSLT

Location: High_scale_low_touch

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-3: Creating a virtual system pattern with an add-on

Operational Repository: VM services

Description: HSLT compatible version of rhel61basic

Comments: <optional>

You can make the image compatible with high-scale low-touch hypervisor managers now;
however, this step is already completed.

Click OK to check the image out to the HSLT environment.

You see the status of this process in the message area at the bottom of the window.

Note: The image is copied to the HSLT storage nodes and registered with the HSLT hypervisor
manager. After the process completes, the Virtual Image Library detects the new image during
the update interval, and the image is added to the operational repository. When the image is
added to the operational repository and basic indexing is complete, the image is available for
deployment in the cloud.


The image is unavailable until it is fully copied to and detected on both storage nodes in the HSLT
environment. The Virtual Image Library might attempt to index the image before it is available. If
it does, the index operation fails. After the image state is available, the basic index process
completes successfully. You can monitor the image status from the HSLT administrative console.
___ 2. Click the Images tab in the Virtual Image Library UI. Click Operational Repositories to
open the Operational Repositories view. Click the Virtual Images tab in the Operational
___ 3. When the image is discovered, you see it in the virtual image list. In the message area, you
see the status of the Basic Index process.

Note: You might need to refresh the display to see the image.

___ 4. Before the image can be deployed, you must register it to SmartCloud Provisioning. To
register the image, return to the SmartCloud Provisioning User Interface window and
select Catalog > Virtual Images.
Ensure that HSLT is selected, and click the icon to Add a New Virtual Image.
Complete the Add a New Virtual Image panel as follows:

Select Register an image from a managed cloud group.

Choose the HSLT cloud group.

Select the rhel61bcompat image.

Click Register.

You see the Success images have been registered message.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Click Close to close the panel.

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-3: Creating a virtual system pattern with an add-on

___ 5. The rhel61bcompat image is added to the Virtual Images list and is available for use in
virtual system patterns.

___ 6. Select Catalog > Virtual System Patterns to build a pattern.


The list is empty because you did not build any patterns yet. Select New to add a new
Complete the new pattern panel as follows:

Name: add-on-pattern (any descriptive name for your pattern)

Description: pattern with userid add on (a more detailed description of the pattern
that you are adding)

Click OK.

___ 7. The new pattern is created, but currently has no parts. To add parts to the pattern, click the
edit icon to open the pattern editor.
The left pane of the pattern editor contains the parts that you can use to create a pattern.

___ 8. Drag the rhel61bcompat image from the left panel and drop it onto the right panel to
create a pattern.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-3: Creating a virtual system pattern with an add-on

___ 9. Expand the Add-ons section on the left by clicking the Add-ons title bar. The four default
add-ons are displayed.
Click the Default Add User add-on and drag it on top of the rhel61bcompat icon in the
right panel. The Add User add-on will be run on the rhel61bcompat image when this
pattern is deployed in the cloud.
___ 10. Click the properties icon in the right pattern pane for the rhel61bcompat image, as shown
in the following example.


___ 11. Complete the properties panel as follows:

Name: rhel61bcompat (read-only field with image name)

Virtual Machine size: Xsmall

Tags: rhel with userid (tag to describe the VM)

Click OK to add the properties to the pattern.

Note: The padlock symbols beside each of the properties indicate that the properties are
locked. The administrator can lock the property so that it cannot be changed when the pattern
is deployed. In this case, no properties are locked, which makes them default values that can be
changed when the pattern is deployed. If you want to require any of the values to be set at
deployment time, you keep the default settings.
___ 12. Click the icon to edit the parameters for the Userid add-on.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-3: Creating a virtual system pattern with an add-on

___ 13. Complete the Userid Add on parameters as follows:

Username: pgeiger - this can be any username of your choice

Password: passw0rd - again, password of your choice

Verify password: passsw0rd - or whatever password you chose

Click OK to add the parameters for the userid

___ 14. The simple pattern is complete and ready for deployment.Click Done Editing to save the
new pattern.
___ 15. By default, only the pattern creator has authority to deploy the pattern. In this case, you
give everyone permission to deploy the pattern by adding Everyone to the access list for
the pattern.Select the Add more check box in the Access Granted to section.
The following list of available users is displayed:


Select Everyone to allow everyone authority to deploy this pattern.

18-10 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-4: Deploying a pattern using add-onsin the HSLT cloud

Exercise 18-4: Deploying a pattern using addonsin the HSLT cloud

In this exercise, you deploy the pattern that you created in the High Scale Low Touch cloud group.
___ 1. Click SmartCloud Provisioning Catalog > Virtual System Patterns. Select the
add_on_pattern that you created in the previous exercise. Select Deploy in the cloud.
You are prompted to describe the virtual system that you want to deploy.
Complete the information as follows:

For Describe the virtual system you want to deploy, enter

virtual_system_with_pgeiger (any unique name of your choice)

Click Choose Environment to see what is included there. Do not change any of these

Click Schedule Deployment to see the available options. Keep the default values to
deploy now. You can specify how long the virtual system pattern can run.

Click Configure Virtual Parts and click HSLT compatible version of rhel61basic.


You see the default settings that you entered for the virtual machine properties and the
userid add-on. Because you did not lock these values, the user can change them now. In
this case, keep the default settings that you entered when the pattern was created.

Click OK to deploy the pattern.

___ 2. A message indicates that the request was submitted to deploy that pattern.

Click OK to close the message window.

___ 3. When the pattern status indicates that the virtual pattern is deployed and ready to use,
expand the virtual machines section to display the virtual machines that are associated
with the pattern. Click Login to log in to the virtual machine console.
Complete the login panel with the following information:

Login: pgeiger (or whatever user ID that you selected when you configured the addon)

Password: passw0rd (or whatever password you selected when you configured the

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-5: Deploying a pattern using a script in the HSLT cloud

Click OK to log in to the virtual machine.

The virtual machine console opens in a new window with the new user logged in.
Run the whoami command to see that you are logged in as the user that you specified.
Click the X in the upper-right corner of the virtual machine console to close it.


Note: Ensure that you do not have pop-ups blocked in your browser. This setting prevents the
virtual machine console from opening.

Exercise 18-5: Deploying a pattern using a

script in the HSLT cloud
In this exercise, you expand the pattern that was created in the previous exercise by adding a script
to it. A very simple script is provided in the labfiles directory that creates a new directory on the
virtual machine.

Note: You must create a .zip file that contains the executable file and all associated files for the
script package before you can use a script package with SmartCloud Provisioning.
Script packages are simple containers that contain all the required artifacts necessary to run a script.
The script package is a directory that is compressed into a single file that is uploaded to the catalog
and then associated with patterns. The code that is included in the script package can be as simple
as a single command or executable or as complex as a complete product. The content of a script
package is not defined by SmartCloud Provisioning. The script that is included in the script package
defines the required content for that package.
During deployment, script packages are transferred to the target virtual machines at a location that
you specify in the configuration. After they are transferred, they are extracted in that same location.
When the virtual machines successfully start and are federated (if applicable), script packages are
extracted. The scripts are run by using the supplied command line.

18-12 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-5: Deploying a pattern using a script in the HSLT cloud

Note: These files are written to the file system as the root user. If a different user requires
access to these files, ensure that you set the correct user properties for the files on the guest
operating system.
___ 1. Open a terminal window on the firstbox machine and change to the labfiles directory:
___ a. Select Applications > System Tools > Terminal.
___ b. In the terminal window, enter the following command:
cd /labfiles/script

___ 2. List the contents of the directory:


You see a file named newdir. This file is the compressed script file package that you use to
create a directory.


___ 3. In the SmartCloud Provisioning user interface, select Catalog > Script Packages.
The script packages that were uploaded to SmartCloud Provisioning are displayed.
___ 4. Click the New icon to create a script package.

___ 5. When you are prompted for a unique name for the script package, enter script name new
directory, and click OK.
___ 6. At this point, you have an empty template for the script package.Click Browse next to
Script Package files to locate the newdir script package file in the labfiles directory.
___ 7. A file upload window opens. Select File System under Places, and double-click labfiles,
double-click script and double-click newdir under Name.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-5: Deploying a pattern using a script in the HSLT cloud

___ 8. Select under Names and click Open.

___ 9. The file is listed in the Script Package Files field; however, the package is not
yet uploaded.Click the Upload button below the Package name field to upload the script


When the upload completes, the information about the script package is defined to
SmartCloud Provisioning and the script is ready for use.

Note: You can use a special JSON object, cbscript.json, to populate all the information that is
required to configure a script package when it is added to the catalog, as seen in this example.
The JSON object must be named cbscript.json and be included at the root of the compressed
file that is uploaded. Including a cbscript.json file in your script package is useful when sharing
scripts. An additional benefit is gained in limiting typographical errors. The information needs
to be entered only once because the default values are pre populated with the information in the
cbscript.json file.
___ 10. Now that the script package is uploaded to SmartCloud Provisioning, it can be used in a
pattern.Click Catalog > Virtual System Patterns to open the pattern editor.
___ 11. Because you did not lock the pattern that you created in the previous exercise, you can
modify it. In this case, you add the newdir script to the add-on-pattern that was created in

18-14 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-5: Deploying a pattern using a script in the HSLT cloud

a previous exercise. Click add-on-pattern from the list of patterns in the left pane to open
the pattern to the details view.

Note: For patterns that you want to make read-only, you click the Lock icon on the toolbar to
prevent further editing.
___ 12. Click the edit icon to open the pattern for editing.
The pattern editor opens with the current contents of the pattern.
___ 13. Click the Scripts heading to open the section that contains script packages.
___ 14. Left-click and hold the mouse button on the newdir script package. Drag it onto the
pattern. You can provide default values for any parameters that are included in the script.
In this case, do not include a default value in order to require it at deployment time.


Note: Default values can also be specified in cbscript.json file.

___ 15. Click Done Editing to complete the pattern.

___ 16. Scroll to the bottom and expand the Comments section. It is currently empty because you
did not add any comments to the pattern yet.
In the comment field, enter the following information:

Added a script to create a new directory under /tmp at pattern deployment time
Click Add Comment to add the comment to the pattern.

The date, time, author of the comment, and comment are added as shown in the following

___ 17. Select Deploy in the Cloud from the Action toolbar to deploy the pattern in the cloud.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-5: Deploying a pattern using a script in the HSLT cloud

___ 18. Describe the virtual system that you want to deploy by entering the following information:

Virtual system name: Pattern with userid and newdir

Choose environment: <default>

Schedule deployment: <default>

Configure virtual system parts: <selected>

hslt redhat compatible 6.1 image: <selected>

Virtual machine size: Small

Username: temp

Password: passw0rd

Verify passw0rd: passw0rd

NEWDIR: mynewdir

Click OK to close the dialog window.

Click OK to deploy the virtual system.


___ 19. You receive a message box that your deployment request was successfully submitted.

___ 20. Click OK to close the message box.

The Virtual Systems window opens where you can monitor the status of the deployment.
Note: The user interface does not automatically refresh. You might need to click the refresh
button several times to see when the virtual system is started.
___ 21. When the virtual system status indicates that the virtual system is deployed and is ready to
use, expand the Virtual machines section and click the Login button for the virtual
___ 22. Log in with the user ID temp and password passw0rd that you defined at deployment
___ 23. The virtual machine console opens with user ID temp logged in. Navigate to the /tmp
directory and list the contents of the directory:
cd /tmp

18-16 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-5: Deploying a pattern using a script in the HSLT cloud

You see a directory called mynewdir, which was created by the script. Notice the newdir
directory also, which is the working directory that was specified in the cbscript.json file.
Look at the contents of that directory.

This directory contains the expanded contents of the script package, in this case
cbscript.json,, a file named environment_vars (which contains the variables for
the script), and an STDERR and STDOUT.log.
In the simple example for this class, the following cbscript.json file was used.


The following example shows the results of the script file.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-6: Creating a Linux master image

Exercise 18-6: Creating a Linux master image

In this exercise, you create a master Linux image, configure it for use, and register it with
SmartCloud Provisioning. The process shown here is for a single OS type (Fedora) on the KVM
hypervisor, but the process is similar for other OSs and hypervisors. You create base operating
system (OS) images in many ways, but this method uses components that are available in a typical
SmartCloud Provisioning environment.
___ 1. Confirm the location of the Fedora 14 installation ISO file.
ls /labfiles/isos

The required file is listed:


___ 2. Create a boot image disk. Use the qemu-img command to create a disk of the size you
need, in this case, 6 GB.


mkdir /labfiles/images

qemu-img create -f raw /labfiles/images/f17-x64.img 8G

Note: In general, the disk size needs to accommodate only the OS, unless you are building an
image to include other software as part of the master.
___ 3. Examine the script to install Linux on the image named /labfiles/ The
purpose of most of the options are obvious from their names, such as the type of OS and
the processor architecture. The Linux variant is entered as Fedora 16, the latest version of
Fedora that is recognized by the virt-install command. This version does not affect the use
of the image.

export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/
virt-install -connect=qemu:///system \
--name=fedora-x64 \
--ram=1024 \
--arch=x86_64 \
--vcpus=1 \
--os-type=linux \
--os-variant=fedora16 \
--cdrom=/labfiles/isos/Fedora-17-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso \
--disk path=/labfiles/images/f17-x64.img,bus=virtio\
--hvm \
--accelerate \
--network=bridge:virbr0 \

Use man virt-install to see more about the options for the command. The trailing
backslash (\) at the end of each line is a continuation character. This character tells the OS

18-18 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-6: Creating a Linux master image

that the command is continued on the next line. Breaking up the options this way
simplifies debugging because each option is displayed on a single line.
___ 4. Open a terminal. Make the script file executable by modifying the permissions.
cd /labfiles
chmod 755

___ 5. Run the command to install Fedora.


The Fedora installer launches inside the virtual machine.

___ 6. Install the OS with defaults with the following exceptions:

Provide a root password of passw0rd.

Do not use logical volume management (LVM) for the file system.

Partition the disk to use a single root partition (/) that occupies the entire disk. Ignore
the warning about no swap partition. The virtio capabilities address the swap partition.


Before you can register the image, some configuration settings need to be confirmed or modified.
There are other options that might need to be changed, depending on the OS you are installing.
Refer to the documentation for more details about creating an image for use with SmartCloud
___ 7. Log in to the operating system. You can use virt-viewer, virtual machine manager, or log
in using SSH.
virt-viewer fedora-x64

___ 8. Add a line to the /etc/fstab file that configures the system to use a swap partition created
by the HSLT cloud group.
LABEL=HSLTSWAP swap swap defaults 0 0

___ 9. Confirm that the /etc/hosts file has only the line for the local host.
cat /etc/hosts

Your output includes the following line. If it does not, add it now. localhost.localdomain localhost

___ 10. Confirm or modify the file /etc/sysconfig/network to read as shown in this example:

___ 11. Modify the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file to read as shown in this

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-6: Creating a Linux master image

___ 12. Create a file named /etc/rc.d/rc.local to load a kernel module at boot time. This module is
for the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Hot Plug Controller Driver.
modprobe acpiphp
touch /var/lock/subsys/local

___ 13. Modify the permissions on the file to make it executable.

cd /etc/rc.d
chmod 755 rc.local

___ 14. Install the 32-bit versions of the gtk2 and libXtst packages, which are required for the
images to be used with the Image Construction and Composition Tool.
yum install -y gtk2.i686
yum install -y libXtst.i686


___ 15. Move the file that creates networking rules at boot.
cd /lib/udev/rules.d

mv 60-net.rules /root/

___ 16. Disable SELinux by editing the configuration file /etc/selinux/config. The line in question
must read as in this example:

___ 17. Disable the firewall services. Click Activities and search for firewall. Use the
configuration panel to disable it.
___ 18. Shut down the virtual machine.
shutdown -h now

___ 19. Undefine, or remove, the virtual machine from the configuration on the PXE server. This
command is run on the PXE server.
virsh undefine fedora-x64

___ 20. Rename the image by removing the extension. HSLT has a 15-character limit for the file
name of master images. Removing the extension gives you additional characters to use for
naming your images. This process also provides consistency and a way to know whether
an image is registered, by the absence or presence of the extension on the image file.
cd /labfiles/images
mv f17-x64.img f17-x64

___ 21. Copy the image file to each of the storage nodes.
rsync -avS --progress f17-x64 storage-1:/iaas/iaas-store/files
rsync -avS --progress f17-x64 storage-2:/iaas/iaas-store/files

18-20 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-6: Creating a Linux master image

___ 22. Register the image in SmartCloud Provisioning. The command is entered on a single line
even though it is shown wrapped in this guide. Alternatively, you can use the
administrative console to register the image.
iaas-register-image -i f17-x64 -t image -a x86_64 -p linux -f raw d "Fedora 14 64-bit" -v yes

___ 23. Use the describe images command to see information about the new image.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 18

Exercise 18-6: Creating a Linux master image


18-22 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-1: Installing legacy web console
In this exercise you will be installing web console in webconsole virtual machine.
___ 1. Log into the PXE server as root and ssh to webconsole virtual machine using root/
ssh webconsole

___ 2. Install LDAP client package by running the following command:


yum install openldap-clients

___ 3. Install web console package.

yum install isaac-webconsole

___ 4. Change to /iaas/etc directory and copy ISAACs configuration file from the PXE server.
cd /iaas/etc
tftp -c get common/etc/isaac.conf

___ 5. Change to /iaas/webconsole/etc directory and copy web consoles configuration file from
the PXE server.
cd /iaas/webconsole/etc
tftp -c get webconsole/webconsole.conf

___ 6. Start web console process.

cd /iaas/webconsole
nohup ./

___ 7. Open web console by pointing your browser to:


Exercise 19-2: Integrating with external LDAP

In this exercise you will need a new pristine machine with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64bit version 6. The machine must be in the same network as PXE server and the rest of
SmartCloud Provisioning infrastructure.
Set the ip address of the new machine as


Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-2: Integrating with external LDAP server

You will build a simple LDAP server using Open LDAP software and then you will
configure your SmartCloud Provisioning environment to use the new LDAP server.
___ 1. Go to your new machine and log in as root.
___ 2. Edit NTP configuration file to add PXE server as an NTP server.
vi /etc/ntp.conf

___ 3. Remark all server parameters and replace it with the following line:

The file should look like the following:


___ 4. Save the file and set NTP server to run permanently after the machine is rebooted.
chkconfig ntpd on

___ 5. Synchronize the time with that of PXE server.

ntpdate -u

___ 6. Start NTP server.

service ntpd start

___ 7. Stop and disable firewall:

service iptables stop

chkconfig iptables off

___ 8. Disable SELinux:

vi /etc/selinux/config

set SELINUX=disabled and save the file.

___ 9. Reboot the machine:
shutdown -r now

___ 10. Log in back to your new machine as root.

___ 11. Check your yum repository by running the following commands in the terminal window:
cd /etc/yum.repos.d

___ 12. If you do not have RHEL-http.repo copy one from kernel-service vm:
scp root@ .

Enter passw0rd as password.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-2: Integrating with external LDAP server

___ 13. Run the following commands to install Open LDAP package.
yum install openldap
yum install openldap-clients
yum install openldap-servers

___ 14. Copy the following files from labfiles directory from PXE server:
cd /etc/openldap
scp root@ .
scp root@ .

enter object00 as password.

We will now need to patch internal Open LDAP configuration to set root password.
___ 15. Go to /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config directory and edit
olcDatabase={2}bdb.ldif file.
___ 16. Add olcRootPW:: c2VjcmV0 right after olcRootDN entry. It looks like the


___ 17. Save the file and start LDAP service on your new machine:
service slapd start

___ 18. Run the following command to upload new entries to LDAP server:

cd /etc/openldap
ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com" -W -f mydomain.ldif

enter secret as LDAP rot password.

New entries will be added to your new LDAP server according to the content of mydomain.ldif file.

Note: Your new password for adminuser and cbadmin is now object00 in your new LDAP

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-2: Integrating with external LDAP server

___ 19. Test the new LDAP server:

ldapsearch -b ou=user,ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com -h -W -D "cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com"

enter secret as LDAP root password

You will receive detail information about adminuser.
___ 20. Set LDAP server to run permanently every time the machine is rebooted:
chkconfig slapd on

Now your new LDAP server is in operational.

___ 21. Go to webservice virtual machine and log in as root/passw0rd.
___ 22. Change to /iaas/etc directory and edit webservice.conf with the following








The file would look like the following:

___ 23. Save the file and restart webservice process:


___ 24. Log in to HSLT administrative console as adminuser. But this time use object00 as
Now you will configure SmartCloud Provisioning console.
___ 25. Go to SCP console and log in as adminuser.
Tip: SCP console is still using internal LDAP server so the password is still passw0rd.
___ 26. Click on System tab menu and choose Security.


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-2: Integrating with external LDAP server

___ 27. Change LDAP setting with the following information:

Name: external LDAP

JNDI Provider URL: ldap://

JNDI base DN (users): ou=user,ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com

JNDI base DN (groups): dc=my-domain,dc=com

JNDI security authentication: cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com

___ 28. Enter adminuser in LDAP user name field and click on Test LDAP Query button.
You should see the query is successful. The screen would look like the following:


___ 29. Log out and log in back as adminuser. But this time use object00 for the password.
Last thing that you need to do is to change Virtual Image Library authentication.
___ 30. Go to WebSphere console by pointing your browser to:

and log in as wasadmin/passw0rd.

___ 31. Expand Security section and click on Global security.
___ 32. At the bottom on Federated repositories, click on Configure... button.
___ 33. In Repositories in the realm table, click on scpLDAP link.
___ 34. In Security section, change Bind distinguished name to CN=Manager,DC=mydomain,DC=com.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-3: Using external DHCP server

___ 35. In LDAP server section, change Primary host name to
The screen should like the following:


___ 36. Click on Apply to save the changes.

___ 37. Then click on Save link at the top of the page.

___ 38. Now you can log in to Virtual Image Library console as adminuser and use object00 as

Exercise 19-3: Using external DHCP server

With the same machine from previous exercise, you will now install DHCP software and
configure it to work as external DHCP server.
___ 1. Log in to your machine as root.
___ 2. Install DHCP package by running the following command:
yum install dhcp

___ 3. Copy DHCP configuration files from the PXE server. Enter object00 as password.
cd /etc/dhcp
scp root@ .
scp root@ .

___ 4. Copy rndc.key from the PXE server:

scp root@ /etc


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-3: Using external DHCP server

___ 5. Get /labfiles/dhcp/dhcpd.local file from the PXE server:

scp root@ .

___ 6. Edit dhcpd.local and add the following lines after max-lease-time 36000:
filename pxelinux.0;

The file would look like the following:


___ 7. Start DHCP service:

service dhcpd start

Tip: If DHCP service cannot be started, go to /var/lib/dhcpd and run the following
chown dhcpd:dhcpd *

and then try starting the DHCP service again.

___ 8. Set DHCP server to start when the machine is rebooted:

chkconfig dhcpd on

___ 9. Reboot the machine:

shutdown -r now

___ 10. Wait for the machine to start again. Log in as root and check whether or not dhcpd service
is running:
service dhcpd status

___ 11. Go to PXE server and log in as root. Stop DHCP server by executing:
service dhcpd stop

DHCP server is now ready for deployment of new virtual systems.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-4: Configuring fail-over DHCP server

Exercise 19-4: Configuring fail-over DHCP

In this exercise, you will use the same machine to configure your DHCP server that has
been installed in the previous exercise to serve as a fail-over.
___ 1. Log in to your machine as root.
___ 2. Go to /etc/dhcp directory and copy all DHCP configuration files from the PXE server:
cd /etc/dhcp
scp root@ .
scp root@ .
scp root@ .

use object00 as password.


___ 3. Still in the current directory, copy DHCP fail-over configuration file from the PXE server:
scp root@ .

use object00 as password.

___ 4. Rename the file to dhcpd.failover:

mv dhcpd.failover.secondary dhcpd.failover

___ 5. Edit dhcpd.local and add the following line

include /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.failover;

after ddns-domainname parameter.

___ 6. Add the following line:

failover peer failover_test;

inside pool block, after range parameter.

The file should look like the following:


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-5: Configuring secondary DNS server

___ 7. Save the file and restart DHCP server:

service dhcpd restart

___ 8. Go to the PXE server and log in as root. Use object00 as password.
___ 9. Open a terminal window, change directory to /etc/dhcp and backup the original DHCP
configuration file:
cd /etc/dhcp
cp dhcpd.local dhcpd.local.original

___ 10. Copy DHCP fail-over configuration from labfiles directory.

cp /labfiles/dhcp/dhcpd.failover.primary dhcpd.failover

___ 11. Edit dhcpd.local and add the following lines in the way you did in secondary DHCP
include /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.failover;
failover peer failover_test;


___ 12. Restart DHCP server.

service dhcpd restart

Secondary DHCP server is now running as a fail-over server to PXE server.

Test the fail-over by stopping DHCP service in the PXE server and deploying a new
virtual system. The virtual system will now get network configuration from secondary
DHCP server.
Tip: Check /var/log/messages in secondary DHCP server.

Exercise 19-5: Configuring secondary DNS

In this exercise, you will install DNS server in your machine and configure it to run as a
secondary DNS server.
___ 1. Log in to your machine as root.
___ 2. Install DNS package by running the following command:
yum install bind

___ 3. Set DNS server to run permanently when the machine is rebooted:
chkconfig named on

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-5: Configuring secondary DNS server

___ 4. Copy DNS configuration file from the PXE server.

cd /etc
scp root@ .

Note: You dont need to copy /etc/rndc.key file from the PXE server because it has been
done in the previous exercise.
___ 5. Edit /etc/named.conf by changing type field to slave and adding masters field to point to
PXE servers ip address.
type slave;
masters {; };

You need to do this in and

___ 6. Delete the whole zone of
The file should look like the following:


___ 7. Save and exit from the file.

___ 8. Create a DNS cache database.

touch /var/named/cache.db

___ 9. Change to /var directory and change ownership of directory named and its contents to
named user and named group.
cd /var
chown -R named:named named

___ 10. Start DNS service.

service named start

___ 11. Go to PXE server and log in as root and object00 as password.
___ 12. Change to /etc directory and make a backup of original named.conf.
cd /etc
cp named.conf named.conf.original

19-10 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-5: Configuring secondary DNS server

___ 13. Edit named.conf and add allow-transfer parameter to point it to secondary DNS servers ip
allow-transfer {; };

Insert that line into and zones.

The file should look like the following:


___ 14. Save the file and restart DNS service.

service named restart

Now you need to configure two DHCP servers with the new DNS server. This will allow
new deployed virtual system to have two name server entries.
___ 15. Change directory to /etc/dhcp and open dhcpd.local file.
___ 16. Add the new DNS ip address into option domain-name-servers.

option domain-name-servers,;

___ 17. Save and exit from the file. Restart DHCP service:
service dhcpd restart

___ 18. Do the same thing to the secondary DHCP server.

___ 19. Try to deploy a new virtual system and you will see that it has two DNS server entries.
Tip: Check /etc/resolv.conf file.
___ 20. Stop DNS service in the PXE server and check whether you are still able to resolve names
and ip addresses.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.


Student exercises for Unit 19

Exercise 19-5: Configuring secondary DNS server


19-12 IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Student exercises for Unit 20

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 20


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

Student exercises for Unit 21

No student exercises are provided for this unit.



Student exercises for Unit 21


IBM SmartCloud Provisioning 2.1

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

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