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iu kin tuyn dng:
* General Knowledge & Skills required:
- University level education: Foreign language, Economics or Tourism would be an advantage.
- At least 1 year(s) relevant experience in Inbound market.
- Good communication English (TOEIC 500).
- Good computer application skills such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook...
- From 22-35 years old.
Thng tin khc:
* Commencement Date:
- Interested candidates are invited to send a full Curriculum Vitae with photo and a cover letter in English to email by
no later than 30 April 2015.

Smiling happens without much thought. When you watch a friend do something silly or
embarrassing, you smirk. When a police officer lets you off without a ticket, you grin. And when you
are recognized for your top performance in academics or at work, you beam. Smiling is a very
natural response that shares our happiness with others.
But did you know that smiling also triggers activity in your brain? Yep, there's a serious mind-body
connection there, in your left frontal cortex to be exact, which isnot surprisinglythe area of your
brain that registers happiness.
How often do you smile in a day? Do you smile when you meet new people? When you see your
friends? Around your co-workers? How about your significant other? Your face has 44 muscles in it
that allow you make more than 5,000 different types of expressions, many of which are smiles. Read
on for seven reasons why smiling is good for you, your health and your social life!

7 Things to Smile About

1. Smiling can make you happy (even when you're not).

Remember that mind-body connection we were just talking about? Well, it turns out
that the simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you're happy. And
when you're happy, your body pumps out all kinds of feel-good endorphins. This
reaction has been studied since the 1980s and has been proven a number of times. In
1984, an article in the journal Science showed that when people mimic different
emotional expressions, their bodies produce physiological changes that reflect the
emotion, too, such as changes in heart and breathing rate. Another German study
found that people felt happy just by holding a small pen clenched in their teeth,
imitating a smile.

Just remember that the research goes both ways. When the people in the first study
frowned, they felt less happy, and in the German study, people who held a pen in their
protruding lips, imitating a pout, felt unhappy. So the next time you feel sad or upset,
try smiling. It just might make your bodyand therefore youfeel better.

2. Smiling can make others happy.

"When you're smilin', the whole world smiles with you." Ever heard that song, made
famous by Louis Armstrong? Well, it's true. Research shows that smiling is
contagious. Ever been around someone who just had something fantastic happen to
him or her? Isn't it almost impossible not to feel good, too? Studies show that
something as simple as seeing a friend smile can activate the muscles in your face to
make that same expression, without you even being aware that you are doing it.
Crazy, right?

But remember that this, too, can be for better or for worse. You know the expression "misery loves
company"? Frowns act just like smiles, just with a negative reaction, so choose to smile and watch
the world smile back!
3. Smiling makes you more attractive.
Ever wonder why are we always asked to smile in photos? Because people usually look their best
and happiestwhen smiling. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 96 percent
of American adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the
opposite sex. So the next time you are about to ask someone on a date, smile. It'll make them feel
happier (see No. 2), and you'll already be more attractive in his or her eyes!
4. Smiling can help you de-stress.
The next time you're stressed about work or realize that your favorite jeans feel a little snug, don't
freak out. Take a few deep breaths and smile! Smiling may help to reduce symptoms associated with
anxiety. When that smile signals to your brain that you're feeling happy (even though you're not
really feeling happy...yet), your body will usually slow its breathing and heart rate.
Reducing stress is so important for health, too, as it can lower blood pressure, improve digestion and
regulate blood sugar. Note that this works during workouts, too! If you're having a hard time getting
through that last rep or getting those final 5 minutes in on the treadmill, smiling can do wonders!
5. Smiling can help you land a job.
If you're about to go on a job interview, you may think that your appearance is just about wearing
nice clothes. Wrong! You can't just wear that suit; you have to wear it with a smile. In a study
published in the December 2009 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people looked
at full-body photographs of 123 people they had never met. The people in the photos had one of two
expressions: neutral (think your passport photo) or a smile. And guess what? When observers saw
the photos of smiling people, they were more likely to think that the person in the photo was likeable,
confident, conscientious and stable. Sound like traits most companies want in an employee, right?
So the next time you're dressing to impress, make sure to take that beautiful, natural smile with you!
6. Smiling can lead to laughter.
Have you ever laughed without smiling? It's pretty impossible to do. And it's funny how a smile here
and a smile there with friends can turn into a whole fit of hysterical laughter. Numerous studies have
been done on the health benefits of laughing, including how it acts like a mini workout that burns
calories and works the abs. Laughter also helps blood flow, lowers blood sugar levels, reduces
stress and improves sleep. It may also raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body,
which helps boost your immune system. So the moral of this story is smileand laughoften!
7. Smiling just feels good.
Have you ever found that smiling just feels good? Go ahead, smile now. Doesn't it feel natural?
Make you feel happy to be alive? It sure does beat the heck out of a frown.

So the next time you're feeling down or out of sorts, try a smile. If you can't find a reason to smile,
pop in a funny DVD, read the Sunday comics or call a friend. Heck, you may be able to even read
the word smile and feel better. According to research published in Psychological Science, simply

reading certain words may also have the same effect. Just like seeing someone else smile makes
you smile, reading emotion verbs (like smile, grin, frown, etc.) can also activate specific facial
Isn't it time you turn that frown upside down? Now say "cheese!"

. Endorphins make us feel happier and less

They also act as the bodys natural pain killers. For sufferers of chronic
pain, laughing and smiling can be very effective in pain management, as
can laughing off the pain when you bump an elbow or fall over.

3. While the release of endorphins is increased, the

stress hormone cortisol is reduced.
Cortisol is more active when we feel stressed or anxious and contributes
to the unpleasant feelings we experience, and by lowering it we can
reduce these negative feelings.

4. Laughing expands the lungs, stretches the

muscles in the body and stimulates homeostasis.
This exercises the body, replenishing the cells from a lungful of oxygen
and gaining all the benefits of exercising the body.

5. A good laugh can be an effective way to release

A good laugh can help you release emotions, especially those emotions
that you might bottle up inside. Everything looks that little bit better
after a good laugh and life can be seen from a more positive perspective.
Smiling and laughing have positive social implications as well.

6. Smiling is an attractive expression, which is

more likely to draw people to you rather than push
them away.
Smiling makes you appear more approachable. Interaction with others is
easier and more enjoyable when smiles and laughs are shared, and these
behaviours are contagious, making others feel better too, and make you a
more appealing and attractive person to be around. This in turn will have
a positive effect on your well-being.

7. A happy, positive expression will serve you well

in life.
This is particularly true for challenging situations such as job interviews:
a smiling, relaxed persona indicates confidence and an ability to cope
well in stressful situations. This will also be of benefit in your career,
building healthy relationships with colleagues and being seen in a
favourable light by your employers.

How to Smile and Laugh More Often

There are simple ways to bring more smiling and laughing into your day:

Smile and laugh regularly. As mentioned, your brain does not

know the difference between a fake or real smile, and by doing so
more often you will feel better, and become more likely to smile and
laugh more spontaneously.

Watch funny films, TV, and theater shows. This is a

excellent way to inject some instant humor into your life. By avoiding
negative programs and news broadcasts, you can also balance make
your viewing more positive and lighthearted, with more opportunity
for a chuckle or two.

Spend time with friends and family that make you feel
happy.Surrounding yourself with happy, fun-loving, optimistic
people will bring out your happy side, and their behaviour will rub off
on you as you subconsciously mimic their behavioural patterns.

Find things to smile and laugh about. Once you start

consciously looking at all the things that are funny and uplifting, you
will be more aware of them, in tune with them, and more ready to
engage in a spontaneous smile or laugh.

11 Thng 3 2015 lc 22:49

1. Daves ESL Caf Web Links ( (rate:3/5)

The site includes different sections, one of them titled Stuff for Students. Here you can get a
systemic body of grammar knowledge. Grammar points will be presented in a very systematic way.
Below is an example.
The section also includes a list of idiom and colloquial language use. The only problem is that no
examples are shown in these lists, so they seem more suitable for intermediate / advanced selflearners.

2. TESL/TESOL/TEFL/ESOL/EFL/ESL Links ( (rate 5/5)

This website is well-designed with two separate sections for both teachers and students who are
currently in search of English learning or teaching sources. On top of that, youre encouraged to
enjoy quizzes, exercises and vocabulary games featured in the page.
The interface is a little messy-looking, so you have to invest some time familiarizing yourself with it.

3. Interesting things for ESL/ELF students ( (rate 5/5)

This is an amazing website for those who are big fans of learning English on-screen. It offers a wide
range of resources / activities from grammar to pronunciation to reading and vocabulary. Different
topics are also included in each of these sections. A strategic investment of time and effort in
learning this website will help improve your language skills.

4. Using English for academic purpose ( (rate 3/5)

The website is an in-depth introduction to the learning environment in college. It provides you with a
basic understanding of what should be done to do well in college. By giving examples of how to takenote during lectures, as well as efficient reading skills, the site is a great learning tool.

5. Reviewing your grammar with Lop Ngoai Ngu ( (rate 4/5)

No matter how competent at grammar we, IELTS learners, may assert we are, there are times when
we'll have to go back to basics. As IELTS rank grammatical accuracy as one of the most important
criteria for assessing the level of English users, it is in no way redundant to review the standards we
have been taught in high school sometimes. And this website is our first choice this purpose. It is in
Vietnamese. The interface is friendly and easy to use. Lessons are well-organized. This website is
also good for starters.

Some other recommendations: (for grammar and vocabulary practice) (for vocabulary practice only) (for conversational English & short English passages or stories) (for academic vocabulary practice multiple choice exercises) (for passive listening)


(Nhng t c dng m t v tnh trng thc n)
- Fresh /fre/: ti; mi; ti sng
- Rotten /rtn/: thi ra; hng
- Off /:f/: i; ng
- Stale /steil/ (used for bread or pastry): c, lu; i, thiu (thng dng cho bnh m, bnh ngt)
- Mouldy /mouldi/: b mc; ln meo


(Nhng t sau c th c dng khi m t tri cy)
- Ripe /raip/: chn
- Unripe / nraip/: cha chn
- Juicy /du:si/: c nhiu nc


(Nhng t di y c th dng m t tht)
- tender /tend/: khng dai; mm

- tough /tf/: dai; kh ct; kh nhai

- under-done /nddn/: cha tht chn; na sng na chn; ti
- over-done or over-cooked: nu qu lu; nu qu chn

(C mt s t di y c th c dng m t v ca thc n)
- sweet /swi:t/: ngt; c mi thm; nh mt ong
- sickly /sikli/: tanh (mi)
- sour /sau/: chua; i; thiu
- salty /s:lti/: c mui; mn
- delicious /dilis: thm tho; ngon ming
- tasty /teisti/: ngon; y hng v
- bland /blnd/: nht nho
- poor /pu/: cht lng km
- horrible /hrbl/: kh chu (mi)
Nhn kin thc, ti liu hc v dng ting anh min ph gi qua email
ng k email nh?n ki?n th?


Lu : kim tra mail ngay (c spam/bulk mail) kch hot ng k

(Bn c th thy nhng t di y rt hu ch khi m t mn ca-ri v thc n cay)

- Spicy /spaisi/: cay; c gia v

- Hot /ht/: nng; cay nng
- Mild /maild/: nh (mi)

(Phng php nu n)
- to boil /bil/: un si; nu si; luc
- to bake /beik/: nng bng l
- to roast /roust/: quay; nng
- to fry: rn; chin
- to grill /gril/: nng
- to steam /sti:m/: hp

(Ba n)
- Breakfast /brekfst/: ba sng; ba im tm
- Lunch /lnt/: ba tra
- tea /ti:/ (a light meal usually taken around 4-5pm): tic tr (ba n nh thng din ra khong 4
5 gi chiu)
- dinner /din/: ba ti
- supper /sp/ (a light snack taken late in the evening): ba ti (ba n nh din ra rt mun vo
bui ti)

- to have breakfast: n sng; n im tm

- to have lunch: n tra
- to have dinner: n ti


(Cc t hu ch khc)
- to cook: nu; un
- to prepare a meal: nu ba n
- to lay the table or to set the table: by bn n
- to wipe the table: lau bn n
- to clear the table: dn bn n
- to come to the table: n bn n
- to leave the table: ri bn n

Cc trng i hc vng (tn ring) th rt d nh tn, bn c t tn vng trc University l chc

chn ngng php (nhng khng dm chc ng cc thy ca trng u nh)
Di y xin php lit k mt vi tn cc trng i hc trong Ting Anh. Nu bn thy c s khc bit
xin vui lng li comment tc gi cp nht nh. tm xem c tn trng mnh khng vui lng n
t hp phm CTRL + F tm kim.
National Economics University Trng i hc Kinh t Quc dn
Hanoi National University of Education Trng i hc S Phm H Ni
Hanoi University of Technology - Trng i hc Bch Khoa H Ni => Hanoi
University of Science and Technology (many thanks snakemouse3d)

University Of Labor and Social affairs- Trng H lao ng x hi

Vietnam National University -i hc Quc gia H Ni
University of Engineering and Technology -Trng i hc Cng ngh
Hanoi University of Foreign Studies Trng i hc Ngoi Ng
College of Natural Science -Trng i hc Khoa hc T nhin
College of Social Science and Humanity -Trng i hc Khoa hc X hi v Nhn vn
College of Economics -Trng i hc Kinh t
Faculty of International Studies Khoa Quc t
Faculty of Education Studies Khoa S phm
Hanoi University of Civil Engineering -Trng i hc Xy Dng
Hanoi University Trng i hc H Ni
Hanoi Medical University- Trng H Y H Ni
Water Resources University Trng i hc Thy li
Electric Power University Trng H in Lc
Vietnam University of Commerce Trng i hc Thng mi
Vietnam Maritime University Trng i hc Hng hi
University of Communications and Transportation -Trng i hc Giao thng Vn ti
Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology- Hc vin Bu Chnh Vin Thng
Vietnam Forestry University - Trng i hc Lm nghip
Hanoi College of Pharmacy Trng i hc Dc H Ni
Hanoi School of Public Health Trng i hc Y t Cng cng

Hanoi Architectural University - Trng i hc Kin trc H Ni

Ha Noi University Of Mining and Geology : Trng H M a Cht
Hanoi Agricultural University No.1 - Trng i hc Nng nghip 1
Hanoi Open University Vin i hc m H Ni
Hanoi Conservatoire Nhc vin H Ni
Hanoi University Of Business and Technology- Trng H kinh Doanh v Cng Ngh H Ni
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City i hc Quc gia Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Sciences -Trng i hc Khoa hc T nhin Thnh
ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities -Trng i hc Khoa hc
X hi v Nhn vn Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City International University -Trng i hc Quc t Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Information Technology Trng i hc Cng Ngh Thng
Tin thnh ph H Ch Minh
Department of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City National University Khoa kinh t, i hc
Quc gia Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Trng i hc Y Dc Thnh ph
H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics Trng i hc Kinh t Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy -Trng i hc S phm Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Hue University - i hc Hu
Hue Medicine University Trng i hc Y khoa Hu
Hue Economics University Trng i hc Kinh t Hu
Hue Arts University - Trng i hc Ngh thut Hu

Hue Teachers Training University Trng i hc S phm Hu

Hue Agriculture and Sylvicultyre University Trng i hc Nng lm Hu
The University of Da Nang i hc Nng
Thai Nguyen University- H Thi Nguyn
University of Technical Education Ho Chi Minh City Trng i hc S phm K thut
Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry Trng i hc Nng lm Thnh
ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture Trng i hc Kin trc Thnh ph H Ch
Ho Chi Minh City University of Law - Trng i hc Lut Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry - Trng i hc Cng nghip Thnh ph H Ch
Ho Chi Minh City University of Arts Trng i hc M thut Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City Open University i hc M Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ton Duc Thang University Trng i hc Tn c Thng, Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Nha Trang Fisheries University Trng i hc Thu sn Nha Trang
Ho Chi Minh City Conservatoire Nhc vin thnh ph H Ch Minh
Hue Conservatoire - Nhc vin Hu
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Trng i hc Dn lp K thut Cng ngh
Thnh ph H Ch Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology
- Trng i hc Dn lp Ngoi ng Tin hc Thnh ph H Ch Minh

Mt m tp t tn trng trong Ting Anh kh quen thuc l University of A hoc A

University (Preposition-hnh thc gii t v premodifying-hnh thc tin t) Mt s trng 1 tn
c nh, nh i hc Ngoi Thng l Foreign Trade University, v cng c trng dng c hai hnh
thc khi t tn, v d i hc Thng Mi l Vietnam Commercial University, hoc Vietnam
university of Commerce (ging bn Ty c Oxford University v University of Oxford).

Quy inh t tn giao dich quc t (ting Anh) cua HQGHN, cc n vi thanh vin va trc
thuc, cc chc danh lanh ao trong HQGHN

>>> Quyt inh s 3502./HQGHN-QHQT ngay 25 /11/2011

Ngay 25/11/2011, HQGHN ban hanh Quy inh t tn giao dich quc t (ting Anh) cua ai hoc Quc
gia Ha Ni, cac n vi thanh vin va trc thuc, cac chc danh lnh ao trong ai hoc Quc gia Ha Ni. C
th nh sau:

Quy inh t tn giao dich quc t (ting Anh) cua ai hoc Quc gia Ha N i la Vietnam National
University, Hanoi (vit tt la VNU).
Tn giao dich quc t (ting Anh) cua cac n vi thanh vin va trc thu c c quy inh thng nht theo
Ph lc Hng dn t tn giao dich quc t cua cac n vi thanh vin, n vi trc thu c va cac chc
danh lnh ao trong HQGHN kem theo Quyt inh nay.
Tn giao dich quc t (ting Anh) theo quyt inh nay c ap dng i vi tt ca cac tai li u
, vn ban giao
dich quc t, khu hiu, bin tn, danh thip.
Thi im ap dng: t nm hoc 2011 2012.
Cac trng ai hoc thanh vin, cac n vi trc thuc t tn giao dich quc t cua cac n vi, t chc
thuc pham vi quan l va cac chc danh cha co trong ph lc Hng dn cua Quyt inh nay va ban hanh
di dang vn ban s dng trong i ngoai.
Hng dn t tn giao dich quc t (ting Anh) cua cac n vi thanh vin, n vi trc thu c va cac chc
danh lnh ao trong ai hoc Quc gia Ha Ni (HQGHN)

Tn giao dich quc t cua HQGHN va chc danh cua Ban gim c HQGHN

Tn ting Vit

ai hoc Quc gia Ha Ni


Tn giao dich quc t

Vit tt

(ting Anh)

(nu co)

Vietnam National University, Hanoi


Giam c HQGHN

Pho Giam

President of Vietnam National University,



Pho Giam c HQGHN


Permanent Vice President

National University, Hanoi
University, Hanoi




Tn giao dich quc t va chc danh lanh ao cua Vn phong va cc Ban chc nng cua HQGHN

Tn ting Vit




Tn giao dich quc t

Vit tt

(ting Anh)

(nu co)

Vn phong

Office of the President

Chanh vn phong

Chief of Office of the President

Pho chanh vn phong

Deputy Chief of Office of the President

Ban T chc can b

Organization-Personnel Department

Ban ao tao

Academic Affairs Department

Ban Khoa hoc cng ngh

Science and Technology Department

Ban Chinh tri & Cng tac hoc

sinh sinh vin

Political-Students Affairs Department

Ban Quan h quc t

International Relations Department

Ban K hoach tai chinh

Planning-Finance Department

Ban Xy dng

Construction Department

Ban Thanh tra

Inspection Department

Trng ban


Pho trng ban

Vice Director

Tngiao dich quc t va chc danh lanh ao cua cc trng ai hoc thanh vin cua HQGHN

Tn ting Vit


Tn giao dich quc t

Vit tt

(ting Anh)

(nu co)

Trng ai hoc Khoa hoc T


VNU University of Science


Trng ai hoc Khoa hoc Xa hi

va Nhn vn

VNU University of Social Sciences and



Trng ai hoc Ngoai ng

International Studies


Trng ai hoc Cng ngh

VNU University

Trng ai hoc Kinh t

VNU University

Trng ai hoc Giao duc

VNU University of Education

Hiu trng


Pho Hiu trng

Vice Rector

Phong chc nng


Trng phong

Head of Office

Pho trng phong

Deputy Head of Office

Khoa trc thuc trng


Chu nhim/Pho chu nhim khoa

Dean/Associate Dean

B mn


Chu nhim/Pho chu nhim b


Head/Deputy Head of Department



Languages and








Tngiao dich quc t va chc danh lanh ao cua cc Vi n nghin cu cua HQGHN
Tn ting Vit

Vin Cng ngh thng tin

Tn giao dich quc t

Vit tt

(ting Anh)

(nu co)

VNU Information Technology Institute



Vin Vi sinh vt va Cng ngh

sinh hoc

VNU Institute


Vin Vit Nam hoc va Khoa hoc

phat trin

VNU Institute of Vietnamese Studies and

Development Sciences


Vin am bao cht lng giao


VNU Institute


Vin Tin hoc Phap ng

VNU Francophone Institute for Informatics

Vin trng


Pho vin trng


Phong chc nng


Trng/Pho trng phong

Head/Deputy Head of Office/Division








Tngiao dich quc t va chc danh lanh ao cua cc khoa trc thuc HQGHN

Tn ting Vit

Tn giao dich quc t

Vit tt

(ting Anh)

(nu co)

Khoa Lut

VNU School of Law


Khoa Quan tri kinh doanh

VNU School of Business


Khoa Sau ai hoc

VNU School of Graduate Studies


Khoa Quc t

VNU International School


Khoa Y - Dc

VNU School of Medicine and Pharmacy


Chu nhim khoa


Pho chu nhim khoa

Vice Dean

Phong chc nng


Trng/Pho trng phong

Head/Deputy Head of Office/Division

B mn



Trng/Pho trng b mn

Head/Deputy Head of Department

Trung tm


Tngiao dich quc t va chc danh lanh ao cua cc trung tm nghin cu va dich v va cc n vi
trc thuc khc tai HQGHN

Tn ting Vit

Tn giao dich quc t

Vit tt

(ting Anh)

(nu co)

Trung tm H tr nghin cu
Chu A

VNU Asia Research Center


Trung tm Nhn lc quc t

VNU Center for International Manpower


Trung tm Cng ngh ao tao

va H thng vic lam

VNU Center for Education Technology and

Career Development


Trung tm ao tao, Bi dng

giang vin ly lun chinh tri

VNU Training Center

Political Theory


Trung tm Nghin cu thi

VNU Center of Urban Studies


Trung tm H tr ao tao va
Phat trin thi ai hoc

VNU Center
Services andUniversity City Development


Trung tm Giao duc Th cht va

Th thao

VNU Physical



Trung tm Giao duc Quc phong

va An ninh HQGHN

National Defense
and Security TrainingCenter


Trung tm Nghin cu Bin va


VNU Center for Sea and Island Research


Trung tm Nghin cu
nguyn va Mi trng


VNU Center for Natural Resources and

Environmental Studies


Trung tm Quc t nghin cu

bin i toan cu

VNU International Center for Advanced

Research on Global Change


Trung tm Nghin cu v Phu


VNU Center for Womens Studies


Trung tm Thng tin - Th vin

VNU Library and Information Center







Trung tm Phat trin h thng

VNU Center for Systems Development


Tap chi Khoa hoc

VNU Journal of Science


Trung tm H tr sinh vin

VNU Center for Student Services


Nha xut ban

VNU Publishing House


Nha In

VNU Printing House


Ban Quan ly va phat trin d an

Development Unit

Vn phong hp tac HQGHN va

H Kyoto

VNU Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Kyoto University Collaboration Ofice


Trung tm ng dung Cng ngh

thng tin

VNU Center


Trung tm Truyn thng

Quan h Cng chung

VNU Center for Mass Communication and

Public Relations







Giam c Trung tm/n vi


Pho giam c Trung tm/n vi

Vice Director

Phong chc nng


Trng/Pho trng phong

Head/Deputy Head of Office/Division



Web lm siro :


Bn cnh hng v thm ngon, cn l mt loi tho mc c rt nhiu li ch cho sc
khe con ngi.

Gip tr ha c th v gim nguy c ung th

Hibiscus cha mt loi cht chng oxy ha rt him l Flavonoid. Cc cht chng oxy
ha c tc dng ngn chn qu trnh lo ha ca c th, gip ngi s dng tr lu, gi
c tui thanh xun. Hm lng Flavonoid l hp cht chng oxy ha hu hiu chim
t trng ln ti 12% trong i qu v 5-6% trong l Hibiscus. Cc cht flavonoid l
nhng cht oxy ha chm hay ngn chn qu trnh oxy ha do cc gc t do, c th l
nguyn nhn lm cho t bo hot ng khc thng. Cc gc t do sinh ra trong qu trnh
trao i cht thng l cc gc t do nh OH, ROO (l cc yu t gy bin d, hu hoi
t bo, ung th, tng nhanh s lo ho,...).
Flavonoid cn c kh nng to phc vi cc ion kim loi nn c tc dng nh nhng cht
xc tc ngn cn cc phn ng oxy ho m. Do , cc cht flavonoid c tc dng bo v
c th, ngn nga x va ng mch, tai bin mch, lo ho, thoi ho gan, tn thng
do bc x.
Hyaluronidase l enzym lm tng tnh thm ca mao mch, khi tha enzym ny s xy ra
hin tng xut huyt di da. Flavonoid c ch s hot ng ca hyaluronidase, v th,
nu c b sung flavonoid, tnh trng trn s ci thin. Phi hp vi vitamin C v
flavonoid s tng cng tc dng tr liu.
Nhng nh nghin cu cng ch ra nhng tc ng ca thc phm giu flavonoid vi
nhng nguy c v tim mch nh huyt p cao. Flavonoid lm bn thnh mch, c dng
trong cc trng hp ri lon chc nng tnh mch, gin hay suy yu tnh mch, tr, ri
lon tun hon vng mc...
Flavonoid cn c tc dng chng c, lm gim thng tn gan, bo v chc nng gan,
gim m mu.
Hibiscus gip gim huyt p.

Mt trong nhng tc dng mnh nht ca Hibiscus l kh nng lm gim huyt p. Nhiu
nghin cu trn th gii ch ra rng, vic ung tr Hibiscus thng xuyn c tc dng
hiu qu tng ng vi vic s dng cc loi thuc gim huyt p.
Cc nh khoa hc ti Trng i hc Seattle (M) thc hin nh gi 70 ngi vi
cc triu chng cao huyt p t nh cho ti trung bnh (v khng b mc thm bnh no
khc). Mt s bnh nhn s ung 16 ounces Hibiscus (khong 500ml) vo trc mi ba
sng mi ngy v mt nhm s s dng 25mg thuc Captopril (mt loi thuc thng
dng gim huyt p) 2 ln mt ngy trong 4 tun.
Nhng bnh nhn b cao huyt p c o c vo u ca th nghim v hng tun trong
sut qu trnh nghin cu. Sau 4 tun, cc nh khoa hc nhn thy rng tr Hibiscus v
captopril mang li nhng hiu qu gn nh tng ng nhau: huyt p tm trng
c gim ti thiu 10 im trong 79% nhng ngi s dng Hibiscus v l 84%
nhm nhng ngi s dng thuc gim huyt p captopril.
Nghin cu ch ra rng tr Hibiscus t nhin c th s hiu qu tng ng vi cc
thuc gim huyt p v thc s l mt trong nhng li ch tuyt vi nht t Tr
Hibiscus. tm hiu bn c th c thm bi vit "Tr Hibiscus gip gim huyt p nh
th no?".
Hibiscus gip ci thin lng cholesterol trong mu v gim nguy c t vong do cc
bnh l tim mch.
Nghin cu trn ng vt (c thc hin bi nhng nh nghin cu t trng i hc
Y khoa Chung Shan - i Loan) chng minh rng nhng cht chng oxy ha trong
Hibiscus s gip gim cholesterol. Hibiscus gip bo v thnh mch v cn bng lng
cc nghin cu khc c thc hin bi cc nh khoa hc t trng i hc Y khoa
Shahid Sadoughi - Iran cng ch ra rng nhng bnh nhn b sai ng s dng tr
Hibiscus 2 ln mi ngy trong 1 thng cng c ci thin r rt v lng Cholesterol.
Lng Cholesterol tt HDL tng ln v Cholesterol LDL xu gim xung. Lng LDL
Cholesterol cng cao th cng nhiu nguy c mc bnh tim hoc cc bnh l khc lin
quan ti tim mch. Lng lipit (Triglycerides) cng c nh gim xung ng k .
Bn c th thy l, Hibiscus rt c li cho sc khe ca tri tim bn. Bn c th c thm
cc thng tin ti bi vit "Hibiscus cho bn mt tri tim khe mnh."
Hibiscus l mt ngun cung cp Vitamin C rt ln.
Hibiscus l mt ngun cung cp Vitamin C (axit ascorbic), mt loi vitamin m c th
cn pht trin v sa cha cc t bo v m trong c th. Vitamin C cng rt quan
trng cho ln da ca bn (Vitamin C l cn thit cho qu trnh tng hp collagen gip bn
c mt ln da khe mnh; tht khng may l c th bn ngy cng to ra t collagen hn
theo tui tc), hn gn cc vt thng v lm chc xng v rng. Ngoi ra, Ngun
cung Vitamin C trong Hibiscus cng ng thi gip gim st, h nhit c th v an thn.
Hn na, Vitamin C cng l cht chng oxy ha tc l n gip ngn cn cc s ph hy
gy ra bi cc gc t do (free radicals) c to ra mi ln c th hp th thc phm v
chnh l nguyn nhn chnh gy ra qu trnh lo ha, bnh ung th, bnh tim v chng
vim khp.

Mt s ngi cng tin rng Vitamin C cn gip tng cng h thng min dch v gip
chng li cc bnh cm cm thng thng. Tuy nhin th thc t l vitamin C ch gip
gim nguy c mc cm cm bng cch gim cc triu chng hoc gip c th hi phc
nhanh hn sau m.
Hibiscus rt giu cht in gii.
Mi ngy khi bn lm vic, c th bn s mt i cht in gii (nh l natri, clorua, canxi,
magi, kali v pht pho) qua tuyn m hi. Bn cn cht in gii iu ha lng cht
lng trong c th, duy tr cn bng lng pH trong mu v gi i cc tn hiu in l mt
phn quan trng trong tt c cc hot ng ca c th.
V Hibscus rt giu cht in gii. Nh , chnh l mt th ung gii kht tuyt
vi sau mi ln tp th dc v chc chn l tt hn rt nhiu so vi nhng thc ung tng
lc cha ng v cht ha hc nhn to.
Hibiscus gip h tiu ha hot ng tt hn.
Hibiscus c chc nng cha tr cc vn lin quan ti tiu ha thng thng nh trng
bng hay y hi. Hibiscus cng ng thi gip nhun trng, cha to bn, li tiu, vim
bng quan, hn ch s to si ng tit niu.
Hibiscus l ung gip gim cn hiu qu.
Nu khng cho ng th Hibiscus l mt th ung khng cung cp calorie. S dng
Hibiscus sau ba n gip c th tiu ha hyrat-cacbon, lm y nhanh qu trnh trao i
cht v t cht bo nhanh hn, gip ngn nga v hn ch s bo ph do tch m. Hn
na, tc dng li tiu ca Hibiscus cng lm gim lng nc trong c th gip bn c
vc dng thon gn hn.
Cc bn c th tm hiu thm thng tin trong bi vit :"Tr Hibiscus gip gim cn nh
th no?".
Hibiscus l ngun b sung vitamin rt ln.
Bn cnh cc dc tnh k trn, Hibiscus cng l mt th nc gii kht tuyt vi vi v
chua t nhin c trng. Nc Hibiscus cng ng u bng trong cc loi hoa qu v
hm lng Vitamin (A, B1, C, D, E, F.... ), axit amin v cc loi vi cht c tc dng tt
cho c th.
Cch s dng sn phm t Hibiscus:
ung hay mn ngon t Hibiscus rt n gin chun b. Nu s dng siro (nc ct
qu Hibiscus), bn ch cn pha 1 phn siro vi 4 - 5 phn nc, v cho thm c mt
l nc thm ngon b dng. Nu bn tm kim nhng cng thc phc tp v nhiu tnh
ngh thut hn th c th tm hiu thm ti chuyn mc ''''Ngh thut'''' ca website Tho
Bn c th s dng ung Hibiscus quanh nm. Ung nng hoc ung lnh u mang
li nhng hng v tuyt vi. Ung nng s gip bn lm m c th trong mu ng v
ung lnh gip lm du ci nng ma h. Bn cng nn bit rng Hibiscus c thng
thc bi nhiu ngi ti nhiu vng kh hu khc nhau - nh quanh bin Carib, M,
Mexico, Thi Lan, Ai Cp, Sudan, Italy v nhiu nc khc.
Hibiscus c mt hng v tuyt vi. Bn cnh nhng tc dng cho sc khe, Hibiscus
cn mang mt v chua rt c trng, thanh mt v du nh. Ngoi ra, Hibiscus cn c mt

mu sc t nhin v cng hp dn. Mu ny s gy n tng trong mi ba n, trong

mi ly nc bn pha ch hay mi mn ngon bn chun b cho c gia nh.
cng dng rt tt cho sc khe: mt gan, h huyt p
Cch lm siro:
1.Hoa mua v ch nht ly cnh hoa, tch ring i hoa, 1kg hoa ti th ch c 5 lng cnh
hoa ti. B cnh hoa lm i.
2.Nht xong, ra sch sau li trng li cn thn bng nc un si ngui.
3.Cho ra r kh ro ht nc.
4. Sau , mt lp hoa, mt lp ng. thng t l ng l 1kg cnh hoa + 1kg ng hoc
hn tu thch.
5. Tuyt i khng dnh nc l vo. Cho vo l thu tinh l tt nht, y kn, ngy hm sau
bt u ngm. 3 ngy l nc siro kh m nt. 2 tun sau c th dng c.


Bn cnh hng v thm ngon, cn l mt loi tho mc c rt nhiu li ch cho sc khe con
1. Gip tr ha c th v gim nguy c ung th:
Hibiscus cha mt loi cht chng oxy ha rt him l Flavonoid. Cc cht chng oxy ha c tc dng ngn
chn qu trnh lo ha ca c th, gip ngi s dng tr lu, gi c tui thanh xun. Hm lng
Flavonoid l hp cht chng oxy ha hu hiu chim t trng ln ti 12% trong i qu v 5-6% trong l
Hibiscus. Cc cht flavonoid l nhng cht oxy ha chm hay ngn chn qu trnh oxy ha do cc gc t do,
c th l nguyn nhn lm cho t bo hot ng khc thng. Cc gc t do sinh ra trong qu trnh trao i
cht thng l cc gc t do nh OH, ROO (l cc yu t gy bin d, hu hoi t bo, ung th, tng
nhanh s lo ho,...).

Flavonoid cn c kh nng to phc vi cc ion kim loi nn c tc dng nh nhng cht xc tc ngn cn
cc phn ng oxy ho m. Do , cc cht flavonoid c tc dng bo v c th, ngn nga x va ng
mch, tai bin mch, lo ho, thoi ho gan, tn thng do bc x.
Hyaluronidase l enzym lm tng tnh thm ca mao mch, khi tha enzym ny s xy ra hin tng xut
huyt di da. Flavonoid c ch s hot ng ca hyaluronidase, v th, nu c b sung flavonoid, tnh
trng trn s ci thin. Phi hp vi vitamin C v flavonoid s tng cng tc dng tr liu.
Nhng nh nghin cu cng ch ra nhng tc ng ca thc phm giu flavonoid vi nhng nguy c v
tim mch nh huyt p cao. Flavonoid lm bn thnh mch, c dng trong cc trng hp ri lon chc
nng tnh mch, gin hay suy yu tnh mch, tr, ri lon tun hon vng mc...
Flavonoid cn c tc dng chng c, lm gim thng tn gan, bo v chc nng gan, gim m mu.
2.Hibiscus gip gim huyt p:
Mt trong nhng tc dng mnh nht ca Hibiscus l kh nng lm gim huyt p. Nhiu nghin cu trn
th gii ch ra rng, vic ung tr Hibiscus thng xuyn c tc dng hiu qu tng ng vi vic s
dng cc loi thuc gim huyt p.
Cc nh khoa hc ti Trng i hc Seattle (M) thc hin nh gi 70 ngi vi cc triu chng cao
huyt p t nh cho ti trung bnh (v khng b mc thm bnh no khc). Mt s bnh nhn s ung 16
ounces Hibiscus (khong 500ml) vo trc mi ba sng mi ngy v mt nhm s s dng 25mg thuc
Captopril (mt loi thuc thng dng gim huyt p) 2 ln mt ngy trong 4 tun.
Nhng bnh nhn b cao huyt p c o c vo u ca th nghim v hng tun trong sut qu trnh
nghin cu. Sau 4 tun, cc nh khoa hc nhn thy rng tr Hibiscus v captopril mang li nhng hiu
qu gn nh tng ng nhau: huyt p tm trng c gim ti thiu 10 im trong 79% nhng ngi
s dng Hibiscus v l 84% nhm nhng ngi s dng thuc gim huyt p captopril.
Nghin cu ch ra rng tr Hibiscus t nhin c th s hiu qu tng ng vi cc thuc gim huyt p
v thc s l mt trong nhng li ch tuyt vi nht t Tr Hibiscus. tm hiu bn c th c thm bi
vit "Tr Hibiscus gip gim huyt p nh th no?".
3. Hibiscus gip ci thin lng cholesterol trong mu v gim nguy c t vong do cc bnh l
tim mch:
Nghin cu trn ng vt (c thc hin bi nhng nh nghin cu t trng i hc Y khoa Chung Shan
- i Loan) chng minh rng nhng cht chng oxy ha trong Hibiscus s gip gim cholesterol. Hibiscus
gip bo v thnh mch v cn bng lng cholesterol.
cc nghin cu khc c thc hin bi cc nh khoa hc t trng i hc Y khoa Shahid Sadoughi - Iran
cng ch ra rng nhng bnh nhn b sai ng s dng tr Hibiscus 2 ln mi ngy trong 1 thng cng
c ci thin r rt v lng Cholesterol. Lng Cholesterol tt HDL tng ln v Cholesterol LDL xu gim
xung. Lng LDL Cholesterol cng cao th cng nhiu nguy c mc bnh tim hoc cc bnh l khc lin
quan ti tim mch. Lng lipit (Triglycerides) cng c nh gim xung ng k .
Bn c th thy l, Hibiscus rt c li cho sc khe ca tri tim bn. Bn c th c thm cc thng tin ti
bi vit "Hibiscus cho bn mt tri tim khe mnh."
4. Hibiscus l mt ngun cung cp Vitamin C rt ln

Hibiscus l mt ngun cung cp Vitamin C (axit ascorbic), mt loi vitamin m c th cn pht trin v
sa cha cc t bo v m trong c th. Vitamin C cng rt quan trng cho ln da ca bn (Vitamin C l cn
thit cho qu trnh tng hp collagen gip bn c mt ln da khe mnh; tht khng may l c th bn ngy
cng to ra t collagen hn theo tui tc), hn gn cc vt thng v lm chc xng v rng. Ngoi
ra, Ngun cung Vitamin C trong Hibiscus cng ng thi gip gim st, h nhit c th v an thn.
Hn na, Vitamin C cng l cht chng oxy ha tc l n gip ngn cn cc s ph hy gy ra bi cc gc t
do (free radicals) c to ra mi ln c th hp th thc phm v chnh l nguyn nhn chnh gy ra qu
trnh lo ha, bnh ung th, bnh tim v chng vim khp.
Mt s ngi cng tin rng Vitamin C cn gip tng cng h thng min dch v gip chng li cc bnh
cm cm thng thng. Tuy nhin th thc t l vitamin C ch gip gim nguy c mc cm cm bng cch
gim cc triu chng hoc gip c th hi phc nhanh hn sau m.
5. Hibiscus rt giu cht in gii:
Mi ngy khi bn lm vic, c th bn s mt i cht in gii (nh l natri, clorua, canxi, magi, kali v
pht pho) qua tuyn m hi. Bn cn cht in gii iu ha lng cht lng trong c th, duy tr cn
bng lng pH trong mu v gi i cc tn hiu in l mt phn quan trng trong tt c cc hot ng ca
c th.
V Hibscus rt giu cht in gii. Nh , chnh l mt th ung gii kht tuyt vi sau mi ln tp
th dc v chc chn l tt hn rt nhiu so vi nhng thc ung tng lc cha ng v cht ha hc nhn
6. Hibiscus gip h tiu ha hot ng tt hn:
Hibiscus c chc nng cha tr cc vn lin quan ti tiu ha thng thng nh trng bng hay y hi.
Hibiscus cng ng thi gip nhun trng, cha to bn, li tiu, vim bng quan, hn ch s to si
ng tit niu.
7. Hibiscus l ung gip gim cn hiu qu:
Nu khng cho ng th Hibiscus l mt th ung khng cung cp calorie. S dng Hibiscus sau ba n
gip c th tiu ha hyrat-cacbon, lm y nhanh qu trnh trao i cht v t cht bo nhanh hn, gip
ngn nga v hn ch s bo ph do tch m. Hn na, tc dng li tiu ca Hibiscus cng lm gim lng
nc trong c th gip bn c vc dng thon gn hn.
Cc bn c th tm hiu thm thng tin trong bi vit :"Tr Hibiscus gip gim cn nh th no?".
8. Hibiscus l ngun b sung vitamin rt ln:
Bn cnh cc dc tnh k trn, Hibiscus cng l mt th nc gii kht tuyt vi vi v chua t nhin c
trng. Nc Hibiscus cng ng u bng trong cc loi hoa qu v hm lng Vitamin (A, B1, C, D, E,
F.... ), axit amin v cc loi vi cht c tc dng tt cho c th.
- Cch s dng sn phm t Hibiscus:
ung hay mn ngon t Hibiscus rt n gin chun b. Nu s dng siro (nc ct qu Hibiscus), bn
ch cn pha 1 phn siro vi 4 - 5 phn nc, v cho thm c mt l nc thm ngon b dng. Nu
bn tm kim nhng cng thc phc tp v nhiu tnh ngh thut hn th c th tm hiu thm ti chuyn
mc ''''Ngh thut'''' ca website Tho Mc:

Bn c th s dng ung Hibiscus quanh nm. Ung nng hoc ung lnh u mang li nhng hng v
tuyt vi. Ung nng s gip bn lm m c th trong mu ng v ung lnh gip lm du ci nng ma
h. Bn cng nn bit rng Hibiscus c thng thc bi nhiu ngi ti nhiu vng kh hu khc nhau nh quanh bin Carib, M, Mexico, Thi Lan, Ai Cp, Sudan, Italy v nhiu nc khc.
Hibiscus c mt hng v tuyt vi. Bn cnh nhng tc dng cho sc khe, Hibiscus cn mang mt v chua
rt c trng, thanh mt v du nh. Ngoi ra, Hibiscus cn c mt mu sc t nhin v cng hp dn. Mu
ny s gy n tng trong mi ba n, trong mi ly nc bn pha ch hay mi mn ngon bn chun b
cho c gia nh.
cng dng rt tt cho sc khe: mt gan, h huyt p.
Gi: 17.000/ 1 kg (Cha tch i hoa v cnh hoa).
35.000/ 1 kg ( tch i hoa v cnh hoa).
Mua trn 10kg tng 1kg

Giao hng t 2-3 ngy sau khi t hng. Min ph giao hng cc qun 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, Tn Bnh, G Vp. Cc
a ch khc tnh ph vn chuyn ty theo Km.
Cch lm siro:
1.Hoa mua v ch nht ly cnh hoa, tch ring i hoa, 1kg hoa ti th ch c 5 lng cnh hoa ti. B
cnh hoa lm i.
2.Nht xong, ra sch sau li trng li cn thn bng nc un si ngui.
3.Cho ra r kh ro ht nc.
4. Sau , mt lp hoa, mt lp ng. thng t l ng l 1kg cnh hoa + 1kg ng hoc hn tu
5. Tuyt i khng dnh nc l vo. Cho vo l thu tinh l tt nht, y kn, ngy hm sau bt u
ngm. 3 ngy l nc siro kh m nt. 2 tun sau c th dng c.

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