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This article is about the military alliance. For other uses, assisting in counter-piracy operations[7] and in 2011 ensee NATO (disambiguation).
forcing a no-y zone over Libya in accordance with U.N.
Security Council Resolution 1973. The less potent ArtiCoordinates:
505234.16N 42519.24E / cle 4, which merely invokes consultation among NATO
members, has been invoked four times: by Turkey in
50.8761556N 4.4220111E
2003 over the Iraq War, twice in 2012 by Turkey over the
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO; Syrian Civil War after the downing of an unarmed Turk/neto/; French: Organisation du trait de l'Atlantique ish F-4 reconnaissance jet and after a mortar was red at
Nord (OTAN)), also called the [North] Atlantic Al- Turkey from Syria[8] and in 2014 by Poland following the
liance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on Russian intervention in Crimea.[9]
the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April
1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective
defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. 1 History
NATOs headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, one of
the 28 member states across North America and Europe, 1.1 Beginnings
the newest of which, Albania and Croatia, joined in April
2009. An additional 22 countries participate in NATOs
Partnership for Peace program, with 15 other countries
involved in institutionalized dialogue programmes. The
combined military spending of all NATO members constitutes over 70% of the global total.[4] Members defense
spending is supposed to amount to 2% of GDP.[5]
NATO was little more than a political association until
the Korean War galvanized the organizations member
states, and an integrated military structure was built up
under the direction of two U.S. supreme commanders.
The course of the Cold War led to a rivalry with nations of the Warsaw Pact, which formed in 1955. Doubts
over the strength of the relationship between the European states and the United States ebbed and owed, along
with doubts over the credibility of the NATO defence
against a prospective Soviet invasiondoubts that led to
the development of the independent French nuclear deterrent and the withdrawal of the French from NATOs
military structure in 1966 for 30 years. After the fall of
the Berlin Wall in 1989, the organization was drawn into
the breakup of Yugoslavia, and conducted its rst military interventions in Bosnia from 1992 to 1995 and later
Yugoslavia in 1999. Politically, the organization sought
better relations with former Warsaw Pact countries, several of which joined the alliance in 1999 and 2004.

The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C., on 4

April 1949 and was ratied by the United States that August.

The Treaty of Brussels, signed on 17 March 1948 by

Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, and
the United Kingdom, is considered the precursor to the
NATO agreement. The treaty and the Soviet Berlin
Blockade led to the creation of the Western European
Union's Defence Organization in September 1948.[10]
However, participation of the United States was thought
necessary both to counter the military power of the
USSR and to prevent the revival of nationalist militarism, so talks for a new military alliance began almost immediately resulting in the North Atlantic Treaty,
which was signed in Washington, D.C. on 4 April 1949.
It included the ve Treaty of Brussels states plus the
United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.[11] The rst NATO Secretary Gen-

Article 5 of the North Atlantic treaty, requiring member states to come to the aid of any member state subject to an armed attack, was invoked for the rst and only
time after the 11 September 2001 attacks,[6] after which
troops were deployed to Afghanistan under the NATOled ISAF. The organization has operated a range of additional roles since then, including sending trainers to Iraq,


eral, Lord Ismay, stated in 1949 that the organizations goal was to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.[12] Popular support
for the Treaty was not unanimous, and some Icelanders
participated in a pro-neutrality, anti-membership riot in
March 1949. The creation of NATO can be seen as
the primary institutional consequence of a school of
thought called Atlanticism which stressed the importance
of trans-Atlantic cooperation.[13]

ing to provide the forces necessary for NATOs LongTerm Defence Plan, called for an expansion to ninety-six
divisions. However this requirement was dropped the following year to roughly thirty-ve divisions with heavier
use to be made of nuclear weapons. At this time, NATO
could call on about fteen ready divisions in Central Europe, and another ten in Italy and Scandinavia.[18][19] Also
at Lisbon, the post of Secretary General of NATO as the
organizations chief civilian was created, and Lord Ismay
The members agreed that an armed attack against any was eventually appointed to the post.
one of them in Europe or North America would be considered an attack against them all. Consequently they
agreed that, if an armed attack occurred, each of them,
in exercise of the right of individual or collective selfdefence, would assist the member being attacked, taking
such action as it deemed necessary, including the use of
armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the
North Atlantic area. The treaty does not require members to respond with military action against an aggressor.
Although obliged to respond, they maintain the freedom
to choose the method by which they do so. This diers
from Article IV of the Treaty of Brussels, which clearly
states that the response will be military in nature. It is
nonetheless assumed that NATO members will aid the
attacked member militarily. The treaty was later claried
The German Bundeswehr provided the largest element of the alto include both the members territory and their vessels, lied land forces guarding the frontier in Central Europe.
forces or aircraft above the Tropic of Cancer, including
some Overseas departments of France.[14]
In September 1952, the rst major NATO maritime
The creation of NATO brought about some
standardization of allied military terminology, procedures, and technology, which in many cases meant
European countries adopting U.S. practices. The roughly
1300 Standardization Agreements (STANAG) codied
many of the common practices that NATO has achieved.
Hence, the 7.6251 NATO rie cartridge was introduced
in the 1950s as a standard rearm cartridge among many
NATO countries. Fabrique Nationale de Herstal's FAL,
which used 7.62 NATO cartridge, was adopted by 75
countries, including many outside of NATO.[15] Also,
aircraft marshalling signals were standardized, so that
any NATO aircraft could land at any NATO base. Other
standards such as the NATO phonetic alphabet have
made their way beyond NATO into civilian use.


Cold War

Main article: Cold War

exercises began; Exercise Mainbrace brought together

200 ships and over 50,000 personnel to practice the defence of Denmark and Norway.[21] Other major exercises that followed included Exercise Grand Slam and
Exercise Longstep, naval and amphibious exercises in the
Mediterranean Sea, Italic Weld, a combined air-navalground exercise in northern Italy, Grand Repulse, involving the British Army on the Rhine (BAOR), the
Netherlands Corps and Allied Air Forces Central Europe (AAFCE), Monte Carlo, a simulated atomic airground exercise involving the Central Army Group, and
Weldfast, a combined amphibious landing exercise in
the Mediterranean Sea involving British, Greek, Italian,
Turkish, and U.S. naval forces.[22]
Greece and Turkey also joined the alliance in 1952, forcing a series of controversial negotiations, in which the
United States and Britain were the primary disputants,
over how to bring the two countries into the military
command structure.[17] While this overt military preparation was going on, covert stay-behind arrangements initially made by the Western European Union to continue
resistance after a successful Soviet invasion, including
Operation Gladio, were transferred to NATO control. Ultimately unocial bonds began to grow between NATOs
armed forces, such as the NATO Tiger Association and
competitions such as the Canadian Army Trophy for tank

The outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 was crucial

for NATO as it raised the apparent threat of all Communist countries working together, and forced the alliance to
develop concrete military plans.[16] SHAPE, the Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, was formed as a
consolidated command structure, and began work under Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower In 1954, the Soviet Union suggested that it should join
in January 1951.[17] The 1952 Lisbon conference, seek- NATO to preserve peace in Europe.[25] The NATO


Dtente and escalation

countries, fearing that the Soviet Unions motive was to

weaken the alliance, ultimately rejected this proposal.
The incorporation of West Germany into the organization on 9 May 1955 was described as a decisive turning
point in the history of our continent by Halvard Lange,
Foreign Aairs Minister of Norway at the time.[26] A major reason for Germanys entry into the alliance was that
without German manpower, it would have been impossible to eld enough conventional forces to resist a Soviet
invasion.[27] One of its immediate results was the creation
of the Warsaw Pact, which was signed on 14 May 1955
by the Soviet Union, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland,
Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and East Germany, as a formal response to this event, thereby delineating the two
opposing sides of the Cold War.
Three major exercises were held concurrently in the
northern autumn of 1957. Operation Counter Punch,
Operation Strikeback, and Operation Deep Water were
the most ambitious military undertaking for the alliance
to date, involving more than 250,000 men, 300 ships, and
1,500 aircraft operating from Norway to Turkey.[28]


French withdrawal


English Channel








Station Marville


























dum unsatisfactory, de Gaulle began constructing an independent defence force for his country. He wanted to
give France, in the event of an East German incursion
into West Germany, the option of coming to a separate
peace with the Eastern bloc instead of being drawn into
a larger NATO-Warsaw Pact war.[30] In February 1959,
France withdrew its Mediterranean Fleet from NATO
command,[31] and later banned the stationing of foreign
nuclear weapons on French soil. This caused the United
States to transfer two hundred military aircraft out of
France and return control of the air force bases that had
operated in France since 1950 to the French by 1967.
Though France showed solidarity with the rest of NATO
during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, de Gaulle continued his pursuit of an independent defence by removing Frances Atlantic and Channel eets from NATO
command.[32] In 1966, all French armed forces were
removed from NATOs integrated military command,
and all non-French NATO troops were asked to leave
France. U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk was later
quoted as asking de Gaulle whether his order included
the bodies of American soldiers in Frances cemeteries?
extquotedbl[33] This withdrawal forced the relocation of
SHAPE from Rocquencourt, near Paris, to Casteau, north
of Mons, Belgium, by 16 October 1967.[34] France remained a member of the alliance, and committed to the
defence of Europe from possible Warsaw Pact attack with
its own forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany throughout the Cold War. A series of secret accords between US and French ocials, the LemnitzerAilleret Agreements, detailed how French forces would
dovetail back into NATOs command structure should
East-West hostilities break out.[35]





1.4 Dtente and escalation






The NATO air bases in France

until 1966

US Air Force air bases

Royal Canadian Air Force air bases

Main article: Dtente

During most of the Cold War, NATOs watch against the



NATO Dispersed Operating Bases
Nancy-Ochey NATO Emergency Airfields

international boundary
limits of regions
limits of departments
national capital
capital of region

Mediterranean Sea






Map of the NATO air bases in France before Charles de Gaulle's

1966 withdrawal from NATO military integrated command

NATOs unity was breached early in its history with a

crisis occurring during Charles de Gaulle's presidency of
France. De Gaulle protested the United States strong role
in the organization and what he perceived as a special
relationship between it and the United Kingdom. In a
memorandum sent to President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan on 17 September
1958, he argued for the creation of a tripartite directorate
that would put France on an equal footing with the US and
the UK.[29]

Dtente led to many high level meetings between leaders from

both NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact did not actually lead to

direct military action. On 1 July 1968, the Nuclear NonConsidering the response he received to his memoran- Proliferation Treaty opened for signature: NATO argued

that its nuclear sharing arrangements did not breach the
treaty as US forces controlled the weapons until a decision was made to go to war, at which point the treaty
would no longer be controlling. Few states knew of the
NATO nuclear sharing arrangements at that time, and
they were not challenged. In May 1978, NATO countries ocially dened two complementary aims of the
Alliance, to maintain security and pursue dtente. This
was supposed to mean matching defences at the level rendered necessary by the Warsaw Pacts oensive capabilities without spurring a further arms race.[36]

gained a new member when, following a referendum, the
newly democratic Spain joined the alliance. At the peak
of the Cold War, 16 member nations maintained an approximate strength of 5,252,800 active military, including as many as 435,000 forward deployed U.S. forces,
under a command structure that reached a peak of 78
headquarters, organized into four echelons.[40]

1.5 After the Cold War

The Revolutions of 1989 and the dissolution of the
Warsaw Pact in 1991 removed the de facto main adversary of NATO and caused a strategic re-evaluation of
NATOs purpose, nature, tasks, and their focus on the
continent of Europe. This shift started with the 1990
signing in Paris of the Treaty on Conventional Armed
Forces in Europe between NATO and the Soviet Union,
which mandated specic military reductions across the
continent that continued after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.[41] At that time, European
countries accounted for 34% of NATOs military spending; by 2012, this had fallen to 21%.[42] NATO also began
a gradual expansion to include newly autonomous Eastern
European nations, and extended its activities into political
and humanitarian situations that had not formerly been
NATO concerns.

During the Cold War, most of Europe was divided between two
alliances. Members of NATO are shown in blue, with members
of the Warsaw Pact in red.

On 12 December 1979, in light of a build-up of Warsaw Pact nuclear capabilities in Europe, ministers approved the deployment of US GLCM cruise missiles and
Pershing II theatre nuclear weapons in Europe. The
new warheads were also meant to strengthen the western negotiating position regarding nuclear disarmament.
This policy was called the Dual Track policy.[37] Similarly, in 198384, responding to the stationing of Warsaw
Pact SS-20 medium-range missiles in Europe, NATO deployed modern Pershing II missiles tasked to hit military
targets such as tank formations in the event of war.[38]
This action led to peace movement protests throughout
Western Europe, and support for the deployment wavered
as many doubted whether the push for deployment could
be sustained.
The membership of the organization at this time remained largely static. In 1974, as a consequence of
the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, Greece withdrew its
forces from NATOs military command structure but,
with Turkish cooperation, were readmitted in 1980.
The Falklands War between the United Kingdom and
Argentina did not result in NATO involvement because of
the limited scope of NATO.[39] On 30 May 1982, NATO

Reforms made under Mikhail Gorbachev led to the end of the

Warsaw Pact.

The rst post-Cold War expansion of NATO came with

German reunication on 3 October 1990, when the former East Germany became part of the Federal Republic
of Germany and the alliance. This had been agreed in the
Two Plus Four Treaty earlier in the year. To secure Soviet approval of a united Germany remaining in NATO, it
was agreed that foreign troops and nuclear weapons would
not be stationed in the east, and there are diverging view
on whether negotiators gave commitments regarding further NATO expansion east.[43] Jack Matlock, U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union during its nal years, said
that the West gave a clear commitment not to expand,
and declassied documents indicate that Soviet negotiators were given the impression that NATO membership
was o the table for countries such as Czechoslovakia,


Enlargement and reform

Hungary, or Poland.[44] In 1996, Gorbachev wrote in his

Memoirs, that during the negotiations on the unication of Germany they gave assurances that NATO would
not extend its zone of operation to the east,[45] and repeated this view in an interview in 2008.[46] According to
Robert Zoellick, a State Department ocial involved in
the Two Plus Four negotiating process, this appears to be
a misperception, and no formal commitment regarding
enlargement was made.[47]

initiative and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. In

1998, the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council was established. On 8 July 1997, three former communist countries, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland, were invited to join NATO, which each did in 1999. Membership went on expanding with the accession of seven more
Northern and Eastern European countries to NATO: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria,
and Romania. They were rst invited to start talks of
As part of post-Cold War restructuring, NATOs mili- membership during the 2002 Prague summit, and joined
NATO on 29 March 2004, shortly before the 2004 Istary structure was cut back and reorganized, with new
forces such as the Headquarters Allied Command Europe tanbul summit. In Istanbul, NATO launched the Istanbul
Cooperation Initiative with four Persian Gulf nations.[49]
Rapid Reaction Corps established. The changes brought
about by the collapse of the Soviet Union on the mili- New NATO structures were also formed while old ones
tary balance in Europe were recognized in the Adapted were abolished. In 1997, NATO reached agreement on a
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty, which was signicant downsizing of its command structure from 65
signed in 1999. The policies of French President Nicolas headquarters to just 20.[50] The NATO Response Force
Sarkozy resulted in a major reform of Frances military (NRF) was launched at the 2002 Prague summit on 21
position, culminating with the return to full membership November, the rst summit in a former Comecon counon 4 April 2009, which also included France rejoining try. On 19 June 2003, a further restructuring of the
the integrated military command of NATO, while main- NATO military commands began as the Headquarters of
taining an independent nuclear deterrent.[35][48]
the Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic were abolished
and a new command, Allied Command Transformation
(ACT), was established in Norfolk, Virginia, United
States, and the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Eu1.6 Enlargement and reform
rope (SHAPE) became the Headquarters of Allied Command Operations (ACO). ACT is responsible for drivFurther information: Enlargement of NATO
Between 1994 and 1997, wider forums for regional coop- ing transformation (future capabilities) in NATO, whilst
ACO is responsible for current operations.[51] In March
2004, NATOs Baltic Air Policing began, which supported the sovereignty of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
by providing ghters to react to any unwanted aerial intrusions. Four ghters are based in Lithuania, provided
in rotation by virtually all the NATO states.[52]

Donald Rumsfeld and Victoria Nuland at the NATO-Ukraine

consultations in Vilnius, 2005

The 2006 Riga summit was held in Riga, Latvia, and highlighted the issue of energy security. It was the rst NATO
summit to be held in a country that had been part of the
The NATO ag being raised in a ceremony marking Croatia's Soviet Union. At the April 2008 summit in Bucharest,
joining of the alliance in 2009.
Romania, NATO agreed to the accession of Croatia and
Albania and both countries joined NATO in April 2009.
eration between NATO and its neighbors were set up, like Ukraine and Georgia were also told that they could eventhe Partnership for Peace, the Mediterranean Dialogue tually become members.[53] The issue of Georgian and

Ukrainian membership in NATO prompted harsh criticism from Russia, as did NATO plans for a missile defence system. Studies for this system began in 2002, with
negotiations centered on anti-ballistic missiles being stationed in Poland and the Czech Republic. Though NATO
leaders gave assurances that the system was not targeting Russia, both presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry
Medvedev criticized it as a threat.[54]
In 2009, US President Barack Obama proposed using the
ship based Aegis Combat System, though this plan still
includes stations being built in Turkey, Spain, Portugal,
Romania, and Poland.[55] NATO will also maintain the
status quo in its nuclear deterrent in Europe by upgrading the targeting capabilities of the tactical B61 nuclear
bombs stationed there and deploying them on the stealthier Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II.[56][57]


Military operations
Early operations

No military operations were conducted by NATO during

the Cold War. Following the end of the Cold War, the
rst operations, Anchor Guard in 1990 and Ace Guard
in 1991, were prompted by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Airborne Early Warning aircraft were sent to provide
coverage of South Eastern Turkey, and later a quickreaction force was deployed to the area.[58]


Bosnia and Herzegovina intervention


until October 1996, Operation Sharp Guard added maritime enforcement of the arms embargo and economic
sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. On
28 February 1994, NATO took its rst wartime action by
shooting down four Bosnian Serb aircraft violating the
no-y zone.[59]
On 10 and 11 April 1994, during the Bosnian War, the
United Nations Protection Force called in air strikes to
protect the Gorade safe area, resulting in the bombing of
a Bosnian Serb military command outpost near Gorade
by two US F-16 jets acting under NATO direction.[60]
This resulted in the taking of 150 U.N. personnel hostage
on 14 April.[61][62] On 16 April a British Sea Harrier was
shot down over Gorade by Serb forces.[63] A two-week
NATO bombing campaign, Operation Deliberate Force,
began in August 1995 against the Army of the Republika
Srpska, after the Srebrenica massacre.[64]
NATO air strikes that year helped bring the Yugoslav
wars to an end, resulting in the Dayton Agreement in
November 1995.[64] As part of this agreement, NATO
deployed a UN-mandated peacekeeping force, under
Operation Joint Endeavor, named IFOR. Almost 60,000
NATO troops were joined by forces from non-NATO nations in this peacekeeping mission. This transitioned into
the smaller SFOR, which started with 32,000 troops initially and ran from December 1996 until December 2004,
when operations where then passed onto European Union
Force Althea.[65] Following the lead of its member nations, NATO began to award a service medal, the NATO
Medal, for these operations.[66]

2.3 Kosovo intervention

Main article: NATO intervention in Bosnia and HerzeMain articles: 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and
The Bosnian War began in 1992, as a result of the
In an eort to stop Slobodan Miloevi's Serbian-led

NATO planes engaged in aerial bombardments during Operation

Deliberate Force after the Srebrenica massacre.

German KFOR soldiers patrol southern Kosovo in 1999

Breakup of Yugoslavia. The deteriorating situation led

to United Nations Security Council Resolution 816 on 9
October 1992, ordering a no-y zone over central Bosnia
and Herzegovina, which NATO began enforcing on 12
April 1993 with Operation Deny Flight. From June 1993

crackdown on KLA separatists and Albanian civilians

in Kosovo, the United Nations Security Council passed
Resolution 1199 on 23 September 1998 to demand a
ceasere. Negotiations under UN Special Envoy Richard
Holbrooke broke down on 23 March 1999, and he handed


Afghanistan War

the matter to NATO, which started a 78-day bombing campaign on 24 March 1999.[67] Operation Allied
Force targeted the military capabilities of what was then
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. During the crisis,
NATO also deployed one of its international reaction
forces, the ACE Mobile Force (Land), to Albania as the
Albania Force (AFOR), to deliver humanitarian aid to
refugees from Kosovo.[68]
Though the campaign was criticized for high civilian casualties, including bombing of the Chinese embassy in
Belgrade, Miloevi nally accepted the terms of an international peace plan on 3 June 1999, ending the Kosovo
War. On 11 June, Miloevi further accepted UN resolution 1244, under the mandate of which NATO then
helped establish the KFOR peacekeeping force. Nearly
one million refugees had ed Kosovo, and part of KFORs
mandate was to protect the humanitarian missions, in addition to deterring violence.[68][69] In AugustSeptember
2001, the alliance also mounted Operation Essential Harvest, a mission disarming ethnic Albanian militias in the
Republic of Macedonia.[70] As of 1 December 2013,
4,882 KFOR soldiers, representing 31 countries, continue to operate in the area.[71]
The US, the UK, and most other NATO countries opposed eorts to require the U.N. Security Council to approve NATO military strikes, such as the action against
Serbia in 1999, while France and some others claimed
that the alliance needed UN approval.[72] The US/UK
side claimed that this would undermine the authority of
the alliance, and they noted that Russia and China would
have exercised their Security Council vetoes to block the
strike on Yugoslavia, and could do the same in future
conicts where NATO intervention was required, thus
nullifying the entire potency and purpose of the organization. Recognizing the post-Cold War military environment, NATO adopted the Alliance Strategic Concept
during its Washington summit in April 1999 that emphasized conict prevention and crisis management.[73]


The September 11th attacks in the United States caused NATO to

invoke its collective defence article for the rst time.

The alliance showed unity: on 16 April 2003, NATO

agreed to take command of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), which includes troops from 42
countries. The decision came at the request of Germany
and the Netherlands, the two nations leading ISAF at the
time of the agreement, and all nineteen NATO ambassadors approved it unanimously. The handover of control
to NATO took place on 11 August, and marked the rst
time in NATOs history that it took charge of a mission
outside the north Atlantic area.[76]

Afghanistan War

Main articles: International Security Assistance Force

and War in Afghanistan
The September 11th attacks in the United States caused
NATO to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Charter for the
rst time in the organizations history. The Article says
that an attack on any member shall be considered to be
an attack on all. The invocation was conrmed on 4
October 2001 when NATO determined that the attacks
were indeed eligible under the terms of the North Atlantic
Treaty.[74] The eight ocial actions taken by NATO in
response to the attacks included Operation Eagle Assist
and Operation Active Endeavour, a naval operation in
the Mediterranean Sea which is designed to prevent the
movement of terrorists or weapons of mass destruction,
as well as enhancing the security of shipping in general
which began on 4 October 2001.[75]

ISAF General David M. Rodriguez at an Italian change of command in Herat.

ISAF was initially charged with securing Kabul and surrounding areas from the Taliban, al Qaeda and factional
warlords, so as to allow for the establishment of the
Afghan Transitional Administration headed by Hamid
Karzai. In October 2003, the UN Security Council authorized the expansion of the ISAF mission throughout Afghanistan,[77] and ISAF subsequently expanded
the mission in four main stages over the whole of the
On 31 July 2006, the ISAF additionally took over military
operations in the south of Afghanistan from a US-led
anti-terrorism coalition.[79] Due to the intensity of the
ghting in the south, in 2011 France allowed a squadron

of Mirage 2000 ghter/attack aircraft to be moved into

the area, to Kandahar, in order to reinforce the alliances
eorts.[80] During its 2012 Chicago Summit, NATO endorsed a plan to end the Afghanistan war and to remove
the NATO-led ISAF Forces by the end of December


Operation Ocean Shield focuses on protecting the ships of

Operation Allied Provider which are distributing aid as
part of the World Food Programme mission in Somalia.
Russia, China and South Korea have sent warships to participate in the activities as well.[84][85]

2.7 Libya intervention


Iraq training mission

Main article: 2011 military intervention in Libya

Main article: NATO Training Mission Iraq

In August 2004, during the Iraq War, NATO formed the
NATO Training Mission Iraq, a training mission to assist the Iraqi security forces in conjunction with the US
led MNF-I.[82] The NATO Training Mission-Iraq (NTMI) was established at the request of the Iraqi Interim Government under the provisions of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1546. The aim of NTM-I was
to assist in the development of Iraqi security forces training structures and institutions so that Iraq can build an
eective and sustainable capability that addresses the
needs of the nation. NTM-I was not a combat mission but is a distinct mission, under the political control
of NATOs North Atlantic Council. Its operational emphasis was on training and mentoring. The activities of
the mission were coordinated with Iraqi authorities and
the US-led Deputy Commanding General Advising and
Training, who is also dual-hatted as the Commander of
NTM-I. The mission ocially concluded on 17 December 2011.[83]


During the Libyan civil war, violence between protestors

and the Libyan government under Colonel Muammar
Gadda escalated, and on 17 March 2011 led to the
passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution
1973, which called for a ceasere, and authorized military action to protect civilians. A coalition that included several NATO members began enforcing a noy zone over Libya shortly afterwards. On 20 March
2011, NATO states agreed on enforcing an arms embargo against Libya with Operation Unied Protector using ships from NATO Standing Maritime Group 1 and
Standing Mine Countermeasures Group 1,[86] and additional ships and submarines from NATO members.[87]
They would monitor, report and, if needed, interdict
vessels suspected of carrying illegal arms or mercenaries

Gulf of Aden anti-piracy

Main article: Operation Ocean Shield

Beginning on 17 August 2009, NATO deployed warships

Libyan Army Palmaria howitzers destroyed by the French Air

Force near Benghazi in March 2011

USS Farragut destroying a Somali pirate ski in March 2010

in an operation to protect maritime trac in the Gulf of

Aden and the Indian Ocean from Somali pirates, and help
strengthen the navies and coast guards of regional states.
The operation was approved by the North Atlantic Council and involves warships primarily from the United States
though vessels from many other nations are also included.

On 24 March, NATO agreed to take control of the

no-y zone from the initial coalition, while command
of targeting ground units remained with the coalitions
forces.[88][89] NATO began ocially enforcing the UN
resolution on 27 March 2011 with assistance from Qatar
and the United Arab Emirates.[90] By June, reports of
divisions within the alliance surfaced as only eight of
the 28 member nations were participating in combat
operations,[91] resulting in a confrontation between US
Defense Secretary Robert Gates and countries such as
Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Germany to
contribute more, the latter believing the organization has
overstepped its mandate in the conict.[92][93][94] In his
nal policy speech in Brussels on 10 June, Gates further
criticized allied countries in suggesting their actions could
cause the demise of NATO.[95] The German foreign min-



istry pointed to a considerable [German] contribution to 3.2 Enlargement

NATO and NATO-led operations and to the fact that this
Main article: Enlargement of NATO
engagement was highly valued by President Obama.[96]
New membership in the alliance has been largely from
While the mission was extended into September, Norway
that day announced it would begin scaling down contributions and complete withdrawal by 1 August.[97] Earlier
that week it was reported Danish air ghters were running out of bombs.[98][99] The following week, the head
of the Royal Navy said the countrys operations in the
conict were not sustainable.[100] By the end of the mission in October 2011, after the death of Colonel Gadda,
NATO planes had own about 9,500 strike sorties against
pro-Gadda targets.[101][102] Following a coup d'tat attempt in October 2013, Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan requested technical advice and trainers from NATO
to assist with ongoing security issues.[103]


Participating countries

NATO has added 12 new members since the German reunication and the end of the Cold War.

Main article: Member states of NATO

NATO has twenty-eight members, mainly in Europe and Eastern Europe and the Balkans, including former members of the Warsaw Pact. Their accession to the alliance is governed with individual Membership Action
Plans, and will require approval by each current member. NATO currently has three candidate countries that
are in the process of joining the alliance: Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the Republic of Macedonia.[109] Though Macedonia completed its requirements
for membership at the same time as Croatia and Albania,
NATOs most recent members, its accession was blocked
by Greece pending a resolution of the Macedonia naming dispute.[110] In order to support each other in the process, new and potential members in that region formed
the Adriatic Charter in 2003.[111] Georgia is also an aspiring member, and was promised future membership
NATO organizes regular summits for leaders of their members during the 2008 summit in Bucharest,[112] although, in
states and partnerships.
2014, US President Barack Obama said the country was
not currently on a path to membership.[113]
North America. Some of these countries also have territory on multiple continents, which can be covered only as
far south as the Tropic of Cancer in the Atlantic Ocean,
which denes NATOs area of responsibility under Article 6 of the North Atlantic Treaty. During the original treaty negotiations, the United States insisted that
colonies like the Belgian Congo be excluded from the
treaty.[104][105] French Algeria was however covered until
3 July 1962.[106] Twelve of these twenty-eight are original members who joined in 1949, while the other sixteen
joined in one of seven enlargement rounds. Few members spend more than two percent of their gross domestic
product on defense,[107] with the United States accounting
for three fourths of NATO defense spending.[108]

Russia continues to oppose further expansion, seeing it as

inconsistent with understandings between Soviet leader
Mikhail Gorbachev and European and U.S. negotiators that allowed for a peaceful German reunication.[44]
NATOs expansion eorts are often seen by Moscow
leaders as a continuation of a Cold War attempt to surround and isolate Russia.[114] Ukraine's relationship with
NATO and Europe has been politically divisive, and contributed to extquotedblEuromaidan extquotedbl protests
that saw the ousting of pro-Russian President Viktor
Yanukovych in 2014. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk,
however, reiterated the governments stance that Ukraine
is not seeking NATO membership.[115] Ukraine is one
of eight countries in Eastern Europe with an Individual



Partnership Action Plan. IPAPs began in 2002, and are

open to countries that have the political will and ability
to deepen their relationship with NATO.[116] In the wake
of the 2014 Crimean crisis, various Eastern European
members of the alliance pressed for NATO troops to be
permanently stationed on their soil, a development that
would be at variance with the 1997 cooperation agreement with Russia, though NATO says it is not legally
bound by that agreement.[117]

ilar way with Israel and countries in North Africa. The

Istanbul Cooperation Initiative was announced in 2004 as
a dialog forum for the Middle East along the same lines
as the Mediterranean Dialogue. The four participants are
also linked through the Gulf Cooperation Council.[124]

Partnership for Peace conducts multinational military exercises

like Cooperative Archer, which took place in Tblisi in July 2007
with 500 servicemen from four NATO members, eight PfP members, and Jordan, a Mediterranean Dialogue participant.[118]

4 Structures

Political dialogue with Japan began in 1990, and since

then, the Alliance has gradually increased its contact with
countries that do not form part of any of these cooperation initiatives.[125] In 1998, NATO established a set
of general guidelines that do not allow for a formal institutionalization of relations, but reect the Allies de3.3 Partnerships
sire to increase cooperation. Following extensive debate,
the term Contact Countries was agreed by the Allies in
Further information: Foreign relations of NATO
2000. By 2012, the Alliance had broadened this group,
The Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme was estab- which meets to discuss issues such as counter-piracy and
technology exchange, under the names partners across
the globe or global partners.[126][127] Australia and
New Zealand, both contact counties, are also members
of the AUSCANNZUKUS strategic alliance, and similar
regional or bilateral agreements between contact countries and NATO members also aid cooperation. In June
2013, Colombia and NATO signed an Agreement on the
Security of Information to explore future cooperation and
consultation in areas of common interest; Colombia became the rst and only Latin American country to cooperate with NATO.[128]

lished in 1994 and is based on individual bilateral relations between each partner country and NATO: each
country may choose the extent of its participation.[119]
Members include all current and former members of
the Commonwealth of Independent States.[120] The EuroAtlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) was rst established on 29 May 1997, and is a forum for regular coordination, consultation and dialogue between all fty
participants.[121] The PfP programme is considered the
operational wing of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership.[119]
Other third countries also have been contacted for participation in some activities of the PfP framework such Anders Fogh Rasmussen took over as Secretary General of NATO
in August 2009 after serving as the Prime Minister of Denmark.
as Afghanistan.[122]
The European Union (EU) signed a comprehensive package of arrangements with NATO under the Berlin Plus
agreement on 16 December 2002. With this agreement
the EU was given the possibility to use NATO assets in
case it wanted to act independently in an international crisis, on the condition that NATO itself did not want to
actthe so-called extquotedblright of rst refusal.[123] It
provides a double framework for the EU countries that
are also linked with the PfP programme. Additionally,
NATO cooperates and discusses their activities with numerous other non-NATO members. The Mediterranean
Dialogue was established in 1994 to coordinate in a sim-

The main headquarters of NATO is located on Boulevard

Lopold III/Leopold III-laan, B-1110 Brussels, which is
in Haren, part of the City of Brussels municipality.[129] A
new headquarters building is, as of 2010, under construction nearby, due for completion by 2015.[130] The design
is an adaptation of the original award-winning scheme designed by Michel Mossessian and his team when he was
a Design Partner with Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.[131]
The sta at the Headquarters is composed of national delegations of member countries and includes civilian and
military liaison oces and ocers or diplomatic mis-


Military structures


sions and diplomats of partner countries, as well as the

International Sta and International Military Sta lled
from serving members of the armed forces of member
states.[132] Non-governmental citizens groups have also
grown up in support of NATO, broadly under the banner of the Atlantic Council/Atlantic Treaty Association


NATO Council

Like any alliance, NATO is ultimately governed by its 28

member states. However, the North Atlantic Treaty and
other agreements outline how decisions are to be made
within NATO. Each of the 28 members sends a delegation or mission to NATOs headquarters in Brussels,
Belgium.[133] The senior permanent member of each delegation is known as the Permanent Representative and is
generally a senior civil servant or an experienced ambassador (and holding that diplomatic rank). Several countries have diplomatic missions to NATO through embassies in Belgium.

NATO Ministers of Defense and of Foreign Aairs meet at NATO

headquarters in Brussels.

Chairman of the Defence Committee of the Bundestag

and a member of the Christian Democratic Union, became president of the assembly in 2010.[136] It is however ocially a dierent structure from NATO, and has
as aim to join together deputies of NATO countries in
order to discuss security policies on the NATO Council.

The Assembly is the political integration body of NATO

that generates political policy agenda setting for the
Together, the Permanent Members form the North At- NATO Council via reports of its ve committees:
lantic Council (NAC), a body which meets together at
least once a week and has eective governance author Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security
ity and powers of decision in NATO. From time to time
the Council also meets at higher level meetings involv Defence and Security Committee
ing foreign ministers, defence ministers or heads of state
Economics and Security Committee
or government (HOSG) and it is at these meetings that
major decisions regarding NATOs policies are generally
Political Committee
taken. However, it is worth noting that the Council has
Science and Technology Committee
the same authority and powers of decision-making, and
its decisions have the same status and validity, at whatever
level it meets. NATO summits also form a further venue These reports provide impetus and direction as agreed
for decisions on complex issues, such as enlargement.
upon by the national governments of the member states
The meetings of the North Atlantic Council are chaired through their own national political processes and inuby the Secretary General of NATO and, when decisions encers to the NATO administrative and executive orgahave to be made, action is agreed upon on the basis of nizational entities.
unanimity and common accord. There is no voting or decision by majority. Each nation represented at the Coun4.3 Military structures
cil table or on any of its subordinate committees retains
complete sovereignty and responsibility for its own deciMain article: Military units and formations of NATO
NATOs military operations are directed by the
Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, and split
into two Strategic Commands commanded by a senior US
4.2 NATO Parliamentary Assembly
ocer and a senior French ocer[137] assisted by a sta
drawn from across NATO. The Strategic Commanders
Main article: NATO Parliamentary Assembly
The body that sets broad strategic goals for NATO is are responsible to the Military Committee for the overAlliance military matters
the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO-PA) which all direction and conduct of all [51]
meets at the Annual Session, and one other during the
year, and is the organ that directly interacts with the parliamentary structures of the national governments of the
member states which appoint Permanent Members, or
ambassadors to NATO. The NATO Parliamentary Assembly is made up of legislators from the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance as well as thirteen
associate members. Karl A. Lamers, German Deputy

Each countrys delegation includes a Military Representative, a senior ocer from each countrys armed forces,
supported by the International Military Sta. Together
the Military Representatives form the Military Committee, a body responsible for recommending to NATOs
political authorities those measures considered necessary
for the common defence of the NATO area. Its principal



Rapid Deployable Corps, including Eurocorps, I. German/Dutch Corps, Multinational Corps Northeast, and
NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps among others, as
well as naval High Readiness Forces (HRFs), which all
report to Allied Command Operations.[144]

4.4 NATO Networks

There are several communications networks used by
NATO to support its exercises and operations:
Battleeld Information Collection and Exploitation
Systems (BICES)
NATO E-3A ying with US F-16s in a NATO exercise

role is to provide direction and advice on military policy and strategy. It provides guidance on military matters
to the NATO Strategic Commanders, whose representatives attend its meetings, and is responsible for the overall
conduct of the military aairs of the Alliance under the
authority of the Council.[138] The Chairman of the NATO
Military Committee is Knud Bartels of Denmark, since
Like the Council, from time to time the Military Committee also meets at a higher level, namely at the level
of Chiefs of Defence, the most senior military ocer
in each nations armed forces. Until 2008 the Military
Committee excluded France, due to that countrys 1966
decision to remove itself from NATOs integrated military structure, which it rejoined in 1995. Until France
rejoined NATO, it was not represented on the Defence
Planning Committee, and this led to conicts between it
and NATO members.[140] Such was the case in the lead up
to Operation Iraqi Freedom.[141] The operational work of
the Committee is supported by the International Military
The NATO command structure evolved throughout the
Cold War and its aftermath. An integrated military structure for NATO was rst established in 1950 as it became clear that NATO would need to enhance its defenses
for the longer term against a potential Soviet attack. In
April 1951, Allied Command Europe and its headquarters (SHAPE) were established; later, four subordinate
headquarters were added in Northern and Central Europe, the Southern Region, and the Mediterranean.[142]
From 19972003 the Strategic Commanders were the
Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and
the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACLANT)
but the current arrangement is to separate command responsibility between Allied Command Transformation
(ACT), responsible for transformation and training of
NATO forces, and Allied Command Operations (ACO),
responsible for NATO operations worldwide.[143] Starting in late 2003 NATO has restructured how it commands and deploys its troops by creating several NATO

Crisis Response Operations in NATO Operating

Systems (CRONOS), which is a system of interconnected computer networks used by NATO to transmit classied information at the level of NATO Secret.
Combined Federated Battle Laboratories Network
(CFBLNet), which is a wide area network connecting the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, six NATO countries and Sweden for sharing research and development information.

5 See also
List of military alliances
Warsaw Pact

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ISBN 1-8510-9480-6.

Clausson, M. I. (2006). NATO: Status, Relations,

and Decision-Making. Nova Publishers. ISBN 160021-098-8.

Zenko, Micah (2010). Between Threats and War:

U.S. Discrete Military Operations in the Post-Cold
War World. Stanford University Press. ISBN 08047-7191-X.

Collins, Brian J. (2011). NATO: A Guide to the Issues. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 0-3133-5491-X.
Gartho, Raymond L. (1994). Dtente and confrontation: American-Soviet relations from Nixon to
Reagan. Brookings Institution Press. ISBN 0-81573041-1.
Gorbachev, Mikhail (1996). Memoirs. London:
Doubleday. ISBN 978-0-385-40668-0.

8 External links
Ocial website
Basic NATO Documents

Collected news
NATO collected news and commentary at Al
Jazeera English
NATO collected news and commentary at Dawn
NATO collected news and commentary at The
NATO collected news and commentary at The New
York Times
NATO collected news and commentary at The Wall
Street Journal
Historic lms
The short lm Big Picture: Why NATO? is available
for free download at the Internet Archive [more]
The short lm Big Picture: NATO Maneuvers is available for free download at the Internet Archive [more]



Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses



NATO Source: Contributors: The Epopt, WojPob, Brion VIBBER, Eloquence,
Mav, Berek, Tarquin, Koyaanis Qatsi, Manning Bartlett, VincentV, Matusz, SimonP, Ben-Zin, Axon, Zoe, Daniel C. Boyer, Tox, Arj, Hotlorp, Edward, Bogdan Stanciu, Michael Hardy, BrianHansen, Dante Alighieri, Odin, Dhum Dhum, AdamRaizen, Liftarn, Gabbe, Hoshie,
Stewacide, Mic, Tango, Sannse, Karl Stas, Delirium, Chadloder, Ahoerstemeier, Jeejee, Cyp, Arwel Parry, Snoyes, Erich, TUF-KAT, Den
fjttrade ankan, Kingturtle, Bogdangiusca, Netsnipe, Jiang, Kaihsu, Igor, GCarty, Hpa, John K, Samuel, Mxn, Ilyanep, Lommer, Edmilne,
Hashar, Smith03, Vanished user 5zariu3jisj0j4irj, Timwi, PaulinSaudi, David Newton, Kroum, WhisperToMe, Radiojon, DJ Clayworth,
Peregrine981, Tpbradbury, Astrotrain, Imc, Morwen, Tempshill, SEWilco, Omegatron, Nickshanks, Lord Emsworth, Mackensen, Bjarki
S, Cabalamat, Qertis, Wolfram, David.Monniaux, MD87, Lumos3, Denelson83, Donarreiskoer, Branddobbe, EdwinHJ, Robbot, ChrisO,
Fredrik, Jredmond, TMC1221, Jotomicron, Stephen Kennedy, Romanm, Naddy, Modulatum, Calmypal, Lowellian, Mayooranathan, Mirv,
Postdlf, Rfc1394, TMLutas, Texture, Gidonb, Timrollpickering, Saganaga, Hadal, Millosh, Jsonitsac, Wikibot, David Edgar, Jor, SoLando,
HaeB, Hcheney, Cordell, SpellBott, Dina, Alan Liefting, Ncox, DocWatson42, MaGioZal, Christopher Parham, Jacoplane, Marnanel, Urmas, Sinuhe, Eran, Seabhcan, Targo, Mccislcm, Fudoreaper, var Arnfjr Bjarmason, Tom harrison, Ferkelparade, MSGJ, TDC, Obli,
Henry Flower, Paploo, Cantus, Gareth Wyn, Xinoph, BigBen212, Kpalion, Get-back-world-respect, Solipsist, Dumbo1, VampWillow, Matt
Crypto, Darrien, Avala, Agnus, Bobblewik, Edcolins, Ragib, Golbez, Gugganij, 159753, Ruy Lopez, Bact, Telso, Gazibara, Sysin, Seba,
UgenBot, Antandrus, Beland, Phe, MistToys, Piotrus, Quarl, Vanished user 1234567890, AlexanderWinston, Rdsmith4, Oneiros, Secfan, Rlquall, Husnock, PFHLai, Pgreennch, Cynical, Grunners, Soman, Bonhumm, SamSim, Neutrality, Enzino, Ctac, Ukexpat, Now3d,
Chepry, Ericg, Jakro64, Lacrimosus, Thorwald, Ryuu, R, Freakofnurture, N328KF, Poccil, Indosauros, A-giau, RossPatterson, Naryathegreat, Rich Farmbrough, C12H22O11, Rama, Tristan Schmelcher, Tomtom, Wk muriithi, Aris Katsaris, Eric Shalov, Notinasnaid,
Xezbeth, Erolos, MarkS, Bender235, ESkog, Sunborn, Kbh3rd, Rascalb, Jensbn, MBisanz, El C, Kwamikagami, Hayabusa future, Kross,
Tom, Spearhead, Art LaPella, Dennis Brown, Spoon!, Andreww, Bobo192, TomStar81, Whosyourjudas, Longhair, Func, Walkiped, BrokenSegue, Dpaajones, Kjkolb, Darwinek, Slambo, Colonel Cow, PeterisP, Numerousfalx, Twobells, MPerel, Pearle, Jonathunder, Leifern,
Jumbuck, Storm Rider, Musiphil, Alansohn, Appzter, Blahma, FaustX, Trainik, Andrewpmk, Andrew Gray, Patrick Lucas, TintininLisbon,
JoaoRicardo, AzaToth, Lectonar, Redmage, Fat pig73, TJK1, Cdc, Idont Havaname, Alinor, Hadija, Rwendland, Snowolf, Zsero, Yossiea,
XB-70, Saga City, ProhibitOnions, Themillofkeytone, MadiZone, Danntm, Jrleighton, Garzo, Aka, Evil Monkey, RainbowOfLight, Sciurin, Kober, Mrowlinson, Vuo, Deathphoenix, Jguk, Sleigh, Alai, Redvers, Ringbang, Maestral, Nightstallion, Vadim Makarov, ZakuSage,
Tariqabjotu, LARS, Pcpcpc, Siafu, Hojimachong, Bobrayner, Joey7643, Joriki, Jon.baldwin, Woohookitty, Asav, Simon Shek, Dandv,
Josephf, Mazca, Hurricane Angel, JeremyA, Eleassar777, Tabletop, Pehlakas, GregorB, Maartenvdbent, Mb1000, Kralizec!,
Karam.Anthony.K, Rjecina, Palica, Teemu Leisti, SilhouetteSaloon, SqueakBox, Thewanderer, Graham87, Rpeblack, Kbdank71, FreplySpang, CFynn, Island, Miq, Dpr, Canderson7, Sjakkalle, Rjwilmsi, Mayumashu, Lars T., Dr.Gonzo, Koavf, Erebus555, JoshuacUK,
Bruce1ee, SpNeo, Vegaswikian, Funnyhat, Oblivious, Ligulem, Mikedelsol, CQJ, Sohmc, Lairor, Czalex, Zanturaeon, Brighterorange,
DoubleBlue, Dar-Ape, FlavrSavr, GregAsche, Yamamoto Ichiro, SNIyer12, FayssalF, FlaBot, Ian Pitchford, Kallemax, Ground Zero,
FleetfootMike, Mark83, RexNL, Gurch, TheDJ, Str1977, BabyNuke, Stevenfruitsmaak, Robbyslaughter, Preslethe, Hunterd, Alphachimp,
McDogm, Kedadi, Daycd, Zotel, Gurubrahma, Valentinian, Toi, Chobot, Jaraalbe, Alexbaker, Chwyatt, RSK, Cornellrockey, Imsoclever,
The Rambling Man, YurikBot, Wavelength, TheTrueSora, Vedranf, RobotE, Talrinys, Wester, Hairy Dude, Mukkakukaku, RussBot, Klael,
WAvegetarian, Thmars10, SpuriousQ, Gaius Cornelius, Akhristov, Neilbeach, Tungsten, Wimt, Draeco, NawlinWiki, Hawkeye7, Alset,
Wiki alf, DJ Bungi, Tne80, Johann Wolfgang, SigPig, Tapir, Rjensen, Krea, Ve3, Nick, Brian Crawford, RL0919, Rudykog, Mareternum,
Danlaycock, Denihilonihil, Yano, Tony1, Zwobot, Syrthiss, Inistad, Mysid, Sjjb, Bark, Bota47, Nescio, Jpeob, Nlu, Ms2ger, Mholland,
Toddself, Blacksand, Sandstein, 21655, Bayerischermann, Knotnic, Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry, Closedmouth, JQF, Tsunaminoai,
Canley, De Administrando Imperio, Sean Whitton, Petri Krohn, Nothlit, Jor70, Mursel, VodkaJazz, Hayden120, Pdraic MacUidhir,
Beliar, Staxringold, David Biddulph, PaxEquilibrium, Bart l, Listowy, Kungfuadam, Otto ter Haar, Teryx, GrinBot, Asterion, Jon Ace,
Nick-D, Jade Knight, DVD R W, Hide&Reason, Mgroid, The Minister of War, Yvwv, SmackBot, Looper5920, Britannicus, Slarre,
Stjepan, PEHowland, David Kernow, Foxbat89, Chaplain, Prodego, KnowledgeOfSelf, Bjelleklang, Pgk, ParkerHiggins, AndyZ, Bomac,
WilyD, Siva.eas, Davewild, Patrickneil, Esaborio, Midway, Zyxw, Michael Dorosh, Delldot, Talain, Canthusus, Gjs238, Aivazovsky, Kelw,
TCashion, Cheezisyum21, Edgar181, HalfShadow, Jkp1187, Mjolnir1984, Kudzu1, Fazalmajid, Gilliam, Hmains, Desiphral, Muuletta,
Delux, Master Jay, Bluebot, Ottawakismet, Thom2002, Andrew Chung, AndrewRT, Achmelvic, Ksenon, Kaliz, Thumperward, Elagatis,
MalafayaBot, Fluri, SchftyThree, Hibernian, Bazonka, FTAAPJE, Dlohcierekims sock, DHN-bot, Colonies Chris, U, Yanksox, Joebloggsy, Chendy, Sgt Pinback, Zsinj, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Vasilken, Penrithguy, Digital1, OOODDD, SpidermanSuperman, MJCdetroit, Rohawn, Michkalas, TheKMan, Xiner, Adoubleplusgood, Addshore, Greenshed, Bolivian Unicyclist, Edivorce, Grover cleveland,
Nshaver, Gamche, Gragox, Flyguy649, DinosaursLoveExistence, Kathylee, Wiz9999, Soviet Dolphin, Cybercobra, Khukri, Mnw2000,
Headofvecna, Nakon, Jiddisch, Kevlar67, Bullytr, Dutch Rongo, RandomP, Mini-Geek, Soulpiercer7, BlueGoose, AlexJ, Natebjones,
Copysan, Krasnayaarmiya, Knuckles sonic8, Evlekis, Vina-iwbot, Alcuin, Pilotguy, Skinnyweed, Ohconfucius, Kristifor Kendjelac, The
undertow, SashatoBot, Jombo, Rklawton, NotMuchToSay, Takamaxa, JzG, Piratelooksat30some2001, John, MayerG, JackLumber, Timdownie, Scientizzle, Iliev, Tazmaniacs, Jan.Smolik, Kipala, LWF, DmitriyR, MilborneOne, Michael Slana, Xiandotm, Pronoun, Joelo,
Gnevin, PoorTom, Bluewind, Nobunaga24, CylonCAG, MarkSutton, Astuishin, Massy, Shangrilaista, Apcbg, Beetstra, Produce chiapet,
Plattler01, Dammit, AdultSwim, Sijo Ripa, AEMoreira042281, Andrwsc, MTSbot, Jose77, Wikimam, NeroN BG, Nicolasdz, Regulus
marzo4103, Crweezerccr, Keycard, TJ Spyke, Burto88, Levineps, Thedrewid314, Iridescent, NEMT, Michaelbusch, Laddiebuck, Tryde,
Judgesurreal777, Vanished user 90345uifj983j4toi234k, JoeBot, J Di, Igoldste, 1mac4u, Amakuru, Dionysos1, Octane, Beno1000, Yosy,
Marysunshine, Civil Engineer III, Goran.S2, Pathosbot, Tawkerbot2, Raerth, Pudeo, Joshuagross, MightyWarrior, J Milburn, GarlicBreath,
SuperTank17, Wolfdog, CmdrObot, FunPika, Aaronak, Jorcoga, Thai Phan, Picaroon, Ldingley, Umedard, Unavoidable, GHe, KnightLago, Stevo1000, Yarnalgo, SteVanDan, Sahrin, Orca1 9904, No1lakersfan, Oruj, Alpha.three, Hemlock Martinis, Nilfanion, Jeronimomomo2, Yaris678, Cydebot, Fnlayson, Ntsimp, Wiki01916, Future Perfect at Sunrise, HawkShark, Aszumila, Hoobiebacon, Zeppelin462,
Gogo Dodo, Travelbird, Crowish, Khatru2, ST47, Andyroo161, Quibik, Dragomilo, NukeMTV, DumbBOT, JCO312, Blackbird 4, Optimist on the run, Carl0006, Wzzgmn, Devilsfanatic30, Zer0faults, Beckeny, Ragster128, TAG.Odessa, B lav, Dark Samus, Satori Son, Kioloasder, Potterseesall, Dharma6662000, Rougher07, FrancoGG, CieloEstrellado, Fyedernoggersnodden, Epbr123, Barticus88, Biruitorul,
Erich Schmidt, Stewx, Brian Boru is awesome, Faigl.ladislav, Ucanlookitup, Memty Bot, SeNeKa, Sting, Newton2, RichJTD, RevolverOcelotX, Asaba, Anubiandragun, Tellyaddict, Philu, Milhead13, Grahamdubya, Sinn, Dfrg.msc, Hcobb, Zachary, Therequiembellishere, Natalie Erin, Escarbot, The Legendary Ranger, CamperStrike, Oreo Priest, Mrodowicz, AntiVandalBot, Luna Santin, Widefox, Pretender2j,
Ndlfutbol1, Voyaging, StringRay, Cnota, Gon4z, John Mathai, F-451, Azder, Couchinsurance, Glentamara, DWolf2k2, Chronisgr, Credema, MECU, Fearless Son, Canadian-Bacon, JAnDbot, Deective, Husond, LeedsKing, Kirjapan, Lan Di, Sulejman, Hello32020, Sword-




hunter0690, Roleplayer, GurchBot, Yill577, Retroviseur, Savant13, Ryan4314, FishHeadAbcd, Kerotan, NedFlanders, Kilrothi, Yosh3000,
, Mustardy, Canjth, Pedro, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Professor marginalia, Cville Gamer, Mclay1, Kaodk, Puddhe, Buckshot06,
BanRay, Tobogganoggin, Nyttend, Foochar, The Anomebot2, ROOB323, Gremwood, Catgut, Animum, Almost Anonymous, Ehowell98,
Mkdw, Tins128, Macquarie, Alexsau1991, Spellmaster, Cdiasoh, Bobanny, DerHexer, JaGa, Markus451, Megalodon99, Khalid Mahmood,
Garik 11, TheRanger, Patstuart, Tuioy, B. Wolterding, JRWalko, Dirtybutclean, Mannerheim, SquidSK, NatureA16, Pvosta, Stephenchou0722, S3000, FisherQueen, Pauly04, MartinBot, WhyTanFox, Rettetast, Sm8900, Birdie, Mschel, Flrn, CommonsDelinker, AlexiusHoratius, Nono64, Pekaje, Lilac Soul, Alaexis, Billy Pilgrim, Kipacharya, Ssolbergj, Limongi, J.delanoy, Cucumberson04, Michaell,
FNEEGAN, UBeR, Hans Dunkelberg, J intela, Kemiv, SemDem, Nigholith, Sirtrebuchet, Vanished user 342562, Alex2706, Dispenser,
999mal, Katalaveno, Smeira, Abhijitsathe, Kidmini, McSly, Ash sul, Snake bgd, Wiki1609, NewEnglandYankee, Wren-3, Assassin3577,
Cobi, Flatterworld, Christopher Kraus, FJPB, Shoessss, UltimatheChosen, Bennelliott, Cometstyles, Burzmali, Stymphal, Leladax, Osmodius, Kolja21, Dimka Kovalll, Lolitsgoatse, DMCer, Bonadea, KudzuVine, Pglukhov, Josephjosephjoseph, Targo144, Roma007, Andy
Marchbanks, Straw Cat, Alex:D, Punisher707, Paddy Brown, AntiLiberal2, Feliath, Yorek, Tkgd2007, EmperorFedor, Samian, CardinalDan, Idioma-bot, Spellcast, Betterthanbond, Scottwh, VolkovBot, That-Vela-Fella, CWii, Thedjatclubrock, ABF, Rtdixon86, Hersfold, Tesscass, Lbunker, Raggz, Wcrosbie, HJ32, Kyle the bot, DarthGator, Ilya1166, Alakee, Bsroiaadn, Giladt, Aesopos, Epson291,
TXiKiBoT, Dirka Dubs, Woodsstock, Dormskirk, Lvivske, Warrush, Mikey Cipriani, YankeeFan90, PDFbot, Sie777, Friendlyfoe, Tangoromeo, Maxim, Lazulite, Mingus19, Ncsapio, Mouse is back, Imbris, Lerdthenerd, Fp21, Supermustard, BoredArnold, Synthebot,
Sammyfoo93, HaniEngEgy, ShadowEdge, AjitPD, Eurocopter, Leftdown2, Sapphic, WatermelonPotion, The Devils Advocate, Davidlandoncole, Brianga, Hiforu, Chenzw, Kokokhatcha, Trikiwi, Debatesuperman, AlleborgoBot, Baki66, Stefan040780, Munci, HansHermans,
Amfx22000, Signsolid, EmxBot, Uncle Scrooge, Flint fredstone, Demmy, Traceguy, The Random Editor, Macogle, Kill-Zone12, SieBot,
Ttony21, Tiddly Tom, Sparrowman980, Rob.bastholm, Rave92, Dawn Bard, Caltas, JCIV, Calabraxthis, LeadSongDog, Kitty2008, Gabethenerd, Keilana, SP900, Digwuren, RucasHost, Toddst1, Riwnodennyk, Belinrahs, Oda Mari, Colfer2, Buttons, JSpung, DarkMario91,
Lohengrin1991, Smilesfozwood, Vmrgrsergr, Nuttycoconut, Statedc, Steven Zhang, Lightmouse, Numbersarebad108, Techman224, Hobartimus, Int21h, Demibee, BenoniBot, Vanished user kijsdion3i4jf, Eugen Simion 14, Gunmetal Angel, Macy, Kal-el-210, Reginmund,
Fatalforsaken, Bogo1983, Bert Schlossberg, Pbasic, PieceNik, Danieltiger45, Nn123645, Kissore, GioCM, Efe, C0nanPayne, Angelo De
La Paz, Counterfact, Ainlina, Jw2034, WikipedianMarlith, Dancingwombatsrule, Deavenger, Loren.wilton, MBK004, Elassint, ClueBot,
Jchatter, Jsdixie uk, Andriy155, RedGav, Binksternet, Clivemacd, PipepBot, Contralya, Foxj, Swedish fusilier, Cambrasa, Afrique, Tomas
e, Der Golem, Bangkokbetty, Mihalko, CounterVandalismBot, Viplux, Blanchardb, Neverquick, Toofunky, Sv1xv, 12allanon1, Supergodzilla2090, Dwrcan, Robert Skyhawk, Socrates2008, Tomeasy, Taifarious1, Gmred, Vilcabamba, Baseballbaker23, Leonard^Bloom,
Niteshift36, Rhatsa26X, Estirabot, Duncan1800, Ro0103, Dimitar2007, Datastat, MacedonianBoy, NuclearWarfare, L.tak, Dougie WII,
Jotterbot, Mo1981, Mlas, Blink123, CletusVanStompU, Thingg, Lindberg, Patkica, Aitias, MJMacNaughton, Yugoyugo, Satandud, Wynford, IJA, Zik2, Ftheclintons, DumZiBoT, Dan Umbrage, Omnesvulnerantun, XLinkBot, Cerian, BodhisattvaBot, Stickee, Wangsta5,
Nepenthes, Rreagan007, IAMTrust, SilvonenBot, Armymjm, Alexius08, Luisfege, WikiDao, Ancientworld, Linesdata, Raso mk, Good
Olfactory, Lemmey, Urlulu, Jaanusele, 99lava, Addbot, Ghyslyn, Zorroelconquistador, Sidewinder, Pkanel80, Fieldglasses, Krawndawg,
Mike Babic, Shattered Wikiglass, Jojhutton, Acoblogger, Tcncv, Enea95, Wouters.pat, Ecneislop, Ayapota, UltioUltionis, Dr. Spikez,
Nohomers48, 157.228.x.x, AkhtaBot, Vision en, Andrewaisgay, Bezzyhunter69, Laurinavicius, Huxux, Breakwings90, Fl061087, Sceneshock, Sfowler22, Manuman73, Douglas the Comeback Kid, Ekologkonsult, CroManIvo, Nedadim, Jbatistakis, LokiiT, Chamal N, Desyman44, Nelichka31, Dajenk, Dynamization, Lihaas, AnnaFrance, LinkFA-Bot, Abunakhli, Ks 7508, Liberalism is Marxism, Numbo3-bot,
Alanscottwalker, Rhinorow, Pietrow, Zorrobot, Stef-xo, Justice America, Legobot, Wcmead3,
, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Ist58159, 2D,
Ptbotgourou, Legobot II, Rsquire3, Amirobot, Satt 2, Nirvana888, Washburnmav, KamikazeBot, Zagorulya, Ayrton Prost, IW.HG, Mister
Flash, KlickingKarl, Tempodivalse, Szajci, N1RK4UDSK714, Helatsson, AnomieBOT, Jfry3, Sinbad Barron, Wojteks, Msmaddymax,
FeelSunny, Reanin, 1exec1, Trippsusername, Rjanag, Galoubet, Lord Casus, Fanoftheworld, Adam Zbransk, Sz-iwbot, Hixteilchen, OllieFury, Pipeafcr, Ahtdoan, DynamoDegsy, ArthurBot, Arnoldkul, Enok, MauritsBot, Xqbot, Balkanian`s word, TomB123, , Kasugakun, Capricorn42, AnnieBrave, Davydoug, Maintransatlantic, Lim Ka Heck, Date delinker, Cr4zi, Tomwsulcer, BritishWatcher, DeutchEditor-In-Chief, Groovenstein, Clayto.robbins, Mdaman, Almabot, GrouchoBot, FlashinLeather, ProtectionTaggingBot, Damian Radu,
TashkentFox, RibotBOT, Greekre10, USS BlackDragon, Carrite, Nedim Ardoa, Ctolsen, Creez34, Buianh, Cogitare, GhalyBot, MerlLinkBot, Spinach Monster, Mg0314g, Vihelik, Farmerbrown22, Kpboucher, RightCowLeftCoast, SgtAvestrand1956, Depictionimage,
Streak195, GiW, Tobby72, Thayts, Colombianstar, Stanszyk, Zhub, Trust Is All You Need, Bambuway, Purpleturple, Mrt2349876, Bromley86, Citation bot 1, Aogouguo, HRoestBot, Vladmirsh, Supreme Deliciousness, Clubminsk, Uranai Baba, Mediatech492, Forward Unto
Dawn, EdoDodo, FoxBot, Jackknight28, TobeBot, Lotje, UrukHaiLoR, Prmwp, Underlying lk, Peacedance, Innotata, Tbhotch, RjwilmsiBot, Chipmunkdavis, Acsian88, Elium2, Nick897, Kaiserble, EmausBot, WikitanvirBot, JCRules, Gfoley4, Mangostein, Mph703, Tbacker,
Sp33dyphil, Hoovering, Yattum, Illegitimate Barrister, Wikifreund, Thargor Orlando, H3llBot, DBG Heuser, TheEvanCat, Josh Gorand,
Ns.code, Brandmeister, KNF, Gsarwa, Golfcourseairhorn, Damirgrati, Morgengave, Tellsbadjokes, Careful! They're rued!, Elhugheszete, Harrison49, Spicemix, Truthincontext, Op nish them, Iloveandrea, Movses-bot, MiniCruzer, Crazyturbo76, Darkjedi10, Snotbot,
08OceanBeach SD, Petey Parrot, CopperSquare, Zmaher, Noitazilivic, Trilectric, Helpful Pixie Bot, Gob Lofa, BG19bot, Mouloud47,
Prcc27, Kaltenmeyer, PhnomPencil, Air Miss, Compfreak7, FutureTrillionaire, Artem Karimov, Axle Road, Zach Vega, Dainomite,
Paul63243, Soerfm, Jeancey, Jorge Koli, Abazz, Zedshort, CSJJ104, Caypartisbot, Oleg-ch, BattyBot, Triggerhippie4, Mrt3366, Eatmajor7th, Nick.mon, 23 editor, Plokijnu, BrightStarSky, Smalleditor, Dexbot, Rezonansowy, LightandDark2000, XXzoonamiXX, Sowlos,
Pinx, Killuminator, P2Peter, StayBehind, Dustin V. S., XLD, Zinoural, UnbiasedVictory, Royalenlightenment, AXJS88, SnoozeKing,
LadyGodiva99, Jonas Vinther, Jcfrommn, Monkbot, Attractel, AntiqueReader, Peterthlee and Anonymous: 1421



File:Anders_Fogh_Rasmussen_in_Austin.jpg Source:
Rasmussen_in_Austin.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: NATO Secretary General Visit [Image 10 of 14] Original artist: Sta Sgt.
Eric Wilson, Texas Military Forces, DVIDSHUB
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Original artist: Master Sgt. James Bowman, U.S. Air Force

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Public domain Contributors: Original artist: US Army
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Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
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Contributors: SVG implementation of the 63-145 Algerian law extquotedblon Characteristics of the Algerian national emblem extquotedbl (
extquotedblCaractristiques du Drapeau Algrien extquotedbl, in English). Original artist: This graphic was originaly drawn by User:SKopp.
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Contributors: Own work, Original artist: User:SKopp
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Contributors: Original artist: Zscout370
File:Flag_of_Belgium.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Van den Bussche, E., Chief of Protocol, Belgian Federal Department of the Interior (2008) Noble Belgique, Mre chrie LE PROTOCOLE EN BELGIQUE (PROTOCOL IN BELGIUM), Heule: Editions UGA ISBN: 9789067689359. Original artist: Dbenbenn and
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Herzegovina.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Kseferovic
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000005&g= as: Original artist: SKopp
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File:Flag_of_Colombia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Drawn by User:SKopp Original artist: SKopp
File:Flag_of_Croatia.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: Nightstallion, Elephantus, Neoneo13, Denelson83, Rainman,
R-41, Minestrone, Lupo, Zscout370,
2x' data-le-width='202' data-le-height='202' /></a><a href='//' title='User
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File:Flag_of_Denmark.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Madden
File:Flag_of_Egypt.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: From
the Open Clip Art website. Original artist: Open Clip Art
File:Flag_of_Estonia.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: Originally drawn by User:SKopp. Blue colour changed by User:PeepP
to match the image at [1].
File:Flag_of_Finland.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: Drawn by User:SKopp
File:Flag_of_France.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?




File:Flag_of_Georgia.svg Source: License: Public domain

Contributors: Own work based on File:Brdzanebuleba 31.pdf Original artist: User:SKopp
File:Flag_of_Germany.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Greece.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: own code Original artist: (of code) cs:User:-xfi- (talk)
File:Flag_of_Hungary.svg Source: License: Public domain
Flags of the World Hungary Original artist: SKopp
File:Flag_of_Iceland.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Islandic National Flag Original artist: var Arnfjr Bjarmason, Zscout370 and others
File:Flag_of_Iraq.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
This image is based on the CIA Factbook, and the website of Oce of the President of Iraq, vectorized by User:Militaryace Original artist:
Unknown, published by Iraqi governemt, vectorized by User:Militaryace based on the work of User:Hoshie
File:Flag_of_Ireland.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Drawn by User:SKopp Original artist:
File:Flag_of_Israel.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist:
File:Flag_of_Italy.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Japan.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Jordan.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Kazakhstan.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: own code, construction sheet Original artist: -x File:Flag_of_Kuwait.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work Original artist: SKopp
File:Flag_of_Kyrgyzstan.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Drawn by User:SKopp, construction sheet. Redo by: cs:User:-xfi- Original artist: Made by Andrew Duhan for
the Sodipodi SVG ag collection, and is public domain.
File:Flag_of_Latvia.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Drawn by SKopp Original artist: Latvija
File:Flag_of_Lithuania.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: SuKopp
File:Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work, colors from http://www. Original artist: Drawn by User:SKopp
File:Flag_of_Macedonia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:SKopp, rewritten by User:Gabbe
File:Flag_of_Malta.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Mauritania.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Moldova.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: vector coat of arms image traced by User:Nameneko from Image:Moldova gerb large.png. Construction sheet can be found
at Original artist: Nameneko and others
File:Flag_of_Mongolia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Current version is SVG implementation of the Mongolian ag as described by Mongolian National Standard MNS
6262:2011 (Mongolian State Flag. General requirements [1]
Original artist: User:Zscout370
File:Flag_of_Montenegro.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: B1mbo, Froztbyte
File:Flag_of_Morocco.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: (Ar) Original artist: Denelson83, Zscout370
File:Flag_of_NATO.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist:
Vectorized by Mysid and uploaded to Flag of NATO.svg
File:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Zscout370, Hugh Jass
and many others



File:Flag_of_Norway.svg Source: License: Public domain

Contributors: Own work Original artist: Dbenbenn
File:Flag_of_Pakistan.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: The drawing and the colors were based from Original artist: User:Zscout370
File:Flag_of_Poland.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Portugal.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: Columbano
Bordalo Pinheiro (1910; generic design); Vtor Lus Rodrigues; Antnio Martins-Tuvlkin (2004; this specic vector set: see sources)
File:Flag_of_Qatar.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Drawn by User:SKopp Original artist: (of code) cs:User:-xfi File:Flag_of_Romania.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: AdiJapan
File:Flag_of_Russia.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Serbia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: From Original artist:
File:Flag_of_Slovakia.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work; here, colors Original artist: SKopp
File:Flag_of_Slovenia.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work construction sheet from Original artist: User:Achim1999
File:Flag_of_South_Korea.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Ordinance Act of the Law concerning the National Flag of the Republic of Korea, Construction and color guidelines
(Russian/English) This site is not exist now.(2012.06.05) Original artist: Various
File:Flag_of_Spain.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Sweden.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Switzerland.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: PDF Colors Construction sheet Original artist: User:Marc Mongenet
File:Flag_of_Tajikistan.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Tunisia.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: entraneur: BEN KHALIFA WISSAM
File:Flag_of_Turkey.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Turkish Flag Law (Trk Bayra Kanunu), Law nr. 2893 of 22 September 1983. Text (in Turkish) at the website of the
Turkish Historical Society (Trk Tarih Kurumu) Original artist: David Benbennick (original author)
File:Flag_of_Turkmenistan.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: 4512:2006 - .
SVG: 2010
Original artist:
File:Flag_of_Uzbekistan.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Ozbekiston Respublikasining Davlat bayrogi. The ocially dened colours are Pantone
313C for blue and 361C for green (source: [1], [2]). Drawn by User:Zscout370.
File:Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors:
--- -x-'s le
--- -x-'s code
--- Zirlands codes of colors
Original artist:
(of code): SVG version by cs:-x-.
File:Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Zscout370
File:Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg Source:
Arab_Emirates.svg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original artist: ?




File:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg Source: License: ?

Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Gorbachev_Bush_19900601.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: George Bush Presidential Library (ID: P13385-08) Original artist:
File:Gulf_of_Aden_-_disabled_pirate_boat.jpg Source:
disabled_pirate_boat.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
This Image was released by the United States Navy with the ID 100331-N-8959T-308 <a class='external text' href='//commons.wikimedia.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.

Original artist: Cassandra Thompson, U.S. Navy

File:History_of_NATO_enlargement.svg Source:
enlargement.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Patrickneil, based o of Image:EU1976-1995.svg
by glentamara
File:KFOR_Kosovo2.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Contributors: Original artist: Nick Macdonald (
File:Leonid_Brezhnev_and_Richard_Nixon_talks_in_1973.png Source:
Leonid_Brezhnev_and_Richard_Nixon_talks_in_1973.png License: Public domain Contributors: This media is available in the holdings
of the National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under the ARC Identier (National Archives Identier) 194517. Original
artist: Knudsen, Robert L.
File:Major_NATO_affiliations_in_Europe.svg Source:
affiliations_in_Europe.svg License: Public domain Contributors: NATO_aliations_in_Europe.svg <a href='//commons.wikimedia.
org/wiki/File:NATO_affiliations_in_Europe.svg' class='image'><img alt='NATO aliations in Europe.svg' src='//upload.wikimedia.
affiliations_in_Europe.svg.png 1.5x,
100px-NATO_affiliations_in_Europe.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='897' data-le-height='681' /></a>
Original artist: NATO_aliations_in_Europe.svg: *Blank_map_europe.svg: PNG author: San Jose, 19. July 2006. SVG trace by
RedHotHeat 06 August 2006
File:NATO_AB_in_France_map-en.svg Source:
map-en.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 Contributors:
Icon for the USAF AB: Image:USAAC_roundel_1942-1943.svg (color modied) (public domain);
Original artist: Eric Gaba (Sting - fr:Sting)
headquarters_in_Brussels_2010.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
1904 Original artist: DOD photo by U.S.
Air Force Master Sgt. Jerry Morrison
File:NATO_and_US_EU_Summits_in_Lisbon_(2).jpg Source:
US_EU_Summits_in_Lisbon_%282%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
photogallery/president-obama-attends-nato-and-euus-summits-lisbon-portugal Original artist: Lawrence Jackson
File:NATO_and_the_Warsaw_Pact_1973.svg Source:
Warsaw_Pact_1973.svg License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Blank_map_of_Europe_1956-1990.svg <a href='//commons.' class='image'><img alt='Blank map of Europe 1956-1990.svg'
1956-1990.svg.png' width='50' height='51' srcset='//
1956-1990.svg/75px-Blank_map_of_Europe_1956-1990.svg.png 1.5x, //
map_of_Europe_1956-1990.svg/100px-Blank_map_of_Europe_1956-1990.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='450' data-le-height='456'
Original artist: Blank_map_of_Europe_1956-1990.svg: *Blank_map_of_Europe.svg: maix?
File:NATO_flag.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist:
Vectorized by Mysid and uploaded to Flag of NATO.svg
File:NATO_partnerships.svg Source: License: CC-BYSA-3.0 Contributors: NATO_cooperations_partners.svg <a href='//'
class='image'><img alt='NATO cooperations partners.svg' src='//
data-le-width='800' data-le-height='360' /></a>
Original artist: NATO_cooperations_partners.svg: *BlankMap-World-Microstates.svg: NuclearVacuum
File:National_Park_Service_9-11_Statue_of_Liberty_and_WTC.jpg Source:
2f/National_Park_Service_9-11_Statue_of_Liberty_and_WTC.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: US National Park Service emloyee
File:Nato_awacs.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: initially loaded by user Cornellrockey on en:



commons/0/06/North_Atlantic_Treaty_Organization_%28orthographic_projection%29.svg License: CC-BY-3.0 Contributors: This
vector image was created with Inkscape. Original artist: Addicted04
File:Padlock-silver.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: http:
// Original artist: This image le was created by AJ Ashton. Uploaded from
English WP by User:Eleassar. Converted by User:AzaToth to a silver color.
File:Palmaria_bengasi_1903_0612_b1.jpg Source:
0612_b1.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Bernd.Brincken
File:Portal-puzzle.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original artist:
File:Rodriguez_at_Italian_command_change_in_Herat.jpg Source:
Rodriguez_at_Italian_command_change_in_Herat.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: US Air Force, through ISAFmedia Original
artist: MSgt. Matthew Millson
File:Svecanost_podizanja_NATOve_zastave_Zagreb.jpg Source:
podizanja_NATOve_zastave_Zagreb.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Roberta F.
File:Symbol_support_vote.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
implementing_the_North_Atlantic_Treaty_at_his_desk_in_the_Oval..._-_NARA_-_200163.jpg' class='image'><img alt='Photograph
of President Truman signing the document implementing the North Atlantic Treaty at his desk in the Oval... - NARA 200163.jpg' src='//
width='50' height='40' srcset='//
200163.jpg 1.5x, //
Truman_signing_the_document_implementing_the_North_Atlantic_Treaty_at_his_desk_in_the_Oval..._-_NARA_-_200163.jpg 2x'
data-le-width='3000' data-le-height='2414' /></a>
Original artist: Abbie Rowe, 1905-1967, Photographer (NARA record: 8451352)
Bundeswehr_1960.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
smd=1&awdid=258 Original artist: Unknown
File:Wikidata-logo.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Planemad
File:Wikinews-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors:
This is a cropped version of Image:Wikinews-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Simon 01:05, 2 August 2006 (UTC) Updated by
Time3000 17 April 2007 to use ocial Wikinews colours and appear correctly on dark backgrounds. Originally uploaded by Simon.
File:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Fvasconcellos (talk contribs), based
on original logo tossed together by Brion Vibber


Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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