Cadwallon - Player's Handbook

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7 7 a Ste ee, | Ok har 7 - eZ =, STE ana R tts LC THE WORLD OF CONFRONTATION Pere Fora an ot RACKHAM sto Hagnst manages Sedation Eeerin ssiants Acid Cult Eh fale desineXe 30 ante rcia, Vincent Kaufmann, ae Desious 0 6 ‘Armand Cue! ie, Franck Passer “Tesens 2004-2006 Mich irdnloonnevie Gréolre Ve! qean blac art, Sthasten CElerl0? CouchetyAnqaust Cale, Damien Frnjomin Dubot, Hered DubourChvntorbe Raph cand ne Milleion ippe Pawn: acent Kawtman, Gree | Sea Hants Lule fie Monchiovet, Youn Passe Ntcfecebli,Cheatop Perrin, Denis Pel Foret pF ro, Marover ile Paste, Maxime Plas TrsnaldPotelot, Gngnie Prado, Gi ‘Quatanila, Niolar Rabat Jérome Ris Canter Spon, Frédérie Vasseur, rome Verdier, Tibae sell tions and i he shop ihe players etn. To sees ow Gate Prooende not Hot Gis amuello Lys tei {Gig designers Franck chard Halon tae, ‘Mathias Haddad Mathie Halt nd ebm Margene Prohson manager soggy Gena Gestion sto Pol Roner Gary Cha, Nas Frost Fores odo, dona Guiton and Palo Parente Coverite Pal Bonner Restruble Garin Tes sx ical ects Indors rom abtches by Aran Cadet Gans isitvs eoas rcs, arash rom the py Fates Caaton rom the design y Willer Peerbote Sapo tenot Cos, Yack Easier Maar Gani Zein _ Sean Gress Niclas Nye Stephane NGupen Yan Gah Jaa Nance ernie Nhat, ised Perochon and . in ic Vnet Fran, Mat me Her, eine trem ébastion 1 Franck Achtrdand Jean Bey Hauer feque and CREDITS Se anand need tobe praicare: Medel kale whe whletcanens Registration of copyright : juillet 2006 - ISBN :2915886-385 by Rackham a Wiha pital CChirat (12540 Sain fust la Pend) Printed in Printed by temp In Cadwatlon, th 8 hold in thelr hands the fate of a party of adventurers wh 0 protect the city from als ate destin: WHAT IS A ROLE- PLAYING GAME ? Like many other games Cadwallon allows you to enjoy a good friends; but every game of Cadwallon is different since the players do not choose their characters from a ready made list of roles. In fat, they ereate their own thtough rules and develop them after each game! Ths feature is what makes Gadwallon a role-playing game ROLES FOR THE PLAYERS — Sitting aroundifole playing game table, every payer but one has a playable chiracter (or PC), who are the heroes ofthe a ventures set by-an arbitrating player called the “game master” (orGM), The GM prepares a scenario beforehand, by inventing it ins selfor purchasing if From time to time scenarios willbe issued {nthe publication Cry Mavic that deals with RACKHAM games, The players’ decisions for their PC willallow the GM to unfold the story acgording to’the scenario and the Fles:A scenario does not alays end well, Such situations should ot be consid leredas failures, since the players can play the samé caracter in o come, They can still try to resolve the consequences of in pstimiishaps while dealing with a new storyline tractive. stories, the Tesglpariclaries (exprkence Pasi af overcoming past clicks a vA makes Cadilespatclalyexcking gan In fc Boron had een 6 BC he might not have found hrs ltd sd he ould have uid the atk by 6 oe Way TACTICAL _ROLE PLAYING GAME? =a an be interpreted in num ways bec ryone has different understandings and esentations ofa situation, To avoid time wasting srguRients c es minatutes and gaming tiles thought an made exclusively for the Frée City. The Confrontation tino: tures stand for the'padple of Aatklash and the doublessided RACKHAM tilesoifer a depiction of Cad ach player ¢ ature that he details following the rules in onder reate his eve leaguer, In ation, the GM gat ers various miniatures to emboxy the non-payable characters (Or ADVANCED OPTIONS? ee ees ing games, Many players enjoy customizing the rules they use, so thatthe rules come closer to what they. pene ee ec Sita erento ae omens) ea aera rene cw Cece eee en ee ey oe nee iene ne eee] “options” boxes, so that everyone may plan what they want et ty er ee Coen eres Perrin eens ct he Waar is THE GMS none? 1h lye onty ne lh gta th GM seeds tobe Fllyaware of = vs hi: + Evonts rigger the beginning the game rhysteriotisase susination, disturbing overheard conversations about « fey sible conspiracy, the traces ofa Woreynig curse and 3 Oh 9 «The charaeters related to the pot ote tha the PC (or NPC) a serial killer conjrors a power iden eB gh a + How will the plot unfold ifthe P@are unablstod . events and characters: how and when the seria ile ‘gain, the Jocation and te ime the conspiracYakes is consequences, thé net appearance ofthe cure W5HAT ARE THE Dict FOR? Dice rolls, result arnt final vesut The GM Flows het i is then comp disficalty Ainfold the pl inal result bythe PC The i fu lt Ba petlevlarty vas : i he turns AWG. You only need araeter eseh GM will play. A GN AO army orplays Confrontation. Ragharokor —resul he at Hybrid will be able forTnstance to offer scenatios forthe aceas result is O regard ofthe Free city where the people his miniatures repre espondito him and will participate in the Building rich and coherent Free City ADVANCED OPTION: NO NEED TO ROLL Sere. Cents ~ Beare ero ican tr La erent een neneceree titty arclated action. The value added t easier t to an attitude, This simulation prine with the relevant rules in Book I on attempted by a character, yo Attitude Automatic failure: If every single die gives a=) that rllisan OF Tumble” rales common wi eomscquences ofan automatic a fitare caused by a final real over than the st IAE the very most, the GM may interpret, eatattrophicif the roll wes a 045 ro. th other roleplaying gems, The Adding rue: For each value equa tothe highest valueshown fn a roll. add an extra point tothe result of the rol Ifa payer failsa dice rol another atempe may be made immediate in thatcas, the next roll done with one dé less. After aseiee ‘of unsuccessfl attempts, the las cll based on Od6 is always « faire Examples: eA rollof ‘another 23): +A roll of. Band gives result of| SESE CS and SS cives And if to dice must be kepeto ‘determine the fina result, consider 16 + 6» 12 because the adding rales applied to both 3. Gand 3 gies a result of 5 Coordinated attempts ‘When several characters are working together to accomplish the same ation by using the same Ability, the GM may allow them tomakea common diceroll. I this case the group choos- sone character who willbe the leading fgurefor the action and rollthe dice. Each“asistant” witha postive vali the ability provides one (and only one) adlitionl dic for the sol, Fer an ‘opposition rll the total namber of d6 rolled cannot exceed the ably level ofthieharactrcolling the dice. In addition. the onus ded GeeRRM Martane the Reto Pot ‘Examples Two ciaractersare attempting to break open «double oor together As thay run up tit the GM decides this means they attack the dod ater a charge tasks fora Charge rl 3 eS eC “Note The coordination must be posible orth rc of the li board. node to hp smcone smash throug don, fe mt be tnd cla a! ‘with a default quality above zero ee ‘A player may make 3 gamble by giving 3 numtherBunwad te dunce hare cathe ana Cay acct oe i a Sou ere Ga eng nye peso hep egret pnd) Gi als gen ang able shad inci + Gambles to set challenges ‘When player thinks Ris character may overcome a ifialty ‘iis he say make a gamble in dee to dean Qppones or to give sid opponent a disavantage(duringan aesbwteting contest are et), the player obtains final result equal ar aperior to thea ofthe diticulty and the arable his characteraccomplishesthe etlon witha quality equal tothe amt of the gamble: Example: free leaguer tis to gpat hs enemies ay part ofthe city. The GM ass fora roll of Scratinize DIS with if “Healey of X (according tothe fatares of the disk where the ‘action takes pace: nose; Vghing, et) The free leaguer op ponents Hare previously hidden themselves by making roll ‘aginst he same difficulty, and by mokinga gamble of ie If ‘the player doesnot make a gamble at east equal to thre for his Scrutinise/DIS rol hewil mo be abe fo spot his ened. Whe ‘makes the Call, he will need to ake hill and obtain a resi at leis three points aboieX(maybe mor he has madeaneven bolder gamble). cuckoo cite When plaerthinkshis Eel cenoyoaiag eee = A WORLD | AT WAR ts an age where time da! not exist. The age ofthe pods FY the gods traveled the Creation unrivaled. Their empires Anew no limi and extended over entire worlds bora from, the magic energies ofthe Creation Discord ame ane! the outs waget war among themselves foe supremacy. The crumbling of the dying worlds almost led to the collapse of the Creation and the death of everything, The Creation fought back: The gods were brutally Uhfowen off theie thrones and! sent into exile beyond the borders ofthe elemen. Many and diverse ate the eultures of the peoples of Aatklash Those who share a close philosophy oF commen. objRetives forged alllands to face the enemy and to secarea ers toy, Thus, three great Alliances caine to + Paths of Destiny chetish thelr freeman refuse stubbortly the future promised by the powers of Light and Darkness. They {al works, Realms. Time appeared, impos itscurse to the are the most anclent peoples ofthe continent: the Dalkiige ‘ain immortals: they dated to reappeat they would sutferthe” elves, the goblins of No-Dan Kae the dwarves of TENIBor. Punishment and woud be forever forgotten, Thus, the age/of Wolfen of Yiia and theieehemy brothers wha fallow the way the gos ended, of Vie-Tis, Jus like the ores ofthe BeamO-Kor and those of However, one does not get rid of these terrible foreessoeasi--_ the Behemoth Mountains the peoples of Destiny refused to Iy-After thousands of years in exile, the gods coitinue to wage give in to the temptation ofthe split anil choose side ‘ar through their champions - Incarnates = and their most ceptintrodaced on Aarklash by the humans. faithful alien, ‘The balance is once again under threat, The curse of Time is + Ways of Light work to create an ageof reason and prosper: fading. Darkness seizes the heatt ofthe brave andthe gods get ity, They try to seduce theyiest prosperous ehilzatons, sendy fo led their armies, sueh as the dwarves, IF the kingvom of Alaban, the empire “The aliate age has come, ‘of Akkytannie and the tries of Avaggu are all human tions, the Ways of Ligh also include a young elven mati the Republic of Lanever. These civilizations try to push away the ‘A CONTINENT sco Buin dh ese Ftoec vi bonday gor even whet these refuse to assist them), LOST IN DARKNESS «Means of Darkness eo ag rsh hin tak da ot te rR eee [Not faF from the heart of the Creation isa sought after apd the'hmost twisted powerg, fF the livihiedand 6t | Kingdom “Aarlilasht Magic thresholds can be opened there tothe alchemists of ira anc Wom are > thavel to all the Realms, including those where'the godsafe im- which study the lore OF dark magiGyt fait ae ener cancasoen ‘creatures, such as the dwarves Of.M/ Fand the’ lies These dread forces ‘f the continent of Aarklash wakiWeiten by the thon toatlence} tr rae ar cone po tik diego Abe Pathe of -onquerorsotlong gone eras hie arieke wats and “Thenations of Aarklash were bile. on pan, blood ne Some nations did not resist the erosion OF Tine, hel faery and gathered armies Tagger and stronger empires arose, yet also Ba are eso wren Free C iy “ATY aVend challenge the heav Thendble towers Bhs Phetiday, take the low elty,ehok ng in poverty and despair. The balance of the precarious all J Aarklash, They have numerous Likear Gity draws the darkness set witha glistening diamond, the Fre banished, the dispossessed and?all those who else to die in the name of the glory of the commanders of the Ragnarok. A lostipeople from diverse horizons live there unite by the laws of the dukes of Cadwallor Tess s@anclfeserted, lost in the jungle of Lanever Cadvtlon was.conquered bya eye ‘wealth the DbgsoE war, The later led by Vans, had t ae reach thebr goal, but they were met No ince the expats of the Doge of way; Cadwallon GH Moore Ua himdsed and Sty ytans atte the. ey leagues ides Heb. fo! Uanever yg rte bythe Ray’natok Bee iy ec fulof adventurers secking the guardian of Mongsiyié members are the fe athe PEOPLE OBA THE WORLD AT WAR F rin nt from its culture. Depen nates th ther. Thu ch h i im Mo P b 4 (Ways of Light h of the various Alliances are very di i orei mayen eee teeta Roe their spedal features, Average size andweight MIP: Size and average weight for Sea os on Becta at ee Mae My ecru Pe ar fon Pee Sey Nett etn oncom Sa ‘of information has an impact in the Size: Reference size in game. This piece of information has ry Base: Nature of thease’ofa miniature representing » Py Seen als preneenag teeter, Cts Peg Pines ecm um na tn ean! See Elves’ bodies strength otect them. . nor pr Daikinee worten sufer from a Guse €ast by vélin, the mageiarch of Akkyshans: they dis first union wits male Light ho hare Tat” w nd strogfer than thelr fellow cs, but ive from the cradle of their race far from(the heart of Quithayran. They do not f Except some typical racial feature fear of heights and longer ears, the elves look pret Darkness Basins Mit Traehnid feabves, ty much like humans. Union with the latter is fertile and gives birth to The elves have paid a heavy trib Lilith; and where blessed with ditional members, strength’ and ute to History; their race is no more fone people, but three: Akkyshan, ovetdevelopeddyetleres, ee Cynwall “and. Daikinee. Besides The male elves are thinner than hugmang who they Pein igen ene Conpininf sons ba Few elves are born with infirmities culture, these factions disting. morphological differences. Jet thetbime atstites, Thee beauty feyhout ¢qu ‘Aarklash andlastéuhouphiout shin egtence re Henan Ce cd agent times 16 most fofgot the reasons of these prem crise een any legends! or the Motivation of their leadér, €very= 7 Cultures: Spider (Meanders of Darkness). Beetle (Paths of elt koi Bas Bree Clty REE Sala Perr aren me hut een zao) Jer) see at night as well as ih broad daylight Areas SPECIAL FEATURES Ler Prosperity? ns show a lange variety male hut acy of the legendary adaptability of privileged some physical features rather than race. Different wee, @ltures have favored certain clothing styles moc B37) Fair haiced, brown hairedjand Fed haired peop animal hides or in the finest sik lessimportantmuscularmass, the Bue ian females share the same features ag the men. Hereagainy | MMP CCS Toes Daa and the choice of clothing. Some ‘other manage to evenly match meni and even surpass thes a many damains fi 1m a universal way, clothing has a particular cordingite the social status within the human rice ‘ad individuals are those who have the power. manent ot Darkne S “The dwarves have always beginning ofthe Crea and named by the gods 2 Light and Destiny fered for thet extraordinary st The dwar “They share an iotin link with the ear ral tendency to dwell in subterranes Sa Phsns Mey ae elctant to move'and hate strangers. Final ‘they poll ship sense ofthe community: even though th Re from differentregions and meet forthe fest time and decorat. igh ifs Widely spread bug just as stout 3 By 5e UN STRUT eee een Prraeeeerrencner tt ora ote aan eer Cee ote Dodeae eae Beltre a ora Cee Ree ras ota haiiindlatd cluldren. Taye et ing the faulrerss from other races ic (mya = _—— Saertag yeaa The majat part of the os lives in Cadwallon, They ar enn Teens pectancy: 40 years, The ogr ae) oat Peper i Assets: Disciplined (DIS +2) Strong (POW = SIZE + sfength from at Males. —"s Bascttasaviuos Dee ee Prererrtrecs treet Deter ieee era ‘Cultures: Wolf for Wolfen of YIlia and Hyena for the de NC sas é ea) Preteen rae Assets: Pugnacious(DRI + 2) Swift (MOV = SIZE +2) onaaae Frightening. Natural weapons: fangs and claws. Instinctive : ee and heightened sense of sell. Good night-vision.. . : s 4.25 conifortab : Wi ign wher the ption. Nobeey of the Wolfen are lost . e legends, n orally CRroug e n from thé union Yilia, the moon-goddess, and from the most powerfith gf all Not only are the in size heir height predatory instinct which characteris f wolf cubs reaches ¥ instinct sometimes Feaches™@ st for killing is never satisfied for long. One can findthese p yywhere on Aarklash. The great adic packs, which follow the prey plunder the resources needed for their survival, Other’ keep. large protectorates and defend their territory bitterly. Mheit mass and their coat vary froma pack to the otha resources available the laws of the moonegad Wolfen know an era of unprecedented danger. torn bit by bit by religious and cultural schisms: For Ei Pe satens test race 46 finda refugeor (hunt do Fa, Male olin are ue beast in compat. Theinusetae iy-2 Regs allove them to yunddap abd far! Rely } gies! talents to survive, Wolfen’ age endo ; bey allows tan BS HISTORY fvatlon is ory and myths. Wel men began digging into the city’s ground, the high Cyan tower dominated the sea. According to the legend, other pe ples that have disappeared since lived here long before this tower was bul THE CITY OF EXILES The Cadwes Know litle about these legends. Only the most emudite and most forthcoming Datkinee elves tell of an an- cient people whose territory stretched over here, a powerful yet bloodthirsty people allied to the most evil dragons ofthe whole (Creation. Concerning these matters, and especially concerning the alliance with the venerated reptiles, the Cymwalls have a: ways refiased to express them ves, s0 there is nothing to con firm the Daikinees' claims. Those who have explored the underground tunnels of (Cadwallon claim that in the entrails of Aarklash lie eins of tanknown architecture of which the Automat, a gigantic ar ticulated statue, is the ultimate visible remnant still working (Cylindrical tunnels wind underground and lead to forgotten sanctuaries, domes of stone and rock covered in moving sym- bols that reflect the shadows Among the Voyagers, the magicians who explore the strange landslost beyond thecommon senses of mortals, alegend claims that the Cadwilifiels lead to another world, an accursed and Ibytnthin oi This mazes sd woe proof i ‘Cynwalls inherited the power ofa foreign people, fore ONT \When Ethan and his followers embarked on the path of exile found the Cynwall nation they settled the land now known as Lanever. Lying at the mouth ofthe Y¥nkaeb and Leik Shear they builta stronghold that quickly became ar important trad ng post between the peoples of Aarklash. The only place where 1c nations were allowed to walk the ground of Lanever with: quickly CCynwalls isolationist wrath, the city grew No one can agree on thit city’s orignal namé. Once’ again (Cynwalls stick to thele usual discretion and only speak of This is the name that, daring the Golden Age, was. spread among the centaurs that lived in the'region and was thE, advan, transmitted by this people fo the first men. the Kets While the Stee! Agewasalready marking Aarklash, Cadwallon the Prosperous rapidly vanished, smothered by the voracious vegetation ofa bewitched jungle, Rumors spread abbitalcurse placed by the allies of the Meanders of Darkness “The Cynwalls were attacked by 2 horde of undead warriors led bya powerful necromancer, Sins Mantis. The animated coepses invaded the city by springing from the groundyr rather, to be ‘exact, by using the forgotten network of twanelé, Though the threat was eventually thwarted: the lake became infested with rotting bodies that contaminated the citys water supply, spread: ing infection and diseases Within few days Cadwallon wa’ de serted by its inhabitants, SOME IMPORTANT DATES DATE FVENT . 37___Selemen iene (Koken Hate) ag ee eer : Fseihment of the Barbas ems seston of the feo eS st bDpstatr grate the prvlese of Gein Fre Usin of Catwallon Pec te Mate he Dike Toph) Greece Ts ten nome We! The plage in Merge Sackl she decting gues Som) Cans tafe (Gress) Se : ee : a3 The pe Alsen ale tothe iho dhe Lexpse: 8 iots in Kraken f Pw the death of the Pees Dif Mase ss ofthe Fsten 8 esis of te cose tae hd 2 Bree rs i On hs of THE STATELESS Many decades went by before a group Med in this accursed place. Surely o hen Were the founders of Cadwallon a These men went by the outlawsy"bloodthirsty war themselves “Dogs of War” they blind Vanis. They discov land decided tosettle there, hoping to unearth timel left behind by the elves. “The 200 Dogs of War were organized into. ants. These offic companies, ach one led by one of Vanius's lew tock nd rubble care of clearing away the The Battle of the Wall of Earth “The secrets burie ‘others. The forces oft in Cadwallon also caught the attention of Me éady been the cause of the fal of the Cyn ity tried to pash nders of Darkness, which had ab cout the new comers, yet the Dogs of War stood fast. Therefore Sophet Drahas, the commander ofthe armies of Acheron and baton of Tar Haez, requested fr assistance from Feyd Mantis the most powerful lord of his barony of origin. Hordes of walking dead soon attacked theDogs of Wars amp ‘Theassgult wasbitter and the battle dreadful, bat Vania¥scom anions managed to drive back the attack. he sudden appest thee before the battle of i deck of 22 tarot cards endowed wih ilgical powers was surely linked to this miraculous vit Before the offensive, Vanius handed out 2 card to ¢ Hieatenants and kept one for himself: the Emperor's art At the end ofthe battle the Alliance of Light's troops se to provide support. The city’s ruins were thus taken back from the enemy. "an Tnspiteottheirexemplary bravery, the Dogs of War remained nothing more than outlaws in thei allies’ eyes. Thane o his charisma, Vanins neverthel ess managed to preserve the inde pendence of his Cadwallon, According to the tale, while Alahan’semissaries were mock ing his wish to build a kingdom on this feld of ruins, Vaniac Palled out an old battered gold coin aitd threw itat the Batharrs feet, replying: “Si, these remains ple ase you solittle that make them my kingdom fo cat ‘Thus, aware that he couldnt give himself the title of king ‘without upfetting his allies, yet refusing to recognize Atal authority by becoming a baron, Vaniui took the cold Barhan military rank title ofdukevan Despite hs clefeat, Sophet Drahas, hidden underground, ney- ertheless managed to spread his influence over the city. Stilltg- day many local leger’s mention his name and he'continugs tO, plot to take control of Cadwallon. Birth of a duchy ‘Vanius’ tour de force gave birth to the free cityof Cadwallon, in 832. The officers who remained with theit leader founded the city’s first noble lineages and were able to mine unexpected riches from the ground, Three yearsafter it was founded, Vanius ‘carved out a domain for each house, thus establishing the frst fiefdoms. At the same time he gave the citya militia, ~~ Tae Crry or THIEVES ‘Within afer years Cacwallon was reborn and was wealthier than it had even been under the Cynvills Eternal prosperity ‘seemed to be on the horizon. Yet this was obviously merely a ream. * . - ‘The embassies 3 SE ut ree ‘established an émbassy in Cadwallon. kept growing. ln 4 the wish to turn the city into a place’ of learn founding of the Free University of Cadwallon: rather than the “City of Knowledge Other diplomas soon: followed and the city looked prowdly towards the faire BS it) The guilds Asit grew and flourished over the years; Cadwallon weleomed ‘humerous craftsmen Who assembled into guilds. Because pros- Perit allowed a constant flow of economic and fiscal refoeme, Within « couple of decades these guilds became major players Inthe city’s power struggles. At the same time the olf merge ‘ary traditions tended to fade away. The riches mined from Bhe sround no longer interested anjowte and the guilds” workshops Were more than enough to feed the common people and make the greedier ones rich. In spite ofthis; Cadwallon never knew agolden age, While the wealthiest citizens finished building the upper city as itis knoiéh since the flood ofthe year 900, Sophet Drahas prepared histe- turmand other powers tried to invade Cadallon, ‘Thus, jn 956 magicakbeings launched an attack on the ity {om their clemental realm. In the face ofthis unexpected and ‘unknown enemys only the original tacties of a foreign gerieral allowed then to triumph. This hero was then ennobled and gave ‘his mame toa new fefdom, Ghieronburg,a former goblin colony ‘eat the harbor. The feagues ~~" “Ths invasion was not the lagythreat Cadiwallon had to fice. 1m 983 the Akkyshan eles unched a vast offensive against the city Sinceits founding by Vanius they had satisfied them- ‘elves with small seal lightningraids launched from the forest of Ashindn The Free City suddenly gree ert. ‘Only the forgotten irs ofthelDogs of War who were scorfully, ‘called “the shrews," roseto protect the city, Jhus these descendents, ‘hntiued exploring the ruins: made the Cadwés gee taebrotrly vast rage er days only the kingdom of Alahan, the republic of, marthl sof Akkylaninie and Syharhalna, swell ACOSMOPOLITAN 5 GiIry. the Supremacy’ of tit belie ‘Raginardh, “The ity’ most influen guilds have always mingled, polities and diplomacy: Breaking with Cadwallons tradition of rear, ing free, they have bul alliance networks with some nations ant maintain private armies that intervene inthe Ragnarok, Mang citizens ofthese nations come to Cadwallon to strengthen then relations of, on otherwise, to end them, ‘Though one cannot deny the omnipresence of foreigners who are temporary residents of the city, their influence on day, life nevertheless remins insignificant. Interested by nothing but their own business, these exiles don't play an active role in Cadwe society: Refugees The troubles that come with the Raginarok lead many ref. gees toCadwallon: They are fleeing the war and ardve penniless after their journey tothe city, for the vessels and caravans that travel to Cadwallon have made the transportation of refugeesa true commerce. And though these trips are far from comfort able the fees are nevertheless very expensive. Others try to reach Cadwallon by their own means, yet few manage to, What can one do when arriving in Cadwallon klless*? For some the disillusion comes quick and hard like a lightning bolt. These usually end up in the worst parts of the lower city, adding to the ranks of the homeless or used as guinea pigs in the underground laboratories of unscrupulous alchemist, Yet most refugees manage to integrate. By pawning their last belongings, they manage to borrow énough ducats to settle down and carry out their profession with the guilds’ permis. sion. Without the ightest qualms, the guild of Usurers offers to the poorest tojpawn theit own body. Ifthey don't pay back their debt on time, then the borrowers end up as mote or less consenting organ donors. In the light of these explanations, it seems obvious that the first few years of a refugee’s life in Cadwallon af@ far from bliss- fal. However the guilds know how to make the most of their © members: Ah individual with sought after abilitiesiand who is teadyto work hard can provide a relatively ebimfortable lite for among Cadveallon n's cosmopolitan population, Tay Cad alist elativelysBatract herear op a dif basis nothing seems obeableto diminish the independenee'won G0 With the strength of arms. The end. 7 duest for riches, the wil to setlédurablyard mae te mast Ting elements. The pride of 4 century and an hi les of this city and its lifestyle are recur being a Cadwé isnt as much about being scornful oungdgthe refugees as being intimataly convinced of being part of the ad, ‘Yancement ofa society detached from the nations aid theirs, For some thiffmeans contributing to the guilds! prospértyiwhlle harvesting benefits for oneself. For others enlisting tothe service of one ofthe noble families is deen asa better social investi, ‘even if this means having to develop the indisputable qualltiegof 4 courtier. The most impatient and the most idealist neweomegs sltectly enter the dike’ service by joining the milith or the'fe leagues. Yet in the upper city there isa certain form of elitism. Being ‘outrageously rich is not enough; one alsg ha to have a certain number of degrees of Cadwe lincages"The oldest noble families ‘can trace their ancestry back seven or eight degrees and an fn. Portant part of the protocol during aristocratielreceptions is founded on how many degrees of lineage a guest has. -Proseeriry ‘The widely spread nicknames of “Jewel of Lanever”and*Chty of Thieves" carry acertain amount of truth about Cadvallon. A Seaport city and a lakeside city, a and of asylum, a crossrouds ‘ofa grat variety of trades, cosmopolitan town and a politial playground: Cadwallon i ll that at once, Trade Because it attracts popula athe ‘Aarklash, Cadwallon benefits froma Wideman expertisealt’s. true thatthe secret research dont by omni is far from equivalent to the Syhars discoveries in the elf el Jes.are fat from being: ‘corners ‘of thecontnents merchandise transits the Pg dics ste ene od rns eth ited che ct, yet peritteon Bard essen Bpisich