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(Homework sheets)

Grade 5


Term Year 2013/2014

Name: ___________________

Junior 5 Blue

Unit 1: Friction

Lesson 1: Friction

Homework Sheet 1


A. Give reason for each of the following:

1. Lubricant and oil are used in the mechanical machines.

2. Ball bearings are put between the surfaces of the moving parts of the machines.

B. Complete the following Statements:

1. The force that slows down the objects motion is called .
2. The effect of the friction force is in the direction of the objects movement.
3. increases by increasing the surface area of a moving object.
4. The value ofbetween 2 surfaces depends on the type of material of both
5. . and ..are used to decrease the effect of friction force
between the internal moving parts of machines.
C. What happens when:
1. You throw a rubber ball on a dry cement floor, and then you throw it again with the same
pushing force on a wet cement surface. Why?

2. The friction force equals the pushing force.

3. No lubrication takes place periodically on the metallic machine parts.

D. Tick () in front of true sentence, and Tick () in front of wrong sentence and correct it:
1. The friction force is always in the same direction of the movement of the object.

2. The friction force between 2 surfaces during motion is greater than that during stopping.

4. Oil is used to decrease the friction force.


5. The friction force depend on the shape of the two touching objects.

6. Ball bearings are used to increase the friction force.


3. The pushing of an object forwards is opposed by a friction force at the same direction.

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Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions


7. Lubricants and oil are used to decrease the friction force.


E. Write the Scientific Terms:

1. The force that slows down the moving object and its effect is in
the opposite direction of the object movement.
2. A set of small balls with smooth surfaces is put between the
internal moving parts of the machines.


F. Answer the following questions:

1. Mention the most important ways to decrease the friction force.

2. The following table clarifies the value of friction force between some surfaces. Study this
table and answer the questions:
a) Why does the glass marble move
faster than the metallic marble on
the glass sheet?

b) If you push a marble on a glass surface and another similar one on a metallic surface,
which one will move for a longer distance?

3. Draw the direction of the friction force in the opposite figure.

4. The opposite figure shows an electric saw. Answer the following questions:
a) Why does the temperature of the saw become high?

b) Why oil is used to lubricate the moving parts of the saw?

Promising Generation Language School

Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

Unit 1: Friction

Lesson 2: Friction applications

Homework Sheet 2


A. Give reason for each of the following:

1. Rockets, trains and aircrafts have streamline shapes.

2. Bat stretches its wings on landing.

3. Car drivers shouldnt increase the car speed up to a certain limit.

4. A fish has a streamline shape.

5. The cars movement needs friction force.

B. What happens when:

1. Moving cars with high speed on a wet road.

2. Absence of frictions between cars tire and the road.

3. Absence of frictions between your shoes and the road.

C. Complete the following Statements:

1. The presence of water on the road . between the car
tires and the road.
2. The resistance of water is in a the direction of the objects motion.
D. Write the Scientific Terms:
1. The friction force between air and the object moves through.


2. The friction force between water and the object moves through.


3. A force enables us to control the car speed and to change its



E. Tick () in front of true sentence, and Tick () in front of wrong sentence and correct it:
1. Air resistance for objects that move with high speed cant be observed.
2. Water resistance increases by increasing the surface area of the moving object.

Promising Generation Language School

Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

F. Answer the following questions:

1. The friction force is very necessary. Write the advantages of the friction.

2. What happens if you drop 2 similar sheets of paper, one of them is folded and the other is
unfolded? Which one reaches the ground first? Give reason.
3. Look at the opposite figure and then answer the questions:
a) What is meant by air resistance?

b) Why does the front part of the train have a streamline


Promising Generation Language School

Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

Unit 2: Circulatory & urinary system

Lesson 1: Circulatory system and circulation
Homework Sheet 3


A. Give reason for each of the following:

1. The two sides of the heart are separated.

2. The heart contains valves.

3. Blood flows in one direction inside the heart.

4. The wall of the left ventricle is thicker than that of the right one.

5. Blood capillaries have thin walls.

6. It is necessary to keep exercising.

7. We shouldnt eat a lot quantity of fats.

8. Smoking must be avoided.

9. It is necessary to avoid the exposure to infections and accidents.

B. What happens if:

1. The sides of the heart are not separated from each other.

2. You run around for 5 minutes with respect to heat beats.

C. Complete the following Statements:

1. The circulatory system consists of.and ..........
2. The heart is a muscular, which always full of.
3. Vessels that carry blood to the heart are called .
4. Pulmonary artery carries ... blood, while pulmonary veins carry ...blood.
5. The blood consists of ., white blood cells, .. and
6. is the blood vessel that transfers blood from heart to lungs.
7. The number of heart beats is ..per minute.

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Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

D. Write the Scientific Terms:

1. The cells that have no nuclei.
2. The yellow watery liquid in which all the blood components are suspended.
3. The thick-walled blood vessels that begin at the body cells and open
in the two atria of the heart.
4. The thin-walled blood vessels that emerge from the two ventricles of
the heart.



E. Choose the correct answer:

The heart is a muscular pump in the size of your .
a. hand
b. foot
c. fist
d. head
Blood components, which are responsible for attacking the microbes that causes diseases to
man, are the ....
a. red blood corpuscles
b. white blood corpuscles c. blood platelets
d. plasma
coagulate (s) blood when the body is wounded.
a. Red blood cells
b. White blood cells c. Plasma
d. Blood platelets
. receives the oxygenated blood from the lungs.
a. Right atrium
b. Left atrium
c. Right ventricle d. Left ventricle

F. Tick () in front of true sentence, and Tick () in front of wrong sentence and correct it:
1. Superior and inferior venae cavae are examples for arteries.

2. The blood circulation between the heart and all body cells is called major blood circulation.

3. When the right ventricle contracts, it pushes the blood carrying oxygen to the 2 lungs.

G. Compare between:
Points of









Type of






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Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

H. Answer the following questions:

1. Look at the opposite diagram then answer:
a) Illustrate with arrows the path of blood in the heart.
b) Mention the kind of blood in each atrium.
1) .
2) .

2. Look at the opposite diagram then answer:

a) Label the diagram from 1 to 12.
b) Mention the function of the indication 12

c) Mention the kinds of blood vessels.

Promising Generation Language School

Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

Unit 2: Circulatory & urinary system

Lesson 2: Excretion and Human urinary system
Homework Sheet 4


A. Give reason for each of the following:

1. The skin is one of the excretory organs.

2. Faces cant be considered as an excretory material.

3. If the two kidneys are damaged, the person will die.

4. Man urinate less in summer than in winter.

5. Sweat has a salty taste.

B. What happens if:

1. The human body cant get rid of its waste materials.

2. The human body keeps urine for a long period of time.

C. Complete the following Statements:

1. The body gets rid of excess salts and water through
2. The urinary system is located inside the ...
3. Kidneys are located on both sides of the.
4. is an organ in the urinary system that responsible for the filtration of blood
from wastes.
5. Urine consists of water containing some excess salts, .. and .
6. The tube which extend from the urinary bladder and opens outside the body is

D. Choose the correct answer:

Carbon dioxide and water are released by the
a. heart
b. lungs
c. kidneys
d. stomach
Urea is expelled by the .
a. heart
b. lungs
c. kidneys
d. stomach
The excess salts are expelled outside the body through the .
a. urinary system
b. skin
c. heart
d. (a) and (b)
is responsible for storing urine temporarily.
a. Ureter
b. Kidney
c. Urinary bladder
d. Urethra
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Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

5. The artery in the urinary system carries

a. pure blood b. blood containing wastes c. blood rich in CO2 d. blood capillaries
6. The urinary system expels the nitrogenous wastes in the form of .
a. urine
b. sweat
c. blood
d. water


E. Answer the following questions:

Name the shown diagram.
Label the diagram from 1 to 5.
1) ..
2) ..
3) ..
4) ..
5) ..
Mention the function of part number (2)
Illustrate how urine is formed.

Promising Generation Language School

Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

Unit 3: The Soil

Lesson 1: Soil Components

Homework Sheet 5


A. Give reason for each of the following:

1. The soil is the main component of the environment.

2. Roots of plants are important for the soil.

3. The organisms those live in the soil have a great importance.

B. What happens if:

1. The microorganisms are absent from the soil.

2. Rocks of Ethiopia plateau exposed to heat, wind, rain and running water.

3. The roots of plants arent present in the soil.

C. Complete the following sentences:

1. The texture of soil is or . or
2. The origin of the agriculture soil of Egypt is the rocks of
3. .. helps the soil to be cohesive.
4. is one of the soil components that its color is dark brown or black.
D. Write the Scientific Terms:
1. The decayed remains of living organisms that exists in the soil.


2. The main component of the environment that is necessary for all

living organisms.
3. The soil type that is composed mainly of silt and clay.


4. The soil component that adds nutrient to the soil.



5. The soil type that composed of a mixture of equal amounts of gravel,

sand clay and silt, but it contains more humus.

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E. Answer the following question:

How was Egypts agriculture soil formed?
What are the different components of the soil?
How do plants and animals affect the soil composition?
Illustrate the factors that help in breaking down rocks into small particles with different

Promising Generation Language School


Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

Unit 3: The Soil

Lesson 2: Types & properties of Soil

Homework Sheet 6


A. Give reason for each of the following:

1. Soils differ in compactness according to their types.

2. The water level in the clay soil is higher than the water level in both sand and silt soils.

3. The good aeration of the sand soil.

4. The clay soil is poorly aerated.

5. The silt soil has the highest fertility.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. soil is more compactable, while .. soil has the slowest drainage of water.
2. Silt soil aeration is ., clay soil compactness is and the silt soil
fertility is
3. soil is suitable for cultivation of most plants.
4. Rice grows efficiently in . soil.
C. Choose the correct answer:
1. The particles of silt soil are .. in size.
a. tiny
b. medium
c. large
d. very large
2. The silt soil compactness is
a. strong
b. weak
c. medium
d. very strong
3. The growth of .. is perfect in sand soil.
a. peanut plant
b. cotton
c. vegetable
d. wheat
D. Answer the following questions:
1. Mention 3 examples of plants that grow in the clay, silt and sand soil. (3 marks)
2. Show by an activity that: (5 marks for each)
a. Soil drainage of water differs according to their types:
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b. The comparison between water absorption and aeration in different types of soil:
E. Compare between: ( mark for each)
Point of
Sand soil

Silt soil

Clay soil


.................. .................. ..................

.................. .................. ..................

Size of

.................. .................. ..................


.................. .................. ..................


.................. .................. ..................


.................. .................. ..................


.................. .................. ..................


.................. .................. ..................

.................. .................. ..................

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Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

Unit 3: The Soil

Lesson 3: Soil Pollution & Protection

Homework Sheet 7


A. What happens if:

1. The agricultural soil is polluted with chemical fertilizers.

2. Cultivating the bean seeds in high salinity soil.

3. The soil is polluted.

4. Man uses chemical pesticides.

5. The industrial wastes dissolve in rain water.

6. The soil salinity is increased.

B. Write the Scientific Terms:

1. It is any change in the environment that disturbs its environmental balance.

2. It is any change in the soil that disturbs its natural balance and harms
its living organisms.
3. Chemical compounds used to eradicate (=kill) pests of agriculture crops.
4. Chemical compounds used to compensate the poor soil with the required
elements for plant growth.


C. Complete the following:

1. The most important soil pollutants are , .,
.. and
2. . increase soil acidification.
3. . deprive plants from the soil salts.
4. When the amount of salts in soil increases, ................... increases.
5. Increasing the level of ground water causes the increase of ......
D. Choose the correct answer:
1. The animal which devours (=preys on) another animal is called.
a. parasite
b. host
c. prey
d. predator
2. The ... ejects a black fluid in the surrounding water when attacked by an enemy.
a. frog
b. cuttlefish
c. butterfly
d. chameleon
3. Bilharzia worms are considered as .
a. producers
b. parasites
c. decomposers
d. preys
E. Tick () in front of true sentence, and Tick () in front of wrong sentence and correct it:
1. Increasing the periods between the irrigation times leads to increase the soil fertility. (
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Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

2. Increasing the soil salinity causes loss of the cultivated plants.

3. Raising the level of ground water increase the soil salinity.

F. Answer the following questions:

1. How can we protect the soil from pollution? (3 marks)

2. Mention the methods to protect the soil from pollution with: (half for each)
a) The industrial waste:

b) The high salinity:

Promising Generation Language School


Grade 5 - Science - Homework Sessions

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