Court: Lift Shroud On Pork - AlbanyTU 2006-10-25

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Court: Lift shroud on pork

ber items — known as pork barrel by illegally concealing t he names Previously: The Times over the information to the
Times Union wins ruling Union sued Senate Majority newspaper under the state’s
grants and projects. of law makers who distribute mil-
ordering state leaders to lions in taxpayer money on pet Leader Joseph Bruno and Freedom of Information Law.
The discretionar y cash comes Assembly Speaker Sheldon What’s next: Either the
reveal secret spending out of a $200
projects. Silver in June seeking the information sought by the
A3 ? Both million pool of State Supreme Court Just ice names of lawmakers who newspaper is turned over,
By CAROL DeMARE Spitzer, Faso distributed millions of dollars
Staff writer
pub li c f u nds Robert A. Sackett of Sullivan or the legislative leaders
pledge reforms. w ithin t he state County r uled Br uno and Silver in taxpayer money on pork could get a court stay
barrel projects. while deciding
budget. ‘‘failed to articulate a rat ional
A state judge ordered Senate The latest: whether
basis for redact ing the names’’ in
Majorit y Leader Joseph Br uno The newspaper took the state A state judge to appeal
documents t urned over to the
and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Legislat ure’s t wo most powerful ordered the the ruling.
Silver on Tuesday to turn over to leaders to cour t earlier t his year, leaders to turn
t he Times Union the names of accusing them of violat ing the In its Freedom of Informat ion
lawmakers who sponsored mem- state Freedom of Informat ion Law Please see PORK A6 ? BRUNO SILVER


EUNICE SMITH holds a photo of Rickey
Felder, her adopted son who battled HIV
infection during his short life.

Short life
ends; love
Eunice Smith rescued Rickey
Felder from crack-addicted
mother and did all she could to
comfort him in shadow of HIV
Staff writer

W hen Rickey Felder was 5 years

old, he started to ask quest ions
about being infected with HIV.
His adopt ive mot her, Eunice Smith, used
to tell him a story to soothe his fears.
‘‘There’s a glor y train that’ll be coming
around the bend one day,’’ said Eunice, as she
held the little boy nick named ‘‘Scooter’’ on
her lap.
‘‘And there’s a conductor on the glory
t rain who’ll say, ‘A ll aboard,’ ’’ she told him.
‘‘And you just take the conductor’s hand,
get on that glory train and everyt hing will
Last week, t he glory train arrived for
Rickey Felder.
He was 17 years old.
United in faith HUMERA BASHIR, left,
holds daughter Aminah,
He died from multiple health complica- 4, and keeps an eye on

month of fasting and spiritual
t ions related to AIDS. Safiyah, 1, during a
He will be buried today at Calvar y Ceme- reflection gave way to celebration prayer service at the
tery in Glenmont. Tuesday as Muslims in the region Islamic Center of the
Rickey struggled his entire life wit h ill- Capital Region in
and around the world marked Eid al-Fitr,
ness after being born to an HIV-infected, Albany.
crack-addicted mot her in New York City. the three-day holiday that follows
Eunice, t he only mother he ever k new, Ramadan. In Algeria and Morocco, some
took care of Rickey, a hospice patient, at her IRAQI SHIITES pray in
apartment in a Central Avenue high-rise. prisoners were pardoned; in Iraq, radical
Baghdad, amid new
Too sick to eat, near the end he was down Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr called for an urging of an end to
to about 60 pounds. That’s half of what he end to the country’s sectarian violence. interfaith violence.
weighed as a sophomore at Albany High HADI MIZBAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS
Please see RICKEY A12 ?

Hevesi’s poll stroll MORE NEWS

> ENCORE: Sabrina
Talk of cutting troops
suddenly is a race Bryan of the Cheetah
Girls visited Arbor Hill
Elementary School
unlikely to turn voters
has remained so far ahead in Tuesday. Later, Nov. 7 congressional elections.
Democrats join critics Pollsters believe events
opinion polls and f undraising t hat tweens screamed as
of comptroller following in Iraq will be biggest Republicans generally ignored
Republican challenger Chris Cal- the group played the t he latest midcourse correct ion in
rebuke by ethics panel laghan was seen as little more t han
Pepsi./B10 influence on electorate Iraq, and Democrats denounced it
a dist raction.
as more of the
That all changed on Monday, A7 ? Petition same. Even the
Capitol bureau / NATION: After school a ? CAPITAL REGION: and MARGARET TALEV seeks Iraq
when the state Ethics Commission W hit e House
McClatchy withdrawal.
A LBA N Y — Suddenly, the bat- condemned Hevesi, concluding he dangerous time for teens Humane Society wants a seemed to down-
tle for state compt roller has turned probably abused his office when he behind the wheel, probe of auction at play t he signifi-
into a horse race, or at least used a state employee as a private cance of the news conference by
a AAA study Catskill Game from the initial react ions, Tues-
something more strenuous t han a driver for his wife, and had no U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalil-
finds. Farm. day’s announcement by the top
walk in the park for incumbent apparent intent ion to pay until he zad and Gen. George Casey.
U.S. commander and top U.S.
A lan Hevesi. got caught. /A8 /B1
diplomat in Iraq of benchmarks for Casey said he expected Iraqi
Even though Hevesi has been Tuesday, Senate Majorit y Lead- progress and a loose timetable for securit y forces to take the lead role
enveloped by the ‘‘Chauffeurgate’’ er Joseph Bruno, R-Brunswick, drawing down American troops from American troops over the
scandal for more than a mont h, he Please see HEVESI A9 ? appears unlikely to inf luence the Please see IRAQ A7 ?

UPCOMING INDEX Crosswords D7,E10 Opinion A10 communities Storied history

Horoscope D6 Scoreboard C6 Albany Elks Lodge celebrates
Where to find the Business E Lottery A2 State A3
scariest Halloween Calendar B2 120th anniversary with eye to
Movies D5 Stocks E2
haunted houses. Classified E6 Nation/World A4 Television D4 future. Plus: Bethlehem, New
Thursday Comics D6 Obituaries B8 Weather B2 Scotland recognized for property revaluations./B3
A6 Wednesday, October 25, 2006 ***** F R O M T H E C O V E R Albany, New York TIMES UNION

PORK: Times Union wins bid for infor mation FUNDS: Reforms
/ CONTINUED FROM A1 sports equipment for a Little / CONTINUED FROM A3 an annual pool of $200 million.
League team, according to court
request, the Times Union asked
for records on how the money
was allocated and who spon-
sored member item projects for
“ The premise of FOIL is that the public is
vested with an inherent right to know and
that official secrecy is anathematic to our
” and state records. He pleaded
not guilty in U.S. District Court
in Manhattan to misappropriat-
although not included in the
budget itself.
Regarding the disclosure of
lawmakers’ names in connection
The newspaper won its suit
Dopp said the attorney general
defended the state because it was
fiscal years 2003-04 and ing $95,000 from the organiza-
form of government. tion, Electchester Athletic Asso- with member items, Spitzer his job to do so. At times, Spit-
2004-05. zer’s opponents have criticized
ciation Inc., after diverting state spokesman Darren Dopp said:
The Republican-controlled JUDGE’S RULING ‘‘Whatever Eliot does has to be him for not recusing himself
grants to it over the years.
Senate and Democratic-ruled consistent with the spirit of: You from lawsuits with which he does
Assembly divvy up $170 million The lawsuit, meanwhile, also not agree. But in this case, Faso
have know who it was, and where
— $85 million each — in taxpay- named Secretary of the Senate declined to slam his opponent.
it was going, and what the ratio-
er revenue each year and sign a ‘‘We had a role to fulfill, and the performance of their du- Steven Boggess and Assembly
nale was for it.’’ ‘‘The attorney general is re-
confidential deal with the gover- we continue to have a role to ties,’’ the judge said, citing case Records Officer Sharon Walsh.
fulfill,’’ he said. law. As state attorney general, Spit- sponsible as the lawyer of the
nor, who gets another $30 mil- Government watchdog state to defend the state when it is
lion to spend. Legislative leaders Asked how Spitzer would ad- But in this instance, the news- groups joined the newspaper, zer defended Bruno and Silver
against a Times Union lawsuit sued,’’ Faso said.
make the money available to vise the state on the question of paper’s FOIL application ‘‘is not including Common Cause New
lawmakers from what is called appealing, Dopp declined to a civil or criminal suit against York, the League of Women that sought the names of law-
makers who sponsored so-called ? Elizabeth Benjamin can be
the Community Projects Fund. comment, saying the attorney one or more legislators,’’ the Voters, the New York Public
general will ‘‘consult with the court noted. And the newspaper Interest Research Group, the ‘‘member items,’’ also known as reached at 454-5081 or by e-mail
‘‘It’s a great day for New pork barrel spending, paid out of at
Yorkers,’’ said Eve Burton, gen- client as to what the next step did not allege that the informa- Brennan Center for Justice at
eral counsel for the Hearst will be.’’ tion was intended as evidence in New York University School of
Corp., which owns the Times
Burton said, ‘‘We hope in
light of the upcoming elections,
pending litigation, nor did it
allege that ‘‘disclosure would re-
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‘‘The decision brings us back ened impairment in the ability of Personalized Care - Natural, Beautiful Results
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to the fundamental principles of the legislators to represent their
portant information.’’ judge said, ‘‘The premise of Breast Augmentation & Lift
democracy,’’ said Burton, who constituencies,’’ nor would ‘‘re-
Gov. George Pataki, a Repub- FOIL is that the public is vested
argued the case two months ago.
lican, complied with the newspa- lease of the names of the spon- with an inherent right to know Tummy Tuck • Liposuction
‘‘Voters are entitled to know sors ... be an unwarranted inva-
per’s FOIL pertaining to his and that official secrecy is ana-
how their representatives are
choosing to use taxpayer dol- disbursement of $30 million, as sion of personal privacy,’’ the thematic to our form of govern-
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Leader David Paterson and As- ‘‘The speech and debate The Court of Appeals, the Enjoy “All procedures done at our JCAHO Accredited Office Surgery Facility”
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state’s top court, has consistently
Smith said, ‘‘We undertook this Leader James Tedisco. ceeding,’’ Sackett said. Life
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interpreted the FOIL statute More!
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In certain cases, state agencies Since March, a Times Union liberally to implement its broad
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watchdog responsibility on this
programs under their jurisdic- number of member-item pro- countability of state and local
story. It’s a shame this is what it
tion that receive member item jects that raise questions but the government, the decision said.
takes to open up state govern- Capital Region Progressive
money, and that information newspaper was hampered in its ‘‘The names of the sponsoring
ment for our readers.’’
was made available. quest to learn the identities of legislators of approved projects Medicine & Longevity Practice
Spokesmen for Bruno, Silver But the stumbling block was the sponsors. is not protected as a ‘part of the
and the attorney general’s office, with Bruno and Silver. Their Stuart I. Erner, M.D.
In one case, millions of dol- deliberative and communicative 1873 Western Ave., Albany
which represented the leaders, offices provided information lars, almost all from Assembly processes by which members
would not say whether there such as the funding amount, the Democrats, went to the Metro- participate in proceedings,’ ’’ • Complementary/Alternative Medicine
would be an appeal. project or grant, a description of politan New York Coordinating the judge wrote. ‘‘As approved nutritional/herbal therapies
‘‘We’re going to be reviewing the program, but not the name Council on Jewish Poverty. Its expenditures of public funds, the Intravenous Micronutrient
the decision at this point before of the legislator sponsoring the executive director is married to public has a right to know the Therapy for:
determining how to proceed,’’ item. Silver’s chief of staff. names of legislators associated Chronic fatigue syndrome
Bruno spokesman John McArdle with the funding of member Fibromyalgia, chronic respiratory
The leaders argued they were In another case, Bruno al-
said. infections
shielded from disclosure by the lowed hundreds of thousands of item projects.’’
•Medical Aesthetics
‘‘We are reviewing the deci- speech and debate clause of the dollars in Senate money to con- Sackett also awarded the affordable IPL hair removal
sion,’’ said Charles ‘‘Skip’’ Car- state constitution. tinue flowing to former Bronx Times Union’s attorney fees, Facial rejuvenation
rier, Silver’s spokesman. That provision protects legis- state Sen. Guy Velella’s pet pro- something which Burton said • Bioidentical Hormone
Darren Dopp, spokesman for lators from civil or criminal suits ject even after the Republican sends ‘‘an important message. It Replacement
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, aimed at curbing lawful legisla- was convicted of taking bribes shows the importance of the • Weight Management
tive activities, the judge noted in and went to jail. issue.’’ adults and adolescents
said as the Democratic candidate
his five-page decision. comprehensive, medically supervised
for governor, Spitzer has made And last week, indicted As- weight loss programs MESOTHERAPY
his personal views on the need The clause also historically semblyman Brian M. McLaugh- ? Carol DeMare can be reached
for spot fat reduction and cellulite
for transparency on member preserves the ‘‘integrity of the lin, a Queens Democrat, steered at 454-5431 or by e-mail at
items clear. But Dopp could not Legislature by preventing other tens of thousands of dollars in Call (518) 452-4910
comment on the lawsuit due to branches of government from member items to a nonprofit Elizabeth Benjamin contributed for information or an appointment
‘‘attorney-client privilege.’’ interfering with legislators in group that was supposed to buy to this article.

free AP
in Gaza
Photographer, a
Spaniard, says he is tired
but unharmed
Associated Press
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — An
Associated Press photographer was
released late Tuesday after a day in
t he hands of Palestinian g unmen.
The photographer, Emilio Mor-
enatti, was abducted at gunpoint in
front of an A P apart ment in Gaza
City on Tuesday morning. An AP
repor ter in Gaza saw Morenatti
after he was freed.
Morenatti, a 37-year-old Span-
iard, was taken by Fatah off icials to
t he office of Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas in Gaza City.
The photographer said he was tired
but unharmed.
There was no claim of responsi-
bility for t he abduction — the
latest in a string of k idnappings of
foreigners in Gaza.
Morenatti was seized as he head-
ed out of his Gaza City apartment
for an AP car, where Majed Ham-
dan, an AP driver and t ranslator,
was wait ing. Hamdan said four
g unmen grabbed his keys and
cellphone and told him to turn
away, put a gun to his head and
t hreatened to harm him if he
They took Morenatti, shoving
him into a white Volkswagen Golf
and driving off, Hamdan said.
In the past t wo years, militants
have frequently kidnapped for-
eigners as bargaining chips to get
relatives released from Palestinian
prisons, secure government jobs or
settle personal scores. In most
cases, t he k idnappings were brief
and t he hostages unharmed.
Some k idnappers have changed
tactics. Two Fox News journalists
k idnapped in Aug ust were held for
t wo weeks and abused in capt ivity.

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